// ==UserScript==
// @name wLib test
// @description A WME developers library
// @version 0.1a
// @author SAR85,tm
// @copyright SAR85
// @license CC BY-NC-ND
// @grant none
// @include https://www.waze.com/editor/*
// @include https://www.waze.com/*/editor/*
// @include https://beta.waze.com/*
// @exclude https://www.waze.com/user/*
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
* The wLib namespace.
* @namespace
* @global
this.wLib = {VERSION: '0.1'};
(function () {
/*** GEOMETRY ***/
* Namespace for functions related to geometry.
* @memberof wLib
* @namespace
* @name wLib.Geometry
this.Geometry = {
* Determines if an {OpenLayers.Geometry} is within the map view.
* @memberof wLib.Geometry
* @param geometry {OpenLayers.Geometry}
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the geometry is in the map extent.
isGeometryInMapExtent: function (geometry) {
'use strict';
return geometry && geometry.getBounds &&
* Determines if an {OpenLayers.LonLat} is within the map view.
* @memberof wLib.Geometry
* @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} lonlat
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the LonLat is in the map extent.
isLonLatInMapExtent: function (lonlat) {
'use strict';
return lonlat && W.map.getExtent().containsLonLat(lonlat);
(function() {
/*** MODEL ***/
* Namespace for functions related to the model.
* @memberof wLib
* @namespace
* @name wLib.Model
this.Model = {};
* Gets the IDs of any selected segments.
* @memberof wLib.Model
* @return {Array} Array containing the IDs of selected segments.
this.Model.getSelectedSegmentIDs = function () {
'use strict';
var i, n, selectedItems, item, segments = [];
if (!W.selectionManager.hasSelectedItems()) {
return false;
} else {
selectedItems = W.selectionManager.selectedItems;
for (i = 0, n = selectedItems.length; i < n; i++) {
item = selectedItems[i].model;
if ('segment' === item.type) {
return segments.length === 0 ? false : segments;
* Retrieves a route from the Waze Live Map.
* @class
* @name wLib.Model.RouteSelection
* @param firstSegment The segment to use as the start of the route.
* @param lastSegment The segment to use as the destination for the route.
* @param {Array|Function} callback A function or array of functions to be executed after the route
* is retrieved. 'This' in the callback functions will refer to the RouteSelection object.
* @param {Object} options A hash of options for determining route. Valid options are:
* fastest: {Boolean} Whether or not the fastest route should be used. Default is false,
* which selects the shortest route.
* freeways: {Boolean} Whether or not to avoid freeways. Default is false.
* dirt: {Boolean} Whether or not to avoid dirt roads. Default is false.
* longtrails: {Boolean} Whether or not to avoid long dirt roads. Default is false.
* uturns: {Boolean} Whether or not to allow U-turns. Default is true.
* @return {wLib.Model.RouteSelection} The new RouteSelection object.
* @example: // The following example will retrieve a route from the Live Map and select the segments in the route.
* selection = W.selectionManager.selectedItems;
* myRoute = new wLib.Model.RouteSelection(selection[0], selection[1], function(){this.selectRouteSegments();}, {fastest: true});
this.Model.RouteSelection = function (firstSegment, lastSegment, callback, options) {
var i,
start = this.getSegmentCenterLonLat(firstSegment),
end = this.getSegmentCenterLonLat(lastSegment);
this.options = {
fastest: options && options.fastest || false,
freeways: options && options.freeways || false,
dirt: options && options.dirt || false,
longtrails: options && options.longtrails || false,
uturns: options && options.uturns || true
this.requestData = {
from: 'x:' + start.x + ' y:' + start.y + ' bd:true',
to: 'x:' + end.x + ' y:' + end.y + ' bd:true',
returnJSON: true,
returnGeometries: true,
returnInstructions: false,
type: this.options.fastest ? 'HISTORIC_TIME' : 'DISTANCE',
clientVersion: '4.0.0',
timeout: 60000,
nPaths: 3,
options: this.setRequestOptions(this.options)
this.callbacks = [];
if (callback) {
if (!(callback instanceof Array)) {
callback = [callback];
for (i = 0, n = callback.length; i < n; i++) {
if ('function' === typeof callback[i]) {
this.routeData = null;
return this;
this.Model.RouteSelection.prototype = /** @lends wLib.Model.RouteSelection.prototype */ {
* Formats the routing options string for the ajax request.
* @private
* @param {Object} options Object containing the routing options.
* @return {String} String containing routing options.
setRequestOptions: function (options) {
return 'AVOID_TOLL_ROADS:' + (options.tolls ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
'AVOID_PRIMARIES:' + (options.freeways ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
'AVOID_TRAILS:' + (options.dirt ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
'AVOID_LONG_TRAILS:' + (options.longtrails ? 't' : 'f') + ',' +
'ALLOW_UTURNS:' + (options.uturns ? 't' : 'f');
* Gets the center of a segment in LonLat form.
* @private
* @param segment A Waze model segment object.
* @return {OpenLayers.LonLat} The LonLat object corresponding to the
* center of the segment.
getSegmentCenterLonLat: function (segment) {
var x, y, componentsLength, midPoint;
if (segment) {
componentsLength = segment.geometry.components.length;
midPoint = Math.floor( componentsLength / 2);
if (componentsLength % 2 === 1) {
x = segment.geometry.components[midPoint].x;
y = segment.geometry.components[midPoint].y;
} else {
x = (segment.geometry.components[midPoint - 1].x +
segment.geometry.components[midPoint].x) / 2;
y = (segment.geometry.components[midPoint - 1].y +
segment.geometry.components[midPoint].y) / 2;
return new OL.Geometry.Point(x, y).transform(W.map.getProjectionObject(), 'EPSG:4326');
* Gets the route from Live Map and executes any callbacks upon success.
* @private
* @returns The ajax request object. The responseJSON property of the returned object
* contains the route information.
getRouteData: function () {
var i,
that = this;
return $.ajax({
dataType: "json",
url: this.getURL(),
data: this.requestData,
dataFilter: function (data, dataType) {
return data.replace(/NaN/g, '0');
success: function(data) {
that.routeData = data;
for (i = 0, n = that.callbacks.length; i < n; i++) {
* Extracts the IDs from all segments on the route.
* @private
* @return {Array} Array containing an array of segment IDs for
* each route alternative.
getRouteSegmentIDs: function () {
var i, j, route, len1, len2, segIDs = [],
routeArray = [],
data = this.routeData;
if ('undefined' !== typeof data.alternatives) {
for (i = 0 , len1 = data.alternatives.length; i < len1; i++) {
route = data.alternatives[i].response.results;
for (j = 0, len2 = route.length; j < len2; j++) {
routeArray = [];
} else {
route = data.response.results;
for (i = 0 , len1 = route.length; i < len1; i++) {
return segIDs;
* Gets the URL to use for the ajax request based on country.
* @private
* @return {String} Relative URl to use for route ajax request.
getURL: function () {
if (W.model.countries.get(235) || W.model.countries.get(40)) {
return '/RoutingManager/routingRequest';
} else if (W.model.countries.get(106)) {
return '/il-RoutingManager/routingRequest';
} else {
return '/row-RoutingManager/routingRequest';
* Selects all segments on the route in the editor.
* @param {Integer} routeIndex The index of the alternate route.
* Default route to use is the first one, which is 0.
selectRouteSegments: function (routeIndex) {
var i, n, seg,
segIDs = this.getRouteSegmentIDs()[Math.floor(routeIndex) || 0],
segments = [];
if (undefined === typeof segIDs) {
for (i = 0, n = segIDs.length; i < n; i++) {
seg = W.model.segments.get(segIDs[i])
if (undefined !== seg) {
return W.selectionManager.select(segments);
(function() {
/*** INTERFACE ***/
* Namespace for functions related to the WME interface
* @memberof wLib
* @namespace
* @name wLib.Interface
this.Interface = {};
this.Interface.Shortcut = OL.Class(this.Interface,
/** @lends wLib.Interface.Shortcut.prototype */
{name: null,
group: null,
shortcut: {},
callback: null,
scope: null,
groupExists: false,
actionExists: false,
eventExists: false,
* Creates a new {wLib.Interface.Shortcut}.
* @class
* @name wLib.Interface.Shortcut
* @param name {String} The name of the shortcut.
* @param group {String} The name of the shortcut group.
* @param shortcut {String} The shortcut key(s). The shortcut should be of the form
* 'i' where i is the keyboard shortuct or include modifier keys such as'CSA+i',
* where C = the control key, S = the shift key, A = the alt key, and
* i = the desired keyboard shortcut. The modifier keys are optional.
* @param callback {Function} The function to be called by the shortcut.
* @param scope {Object} The object to be used as this by the callback.
* @return {wLib.Interface.Shortcut} The new shortcut object.
* @example //Creates new shortcut and adds it to the map.
* shortcut = new wLib.Interface.Shortcut('myName', 'myGroup', 'C+p', callbackFunc, null).add();
initialize: function (name, group, shortcut, callback, scope) {
var defaults = {group: 'default'};
this.CLASS_NAME = 'wLib Shortcut';
if ('string' === typeof name && name.length > 0 &&
'string' === typeof shortcut && shortcut.length > 0 &&
'function' === typeof callback) {
this.name = name;
this.group = group || defaults.group;
this.callback = callback;
this.shortcut[shortcut] = name;
if ('object' !== typeof scope) {
this.scope = null;
} else {
this.scope = scope;
return this;
* Determines if the shortcut's group already exists.
* @private
doesGroupExist: function () {
this.groupExists = 'undefined' !== typeof W.accelerators.Groups[this.group] &&
undefined !== typeof W.accelerators.Groups[this.group].members &&
W.accelerators.Groups[this.group].length > 0;
return this.groupExists;
* Determines if the shortcut's action already exists.
* @private
doesActionExist: function () {
this.actionExists = 'undefined' !== typeof W.accelerators.Actions[this.name];
return this.actionExists;
* Determines if the shortcut's event already exists.
* @private
doesEventExist: function () {
this.eventExists = 'undefined' !== typeof W.accelerators.events.listeners[this.name] &&
W.accelerators.events.listeners[this.name].length > 0 &&
this.callback === W.accelerators.events.listeners[this.name][0].func &&
this.scope === W.accelerators.events.listeners[this.name][0].obj;
return this.eventExists;
* Creates the shortcut's group.
* @private
createGroup: function () {
W.accelerators.Groups[this.group] = [];
W.accelerators.Groups[this.group].members = [];
* Registers the shortcut's action.
* @private
addAction: function () {
W.accelerators.addAction(this.name, {group: this.group});
* Registers the shortcut's event.
* @private
addEvent: function () {
W.accelerators.events.register(this.name, this.scope, this.callback);
* Registers the shortcut's keyboard shortcut.
* @private
registerShortcut: function () {
* Adds the keyboard shortcut to the map.
* @return {wLib.Interface.Shortcut} The keyboard shortcut.
add: function () {
/* If the group is not already defined, initialize the group. */
if (!this.doesGroupExist()) {
/* Clear existing actions with same name */
if (this.doesActionExist()) {
W.accelerators.Actions[this.name] = null;
/* Register event only if it's not already registered */
if (!this.doesEventExist()) {
/* Finally, register the shortcut. */
return this;
* Removes the keyboard shortcut from the map.
* @return {wLib.Interface.Shortcut} The keyboard shortcut.
remove: function () {
if (this.doesEventExist()) {
W.accelerators.events.unregister(this.name, this.scope, this.callback);
if (this.doesActionExist()) {
delete W.accelerators.Actions[this.name];
//remove shortcut?
return this;
* Changes the keyboard shortcut and applies changes to the map.
* @return {wLib.Interface.Shortcut} The keyboard shortcut.
change: function (shortcut) {
if (shortcut) {
this.shortcut = {};
this.shortcut[shortcut] = this.name;
return this;