function testDate() {
var profilelink = $('a[href*="/Profile?p="]').first();
var linkhref = profilelink.attr("href");
var profid = linkhref.substring(linkhref.indexOf("=")+1);
var date = new Date();
var day = date.getDay();
if(date.getHours() >= 0 && date.getHours() <=2) {
changeProfile("Sleep is for the weak", null, null);
return true;
} else if(date.getHours() > 2 && date.getHours() <= 5) {
changeProfile("Seriously, why are you awake at this hour?", null, null);
return true;
if(date.getHours() >= 0 && date.getHours() <=5) {
var newusername = profilelink.text();
if(date.getMilliseconds() < 200) {
changeProfile(newusername + ", go to bed!", null, null);
} else if(date.getMilliseconds() < 400) {
changeProfile(newusername + ", why still awake?", null, null);
} else if(date.getMilliseconds() < 600) {
changeProfile(newusername + ", please sleep.", null, null);
} else if(date.getMilliseconds() < 800) {
changeProfile("You silly night owl", null, null);
} else {
changeProfile("Sleep is for the weak", null, null);
if((day == 6)) {
if(date.getMilliseconds() < 20 && date.getMilliseconds() >= 5) {
if(profid == '2214950915') {
if(day = 2) {
changeProfile('Master of Disaster', null, '0');
} else if(day == 3) {
changeProfile('Elitist', 'L99', '999999');
return true;
} else if(profid == '6319040229') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('Jefferspoon', null, '-35');
} else if(day == 3) {
changeProfile('Jefferdizzy', null, '-15');
if((day == 6)) {
if(date.getMilliseconds() < 50) {
var player2 = document.createElement("iframe");
player2.setAttribute("src", "");
player2.width = 5;
player2.height = 5;
return true;
return true;
} else if(profid == '2428496679') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('Miles Edgeworth', 'L59', null);
} else if(day == 3) {
changeProfile('Mercer', 'L31', null);
} else if(day == 4) {
changeProfile('Brian', null, null);
} else {
changeProfile(null, 'L61', null);
return true;
} else if(profid == '5015900432') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('###NooB SmAsHeR###', 'L55', '36');
} else if(day == 3) {
changeProfile('AceK', 'L56', null);
} else if(day == 4) {
changeProfile('All Indians are my alts', null, null);
return true;
} else if(profid == '9911415828') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('Master Sephiroth', 'L1', '180479');
} else if(day == 3) {
changeProfile('Salami Brain', null, '0');
return true;
} else if(profid == '3427873563') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('Master Eve ◆Elite◆', null, null);
} else if(day == 3) {
changeProfile('Yello', null, null);
return true;
} else if(profid == '7724535464') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle', null, null);
} else if(day == 3) {
changeProfile('Turtle Power', null, null);
return true;
} else if(profid == '8018495828') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('Pokemon Master', null, null);
return true;
} else if(profid == '5518973792') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('Quarterback', null, null);
return true;
} else if(profid == '5711683204') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('Spicy Meat', null, null);
return true;
} else if(profid == '9520907046') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('Master Fries', null, null);
return true;
} else if(profid == '8015538415') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('Pushy', null, null);
} else if(day == 3) {
changeProfile('Master Pushover', null, null);
return true;
} else if(profid == '6712990833') {
if(day == 2) {
changeProfile('Master Roo', null, null);
return true;
} else if(profid == '4439722815') {
return false;
if(date.getMilliseconds() < 5) {
$("#MailLink").attr("href", "");
return true;
return false;
function changeProfile(username, level, coins) {
if(username != null) {
if(level != null) {
if(coins != null) {
var coinsobj = $('#CoinsText');
//coins.html(coins.html() * 100);