Sample useful functionality that are used in some of my scripts. Some of the functions listed below. Look inside script for details.
TSL object is a copy of TimidScriptLibrary
`TSL = TimidScriptLibrary`
NOTE: If `doc` parameter is undefined it uses the current document.
### Document Functions
Add CSS styles/JS Script to document header. Document can be left empty.
`TSL.addStyle(id, CSS, doc)`
`TSL.addScript(id, text, doc)`
Returns the thickness of the scrollbar
### Node Functions
Node className functions. All three functions can handle multiple class names separated by spaces
`TSL.addClass(node, name)`
`TSL.removeClass(node, name)`
`TSL.hasClass(node, name)`
Remove node from document. Accepts id or node object
`TSL.removeNode(node, doc)`
Creates document element. Default doc value is the document.
`TSL.createElement(tag, attributes, doc)`
Creates document element using html code. Default doc value is the document.
`TSL.createElementHTML(html, doc)`
Checks if mouse event is within an elements client area
`TSL.isMouseEventInClientArea(event, element)`
Gets the position of the element within the document
### String & Regex Functions
String padding (prototype)
`String.lpad(chr, Total_length)`
`String.rpad(chr, Total_length)`
Replace NTFS illegal characters alternatives
`TSL.ALTNTFSChars = [[">", ">"],["<", "<"],[":", ":"],['"', """],["/", "/"],["\\", "\"],["?", "?"],["*", "*"]];`
Escape regexp string