Greasy Fork


l.js is another simple/tiny javascript/css loader

此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require

;(function(window, undefined){
* script for js/css parallel loading with dependancies management
* @author Jonathan Gotti < jgotti at jgotti dot net >
* @licence dual licence mit / gpl
* @since 2012-04-12
* @todo add prefetching using text/cache for js files
* @changelog
*            - 2016-08-22 - remove global eval and fix issue #13
*            - 2014-06-26 - bugfix in css loaded check when hashbang is used
*            - 2014-05-25 - fallback support rewrite + null id bug correction + minification work
*            - 2014-05-21 - add cdn fallback support with hashbang url
*            - 2014-05-22 - add support for relative paths for stylesheets in checkLoaded
*            - 2014-05-21 - add support for relative paths for scripts in checkLoaded
*            - 2013-01-25 - add parrallel loading inside single load call
*            - 2012-06-29 - some minifier optimisations
*            - 2012-04-20 - now sharp part of url will be used as tag id
*                         - add options for checking already loaded scripts at load time
*            - 2012-04-19 - add addAliases method
* @note coding style is implied by the target usage of this script not my habbits
	var isA =  function(a,b){ return a instanceof (b || Array);}
		//-- some minifier optimisation
		, D = document
		, getElementsByTagName = 'getElementsByTagName'
		, length = 'length'
		, readyState = 'readyState'
		, onreadystatechange = 'onreadystatechange'
		//-- get the current script tag for further evaluation of it's eventual content
		, scripts = D[getElementsByTagName]("script")
		, scriptTag = scripts[scripts[length]-1]
		, script  = scriptTag.innerHTML.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'')
	//avoid multiple inclusion to override current loader but allow tag content evaluation
	if( ! window.ljs ){
		var checkLoaded = scriptTag.src.match(/checkLoaded/)?1:0
			//-- keep trace of header as we will make multiple access to it
			,header  = D[getElementsByTagName]("head")[0] || D.documentElement
			, urlParse = function(url){
				var parts={}; // u => url, i => id, f = fallback
				parts.u = url.replace(/#(=)?([^#]*)?/g,function(m,a,b){ parts[a?'f':'i'] = b; return '';});
				return parts;
			,appendElmt = function(type,attrs,cb){
				var e = D.createElement(type), i;
				if( cb ){ //-- this is not intended to be used for link
						e[onreadystatechange] = function(){
							if (e[readyState] === "loaded" || e[readyState] === "complete"){
								e[onreadystatechange] = null;
						e.onload = cb;
				for( i in attrs ){ attrs[i] && (e[i]=attrs[i]); }
				// return e; // unused at this time so drop it
			,ajaxExec = function (url,success,error) {

					method: "GET",
						error && error();

			,load = function(url,cb){
				if( this.aliases && this.aliases[url] ){
					var args = this.aliases[url].slice(0);
					isA(args) || (args=[args]);
					cb && args.push(cb);
					return this.load.apply(this,args);
				if( isA(url) ){ // parallelized request
					for( var l=url[length]; l--;){
					cb && url.push(cb); // relaunch the dependancie queue
					return this.load.apply(this,url);
				if( url.match(/\.css\b/) ){
					return this.loadcss(url,cb);
				return this.loadjs(url,cb);
			,exec = function(url,cb){
				if( this.aliases && this.aliases[url] ){
					var args = this.aliases[url].slice(0);
					isA(args) || (args=[args]);
					cb && args.push(cb);
					return this.exec.apply(this,args);
				if( isA(url) ){ // parallelized request
					for( var l=url[length]; l--;){
					cb && url.push(cb); // relaunch the dependancie queue
					return this.exec.apply(this,url);
				if( url.match(/\.css\b/) ){
					return this.loadcss(url,cb);
				return this.execJs(url,cb);
			,loaded = {}  // will handle already loaded urls
			,loader  = {
				,loadjs: function(url,cb){
					var parts = urlParse(url);
					url = parts.u;
					if( loaded[url] === true ){ // already loaded exec cb if any
						cb && cb();
						return this;
					}else if( loaded[url]!== undefined ){ // already asked for loading we append callback if any else return
						if( cb ){
							loaded[url] = (function(ocb,cb){ return function(){ ocb && ocb(); cb && cb(); }; })(loaded[url],cb);
						return this;
					// first time we ask this script
					loaded[url] = (function(cb){ return function(){loaded[url]=true; cb && cb();};})(cb);
					cb = function(){ loaded[url](); };
						if( parts.f ){
							var c = error.currentTarget;
					return this;
					var parts = urlParse(url);
					url = parts.u;
					if( loaded[url] === true ){ // already loaded exec cb if any
						cb && cb();
						return this;
					}else if( loaded[url]!== undefined ){ // already asked for loading we append callback if any else return
						if( cb ){
							loaded[url] = (function(ocb,cb){ return function(){ ocb && ocb(); cb && cb(); }; })(loaded[url],cb);
						return this;
					// first time we ask this script
					loaded[url] = (function(cb){ return function(){loaded[url]=true; cb && cb();};})(cb);
					cb = function(){ loaded[url](); };
						if( parts.f ){
							var c = error.currentTarget;
						if( parts.f ){
					return this;
				,loadcss: function(url,cb){
					var parts = urlParse(url);
					url = parts.u;
					loaded[url] || appendElmt('link',{type:'text/css',rel:'stylesheet',href:url,id:parts.i});
					loaded[url] = true;
					cb && cb();
					return this;
				,load: function(){
					var argv=arguments,argc = argv[length];
					if( argc === 1 && isA(argv[0],Function) ){
						return this;
					},argv[0], argc <= 1 ? undefined : function(){ loader.load.apply(loader,[],1));} );
					return this;
					var argv=arguments,argc = argv[length];
					if( argc === 1 && isA(argv[0],Function) ){
						return this;
					},argv[0], argc <= 1 ? undefined : function(){ loader.exec.apply(loader,[],1));} );
					return this;
					for(var i in aliases ){
						this.aliases[i]= isA(aliases[i]) ? aliases[i].slice(0) : aliases[i];
					return this;
		if( checkLoaded ){
			var i,l,links,url;
				(url = scripts[i].getAttribute('src')) && (loaded[url.replace(/#.*$/,'')] = true);
			links = D[getElementsByTagName]('link');
				(links[i].rel==='stylesheet' || links[i].type==='text/css') && (loaded[links[i].getAttribute('href').replace(/#.*$/,'')]=true);
		//export ljs
		window.ljs = loader;
		// eval inside tag code if any
	// eval script tag content if needed
	scriptTag.src && script && appendElmt('script', {innerHTML: script});