此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require https://update.greasyfork.icu/scripts/3636/11010/%5BTS%5D%20USO-Updater.js
您需要先安装一款用户样式管理器扩展(如 Stylus)后才能安装此样式。
您需要先安装一款用户样式管理器扩展(如 Stylus)后才能安装此样式。
您需要先安装一款用户样式管理器扩展(如 Stylus)后才能安装此样式。
// ==UserScript==
// @name [TS] USO-Updater
// @namespace TimidScript
// @description An advanced USO Script Updater
// @usage Give credit to original author and link
// @exclude *
// @version 1.0.11 (8080)
// ==/UserScript==
/* Information
Copyright © TimidScript
TimidScript's Homepage: http://userscripts.org:8080/users/100610
Script's Homepage: http://userscripts.org:8080/scripts/show/159301
USO-Updater is an advance script updater that provides more control than the one provided by
Press "Ctrl+Alt+U" to bring up Update Menu
For information on how to use this script please visit:
Though no longer anything like the original, this script was based on "AEG AutoUpdater"
and released under original license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
Original Script: http://userscripts.org:8080/scripts/show/75442/
Version History
- Removed duplicated notice to service provider
- Show your appreciation message added
- USO-Updater Link Added
- @exclude * instead of @include
- Bug Fix: Asynchronous, delayed checking to fix issues with "@run-at document-start", which
fails due to waiting for document to load.
- Counter for iForm resize added.
- Added Comments
- Syntax Fix
- To ease the load on userscript.org the default check interval was increased from 2 days to 5
- Increase delay before resize to 1000ms
- Bug Fix: Now checks if document is loaded first. Issue caused by "document-start" metatag.
- Bug Fix: Did not set the infoBox text innerHTML
- Background colour for the iframe's document body is set to white.
- iframe size is set after a timeout delay.
- Added a header and changed the colour of the USO-Updater menu
- Changed the GM saved values to something more unique.
- @updateinfo has become versioninfo
- Displays if versions are the same in update window
- Initial Release
var Counter = 0;
var USOUpdater =
currentMetaData: null,
newMetaData: null,
checkInterval: 5,
updateWindow: 0,
ID: null,
//Checks if online USOVersion number is same
check: function (force) {
if (this.checkUpdateNeeded() || force) {
console.info("Checking for update for: " + this.currentMetaData["name"]);
method: "GET",
url: "http://userscripts.org:8080/scripts/source/" + this.currentMetaData["uso:script"] + ".meta.js",
//url: "http://blue/uso/script/meta" + this.currentMetaData["uso:script"] + ".meta.js",
onload: function (response) {
USOUpdater.newMetaData = USOUpdater.parseMeta(response.responseText);
var newVersion = USOUpdater.newMetaData['uso:version'];
if (force || (newVersion !== undefined &&
USOUpdater.currentMetaData !== undefined &&
USOUpdater.currentMetaData['uso:version'] !== undefined &&
Number(newVersion) > Number(USOUpdater.currentMetaData['uso:version']))) {
//Checks if online check is needed by checking last time online check was made
checkUpdateNeeded: function () {
this.checkInterval = GM_getValue("USO-Updater: CheckInterval", this.checkInterval);
if (this.checkInterval == 0) return;
var now = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); // was milliseconds
var lastCheck = GM_getValue('USO-Updater: LastCheck', 0);
GM_setValue('USO-Updater: LastCheck', now); // update
//console.log(now > lastCheck + this.checkInterval * 86400);
return now > lastCheck + this.checkInterval * 86400;
//Parse through the script metadata
parseMeta: function (raw_metadata) {
var lines = raw_metadata.split('\n');
var metadata = {};
var that = this;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
lines[i].replace(/\s*\/\/\s*@([^ ]+)\s+(.+)/, function (all, key, value) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
metadata[key] = value;
switch (key) {
case "interval":
if (!isNaN(value) && value > 0 && value < 8) value = GM_setValue("USO-Updater: CheckInterval", GM_getValue("USO-Updater: CheckInterval", value));
return metadata;
getCurrentMeta: function () {
this.currentMetaData = this.parseMeta(GM_getResourceText('meta'));
this.ID = USOUpdater.currentMetaData["uso:script"] + new Date().getTime();
//Shows update window
showUpdateWindow: function () {
if (document.getElementById("updateWindow")) return;
if (!USOUpdater.newMetaData) {
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.id = "updateWindow";
iframe.setAttribute("style", "position:fixed; right: 15px; bottom: 15px; text-align:center; z-index: 9999;");
iframe.onload = function () {
iDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
iDoc.body.innerHTML = '<div style="width: 500px; background-color: #ECF6D9; border: 5px ridge; padding: 5px 5px 0 5px;"><div style="text-align: center; border: 1px ridge #808080; padding: 5px;"><span id="cVersion" style="font-weight: bold;">USO-Updater</span><span style="font-size: small;">(1.0.1)</span><a target="_blank"><img alt="home" src="" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor=\'#FF0\';" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor=null;" /></a><div style="text-align: left; font-size: small; color: gray;">Show your appreciation for the script\'s author by writing a <a id="usoSReview">review</a> and becoming a <a id="usoSFan">fan</a>.</div></div><div style="width: auto; background-color: #D5DBCF; border: 1px ridge #808080;"><fieldset style="margin-bottom: 5px;"><legend style="color: #07770D; font-weight: bold;"><span>New Version: </span><span id="nVersion" style="color: #000;">USO-Updater</span><span style="font-size: small;">(1.0.2 BETA)</span></legend><div id="infoBox" style="padding: 5px; background-color: #FFF; border: 1px ridge #808080;">No version information provided</div><div id="warnBeta" style="background-color: #D4C6D7; padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border: 1px ridge #808080; display: none;"><label style="color: #000;">WARNING: New version is a BETA release</label></div><div id="warnAlpha" style="background-color: #D4C6D7; padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border: 1px ridge #808080; display: none;"><label style="color: #F00;">WARNING</label><label style="color: #000;">: New version is an ALPHA release</label></div></fieldset></div><div><form id="USOUpdaterForm"><label>Check for update<select id="intervalLength"><option>never</option><option>everyday</option><option>every 2 days</option><option>every 3 day</option><option>every 4 days</option><option>every 5 day</option><option>every 6 days</option><option>every 7 days</option></select></label><input type="submit" name="update" value="Update" onclick="this.parentNode.name = this.name;" style="float: right" /><input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel" onclick="this.parentNode.name = this.name;" style="float: right" /></form></div></div>'
+ '<div style="border: 1px ridge #808080; text-align: center; width:100%; font: bold;">(Press "Ctrl+Alt+U" to access this window)</div>'
+ '<div style="text-align: left; font-size:small; color:gray; margin-left: 10px;">Service provided by <a href="http://userscripts.org:8080/scripts/show/159301">USO-Updater script.</a></div>';
var el = iDoc.getElementById("cVersion");
el.textContent = USOUpdater.currentMetaData["name"];
el.nextElementSibling.textContent = "(" + USOUpdater.currentMetaData["version"] + ")";
el = iDoc.getElementById("nVersion");
el.textContent = USOUpdater.newMetaData["name"];
el.nextElementSibling.textContent = "(" + USOUpdater.newMetaData["version"] + ")";
iDoc.getElementById("usoSReview").href = "http://userscripts.org:8080/scripts/reviews/" + USOUpdater.currentMetaData["uso:script"];
iDoc.getElementById("usoSFan").href = "http://userscripts.org:8080/scripts/fans/" + USOUpdater.currentMetaData["uso:script"];
try {
if (USOUpdater.currentMetaData['uso:version'] === USOUpdater.newMetaData['uso:version']) el.previousElementSibling.textContent = "Same Version: ";
catch (err) { };
if (USOUpdater.newMetaData["versioninfo"]) iDoc.getElementById("infoBox").innerHTML = USOUpdater.newMetaData["versioninfo"];
el = iDoc.getElementById("intervalLength");
el.selectedIndex = USOUpdater.checkInterval;
el.onchange = function () { USOUpdater.checkInterval = el.selectedIndex; GM_setValue("USO-Updater: CheckInterval", USOUpdater.checkInterval); };
try {
iDoc.getElementById("warnBeta").style.display = (USOUpdater.newMetaData["version"].match(/beta/gi)) ? null : "none";
catch (err) { };
try {
iDoc.getElementById("warnAlpha").style.display = (USOUpdater.newMetaData["version"].match(/alpha/gi)) ? null : "none";
catch (err) { };
iDoc.body.setAttribute("style", "background-color:white;");
iframe.style.width = (iDoc.body.firstElementChild.offsetWidth + 15) + "px";
iframe.style.height = (iDoc.body.scrollHeight) + "px";
//iframe.style.width = (iDoc.body.scrollWidth) + "px";
//iframe.style.height = (iDoc.body.firstElementChild.offsetHeight + 20) + "px";
//Sometimes the resize fails. Small delay before resizing should fix it.
var intervalID = setInterval(function (iframe, iDoc) {
iframe.style.width = (iDoc.body.firstElementChild.offsetWidth + 15) + "px";
iframe.style.height = (iDoc.body.scrollHeight) + "px";
if (Counter == 10)
}, 250, iframe, iDoc);
iDoc.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href = "http://userscripts.org:8080/scripts/show/" + USOUpdater.currentMetaData["uso:script"];
iDoc.getElementById("USOUpdaterForm").onsubmit = USOUpdater.formsumbit;
Meant to show Update History but due USO server overload currently not implemented
addToHistory: function (metaData) {
//Opens Update Window
formsumbit: function (e) {
if (e.target.name == "update") {
//console.log("Update window open");
//window.open("http://userscripts.org:8080/scripts/source/" + USOUpdater.currentMetaData["uso:script"] + ".user.js", "_target");
window.open("http://userscripts.org:8080/scripts/source/" + USOUpdater.currentMetaData["uso:script"] + ".user.js", "_self");
//Adds menu option to the USO Update Menu that is accessed through Ctrl+Alt+U.
//This only appears if there is more than one active script that utilises the script.
menuItemAdd: function () {
var UpdaterMenu = document.getElementById("USOUpdaterMenu");
if (!UpdaterMenu) {
var UpdaterMenu = document.createElement("div");
UpdaterMenu.id = "USOUpdaterMenu";
UpdaterMenu.setAttribute("style", "z-index: 9999; position: fixed; top: 15px; right: 15px; display: none; background-color: #F00; padding: 10px; border: 5px solid #000;");
var header = document.createElement("div");
header.textContent = "USO-Updater Menu";
header.setAttribute("style", "text-align:center; color:white;font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:5px;");
var btn = document.createElement("input");
btn.type = "button";
btn.value = "Exit";
btn.setAttribute("style", "display: block; width: 100%; margin-top: 10px;");
btn.onclick = function () { UpdaterMenu.style.display = "none"; };
var btn = document.createElement("input");
btn.type = "button";
btn.value = USOUpdater.currentMetaData["name"] + " (" + USOUpdater.currentMetaData["version"] + ")";
btn.name = USOUpdater.ID;
btn.setAttribute("style", "display: block; width: 100%;");
btn.onclick = function (e) {
//console.log(USOUpdater.ID, USOUpdater.currentMetaData["name"]);
document.getElementById("USOUpdaterMenu").style.display = "none";
if (USOUpdater.ID == e.target.name)
UpdaterMenu.insertBefore(btn, UpdaterMenu.lastElementChild);
//Captures Key presses. (Ctrl+Alt+U)
keydown: function (e) {
var key = e.keyCode;
//console.log(USOUpdater.currentMetaData['uso:version'], USOUpdater.newMetaData['uso:version']);
if (e.ctrlKey & e.altKey & e.keyCode == 85) {
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); //No need for this.
var updaterMenu = document.getElementById("USOUpdaterMenu");
if (updaterMenu.getElementsByTagName("input").length > 2) {
updaterMenu.style.display = null;
var updateWindow = document.getElementById("updateWindow")
if (updateWindow) document.body.removeChild(updateWindow);
else USOUpdater.showUpdateWindow();
if (window.self === window.top)
setTimeout(function ()
var interval = setInterval(
function ()
if (document.readyState != "loading") //interactive complete
document.onkeydown = USOUpdater.keydown;
, 500);
}, 500);