// ==UserScript==
// @name PublicSuffixList.Js
// @version 1.0.0
// @description A javascript utility to make use of Mozilla Foundation's Public Suffix List ("PSL").
// @author gorhill
// ==/UserScript==
publicsuffixlist.js - an efficient javascript implementation to deal with
Mozilla Foundation's Public Suffix List <http://publicsuffix.org/list/>
Copyright (C) 2013 Raymond Hill
License: pick the one which suits you:
GPL v3 see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
APL v2 see <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>
/*! Home: https://github.com/gorhill/publicsuffixlist.js -- GPLv3 APLv2 */
This code is mostly dumb: I consider this to be lower-level code, thus
in order to ensure efficiency, the caller is responsible for sanitizing
the inputs.
// A single instance of PublicSuffixList is enough.
;(function(root) {
var exceptions = {};
var rules = {};
var selfieMagic = 'iscjsfsaolnm';
// This value dictate how the search will be performed:
// < this.cutoffLength = indexOf()
// >= this.cutoffLength = binary search
var cutoffLength = 480;
var mustPunycode = /[^a-z0-9.-]/;
// In the context of this code, a domain is defined as:
// "{label}.{public suffix}".
// A single standalone label is a public suffix as per
// http://publicsuffix.org/list/:
// "If no rules match, the prevailing rule is '*' "
// This means 'localhost' is not deemed a domain by this
// code, since according to the definition above, it would be
// evaluated as a public suffix. The caller is therefore responsible to
// decide how to further interpret such public suffix.
// `hostname` must be a valid ascii-based hostname.
function getDomain(hostname) {
// A hostname starting with a dot is not a valid hostname.
if ( !hostname || hostname.charAt(0) === '.' ) {
return '';
hostname = hostname.toLowerCase();
var suffix = getPublicSuffix(hostname);
if ( suffix === hostname ) {
return '';
var pos = hostname.lastIndexOf('.', hostname.lastIndexOf('.', hostname.length - suffix.length) - 1);
if ( pos <= 0 ) {
return hostname;
return hostname.slice(pos + 1);
// Return longest public suffix.
// `hostname` must be a valid ascii-based string which respect hostname naming.
function getPublicSuffix(hostname) {
if ( !hostname ) {
return '';
// Since we slice down the hostname with each pass, the first match
// is the longest, so no need to find all the matching rules.
var pos;
while ( true ) {
pos = hostname.indexOf('.');
if ( pos < 0 ) {
return hostname;
if ( search(exceptions, hostname) ) {
return hostname.slice(pos + 1);
if ( search(rules, hostname) ) {
return hostname;
if ( search(rules, '*' + hostname.slice(pos)) ) {
return hostname;
hostname = hostname.slice(pos + 1);
// unreachable
// Look up a specific hostname.
function search(store, hostname) {
// Extract TLD
var pos = hostname.lastIndexOf('.');
var tld, remainder;
if ( pos < 0 ) {
tld = hostname;
remainder = hostname;
} else {
tld = hostname.slice(pos + 1);
remainder = hostname.slice(0, pos);
var substore = store[tld];
if ( !substore ) {
return false;
// If substore is a string, use indexOf()
if ( typeof substore === 'string' ) {
return substore.indexOf(' ' + remainder + ' ') >= 0;
// It is an array: use binary search.
var l = remainder.length;
var haystack = substore[l];
if ( !haystack ) {
return false;
var left = 0;
var right = Math.floor(haystack.length / l + 0.5);
var i, needle;
while ( left < right ) {
i = left + right >> 1;
needle = haystack.substr( l * i, l );
if ( remainder < needle ) {
right = i;
} else if ( remainder > needle ) {
left = i + 1;
} else {
return true;
return false;
// Parse and set a UTF-8 text-based suffix list. Format is same as found at:
// http://publicsuffix.org/list/
// `toAscii` is a converter from unicode to punycode. Required since the
// Public Suffix List contains unicode characters.
// Suggestion: use <https://github.com/bestiejs/punycode.js> it's quite good.
function parse(text, toAscii) {
exceptions = {};
rules = {};
// http://publicsuffix.org/list/:
// "... all rules must be canonicalized in the normal way
// for hostnames - lower-case, Punycode ..."
text = text.toLowerCase();
var lineBeg = 0, lineEnd;
var textEnd = text.length;
var line, store, pos, tld;
while ( lineBeg < textEnd ) {
lineEnd = text.indexOf('\n', lineBeg);
if ( lineEnd < 0 ) {
lineEnd = text.indexOf('\r', lineBeg);
if ( lineEnd < 0 ) {
lineEnd = textEnd;
line = text.slice(lineBeg, lineEnd).trim();
lineBeg = lineEnd + 1;
if ( line.length === 0 ) {
// Ignore comments
pos = line.indexOf('//');
if ( pos >= 0 ) {
line = line.slice(0, pos);
// Ignore surrounding whitespaces
line = line.trim();
if ( !line ) {
if ( mustPunycode.test(line) ) {
line = toAscii(line);
// Is this an exception rule?
if ( line.charAt(0) === '!' ) {
store = exceptions;
line = line.slice(1);
} else {
store = rules;
// Extract TLD
pos = line.lastIndexOf('.');
if ( pos < 0 ) {
tld = line;
} else {
tld = line.slice(pos + 1);
line = line.slice(0, pos);
// Store suffix using tld as key
if ( !store.hasOwnProperty(tld) ) {
store[tld] = [];
if ( line ) {
// Cristallize the storage of suffixes using optimal internal representation
// for future look up.
function crystallize(store) {
var suffixes, suffix, i, l;
for ( var tld in store ) {
if ( !store.hasOwnProperty(tld) ) {
suffixes = store[tld].join(' ');
// No suffix
if ( !suffixes ) {
store[tld] = '';
// Concatenated list of suffixes less than cutoff length:
// Store as string, lookup using indexOf()
if ( suffixes.length < cutoffLength ) {
store[tld] = ' ' + suffixes + ' ';
// Concatenated list of suffixes greater or equal to cutoff length
// Store as array keyed on suffix length, lookup using binary search.
// I borrowed the idea to key on string length here:
// http://ejohn.org/blog/dictionary-lookups-in-javascript/#comment-392072
i = store[tld].length;
suffixes = [];
while ( i-- ) {
suffix = store[tld][i];
l = suffix.length;
if ( !suffixes[l] ) {
suffixes[l] = [];
l = suffixes.length;
while ( l-- ) {
if ( suffixes[l] ) {
suffixes[l] = suffixes[l].sort().join('');
store[tld] = suffixes;
return store;
function toSelfie() {
return {
magic: selfieMagic,
rules: rules,
exceptions: exceptions
function fromSelfie(selfie) {
if ( typeof selfie !== 'object' || typeof selfie.magic !== 'string' || selfie.magic !== selfieMagic ) {
return false;
rules = selfie.rules;
exceptions = selfie.exceptions;
return true;
// Public API
root = root || window;
root.publicSuffixList = {
'version': '1.0',
'parse': parse,
'getDomain': getDomain,
'getPublicSuffix': getPublicSuffix,
'toSelfie': toSelfie,
'fromSelfie': fromSelfie
if ( typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
module.exports = root.publicSuffixList;
} else if ( typeof exports !== "undefined" ) {
exports = root.publicSuffixList;