// ==UserScript==
// @exclude *
// ==UserLibrary==
// @name OCH List
// @description A list of One-Click-Hosters that are supported by nopremium.pl
// @version 40
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
// ==/UserLibrary==
// @namespace cuzi
// @homepageURL https://github.com/cvzi/Userscripts
// ==/UserScript==
This library requires another library:
(at)require http://openuserjs.org/src/libs/cuzi/RequestQueue.js
'use strict'
var rq = new RequestQueue();
if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
module.exports = getOCH
function getOCH (rq, MAXDOWNLOADSIZE) {
if (!rq) {
rq = { add: function () { console.log('OCH List: Error: No RequestQueue() parameter set') } }
const permanentlyoffline = function (link, cb, thisArg) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
const unkownStatus = function (link, cb, thisArg) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, -1, 'This hoster cannot be checked')
const offlineByFindingString = function (link, s, cb, thisArg, useURL) {
// Offline if one of the strings [s] is found in the responseText
if (typeof s === 'string') {
s = [s]
method: 'GET',
url: useURL || link.url,
onprogress: function (response) {
// abort download of big files
if ((Math.max(response.loaded, response.total) / 1024) > MAXDOWNLOADSIZE) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1) // Let's assume big files are online
onload: function (response) {
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (response.responseText.indexOf(s[i]) !== -1) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
if (response.status < 400) { // Online 2xx
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1)
} else if (response.status > 499) { // Server error 5xx (server error)
cb.call(thisArg, link, -1, 'Server error: ' + response.status + ' ' + response.statusText)
} else {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline 4xx (client error)
onerror: function (response) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
const onlineByFindingString = function (link, s, cb, thisArg, useURL) {
// Offline if none of the strings [s] is found in the responseText
if (typeof s === 'string') {
s = [s]
method: 'GET',
url: useURL || link.url,
onprogress: function (response) {
// abort download of big files
if ((Math.max(response.loaded, response.total) / 1024) > MAXDOWNLOADSIZE) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1) // Let's assume big files are online
onload: function (response) {
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (response.responseText.indexOf(s[i]) !== -1) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1) // Online
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
onerror: function (response) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
const offlineByMatchingFinalUrl = function (link, re, cb, thisArg, useURL) {
// Offline if one of the RegEx [re] matches the finalUrl
if (!Array.isArray(re)) {
re = [re]
method: 'GET',
url: useURL || link.url,
onprogress: function (response) {
// abort download of big files
if ((Math.max(response.loaded, response.total) / 1024) > MAXDOWNLOADSIZE) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1) // Let's assume big files are online
onload: function (response) {
for (let i = 0; i < re.length; i++) {
if (re[i].test(response.finalUrl)) {
// Link is offline
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0)
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1) // Online
onerror: function (response) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
return {
pattern: A single RegExp or an array of RegExp
multi: An array of multihost-services that support this hoster
title: String
homepage: String/URL
check: void check(link, cb, thisArg)
link : { url: "http://example.com/example.file", [...] }
cb : void thisArg.cb(link, result, errorstring)
link : the original link object
result: 1 -> online, 0 -> offline, -1 -> error
errorstring: may contain error details e.g. the request result, only set if result === -1
thisArg : The value of this provided for the call to cb.
'180upload': {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/180upload\.com\/\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: 180upload',
homepage: 'http://180upload.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
'1fichier': {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?1fichier\.com\/.+$/m, /^https?:\/\/\w+\.1fichier\.com\/?.*$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: '1fichier',
homepage: 'http://1fichier.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['The requested file could not be found', 'The requested file has been deleted', 'The requested file does not exist'], cb, thisArg)
'2shared': {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.2shared\.com\/[a-z]+\/\w+\/?(.+\.html)?$/,
multi: [],
title: '2Shared',
homepage: 'http://www.2shared.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'VGhlIGZpbGUgbGluayB0aGF0IHlvdSByZXF1ZXN0ZWQgaXMgbm90IHZhbGlkLiBQbGVhc2UgY29udGFjdCBsaW5rIHB1Ymxpc2hlciBvciB0cnkgdG8gbWFrZSBhIHNlYXJjaC4=', cb, thisArg)
'4shared': {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.4shared\.com\/[a-z]+\/\w+\/?(.+\.html)?$/,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: '4shared.com',
homepage: 'http://www.4shared.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, [' is not valid', ' is unavailable', ' was deleted'], cb, thisArg)
'4downfiles': {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/4downfiles?\.com?\/\w+\/?(.+\.html)?$/m,
multi: [],
title: '4 Down Files',
homepage: 'http://4downfiles.co/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
alfafile: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?alfafile\.net\/file\/.+$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Alfafile',
homepage: 'https://alfafile.net',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'error-box', cb, thisArg)
anonfiles: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/anonfiles\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'anonfiles',
homepage: 'https://anonfiles.com',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://api.anonfiles.com/v2/file/' + encodeURIComponent(link.url.match(/\/\/anonfiles\.com\/(\w+)/)[1]) + '/info',
onload: function (response) {
const result = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
if (result && result.status) {
// Link is online
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1)
} else {
// Link is offline
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0)
onerror: function (response) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
ayefiles: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/ayefiles\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'AyeFiles',
homepage: 'https://ayefiles.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
bayfiles: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?bayfiles\.(net|com)\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'BayFiles',
homepage: 'http://bayfiles.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://api.bayfiles.com/v2/file/' + encodeURIComponent(link.url.match(/bayfiles\.(net|com)\/(\w+)/)[2]) + '/info',
onload: function (response) {
const result = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
if (result && result.status) {
// Link is online
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1)
} else {
// Link is offline
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0)
onerror: function (response) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
bigfile: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?bigfile\.to\/file\/.+\/?.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'BigFile',
homepage: 'https://www.bigfile.to/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['errorBox', 'error-box'], cb, thisArg)
billionuploads: {
pattern: /^http:\/\/billionuploads\.com\/\w+$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Offline: Billion Uploads',
homepage: 'http://billionuploads.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
bitshare: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/bitshare\.com\/files\/\w+\/.+\.html$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'BitShare.com',
homepage: 'http://bitshare.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
catshare: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?catshare\.net\/.+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: CatShare',
homepage: 'http://catshare.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
clicknupload: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?clicknupload\.(link|org|co|cc|to|club|click)\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: 'ClicknUpload',
homepage: 'https://clicknupload.co',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['File Not Found', 'Error</td>'], cb, thisArg)
cloudyfiles: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/cloudyfiles\.(me|com|org)\/\w+.*$/m, /^https?:\/\/businessnewsstories\.online\/\w+.*$/m],
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Cloudyfiles.org',
homepage: 'http://cloudyfiles.org/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
cwtv: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.cwtv\.com\/cw-video\/.+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'CW Television Shows',
homepage: 'http://www.cwtv.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByMatchingFinalUrl(link, /\/cw-video\/$/, cb, thisArg)
dailymotion: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.dailymotion\.com\/video\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Dailymotion',
homepage: 'http://www.dailymotion.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'You will be redirected to the homepage', cb, thisArg)
dailyuploads: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/dailyuploads\.net\/\w{8,}\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Daily Uploads',
homepage: 'http://dailyuploads.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['File Not Found', 'file was removed'], cb, thisArg)
datafile: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.datafile\.com\/d\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'DataFile.com',
homepage: 'http://www.datafile.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
datei: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?datei\.to\/\?\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: datei.to',
homepage: 'http://datei.to/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
ddownload: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?ddl\.to\/\w+.*$/m, /^https?:\/\/ddownload\.com\/\w+.*$/m],
multi: ['premiumize.me', 'nopremium.pl'],
title: 'ddownload.com',
homepage: 'https://ddl.to/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
depositfiles: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/dfiles\.eu\/files\/\w+\/?$/m, /^https?:\/\/depositfiles\.com\/files\/\w+\/?$/m],
multi: [],
title: 'DepositFiles',
homepage: 'http://dfiles.eu',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'no_download_message', cb, thisArg)
devilshare: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?devilshare\.net\/view.+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Devilshare.net',
homepage: 'http://devilshare.net',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
douploads: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?douploads\.com\/\w{8}\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'DoUploads',
homepage: 'https://douploads.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['File Not Found', 'file was removed'], cb, thisArg)
dropapk: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?dropapk\.to\/\w+.*$/m, /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?drop.download\/\w+.*$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Dropapk',
homepage: 'https://dropapk.to/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
earn4files: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?earn4files\.com\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Earn4Files',
homepage: 'https://earn4files.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
expressleech: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?expressleech\.com\/\w+\.html$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'ExpressLeech',
homepage: 'http://expressleech.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
fastdown: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/down\.fast-down\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m, /^https?:\/\/down\.fast-down\.com\/download\d+/m],
multi: [],
title: 'Fast-Down',
homepage: 'https://down.fast-down.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
fastclick: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/fastclick\.to\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'FastClick.to',
homepage: 'https://fastclick.to/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
fastdrive: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/fastdrive\.io\/\w+\/?.*$/m],
multi: [],
title: 'FastDrive',
homepage: 'https://fastdrive.io/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['Page Not Found', '>404<', 'File Not Found', '>Error<'], cb, thisArg)
fastshare: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/fastshare\.cz\/\d+\/.+$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'FastShare.cz',
homepage: 'https://fastshare.cz/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['This file is no longer available', 'není dostupný', 'nie je dostupný', 'został usunięty'], cb, thisArg)
faststore: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?faststore\.org\/.+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Fast store',
homepage: 'http://faststore.org/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, '<b class="err">', cb, thisArg)
file: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?file\.al\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'File.AL',
homepage: 'https://file.al/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
fileboom: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?fileboom\.me\/\w+\/?.*$/m, /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?fboom\.me\/\w+\/?.*$/m],
multi: [],
title: 'FileBoom.me',
homepage: 'http://fileboom.me/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'alert-block', cb, thisArg)
filecloud: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/filecloud\.io\/\w+(\/.*)?$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'filecloud.io',
homepage: 'http://filecloud.io/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
// Ask filecloud API.
// https://code.google.com/p/filecloud/wiki/CheckFile
method: 'POST',
url: 'http://api.filecloud.io/api-check_file.api',
data: 'ukey=' + encodeURIComponent(link.url.match(/filecloud\.io\/(\w+)(\/.*)?/)[1]),
onload: function (response) {
const result = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
if (result.status === 'ok') {
if (result.name) {
// Link is online
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1)
} else {
// Link is offline
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0)
} else {
cb.call(thisArg, link, -1, 'Strange reply from filecloud API:\n' + response.responseText)
onerror: function (response) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
filefactory: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?filefactory\.com\/file\/.+$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: 'FileFactory',
homepage: 'http://www.filefactory.com',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByMatchingFinalUrl(link, /error\.php\?code=/, cb, thisArg)
fileflares: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/fileflares.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: FileFlares.com',
homepage: 'http://fileflares.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
filefox: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?filefox\.cc\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'FileFox.cc',
homepage: 'https://filefox.cc/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File could not be found', cb, thisArg)
filejoker: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?filejoker\.net\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'FileJoker',
homepage: 'https://filejoker.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
filemonkey: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www.filemonkey.in\/file\/.+$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Offline: Filemonkey.in',
homepage: 'https://www.filemonkey.in/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
filenext: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www.filenext.com\/\w+\/.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Filenext',
homepage: 'https://www.filenext.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
fileload: {
pattern: /^https:\/\/fileload\.io\/.+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'fileload.io',
homepage: 'https://fileload.io/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'Not found', cb, thisArg)
filer: {
pattern: /^https:\/\/filer\.net\/get\/\w+$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'filer.net',
homepage: 'https://filer.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['Datei nicht mehr vorhanden', 'Not available', 'Not found'], cb, thisArg)
filescdn: {
pattern: /^https:\/\/filescdn\.com\/.+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'filescdn.com',
homepage: 'https://filescdn.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'icon-warning text-danger', cb, thisArg)
fileshark: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?fileshark\.pl\/pobierz\/\d+\/\w+\/.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: fileshark.pl',
homepage: 'https://fileshark.pl/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
filespace: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?filespace\.com\/\w+\/?$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'FileSpace',
homepage: 'http://filespace.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File not found', cb, thisArg)
filestore: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/filestore\.to\/\?d=\w+$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'Filestore',
homepage: 'http://filestore.to/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['File not found', 'Datei nicht gefunden'], cb, thisArg)
fileup: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?file-up\.org\/\w+\/?$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'file-up.org',
homepage: 'https://file-up.org/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
fileupload: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?file-upload\.com\/\w+\/?$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'FileUpload',
homepage: 'https://www.file-upload.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
firedrive: {
pattern: /^http:\/\/www\.firedrive\.com\/file\/\w+$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Offline: Firedrive',
homepage: 'http://www.firedrive.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
fireget: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/fireget\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'Fireget',
homepage: 'http://fireget.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
freakshare: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/freakshare\.com\/files\/\w+\/.+\.html$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'FreakShare',
homepage: 'http://freakshare.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['This file does not exist', 'Dieser Download existiert nicht'], cb, thisArg)
free: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/dl\.free\.fr\/\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Free',
homepage: 'http://dl.free.fr/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['ERREUR', 'erreur', 'inexistant'], cb, thisArg)
gboxes: {
pattern: /^http:\/\/www\.gboxes\.com\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Green Boxes',
homepage: 'http://www.gboxes.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
hexupload: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?hexupload\.net\/\w+.*$/m],
multi: [],
title: 'HexUpload',
homepage: 'https://hexupload.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
hitfile: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?hitfile\.net\/\w+.*$/m, /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?hil\.to\/\w+.*$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: 'Hitfile.net',
homepage: 'http://hitfile.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File was deleted or not found', cb, thisArg)
hugefiles: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/hugefiles\.net\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: HugeFiles.net',
homepage: 'http://hugefiles.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
inclouddrive: {
pattern: /^https:\/\/www\.inclouddrive\.com\/file\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Offline: inCLOUDdrive',
homepage: 'https://www.inclouddrive.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
isra: {
pattern: /^https:\/\/isra\.cloud\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: 'Isracloud',
homepage: 'https://isra.cloud/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
katfile: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/katfile\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Katfile.com',
homepage: 'http://katfile.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['file not found', 'File has been removed', 'File Not Found', 'The file expired', 'Error</h3>'], cb, thisArg)
keep2share: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/keep2share\.cc\/file\/\w+\/?.*$/m, /^https?:\/\/(spa\.)?k2s\.cc\/file\/\w+\/?.*$/m],
multi: [],
title: 'Keep2Share',
homepage: 'https://keep2share.cc/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
// https://api.k2s.cc/v1/files/{id}
const fileid = link.url.match(/file\/(\w+)\//)[1]
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://api.k2s.cc/v1/files/' + fileid,
onload: function (response) {
if (response.status === 401) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, -1, 'Please manually open the keep2share website at least once to initiate a proper session.')
if (response.status !== 200 || !response.responseText) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
} else {
const jdata = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
if (jdata.id !== fileid) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
if (jdata.isDeleted) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1) // Online
onerror: function (response) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
kingfile: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?kingfile\.pl\/download\/.+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: kingfile.pl',
homepage: 'http://kingfile.pl/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
kingfiles: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?kingfiles\.net\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: KingFiles.net',
homepage: 'http://www.kingfiles.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
letitbit: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?letitbit\.net\/download\/(\w|\.)+\/.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Letitbit.net',
homepage: 'http://letitbit.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
lunaticfiles: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/lunaticfiles\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: lunaticfiles.com',
homepage: 'http://lunaticfiles.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
mediafire: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/www\.mediafire\.com\/?\?.+$/m, /^https?:\/\/www\.mediafire\.com\/download\/.+$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: 'MediaFire',
homepage: 'https://www.mediafire.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByMatchingFinalUrl(link, /error\.php/, cb, thisArg)
mega: {
pattern: [
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: 'MEGA',
homepage: 'https://mega.io/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
// Ask mega.co.nz API
const type = link.url.split('/')[3]
const id = link.url.split('/')[4].split('#')[0]
let payload
if (type === 'folder') {
payload = { a: 'f', c: 1, r: 1, ca: 1, p: id }
} else {
payload = { a: 'g', p: id }
method: 'POST',
url: `https://g.api.mega.co.nz/cs?id=${Math.random().toString().substring(2, 12)}&n=${id}`,
data: JSON.stringify(payload),
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
onload: function (response) {
const result = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
if (typeof result === 'number' && result < 0) {
// Link is offline
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0)
} else {
// Link is online
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1)
onerror: function (response) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
megaup: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/megaup\.net\/\w+\/?.*$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'megaup.net',
homepage: 'https://megaup.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, '>File not found<', cb, thisArg)
mexashare: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?mexashare\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m],
multi: [],
title: 'MexaShare',
homepage: 'http://www.mexashare.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
mdiaload: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/down\.mdiaload\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m, /^https?:\/\/down\.mdiaload\.com\/download\d+/m],
multi: [],
title: 'MdiaLoad',
homepage: 'https://down.mdiaload.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
mixdrop: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/mixdrop\.co\/f\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'MixDrop.co',
homepage: 'https://mixdrop.co/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['WE ARE SORRY', 'notfound', 'download error'], cb, thisArg)
mixloads: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/mixloads\.com\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'MixLoads.Com',
homepage: 'https://mixloads.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
modsbase: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/modsbase\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m],
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'modsbase',
homepage: 'https://modsbase.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
nitroflare: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/nitroflare\.com\/view\/.+$/m, /^https?:\/\/nitro\.download\/view\/.+$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'NitroFlare',
homepage: 'http://nitroflare.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['be redirect to the main page', ' id="error"'], cb, thisArg)
novafile: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?novafile\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m],
multi: [],
title: 'Novafile',
homepage: 'http://novafile.com',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
oboom: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.oboom\.com\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'OBOOM.com',
homepage: 'https://www.oboom.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
// Ask oboom API.
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://api.oboom.com/1/info?items=' + encodeURIComponent(link.url.match(/oboom\.com\/(\w+)/)[1]),
onload: function (response) {
const result = JSON.parse(response.responseText)
if (result[0] === 200) {
if (result[1][0].state === 'online') {
// Link is online
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1)
} else {
// Link is offline
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0)
} else {
cb.call(thisArg, link, -1, 'Strange reply from oboom API:\n' + response.responseText)
onerror: function (response) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
openload: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/openload\.co\/f\/.+$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: 'Offline: Openload',
homepage: 'http://openload.co/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
ozofiles: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/ozofiles\.com\/\w+\/.*$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Offline: Ozofiles.com',
homepage: 'http://ozofiles.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
potload: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/potload\.com\/\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Potload',
homepage: 'http://potload.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
publish2me: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/publish2\.me\/file\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Publish.me',
homepage: 'https://publish2.me/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'alert-block', cb, thisArg)
rapidgator: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/rapidgator\.net\/file\/[^#]+$/m, /^https?:\/\/rg\.to\/file\/[^#]+$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Rapidgator.net',
homepage: 'http://rapidgator.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByMatchingFinalUrl(link, /article\/premium/, cb, thisArg)
rapidu: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?rapidu\.net\/\d+\/.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Rapidu.net',
homepage: 'https://rapidu.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
rapidrar: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?rapidrar\.com\/\w+.*$/m, /^https?:\/\/rapidrar\.(cr|com)\/\w+.*$/m],
multi: [],
title: 'RapidRAR',
homepage: 'https://rapidrar.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
rioupload: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?rioupload\.com\/\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'RioUpload',
homepage: 'http://rioupload.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
rockfile: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?rockfile\.(eu|co)\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Rockfile.co',
homepage: 'http://rockfile.co',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
rusfolder: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/rusfolder\.com\/\d+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Rusfolder.com',
homepage: 'http://rusfolder.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File not found.', cb, thisArg)
salefiles: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/salefiles\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Salefiles',
homepage: 'http://salefiles.com',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
'share-online': {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.share-online\.biz\/dl\/\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Share-Online',
homepage: 'http://www.share-online.biz/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['The requested file is not available', 'Die angeforderte Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden'], cb, thisArg)
sockshare: {
pattern: /^http:\/\/www\.sockshare\.com\/file\/\w+$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Offline: SockShare',
homepage: 'http://www.sockshare.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
soundcloud: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/soundcloud.com\/(\w|-)+\/(\w|-)+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'SoundCloud',
homepage: 'https://soundcloud.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, "We can't find that track.", cb, thisArg)
storebit: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?storbit\.net\/file\/.+$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Offline: Storbit.net',
homepage: 'http://storbit.net',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
spicyfile: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?spicyfile\.com\/\w+$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'spicyfile.com',
homepage: 'http://spicyfile.com',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
streamcloud: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/streamcloud\.eu\/\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Streamcloud',
homepage: 'http://streamcloud.org/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
streamin: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/streamin\.to\/.+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Streamin.to',
homepage: 'http://streamin.to/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
streamtape: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/streamtape\.com\/\w\/\w{5,}.+$/m, // https://streamtape.com/v/AJW7RqA2mlFXlLp/How.to.Sell.Drugs.Online.Fast.S03E01.DUBBED.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4
multi: [],
title: 'streamtape.com',
homepage: 'https://streamtape.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['not found!', 'not found '], cb, thisArg)
subyshare: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/subyshare\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Subyshare.com',
homepage: 'http://subyshare.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
suprafiles: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/suprafiles\.(me|net|org)\/\w+\/?.*$/m, /^https?:\/\/srfiles\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m],
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Suprafiles',
homepage: 'http://suprafiles.org/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
turbobit: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/turbobit\.net\/\w+.*\.html$/m, /^https?:\/\/turb\.(to|cc)\/\w+.*\.html$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: 'turbobit.net',
homepage: 'http://turbobit.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['File not found', 'File was not found'], cb, thisArg)
tusfiles: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?tusfiles\.net\/\w+$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'TusFiles',
homepage: 'http://tusfiles.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'The file you are trying to download is no longer available', cb, thisArg)
ubiqfile: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/ubiqfile\.com\/\w+$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'ubiqfile',
homepage: 'http://ubiqfile.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
unibytes: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.unibytes\.com\/\w+-\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Unibytes.com',
homepage: 'http://www.unibytes.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
unlimitzone: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/unlimitzone\.com\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Unlimit Zone',
homepage: 'http://unlimitzone.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
up07: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/up07\.net\/\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'up07.net',
homepage: 'http://up07.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
upera: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/public\.upera\.co\/\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Upera',
homepage: 'http://public.upera.co/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'Invalid or Deleted File', cb, thisArg)
uploadable: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.uploadable\.ch\/file\/\w+\/(\w|-|\.)+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Uploadable.ch',
homepage: 'http://www.uploadable.ch/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
uploadac: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/upload\.ac\/\w+\/?.*$/m, /^https?:\/\/uplod\.io\/\w+\/?.*$/m],
multi: [],
title: 'Upload.ac',
homepage: 'https://upload.ac/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'No File Found', cb, thisArg)
uploadboy: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?uploadboy\.com\/\w+\.html$/m, /^https?:\/\/uploadboy\.(me|com)\/\w+\/?.*$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: 'Uploadboy.com',
homepage: 'http://uploadboy.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['File Not Found', 'not be found', 'File not found'], cb, thisArg)
uploaded: {
pattern: [/^https?:\/\/uploaded\.(net|to)\/file\/.+$/m, /^https?:\/\/ul\.to\/.+$/m],
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: 'uploaded.net',
homepage: 'http://uploaded.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
// offlineByMatchingFinalUrl(link,[/uploaded\.net\/404/,/uploaded\.net\/410/], cb, thisArg);
offlineByFindingString(link, 'Error: ', cb, thisArg)
uploadgig: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/uploadgig\.com\/file\/download\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'UploadGIG',
homepage: 'https://uploadgig.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File not found', cb, thisArg)
uploadingcom: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/uploading\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Uploading.com',
homepage: 'http://uploading.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
uploading: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?uploading\.site\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Uploading.site',
homepage: 'http://uploading.site/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
uploadocean: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/uploadocean\.com\/\w+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'UploadOcean',
homepage: 'http://uploadocean.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'deleted.png"', cb, thisArg)
uploadon: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/uploadon\.me\/\w+\.html$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Uploadon.me',
homepage: 'http://uploadon.me/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['File not found', 'This page was not found'], cb, thisArg)
uploadrocket: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/uploadrocket\.net\/\w+(\/|\w|-|\.)+(\.html)?$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: UploadRocket.net',
homepage: 'http://uploadrocket.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
uppit: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/uppit\.com\/\w+(\/.*)?$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'UppIT',
homepage: 'http://uppit.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
uptobox: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/uptobox.com\/\w+(\/.*)?$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Uptobox',
homepage: 'http://uptobox.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, '<span class="para_title">File not found', cb, thisArg)
userscloud: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/userscloud\.com\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'Userscloud',
homepage: 'https://userscloud.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['label-danger', 'The file is no longer available', 'no longer available'], cb, thisArg)
usersdrive: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/usersdrive\.com\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Usersdrive',
homepage: 'https://usersdrive.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
vevo: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.vevo\.com\/watch\/.+$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'VEVO',
homepage: 'https://www.vevo.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
// At the moment there seems to be no straightforward way to get the online/offline status
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1) // Online
vidlox: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/vidlox\.me\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: vidlox.me',
homepage: 'https://vidlox.me/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
vidoza: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/vidoza\.org\/\w+.*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'vidoza.org',
homepage: 'https://vidoza.org/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, ['File Not Found', 'file was deleted', 'File was deleted', 'Video is processing now'], cb, thisArg)
vidto: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/vidto\.me\/\w+\.?\w*$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'Offline: vidto.me',
homepage: 'http://vidto.me/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
vimeo: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/vimeo\.com\/(.+\/)?\d+\/?$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Vimeo',
homepage: 'https://vimeo.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'Page not found', cb, thisArg)
vipfile: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(\w+.)?vip-file.(com|net)\/downloadlib\/.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: VIP-file',
homepage: 'http://vip-file.net/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
vishare: {
pattern: /^https:\/\/(\w+.)?vishare.pl\/\w{10,}\/.*$/m,
multi: [],
title: 'Offline: Vishare',
homepage: 'https://vishare.pl/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
permanentlyoffline(link, cb, thisArg)
wdupload: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.wdupload\.com\/file\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'wdupload.com',
homepage: 'http://wdupload.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'file-error', cb, thisArg)
worldbytez: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/worldbytez\.com\/\w+$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'worldbytez.com',
homepage: 'https://worldbytez.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
wrzucajpliki: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/wrzucajpliki\.pl\/\w{0,6}.*$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'wrzucajpliki.pl',
homepage: 'http://wrzucajpliki.pl/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
xubster: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?xubster\.com\/\w+\/?.*$/m,
multi: ['premiumize.me'],
title: 'xubster.com',
homepage: 'https://xubster.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, 'File Not Found', cb, thisArg)
youtube: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch(\?v=|\/).+$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl'],
title: 'YouTube',
homepage: 'https://www.youtube.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
offlineByFindingString(link, '<title>YouTube</title>', cb, thisArg)
zippyshare: {
pattern: /^https?:\/\/www\d*\.zippyshare\.com\/v\/\w+\/file\.html$/m,
multi: ['nopremium.pl', 'premiumize.me'],
title: 'Zippyshare.com',
homepage: 'http://www.zippyshare.com/',
check: function (link, cb, thisArg) {
onlineByFindingString(link, 'does not exist', cb, thisArg)
const s = ['does not exist']
method: 'GET',
url: link.url,
onprogress: function (response) {
// abort download of big files
if ((Math.max(response.loaded, response.total) / 1024) > MAXDOWNLOADSIZE) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1) // Let's assume big files are online
onload: function (response) {
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (response.responseText.indexOf(s[i]) !== -1) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline
if (response.status === 403) { // Blocked
cb.call(thisArg, link, -1, 'Blocked in your region')
// Blocked in your region
// Try with https://unblockweb.one/
return offlineByFindingString(link, s, cb, thisArg, `https://unblockweb.one/?cdURL=${encodeURIComponent(link.url)}`)
} else if (response.status < 400) { // Online 2xx
cb.call(thisArg, link, 1)
} else if (response.status > 499) { // Server error 5xx (server error)
cb.call(thisArg, link, -1, 'Server error: ' + response.status + ' ' + response.statusText)
} else {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline 4xx (client error)
onerror: function (response) {
cb.call(thisArg, link, 0) // Offline