Greasy Fork


q:非表示 w:アンドゥ b:NGワード Shift+Q:NG編集 12:メモを追加 34:自由メモ 56:定型文をメモ Shift+!:メモを編集 Shift+":自動メモのみ全削除 Shift+#:メモを一時非表示 Shift+56:定型文を設定 .:上限価格 t:半透明モード

// ==UserScript==
// @name ヤフオクで非表示とメモ
// @description q:非表示 w:アンドゥ b:NGワード Shift+Q:NG編集 12:メモを追加 34:自由メモ 56:定型文をメモ Shift+!:メモを編集 Shift+":自動メモのみ全削除 Shift+#:メモを一時非表示 Shift+56:定型文を設定 .:上限価格 t:半透明モード
// @version     0.5.110
// @match *://*
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// @match *://*/reviews/ *
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
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// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*/scripts*
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match
// @match
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match
// @match *://*/data/*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match file:///*.html
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @noframes
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_deleteValue
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @grant       GM.addStyle
// @grant       GM.setClipboard
// @grant       GM.openInTab
// @run-at      document-idle
// @namespace
// @require
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
  const FUTABA_WEBP_LOSSY_QUALITY = 0.8; // ふたばでクリップボードの写真ぽいpng画像を非可逆webpにする場合の品質のデフォルト vキーで変更可 通常:0.8
  const FUTAPO_CRAM_TITLE = 1; // 1:futapoでboxの横幅が狭いときでもタイトルを詰め込む 0:無効
  const FUTAPO_89_NOTIFY = "notify"; // futapoで8/9登録がヒットした時にどう通知するか "notify"でnotification API(推奨)、"sound"で効果音。"notify sound"で両方、""で通知しない
  const FUTABA_SET_56MEMO_TO_ANCHORED = 3; // 1:ふたばで監視ワードヒットレスと自分のレスに自動的に5メモを付ける 2:1に加え5メモへのレスに6メモを付ける 3:1+2に加え遠くても5メモに連鎖するレスには6メモをつける(推奨) 4:1+2+3に加え遠くても6メモに連鎖するレスにも6メモをつける
  const FUTABA_NOTIFY_NEWRES_SOUND_MEMO_QUOTED = "5 6 m"; // ふたばで新着レスのNotification通知でメモのついたレスが引用された時に音で知らせるか "5"で○メモに鳴らす、"6"で×メモに鳴らす、"m"で監視ワードに鳴らす、""で鳴らさない、"5 6 m"などで複数設定可能
  const FUTABA_Z_TO_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_AS_TEXT_TOO = "${num1} ${name1} ${name2} ${time} ${num2} ${soudane}\n${text}\n"; // ふたばでzキーかレス右上の□のクリック時についでに内容をテキストとしてクリップボードにコピーする、その書式 "":コピーしない
  const FUTABA_FLOAT_RELOAD_BUTTON = 1; // 1:ふたばでリロードボタンを浮遊させる 0:無効
  const FUTABA_HOVER_POPUP_REPLACE = 1; // 1:ふたばで>引用ポップアップを置き換える 0:無効
  const FUTABA_HOVER_POPUP_DELAY = 1; // ふたばで>引用の上に静止してn/60秒間後にポップアップを表示する -1:瞬間&低負荷(mousemove) 1:瞬間(interval) 2~:n/60秒(interval) 0:無効
  const FUTABA_REPLACE_RES0 = 1; // 1:ふたばでスレ本文をレス番号0のように置き換える 引用ポップアップ等が働くために必要 0:無効
  const FUTABA_QUOTE_LEAD_FOR_NUMBER_ONLY = 1; // 1:ふたばで>no.○○や>○○.jpgや>fu○○.jpgといった引用にも本文のバルーン引用を追加する(要「5chサムネイル表示他」併用) 0:無効
  const FUTABA_AUTO_RELOAD_INTERVAL = 1; // 1-10:ふたばでnキーオン時の自動リロードする最短間隔(分) ※新着がなく無操作だと自動的に10分まで伸びる
  const FUTABA_ALTZ_FILENAME_SUFFIX = "●"; // ふたばでAlt+Z時にファイル名の末尾に付ける文字
  const FUTABA_PLAY_GIF_INLINE = 1; // 1:ふたばのgifをインラインで動かす 0:無効
  const FUTABA_POPUP_PADDING_RATE = 169; // ふたばの引用ポップアップの額縁の太さ(大きいほど細い)
  const FUTABA_REMOVE_REDIRECT_PAGE = 0; // 1:ふたばでリンクからクッションページを省略
  const FUTABA_EXPERIMENTAL_REMOVE_METADATA_FROM_UPFILE = () => 1; // ()=>1:ふたばでD&DとCtrl+V時の添付ファイルからメタデータを除去する ()=>0:除去しない
  const FUTABA_YOUTUBE_PLAYALL_BUTTON = 1; // 1:ふたばでYouTubeのリンクの動画を小窓で連続再生するボタンを設置 2:1をuキーで実行 0:無効
  const FUTABA_PICK_IMG_MIN_SIZE = 60; // ふたばでピックアップの最小画像サイズ
  const FUTABA_FORWARD_LINK = 0; // 2:ふたばで若い方向の引用も>>2のホバーで表示する 2:1+ふたばで1<<形式のフォワードリンクも付ける 0:無効

  const IN5CH_REMOVE_AKABAN = 1; // 1:5chで垢版ボタンをとりあえず隠す 0:そのまま
  const dniCancel = 1; // DNIがobserve(ms)以上連続して発火しても途切れるのを待ち続ける
  const FUTABA_DEBUG = 0; // 1-2:ふたばで開発用情報を表示 1:最下行ログ 2:1+タブタイトル 0:無効
  const DEBUG_CATCH = 0; // 1:catchしたエラーをalert 0:無効
  const KEYCHANGE_DEBUG = "disable"; // 押す度にdebugを0~3に切り替えるキー "Shift+J","disable"等
  const ENABLE_HELP = 1; // 1:操作ガイドを表示 0:無効
  const ENABLE_AUTOMEMO = 7; // 0:自動メモを無効 1でオン 2~7:大きくするほど一時的に表示が崩れる代わりに確実
  const REPLACE_LINK_IN_YOUTUBE = 1; // 1:YouTubeで投稿者のチャンネルのホームタブへのリンクをチャンネルの動画タブへのリンクに置き換える
  const ENABLE_EXCEPT_YAJ = 1; // 1:ヤフオク以外でも有効 0:ヤフオクでのみ動作
  var debug = 0; // 1~だとデバッグモード V&&dc(text) 1:非対応ページでその旨表示など/コンソールにverbose表示 2:verboseをポップアップ(速度測定して表示 debug&&sw("項目"))&非表示にした原因に枠追加 3:Q/1/2等の対象要素を目立たせる
  const ENABLE_MEASURE_TIME_SPENT = 0; // 1で速度測定して表示 debug&&sw("項目")

  const fasttest = 1; // 1:高速モードを試用
  const FUTABA_BGC = 0 ? "#f0e0d6" : "#ffffee"

  const ISCHROME = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') != -1
  var futabapopupscale;
  const futabapicksizeDefault = 90
  var futabapicksizeL = futabapicksizeDefault;
  var futabapicksize = 100;
  var hovertimer = 0;
  var swb = new Date();
  var prefCache = []

  GM_addStyle("span.yhmMyMemo{all:initial; word-wrap:break-word;cursor:pointer; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; margin:0px 1px; text-align:center; padding:0px 6px 0px 6px; border-radius:12px; color:white;font-family:sans-serif;}")
  debug && sw("reset")

  String.prototype.match0 = function(re) { let tmp = this.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
  String.prototype.match1 = function(re) { return this?.match(re)?.slice(1)?.find(v => v) } // this./a(bc)|d(ef)/ 等の()でキャプチャした最初の1つを返す gフラグ不可
  String.prototype.sanit = function() { return this.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;").replace(/`/g, '&#x60;') }
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    return place ? (place.insertAdjacentHTML(pos, html), place) : null;
  let addstyle = {
    added: [],
    add: function(str) {
      if (this.added.some(v => v[1] === str)) return;
      var S = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" //      var S="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_"
      var d =
      var uid = Array.from(Array(12)).map(() => S[Math.floor((d + Math.random() * S.length) % S.length)]).join('')
      document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style id="${uid}">${str}</style>`);
      this.added.push([uid, str]);
      return uid;
    remove: function(str) { // str:登録したCSSでもaddでreturnしたuidでも良い
      let uid = this.added.find(v => v[1] === str || v[0] === str)?.[0]
      if (uid) {
        this.added = this.added.filter(v => v[0] !== uid)

  var SITE = {}
  let inYOUTUBE = location.hostname.match0(/^www\.youtube\.com|^youtu\.be/);

  $.fn.animate2 = function(properties, duration, ease) {
    ease = ease || 'ease';
    var $this = this;
    var cssOrig = { transition: $this.css('transition') };
    return $this.queue(next => {
      properties['transition'] = 'all ' + duration + 'ms ' + ease;
      setTimeout(function() {
      }, duration);

  if (window != parent) return;
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    COLORCPUSCORE = "#970", //"#a08000",
    COLOR_ALERT_WORD = "#882", //"#a08000",
    KEYHIDE = "q",
    KEYUNDO = "w",
    KEYBW = "b",
    KEYEDIT = "Shift+Q",
    //    KEYEDIT2 = "Shift+B",
    KEYMAXP = ".",
    KEYMEMO1 = "1",
    KEYMEMO2 = "2",
    KEYMEMO1S = "3",
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    KEYMEMO6 = "6",
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    KEYMEMO6EDIT = "Shift+&",
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    KEYRESETMEMO = "Shift+!",
    KEYRESETMEMOAUTO = "Shift+\"";
  var MEMO5WORD = "", // 5キーの定型文初期値 ""なら現在年月日
    MEMO6WORD = ""; // 6キーの定型文初期値 ""なら現在年月日

  var pauseAll = 0;
  let kaisuuU = 0;
  var GF = {}
  GF.yhmSortType = 0
  GF.isNico = == ""
  var memofast = false;

  // 上が優先
  const SITEINFO = [ // @match *://*
      id: '',
      urlRE: '//',
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    }, {
      id: '',
      urlRE: '//',
      title: 'span.tile--img__title',
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      id: 'WCA',
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      title: 'h4.test-series-title.series-title ,',
      box: 'li.webry-series-item.test-series',
    }, {
      id: 'WCA',
      urlRE: '//',
      title: ' > div > div > a.series-data-container > h4 , a.series-data-container > h5',
      box: '',
    }, {
      id: 'WCA',
      urlRE: '//|//',
      title: 'h2.series-list-title , h1.episode-header-title , a > h3.series-list-author',
      box: 'li.series-list-item , div.episode-header-container',
      redoWhenRefocused: 1,
      memoFunc: e => e,
      forceTranslucentFunc: e => lh("/episode"),
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      id: '',
      urlRE: () => lh('//') && !eleget0(''),
      title: 'h1.series-title',
      box: 'section.series-contents',
    }, {
      id: '',
      urlRE: '//',
      title: 'div.episodeArea:nth-child(2 of div.episodeArea) > h1 , p[class*="title"] > span > a , div.comicTitle_toppage > h1',
      box: 'div.oneColumn.pb00.pl00.pr00.pt00 , , div.mainContents',
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      funcOnlyFirst: () => setInterval(() => eleget0('i.fa.fa-angle-down:visible:inscreen')?.click(), 1000),
    }, {
      id: '',
      urlRE: '//',
      title: 'p.img-list__title.ellipsis',
      box: 'li.img-list__item',
      observe: 2222,
    }, {
      id: '',
      urlRE: /\/\/www\.google\.co\.jp\/.*\&tbm\=shop/,
      title: '.tAxDx , div > div.aULzUe',
      box: '.sh-dgr__grid-result',
    }, {
      id: '',
      urlRE: '//',
      title: 'h1[class*="Heading_h1___"] , h2[class*="Heading_h2___"] > a , div > a[class*="AppItemBox_appName__"]',
      box: 'main#mainContent > section , div[class*="AppItem_shared_itemBox__"] , div[class*="PageIntroWrapper_noClouds__"] > div:last-of-type',
    }, {
      id: '',
      urlRE: '//',
      title: 'h2 > a.url',
      box: 'div[class*="hreview"]',
      wholeHelp: [() => 1, " A:ソート"],
      keyFunc: [{
        key: 'a', // a::
        func: () => {
          var sorttype = GF.yhmSortType || 0
          let menu = [
            { t: "新しい", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(, v => eleget0('p.footer > span:nth-of-type(1)', v)?.textContent + eleget0('.board_title span', v)?.textContent, 1) } },
            { t: "古い", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(, v => eleget0('p.footer > span:nth-of-type(1)', v)?.textContent + eleget0('.board_title span', v)?.textContent) } },
            { t: "評価", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(, v => eleget0('span[class*="rating"]', v)?.className || 0, 1) } },
            { t: "タイトル", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(, v => eleget0(SITE.title, v)?.textContent) } },
          popup2("A:ソート\n" + (, i) => " " + c.t + (i == sorttype ? " ←\n" : "\n")).join("")), 6, `min-width:${menu.reduce((p,c)=>Math.max(p,c.t.length+3),0)}em;`);
          GF.yhmSortType = (++sorttype) % menu.length
    }, {
      id: "DAISONET",
      urlRE: '//',
      title: 'h1.product-meta__title.heading.h1.text--strong , a.product-item__title',
      box: 'div.product-block-list , div.product-item--vertical',
      forceTranslucentFunc: e => lh(''),
      redoWhenRefocused: 1,
    }, {
      id: `NETOFF`,
      urlRE: '//',
      box: 'li.clearfix',
      title: 'p > a.fw',
      wholeHelp: [() => 1, " A:ソート"],
      keyFunc: [{
        key: 'a', // a::
        func: () => {
          var sorttype = GF.yhmSortType || 0
          let menu = [
            { t: "安い→新しい", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('li.clearfix'), v => +eleget0('.price', v)?.textContent?.replace(/,/g, "")?.match0(/\d+/) * 1000000000 + (1000000 - +(eleget0('.subinfo', v)?.textContent?.replace(/(\d+).(\d+).*/, "$1$2")))) } },
          popup2("A:ソート\n" + (, i) => " " + c.t + (i == sorttype ? " ←\n" : "\n")).join("")), 6, `min-width:${menu.reduce((p,c)=>Math.max(p,c.t.length+3),0)}em;`);
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    }, {
      id: 'KAKAKU',
      urlRE: '',
      title: 'h2[itemprop="name"]',
      box: 'div#main',
      forceTranslucentFunc: e => 1,
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      id: '',
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      box: 'div.gsc-webResult.gsc-result',
      observe: 333,
      keyFunc: [{
        key: 'Shift+F', // Shift+F::refind2chでキーワード検索
        func: () => { searchWithHistory("find5ch,掲示板横断検索,re.find2ch,ff5ch", "find5ch,掲示板横断検索,re.find2ch,ff5ch", [`***%22&gsc.sort=date`, `***&sort=rate`, '***', `***`], " OR ") },
    }, {
      id: 'uexpress',
      urlRE: /\/\/www\.uexpress\.com\//,
      keyFunc: [{
        key: 'Shift+F', // Shift+F::キーワード検索
        func: () => { searchWithHistory("uexpress", "UExpress", '***', "|") },
    }, {
      id: 'nitter',
      urlRE: /\/\/nitter\.cz\/|\/\/nitter.\.net\/|\/\/\//,
      title: '.username',
      box: '.timeline-item',
      observe: 500,
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      urlRE: /https?:\/\/[^\.]+\.2chan\.net\/[^/]+\/futaba\.php\?mode=cat/,
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      disableKeyB: 0,
      listTitleXPIgnoreNotExist: 1,
      funcOnlyFirst: () => {

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        key: 'Shift+F', // Shift+F::FTBucketでキーワード検索
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            return false

          $('a#server.pulldown').attr("title", ($("a#server.pulldown").attr("title") || "") + "\n右クリック:may←→img") // ↻
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          try {
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                  return false
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                  var str = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || [];
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         = Math.max("○◎★".indexOf(v.m), e.dataset?.vip || 0) // 9>8>7の順で強い結果を残す
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                  e.dataset.hitwords = `${e.dataset.hitwords?e.dataset.hitwords+" ":""}${v.m}${v.t}`;
                  if (v?.t?.length > 3) { if (!eleget0(`*[id="${escape(v.t+v.m+v.c)}"]`, e)) after(eleget0('.thread-text', e), `<span class="ignoreMe yhmMyMemo yhmMemoDeleteButton" id="${escape(v.t+v.m+v.c)}" title="『${sani(v.t)}』についたメモ\nクリックで削除&クリップボードにコピー" style="${MEMOSTYLE} cursor:pointer; background-color:${v.c}; border-radius:1em; color:#fff;">${sani(v.m)}${sani(v.t)?.substr(0,25)+(v?.t?.length>25?"…":"")}</span>`) } else {
                    if (!eleget0(`*[id="${escape(v.t+v.m+v.c)}"]`, e)) after(eleget0('.thread-text', e), `<ruby class="ignoreMe yhmMyMemo yhmMemoDeleteButton" id="${escape(v.t+v.m+v.c)}" title="『${sani(v.t)}』についたメモ\nクリックで削除&クリップボードにコピー"><span class="ignoreMe yhmMyMemo" style="${MEMOSTYLE} cursor:pointer; background-color:${v.c}; border-radius:1em; color:#fff;">${sani(v.m)}${sani(v.t)?.substr(0,25)+(v?.t?.length>25?"…":"")}</span></ruby>`)
              eleget0('.thumbnail', e)?.setAttribute("title", `${tt}\n${e.title}`)
            GF.opened = GF.opened || new Set()
            GF.opened1 = GF.opened1 || new Set()
            GF.opened2 = GF.opened2 || new Set()
            while (1) {
              var b = elegeta('.box:not([relocatedByMemo])')
              var e = b.find(v => hit.has(v))
              if (!e) break;


              let vip = Number(
              e.setAttribute("relocatedByMemo", "")
              let memoEle = e
              let firstBox = elegeta('.box:not(.boxpri,.boxpri2)').filter(e => !== "rgb(255, 255, 0)")[0]
              if (vip == 1) {
                firstBox = elegeta('.box:not(.boxpri2,.boxpri3)').filter(e => !== "rgb(255, 255, 0)")[0]
                eleget0('.thread-text', memoEle).style.color = "#12e";
       = "4px 4px 4px 0px #0006";
       = 2;
       = "bold"
              } else if (vip == 2) {
                firstBox = elegeta('.box:not(.boxpri3)').filter(e => !== "rgb(255, 255, 0)")[0]
                eleget0('.thread-text', memoEle).style.color = "#12e";
       = "4px 4px 4px 0px #0006";
       = 3;
       = "bold"
              } else {
       = "4px 4px 4px #0006";
       = 1;

              firstBox.parentNode.insertBefore(memoEle, firstBox)

              // Qの非表示にヒットしたものは除外、正規表現対応・全角半角非区別・大文字小文字非区別
              let tt = eleget0('.thread-text', e)?.textContent;
              let hitPreventWord = hide.find(q => {
                return && || tt?.indexOf(q.word) !== -1
              }) // Q非表示登録ワードが正規表現として有効なら正規表現としてもチェック、また単純文字列としてヒットしてもヒットとする
              if (!(disableHide || !hitPreventWord)) {
                e.title += `\n\nブロックワード『${hitPreventWord?.word}』で抑制`
              } else {
                if (vip == 0 && e.offsetHeight && !GF.opened.has(e.href)) {
                  //GF.opened = GF.opened.slice(0, 1000)

                if (vip == 1 && e.offsetHeight && !GF.opened1.has(e.href)) {
                  //                  GF.opened1 = GF.opened1.slice(0, 1000)
                  found = memoEle.cloneNode(true);
                  if (FUTAPO_89_NOTIFY.split(" ").includes("notify")) notifyMe(eleget0(".thread-text", found)?.innerText, e.dataset.hitwords, e => {
                    e.preventDefault(); //`${"\n\n"+eleget0('//a[@id="server"]')?.innerText||""}`
          , "", "noreferrer");
                  }, eleget0('img', found)?.src)
                if (vip == 2 && e.offsetHeight && !GF.opened2.has(e.href)) {
                  //GF.opened2 = GF.opened2.slice(0, 1000)
                  //         = || []
                  found = memoEle.cloneNode(true);
                  if (FUTAPO_89_NOTIFY.split(" ").includes("notify")) notifyMe(eleget0(".thread-text", found)?.innerText, e.dataset.hitwords, e => {
          , "", "noreferrer");
                  }, eleget0('img', found)?.src)
                  addstyle.add('@keyframes outline { 0% { outline: 2px solid #f0f; } 100% { outline: 2px solid #c8f; } } .blinkingOL{ animation: outline 1s ease infinite alternate; }')

                  function opentab(href) {
                    if ( - (GF.latest || 0) > (ISCHROME ? 7000 : 5000)) {
                      GF.latest =
                      GM.openInTab(href, true)
                    } else {
                      setTimeout(() => { opentab(href) }, 333)
            if (found) {
              //if (FUTAPO_SOUND_NOTIFY) sound("sine", 0.1);
              if (FUTAPO_89_NOTIFY.split(" ").includes("sound")) sound("sine", 0.1);
          } catch (e) { if (DEBUG_CATCH) alert(e) }
        }, 200)
        if (numberOfHidden) window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('scroll')) // 非表示をしてスレアイテム数が画面に入り切るようになるとスクロールができなくて続きがあっても読み込めなくなるのでスクロールイベントだけ起こす
      keyFunc: [{
        key: /^g$|^h$/, // g::画像でNG h::画像でピックアップ
        func: (k) => {
          e = eleget0('img.thumbnail:hover')
          if (e) {
            eleget0('', e?.closest(".box"))?.click()
            eleget0(k == "h" ? 'a#th_img_pickup' : 'a#th_img_ng')?.click()
            /*            waitdo(() => eleget0('select[name="img_match"]'), e => e.value = "100")
                        waitdo(() => eleget0('input#all_board'), e => e?.click())
                        waitdo(() => eleget0('input#save.submit.option-button'), e => e?.focus())
            waitdo(() => eleget0('select[name="img_match"]'), e => e.value = pref("FUTAPO_IMAGE_NG_PERCENT") || "100")
            waitdo(() => eleget0('input#all_board'), e => e?.click())
            waitdo(() => eleget0('input#save.submit.option-button'), e => e?.focus())
            waitdo(() => eleget0('select[name="img_match"]'), () => {
              eleget0('select[name="img_match"]')?.addEventListener("change", e => {
      }, {
        key: 'd', // d::
        func: (e) => {
          let r = eleget0('//a[@id="reload"]');
          if (r) {
            let scr = (i) => {
              let last = eleget0('#kako-search')
              window.scroll({ left: 0, top: last ? 0 : 99999, behavior: i % 2 == 1 ? "instant" : "smooth" })
              if (!last && i < 100) setTimeout(() => { scr(++i) }, 100) // 10秒まで
              //if (!last && i < 150) setTimeout(() => { scr(++i) }, 100) // 15秒まで
            //} // 要5秒インターバル
      }, {
        key: 'e', // e::リロード
        func: () => {
          let r = eleget0('//a[@id="reload"]');
          if (r) {
            if (!GF.latestReload || new Date().getTime() - GF.latestReload > 4000) {
              GF.latestReload = new Date().getTime();
            } // 要4秒インターバル
      }, {
        key: 'Shift+F', // Shift+F::FTBucketでキーワード検索
        func: () => { searchWithHistory("FUTACHAN", "FTBucketとふたば★さーち", ['***', `***&gsc.sort=date`], "|") },
      }, {
        key: /^7$|^8$|^9$|^Shift\+\'$|^Shift\+\($|^Shift\+\)$/, // 7::8::9::Shift+789
        func: (e, opt, site) => {
          let shift = e.match0("Shift+");
          var str = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || [];
          let memostr = (e == "9" || e == "Shift+)") ? "★" : (e == "7" || e == "Shift+'") ? "○" : "◎"
          var newstr = str.filter(e => e.m === memostr).map(e => e.t)
          GF.sorttype = ((GF.sorttype || 0) % 3 + 1)
          var [order, finstrfunc] = [
            ["登録順", a => a.reverse().join(" ")],
            ["abc順", a => a.reverse().sort(new Intl.Collator("ja", { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare).join(" ")],
            ["長さ→abc順", a => a.reverse().sort((a, b) => a.length === b.length ? (new Intl.Collator("ja", { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare)(a, b) : a.length > b.length ? 1 : -1).join(" ")]
          ][GF.sorttype - 1]
          let tips = shift ? "独自構文Tips:\n「ABCやDEFを含まず、GHIかJKLを含み、かつMNOとPQRも含む」\n!ABC|DEF GHI|JKL MNO PQR" : "複数の単語をスペースで区切って入力するとまとめて登録できます";
          var target = (window.getSelection() && window.getSelection().toString().trim()) || (prompt(`futapoで${memostr}メモを付けるキーワードを入力してください\n\nfutapoではここで設定した項目、メモが付く項目を左上に優先配置します\n(部分一致、正規表現使用可)\n\n${"7:○メモではヒットした項目を左上に優先配置します\n8:◎メモではさらに音声とNotificationで通知します\n9:★メモでは更に自動的に新しいタブで開きます"}\n\nすでに登録されている文字列を入力するとそれを削除します\n\n${tips}\n\n現在登録済み(${newstr.length}): (${order})\n${finstrfunc(newstr)}\n\n`) || "").trim();
          if (!target) return;
          let targets = shift ? [target.replace(/^S$/, "??").replace(/^S([\s \||])/, "??$1").replace(/([\s \||!!])S([\s \||])/, "$1??$2").replace(/([\s \||!!])S$/, "$1??").replace(/|/gm, "|").replace(/^[\!|!](\S*)/, "^(?!.*($1)).*").replace(/(\S*)[  ](\S*)/gm, "^(?=.*($1))(?=.*\($2\))").replace(/\s| /gm, ".*")] // 独自構文を正規表現に変換
            target.split(/\s| /)

          var dele = 0;
          targets.forEach(targetc => {
            targetc = targetc.trim()
            var str = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || [];
            var str2 = str.filter(e => { return e.t != targetc })
            if (str.length != str2.length) {
              if (confirm(`『${targetc}』(${str.find(e=>e.t==targetc)?.m})は既に存在します\n削除しますか?`)) {
                if (debug) V && dc(`『${targetc}』をメモから削除しました`)
                pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo', JSON.stringify(str2));
                dele = 1;
                elegeta('[relocatedByMemo]').forEach(v => v.removeAttribute("relocatedByMemo"))
            } else {
              storeMemo(targetc.trim(), memostr, COLOR1, null, null, site)
              elegeta('[relocatedByMemo]').forEach(v => v.removeAttribute("relocatedByMemo"))
          if (dele) run(document.body, "returned")
      }, {
        key: /^0$/, // 0::メモ一覧一括削除画面
        func: (e, opt, site) => {
          var str = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || [];
          var newstr = str
          GF.sorttype = eleget0("#yhmMemoDeletePanel") ? ((GF.sorttype) + 1) : 1
          var [order, finstrfunc] = [
            ["登録順", a => a.reverse()],
            ["abc順→種別", a => a.sort((a, b) => a.m == b.m ? 0 : a.m < b.m ? 1 : -1).sort((a, b) => (new Intl.Collator("ja", { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare)(a.t, b.t))],
            ["長さ→abc順→種別", a => a.sort((a, b) => a.m == b.m ? 0 : a.m < b.m ? 1 : -1).sort((a, b) => a.t.length === b.t.length ? (new Intl.Collator("ja", { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare)(a.t, b.t) : a.t.length > b.t.length ? 1 : -1)],
            ["種別→登録順", a => a.reverse().sort((a, b) => a.m == b.m ? 0 : a.m < b.m ? 1 : -1)],
            ["種別→abc順", a => a.sort((a, b) => (new Intl.Collator("ja", { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare)(a.t, b.t)).sort((a, b) => a.m == b.m ? 0 : a.m < b.m ? 1 : -1)],
            ["種別→長さ→abc順", a => a.sort((a, b) => a.t.length === b.t.length ? (new Intl.Collator("ja", { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare)(a.t, b.t) : a.t.length > b.t.length ? 1 : -1).sort((a, b) => a.m == b.m ? 0 : a.m < b.m ? 1 : -1)]
          ][(GF.sorttype - 1) % 6]
          var words = finstrfunc(newstr)
          end(document.body, `<div id="yhmMemoDeletePanel" style="width:85%; font-size:95%; position:absolute; top:1em; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, 0%); box-shadow:0px 0px 2em #0008; word-break:keep-all; z-index:${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}; padding:2em; margin:auto; background-color:#fff; line-height:1.8em;"><span id="yhmMemoDeletePanelClose" style="cursor:pointer;float:right;">×(Esc)</span>0:メモ&非表示一括削除<br>メモ(${words.length})(${order})をクリックすると削除してクリップボードにコピーします<br><div>`)
          let dup = [] // 重複しているものは暗い色にする
          let list = ""
          words.forEach(w => {
            //            list += `<span class="yhmMemoDeleteButton" id="${escape(w.t+w.m+w.c)}" data-m="${escape(w.m)}" data-t="${escape(w.t)}" data-c="${escape(w.c)}" style="cursor:pointer; background-color:${w.c}; ${dup.includes(w.t)?"filter:saturate(0.66);":""} padding:1px 0.4em 1px 0.3em; margin:0; border-radius:1em; color:#fff;"><font class="yhmNoSelect" style="user-select:none;" ${dup.includes(w.t)?'data-gakusai="1"':''}>${sani(w.m)}</font>${sani(w.t)}</span> `
            list += `<span class="yhmMemoDeleteButton" id="${escape(w.t+w.m+w.c)}" style="cursor:pointer; background-color:${w.c}; ${dup.includes(w.t)?"filter:saturate(0.66);":""} padding:1px 0.4em 1px 0.3em; margin:0; border-radius:1em; color:#fff;"><font class="yhmNoSelect" style="user-select:none;" ${dup.includes(w.t)?'data-gakusai="1"':''}>${sani(w.m)}</font>${sani(w.t)}</span> `

          var [order, finstrfunc] = [
            ["登録順", a => a.reverse()],
            ["abc順", a => a.sort((a, b) => (new Intl.Collator("ja", { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare)(a, b))],
            ["長さ→abc順", a => a.sort((a, b) => a.length === b.length ? (new Intl.Collator("ja", { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare)(a, b) : a.length > b.length ? 1 : -1)],
          ][(GF.sorttype - 1) % 3]
          var words = pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || [];
          words = finstrfunc(words)
          list += `<br><br>非表示登録(${words.length})(${order})をクリックすると削除してクリップボードにコピーします<br>`;
          words.forEach(w => {
            list += `<span class="yhmMemoDeleteButton" id="${escape(w)}" data-qword="${escape(w)}" style="cursor:pointer; background-color:#444;font-weight:500; ${dup.includes(w)?"filter:saturate(0.66);":""} padding:1px 0.5em 1px 0.5em; margin:0; border-radius:1em; color:#fff;">${sani(w)}</span> `;

          end(eleget0("#yhmMemoDeletePanel"), list)
      }, {
        key: 'a', // a::ソート
        func: () => {
          var sorttype = Number($('.yhmSortType')?.attr("id") || 0);
          $('.yhmSortType').remove(), $(document.body).append(`<span class="yhmSortType" id="${++sorttype%4}"></span>`)
          popup2("A:ソート\n" + (["レス数", "勢い", "タイトル", "元"].map((c, i) => " " + c + (i + 1 == sorttype ? " ←\n" : "\n")).join("")), 6, "min-width:6em;")
          sorttype == 1 && sortdom(elegeta('.box:not(#kako-search)'), v => Number(eleget0('.rescnt', v)?.textContent), 1)
          sorttype == 2 && sortdom(elegeta('.box:not(#kako-search)'), v => Number(0 + eleget0('.ikioi-icon', v)?.textContent) + Number((eleget0('', v)?.textContent + 0 || 0)) * 10, 1)
          sorttype == 3 && sortdom(elegeta('.box:not(#kako-search)'), v => (eleget0('.thread-text', v)?.textContent))
          sorttype == 4 && sortdom(elegeta('.box:not(#kako-search)'), v => v?.dataset?.idx)
      }, ],
      wholeHelp: [() => 1, " A:ソート"],
      hideSelectedWord: 1,
      selectedHelp: { help: [KEYHIDE + ":NGワードに追加", "7/8/9:左上に優先配置(8:+通知/9:+開く)"] }, //, multi: "複数行に渡る文字列は NG に入れられません" },
      urlRE: /\/\/anige\.horigiri\.net\/?$|\/\/anige\.horigiri\.net\/\?cat=|\/\/anige\.horigiri\.net\/\?paged=/,
      listTitleXP: '//div/h3[@class="entry-title"]/a',
      listTitleSearchXP: '//div/h3[@class="entry-title"]/a[+++]/../../../..',
      hideSelectedWord: 1,
      listTitleMemoSearchXP: '//div/h3[@class="entry-title"]/a[+++]',
      listGen: 5,
      delat: 500,
      listTitleMemoSearchXPSameGen: 1,
      WhateverFirstAndEveryAPFunc: () => { SITEINFO[SITEINFO.findIndex(c => == "FUTACHAN_CATALOG")].WhateverFirstAndEveryAPFunc() },
      keyFunc: [{
        key: 'Shift+F', // Shift+F::FTBucketでキーワード検索
        func: () => { searchWithHistory("FUTACHAN", "FTBucketとふたば★さーち", ['***', `***&gsc.sort=date`], "|") },
    }, {
      id: 'FUTACHAN', // futaba::
      urlRE: () => (location.protocol == "file:" && eleget0('tbody > tr > th[bgcolor="#e04000"] > font[color="#FFFFFF"]:text*=レス送信モード')) || /\/\/.*\/|\/\/kuzure\.but\.jp\/f\/b\/|\/\/[^.]+.2chan\.net\/|\/\/anige\.horigiri\.net|\/\/kako\.futakuro\.com\/futa\/|https?:\/\/tsumanne\.net\/.*\/data\/|\/\/futafuta\.site\/thread\/|\/\/parupunte\.net\/logbox\/detail\.html\?no\=\d+/.test(location.href),
      title: '.thre table .cno',
      box: '.thre table',
      disableKeyB: 0,
      redoWhenRefocused: 1,
      funcMemo: () => GF.resChained = [],
      //      isMemoPartialMatch:1,
      isHidePartialMatch: 1,
      memoFunc: titleEle => eleget0('.memo', titleEle.closest('tr')),
      memoPosition: "afterbegin",
      listHelpJQS: '.thre table',
      delay: 111,
      memoStyle: 'display:table !important; margin-bottom:2px;',
      //memoStyle: 'display:block !important; width:fit-content; margin-bottom:2px;',
      detailURLRE: /$^/,
      detailTitleXP: '',
      hideSelectedWord: 1,
      selectedHelp: { help: [KEYHIDE + ":NGワードに追加", "y:YouTubeで検索"], multi: "y:YouTubeで検索" },
      detailTitleSearchXP: '',
      listTitleSearchFunc: (title) => { // q::レス中キーワードNG // todo:リロードで追加されたレスにも非表示を適用
        let resHit = [];
        if (typeof title === "string" && !/^No\.\d+$/gmi.test(title)) { // textContentでサーチする
          for (let res of elegeta('.thre table:not(.ftbpu table,#respopup_area table) , #searchResult table')) { // レス全体(ID:~も対象)
            if (res.textContent.indexOf(title) !== -1) resHit.push(res?.closest('table'));
        return resHit;

      WhateverFirstAndEveryAPFunc: () => {
        if (!eleget0('span.ignoreMe.wcspu3bottom.pu3line7s'))
          if (!eleget0('input[value="スレッドを立てる"]')) popup3(`Shift+F:FTBucket検索\na:画像順/そうだね順/引用順でソート${!GF?.isFile && location.href.match0(/^https?:\/\/[^.]+\.2chan\.net\//)?"\ne:新着チェック\nd:新着チェック+新着に移動\nc:ホバー下にそうだね\nn:自動リロード&新着通知\nm:監視ワード設定":"\nz/x:動画再生位置を-+\nShift+Z/Shift+X:動画再生速度-+"}`, 7, 5000)

          let tf=eleget0(':is(input[type="file"][name="upfile"],input[type="file"][id="upup"] , input[type="file"]#up2input)')?`\nCtrl+V:クリップボードの画像/動画を添付`:``;
        popup3(`Shift+F:FTBucket検索\na:画像順/そうだね順/引用順でソート${location.href.match0(/^https?:\/\/[^.]+\.2chan\.net\//)?"\ne:新着チェック\nd:新着チェック+新着に移動\nc:ホバー下にそうだね\nn:自動リロード&新着通知\nm:監視ワード設定"+tf:""}`, 7, 5000)

      funcD: () => { // d::
        let r = location.protocol != "file:" && eleget0("#contres>a,#fvw_loading,a#akahuku_reload_button");
        if (r) {
          if (!GF.latestReload || new Date().getTime() - GF.latestReload > 4000) {
            location.protocol != "file:" &&;
            GF.latestReload = new Date().getTime();
          } // 要4秒インターバル
          setTimeout(() => { eleget0('.reloadline')?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "center" }) }, 200);
      keyFunc: [{
        key: /Shift\+X|Shift\+Z/,
        func: (key, evt) => {
          let pl = /Shift\+X/.test(key);
          GF?.isFile && !eleget0('div.vsc-controller') && eleget0('img:hover , video:hover') && elegeta('video').find(e => !e.paused) && elegeta('video').forEach(e => {
            e.playbackRate = e?.playbackRate + (pl ? 0.1 : -0.1);
            popup3(`${pl?"Shift+X":"Shift+Z"}:動画再生速度${pl?"↑":"↓"} ×${Math.round(e?.playbackRate*10)/10}`, 7)
      }, {
        key: /x|z/,
        func: (key, evt) => {
          let pl = /x/.test(key);
          GF?.isFile && !eleget0('div.vsc-controller') && eleget0('img:hover , video:hover') && elegeta('video').filter(e => !e.paused).forEach(e => {
            e.currentTime = e?.currentTime + (pl ? 1 : -1);
            popup3(`${pl?"x":"z"}:動画再生位置${pl?"+":"-"}1秒 (${Math.round(e?.currentTime)}/${Math.round(e?.duration)})`, 7)
      }, { //          key: /^7$|^8$|^9$|^Shift\+\'$|^Shift\+\($|^Shift\+\)$|^0$/, // 7::8::9::Shift+789 0::
        key: /^7$|^8$|^9$|^Shift\+\'$|^Shift\+\($|^Shift\+\)$/, // 7::8::9::Shift+789 0::
        func: (e) => {
          keyFuncDispatch(e, null, SITEINFO?.find(v => v?.id2 == "futapo-catalog"));
      }, {
        key: "y", // y::
        func: e => {
          let str = window.getSelection()?.toString()?.trim()
          if (!str) return;
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          let strs = str.split("\n").map(v => v?.trim()?.replace(/^…\s+\d+.*$/, "")?.trim())?.filter(v => v > "")?.slice(0, 6)
          let urls = => `${(str)}`)
          let urls2 = => `${encodeURI(str)}`)
          if (confirm(`${strs.join("\n")}\nをYouTube検索します(安全のため一度に最大6行にしています)\n\nまたついでに下記をクリップボードにコピーします\nよろしいですか?\n\n${urls.join("\n")}\n`)) {
            GM.setClipboard(, i) => `${v} - YouTube\n${urls2[i]}\n`).join(""))
            urls2.forEach((v, i) => {
              setTimeout(() => {
                GM.openInTab(v, true)
              }, i * 5000)
      }, {
        key: /^(?:Shift\+)?(?:Alt\+)?(?:z|Z)$/, // z::ポップアップを画像として「名前を付けて保存」 Shift+で高画質、Alt+でメモを反映 Alt+だとクリップボードには○メモが付いたものだけコピーする
        id: "z",
        func: (e) => {
          elegeta('.relpost , .relpost2').forEach(e => {
          if (document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey)?.matches("video,img") || eleget0('.youtubePLViewer:hover')) return;
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          let target = eleget0('.ftbpu') ? ".ftbpu" : eleget0('#pickbox') ? "#presentPick" : ""
          let orgtarget = eleget0('.ftbpu') ? ".ftbpu" : eleget0('#pickbox') ? "#pickbox" : ""
          if (!target || !orgtarget) return;
          if (target == "#presentPick") {
            let p = end(document.body, `<div id="presentPick" class="ignoreMe" style="padding:5px; width:max-content; max-width:100%; background-color:#ffffeecc; "></div>`)
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            sortdom(elegeta('#presentPick table[data-rsc]'), v => v.getAttribute("data-rsc"))
          } else {
            let p = eleget0(target).cloneNode(true);
   = "presentPick";
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            target = "#presentPick"
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          if (elegeta(`${target} img:not(.quoteSpeechBalloonImg)`).length) { // 画像が1つでもあったら
            if (1 || !eleget0("#contdisp font:text*=スレッドがありません")) {
              let imgs = ld('') ? elegeta(`${target} a>img[src*="s."]:not([data-rep-lar])`).filter(e => e.src.match(/s\./)) :
                elegeta(`${target} a>img[src*="thumb/"]:not([data-rep-lar])`).filter(e => e.src.match(/thumb\/\d+s\./))
              imgs.forEach(img => {
                let orgHref = img?.parentNode?.href
                if (orgHref?.match(/\.(jpe?g|png|bmp|gif|webp)/)) {
                  img.dataset.repLar = 2;
                    url: orgHref,
                    type: 'HEAD',
                    error: (function(img) {
                      return function() {
                        img.dataset.repLar = 0;
                    success: (function(img) {
                      return function() {
                        img.src = orgHref;
                        img.dataset.repLar = 1
            let zwait = () => {
              if (!eleget0(`${target} table a>img[data-rep-lar="2"]`) && elegeta(`${target} table a>img[data-rep-lar="1"]`).every(e => e.complete)) { z(e, isZ ? 3 : 2, isZ ? 3 : 2) } else { setTimeout(zwait, 50) }
            setTimeout(zwait, 100 + elegeta(`${target} img:not(.quoteSpeechBalloonImg)`)?.length * 10)
          } else { z(e, isZ ? 2 : 1.5, isZ ? 2 : 1.5) }

          if (FUTABA_Z_TO_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_AS_TEXT_TOO) { // 文字としてもクリップボードにコピー
            let txt = elegeta('table[data-rsc]', eleget0(orgtarget)).filter(v => e.indexOf("Alt+") == -1 || eleget0('.yhmMyMemoO', v)).map(t => FUTABA_Z_TO_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_AS_TEXT_TOO.replace("${num1}", eleget0('.rsc', t)?.innerText || "").replace("${name1}", eleget0('.csb', t)?.innerText || "").replace("${name2}", eleget0('.cnm', t)?.innerText || "").replace("${time}", eleget0('.cnw', t)?.innerText || "").replace("${num2}", eleget0('.cno', t)?.innerText || "").replace("${soudane}", eleget0('.sod', t)?.innerText || "").replace("${text}", eleget0('blockquote', t)?.innerText || ""))
            popup3(elegeta('table[data-rsc]', eleget0(orgtarget)).map(t => `${eleget0('.rsc',t)?.innerText}`).join(","), 0, 5000, "top")

          function z(key, SCALE_MIN = 1, SCALE_MAX = 2) {
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            if (!eleget0(target)) return;
            let filenameSuffix = (key.indexOf("Alt+") != -1) ? FUTABA_ALTZ_FILENAME_SUFFIX : ""

            GF?.zFunc && GF?.zFunc()

            let honbun = elegeta(`${target} blockquote`).map(e => e.innerText)?.join(" ")?.replace(/\s+|\n+/gm, " ")?.trim()
            honbun = honbun?.replace(/\s*\>+[^\s]+/gm, "")?.trim() || res
            honbun = honbun?.slice(0, 100); // ?.replace(/キタ━+\(゚\∀゚\)━+\!+/gm,"");

            if (key.indexOf("Alt+") == -1) {
              $(`${target} .yhmMyMemo,${target} .relallArea,${target} .adddel`).remove()
              $(`${target} .sod`).css({ "font-size": "100%" }).removeClass("sodmypush") //,"float":"right" })
            $(`${target} .relallArea`).remove()

            $(`${target}`).css({ "box-shadow": "none", "transform": "scale(1)" })

            if (orgtarget == "#pickbox") {
              $(`${target} table`).css({ "margin-right": "auto", "margin-left": "0" })
              $(`${target} a img`).css({ "max-height": "" }) // pickの画像縦圧縮を解放する
            $(`${target} .revQuote`).after("<br>"); //css({ "display": "inline-block" })

            addstyle.add(`.yendotsaveElement .GM_FRRS_Counter,.yendotsaveElement .GM_FRRS_own_res{display:none}`)
            elegeta(`${target} .rsc`).forEach(e => = "")

            var hrefName = ""
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            var fn = `${signzen(document.title?.replace(/\s+|\n+/gm," ")?.trim()+" "+location.href).substr(0, D_FILENAME_MAXLENGTH-hrefName.length)}`?.trim()
            var res = honbun
            res = res?.replace(/^\s*\>.*\s*$/gm, "")?.replace(/キタ━+\(゚\∀゚\)━+\!+/gm, "")?.trim() || res;
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            if (res) fn = `${signzen(document.title+" "+location.href).substr(0, D_FILENAME_MAXLENGTH/2-hrefName.length)} ${signzen(res).substr(0, D_FILENAME_MAXLENGTH/2)}`.trim()
            fn += filenameSuffix

            function signzen(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\\|\/|\:|\;|\,|\+|\&|\=|\*|\?|\"|\'|\>|\<|\./g, c => { return String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) + 0xFEE0) }) }

            let puele = eleget0(`${target}`)

            let scale = Math.max(1, Math.min(SCALE_MAX, SCALE_MIN + (elegeta('img:not(.quoteSpeechBalloonImg)', puele).length * 0.5)))
            popup3(`z:ポップアップ(ピックアップ)を保存\n(Shift+で高画質、Alt+でメモを維持)\nScale = ${scale}`, 12)
            //            document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('saveDOMAsImage', { detail: { element: puele, filename: fn, scale: scale, hd: (key.indexOf("Shift+") != -1) ? 1 : 0, eleToFlash: target == ".ftbpu" ? eleget0(".ftbpu") : eleget0("#pickbox") } }))
            document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('saveDOMAsImage', { detail: { element: puele, filename: fn, scale: scale, hd: (key.indexOf("Shift+") != -1) ? 1 : 0, eleToFlash: orgtarget == ".ftbpu" ? eleget0(".ftbpu") : eleget0("#pickbox") } }))
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        key: 'e', // e::リロード
        func: () => {
          let r = location.protocol != "file:" && eleget0("#contres>a,#fvw_loading,a#akahuku_reload_button");
          if (r) {
            if (!GF.latestReload || new Date().getTime() - GF.latestReload > 4000) {
              location.protocol != "file:" &&;
              GF.latestReload = new Date().getTime();
            } // 要4秒インターバル
      }, {
        key: 'd', // d::
        func: (e) => {
          if (eleget0("a:hover,video:hover,img:hover")) return
      }, {
        key: 'Shift+F', // Shift+F::FTBucketでキーワード検索
        func: () => { searchWithHistory("FUTACHAN", "FTBucketとふたば★さーち", ['***', `***&gsc.sort=date`], "|") },
      }, {
        key: 'n', // n::Notificationで新着レスを通知on/off
        func: (key, evt, options = []) => {
          let [opt, changeto] = [options?.[0], options?.[1]] ////[opt[0],opt[1]];
          if (opt == "automation") {
            GF.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival = Number(changeto);
          } else {
            GF.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival = ((GF.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival || 0) + 1) % 5;
            pref("FUTABA_RELOAD_AND_NOTIFY_NEWRES_DEFAULT", GF.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival)
          let mess = `N:自動リロードと新着通知=${GF.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival}\n${["オフ","自動リロード","自動リロード+新着レスをNotificationで通知(メモ付きのみ)","自動リロード+新着レスをNotificationで通知(画像かメモ付きのみ)","自動リロード+新着レスをNotificationで通知(全て)"][GF.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival]}\n\n推奨:Firefoxではalerts.useSystemBackend false`
          //if (opt != "automation") popup2(`${mess}`, 8);
          if (opt != "automation") popup2(`N:自動リロードと新着通知\n${["オフ","自動リロード","自動リロード+新着レスをNotificationで通知(メモ付きのみ)","自動リロード+新着レスをNotificationで通知(画像かメモ付きのみ)","自動リロード+新着レスをNotificationで通知(全て)"].map((c, i) => " " + c + (i  == GF.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival ? " ←\n" : "\n")).join("")}`, 9, "min-width:31em;")

          if (GF.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival && ld("")) {
            $(`<span id="notiApiOn" class="ignoreMe" title="${mess}" style="all:initial; cursor:pointer; position: fixed; right:60em; bottom:0.5em; z-index:100; opacity:0.55; font-size:15px;  margin:0px 1px; text-decoration:none !important;  padding:1px 6px 1px 6px; word-break: break-all !important; border-radius:12px; border:solid 1px #888; background-color:${["#fff","#dfe","#dfe","#dfe"][GF.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival-1]}; color:#888; ">${["オフ","更新","メモ","画像","全て"][GF.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival]}</span>`).click(e => keyFuncDispatch("n")).appendTo('body');
      }, {
        key: 'a', // a::
        func: () => {
          GF.stopmoq = 1
          let isftchan = /^https?:\/\/kuzure\.but\.jp\/f\/b\//.test(location.href);
          let isanigeaki = /\/\/anige\.horigiri\.net\/\?p/.test(location.href);
          if (isanigeaki || isftchan) $(elegeta('.thre .rtd').filter(e => !e.closest("#pickbox,.ftbpu"))[0]).closest("table").before($('<div id="thre0"></div>'))
          GF.sort = (GF?.sort || 0) % 4 + 1 //var sorttype = GF.sort||0//Number($('.yhmSortType')?.attr("id") || 0);
          let sorttype = GF.sort

          if (lh(/\/futaba\.php\?guid\=on/)) {
            popup2("A:ソート\n" + (["fu+YouTube+ニコ動", "YouTube", "ニコ動", "fu"].map((c, i) => " " + c + (i + 1 == sorttype ? " ←\n" : "\n")).join("")), 6, "min-width:6em;")
            sorttype == 1 && sortdom(elegeta('div.catsr'), v => { return (v.textContent?.match(/(?<!>+[a-z0-9\/\.\-\:]+)(fu?\d+\.|youtube\.com\/watch|youtu\.be\/|nicovideo\.jp\/watch|\/\/nico\.ms\/)/g)?.length || 0) }, 1)
            sorttype == 2 && sortdom(elegeta('div.catsr'), v => { return (v.textContent?.match(/(?<!>+[a-z0-9\/\.\-\:]+)(\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/|youtu\.be\/)/g)?.length || 0) }, 1)
            sorttype == 3 && sortdom(elegeta('div.catsr'), v => { return (v.textContent?.match(/(?<!>+[a-z0-9\/\.\-\:]+)(nicovideo\.jp\/watch|\/\/nico\.ms\/)/g)?.length || 0) }, 1)
            sorttype == 4 && sortdom(elegeta('div.catsr'), v => { return (v.textContent?.match(/(?<!>+[a-z0-9\/\.\-\:]+)(fu?\d+\.)/g)?.length || 0) }, 1)
          } else {
            popup2("A:ソート\n" + (["画像", "そうだね", "引用", "古い順"].map((c, i) => " " + c + (i + 1 == sorttype ? " ←\n" : "\n")).join("")), 6, "min-width:6em;")
            sorttype == 1 && sortdom(elegeta('table:not([data-reszero]) .rtd:not(#pickbox .rtd,.ftbpu .rtd)').map(v => v?.closest('table')), (v) => { return (((v.querySelector('table:not([data-reszero]) .sod') || v).innerText?.match0(/そうだねx(\d+)/) || 0) * 1) + (v.querySelectorAll("table:not([data-reszero]) .revQuote").length * 1) + (((v.textContent.match(/\.(gif|webm|mp4).*\d\d\d\sB\)|youtube\.|youtu\.be|nicovideo|(?<!>)fu?\d+\.(gif|webm|mp4)/gmi) ? 1 : 0) * 1000000000) || ((v.textContent.match(/\d\d\d\sB\)|(?<!>)fu?\d+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|webp)/gmi) ? 1 : 0) * 1000000) || ((v.textContent.match(/ttps?\:\/\//gmi) ? 1 : 0) * 1000)) }, 1) // リンクも加点
            sorttype == 2 && sortdom(elegeta('table:not([data-reszero]) .rtd:not(#pickbox .rtd,.ftbpu .rtd)').map(v => v?.closest('table')), (v) => { return (((v.querySelector('table:not([data-reszero]) .sod') || v).innerText?.match0(/そうだねx(\d+)/) || 0) * 1000000000) + (v.querySelectorAll("table:not([data-reszero]) .revQuote").length * 1000000) + (((v.textContent.match(/\d\d\d\sB\)|youtube\.|youtu\.be|nicovideo|(?<!>)fu?\d+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp|webm|mp4)/gmi) || []).length * 1000) || ((v.textContent.match(/ttps?\:\/\//gmi) || []).length * 1)) }, 1) // リンクも加点
            sorttype == 3 && sortdom(elegeta('table:not([data-reszero]) .rtd:not(#pickbox .rtd,.ftbpu .rtd)').map(v => v?.closest('table')), (v) => { return (((v.querySelector('table:not([data-reszero]) .sod') || v).innerText?.match0(/そうだねx(\d+)/) || 0) * 1000000) + (v.querySelectorAll("table:not([data-reszero]) .revQuote").length * 1000000000) + (((v.textContent.match(/\d\d\d\sB\)|youtube\.|youtu\.be|nicovideo|(?<!>)fu?\d+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp|webm|mp4)/gmi) || []).length * 1000) || ((v.textContent.match(/ttps?\:\/\//gmi) || []).length * 1)) }, 1) // リンクも加点
            sorttype == 4 && sortdom(elegeta('table:not([data-reszero]) .rtd:not(#pickbox .rtd,.ftbpu .rtd)').map(v => v?.closest('table')), v => v.getAttribute("rsc")) //,
          setTimeout(() => { GF.stopmoq = 0 }, 500)

      funcOnlyFirst: () => { ///xxx:
        hoverHelp(e => e?.closest('table[border="0"]') ? "Q:非表示 W:アンドゥ 1,5:○メモ 2,6:×メモ" : "")
        GF.latestReload = - 3000
        GF.newarticle = 1000
        GF.latestInterval = FUTABA_AUTO_RELOAD_INTERVAL * 60 * 1000
        GF.isFile = location.protocol == "file:" && eleget0('tbody > tr > th[bgcolor="#e04000"] > font[color="#FFFFFF"]:text*=レス送信モード')
        let is2chan = /^https?:\/\/[^.]+\.2chan\.net\//.test(location.href) || GF.isFile;
        let isftb = /^https?:\/\/[^\.]+\.ftbucket\.info\/|\/\/futafuta\.site\/thread\/|\/\/parupunte\.net\/logbox\/detail\.html\?no\=\d+/.test(location.href) || GF.isFile; //    let isftb = /^https?:\/\/www\.ftbucket\.info\//.test(location.href);
        let istsumanne = ld("");

        // 添付ファイル関係
          key: 'v', // v::
          func: () => {
            GF.webpQ = proInput(`v:\nWebP品質を1-10で指定してください(現在値:${GF?.webpQ||"未指定"})\n\n推奨:5-8\nロスレス圧縮:10\n10<n:無変換\n\nQ.これは何?いつ使われる?\nA.クリップボードに画像か動画がある時にページにCtrl+Vするとそれを添付ファイルとして設定できますがその際にここで品質を指定してあると「指定した品質のWebP」「ロスレスWebP」「元ファイル」の3種類の変換を試行して最もファイルサイズが小さくなったものを採用します。未指定時は「ロスレスWebP」と「元ファイル」の2種類のみ試行します。10超を指定すると一切変換をしません\n\n`, GF.webpQ || FUTABA_WEBP_LOSSY_QUALITY * 10, 0.001, 10.1) || undefined; // 非指定時もそれが実体のファイルのない生のビットマップ画像データだった場合には\n品質8またはロスレスでWebPに変換します\n未設定時はロッシー圧縮向きの画像には8、ロスレス向きなら10が使われます

        // 添付ファイル選択にD&D・クリップボードからのペーストを可能にする
        let fileSel;
        waitdo(() => eleget0('input[type="file"][name="upfile"] , input[type="file"][id="upup"] , input[type="file"]#up2input'), () => {
          if (!lh(/\/res\/|\/futaba\.htm$/)) return;
          fileSel = eleget0('input[type="file"][name="upfile"]') || eleget0('input[type="file"][id="upup"]') || eleget0('input[type="file"]#up2input')
          if (fileSel) {

            let tf = eleget0(':is(input[type="file"][name="upfile"],input[type="file"][id="upup"] , input[type="file"]#up2input)') ? `\nCtrl+v:クリップボードの画像/動画を添付` : ``;
            if (!eleget0('input[value="スレッドを立てる"]')) popup3(`Shift+F:FTBucket検索\na:画像順/そうだね順/引用順でソート${location.href.match0(/^https?:\/\/[^.]+\.2chan\.net\//)?"\ne:新着チェック\nd:新着チェック+新着に移動\nc:ホバー下にそうだね\nn:自動リロード&新着通知\nm:監視ワード設定"+tf:""}`, 7, 5000)

            if (fileSel?.files?.length) {
            setTimeout(() => elegeta('input[type="file"][name="upfile"] , input[type="file"][id="upup"] , input[type="file"]#up2input').forEach(e => e.setAttribute(`title`, `ここにドラッグ&ドロップでファイルを落とすかクリップボードに画像か動画がある時にここにホバーしてペースト(Ctrl+V)しても添付ファイルを選択できます\nファイル名はランダムな数字にし、メタデータを除去します。vキーでWebP再圧縮率の設定をします\n\nここ以外の場所(ページ内の何もない背景など)でファイルをCtrl+Vすると添付File→あぷにアップ→futaba-add-uploaderの順で探して最初に見つかったものにファイルを選択します`)), 2100)
            fileSel.setAttribute(`ondragover`, `event.preventDefault();event.dataTransfer.dropEffect='copy';'dragdrop-over')`)
            fileSel.setAttribute(`ondragenter`, `'dragdrop-over')`)
            fileSel.setAttribute(`ondragleave`, `'dragdrop-over')`)
            addstyle.add(`:is(input[type="file"][name="upfile"],input[type="file"][id="upup"] , input[type="file"]#up2input){transition:box-shadow 0.33s;}
          .dragdrop-over { -webkit-appearance:none; position:relative; z-index:1000; outline: 5px solid #2196F3 !important; background-color: #e3f2fd !important; box-shadow:0 0 0 9999px #000000aa; transition:all 0.5s; animation:upfilein2 1s linear infinite;}
          .upfilein { -webkit-appearance:none; animation:upfilein 1s linear infinite; }
          @keyframes upfilein { 0% { outline:4px solid #1133ff; background-color: #e0e8ff; } 50% { outline:4px solid #def; background-color: #e0e8ff; } 100% { outline:4px solid #1133ff; background-color: #e0e8ff; } }
          @keyframes upfilein2 { 0% { outline:3px solid #2299ff; background-color: #fff; } 50% { outline:3px solid #eef; background-color: #bdf; } 100% { outline:3px solid #2299ff; background-color: #fff; } }
          .pvholder {animation:1s linear infinite upfilein; transform:scale( calc(23 / 300) ); bottom:0em; right:6.5em !important; transform-origin:bottom right; top:auto !important;} `)

            setTimeout(() => {
              document.querySelectorAll(':is(input[type="file"][name="upfile"],input[type="file"][id="upup"] , input[type="file"]#up2input)').forEach(input => {
                let gomi = after(input, `<span class="clearFileInput" title="選択ファイルを取り消す" style="cursor:pointer; margin-left:0.5em; font-size:1rem;">🗑</span>`);
                gomi.addEventListener("click", e => {
         = '';
                  return false;
            }, 2100) // あぷにアップよりあとにする

            fileSel.addEventListener('drop', async e => {
              fileSel = eleget0(':is(input[type="file"][name="upfile"],input[type="file"][id="upup"] , input[type="file"]#up2input):hover') || eleget0('input[type="file"][name="upfile"]') || eleget0('input[type="file"][id="upup"]') || eleget0('input[type="file"]#up2input')
              if (await fileset(e?.dataTransfer?.files?.[0], `ドラッグアンドドロップ`, fileSel) == 0) popup2('D&Dに対応するのは「画像か動画」かつ「1ファイルだけ」です')

            document.addEventListener('paste', async (e) => {
              if ( === 'INPUT' || === 'TEXTAREA' || || (('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer') || document.activeElement.closest('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer')))) return;
              fileSel = eleget0(':is(input[type="file"][name="upfile"],input[type="file"][id="upup"] , input[type="file"]#up2input):hover') || eleget0('input[type="file"][name="upfile"]') || eleget0('input[type="file"][id="upup"]') || eleget0('input[type="file"]#up2input')
              let file = firstFile(e?.clipboardData?.items)

              function firstFile(cbd) {
                for (let i = 0; i < cbd?.length; i++) {
                  if (/^image\/|^video\//.test(cbd[i]?.getAsFile()?.type)) return cbd[i]?.getAsFile();
              if (file) await fileset(file, `クリップボード`, fileSel)

            async function fileset(srcfile, from, fileSel) {
              if (!srcfile || !/^image\/|^video\//.test(srcfile?.type)) {
                return 0;
              // 添付ファイル選択にCtrl+VでOSからペースト
              addstyle.add(`.pastePreviewContainer { font-size:85%; z-index:2000000021; position: fixed;top: 1em; right: 1em; background-color: #fff; padding: 10px; border: 4px solid #29f; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 0 2em #00000040; max-width: 300px; min-width:300px; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-all; transition:all 0.5s; }
          .pastePreviewContainer:hover {transform:scale(1) !important; transition:all 0.2s; }
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              end(document.body, `<div class="pastePreviewContainer">添付ファイルプレビュー準備中…</div>`);

              const fileName = || '';
              const currentDate = new Date();
              currentDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);

              let file = new File([FUTABA_EXPERIMENTAL_REMOVE_METADATA_FROM_UPFILE() ? await removeMetadataFromFile(srcfile) : srcfile], `${new Array(~~(Math.random()*6)+1).fill(0).map(v=>~~(Math.random()*10)).join("")}.${fileName.split('.').pop().toLowerCase()}`, {
                type: srcfile.type,
                lastModified: currentDate.getTime(),
                webkitRelativePath: ''
              let deleteMeta = srcfile.size > file.size;
              let toWebp = 0,
                colors, psnr;

              [file, toWebp, colors, psnr] = await pngToWebp(srcfile, file);
              file = new File([file],, { type: file.type, lastModified: currentDate.getTime(), webkitRelativePath: '' });

              let xyreso = await getResolution(file) || "";

              async function getResolution(file) {
                return new Promise((resolve) => {
                  try {
                    const objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file);
                    if (file.type.startsWith('image/')) {
                      const img = new Image();
                      img.onload = () => {
                        const { naturalWidth: w, naturalHeight: h } = img;
                        img.src = '';
                        resolve(`original: ${w} x ${h}`);
                      img.onerror = () => resolve("");
                      img.src = objectUrl;
                    } else if (file.type.startsWith('video/')) {
                      const video = document.createElement('video');
                      video.onloadedmetadata = () => {
                        const { videoWidth: w, videoHeight: h, duration } = video;
                        video.src = '';
                        resolve(`original: ${w} x ${h} - ${new Date(duration * 1000).toISOString().slice(11, 19)}<br>`);
                      video.onerror = () => resolve("");
                      video.src = objectUrl;
                    } else resolve("");
                  } catch {

              let srcPreview = (clientHeight() > 999 || debug) ? `<div class="pastePreview-container"><${/^image\//.test(srcfile.type) ? 'img' : 'video'} id="upfilemedia" src="${URL.createObjectURL(srcfile)}" ${/^image\//.test(srcfile.type) ? '' : 'controls'}></${/^image\//.test(file.type) ? 'img' : 'video'}></div>` : "";
              let pv = end(document.body, `<div class="pastePreviewContainer"><span id="filegomibako" title="ファイル選択を解除" style="float:right; font-size:20px; cursor:pointer;">🗑</span>添付ファイルプレビュー<br><br>${from}:<br> name: "${sani(}"<br> size: ${sani(srcfile.size.toLocaleString())} bytes<br>type: "${sani(srcfile.type)}"<br>${srcPreview}<br>→添付ファイル: ${psnr}<br> name: "${sani(}"<br>size: ${sani(file.size.toLocaleString())} bytes${deleteMeta?" (メタデータ除去)":""}${toWebp}<br> type: "${sani(file.type)}"<br>lastModified: ${sani(new Date(file.lastModified).toLocaleString())}<br><br>${xyreso}${colors}<div class="pastePreview-container"><${/^image\//.test(file.type) ? 'img' : 'video'} id="upfilemedia" src="${URL.createObjectURL(file)}" ${/^image\//.test(file.type) ? '' : 'controls'}></${/^image\//.test(file.type) ? 'img' : 'video'}></div></div>`);
              setTimeout(pv => $(document).one("click wheel mousemove keydown", "body", () => $(pv).addClass("pvholder")), 1000, pv)

              eleget0('#filegomibako')?.addEventListener("click", e => {
                document.querySelectorAll(':is(input[type="file"][name="upfile"],input[type="file"][id="upup"]) , input[type="file"]#up2input').forEach(e => e.value = '')
                return false;
              const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer();
              fileSel.files = dataTransfer.files;
              fileSel.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "center" });
              GF.modal = setTimeout(() => fileSel?.classList?.remove('dragdrop-over'), 1000);


              if (fileSel.matches("#upup")) { // あぷにアップの処理が終わった頃ULしたにせよキャンセルしたにせよ点滅を消す
                setTimeout(fileSel => {
                  fileSel?.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))
                }, 600, fileSel)
              } else {
              return 1;
        }, 9999)

        setTimeout(() => {
          elegeta('input#up2input').forEach(e => {
            new MutationObserver(e => {
            }).observe(e, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true });
        }, 2100)

        document.addEventListener("click", e => {
          if (e?.target?.matches(`span.clearFileInput , input[type="file"] , input[type="submit"] , button#up2submit , span#filegomibako`)) refreshUpfilein();
        }, true)

        document.addEventListener("yhm2chanAllDone", refreshUpfilein)

        function refreshUpfilein() {
          setTimeout(() => {
            elegeta('input[type="file"].upfilein')?.filter(e => !e?.files?.length)?.forEach(e => e?.classList?.remove('upfilein'));

            if (elegeta('input[type="file"].upfilein').every(e => !e?.files?.length)) {
              //$(':is(input[type="file"][name="upfile"],input[type="file"][id="upup"] , input[type="file"]#up2input):hover').removeClass('dragdrop-over')
          }, 34)

        function fileSelectOff(com = 0) {
          //          $('.upfilein').removeClass("upfilein")
          elegeta('.upfilein')?.filter(e => e?.files?.length == 0)?.forEach(e => e?.classList?.remove('upfilein'));
          if (elegeta('.upfilein').every(e => !e?.files?.length)) $('.upfilein').removeClass("upfilein");
          $(com == "all" ? 'input[type="file"]' : fileSel)?.classList?.remove('dragdrop-over');
          //$(':is(input[type="file"][name="upfile"],input[type="file"][id="upup"] , input[type="file"]#up2input):hover').removeClass('dragdrop-over')

        async function pngToWebp(srcFile, inputFile) {
          if (GF?.webpQ && GF?.webpQ > 10) return [inputFile, debug ? `(指定WebP品質${GF?.webpQ}>10により無変換)` : "", "", ""]
          if ((!(GF?.webpQ && inputFile.type == 'image/webp') && inputFile.type != 'image/avif' && inputFile.type != 'image/png' && inputFile.type != 'image/jpeg') || GF?.canvasNA == 1) return [inputFile, debug ? "(WebP化対象外)" : "", "", ""];
          const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
          if (!canvas.getContext) return [inputFile, debug ? "(canvas使用不可)" : "", ""];
          const img = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const reader = new FileReader();
            reader.onload = e => {
              const image = new Image();
              image.onload = () => resolve(image);
              image.onerror = reject;
              image.src =;
            reader.onerror = reject;
          canvas.width = img.width;
          canvas.height = img.height;
          canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0);

          async function countUniqueColors(file) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
              const img = new Image();
              img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
              img.src = URL.createObjectURL(file);
              img.onload = () => {
                const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
                const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
                canvas.width = img.width;
                canvas.height = img.height;
                context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
                const data = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data;
                const colors = new Set();
                let count = 0;
                const startTime =;
                const maxDuration = 333;
                for (let i = 0; i < data.length && - startTime < maxDuration; i += 4) {
                  if (data[i + 3] > 0) colors.add(`${data[i]},${data[i + 1]},${data[i + 2]}`);
              img.onerror = error => {

          let colors = await countUniqueColors(inputFile)
          let debugcolors = (1 || debug) && ` (${colors} colors)` || ""

          let validBlobs;
          if (inputFile.type == "image/avif") { // avifならまだ対応してないので強制的にwebpに変換して確定
            validBlobs = [
              //new File([await canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/webp', 1)],\.\w+$/, `.webp`), { type: "image/webp" }),
              new File([await canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/webp', GF?.webpQ ? (GF?.webpQ / 10) : FUTABA_WEBP_LOSSY_QUALITY)],\.\w+$/, `.webp`), { type: "image/webp" })
            inputFile = new File([await canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/webp', 1)],\.\w+$/, `.webp`), { type: "image/webp" });
          } else {
            const blobPromises = ( == "image.png" && inputFile.type == "image/png") ? [canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/webp', GF?.webpQ ? (GF?.webpQ / 10) : colors <= 10000 ? 1 : FUTABA_WEBP_LOSSY_QUALITY), canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/webp', 1)] :
              GF?.webpQ ? [canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/webp', (GF?.webpQ / 10)), canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/webp', 1)] : [canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/webp', 1)];
            const blobs = await Promise.all( => p.catch(() => null)));
            validBlobs = [inputFile, ...blobs.filter(blob => blob !== null)];
          let bestBlob = validBlobs.reduce((prev, curr) => curr.size < prev.size ? curr : prev, inputFile);
          let psnr = `(PSNR: ${Math.floor(await getPSNR(inputFile,bestBlob))}dB)`;
          //psnr += ` / SSIM: ${Math.round(await getSSIM(inputFile,bestBlob)*1000)/1000}`

          async function getPSNR(file1, file2) {
            const [pixels1, pixels2] = await Promise.all([loadImagePixels(file1), loadImagePixels(file2)]);
            if (pixels1.width !== pixels2.width || pixels1.height !== pixels2.height) return 0;
            const pixelCount = pixels1.width * pixels1.height;
            let mse = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++)
              for (let c = 0; c < 3; c++)
                mse += ([i * 4 + c] -[i * 4 + c]) ** 2;
            mse /= pixelCount * 3;
            return mse === 0 ? 50 : 10 * Math.log10((255 ** 2) / mse);

          function loadImagePixels(file) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
              const img = new Image();
              img.onload = () => {
                const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
                canvas.width = img.width;
                canvas.height = img.height;
                const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
                ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
                const { data } = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
                resolve({ data, width: img.width, height: img.height });
              img.onerror = reject;
              img.src = URL.createObjectURL(file);

          if (bestBlob.size < inputFile.size / 1000) { GF.canvasNA = 1; return [inputFile, "(おそらくcanvas無効)", debugcolors]; }
          return bestBlob.size < inputFile.size ? [new File([bestBlob],\.\w+$/, `.${bestBlob.type.split('/').pop()}`), { type: bestBlob.type }), `(${\.(\w+)$/)}→${bestBlob.type.split('/').pop()})`, debugcolors, psnr] : [inputFile, debug ? "(元ファイルが最小)" : "", debugcolors, psnr];

        function canvasToBlob(canvas, type, quality) {
          return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
            canvas.toBlob(blob => blob ? resolve(blob) : reject(new Error('')), type, quality)

        async function removeMetadataFromFile(file) {
          try {
            let newfile =
              (file.type.startsWith('image/png')) ? await cleanPNG(file) :
              (file.type.startsWith('image/jpeg')) ? await cleanJPEG(file) :
              (file.type.startsWith('image/webp')) ? await cleanWEBP(file) :
              (file.type.startsWith('image/gif')) ? await cleanGIF(file) :
            return newfile
          } catch { return file; }

        async function cleanGIF(file) {
          const buffer = await file.arrayBuffer(),
            view = new DataView(buffer);
          const header = String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(buffer, 0, 6));
          if (header !== 'GIF87a' && header !== 'GIF89a') return file;
          const newGIF = [buffer.slice(0, 13)];
          (view.getUint8(10) & 0x80) && newGIF.push(buffer.slice(13, 13 + 3 * (1 << ((view.getUint8(10) & 0x07) + 1))));
          for (let i = newGIF.reduce((sum, arr) => sum + arr.byteLength, 0); i < buffer.byteLength;) {
            const block = view.getUint8(i);
            if (block === 0x21) {
              const extType = view.getUint8(i + 1);
              extType === 0xFE ? (i = skipBlock(view, i + 2)) : (newGIF.push(buffer.slice(i, skipBlock(view, i + 2))), i = skipBlock(view, i + 2));
            } else if (block === 0x2C) {
              const imageStart = i;
              i += 10;
              (view.getUint8(i - 1) & 0x80) && (i += 3 * (1 << ((view.getUint8(i - 1) & 0x07) + 1)));
              newGIF.push(buffer.slice(imageStart, i = skipBlock(view, i + 1)));
            } else if (block === 0x3B) {
              newGIF.push(new Uint8Array([0x3B]));
            } else i++;
          return new File(newGIF,, { type: 'image/gif' });
          const skipBlock = (view, start) => {
            let i = start;
            while (view.getUint8(i) !== 0) i += view.getUint8(i) + 1;
            return i + 1;

        async function cleanWEBP(file) { // 不十分、要修正
          const view = new DataView(await file.arrayBuffer());
          if (String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(view.buffer.slice(0, 4))) !== 'RIFF') return file;
          const chunks = [];
          for (let offset = 12; offset < view.byteLength;) {
            const chunkFourCC = String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(view.buffer.slice(offset, offset + 4)));
            const chunkSize = view.getUint32(offset + 4, true);
            const chunkData = view.buffer.slice(offset, offset + 8 + chunkSize);
            if (['VP8 ', 'VP8L', 'VP8X', 'ALPH', 'ANIM'].includes(chunkFourCC))
            offset += 8 + chunkSize + (chunkSize & 1);
          const totalSize = chunks.reduce((sum, chunk) => sum + chunk.byteLength, 0) + 12;
          const newWebP = new Uint8Array(totalSize);
          newWebP.set(new Uint8Array(view.buffer.slice(0, 4)), 0);
          new DataView(newWebP.buffer).setUint32(4, totalSize - 8, true);
          newWebP.set(new Uint8Array(view.buffer.slice(8, 12)), 8);
          chunks.reduce((offset, chunk) => {
            newWebP.set(new Uint8Array(chunk), offset);
            return offset + chunk.byteLength;
          }, 12);
          const newfile = new File([newWebP],, { type: 'image/webp' })
          if (file.size - 1 == newfile.size || newfile.size == 44) return file;
          return newfile;

        async function cleanJPEG(file) {
          const buffer = await file.arrayBuffer();
          const view = new DataView(buffer);
          if (view.getUint16(0) !== 0xFFD8) return file;
          const imageData = [buffer.slice(0, 2)];
          let offset = 2;
          while (offset < view.byteLength) {
            const marker = view.getUint16(offset);
            if ((marker & 0xFF00) !== 0xFF00) return file;
            const segmentLength = view.getUint16(offset + 2);
            const segmentType = marker & 0xFF;
            if (segmentType === 0xDA) {
            } else if ([0xC0, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0xC4, 0xDB, 0xDC, 0xDD].includes(segmentType)) {
              imageData.push(buffer.slice(offset, offset + 2 + segmentLength));
            offset += 2 + segmentLength;
          return new File(imageData,, { type: 'image/jpeg' });

        async function cleanPNG(file) {
          const view = new DataView(await file.arrayBuffer());
          const signature = [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10];
          if (signature.some((byte, i) => view.getUint8(i) !== byte)) return file;
          const chunks = [];
          for (let offset = 8; offset < view.byteLength;) {
            const length = view.getUint32(offset);
            const type = String.fromCharCode(...Array.from({ length: 4 }, (_, i) => view.getUint8(offset + 4 + i)));
            if (['IHDR', 'PLTE', 'IDAT', 'IEND'].includes(type))
              chunks.push(view.buffer.slice(offset, offset + 12 + length));
            offset += 12 + length;
          return new File([new Uint8Array(signature), ...chunks],, { type: 'image/png' });

        // u::youtubeリンクを小窓で全て再生
        if (FUTABA_YOUTUBE_PLAYALL_BUTTON >= 2) keyFuncAdd([{
          key: 'u', // u::
          func: () => {
            let isON = eleget0('.youtubePLViewer')
            isON ? isON?.remove() : youtubePLV("y");

        function youtubePLVsetButton() {
          if (!FUTABA_YOUTUBE_PLAYALL_BUTTON) return;
          let inp = [...elegeta('a:visible').map(e => e.href.replace("//", "//").replace("//", "//").replace(/\/\/yewtu\.be\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-,]{11})(.*)/, "//$1$2").replace("//", "//")).filter(v => /youtube\.com|youtu\.be/.test(v)), ...document?.body?.innerText?.split(/\n|\s/)?.filter(v => /youtube\.com|youtu\.be/.test(v)), ...elegeta('iframe[src*="youtube"]').map(e => e?.src)].join(" ").split(/\s/).map(v => { return [...v?.matchAll(/^(?:h?t?tps?:\/\/)?(?:youtu\.be\/|(?:m\.|www\.|)?youtube\.com\/(?:shorts\/|watch\?v=|embed\/|live\/))([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11})(?![a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{1})|^(?:h?t?tps?:\/\/)?www\.youtube\.com\/(?:watch_videos\?video_ids=|embed\/\?playlist=)([a-zA-Z0-9_\-,]{11,600})/gmi)]?.map(c => c.slice(1, 999)) })?.flat()?.flat()?.map(v => v?.split(","))?.flat()?.filter(c => /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11}$/.test(c))
          if (!inp?.length) return;
          //if (!elegeta('blockquote a[href*="youtu"]').some(e => /^(?:h?t?tps?:\/\/)?(?:youtu\.be\/|(?:m\.|www\.|)?youtube\.com\/(?:shorts\/|watch\?v=|embed\/|live\/))([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11})(?![a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{1})|^(?:h?t?tps?:\/\/)?www\.youtube\.com\/(?:watch_videos\?video_ids=|embed\/\?playlist=)([a-zA-Z0-9_\-,]{11,600})/gmi.test(e))) return;
          let isON = elegeta('.youtubePLViewer');
          end(document.body, `<div id="youtubePLVButton" style="position:fixed; right:50em; bottom:0.5em; z-index:99999; width:1.66em; text-align:center; border-radius:0.5em; color:#fff; background-color:#888; cursor:pointer; opacity:0.4; font-size:17px;" title="クリック${FUTABA_YOUTUBE_PLAYALL_BUTTON>=2?"/u":""}:このページにあるYouTube動画を小窓で連続再生する(1回目:昇順、2回目以降:逆順)\n右クリック:シャッフルして再生\nもう一度押すと終了">${isON?.length?"×":GF?.PLVed?"◀":"▶"}</div>`)
          eleget0('#youtubePLVButton')?.addEventListener("click", e => {
            if (isON?.length) { isON.forEach(e => e.remove()) } else {
              youtubePLV(e.button == 0 ? "" : "Shift+Ctrl+Y");
              GF.PLVed = 1;
          }, true)
          eleget0('#youtubePLVButton')?.addEventListener("contextmenu", e => {
            isON?.length ? isON.forEach(e => e.remove()) : youtubePLV(e.button == 0 ? "" : "Shift+Ctrl+Y");
            return false;
          }, true)

        function youtubePLV(key) {
          const IPURL = ``;
          let option = key == "Shift+Ctrl+Y" ? "shuffle" : "";
          let inp = [...elegeta('a:visible').map(e => e.href.replace("//", "//").replace("//", "//").replace(/\/\/yewtu\.be\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-,]{11})(.*)/, "//$1$2").replace("//", "//")).filter(v => /youtube\.com|youtu\.be/.test(v)), ...document?.body?.innerText?.split(/\n|\s/)?.filter(v => /youtube\.com|youtu\.be/.test(v)), ...elegeta('iframe[src*="youtube"]').map(e => e?.src)].join(" ");
          if (inp || 1) {
            var urlcap = inp.split(/\s/).map(v => { return [...v?.matchAll(/^(?:h?t?tps?:\/\/)?(?:youtu\.be\/|(?:m\.|www\.|)?youtube\.com\/(?:shorts\/|watch\?v=|embed\/|live\/))([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11})(?![a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{1})|^(?:h?t?tps?:\/\/)?www\.youtube\.com\/(?:watch_videos\?video_ids=|embed\/\?playlist=)([a-zA-Z0-9_\-,]{11,600})/gmi)]?.map(c => c.slice(1, 999)) })?.flat()?.flat()?.map(v => v?.split(","))?.flat()?.filter(c => /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11}$/.test(c)) // 書式が混在していても登場順に収納する
            inp = null;
            if (urlcap?.length || 1) {
              let urla = urlcap //urlcap.join(",").split(",").filter(c => /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11}$/.test(c)); // 動画IDは11桁
              let urllen = urla.length;
              let urla2 = [ Set(urla)]; // 重複削除
              if (GF?.PLVed) urla2 = urla2?.reverse();
              else GF.PLVed = 1;
              if (option == "shuffle") urla2 = shuffle(urla2); // シャッフル
              let urllen2 = urla2.length;
              let urla3 = [...urla2].slice(0, 50); // 50件まで
              let urlenum = urla3.join(",")
              let url = `${IPURL}${urla2.join(",")}`
              var enumUrl = []
              for (let u = 0; u < urla2.length / 50; u++) {
                enumUrl.push(`${urla2[u*50]}?playlist=${ (urla2.slice(u*50, u*50+50).join(",") ) }`)
              if (enumUrl?.length) {
                enumUrl.forEach((u, i) => {
                  let plv = end(document.body, `<div class="youtubePLViewer" style="overflow:hidden; resize:both; position:fixed; left:calc(50vw - 160px); top:-16px; z-index:${99999-i}; padding:15px; border-radius:15px; border:1px solid #80808080; background-color:#ffffff80; ">` +
                    `<p class="ignoreMe pEmbedYT" style="display:inline-block; margin:0;" title="${sani(u)}"><iframe sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" class="ignoreMe" referrerpolicy="strict-origin" src="${u}${i==0?"&autoplay=1":""}" id="ytplayer" type="text/html"  height=181 frameborder=0 allowfullscreen allow="picture-in-picture; encrypted-media;"></iframe></p>` +
                  new MutationObserver(m => { // 小窓をリサイズしたら中のyoutube iframeも連動リサイズ
                    let ytif = eleget0('#ytplayer', plv)
                    ytif.width = plv.offsetWidth - 16 * 2;
                    ytif.height = plv.offsetHeight - 16 * 2;
                  }).observe(plv, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: false });
                  plv && dragElement(plv, "*", "iframe", ".youtubePLViewer")

            function shuffle(array) {
              return => ({ rnd: Math.random(), val: a })).sort((a, b) => a.rnd - b.rnd).map(a => a.val);

        // 以降スレッド内のみ
        if (!GF.isFile && (is2chan && !location.href.match0(/\.2chan\..+\/res\/|\.2chan\.net\/[^\/]*\/futaba\.php\?guid\=on$|\/\/futafuta\.site\/thread\/|\/\/parupunte\.net\/logbox\/detail\.html\?no\=\d+/))) return;
        //        if (!GF.isFile && (is2chan && !location.href.match0(/\.2chan\..+\/res\/|\.2chan\.net\/b\/futaba\.htm$|\.2chan\.net\/[^\/]*\/futaba\.php\?guid\=on$/))) return;
        let iskurokako = /\/\/kako\.futakuro\.com\/futa\//.test(location.href);
        let isftchan = /^https?:\/\/kuzure\.but\.jp\/f\/b\//.test(location.href);
        let isanigeaki = /\/\/anige\.horigiri\.net\/\?p/.test(location.href);
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        if (isanigeaki) GM_addStyle('table, th, td{border:0;}');
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            let a = prompt(`m:\n監視ワードを正規表現+独自構文で設定できます\nこれにヒットしたレスはNotificationで通知されます\n\n${tips}\n\n現在の設定値:\n${GF?.alertWord||"なし"}\n\n推奨:Firefoxではalerts.useSystemBackend false`, GF?.alertWord || "")
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          tempDiv.innerHTML = html;

          function replaceText(node) {
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                videoList ? `${videoList[0]}?playlist=${videoList?.join(',')}` :
                pl ? `${pl}` :
              if (src) {
                $(eleget0('.embedyt', bq)).append(`<p class="ignoreMe pEmbedYT youtubeBQP" title="${sani(url)}\n${sani(src)}"><iframe loading="lazy" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" class="ignoreMe" referrerpolicy="strict-origin" src="${src}" id="ytplayer" type="text/html"  height=181 frameborder=0 allowfullscreen allow="picture-in-picture; encrypted-media;"></iframe></p>`);
                ele.title = `${sani(url)}\n↓\n${sani(src)}`;
            } else { // 1列モード
              if (sm) $(ele?.closest("td,div.thre>blockquote:not([yte])")).append('<blockquote><p class="ignoreMe" style="margin:0 0 0px;"><iframe loading="lazy" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" class="ignoreMe" referrerpolicy="strict-origin" src="' + sm[1] + (pl ? `?list=${pl}` : "") + (sm[2] ? `${pl?"&":"?"}start=` + sm[2] : "") + `" id="ytplayer" type="text/html"  height=181 frameborder=0 allowfullscreen allow="picture-in-picture; encrypted-media;"></p></blockquote>`); //width=${pl?401:321}
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        addstyle.add(`.pEmbedYT{display:inline-block; margin:0 1em 1em 0;}`)
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            elegeta('table blockquote a:not([ime])').filter(v => v?.href?.match(/fu?\d+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp)/gmi)).forEach(e => {
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            elegeta('table blockquote a:not([ime])').filter(v => v?.href?.match(/fu?\d+\.(mp4|webm|mp3|aac|flac|m4a)/gmi)).forEach(e => {
              e.setAttribute("ime", "ime");
              $(e?.closest("td,div.thre>blockquote")).append(`<blockquote style="margin-top:0;"><p class="ignoreMe" style="margin:0 0 0px;"><video loading="lazy" controls="" name="media" src="${e.href}" style="max-width:250px;max-height:250px;" class="ignoreMe"></video></p></blockquote>`)
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            for (let ele of elea) { // 画面内にあるものだけが基本だけどリロード回避のためpickされるものは優先的に読み込む
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              var sm = txt.match(/(?<!\>)fu?\d+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp|avif)/gm);
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                sm.forEach(v => {
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                  $(eleget0('.embedyt', bq)).append(`
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              var sm = txt.match(/(?<!\>)fu?\d+\.(mp4|webm|mp3|aac|flac|m4a)/gmi);
              if (sm?.length) {
                addstyle.add(`.embedyt img{max-width:250px;max-height:250px;}`)
                var bq = ele?.closest("td,div.thre>blockquote:not([yte])")
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                eleget0('.embedyt', bq).style.display = "flow-root"; // 縦長の画像を沢山詰め込むためにgridをやめる
                //                sm.forEach(v => $(ele?.closest("td,div.thre>blockquote")).append(`<blockquote style="margin-top:0;"><a rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer" href="https://${/^fu\d+\./.test(v)?"":""}${v}" class="ignoreMe" style="margin:0 0 0px;"><video controls="" name="media" src="https://${/^fu\d+\./.test(v)?"":""}${v}" style="max-width:250px;max-height:250px;" class="ignoreMe"></video></a></blockquote>`)) // preload="none"
                sm.forEach(v =>
                  $(eleget0('.embedyt', bq)).append(`
                    <p class="ignoreMe pEmbedYT">
  <a rel="noopener nofollow noreferrer" href="https://${/^fu\d+\./.test(v)?"":""}${v}" class="ignoreMe" style="margin:0 0 0px;"><video loading="lazy" controls loop name="media" src="https://${/^fu\d+\./.test(v)?"":""}${v}" style="max-width:250px;max-height:250px;" class="ignoreMe"></video></a>
              //break; // 一度に1つずつしかやらない
            //if (elea.length) setTimeout(() => embedimg(), 2000 + elea.length * 10);
        autoPagerized(() => { embedimg() })

        FUTABA_PLAY_GIF_INLINE && autoPagerized(() => embedGif())

        function embedGif() {
          elegeta('.thre>a>img[href*=".gif"]:not([data-gifloaded]),td.rtd>a[href*=".gif"]>img:not([data-gifloaded])').forEach(e => {
            let a = e.closest("a")
            if (a) {
              e.dataset.gifloaded = 1
              e.src = a.href;

        var popped = []
        //$(eleget0('//td/input[@value="返信する"]')).on("click", () => { setTimeout(() => shikomi(), 999) })
        // 引用ポップアップ仕込み
        var cited = [];
        var resEnum = [];

        if (eleget0('//b[contains(text(),"このスレの書き込みはIPアドレスが表示されます。")]')) addstyle.add('#ftxa{background-color:#fee !important;}') // IPスレ警告
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        function shikomi() {
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          elegeta('.rtd blockquote a:not([rel])').forEach(v => { v.rel = "noopener nofollow noreferrer" })
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            e.href = e.href.replace(/^.*\/bin\/\jump\.php\?/, "")
          }); // リダイレクトページを省略

          GF.alertWord = pref("alertWord")?.replace(/^<string>([\s\S]*)<\/string>$/, "$1") || ""; // m::
          let idw = elegeta('.cnw:not(.idw)')
          if (idw.every(v => /ID\:/.test(v.innerText))) {
            GF.idw = 1;
            addstyle.add('#ftxa{background-color:#fee;}') //            addstyle.add('#ftxa{background-color:#ffd;}')
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          let awNotify = 0;

          elegeta('.thre table .rtd .rsc:not([data-basec]),.thre table .res_no:not([data-basec])').forEach(e => {
            e.dataset.basec = "1"
   = "pointer"
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            e.closest('table').dataset.rsc = resno
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            e.dataset.basec = "1"
            elegeta('blockquote:nth-child(1 of blockquote) a[href*="%23"]', e.closest('.rtd')).forEach(v => v.href = v.href.replace(/^.*\/bin\/\jump\.php\?/, "").replace(/\%23/g, "#")) // 間違ったエンコードである#→%23を#に戻す

            var text = eleget0('blockquote', e.closest('table'))?.innerText?.trim()
            let isMyres = (text && GF?.myRes?.has(text))

            if (FUTABA_SET_56MEMO_TO_ANCHORED >= 1 && isMyres) { // 送信したレスに5メモを付ける
              memoElement(e, document.body, COLOR5, getDefault56memo());
              GF.myRes.delete(text) //filter(v => !GF?.myRes?.includes(text))

            setTimeout(e => { // 非表示等を反映させるため遅らせる

              var tomemo = GF?.anchor[e?.closest("table")?.dataset?.rsc] || ""
              let hasAnyMemo = eleget0('.yhmMyMemo', e?.closest("table")) ? 1 : 0

              if (GF?.fromSecond) {
                //              if (FUTABA_SET_56MEMO_TO_ANCHORED >= 3 && !isMyres) { // 遠くても5メモと連鎖していれば通知する
                if (FUTABA_SET_56MEMO_TO_ANCHORED >= 3 && !isMyres && !hasAnyMemo) { // 遠くても5メモと連鎖していれば通知する
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                  var [relatedMemoO, ] = getRelatedRsca(e?.closest("table")?.dataset?.rsc)
                  relatedMemoO = relatedMemoO?.find(rsc => (eleget0(`.yhmMyMemoO[data-yhmc="${COLOR1}"]`, eleget0(`table[data-rsc="${rsc}"]`))))
                  if (relatedMemoO && !tomemo.match("🔵")) {
                    let res = eleget0(`blockquote`, eleget0(`table[data-rsc="${relatedMemoO}"]`))?.innerText
                    var text = eleget0('blockquote', e.closest('table'))?.innerText?.trim()
                    let quoteLine = text?.split("\n")?.filter(v => v.match(/^\s*\>+.*\s*$/))?.pop() || ""; // >○○の引用行は最後の1行だけ使う
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                    tomemo += (tomemo ? "\n" : "");
                    tomemo = (`>🔵indirect:${res.split("\n")?.[0]}\n`) + tomemo;
                    //                    tomemo = (`>🔵indirect:${res.split("\n")?.pop()}\n`) + tomemo;

                if (FUTABA_SET_56MEMO_TO_ANCHORED >= 4 && !isMyres) { // 遠くても6メモと連鎖していれば通知する
                  var [relatedMemoO, ] = getRelatedRsca(e?.closest("table")?.dataset?.rsc)
                  relatedMemoO = relatedMemoO?.find(rsc => (eleget0('.yhmMyMemoX', eleget0(`table[data-rsc="${rsc}"]`))))
                  if (relatedMemoO && !tomemo.match("🔴")) {
                    let res = eleget0(`blockquote`, eleget0(`table[data-rsc="${relatedMemoO}"]`))?.innerText
                    let quoteLine = text?.split("\n")?.filter(v => v.match(/^\s*\>+.*\s*$/))?.pop() || ""; // >○○の引用行は最後の1行だけ使う
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                    res = res?.replace(/^\s*\>.*\s*$/gm, "")?.replace(/キタ━+\(゚\∀゚\)━+\!+/gm, "")?.trim() + quoteLine || res;
                    tomemo = tomemo || text?.match0(/^\>[^\n]*/m) || "";
                    tomemo += (tomemo ? "\n" : "");
                    //                  tomemo = (`>🔴indirect:${res.split("\n")?.pop()}\n`) + tomemo;
                    tomemo = (`>🔴indirect:${res.split("\n")?.[0]}\n`) + tomemo;

              let table = e.closest('table');
              var text = table?.textContent;

              let awMatch = GF?.alertWord > "" && text?.match0(GF?.alertWord) || text?.match0(new RegExp(GF?.alertWord.replace(/^S$/, "??").replace(/^S([\s \||])/, "??$1").replace(/([\s \||!!])S([\s \||])/, "$1??$2").replace(/([\s \||!!])S$/, "$1??").replace(/|/gm, "|").replace(/^[\!|!](\S*)/, "^(?!.*($1)).*").replace(/(\S*)[  ](\S*)/gm, "^(?=.*($1))(?=.*\($2\))").replace(/\s| /gm, ".*"), "i")); //alert(searRE); // 独自構文を正規表現に変換
              if (!isMyres && GF?.alertWord > "" && (e.offsetHeight && awMatch) && !eleget0('.yhmMyMemo', table)) {
                var path = eleget0('img', table)?.src
                if (FUTABA_SET_56MEMO_TO_ANCHORED) memoElement(e, document.body, COLOR_ALERT_WORD, getDefault56memo());
                if (awNotify++ < 3) notifyMe((eleget0("blockquote", table)?.innerText || eleget0("blockquote", table)?.textContent) + "\n", `⚠️${awMatch}⚠️ ${GF?.originalDocTitle||document.title}`, () => setTimeout(() => scrRsc(e?.closest('table')?.dataset?.rsc), 150), path || null, true)
                if (FUTABA_NOTIFY_NEWRES_SOUND_MEMO_QUOTED.split(" ").includes("m")) sound("sawtooth", 0.025, 440)
                document.title = "⚠️" + document.title.replace(/^[■🔴🔵⚠️]+/g, "");
              } //else

              if (GF?.fromSecond) {
                // nキーのモードと条件にマッチすれば通知する
                if (!isMyres && (((GF?.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival >= 2 && tomemo) || (GF?.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival >= 3 && (tomemo || (e.offsetHeight && eleget0("img:not(.quoteSpeechBalloonImg),blockquote a,blockquote video", e.closest('table'))))) || (GF?.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival >= 4 && e.offsetHeight)) && (document.visibilityState !== "visible" || tomemo))) {
                  var path = eleget0('img', e.closest('table'))?.src
                  notifyMe(tomemo + eleget0('blockquote', e.closest('table'))?.innerText?.replace(/^>.*$/gm, "")?.trim(), tomemo.replace(/[^🔴🔵]/gm, "") + GF.originalDocTitle, () => setTimeout(() => scrRsc(e?.closest('table')?.dataset?.rsc), 150), path || null)
                  if (tomemo.match("🔵")) {
                    if (FUTABA_NOTIFY_NEWRES_SOUND_MEMO_QUOTED.split(" ").includes("5")) sound("square", 0.025, /indirect\:/.test(tomemo) ? 660 : 880); // type:sine, square, sawtooth, triangleがある
                    //if (FUTABA_NOTIFY_NEWRES_SOUND_MEMO_QUOTED.split(" ").includes("5")) sound("square", 0.025, 880); // type:sine, square, sawtooth, triangleがある
                    if (!document.hasFocus()) {
                      GF.arrival = 1;
                      document.title = "🔵" + document.title.replace(/^[■🔴🔵]+/g, "");
                  if (tomemo.match("🔴")) {
                    if (FUTABA_NOTIFY_NEWRES_SOUND_MEMO_QUOTED.split(" ").includes("6")) sound("square", 0.025, 220); // type:sine, square, sawtooth, triangleがある
                    if (!document.title.match(/^[■🔴]*🔵/) && !document.hasFocus()) {
                      GF.arrival = 1;
                      document.title = "🔴" + document.title.replace(/^[■🔴]+/g, "");

                if ((!GF?.arrival && document.visibilityState !== "visible") && (!GF?.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival || (GF?.reloadAndNotifyNewArrival && e.offsetHeight))) {
                  GF.arrival = 1;
                  document.title = `■${document.title}` //document.title = `■${GF.originalDocTitle}`
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                            if (FUTABA_SET_56MEMO_TO_ANCHORED >= 4 && !isMyres&&tomemo.match("🔴")) memoElement(e, document.body, COLOR6, getDefault56memo()); // 6メモへアンカーしたレスに6メモを付ける
              if (GF?.fromSecond) {
                if (FUTABA_SET_56MEMO_TO_ANCHORED >= 3 && !isMyres) { // 5メモへアンカーしたレスに6メモを付ける
                  if (tomemo.match("🔵")) {
                    memoElement(e, document.body, COLOR6, getDefault56memo());
                if (FUTABA_SET_56MEMO_TO_ANCHORED >= 4 && !isMyres) { // 6メモへアンカーしたレスに6メモを付ける
                  if (tomemo.match("🔴")) {
                    memoElement(e, document.body, COLOR6, getDefault56memo());

              //            }, 1 + (notifyDelay++) * 17, e)
              //            setTimeout(()=>document.body.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('plzGKSI')),555)
            }, 1, e)
          //          GF.fromSecond = 1; // 初回は新着ではないのでやらない

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          var issorted = eleget0('#sortType2') || eleget0('#sortType1')
          resEnum = [];
          cited = [];
          GF.anchor = new Array(1000).fill("")

          var resa = elegeta('.thre table .rtd:not(#pickbox .rtd,.ftbpu .rtd,#respopup_area .rtd)').sort((a, b) => { return (Number(a.dataset.rsc) - Number(b.dataset.rsc)) })
          elegeta(".revQuote:not(#pickbox .revQuote,.ftbpu .revQuote)").forEach(e => e?.remove())

          //test: 5578ms - タイマー終了 test: 5327ms - タイマー終了
          //elegeta('.thre table .rtd blockquote font:not(#pickbox font,.ftbpu font,#respopup_area font),.thre table .rtd blockquote p font:not(#pickbox font,.ftbpu font,#respopup_area font)').forEach((h, i) => { //緑文字の引用行文字列
 => elegeta('blockquote :is(font,p font)', v)).flat().forEach((h, i) => { //緑文字の引用行文字列
            var eWord = h.textContent.match(/^\>+(.+)$/)?.[1]; // >***の***部分 // oこれだと>>No.*への逆引用がつくのは「>No.*」と「No.*」の両方に逆引用がつく x本当にレスしている対象より前の初出のレスだけに逆引用がついてしまう
            //var eWord = h.textContent.match(/^\>(.+)$/)?.[1]; // >***の***部分 // xこれだと>>No.*への逆引用がつくのは「>No.*」だけになり「No.*」にはつかない o本当にレスしている対象より前のものだけに逆引用がついてしまう
            if (eWord) {
              //"pointer" //これをやるとちょっとうるさい
              var greenResNo = h.closest('table').dataset.rsc; //緑文字列があるレスのレス番
              resa.filter(e => e.textContent.indexOf(eWord) !== -1).forEach((c, i) => { // c=***が含まれるレス
                let n = c.dataset.rsc; // ***が含まれるレスのレス番
                if (i === 0 && !(!resEnum[n] && n === greenResNo)) { // i==0つまりスレの初出のそれにしかヒットしない
                  let r = eleget0(".relallArea", h.closest('table'))?.classList.add("relallAreaon") // >>100があったらrelallOn
                  eleget0(".relallArea", c.closest('table'))?.classList.add("relallAreaon") // >あいう の対象レスが本当に存在したらrelallOn
                  if (!resEnum[n]) resEnum[n] = [];
                  if (FUTABA_FORWARD_LINK)
                    if (!resEnum[greenResNo]) resEnum[greenResNo] = [];
                  if (!resEnum[n].includes(greenResNo)) {
                    if (FUTABA_FORWARD_LINK) resEnum[greenResNo].push(n)
                    if (FUTABA_FORWARD_LINK >= 2) end(eleget0(".quo .backlink", h.closest('table')), `<font class="revQuote" data-resenum="${resEnum[greenResNo]}" data-rsc="${greenResNo}" onclick="scrRsc(${n})">${n}&lt;&lt;</font>`) // 2<< のバックリンク
                    end(c.parentNode.querySelector(".backlink"), `<font class="revQuote" data-resenum="${resEnum[n]}" data-rsc="${n}" onclick="scrRsc(${greenResNo})">&gt;&gt;${greenResNo}</font>`) //クリックで中心にスクロール
                    let memo = (eleget0(`.yhmMyMemoO[data-yhmc="${COLOR1}"]`, c.closest('table'))) ? `>🔵${eWord}\n` : (eleget0('.yhmMyMemoX', c.closest('table'))) ? `>🔴${eWord}\n` : null;
                    if (memo) GF.anchor[h?.closest("table")?.dataset?.rsc] += memo

          let fivechthumbnailetc = (!lh(/\.2chan\.net\//) || eleget0('#fivechthumbnailetc')) && 1
          // >No.○に本文の引用を追加 qsb::
          //          if (FUTABA_QUOTE_LEAD_FOR_NUMBER_ONLY && fivechthumbnailetc) { //} || lh("ftbucket|kuzure")) {
          if (FUTABA_QUOTE_LEAD_FOR_NUMBER_ONLY) { //} || lh("ftbucket|kuzure")) {
            var quos = elegeta('.thre table .rtd blockquote font:not([data-quoted],#pickbox font,.ftbpu font,#respopup_area font),.thre table .rtd blockquote p font:not([data-quoted],#pickbox font,.ftbpu font,#respopup_area font)').filter(v => v.innerText.match(/>+No\.|>+\d|>+fu/))
            quos.filter(e => /^\>+No\.\d+$/m.test(e?.textContent)).forEach((e, i) => { //緑文字の引用行文字列
              e.dataset.quoted = 1
              let ecno = e?.textContent?.replace(/\D/g, "")
              var srcTable = elegeta("table .cno").find(v => v?.textContent?.replace(/\D/g, "") == ecno)?.closest("table[rsc]")
              if (srcTable && srcTable != e?.closest("table[rsc]")) {
                var origno = e?.textContent
                var lead = eleget0('blockquote', srcTable)?.innerText?.replace(/^\s*>+.*$/gm, "")?.replaceAll("キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!", "")?.trim()
                if (!lead) lead = eleget0('blockquote', srcTable)?.innerText?.replaceAll("キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!", "")?.trim()
                if (lead?.slice(33)?.length) lead = lead?.slice(0, 33)?.trim() + "…"
                lead = lead?.replace(/\n/gm, " ")
                if (lead) {
                  //                  adja(e, "afterend", ` <span class="quoteSpeechBalloon" data-quoteno="${origno}"> &gt;${lead} </span>`)
                  fivechthumbnailetc && adja(e, "afterend", `<span class="quoteSpeechBalloon" data-quoteno="${origno}">&gt;${lead}</span>`)
                var srcImg = eleget0("img", srcTable)?.cloneNode()
                if (srcImg) {
                  srcImg.dataset.quoteno = origno
                  srcImg.className = "quoteSpeechBalloonImg"
                  srcImg.dataset.zoomonhover = "disable"
                  srcTable && e.appendChild(srcImg)
            // >>○.jpgに本文の引用を追加 qsb::
            quos.filter(e => /^\>+\d+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp|webm|mp4)$/m.test(e?.textContent)).forEach((e, i) => { //緑文字の引用行文字列
              e.dataset.quoted = 1
              let ertd = e?.textContent?.replace(/\>+/, "")
              var srcTable = elegeta("table .rtd").find(v => { return v?.textContent?.match(/\d+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp|webm|mp4)/)?.[0] == ertd })?.closest("table[rsc]")
              if (srcTable && srcTable != e?.closest("table[rsc]")) {
                var origno = e?.textContent
                var lead = eleget0('blockquote', srcTable)?.innerText?.replace(/^\s*>+.*$/gm, "")?.replaceAll("キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!", "")?.trim()
                if (!lead) lead = eleget0('blockquote', srcTable)?.innerText?.replaceAll("キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!", "")?.trim()
                if (lead?.slice(33)?.length) lead = lead?.slice(0, 33)?.trim() + "…"
                lead = lead?.replace(/\n/gm, " ")
                var srcImg = eleget0("img", srcTable)?.cloneNode()
                if (lead) {
                  //                  adja(e, "afterend", ` <span class="quoteSpeechBalloon" data-quoteno="${origno}"> &gt;${lead} </span>`)
                  fivechthumbnailetc && adja(e, "afterend", `<span class="quoteSpeechBalloon" data-quoteno="${origno}">&gt;${lead}</span>`)
                if (srcImg) {
                  srcImg.dataset.quoteno = origno
                  srcImg.className = "quoteSpeechBalloonImg"
                  srcImg.dataset.zoomonhover = "disable"
                  srcTable && e.appendChild(srcImg)
            // >fu○.jpgに本文の引用を追加 qsb::
            quos.filter(e => /^\>+fu\d+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp)$/m.test(e?.textContent)).forEach((e, i) => { //緑文字の引用行文字列 fu*
              e.dataset.quoted = 1
              let ertd = e?.textContent?.replace(/\>+/, "")
              var srcTable = elegeta("table .rtd").find(v => elegeta('img', v).find(w => w?.src?.indexOf(ertd) !== -1))?.closest("table[rsc]")
              if (srcTable && srcTable != e?.closest("table[rsc]")) {
                var origno = e?.textContent
                var lead = eleget0('blockquote', srcTable)?.innerText?.replace(/^\s*>*fu\S+\s*/gm, "")?.replaceAll("キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!", "")?.trim()
                //if (!lead) lead = eleget0('blockquote', srcTable)?.innerText?.replaceAll("キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!", "")?.trim()
                if (lead?.slice(33)?.length) lead = lead?.slice(0, 33)?.trim() + "…"
                lead = lead?.replace(/\n/gm, " ")
                var srcImg = elegeta('img', srcTable).find(w => w?.src?.indexOf(e?.textContent?.replace(/\>+/, "")) !== -1)?.cloneNode()
                if (lead) {
                  //                  adja(e, "afterend", ` <span class="quoteSpeechBalloon" data-quoteno="${origno}"> &gt;${lead} </span>`)
                  fivechthumbnailetc && adja(e, "afterend", ` <span class="quoteSpeechBalloon" data-quoteno="${origno}">&gt;${lead}</span>`)
                if (srcImg) {
                  srcImg.dataset.quoteno = origno
                  srcImg.className = "quoteSpeechBalloonImg"
                  srcImg.dataset.zoomonhover = "disable"
                  srcTable && e.appendChild(srcImg)

          elegeta('.cnw a:not([data-popped]),.cnm a:not([data-popped])').forEach(e => {
            e.dataset.popped = 1;
            after(e, ` <span class="mailtoPopped">${sani(decodeURI(e?.href))}</span>`)
          }) // メール欄の中身を外に出す

        autoPagerized(() => shikomi())

        // .relAllAreaon枠に連鎖レス数を書き入れていく
        if (1) {
          GF.resChained = []
          if (!GF.hasmemo) GF.hasmemo = new Set();
          GF.resChainTO = setTimeout(() => reschain(), 4000)
          if (lh(".2chan.")) {
            //            GF.resChainTO = document.body.addEventListener('2chanReloaded', () => setTimeout(reschain, 2000), false)
            document.addEventListener('yhm2chanAllDone', () => {
              //        GF.resChainTO = setTimeout(reschain, 2000)
              //GF.resChained = [...elegeta('.thre table:has(.yhmMyMemo) .relallAreaon:not([data-filled])').map(e => { GF.hasmemo.add(e); return e }), ...elegeta('.thre .relallAreaon:not([data-filled],.ftbpu .relallAreaon,#pickbox .relallAreaon)')]; // 最初はピックアップにあるものだけ最速でやる
            }, false)

          function reschain(reset = null) {
            let stime =
            let org
            if (!GF?.resChained?.length || reset) {
              GF.resChained = [...elegeta('.thre table:has(.yhmMyMemo) .relallAreaon:not([data-filled])').map(e => { GF.hasmemo.add(e); return e }), ...elegeta('.thre .relallAreaon:not([data-filled],.ftbpu .relallAreaon,#pickbox .relallAreaon)')]; // 最初はピックアップにあるものだけ最速でやる
              //GF.resTotal = elegeta('.thre .rtd').length
            do {
              stime =;
              do {
                org = GF.resChained.shift()
              } while (org && org?.dataset?.filled)
              if (org) {
                let rsc = org.closest('[data-rsc]')?.dataset?.rsc
                let [lists, overflow] = getRelatedRsca(rsc)
                lists?.forEach(v => {
                  elegeta('table[data-rsc="' + v + '"] .relallAreaon').forEach(w => {
                    w.innerText = `${lists?.length}${overflow?"+":""}`;
                    w.dataset.filled = "1"
                    if (debug) $(w).effect("highlight"); //org.areaonEle.scrollIntoView()
            } while (org && GF.hasmemo.has(org))
            //GF.resChainTO = setTimeout(reschain, (org || dash) ? ((GF?.resTotal || 9) * 1 + 100) : 60000)
            //let next = (org) ? Math.min(999, 50 + ( - stime) * 3) : 60000;
            let next = org ? 50 + ( - stime) * 3 : 60000;
            //GF.odt=GF.odt??document.title; document.title=`${GF.odt} org:${org} reset:${reset} lap:${} next:${next}`
            GF.resChainTO = setTimeout(reschain, next)

        autoPagerized(() => {
          GF.stoppick = 1;
          memofast = 1;
          run(document.body, "observed");
          GF.stoppick = 0;
          memofast = false;
          document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('yhm2chanAllDone'));
        }, "not1st")
        //        autoPagerized(() => shikomi())
        //GF.fromSecond = 1; // 初回は新着ではないのでやらない

        function plzGKSI() {
          GF.gksiAfterMemo = setTimeout(() => document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('plzGKSI')), 444)

        //        setTimeout(() => { for (let i = 0; i < GF.FUTABA_RELOAD_AND_NOTIFY_NEWRES_DEFAULT; i++) { keyFuncDispatch("n", "automation") } }, 444);
        SITE.keyFunc.find(v => v.key == "n")?.func("n", null, ["automation", GF.FUTABA_RELOAD_AND_NOTIFY_NEWRES_DEFAULT]) //n::
        //        setTimeout(() => { GF.FUTABA_RELOAD_AND_NOTIFY_NEWRES_DEFAULT; i++) { keyFuncDispatch("n", "automation") } }, 444);

        //        autoPagerized((node) => {run()},"not1sttime")

        // onclick,html埋め込み,レス番,不安
        autoPagerized((node) => {
          //          elegeta('blockquote font,.quoteSpeechBalloon,.quoteSpeechBalloonImg', node).filter(v => !v.onclick && (v?.dataset?.quoteno || /^>+/gm.test(v.textContent))).forEach(e => {//test: 1017ms - タイマー終了
          elegeta('blockquote font:not([onclick]),.quoteSpeechBalloon:not([onclick]),.quoteSpeechBalloonImg:not([onclick])', node).filter(v => /^>./gm.test(v.textContent?.trim())).forEach(e => { //test: 832ms - タイマー終了
            let etext = e?.dataset?.quoteno?.match(/^>(.+)$/)?.[1].trim() || e.textContent.replace(/^>/gm, "").trim()
            let r = [...document.querySelectorAll(".thre table")].find(v => v.textContent.indexOf(etext) !== -1) || null
            e.setAttribute("onclick", `scrRsc(${eleget0('.rsc', r)?.textContent})`) //クリックで中心にスクロール

        // レス番rscに引用・非引用が連鎖するレスのレス番rscを全て配列で返す rsc => [rsc,rsc,rsc,...]
        function getRelatedRsca(rsc) {
          let stime =
          let tableRsc = elegeta('table[data-rsc]').sort((a, b) => a.dataset.rsc === b.dataset.rsc ? 0 : Number(a.dataset.rsc) > Number(b.dataset.rsc) ? 1 : -1) // レステーブル[登場順]
          let tableRscOrder = [] // レステーブル[rsc]
          tableRsc.forEach(v => tableRscOrder[v.dataset.rsc] = v) // 速度のためにキャッシュする
          let ress = getRelCno([rsc], tableRsc, tableRscOrder)
          let abort = 0;
          for (let i = 200; i--;) { //while (1) {
            let r = getRelCno(ress, tableRsc, tableRscOrder)
            //            if (r.length >= 100 || r.length <= ress.length) { ress = r; break }
            if (r.length >= 100 || r.length <= ress.length) { ress = r; break; }
            if ((document.visibilityState == "visible" && - stime > 2000)) {
              ress = r;
              abort = 1;
            ress = r
          if (ress?.length < 2) return [null, null];
          return [ress, abort];

        function getRelCno(resa, tableRsc, tableRscOrder) {
          let a = resa || []
          resa.forEach(res => {
            if (!FUTABA_FORWARD_LINK) {
              a = a.concat(elegeta(`.quo .revQuote`, tableRscOrder[res]).map(v => v.innerText.replace(/^>>/, ""))) // test: 6137ms - タイマー終了
            } else {
              a = a.concat(elegeta(`.quo .revQuote`, tableRscOrder[res]).map(v => v.innerText.replace(/^>>|<<$/, ""))) // test: 6137ms - タイマー終了
            let rscText = elegeta(`blockquote font[color="#789922"]`, tableRscOrder[res]).map(e => e?.innerText?.replace(/^>/, "")?.trim()).filter(v => v)
            rscText.forEach(v => a.push(tableRsc.find(w => w.innerText.indexOf(v) !== -1)?.dataset.rsc)) // 最初の1つめの>abcだけにヒット
          return [ Set(a?.flat())].filter(v => v !== undefined && v !== null).sort()

        // 引用ホバー hover::
        if (location.href.match0(/ftbucket/) && !eleget0(`.csb`)) GM_addStyle(".rsc,.cnw,.cno{padding:0 0.5em 0 0;}")
        var latestHover;
        var latestlevel = 0
        var latestPU

        if (FUTABA_HOVER_POPUP_DELAY == -1) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) { hover() }, false); } else { hover_enter() }

        function hover_enter() {
          hover() //if (document?.visibilityState == "visible") hover();
          requestAnimationFrame(hover_enter) // setTimeout(hover_enter, 1 * 17);

        function hover() {

          if (!replaceMainPopup) return;
          let ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
          if (ele !== latestHover) latestPU = 0
          if (ele && (FUTABA_HOVER_POPUP_DELAY || (ele && latestHover != ele))) {
            var quoteDesEle = ele.matches('table FONT,table .quoteSpeechBalloon,table .quoteSpeechBalloonImg,.relallArea') ? ele : null; //ホバーしている黄土色文字の要素群
            var hoverEle = quoteDesEle; //ele.tagName === "FONT" && ele.closest("table") ? [ele] : []; //ホバーしている黄土色文字の要素群

            let level = Number(ele.closest(".ftbpu")?.dataset.level || 0);
            var lists = []
            //if (debug) V&&dc("quoteDesEle:" + quoteDesEle?.tagName)
            if ((quoteDesEle && latestPU !== ele) && ((FUTABA_HOVER_POPUP_DELAY == 0 && latestHover != quoteDesEle) || (FUTABA_HOVER_POPUP_DELAY && hovertimer >= (Math.max(hoverEle?.closest('#pickbox,.ftbpu') && FUTABA_HOVER_POPUP_DELAY != -1 ? 6 : 0, FUTABA_HOVER_POPUP_DELAY))))) { // ピックアップの中では遅延を少なくとも6にする
              var eWord = quoteDesEle?.dataset?.quoteno?.match0(/^\>+(.+)$/)?.trim() || quoteDesEle?.textContent?.match0(/^\>+(.+)$/)?.trim(); // 引用文 // >の入れ子数を無視してすべて遡る
              //var eWord = quoteDesEle?.dataset?.quoteno?.match0(/^\>(.+)$/)?.trim() || quoteDesEle?.textContent?.match0(/^\>(.+)$/)?.trim(); // 引用文 // >の入れ子数を忠実に遡る
              var resa = elegeta('.rtd').filter(e => !e.closest("#pickbox,.ftbpu,#respopup_area"))
              var hit0no = (replaceMainPopup && resa.find(a => a.textContent && a.textContent.indexOf(eWord) != -1))?.dataset?.rsc; //ヒットした最初のレス番号
              if (hit0no < 0) return;
              var motoNumber = hoverEle.closest('table').getAttribute("rsc"); // ホバーしているレスのレス番号

              var hitResNo = hoverEle.dataset.rsc; // rscがある=レスの右側に追加した>>100型逆引用である、そのレス番号
              var relAll = ele.matches(".relallArea:not(.ftbpu .relallArea)") && ele?.closest("table")?.dataset?.rsc // …:全関連レス

              if (relAll) { // relall::…:全関連レスモード
                [lists, ] = getRelatedRsca(relAll)
              } else

              if (hitResNo) { // >>100:逆引用モード
                var lists = []
                resa?.forEach(c => { if (c.dataset.rsc == hitResNo) lists.push(c.closest("table").dataset.rsc) })
                resEnum[hitResNo]?.forEach(e => resa.forEach(c => { if (c.dataset.rsc == e) lists.push(c.closest("table").dataset.rsc) })); // rscがある=レスの右側に追加した逆引用である、そのレス番号
              } else {
                // レス本文内の引用
                if (motoNumber) {
                  var quoteStr = eWord; //quoteDesEle?.textContent?.match0(/^\>+(.+)$/)?.trim(); // 文字列
                  if (quoteStr) {
                    var hitEles = resa.filter(e => e.textContent.indexOf(quoteStr) !== -1)
                    if (hitEles.length) {
                      var hoverResNo = (replaceMainPopup && hoverEle.getAttribute("rsc")) //ホバーしているレス番号
                      var lists = => e.closest("table").dataset.rsc)

              // 表示
              if (hitResNo || lists) {
                latestPU = ele
                lists = lists.sort((a, b) => a - b)
                var hit0no = lists[0]; //tables[0][0].getAttribute("rsc") //ヒットした最初のレス番号
                var restable = elegeta('.rtd:not(#pickbox .rtd,.ftbpu .rtd,#respopup_area .rtd)').map(e => e.closest("table"))
                var tables = => ($(restable.find(e => e.dataset.rsc == c)).clone(true, true))?.[0])
                var lists2 = (hit0no == motoNumber) ? lists.slice(1) : lists
                debug && dc(`list : ${lists}\nlist2 : ${lists2}`, 0)
                debug && dc("既存:" + elegeta('.ftbpu').find(e => lists == e.dataset.list || lists2 == e.dataset.list2 || lists == e.dataset.list2)?.dataset.list)
                if (
                  !(elegeta('.ftbpu').find(e => lists == e.dataset.list || lists2 == e.dataset.list2 || lists == e.dataset.list2))
                ) { // まだ重複するポップアップがなければ
                  debug && dc(`list-sorted : ${lists}`, 0)
                  let pupad = (Math.min(window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.availHeight) || 1080) / FUTABA_POPUP_PADDING_RATE;
                  var pu = $(`<span data-anchor="${hit0no}" class="ftbpu ${relAll?"relAll ":""}ignoreFilter entry-content" data-list="${lists}" data-list2="${lists2}" data-level="${1+Number(level)}" style="z-index:2000000020; padding:${pupad}px; box-shadow:2px 2px 15px #000a; border-radius:2px; background-color:${FUTABA_BGC}; margin:0 0em 0px 0px; outline:1px solid #999; position:absolute; top:${quoteDesEle.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY + quoteDesEle.getBoundingClientRect().height-1}px; left:0;" ondblclick="this.remove();"><table style="table-layout:auto;"></table></span>`); //ヒットした全部をポップアップする版

                  if (!relAll && hit0no == motoNumber) { tables.shift() } // 1個目の引用が自分自身なら削除
                  if (tables.length) {
                    let frag = new DocumentFragment();
                    tables.forEach(e => { frag.append(e) });
                    [...frag.querySelectorAll('span[data-mbt]')].forEach(e => {
                      $(e).css({ "display": "inline-block", "width": "fit-content" })

                    if (!relAll) $(pu).find(".quoteSpeechBalloon").remove()
                    $(elegeta('.ftbpu table').filter(e => !gmDataList_includesPartial(e, "gmHideByyhm"))).fadeIn(300)

                    domsort(pu[0], elegeta('table', pu[0]), v => -v.getAttribute("rsc"))

                    $(".ftbpu .relallArea").remove()

                    let xr = ((mousex - 18) >= (clientWidth() - $(pu).outerWidth() - 1))
                    //$(pu).css({ "left": minmax(mousex - 18, 0, clientWidth() - $(pu).outerWidth() - 1) + "px" })

                    //if(quoteDesEle?.matches(".relallArea , .revQuote")){ // [2] か >>2 形式の小さい引用スイッチである

                    var centerTop = 1 ? window.scrollY + quoteDesEle.getBoundingClientRect().top :
                      minmax(window.scrollY + clientHeight() / 2 - pu[0]?.getBoundingClientRect()?.height / 2, window.scrollY + quoteDesEle.getBoundingClientRect().top + quoteDesEle.getBoundingClientRect().height - pu[0]?.getBoundingClientRect()?.height - pupad, window.scrollY + quoteDesEle.getBoundingClientRect().top - pupad * 2);
                    centerTop = minmax(centerTop, window.scrollY + pupad + 6, window.scrollY + clientHeight() - pu[0].getBoundingClientRect().height - 14);
                    //                    $(pu).css({ "top": `${minmax(centerTop , window.scrollY +6 , window.scrollY + clientHeight()- pu[0].getBoundingClientRect().height) -4 }px` })
                    //                      $(pu).css({ "top": `${minmax(window.scrollY+ quoteDesEle.getBoundingClientRect().top -8 , window.scrollY +8 , window.scrollY + clientHeight()- pu[0].getBoundingClientRect().height) -6 }px` })

                    if ((quoteDesEle?.matches(".relallArea , .revQuote")) && pu[0]?.getBoundingClientRect()?.width <
                      clientWidth() - quoteDesEle?.getBoundingClientRect()?.left - quoteDesEle?.getBoundingClientRect()?.width
                    ) { // 右に収まる
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                      $(pu).css({ "top": `${minmax(centerTop , window.scrollY +pupad +2 , window.scrollY + clientHeight()- pu[0].getBoundingClientRect().height -6) }px` })
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                      $(pu).css({ "left": minmax(mousex - 18, 0, clientWidth() - $(pu).outerWidth() - 1) + "px" })

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                    //            let r = getRelCno(ress, tableRsc, tableRscOrder)

                    // 引用関係が直接じゃないものに灰色
          let tableRsc = elegeta('table[data-rsc]')//.sort((a, b) => a.dataset.rsc === b.dataset.rsc ? 0 : Number(a.dataset.rsc) > Number(b.dataset.rsc) ? 1 : -1) // レステーブル[登場順]
          let ress = getRelCno([motoNumber], tableRsc,tableRsc)// tableRscOrder)

          elegeta('.relpost2').forEach(e => e.classList.remove("relpost2"))
                    ress.forEach(v=> v!=motoNumber && elegeta(`table[data-rsc="${v}"] .rts`,pu[0]).forEach(e => e.classList.add("relpost2")))
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                    // z使用モード
                    GF?.zFunc && GF?.zFunc()
                    dragElement(pu[0], "*", ".rtd,.yhmMyMemo,.revQuote")
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              //              if (!hoverEle && eleget0('.ftbpu') && !(ele.closest(".ftbpu") || ele.closest("#slp") || ele.closest(".fvw_respop") || eleget0("#pdm"))) {
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                elegeta('.relpost , .relpost2').forEach(e => {
                //elegeta('.relpost').forEach(e => e.classList.remove("relpost"))
              if (latestHover != ele && ele.closest(".ftbpu,#slp,.fvw_respop")) { // levelが低い要素に降りたら上のは消す
                elegeta(".ftbpu").forEach(e => { if (e?.dataset?.level > level) { e.remove() } })
          latestlevel = ele?.closest(".ftbpu")?.dataset?.level || 0
          latestHover = ele; //V&&dc("latest:"+latestHover?.tagName)

        // pick::メモの付いたレスを右上に列挙
        var pick_overflow;
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        function pick(force = 0) {
          if (GF.stoppick) return;

          if (eleget0('.thre table:has( :is(a[href*=""],a[href*=""],a[href*="nicovideo"],a[href*="//"]):not(#pickbox a,[yte],[nde],font[color="#789922"] a)):has( .yhmMyMemo)')) { // まだyt埋め込みしてないytリンクがあるならpickしない
            GF.pickID = setTimeout(pick, 999, force);
          if (window.getSelection() == "" && $("#pickbox:hover").length == 0 && $('#pickbox:hidden').length == 0) {
            var res = [ Set($.makeArray($('.thre table:has(span.yhmMyMemo):not([data-hidden="1"])')))].filter(e => !e.closest("#pickbox,.ftbpu")); // 埋め込み動画はロードが発生するので無視
            if (res.some(v => { let e = eleget0('.relallAreaon', v); return e && !e?.dataset?.filled })) {
              GF.pickID = setTimeout(pick, 999, force);
            } // まだ関連レス数が書き込まれていない.relallAreaonがあるなら待つ
            GF.presentPick = res
            let update = (GF.res !== JSON.stringify( => e.innerText).sort()))
            if (update || force) {
              GF.res = JSON.stringify( => e.innerText).sort())
              if (debug) popup2("更新:" + GF.res.slice(0, 200))
              if (pick_overflow) {
                addstyle.add(`.thre .rtd:not(:is(.ftbpu , .pickbox , [data-reszero]) .rtd){max-width:46vw !important;}`)
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                $("#pickbox blockquote").css({ "margin": "5px 40px" });
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                addstyle.remove(`.thre .rtd:not(:is(.ftbpu , .pickbox , [data-reszero]) .rtd){max-width:46vw !important;}`)
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              if (res.length) {
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                  let pickbox = eleget0("#pickbox")*/
                  let pickbox = end(eleget0('.thre:not(#pickbox .thre , .ftbpu .thre)'), `<div id='pickbox' class='ignoreFilter${pick_overflow?" pof":""}' floated="" style='z-index:1; max-height:calc(${(100)*(100/futabapicksize)}vh - ${8*(100/futabapicksize)}em) ;  scrollbar-gutter: stable;  scrollbar-width: thin; overflow-y:auto; max-width:${55}%; outline:2px #8888 solid; position:fixed; top:6px; right:${threR+2}px;  transform:scale(${futabapicksize/100}); transform-origin:top right;'></div>`);

                  let frag = new DocumentFragment();

                  res.forEach(e => { frag.append($(e).clone(true, true).css({ "display": "revert", "margin-left": "auto", "margin-right": "0" })[0]) })

                  addstyle.add("#pickbox :is(blockquote , .pEmbedYT , .embedyt) { transition:all 0.1s; }")
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                  pick_overflow && elegeta(".rtd>blockquote:nth-of-type(1)", frag).filter(e => /fu?\d+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp|avif|mp4|webm|mkv|mp3|aac|flac|m4a)\n?/gmi.test(e.textContent)).forEach(e => { e.innerHTML = e.innerHTML.replace(/^fu?\d+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp|avif|mp4|webm|mkv|mp3|aac|flac|m4a)(\<br\>)*|(?<=\<br\>)fu?\d+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|webp|avif|mp4|webm|mkv|mp3|aac|flac|m4a)(\<br\>)*/gi, "") })


                  //res.forEach(e => { pickbox.appendChild($(e).clone(true, true).css({ "display": "revert", "margin-left": "auto", "margin-right": "0" })[0]) })
                  //elegeta('.quoteSpeechBalloon', pickbox).forEach(e => { if (e?.textContent?.length > 18) { e.textContent = e.textContent.slice(0, 18) + "…" } })
                  elegeta('.quoteSpeechBalloon', pickbox).forEach(e => { if (e?.textContent?.length > 16) { e.textContent = e.textContent.slice(0, 16) + "…" } })
                  //$("#pickbox .sod:contains('x')").css({ "font-size": "125%", "float": "right" })
                  $("#pickbox .sod:contains('x')").css({ "float": "right" })
                  if (pick_overflow) {
                    $("#pickbox img").css({ "width": "auto", "max-height": Math.max(FUTABA_PICK_IMG_MIN_SIZE, GF.pickOFMaxH) + "px" });
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                    $("#pickbox blockquote").css({ "margin": "5px 40px" })
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                  $("#pickbox .relallAreaon").css({ "float": "right", "margin": "4px 4px 0 0" }) //,"z-index":"-1"})
                  elegeta("#pickbox .rts").forEach(e => { let no = e?.closest("table")?.dataset?.rsc; if (no) e.setAttribute("onclick", `scrRsc(${no})`); })

                  $("#pickbox .revQuote").after("<br>"); //css({ "display": "inline-block" })
                  $("#pickbox .yhmMyMemo,.revQuote").css({ "user-select": "none" })
                  if (update) { $("#pickbox").css({ "outline": "#f00 5px solid" }).delay(100).queue(() => { $("#pickbox").css({ "outline": "2px #8888 solid" }) }) }
                  domsort(pickbox, elegeta('table', pickbox).filter(e => e.closest("#pickbox")), v => -v.getAttribute("rsc"))
                  GF?.zFunc && GF?.zFunc()
                  dragElement(pickbox, "*", ".rts,.rtd,.yhmMyMemo,.relallArea,.revQuote")
              } else {

                //let threR = $('#rightadfloat:visible')[0] ? document.documentElement.clientWidth - ($(".thre").offset().left + $('.thre').outerWidth()) : 3
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                end(document.body, `<div id="fchVerticalThreadTitle" style="writing-mode: vertical-rl; top:2em; bottom:3em; right:${threR+16}px; position:fixed;z-index:-111; font-size:2.5em; opacity:0.5; color:#800;">${GF.originalDocTitle?.substr(0,63)}</div>`);
                //  $(eleget0('//ul/li[@class="menubottomnav"]/a[@class="menuitem" and text()="全部"]/../../..')).before(`<span id="bottomDocTitle" style=" margin:0 0 0 0.2em;font-size:1.5em; opacity:0.9; color:${serverColor};">${document.title}</span>`);
          GF.pickID = setTimeout(pick, 2000);
          //            setTimeout(pick, 2000)

        if (is2chan || isftb || isftchan || iskurokako || istsumanne) {
          GF.pickID = setTimeout(pick, 2000)

          function checkOF(force = 0) {
            const AFRATE = 5;
            if ( - GF?.resized < 100) return; // リサイズ直後はしない(resizeイベントが複数回起こってガクガクするため)
            if (futabapicksize == futabapicksizeL && GF.pickOFMaxH <= FUTABA_PICK_IMG_MIN_SIZE && !force) return;
            var p = eleget0('#pickbox:not(:hover)')
            if (p) {
              var lr = elegeta('.rtd')?.filter(e => isinscreen(e, 1) && !e?.closest("#pickbox,.ftbpu,#respopup_area,[floated]"))?.map(e => { let r = e.getBoundingClientRect().right; return e?.closest('table')?.querySelector('.revQuote,.relallArea')?.getBoundingClientRect()?.right + 4 || r + 2 }).reduce((a, b) => a > b ? a : b, 0) || 0 //test 175 / 1sec
              var big = p.getBoundingClientRect().left - lr
              var bigabs = Math.abs(big)
              const prevMaxH = GF.pickOFMaxH
              const prev = futabapicksize
              if (p.scrollHeight > p.offsetHeight) { // 下にはみ出てる
                $("#pickbox blockquote").css({ "margin": "5px 40px" })
                //                GF.pickOFMaxH = GF.pickOFMaxH - Math.min(35, ~~(p.scrollHeight - p.offsetHeight) / 8);
                GF.pickOFMaxH = Math.max(FUTABA_PICK_IMG_MIN_SIZE, GF.pickOFMaxH - Math.min((35 / AFRATE), ~~(p.scrollHeight - p.offsetHeight) / (8 * AFRATE)));
                //GF.pickOFMaxH = Math.max(50, GF.pickOFMaxH - Math.min((35 / AFRATE), ~~(p.scrollHeight - p.offsetHeight) / (8 * AFRATE)));
                $("#pickbox img").css({ "width": "auto", "max-height": Math.max(FUTABA_PICK_IMG_MIN_SIZE, GF.pickOFMaxH) + "px" });
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                //                futabapicksize = Math.max(futabapicksizeL, futabapicksize - (p.scrollHeight - p.offsetHeight) / 62);
                futabapicksize = Math.max(futabapicksizeL, futabapicksize - (p.scrollHeight - p.offsetHeight) / (80 * AFRATE));
                if (!pick_overflow) { // 初めて
                  pick_overflow = 1
                  //if(prev!=futabapicksize || prevMaxH!=GF.pickOFMaxH)  requestAnimationFrame(checkOF)
                } else { // 2回目以降
                  pick_overflow = 1;
                  //                  futabapicksize = Math.max(futabapicksizeL, futabapicksize - bigabs / (65 * AFRATE));
                  //futabapicksize = Math.max(futabapicksizeL, futabapicksize - (p.scrollHeight > p.offsetHeight) / (150 * AFRATE));
         = `scale(${futabapicksize/100})`
         = `calc(${(100)*(100/futabapicksize)}vh - ${8*(100/futabapicksize)}em)`;
                  debug && dc("picksize:" + futabapicksize, 1)
                  //if(prev!=futabapicksize || prevMaxH!=GF.pickOFMaxH) {console.log(1,prev,prevMaxH); requestAnimationFrame(checkOF)}
                  if (prev != futabapicksize || prevMaxH != GF.pickOFMaxH) requestAnimationFrame(checkOF)
              } else if (big < 0) { // 左にはみ出てる
                //                futabapicksize = Math.max(futabapicksizeL, futabapicksize - bigabs / 62);
                //                futabapicksize = Math.max(futabapicksizeL, futabapicksize - bigabs / (62 * AFRATE));
                futabapicksize = Math.max(futabapicksizeL, futabapicksize - bigabs / (24 * AFRATE));
       = `scale(${futabapicksize/100})`
                debug && dc("picksize:" + futabapicksize, 1)
                //if(prev!=futabapicksize || prevMaxH!=GF.pickOFMaxH) {console.log(2); requestAnimationFrame(checkOF)}
                if (prev != futabapicksize || prevMaxH != GF.pickOFMaxH) requestAnimationFrame(checkOF)
          setInterval(checkOF, 200) //setInterval(checkOF, 52)
          //}, 60)

          window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
            GF.resized =
            futabapicksize = 100;
            if (!eleget0('#pickbox iframe')) {
              GF.pickOFMaxH = 250;
              pick_overflow = 0;
            var p = eleget0('#pickbox:not(:hover)')
            if (p) {
     = `scale(${futabapicksize/100})`
     = `calc(${(100)*(100/futabapicksize)}vh - ${8*(100/futabapicksize)}em)`;
              GF.pickOFMaxH = 250;
              $("#pickbox img").css({ "width": "auto", "max-height": Math.max(FUTABA_PICK_IMG_MIN_SIZE, GF.pickOFMaxH) + "px" });
              $("#pickbox video").css({ "width": "auto", "max-height": Math.max(150, GF.pickOFMaxH) + "px" });
            //            pick(1)

          //window.addEventListener('focus', () => { futabapicksize = 100; pick(1) }) // ややうるさい

          setTimeout(() => {
            //            let slider = eleget0('#pickbox') ? [eleget0('/HTML/BODY/HR[2]'), "style=' position:fixed; right:8em; bottom:0.5em; font-size:11px; transform:scale(0.9); display:block;'", "style=' position:fixed; right:20em; bottom:0.5em; font-size:11px; transform:scale(0.9); display:block;'"] : [eleget0(`//span[@id="hml"]/..`), "style='float:left; font-size:13px; transform:scale(0.9);'", "style='float:left; font-size:13px; transform:scale(0.9);'"]
            let slider = eleget0('#pickbox') || 1 ? [eleget0('/HTML/BODY/HR[2]'), "style=' position:fixed; right:10em; bottom:0.5em; font-size:11px; width:11em; transform:scale(0.9); display:block;'", "style=' position:fixed; right:21em; bottom:0.5em; font-size:11px; width:11em; transform:scale(0.9); display:block;'"] : [eleget0(`//span[@id="hml"]/..`), "style='float:left; font-size:13px; transform:scale(0.9);'", "style='float:left; font-size:13px; transform:scale(0.9);'"]

            addstyle.add(`input#setSliderFUTABA_popupScale.setSlider,input#setSliderFUTABA_pickupSize.setSlider{opacity:0.33;  transition:all 0.2s;}
            :is(input#setSliderFUTABA_popupScale.setSlider,input#setSliderFUTABA_pickupSize.setSlider):hover{opacity:1;  transition:all 0.2s;}`)
            setSlider(slider[0], 30, 100, futabapicksizeDefault, "ピックアップの最小スケール:***%", "FUTABA_pickupSize", (val) => {
              futabapicksizeL = val;
              futabapicksize = Math.min(100, ++futabapicksize);
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            }, 0, slider[1])
            //GF.rtdmw=addstyle.add(`.thre > table .rtd { max-width:${minmax(40+(100-futabapicksizeL),30,90)}vw; }`)

            setSlider(slider[0], 50, 100, 100, "ポップアップの最小スケール:***%", "FUTABA_popupScale", (val) => {
              futabapopupscale = val;

            }, 1, slider[2]);
          }, 2100)

        function pick2title(len) {
          var suff = document.title.match0(/(\s-\s.*)/) || ""
          //          let intro = [ Set(elegeta('.thre>blockquote,table[data-reszero] blockquote,#pickbox blockquote')?.slice(0, len)?.map(e => e?.innerText))]?.map(e => e?.replaceAll("キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!", "")?.replace(/\n/gm, " "))
          let intro = [ Set(elegeta('.thre>blockquote,table[data-reszero] blockquote,#pickbox blockquote')?.slice(0, len)?.map(e => e?.innerText))]?.map(e => e?.replaceAll("キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!", "")?.replace(/^\>[^\n]*$/gm, "")?.replace(/\n/gm, " "))
          intro = intro?.join(" ")?.replace(/[ \s\u200B-\u200D\uFEFF\u2028\u2029\u200eㅤ]{1,99}/g, " ")
          //          if ((isftb || isftchan || is2chan) && intro && suff) { // 0とpickのレス100文字までページタイトルにする
          if ((isftb || isftchan || is2chan) && intro) { // 0とpickのレス100文字までページタイトルにする
            let threno = location?.href?.match0(/(\d{3,})/) || ""
            if (intro && !GF?.arrival) {
              //              document.title = `${(GF.originalDocTitle0+" "+threno+" - "+intro)?.slice(0, FILENAME_MAXLENGTH)}`
              let suffix = `${GF.originalDocTitle0?.match0(/\s-\s[\s\S]+$/)} ${threno}`;
              document.title = (`${intro.slice(0,FILENAME_MAXLENGTH-suffix?.length-1)} ${suffix}`)?.slice(0, FILENAME_MAXLENGTH)
      id: '',
      urlRE: '//',
      listTitleXP: '//a/div[2]/h3',
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      detailURLRE: /\/\/jp\/ja\/products\//,
      detailTitleXP: '//h1[@data-test="product-name"]',
      detailTitleSearchXP: '//h1[@data-test="product-name"][+++]/../../..',
      urlHasChangedCommonFunc: () => {
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    }, {
      id: 'workman',
      urlRE: '//',
      title: 'div._title > a , form > div.block-goods-name > h1.h1.block-goods-name--text , a.js-enhanced-ecommerce-goods-name',
      box: 'div._item , div.pane-goods-right-side , dl.block-thumbnail-t--goods.js-enhanced-ecommerce-item',
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      forceTranslucentFunc: e => lh("/shop/g/"),
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ytd-watch-metadata h1 yt-formatted-string.ytd-watch-metadata
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        key: 'Shift+F', // Shift+F::YouTubeでキーワード検索
        func: () => { searchWithHistory("YouTube", "YouTube", '***', "+OR+") },
      }, {
        key: 'u', // u::チャプターメモ
        func: (e) => {
          if (lh(/https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/results\?search_query\=/)) { // u::uniq
            let undup = []
            let dup = []
            elegeta('>a>yt-formatted-string:visible').forEach(e => {
              if (undup.includes(e.textContent)) {
                e.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "instant", block: "center", inline: "center" });
                $(e.closest("ytd-grid-video-renderer, ytd-video-renderer, div.ytd-playlist-video-list-renderer ytd-playlist-video-renderer, ytd-rich-item-renderer, h1 yt-formatted-string.ytd-watch-metadata, div#channel-header .ytd-channel-name yt-formatted-string, ytd-watch-flexy h1.ytd-video-primary-info-renderer yt-formatted-string, ytd-video-owner-renderer #channel-name .ytd-channel-name div yt-formatted-string a,ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer,ytd-compact-video-renderer,ytd-reel-item-renderer")).hide(999, function() { $(this).remove() }); //e?.closest(".entry")?.remove()
              } else { undup.push(e.textContent) }
            popup2(`u:重複タイトルを隠す\n${dup.join("\n")}`, 6)

          chapterMemo(/watch/, () => eleget0('//div[2]/ytd-video-primary-info-renderer[@has-date-text=""]/div/h1/yt-formatted-string[@force-default-style="" and contains(@class,"style-scope ytd-video-primary-info-renderer")]|//ytd-watch-metadata[@class="style-scope ytd-watch-flexy"]/div/div[@class="style-scope ytd-watch-metadata"]/h1[@class="style-scope ytd-watch-metadata"]/yt-formatted-string')?.textContent, `${location.href.match0(/v\=([^?&]*)/)}&t=**time**`)
      }, {
        key: 'Shift+U', // Shift+U::チャプターメモをクリップボードにコピー
        func: (e) => {
          // watch視聴画面
          elegeta('a[href*="&pp="]').forEach(e => e.href = e?.href?.replace(/&pp=[^&]+/, ""))
          if (lh(/watch/) && kaisuuU % 4 < 2) chapterMemo(/watch/, () => eleget0('meta[name="title"]:visible')?.getAttribute("content") || eleget0('//div[@id="title" and @class="style-scope ytd-watch-metadata"]/h1/yt-formatted-string:visible')?.textContent?.trim(), `${(kaisuuU%3%2==1?"**id**&t=**time**":"**id**?t=**time**").replace("**id**",location.href.match0(/v\=([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11})/))}`, 1) // 1-2回目:今見てる動画のついているチャプターメモを列挙
          if (lh(/watch/) && kaisuuU % 4 == 2) { // 3回目:プレイリスト中の○メモかチャプターメモがついた動画(Qで消されていたら除外)を列挙
            let chaMemoTU = [ Set((elegeta('div#items ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer#playlist-items').reduce((ac, v) => {
              if (eleget0('.yhmMyMemo:not(.yhmMyMemoX)', v) && v?.style?.opacity != 0.5) {
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                ac.push(`${eleget0('#video-title', v)?.innerText?.normalize("NFC")?.trim()} - YouTube\n${eleget0('a', v)?.href?.replace(/\&.*/, "")}\n`)
              return ac
            }, [])))]
            popup2(chaMemoTU.join(""), -1, "", "top")
          if (lh(/watch/) && (kaisuuU % 5 == 3 || kaisuuU % 5 == 4)) { // 4/5回目:プレイリスト中の○メモかチャプターメモがついた動画(Qで消されていたら除外)を列挙、メモを掲載
            let chaMemoTU = [ Set((elegeta('div#items ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer#playlist-items').reduce((ac, v) => {
              let uploader = eleget0('', v)?.textContent?.trim();
              let videolen = eleget0('', v)?.textContent?.trim();
              let memoot = elegeta('.yhmMyMemo:not(.yhmMyMemoX)', v).filter(v => v?.style?.opacity != 0.5).map(v => v.textContent).join(" ")
              let memoxt = elegeta('.yhmMyMemoX', v).filter(v => v?.style?.opacity != 0.5).map(v => v.textContent).join(" ")
              let chapterurl = elegeta('.yhmMyMemo:not(.yhmMyMemoX)', v).find(v => v?.style?.opacity != 0.5 && v?.dataset?.url)?.dataset.url.match0(/&t=\d*/)
              if (kaisuuU % 5 == 4 || memoot) {
                //                ac.push(`${eleget0('#video-title', v)?.innerText?.normalize("NFC")?.trim()} - YouTube${uploader?` - ${uploader}`:""}${(memoot||memoxt)?" - ":""}${memoot}${memoxt?" "+memoxt:""}\n${chapterurl?eleget0('a', v)?.href?.replace(/\&.*/, "")+chapterurl: eleget0('a',v)?.href?.replace(/\&.*/, "")}\n`)
                ac.push(`${eleget0('#video-title', v)?.innerText?.normalize("NFC")?.trim()} - YouTube${uploader?` - ${uploader}`:""}${videolen?` - [${videolen}]`:""}${(memoot||memoxt)?" - ":""}${memoot}${memoxt?" "+memoxt:""}\n${chapterurl?eleget0('a', v)?.href?.replace(/\&.*/, "")+chapterurl: eleget0('a',v)?.href?.replace(/\&.*/, "")}\n`)
              return ac
            }, [])))]
            popup2(`${kaisuuU % 5 ==3?"メモとチャプター反映/メモあり":"メモとチャプター反映/全て"}(${chaMemoTU?.length})\n` + chaMemoTU.join(""), -1, "background-color:#447;", "top")
            //popup2(`${chaMemoTU?.length})\n` + chaMemoTU.join(""), -1, "", "top")

          // 検索、プレイリスト画面等
          if (!lh(/\/watch/) && lh(/\/results\?search_query=|\/videos|\/playlist|\/shorts|\/search/)) {

            let list
            if (kaisuuU % 4 == 3) { // 4回目:○メモかチャプターメモがついた動画(Qで消されていたら除外)を列挙、メモを掲載
              list = [ Set((elegeta('ytd-grid-video-renderer,ytd-video-renderer,ytd-playlist-video-renderer,ytd-rich-item-renderer,').reduce((ac, v) => {
                let memoot = elegeta('.yhmMyMemo:not(.yhmMyMemoX)', v).filter(v => v?.style?.opacity != 0.5).map(v => v.textContent).join(" ")
                let memoxt = elegeta('.yhmMyMemoX', v).filter(v => v?.style?.opacity != 0.5).map(v => v.textContent).join(" ")
                let chapterurl = elegeta('.yhmMyMemo:not(.yhmMyMemoX)', v).find(v => v?.style?.opacity != 0.5 && v?.dataset?.url)?.dataset.url.match0(/&t=\d*/)
                if (memoot) {
                  ac.push(`${eleget0('#video-title', v)?.innerText?.normalize("NFC")?.trim()} - YouTube ${memoot}${memoxt?" "+memoxt:""}\n${chapterurl?eleget0('a', v)?.href?.replace(/\&.*/, "")+chapterurl: eleget0('a',v)?.href?.replace(/\&.*/, "")}\n`)
                return ac;
              }, [])))];
              list = [ Set(list)];
            } else {

              // 1-3回め:
              list = elegeta('.yhmMyMemo:not(.yhmMyMemoX):visible')
                .filter(e => e?.closest("ytd-grid-video-renderer,ytd-video-renderer,ytd-playlist-video-renderer,ytd-rich-item-renderer,") && ((GF?.chaptermemotype || 0) % 3 != 1 || e?.dataset?.cm))
                .map(memoEle => {
                  let vEle = eleget0("a[href*='/watch?v='],a[href*='/shorts/']", memoEle?.closest(;
                  //                  let vID = vEle?.href?.match0(/https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11})/);
                  let vID = vEle?.href?.match0(/(?:\/watch\?v=|\/shorts\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11})/);
                  let url = `${ vID}`;
                  let title = eleget0(SITE.title, memoEle?.closest(;
                  let stime = hms2sec(memoEle.textContent.match0(/^([\d:]+)\s/) || "");
                  let memo = !stime ? memoEle.textContent?.replace(/^\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d(?:\s\(.\))?$/, "") : "";
                  let line = (GF?.chaptermemotype || 0) % 4 < 2 && stime ? `${title} - YouTube ▶ ${memoEle?.textContent?.trim()}\n${url}?t=${stime}\n` : `${title} - YouTube${memo?" "+memo:""}\n${url}\n`;
                  return line;
              list = [ Set(list)];

            GF.chaptermemotype = (GF?.chaptermemotype || 0) + 1; // 偶数回目に押した時はチャプターメモに絞る
            GM.setClipboard(list?.join("") || "")
            popup2((list?.join("") || ""), -1, "", "top") //popup2(`(${list?.length})\n` + (list?.join("") || ""), -1, "", "top")
      }, {
        key: 'h', // a:: h::キューかプレイリストありでの視聴画面 (「YouTube検索結果「全てキューに入れて再生」ボタンを追加」用)
        func: () => {
          if (/\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch/.test(location.href)) {
            let menu = [
              { t: "時間長", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer:visible'), v => Number(v?.querySelector('')?.innerText?.replace(/[^0-9]/gmi, "") || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), 1) } },
              { t: "時間短", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer:visible'), v => Number(v?.querySelector('')?.innerText?.replace(/[^0-9]/gmi, "") || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)) } },
              //{ t: "メモ多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer:visible'), v => Number(elegeta('.yhmMyMemo', v).length), 1) } },
              { t: "メモ多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer:visible'), v => (elegeta('.yhmMyMemoO', v)?.length || 0) - (elegeta('.yhmMyMemoX', v)?.length || 0), 1) } }, // ○メモとチャプターメモは+1、×メモは-1評価
              { t: "タイトル", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer:visible'), v => v?.querySelector('span#video-title')?.textContent?.trim()) } },
              { t: "投稿者名", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer:visible'), v => v?.querySelector('span#byline')?.textContent?.trim()) } },
            var sorttype = GF.yhmSortType % menu.length || 0
            popup2("h:ソート\n" + (, i) => " " + c.t + (i == sorttype ? " ←\n" : "\n")).join("")), 6, `min-width:${menu.reduce((p,c)=>Math.max(p,c.t.length+3),0)}em;`);
            GF.yhmSortType = (++sorttype) % menu.length
      }, {
        key: 'a', // a::
        func: () => {
          if (lh(/\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/playlist\?list=/)) {
            let menu = [
              { t: "時間長", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => Number(v?.querySelector('span.ytd-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer')?.textContent?.replace(/[^0-9]/gmi, "")), 1) } },
              { t: "時間短", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => Number(v?.querySelector('span.ytd-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer')?.textContent?.replace(/[^0-9]/gmi, ""))) } },
              //{ t: "メモ多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => elegeta('.yhmMyMemo', v).length, 1) } },
              { t: "メモ多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => (elegeta('.yhmMyMemoO', v)?.length || 0) - (elegeta('.yhmMyMemoX', v)?.length || 0), 1) } }, // ○メモとチャプターメモは+1、×メモは-1評価
              { t: "タイトル", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => eleget0('#video-title', v)?.textContent?.trim()) } },
              { t: "投稿者", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => eleget0(' yt-formatted-string a', v)?.textContent?.trim() || "") } },
              { t: "再生多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => { let n = eleget0('//yt-formatted-string[@id="video-info"]/span[@dir="auto" and @class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" and contains(text(),"回視聴")]', v)?.textContent; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("万") ? 10000 : n?.match0("億") ? 100000000 : 1) }, 1) } },
              { t: "再生少", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => { let n = eleget0('//yt-formatted-string[@id="video-info"]/span[@dir="auto" and @class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" and contains(text(),"回視聴")]', v)?.textContent; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("万") ? 10000 : n?.match0("億") ? 100000000 : 1) }, 0) } },
              { t: "古い", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => { let n = eleget0('//div[@id="metadata"]/div/yt-formatted-string/span[contains(text(),"前")]', v)?.textContent; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("時間") ? 0.0416 : n?.match0("分") ? 0.00025 : n?.match0("週間") ? 7 : n?.match0("か月") ? 31 : n?.match0("年") ? 365 : 1) }, 1) } },
              { t: "新しい", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => { let n = eleget0('//div[@id="metadata"]/div/yt-formatted-string/span[contains(text(),"前")]', v)?.textContent; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("時間") ? 0.0416 : n?.match0("分") ? 0.00025 : n?.match0("週間") ? 7 : n?.match0("か月") ? 31 : n?.match0("年") ? 365 : 1) }, 0) } },
              { t: "逆順", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => eleget0('//yt-formatted-string[@id="index"]', v)?.textContent, 1) } },
              { t: "元順", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => eleget0('//yt-formatted-string[@id="index"]', v)?.textContent, 0) } },
            var sorttype = GF.yhmSortType % menu.length || 0
            popup2("A:ソート\n" + (, i) => " " + c.t + (i == sorttype ? " ←\n" : "\n")).join("")), 6, `min-width:${menu.reduce((p,c)=>Math.max(p,c.t.length+3),0)}em;`);
            GF.yhmSortType = (++sorttype) % menu.length
          if (lh(/\/\/\/(?:channel\/|c\/|user\/|@)[^\/]+\/(?:search)/)) { // a::
            let menu = [
              { t: "メモ多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => (elegeta('.yhmMyMemoO', v)?.length || 0) - (elegeta('.yhmMyMemoX', v)?.length || 0), 1) } }, // ○メモとチャプターメモは+、×メモは-評価
              { t: "時間短", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => Number(v?.querySelector('span.ytd-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer')?.textContent?.replace(/[^0-9]/gmi, ""))) } },
              { t: "タイトル", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => v?.querySelector(' > yt-formatted-string')?.textContent?.trim()) } },
              { t: "古い", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), (v) => { let n = v?.querySelector('div.ytd-video-meta-block span:nth-child(4)')?.textContent; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("時間") ? 0.0416 : n?.match0("分") ? 0.00025 : n?.match0("週間") ? 7 : n?.match0("か月") ? 31 : n?.match0("年") ? 365 : 1) }, 1) } },
              { t: "新しい", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), (v) => { let n = v?.querySelector('div.ytd-video-meta-block span:nth-child(4)')?.textContent; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("時間") ? 0.0416 : n?.match0("分") ? 0.00025 : n?.match0("週間") ? 7 : n?.match0("か月") ? 31 : n?.match0("年") ? 365 : 1) }) } },
            popup2("A:ソート\n" + (, i) => " " + c.t + (i == GF.yhmSortType % menu.length ? " ←\n" : "\n")).join("")), 6, `min-width:${menu.reduce((p,c)=>Math.max(p,c.t.length+3),0)}em;`);
            menu[GF.yhmSortType % menu.length]?.f()
            GF.yhmSortType = (GF?.yhmSortType + 1) % menu.length
          if (lh(/\/\/\/(?:channel\/|c\/|user\/|@)[^\/]+\/(?:videos|shorts|streams)|\/\/\/hashtag\//)) { // a::
            $('ytd-rich-grid-row .style-scope.ytd-rich-grid-row').unwrap(); // 表示が乱れるのでよくわからない4列化行要素を消す
            var sorttype = GF.yhmSortType || 0
            let menu = [
              { t: "現状を反転", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(' ,,,'), (v, i) => { return -i }) } },
              { t: "時間長", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(' ,,,'), (v) => { return Number(v?.querySelector('span.ytd-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer')?.textContent?.replace(/[^0-9]/gmi, "")) }, 1) } },
              { t: "時間短", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(' ,,,'), (v) => { return Number(v?.querySelector('span.ytd-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer')?.textContent?.replace(/[^0-9]/gmi, "")) }) } },
              { t: "メモ多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(' ,,,'), (v) => { return (elegeta('.yhmMyMemoO', v)?.length || 0) - (elegeta('.yhmMyMemoX', v)?.length || 0) }, 1) } }, // ○メモとチャプターメモは+1、×メモは-1評価
              { t: "タイトル", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(' ,,,'), (v) => v?.querySelector('#video-title')?.textContent?.trim()) } },
              { t: "再生多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(' ,,,'), (v) => { let n = v?.querySelector('#metadata-line>span:nth-child(3)')?.textContent; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("万") ? 10000 : n?.match0("億") ? 100000000 : 1) }, 1) } },
              { t: "再生少", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(' ,,,'), (v) => { let n = v?.querySelector('#metadata-line>span:nth-child(3)')?.textContent; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("万") ? 10000 : n?.match0("億") ? 100000000 : 1) }) } },
              { t: "古い", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(' ,,,'), (v) => { let n = v?.querySelector('#metadata-line>span:nth-child(4)')?.textContent; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("時間") ? 0.0416 : n?.match0("分") ? 0.00025 : n?.match0("週間") ? 7 : n?.match0("か月") ? 31 : n?.match0("年") ? 365 : 1) }, 1) } },
              { t: "新しい", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(' ,,,'), (v) => { let n = v?.querySelector('#metadata-line>span:nth-child(4)')?.textContent; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("時間") ? 0.0416 : n?.match0("分") ? 0.00025 : n?.match0("週間") ? 7 : n?.match0("か月") ? 31 : n?.match0("年") ? 365 : 1) }) } },
              //            { t: "", f: () => {  } },
            menu = menu.slice(0, lh(/\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/playlist\?list=/) ? 5 : 9)
            popup2("A:ソート\n" + (, i) => " " + c.t + (i == sorttype ? " ←\n" : "\n")).join("")), 6, `min-width:${menu.reduce((p,c)=>Math.max(p,c.t.length+4),0)}em;`);
            //popup2("A:ソート\n\n※YouTubeの仕様変更により現在「時間短」しかまともに動作しないようです\n\n" + (, i) => " " + c.t + (i == sorttype ? " ←\n" : "\n")).join("")), 6, `min-width:${menu.reduce((p,c)=>Math.max(p,c.t.length+4),0)}em;`);
            GF.yhmSortType = (++sorttype) % menu.length

          if (/\/\/\/results\?search_query=/.test(location.href)) { // 検索結果 // a::
            let menu = [
              //{ t: "メモ多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta('#contents ytd-playlist-video-renderer'), v => elegeta('.yhmMyMemo', v).length, 1) } },
              //              { t: "メモ多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => Number(elegeta('.yhmMyMemoO', v)?.length || 0) - (elegeta('.yhmMyMemoX', v)?.length || 0), 1) } }, // ○メモとチャプターメモは+1、×メモは-1評価
              { t: "メモ多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => Number(elegeta('.yhmMyMemoO:visible', v)?.length || 0) - (elegeta('.yhmMyMemoX:visible', v)?.length || 0), 1) } }, // ○メモとチャプターメモは+1、×メモは-1評価 // 投稿者名には見えない要素が1つあるのでメモが2倍ついているのでvisible指定するが本当はしたくない
              { t: "時間長", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => Number(eleget0('', v)?.textContent?.replace(/[^0-9]/gmi, "")), 1); } },
              { t: "時間短", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => Number(eleget0('', v)?.textContent?.replace(/[^0-9]/gmi, ""))); } },
              { t: "タイトル", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => eleget0('//yt-formatted-string[@class="style-scope ytd-video-renderer"]', v)?.textContent?.trim()); } }, // shortsを含めない
              //{ t: "タイトル", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => eleget0('//yt-formatted-string[@class="style-scope ytd-video-renderer"]', v)?.textContent?.replace(/[\s "”\[\]「」[]「」『』【】()\(\)\::・\-\//]/gmi,"")?.trim()); } }, // shortsを含めない // 空白と記号を無視する版
              { t: "投稿者", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => eleget0('//a[@class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string"]', v)?.textContent); } },
              { t: "再生多", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => { let n = eleget0('//div[@id="metadata-line"]/span[1]', v)?.textContent || "0"; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("万") ? 10000 : n?.match0("億") ? 100000000 : 1) }, 1) } },
              { t: "再生少", f: () => { sortdom(elegeta(''), v => { let n = eleget0('//div[@id="metadata-line"]/span[1]', v)?.textContent || "0"; return parseFloat(n) * (n?.match0("万") ? 10000 : n?.match0("億") ? 100000000 : 1) }) } },
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          [/([0-90-9++].*?物質)/m, /([0-90-9++]+?項目)/gm, /(交換.{1,19}[0-9.]+ヶ月)|(交換.{1,19}[0-9.]+年)|(取替.{1,19}[0-9.]+ヶ月)|(取替.{1,19}[0-9.]+年)/m].forEach(m => autoMemo(m)); //,/(除去物質数[\s\S]*\d+)/gm
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                      if (res.textContent.indexOf(title) !== -1) resHit.push(res.closest(""));
        return resHit;
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          autoMemo(/(CPU[\s\S]{1,30}?GHz)/mi) ? 0 :
          autoMemo(/^(.*GHz)/gmi) ? 0 :
        autoMemo(/([0-90-9]{2,4}年製)/m) ? 0 :
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          listGen: 3, // Q12を押した場所の要素からいくつ上まで遡った要素までを当たり判定にするか 必要最小限にする
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          funcQ: null, // Qキー処理時にそのサイトでのみ実行したい関数があれば書く
          funcMemo: null, // 5/6などメモ関係処理時にそのサイトでのみ実行したい関数があれば書く
          funcFinally: null, // そのサイトで非表示やメモの処理が終わった後に実行したい関数があれば書く
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          funcOnlyFirstWithoutDelay: null, // ページ開始時に1回だけ実行したい関数 Delayなしで最速で実行する
          titleProcessFunc: null, // 項目名を保存する前に加工したければ関数を書く
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          observe: 0, // ミリ秒 1以上だと要素追加ごとにこのミリ秒の遅延を置いて再処理する(とても遅い) 項目が動的に追加されるページなどで使用
          observeFunc:null, // これがあると追加された要素ごとにtrueを返した要素のみが処理対象になる判定関数 (addedElement)=>{return addedElement==~})
          observeId: "", // これがあるとobserve有効時にこのIDの要素でないものは無視する YouTubeなどの高速化に重要
          observeClass: [], // これがあるとobserve有効時にこれに含まれるClassNameでない要素は無視する futapoなどの高速化に重要
          observeClassNameNot:[], // これがあるとobserve有効時にこのclassNameの要素は処理しない
          observeTagName:"", // これがあるとobserve有効時にこのtagNameの要素は処理しない
          trim: 0, // 1だと項目名をtrimしてから保存 Amazonでは項目名が一覧と詳細で揺れるため1にする
          automemoURLRE: null, // 自動メモを収集するURL
          automemoSearchFunc: null, // 自動メモの対象要素のテキストを収集する関数
          automemoFunc: null, // 自動メモを実行する関数
          redoWhenReturned: 0, // これが1かdetailTitleXPが存在すれば他ウインドウや他タブから戻ってきた時に全体を再処理する disableUrlREを見る
          redoWhenRefocused: 0, // これが1なら他タブから戻ってきた時に全体を再処理する disableUrlREを無視
          showFunc: null, // QWで項目を再表示した時に実行したい関数があれば書く
          hideListEvenDetail: 0, // 1なら詳細画面でも一覧画面用の非表示を実行する ニコニコ静画(イラスト)などで使用
          detailRangeFunc: null, // 詳細画面で項目対象が2つ以上ある場合に指した要素から遡る等の処理があれば書く関数
          //useURL: 0, // 1なら項目名としてAタグのhrefを取り込み、使う ジモティ等、完全に同名の項目名が付けられやすいサイトで使用
          useURL: 0, // 1なら項目名としてAタグのhrefを取り込み、使う(?以降は無視) ジモティ等、完全に同名の項目名が付けられやすいサイトで使用
          useText: 0, // 1なら項目名としてtextContentを取り込み、使う Pubmed等IDではない@titleが設定されているためテキストを優先したいサイトで使用
          hideSelectedWord: 1, // 1ならQキーを押した時に文字列選択中ならその文字列を非表示リストに入れる 5chのレス本文キーワードNGなどで使用
          disableHelpForce: 0, // 1ならENABLE_HELP_CONCLUSIONを常に0にしヘルプやガイドを一切表示しない
          disableHelpUrlRE: '', // 正規表現 URLにマッチすると全体ヘルプを抑制する
          disableKeyB: 0, // 1ならBキーは効かなくする youtubeなどで使用
          searchAllowLength: 0, // 1ならQ12キーの当たり判定をゆるくする(説明しづらい) 5chで使用
          reloadWhenUrlHasChanged:0, // 1ならURLが変わった時にリロードする SPAサイトなどで使用
          helpOnDNI: 0, // 1ならdniでの継ぎ足し時非表示にしたレポートを逐一表示する
          disableUrlRE: "", // URLにマッチしたらキー操作を無効にする正規表現 YouTubeなどSPAサイトで動画視聴ページでキー操作の機能を無効にするために使用
          urlHasChangedCommonFunc: null, // urlが変わったら実行する関数 uniqlo等シングルページアプリケーションで一覧と詳細を行き来するサイト等で使用
          WhateverFirstAndEveryAPFunc: null, // 対象要素がなくてもurlREにマッチしたページならとにかく最初とAutoPagerize時に実行する関数
          memoStyle:"", // メモのstyle=""指定に特別に追加する文字列
          ignoreDNI:null, // これがあるとDOMNodeInsertedイベントでe.targetを受け取りtrueを返したらそのノードは無視する判定関数 ニコ動watch画面等で使用 (e)=>{if(e==無視すべきノード)return false} などと使う
          forceTranslucentFunc:null, // これがあると非表示にした要素eがtrueを返すときは半透明に消す判定関数 e=>e.closest("***") のように使う
          //isMemoPartialMatch: 0, // 全体ヘルプの表示だけメモを部分一致にする
          isHidePartialMatch: 0, // 全体ヘルプの表示だけ非表示を部分一致にする=Bキーのガイドを出す 5ch/ふたばなどの特殊本文NGができるサイトでBキーのヘルプを出すためだけに使用
          preventMemo: null,  // (memo内容)=>return true だと通常のメモの内容表示を抑制する判定関数 futapoで使用
          // 新方式(titleとboxで1セット、listTitle~を代替)
          title: '', // 項目名を指すXPath/CSS これとboxだけで要素を特定する新フォーマット title→textContentの順に優先して同一判定する 現在===判定のみ
          box: '', // titleを包含し項目全体の枠になる先祖要素(枠)を指すCSS(XPath不可) boxの中にtitleがある
          titleSubstr: false, // これがtrueだとメモがtitleに対して部分一致でヒットするようになる ヤフオクでCPUスコアの自動メモを表示するために使用
          memoFunc: null, // メモを付ける位置は通常はtitleのafterendだがこれがあるとtitle要素から辿って変更できる デフォルトは(titleEle)=>{return titleEle}
          memoPosition: '', // メモを付ける位置は通常はtitleのafterendだがこれがあると変更できる afterbegin等
          nfd: 0, // 1:項目のタイトルをすべてNFDエンコードにしてから一致判定する 壮絶に遅い タイトルのエンコードが一定でないサイトで使用 YouTubeの新仕様で必要になるかも
          Bsyntax2: 0, // 1:bキーの非表示ワード直接入力で独自構文を使えるようにする
          }, // doc::

  var siteinfo = Object.assign(SITEINFO, pref("MY_SITEINFO") || []); //alert(siteinfo);return;
  // thissiteを決定
  var thissite = null;
  for (var i = 0; i < siteinfo.length; i++) {
    if (siteinfo[i].urlRE === "") break;
    if ((typeof siteinfo[i].urlRE == "function" && siteinfo[i].urlRE()) || (typeof siteinfo[i].urlRE != "function" && location.protocol != "file:" && location.href.match(siteinfo[i].urlRE))) {
      thissite = i;
      var SITE = Object.create(siteinfo[thissite]);
      if (SITE.disableKeyB === undefined && (!(/\*\*\*|\*\*title\*\*|\*\*alt\*\*/.test(SITE.detailTitleSearchXP || "") || /\*\*\*|\*\*title\*\*|\*\*alt\*\*/.test((SITE.listTitleSearchXP || "") || /\*\*\*|\*\*title\*\*|\*\*alt\*\*/.test(SITE.listlTitleMemoSearchXP || ""))))) SITE.disableKeyB = 1;
  if (thissite === null || (!ENABLE_EXCEPT_YAJ && != "YAJ2")) return;

  // 実験的に全てON
  //SITE.redoWhenRefocused = 1
  //SITE.redoWhenReturned = 1

  let ENABLE_HELP_CONCLUSION = lh(SITE?.disableHelpUrlRE || /$^/) ? 0 : SITE.disableHelpForce ? 0 : ENABLE_HELP;

  const MEMOSTYLE = SITE.memoStyle ? SITE.memoStyle : "";
  const CUSTOMAUTOMEMORE = [/(Windows.*bit)/gmi, /((?:HDD|HDD|SSD|SSD|ハードディスク|ストレージ).*?(?:GB|TB|GB|TB|無し|なし|無|欠品|欠))/mi, /((?:10|テン)(?:key|キー))/mi, /(768.{1,3}576)|(800.{1,3}600)|(832.{1,3}624)|(1024.{1,3}768)|(1152.{1,3}864)|(1,?280.{1,3}960)|(1400.{1,3}1050)|(1440.{1,3}1080)|(1600.{1,3}1200)|(2048.{1,3}1536)|(2304.{1,3}1728)|(3200.{1,3}2400)|(854.{1,3}480)|(1024.{1,3}576)|(1136.{1,3}640)|(1280.{1,3}720)|(1,?36\d?.{1,3}768)|(1,?920.{1,3}1,?080)|(2048.{1,3}1152)|(2,?560.{1,3}1,?440)|(3200.{1,3}1800)|(3,?840.{1,3}2,?160)|(7680.{1,3}4320)|(640.{1,3}400)|(1280.{1,3}800)|(1,?440.{1,3}900)|(1680.{1,3}1050)|(1,?920.{1,3}1,?200)|(2560.{1,3}1600)|(2880.{1,3}1800)|(3840.{1,3}2400)|(480.{1,3}320)|(960.{1,3}640)|(176.{1,3}144)|(400.{1,3}240)|(352.{1,3}288)|(640.{1,3}350)|(720.{1,3}480)|(800.{1,3}480)|(864.{1,3}480)|(1024.{1,3}480)|(1024.{1,3}600)|(1280.{1,3}600)|(1120.{1,3}750)|(1280.{1,3}768)|(1152.{1,3}870)|(1280.{1,3}1024)|(1,?600.{1,3}900)|(1,?600.{1,3}1024)|(2048.{1,3}1080)|(4096.{1,3}2160)|(8192.{1,3}4320)/m, /(非光沢|ノングレア|ノーグレア|アンチグレア|光沢|グレア)/m, /((?:30|40)\s?(?:pin|ピン))/mi, /(LVDS.*$|eDP)/mi, /^(.*リカバリ.*)$/mi, /(仕事率[^0-90-9\n]*[0-9,0-9,]*\s*[wW])/mi, /(\[?\s?関東[^0-9,0-9,\n]*[0-9,0-9,]*\s*円[-~]?)/m, /(\[?\s?本州[^0-9,0-9,\n]*[0-9,0-9,]*\s*円[-~]?)/m, /(HDMI.{0,10}入力.{2,3}|入力.{0,20}HDMI.{2,3})/mi, /(電源入り.{2,10})/mi, /(\d\d鍵)/m];
  //const CUSTOMAUTOMEMORE = [/$()^/]; // 無指定
  const alsoClearBenchMemoWhenClearAutoMemo = 0; // 1:Shift+"で自動メモのみ削除する時CPUスコアのメモも削除する 0:CPUスコアのメモは残す

  const LogMatch = 0;

  debug && sw("start")
  var mousex = 0;
  var mousey = 0;
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  // userbenchmarkでの動作
  if (location.href.match(/\/.*\/Rating\/|\/SpeedTest\//i)) { //userbenchmark
    setTimeout(() => {
      let cpuscore = $(eleget0('//td[@class="mcs-hl-col" and contains(text(),"64-Core")]/span')).css("border", "4px dotted blue").text();
      let cpuscore1t = "1C:" + $(eleget0('//td[@class="mcs-hl-col" and contains(text(),"1-Core")]/span')).css("border", "4px dotted blue").text();
      cpuscore = cpuscore.replace(/(.*\%).*/, "$1").trim();
      let ubmodel = eleget0('//h1[@class="pg-head-title"]/a[@class="stealthlink"]').innerText.trim();
      let lasttitle = pref("lastItemName") || "";
      let modelno = (ubmodel.replace(/^core i\d-?(\S?\s?\d{3,5}.*$)/gi, "$1").replace(/^Core2 Duo (.?\d{3,5}.*$)/gi, "$1").trim());
      for (let title of (lasttitle ? lasttitle.indexOf(modelno) != -1 ? [modelno] : [lasttitle, modelno] : [modelno])) {
        //for (let memo of [
        [document?.body?.innerText?.match(/(TDP\s*\d+\s*W)/mi)?.[1]?.replace(/\s/gm, " ") || "",
          cpuscore, cpuscore1t,
        ].forEach((memo, i) => {
          //]) {
          var tmp = pref('YAJ2 : SearchMyMemo') || [];
          var isExist = tmp.filter(e => e.t == title && e.m == memo);
          popup3(title + "\n" + memo, i * 3);
          if (isExist.length == 0) {
            if (title && memo) {
              let tmp = pref('YAJ2 : SearchMyMemo') || [];
              tmp.push({ t: title, m: memo, c: COLORCPUSCORE })
              pref('YAJ2 : SearchMyMemo', tmp)
      pref("lastItemName", "");
      //popup3("Task completed");
    }, 500);
  if (location.href.indexOf("") != -1) {} else {
    pref("lastItemName") ? (pref("lastItemName", ""), popup3("UBM Task has been cleared")) : 0;

  if ( == "5CH") {
    var oldmemo = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || []
    var newmemo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldmemo)) || []
    newmemo.forEach(c => {
      c.t = c.t.replace(document.title, "").replace(/ |\s|:/g, "").trim()
    if (JSON.stringify(oldmemo) != JSON.stringify(newmemo)) {
      pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo', newmemo)
      alert("前バージョンからのメモの変換に成功しました") //JSON.stringify(newmemo))

  // メモのc属性を7文字から4文字に削減 12ms
  var oldmemo = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || []
  let memoRE = new RegExp(`\"c\"\:\"${OLD_COLOR1}\"|\"c\"\:\"${OLD_COLOR2}\"|\"c\"\:\"${OLD_COLOR3}\"|\"c\"\:\"${OLD_COLORVIDEOTIME}\"|\"c\"\:\"${OLD_COLORCPUSCORE}\"`)
  if (memoRE.test(JS(oldmemo))) {
    var newmemo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldmemo)) || []
    newmemo = newmemo?.map(v => {
      if (v?.c) {
        if (i >= 0) v.c = [COLOR1, COLOR2, COLOR3, COLORVIDEOTIME, COLORCPUSCORE][i]
      return v;
    if (JSON.stringify(oldmemo) != JSON.stringify(newmemo)) {
      pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo', newmemo)
      //alert(`ヤフオクで非表示とメモ:\nメモの旧形式からの変換に成功しました\n`) //JSON.stringify(newmemo)
  oldmemo = null;
  newmemo = null;

  if (SITE.funcOnlyFirstWithoutDelay) SITE.funcOnlyFirstWithoutDelay();
  if (SITE.funcOnlyFirst) setTimeout(() => { SITE.funcOnlyFirst(); }, (SITE.delayAutoWeighting || 0) * WAIT || (SITE.delay || 0));
  if (SITE.WhateverFirstAndEveryAPFunc) {
    setTimeout(() => { SITE.WhateverFirstAndEveryAPFunc(); }, (SITE.delayAutoWeighting || 0) * WAIT || (SITE.delay || 0));
    document.body.addEventListener('AutoPagerize_DOMNodeInserted', function(evt) { SITE.WhateverFirstAndEveryAPFunc(; }, false);

  if (SITE.keyFunc) { // SITEINFOにあるkeyFunc
    document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
      if ( === 'INPUT' || === 'TEXTAREA' || || (('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer') || document.activeElement.closest('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer')))) return;
      let ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey)
      var key = (e.shiftKey ? "Shift+" : "") + (e.altKey ? "Alt+" : "") + (e.ctrlKey ? "Ctrl+" : "") + e.key;
      keyFuncDispatch(key, e) //keyFuncDispatch(key, e, ele)
    }, true)

    function keyFuncDispatch(key, evt = null, opt = SITE) {
      opt.keyFunc.forEach(c => {
        if (typeof c.key === "string" ? key === c.key : key.match0(c.key)) { c.func(key, evt, opt) }
    /*    function keyFuncDispatch(key, opt = null) {
          SITE.keyFunc.forEach(c => {
            if (typeof c.key === "string" ? key === c.key : key.match0(c.key)) { c.func(key, opt) }

  if (SITE.reloadWhenUrlHasChanged) {
    var observeUrlHasChangedhref = location.href;
    var observeUrlHasChanged = new MutationObserver(mutations => { if (observeUrlHasChangedhref !== location.href) location.reload() });
    observeUrlHasChanged.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  if (SITE.runWhenUrlHasChanged) {
    var observeUrlHasChangedhrefRun = location.href;
    var observeUrlHasChangedRun = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
      if (observeUrlHasChangedhrefRun !== location.href) {
        setTimeout(() => { run(document.body, "returned") }, 2500);
    observeUrlHasChangedRun.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });

  // 詳細画面?
  var isDetail = (SITE.detailURLRE && location.href.match(SITE.detailURLRE)) ? 1 : 0;
  debug && dc("isDetail : " + isDetail)

  var isHidePartialMatch = SITE.isHidePartialMatch || (SITE.listTitleSearchXP && SITE.listTitleSearchXP.indexOf("**") != -1) ? 1 : 0;
  var isMemoPartialMatch = SITE.isMemoPartialMatch || (SITE.listTitleMemoSearchXP && SITE.listTitleMemoSearchXP.indexOf("**") != -1) ? 1 : 0;

  // ヤフオク上限価格はIME offにする
  if ( == "YAJ2") $(eleget0('//input[@class="InputText__input" and @name="max"]')).css('ime-mode', 'inactive');

  // 自動的に半透明モードにするページ
  var disableHide = (SITE.autoTranslucentURLRE && location.href.match(SITE.autoTranslucentURLRE)) || (pref("translucent") == "on");

  // 非対応ページ
  if (!isDetail && ((SITE.listTitleXP && !eleget0(SITE.listTitleXP)) || (SITE.title && !elegeta(SITE.title)))) {
    if ((SITE.listTitleXPIgnoreNotExist) || (SITE.observe) || (SITE.forceRunIffunc && SITE.forceRunIffunc())) {} else {
      if (debug) popup3("対象要素がないのでこのページでは働きません");
  if (SITE.necessaryToWork && (document.body.innerText.match(SITE.necessaryToWork)) == null) { //prompt(document.body.innerText,document.body.innerText.match(SITE.necessaryToWork))
    if (debug) popup3("非対応ページなのでこのページでは働きません");

  if (SITE.selectedHelp) {
    $('body').on('mouseup', function(e) {
      var selectedStr;
      if (window.getSelection) {
        selectedStr = window.getSelection().toString();
        if (selectedStr !== '' && selectedStr !== '\n') {
          if (selectedStr.indexOf("\n") !== -1) SITE.selectedHelp.multi ? popup3(SITE.selectedHelp.multi, 11, 5000) : 0;
          else ? popup3(`『${sani(selectedStr)}』を\n` +"\n"), 11, 5000) : 0;

  String.prototype.replaceTitle = function(title) {
    if (title && SITE.titleProcessFunc) title = SITE.titleProcessFunc(title);
    if (!title) title = "空の文字列";
    return this.replace(/\*\*\*/g, "contains(text(),\"" + title + "\")").replace(/\+\+\+/g, "text()=\"" + title + "\"").replace(/\+\+alt\+\+/g, "@alt=\"" + title + "\"").replace(/\*\*alt\*\*/g, "contains(@alt,\"" + title + "\")").replace(/\*\*title\*\*/g, "contains(@title,\"" + title + "\")").replace(/\+\+title\+\+/g, "@title=\"" + title + "\"").replace(/\+\+url\+\+/g, "@href=\"" + title + "\"").replace(/\*\*url\*\*/g, "contains(@href,\"" + title + "\")");

  var keyListen = async function(e) {
    if (SITE.disableUrlRE && (location.href.match(SITE.disableUrlRE))) {
      var one = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
      //      if (!SITE.listTitleXP || !elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP).concat(elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP2)).concat(elegeta(SITE.title)).find(v => v == one)) { return; }
      if (!SITE.listTitleXP || ![...elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP), ...elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP2), ...elegeta(SITE.title)].some(e => e.contains(one))) { return; }
    } //youtube視聴画面では反応する項目にホバーしているとき以外はキーを無効にする

    if ( === 'INPUT' || === 'TEXTAREA' || || (('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer') || document.activeElement.closest('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer')))) return;
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    if (key === KEYCHANGE_DEBUG) { // D::change debug mode
      debug = (debug + 1) % 4;
      popup3("debug mode : " + debug)
    if (key === KEYHIDE) { // Q::hide
      if (SITE.hideSelectedWord) { // 選択された文字列をNG / 5ch等
        let sel = String(window.getSelection());
        if (sel) {
          if (sel.indexOf("\n") !== -1) { popup2("複数行の選択は NG に入れられません", 1); } else { addNG(sel); }
          if (SITE.funcB) SITE.funcB();
          return false;
      if (SITE.title) { // 直接ホバーしている要素が非表示対象ならそれで非表示登録(1つのbox内に複数の対象(作品名に対する作者名など)がある時にどちらで登録するかを選べるための処理)
        var ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
        ele = elegeta(SITE.title)?.find(e => e.contains(ele))
        if (ele) { //        if (elegeta(SITE.title)?.some(e=>e.contains(ele) )) {
          debug && dc(`Direct element Q : 『${ele?.textContent?.trim()||ele?.title?.trim() }』\nbox : ${e2sel(ele)}`)
          addNG(ele?.textContent?.trim() || ele?.title?.trim())
          if (SITE.funcQ) SITE.funcQ(ele);
          return false;
      if (SITE.listTitleXP2) { // 2つ目の項目名がありそこにホバーしていればそれで非表示登録
        var ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
        ele = elegeta(SITE.title)?.find(e => e.contains(ele))
        if (ele) { //        if (elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP2).indexOf(ele) != -1) {
          blockElement(ele); //hideByTitle(ele.innerText);
          if (SITE.funcQ) SITE.funcQ(ele);
          return false;
      var ele = (SITE.detailTitleXP && isDetail) ? (eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP, (SITE.detailRangeFunc ? SITE.detailRangeFunc(document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey)) : document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey))) || eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP)) : document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
      debug && dc("Q start element : " + ele.tagName);
      if (SITE.funcQ) SITE.funcQ(ele);
      return false;
    if (key == KEYUNDO) { // W::undo
      let resist = pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || [];
      let title = resist.pop();
      let title2 = resist.slice(-1)[0] || "";
      title2 = title2 ? ("。次のアンドゥ対象は\n『" + title2 + "』") : ""
      pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle', resist) || [];
      if (isDetail && SITE.showFunc) SITE.showFunc();
      if (title) popup2("『" + title + "』\nを非表示登録から削除しました" + title2, 1, " background-color:#446; ");
      else popup2("登録された非表示項目はありません", 1);
      //        }
      if (SITE.funcQ) SITE.funcQ();
      return false;
    if (key == KEYBW && !SITE.disableKeyB) { // B::NGword
      if (SITE.funcB) SITE.funcB();
      return false;
    if (key == KEYTOGGLEtranslucent) { // T:: 半透明
      if (pref("translucent") == "on") restoreHidden();
      pref("translucent", pref("translucent") == "on" ? "off" : "on");;
      popup2(KEYTOGGLEtranslucent + ": 半透明モードを" + pref("translucent") + "にします");
      disableHide = (SITE.autoTranslucentURLRE && location.href.match(SITE.autoTranslucentURLRE)) || (pref("translucent") == "on");
      if (pref("translucent") == "on") {
        run(document.body, "returned");
      return false;

    if (key === KEYEDIT) { // shift+Q:: edit NGs
      prefRestrict( + ' : SearchHideTitle', "array");
      let sht = (JSON.stringify(pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || ""));
      if (sht === '""') sht = "";
      let tmp = prompt(`${}\n\n${ KEYEDIT }:\n非表示にするタイトル(現在${ (pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || []).length })をJSON形式で編集してください${SITE.QRule||"\n正規表現ではありません"}\n空欄を入力すれば全削除できます\n先頭の[の前に+を付けると現在のデータに追加(マージ)します\n\n${ sht}`, sht);
      if (tmp !== null) { // ESCで抜けたのでなければ
        try {
          if (tmp.match(/^\+|^+/)) {
            tmp = tmp.replace(/^\+|^+/, "")
            var tmp2 = pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || []
            tmp = JSON.parse(tmp || "") || []
            var tmp3 = tmp.concat(tmp2)
            tmp = JSON.stringify(tmp3)
          tmp = tmp ? JSON.parse(tmp) : []
          pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle', tmp)
          prefRestrict( + ' : SearchHideTitle', "array");
          var a = pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle')
          var b = [ Set(a)]; // uniq
          pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle', b || []);
          //    document.body.remove();
        } catch (e) {
          alert(e + "\n入力された文字列がうまくparseできなかったので設定を変更しません\n正しいJSON書式になっているか確認してください");
          return false
        return false
    if (key == KEYMEMO5EDIT || key == KEYMEMO6EDIT) { // Shift+5::5memo設定 Shift+6::6memo設定
      //var date = new Date();
      var memo = window.getSelection().toString().trim() || prompt((key == KEYMEMO5EDIT ? KEYMEMO5 : KEYMEMO6) + "キーのメモ内容を設定してください", (key == KEYMEMO5EDIT ? MEMO5WORD : MEMO6WORD) || getDefault56memo())
      if (key == KEYMEMO5EDIT) {
        MEMO5WORD = memo;
        key = KEYMEMO5
      } else {
        MEMO6WORD = memo;
        key = KEYMEMO6
      if (SITE.funcMemo) SITE.funcMemo();
      if (memo == false) return false;
    if (key == KEYMEMO5 || key == KEYMEMO6) { // 5::5memo 6::6memo
      if (SITE.title) { // 直接ホバーしている要素が対象ならそれで登録(1つのbox内に複数の対象(作品名と作者名など)がある時にどちらで登録するかを選べるための処理)
        var ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
        ele = elegeta(SITE.title)?.find(e => e.contains(ele))
        if (ele) { //        if (elegeta(SITE.title)?.some(e=>e.contains(ele) )) {//if (elegeta(SITE.title).find(e => e == ele)) {
          //var date = new Date();
          var dateStr = (key == KEYMEMO5 ? MEMO5WORD : MEMO6WORD) || getDefault56memo();
          //          memoElement(ele.innerText, document, key == KEYMEMO5 ? COLOR5 : COLOR6, window.getSelection().toString().trim() || dateStr);
          memoElement(ele.textContent?.trim(), document, key == KEYMEMO5 ? COLOR5 : COLOR6, window.getSelection().toString().trim() || dateStr);
          if (SITE.funcMemo) SITE.funcMemo();
          return false;

      if (SITE.listTitleXP2 && SITE.XP2memo) { // 2つ目の項目名がありそこにホバーしていればそれで56
        var ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
        ele = elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP2)?.find(e => e.contains(ele))
        if (ele) { //if (elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP2).indexOf(ele) != -1) {
          //var date = new Date();
          var dateStr = (key == KEYMEMO5 ? MEMO5WORD : MEMO6WORD) || getDefault56memo();
          memoElement(ele.innerText, document, key == KEYMEMO5 ? COLOR5 : COLOR6, window.getSelection().toString().trim() || dateStr);
          if (SITE.funcMemo) SITE.funcMemo();
          return false;

      var ele = (SITE.detailTitleXP && isDetail) ? (eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP, (SITE.detailRangeFunc ? SITE.detailRangeFunc(document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey)) : document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey))) || eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP)) : document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
      //var date = new Date();
      var dateStr = (key == KEYMEMO5 ? MEMO5WORD : MEMO6WORD) || getDefault56memo();
      memoElement(ele, document, key == KEYMEMO5 ? COLOR5 : COLOR6, window.getSelection().toString().trim() || dateStr);
      if (SITE.funcMemo) SITE.funcMemo();
      return false;
    if (key == KEYMEMO1 || key == KEYMEMO2) { // 1::1memo 2::2memo
      var ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
      if (SITE.listTitleXP2 && SITE.XP2memo) { // 2つ目の項目名がありそこにホバーしていればそれで12
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        ele = elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP2)?.find(e => e.contains(ele))
        if (ele) { //        if (elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP2).indexOf(ele) != -1) {
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          memoElement(ele?.textContent, document, key == KEYMEMO2 ? COLOR2 : COLOR1); // ここはtextContentじゃないと連続半角スペースの省略で違う項目名と判定されてしまう
          if (SITE.funcMemo) SITE.funcMemo();
          return false;
      if (SITE.title) { // 直接ホバーしている要素が対象ならそれで登録(1つのbox内に複数の対象(作品名と作者名など)がある時にどちらで登録するかを選べるための処理)
        //        var ele = document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
        ele = elegeta(SITE.title)?.find(e => e.contains(ele))
        if (ele) { //        if (elegeta(SITE.title).find(e => e == ele)) {
          //memoElement(ele.innerText?.trim(), document, key == KEYMEMO2 ? COLOR2 : COLOR1) //, window.getSelection().toString().trim() || dateStr);
          memoElement(ele?.textContent?.trim(), document, key == KEYMEMO2 ? COLOR2 : COLOR1) //, window.getSelection().toString().trim() || dateStr);// ここはtextContentじゃないと連続半角スペースの省略で違う項目名と判定されてしまう
          if (SITE.funcMemo) SITE.funcMemo();
          return false;
      //        var ele = eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP) ? eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP) : document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
      var ele = (SITE.detailTitleXP && isDetail) ? (eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP, (SITE.detailRangeFunc ? SITE.detailRangeFunc(document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey)) : document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey))) || eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP)) : document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
      memoElement(ele, document, key == KEYMEMO2 ? COLOR2 : COLOR1);
      if (SITE.funcMemo) SITE.funcMemo();
      return false;
    if ((key == KEYMEMO1S || key == KEYMEMO2S)) { // 3:: 4:: free memo
      var target = (prompt(`メモを付けたい項目のタイトルが含むキーワードを入力してください\nこのページでは${SITE?.listTitleMemoSearchXP?.indexOf("**")!=-1?"部分一致です":"全体一致です"}\n\n`) || "")?.trim();
      if (!target) return;
      var memo = (prompt("『" + target + "』\nに付けるメモを書いてください") || "").trim();
      if (!memo) return;
      storeMemo(target.trim(), memo, key == KEYMEMO1S ? COLOR1 : COLOR2)
      if (SITE.funcMemo) SITE.funcMemo();
      return false;
    if (key == KEYRESETMEMO) { // Shift+1::!::reset memo
      prefRestrict( + 'SearchMyMemo', "array");
      let smm = JSON.stringify(pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || []);
      if (smm === '[]') smm = "";
      var tmp = prompt( + "\n\n" + KEYRESETMEMO + ":\nメモ(現在" + (pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || []).length + ")をJSON形式で編集してください\n重複は自動的に削除されます\n空欄を入力すれば全削除されます\n先頭の[の前に+を付けると現在のデータに追加(マージ)します\n\n" + smm, smm);

      if (tmp === smm) return false;
      if (tmp !== null) { // ESCで抜けたのでなければ
        //pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo', tmp.trim() || []);
        try {
          var mergemode = tmp?.trim()?.match(/^\+|^+/)
          if (mergemode) {
            tmp = tmp?.trim()?.replace(/^\+|^+/, "")?.trim()
            tmp = JSON.stringify((pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || []).concat(JSON.parse(tmp || "") || []))
          tmp = tmp ? JSON.parse(tmp) : []
          tmp = (Array.from(new Set( => JSON.stringify(v))))).map(v => JSON.parse(v)) // uniq:オブジェクトの配列→JSON文字列配列→uniq→オブジェクトの配列
          tmp = => { if (v?.m) { v.m = v.m.replace(/^(\d\d\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).\s?\(?.?\)?$/, "$1.$2.$3") } return v; }) // 1234年12月34日(月)→1234.12.34
          tmp = (Array.from(new Set( => JSON.stringify(v))))).map(v => JSON.parse(v)) // uniq:オブジェクトの配列→JSON文字列配列→uniq→オブジェクトの配列
          pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo', tmp);
          prefRestrict( + 'SearchMyMemo', "array");
          var a = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || []
          var b = (Array.from(new Set( => JSON.stringify(v))))).map(v => JSON.parse(v)) // uniq:オブジェクトの配列→JSON文字列配列→uniq→オブジェクトの配列//var b = a.reduce((a, v) => { if (!a.some((e) => (e.t === v.t && e.m === v.m && e.c === v.c))) { a.push(v); } return a; }, []); // uniq
          var found = 0; // 同一タイトルに5/6キーの日時メモが日時違いで重複していたら削除
          var dups = []
          var c = [...b]
          if (mergemode) {
            b = b.reverse()
            c = c.reverse()
            do {
              found = 0
              var stime =,
                stime2 =
              for (let i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
                let v = b[i]; //v of b) {
                if (/^\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d(?:\s\(.\))?$/.test(v?.m)) {
                  var e2 = b.slice(i + 1).find(v2 => v2 != v && nfd(v?.t) == nfd(v2?.t) && v?.c == v2?.c && /^\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d(?:\s\(.\))?$/.test(v2?.m))
                  //var e2 = b.find(v2 => v?.t == v2?.t && v?.c == v2?.c && v2?.m?.match(/^\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d(?:\s\(.\))?$/) && v2 != v)
                  if ( - stime2 > 250) {
                    stime2 =;
                    begin(document.body, `<span id="checkmodal" style="all:initial; box-shadow:0 0 0 9999px #00000088; position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); opacity:1; z-index:2147483647; font-weight:bold; margin:0px 1px; text-decoration:none !important; padding:2em 3em; border-radius:12px; background-color:#55f; color:white; " >重複チェック中:${i}/${b.length} 残り時間:${~~((( /i * (b.length - i))/1000)}/${~~((( /i * (b.length ))/1000)}秒</span>`);
                    await waitFrame()
                  if (e2) {
                    var ea = [v, e2].sort((a, b) => a?.m > b?.m ? 1 : -1)
                    var dup = b.find(v3 => JS(v3) === JS(ea[1]))
                    b = b.filter(f => f != dup)
                    found = 1
            } while (found)
            b = b.reverse()
            c = c.reverse()
            dups = dups.reverse()
            /*if (mergemode) {
               do {
                 found = 0
                 var stime =,
                   stime2 =
                 for (let i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
                   let v = b[i]; //v of b) {
                   if (/^\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d(?:\s\(.\))?$/.test(v?.m)) {
                     var e2 = b.slice(i + 1).find(v2 => v2 != v && nfd(v?.t) == nfd(v2?.t) && v?.c == v2?.c && /^\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d(?:\s\(.\))?$/.test(v2?.m))
                     //var e2 = b.find(v2 => v?.t == v2?.t && v?.c == v2?.c && v2?.m?.match(/^\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d(?:\s\(.\))?$/) && v2 != v)
                     if ( - stime2 > 250) {
                       stime2 =;
                       begin(document.body, `<span id="checkmodal" style="all:initial; box-shadow:0 0 0 9999px #00000088; position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); opacity:1; z-index:2147483647; font-weight:bold; margin:0px 1px; text-decoration:none !important; padding:2em 3em; border-radius:12px; background-color:#55f; color:white; " >重複チェック中:${i}/${b.length} 残り時間:${~~((( /i * (b.length - i))/1000)}/${~~((( /i * (b.length ))/1000)}秒</span>`);
                       await waitFrame()
                     if (e2) {
                       var ea = [v, e2].sort((a, b) => a?.m > b?.m ? 1 : -1)
                       var dup = b.find(v3 => JS(v3) === JS(ea[1]))
                       b = b.filter(f => f != dup)
                       found = 1
               } while (found)*/
          if (mergemode && dups.length) {
            if (confirm(`同一のタイトルに5/6キーの日時メモが複数付いているものが${dups.length}個ありました\nこれを重複とみなし最も古い日時のメモ以外を削除することもできますが\nそうしますか?\n\n削除する項目:\n${JS(dups).replace(/\},{\"t\"\:/g,'},\n{"t":')}`)) {
              c = b
          pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo', c || []);
          setTimeout(() => {
          }, 1000)
          return false
        } catch (e) {
          alert(e + "\n入力された文字列がうまくparseできなかったので設定を変更しません\n正しいJSON書式になっているか確認してください");
          return false
    if (key == KEYRESETMEMOAUTO) { // Shift+2::reset automemo
      var str = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || [];
      if (alsoClearBenchMemoWhenClearAutoMemo) {
        var newstr = str.filter(e => !(e.c == COLOR3 || e.c == COLORCPUSCORE)); // CPUスコアもリセット
        var newstr2 = str.filter(e => (e.c == COLOR3 || e.c == COLORCPUSCORE)); // CPUスコアもリセット
      } else {
        var newstr = str.filter(e => !([COLOR3, COLOR_ALERT_WORD].includes(e.c)));
        var newstr2 = str.filter(e => !(newstr.includes(e)));
      if (confirm( + "\n\n" + KEYRESETMEMOAUTO + ":\n自動メモ(" + newstr2.length + ")のみ全て削除します。良いですか?\n\n消すもの:\n" + JSON.stringify(newstr2))) {
        pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo', JSON.stringify(newstr));
        popup2("自動メモをクリアしました", 1);
      return false;
    if (key == "Shift+#") { // Shift+3::#::hide/show memo
      GF.numbersign = ((GF.numbersign || 0) + 1) % 4
      if (GF.numbersign == 1) $(elegeta('#pickbox,.setSlider,[floated],.relallArea,span#notiApiOn.ignoreMe,table#ftbl input[name="upfile"]:visible')).attr("data-numbersign", "1").hide()
      if (GF.numbersign == 2) $(elegeta(`*[data-mbt],.yhmMyMemo:visible`)).attr("data-numbersign", "1").hide()
      if (GF.numbersign == 3) {
        //if(ld("amazon")) //$('.s-line-clamp-4').css({ '-webkit-line-clamp': '4' }); // 商品名の最大行数を拡大
        if (ld("amazon")) addstyle.remove('.s-line-clamp-4 { -webkit-line-clamp:8; } a.a-link-normal.s-line-clamp-4.s-link-style.a-text-normal { display: inline !important; }') // メモが隠れないようにする

        $(elegeta(`td.ignoreMe.quo,span.adddel,span.allpopupbox,.ignoreMe.shibo,#shiboButton,#fchVerticalThreadTitle,.setSlider,#ftxa,span.quoteSpeechBalloon,.quoteSpeechBalloonImg , span.ignoreMe.ppr , span.ppr2 , span.kangengo , .amazonstarkazu , a.amamanga.ignoreMe , .xcanceldate8 , div#filterExpanded , span#playAllButton , span#instantPlaylistButton , div.udm-delivery-block > div.a-color-base > div.a-column.a-span12 , .shukkaamazon , div.tile--img__dimensions , .eiyoukeisanlink:visible`).concat(elegeta('ul.js_addLatestSalesOrder > li:text*=にお届け')).concat(elegeta(`div.a-size-base.a-color-secondary > div.a-row.s-align-children-center:nth-child(1 of div.a-row.s-align-children-center):text*=にお届け`))).attr("data-numbersign", "1").hide()
      if (GF.numbersign == 0) {
        //if(ld("amazon")) //$('.s-line-clamp-4').css({ '-webkit-line-clamp': '8' }); // 商品名の最大行数を拡大
        if (ld("amazon")) addstyle.add('.s-line-clamp-4 { -webkit-line-clamp:8; } a.a-link-normal.s-line-clamp-4.s-link-style.a-text-normal { display: inline !important; }') // メモが隠れないようにする

        $(`*[data-numbersign="1"]:hidden`).attr("data-numbersign", "0").show()
      if (SITE.funcMemo) SITE.funcMemo();
      return false;
    if (SITE.maxpriceXP && !isDetail) {
      if (key == KEYMAXP) { // maxpriceXP
        let ele = eleget0(SITE.maxpriceXP);
        if (ele) {
          ele.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "center" });
          popup2("上限価格にフォーカス", 1);
      return false;
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  document.addEventListener('keydown', keyListen, true) // youtube/watchで先取りするためにtrue

  document.addEventListener("mousemove", e => ((mousex = e.clientX), (mousey = e.clientY), (hovertimer = 0), undefined), false)
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  document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", e => elegeta('.ignoreMe#yafuokuhelp , .ignoreMe.phov , .ignoreMe#hoverHelpPopup')?.forEach(e => e?.remove()))

  // AP継ぎ足しを監視
  setTimeout(() => { run() }, (SITE.delayAutoWeighting || 0) * WAIT || (SITE.delay || 0));
  document.body.addEventListener('AutoPagerize_DOMNodeInserted', function(evt) { evt?.target?.nodeType == 1 && run(, "APed"); }, false);

  function dni(node, callback) {
    const observerDni = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
      mutations.forEach(mutation => {
        if (mutation.type === 'childList') mutation?.addedNodes?.forEach(e => callback(e))
    observerDni.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
    return () => observerDni.disconnect();

  // DOM追加を監視
  var DNIDelay = null;
  //  if (!isDetail && SITE.observe) {
  if (SITE.observe) {
    debug && dc("observe DNI");
    GF.dniRemove = dni(document.body, dnifunc)
    //document.body.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', dnifunc, false);
    //document.body.addEventListener('transitionend', dnifunc, false); // テスト

    function dnifunc(ele) {
      //      let ele =;
      //      if (DNIDelay) return;
      if (ele?.classList?.contains("ignoreMe")) return;
      if (SITE.observeId && ( !== SITE.observeId)) return;
      if (SITE.observeClass && !SITE.observeClass.includes(ele.className)) return;
      if (SITE.observeTagName && SITE.observeTagName !== ele.tagName) return;
      if (SITE.ignoreDNI && SITE.ignoreDNI(ele)) return;
      if (ele.className && SITE.observeClassNameNot && SITE.observeClassNameNot.includes(ele.className)) return;
      //debug&&console.log(`accept dni:`,ele)
      if (DNIDelay) {
        if (dniCancel || SITE.dniCancel) { clearTimeout(DNIDelay) } else { return; }

      DNIDelay = setTimeout(
        //        ((ele)=>{return ()=>{
        (function(ele) {
          return function() {
            run(document.body, "observed", ele); // ここで run(ele.parentNode.parentNode, "observed"); などとすると速くなるが~searchXPが何世代まで親を参照するか分からないので全サイトの動作確認が必要
            //            run(SITE.observeFunc?ele.parentNode:document.body, "observed", ele); // ここで run(ele.parentNode.parentNode, "observed"); などとすると速くなるが~searchXPが何世代まで親を参照するか分からないので全サイトの動作確認が必要
            DNIDelay = null;
          //        })(ele), SITE.observe || 0);
        })(ele), Math.max(GF?.runElapsed || 0, SITE?.observe || 0) || SITE.observe || 0);
      //      console.log(Math.max(GF?.runElapsed,SITE?.observe||0) || SITE.observe || 0)

  // タブにフォーカスが戻ったら再実行
  if (SITE.redoWhenRefocused) window.addEventListener("focus", () => {
    if (prefChanged("translucent") || prefChanged( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || prefChanged( + ' : SearchHideTitle')) {
    } // prefCache:キャッシュと保存されたデータが同一だったら再実行しない

  // 詳細画面に対応しているサイトかredoWhenReturnedが1ならタブにフォーカスが戻ったら再実行する
  if (SITE.detailTitleXP || SITE.redoWhenReturned) {
    var hidden, visibilityChange;
    if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") {
      hidden = "hidden";
      visibilityChange = "visibilitychange";
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      hidden = "webkitHidden";
      visibilityChange = "webkitvisibilitychange";
    document.addEventListener(visibilityChange, handleVisibilityChange, false);

    function handleVisibilityChange() {
      if (SITE.disableUrlRE && (location.href.match(SITE.disableUrlRE))) { return; }
      if (document[hidden]) {} else {

        //        if (!(JS(prefCache[ + ' : SearchMyMemo'] || []) !== JS(pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || []) || JS(prefCache[ + ' : SearchHideTitle'] || []) !== JS(pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || []))) { return }
        if (!prefChanged("translucent") && !prefChanged( + ' : SearchMyMemo') && !prefChanged( + ' : SearchHideTitle')) { return }

        let prefHide = (SITE.autoTranslucentURLRE && location.href.match(SITE.autoTranslucentURLRE)) || (pref("translucent") == "on");
        if (prefHide !== disableHide) {
          disableHide = (SITE.autoTranslucentURLRE && location.href.match(SITE.autoTranslucentURLRE)) || (pref("translucent") == "on");

  // タブにフォーカスが戻った時等用 隠していた要素のうち非表示登録から外されたものを再表示
  function restoreHidden() {
    if (isDetail) {
      //      showByTitle(eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP).textContent.replaceTitle());
      //      var dtitle = eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP).textContent.replaceTitle();
      var d = eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP)
      if (d && !(/\"/.test(d.textContent?.normalize("NFC").replaceTitle()))) showByTitle(d.textContent?.normalize("NFC").replaceTitle());
    if (!isDetail || SITE.hideListEvenDetail) {
      //let resist = pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || [];
      let resist = JP(JS(pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || []).normalize("NFC"))
      debug && sw("")
      for (let ele of elegeta('//*[@data-hidden="1" or @data-hidden="2"]')) {
        //let title = getTitleFromParent(ele, 1); // これだとXP2はヒットしないので再表示されない:保留
        let title = ele.dataset.yhmkey;
        if (SITE.titleProcessFunc) title = SITE.titleProcessFunc(title);
        let i = resist.indexOf(title); // ここは常に全体一致判定なのでcontains判定のサイトでは少し余計に再表示してしまう(でもまたすぐ隠す)
        if (i === -1) {
          //if(debug)V&&dc(title + "は再表示")
      debug && sw("show by returned")

    setTimeout(() => { run(document.body, "returned"); }, 0);
    if (SITE.funcQ) SITE.funcQ();

  // ヤフオク キーワードの検索対象を切り替えるボタン
  if ( == "YAJ2") {
    if (location.href.indexOf("://") == -1) {
      for (let kw of [{ t: "タイトルからのみ検索する", s: "&f=0x2" }, { t: "タイトルと商品説明から検索する", s: "&f=0x4" }]) {
        var ele = eleget0('//div[@class="ptsOption"]/a/../../..');
        if (ele && !(location.href.match(kw.s))) {
          var ele2 = ele.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement("a"), ele.nextSibling);
          ele2.innerHTML = kw.t + " ";
          ele2.href = location.href.replace(/\&f\=.*(\&|$)/, "") + kw.s;

  // URL変化を監視、変化したら再実行
  if (SITE.urlHasChangedCommonFunc && !observeUrlHasChangedCommon) {
    var observeUrlHasChangedhrefCommon = location.href;
    var observeUrlHasChangedCommon = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
      if (observeUrlHasChangedhrefCommon !== location.href) {
        observeUrlHasChangedhrefCommon = location.href;
    observeUrlHasChangedCommon.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });

  async function run(node = document.body, runmode = "1st", ele = null) { // 1st observed returned
    GF.runStart =
    if (GF?.isFile) return;
    //    if(debug)V&&dc("runmode : " + runmode + " / node tag: " + node?.tagName + " / ele.tag : " + ele?.tagName + " / ele.class : " + ele?.className + " : " + ele?.id); // beautify
    debug && dc("runmode : " + runmode + " / node tag: " + (node.tagName ? node.tagName : "-") + (ele ? (" / ele.tag : " + (ele.tagName ? ele.tagName : "-") + " | ele.class : " + (ele.className ? ele.className : "-") + " | : " + ( ? : "-")) : ""));
    debug && sw("reset");
    if (pauseAll) return;
    debug && sw("run");

    //    if (debug>=3) { elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP).forEach(e => debugEle(e, "force"));elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP2).forEach(e => debugEle(e, "force")) }
    if (debug >= 3 && !(SITE.disableUrlRE && (location.href.match(SITE.disableUrlRE)))) {
      elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP).concat(elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP2)).forEach(e => {
        debugEle(e, "force autoRemove");
    // サイトごとの個別処理
    if (SITE.func) { SITE.func(node); }


    // ホバー時の操作案内のポップアップを登録
    if ((debug >= 1 || ENABLE_HELP_CONCLUSION) && !(SITE.disableUrlRE && (location.href.match(SITE.disableUrlRE))) && (!SITE?.preventHelpFunc || !SITE?.preventHelpFunc())) {
      var lh = (!isDetail && SITE.helpInBlock) ? $("<span class='ignoreMe phov' id='yafuokuhelp' style='cursor:pointer; color:#505050; font-size:15px; background:#ffffffb0; padding:0px 4px 0px 4px; border-radius:9px;border:#505050 1px solid; position: absolute; bottom:2px; right: 20em;' title='クリックでこのガイドを一時的に消す'>Q:非表示 W:アンドゥ 1:○メモ 2:×メモ</span>") : $("<span class='ignoreMe phov' id='yafuokuhelp' style='all:initial; cursor:pointer; z-index:1000; color:#505050; font-size:15px; background:#ffffffc0; padding:3px; border-radius:9px;border:#505050 1px solid; position:fixed; bottom:1em; right: 1em;' title='クリックでこのガイドを一時的に消す'>Q:非表示 W:アンドゥ 1:○メモ 2:×メモ</span>");
      var lh2 = $(`<span class='ignoreMe phov2' id='yafuokuhelp' style='all:initial; cursor:pointer; z-index:2147483647; color:#505050; font-size:15px; background:#ddeeffc0; padding:3px; border-radius:9px;border:#304050 1px solid; position:fixed; bottom:1em; right: 1em;' title='クリックでこのガイドを一時的に消す'>${SITE.XP2name||""}Q:非表示 W:アンドゥ${ SITE.XP2memo?" 1:○メモ 2:×メモ":""}</span>`);
      // 画面全体で1つだけ=詳細画面の方
      if (SITE.detailURLRE && location.href.match(SITE.detailURLRE)) {
        lh.appendTo(document.body).click(function() { $(this).fadeOut(100).queue(function() { $(this).remove() }) });
        debug && sw("zentai help");
        //SITE.listTitleXP2 + "" → SITE.listTitleXP2 + "/../.."
        $(node).find(elegeta(SITE.listHelpXP2 || (SITE.listTitleXP2 ? SITE.listTitleXP2 + "" : undefined))).off("mouseenter mouseleave").hover(function() {
          $('span.phov').fadeTo(0, 0);
          lh2.appendTo(document.body).click(function() { $(this).fadeOut(100).queue(function() { $(this).remove() }) });
        }, function() {
          $('span.phov').fadeTo(0, 1);
        }); // test
      } else {
        // 一画面に複数ある=検索結果&セラー画面の方
        if (runmode !== "observed") { // 初処理+追記部分のみ=重複しない処理
          $(elegeta(SITE?.box, node).concat(elegeta(SITE.listHelpJQS, node)).concat(elegeta(SITE.listHelpXP, node)) || (elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP ? SITE.listTitleXP + "/../.." : "", node))).off("mouseenter mouseleave").hover(function() { lh.appendTo(SITE.helpInBlock ? this : document.body).click(function() { $(this).fadeOut(100).queue(function() { $(this).remove() }) }); }, function() { $(".phov").remove() });

          $(node).find(elegeta(SITE.listHelpXP2 || (SITE.listTitleXP2 ? SITE.listTitleXP2 + "" : undefined))).off("mouseenter mouseleave").hover(function() {
            $('span.phov').fadeTo(0, 0);
            lh2.appendTo(document.body).click(function() { $(this).fadeOut(100).queue(function() { $(this).remove() }) });
          }, function() {
            $('span.phov').fadeTo(0, 1);
          }); // test
        } else { // 重複ありの処理
          $(elegeta(SITE?.box, node).concat(elegeta(SITE.listHelpJQS, node)).concat(elegeta(SITE.listHelpXP, node)) || (elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP ? SITE.listTitleXP + "/../.." : "", node))).off("mouseenter mouseleave").hover(function() { lh.appendTo(SITE.helpInBlock ? this : document.body).click(function() { $(this).fadeOut(100).queue(function() { $(this).remove() }) }); }, function() { $(".phov").remove() });
          $(node).find(elegeta(SITE.listHelpXP2 || (SITE.listTitleXP2 ? SITE.listTitleXP2 + "" : undefined))).off("mouseenter mouseleave").hover(function() {
            $('span.phov').fadeTo(0, 0);
            lh2.appendTo(document.body).click(function() { $(this).fadeOut(100).queue(function() { $(this).remove() }) });
          }, function() {
            $('span.phov').fadeTo(100, 1);
          }); // test
        debug && sw("1gyou help");

    // 高速化のためにtitleXP/2の要素のtextContentに含まれるメモ・NGだけの集合を作る>documemtのtextContent>documemtのinnerHTML の順
    let fastmode = !fasttest ? null : SITE.listTitleSearchFunc ? null : SITE.title || (!(/\*\*alt\*\*|\+\+alt\+\+|\+\+title\+\+|\+\+url\+\+|\*\*url\*\*/.test(SITE.listTitleSearchXP + " " + SITE.detailTitleSearchXP + " " + SITE.listTitleMemoSearchXP)) && !SITE.listTitleSearchFunc);
    //    let fasttext = !fasttest ? null : fastmode ? node.textContent || "" : node.innerHTML || "";
    let fasttext = !fasttest ? null : fastmode ? node.textContent || "" : node.innerHTML + node.textContent || ""; // +node.textContentはnew5chで必要 他にバグ出るかも?
    if (fasttext > "") fasttext = fasttext.replace(/\\u0026|&amp;/gm, "&"); //prompt(fasttext,fasttext) // node.innerText中の&がunicodeエスケープされているのでもとに戻す youtubeで必要
    fasttext = fasttext?.normalize("NFC")
    var fastMatch = null; // !fasttest ? null : fastmode ? (SITE.title ? elegeta(SITE.title, node) : []).concat(SITE.listTitleXP ? elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP, node) : []).concat((SITE.listTitleXP2 ? elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP2, node) : [])).concat((SITE.detailTitleXP ? elegeta(SITE.detailTitleXP, node) : [])) : null;
    debug && sw(fastmode ? "use fast test" : "NOT fast mode")
    if (fasttest && fastmode) { debug && sw("draft by fastMatch") } else { debug && sw("draft by innerHTML") }

    // メモ貼りを実行 memo::
    if (runmode === "observed" || runmode === "returned") {
      debug && sw("reset");
      debug && sw("removing memo");
    var isnotChrome = (window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') == -1);

    var titles = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || []
    if (SITE?.memoOnRead) titles = SITE.memoOnRead(titles)
    if (titles) { //    if (pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo')) {
      var i = 0;
      var hitTitle = [];
      if (fasttest) {
        if (fastMatch) {
          for (let ele of fastMatch) { hitTitle = hitTitle.concat(titles.filter(t => { return ele.textContent.indexOf(t.t?.normalize("NFC")) !== -1 })); } debug && sw("mymemo draft-test");
          debug && sw("memo/fastMatch")
        } else { // document.innerHTMLにタイトルが含まれるメモに絞り込む
          hitTitle = hitTitle.concat(titles.filter(t => fasttext.includes(t.t?.normalize("NFC")))); //453,463
          debug && sw(`memo/indexOf ${hitTitle.length}`)
        hitTitle = [ Set(hitTitle)];
        for (let a of hitTitle.sort(function(a, b) { return isnotChrome ? (a.c == COLORCPUSCORE && b.c !== COLORCPUSCORE ? 1 : 0) : (a.c != COLORCPUSCORE && b.c == COLORCPUSCORE ? -1 : 0); })) {
          memoByTitle(a.t, a.m, node, a.c || COLOR1, a.u);
          //await waitDraw(1000)
        debug && sw("memo/fastTest")
      } else {
        for (let a of pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo').sort(function(a, b) { return isnotChrome ? (a.c == COLORCPUSCORE && b.c !== COLORCPUSCORE ? 1 : 0) : (a.c != COLORCPUSCORE && b.c == COLORCPUSCORE ? -1 : 0); })) {
          memoByTitle(a.t, a.m, node, a.c || COLOR1, a.u);
        debug && sw("memo/slow")
    debug && sw("mymemo ( draft-matched : " + ((hitTitle || []).length) + " )"); //JSON.stringify(hitTitle)

    // 非表示を実行 hide::
    var help = (KEYHIDE + ":非表示 " + KEYUNDO + ":アンドゥ " + (isHidePartialMatch ? (SITE.disableKeyB ? "" : KEYBW + ":NGワード ") : "") + KEYEDIT + ":NG編集 " + KEYMEMO1 + KEYMEMO2 + ":メモを追加 " + KEYMEMO1S + KEYMEMO2S + ":自由メモ " + KEYMEMO5 + KEYMEMO6 + ":定型メモ " + KEYRESETMEMO + ":メモを編集 " + (SITE.automemoURLRE ? KEYRESETMEMOAUTO + ":自動メモのみ全削除 " : "") + KEYTOGGLEtranslucent + ":半透明") + ((SITE.wholeHelp && SITE.wholeHelp[0]() && SITE.wholeHelp[1]) || "");
    if (pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle')) {
      var i = 0;
      var hitTitle = [];
      //      var titles = pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') //.map(q=>q?.nfd())
      var titles = JP(JS(pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle')).normalize("NFC")) //.map(q=>q?.nfd())
      if (fasttest) {
        if (fastMatch) {
          for (let ele of fastMatch) {
            var a = titles.filter(t => ele.textContent.indexOf(t) !== -1);
            if (a) hitTitle = hitTitle.concat(a);
          } //console.log(hitTitle)
        } else { // document.innerHTMLにタイトルが含まれるメモに絞り込む
          hitTitle = titles.filter(t => { return fasttext.indexOf(t) !== -1 });
        hitTitle = [ Set(hitTitle)];
        debug && sw("block draft-test");
        for (let title of hitTitle || []) { i += hideByTitle(title, node); }
        debug && sw("block ( actually : " + i + " / draft-matched : " + ((hitTitle || []).length) + (fastMatch ? " / target : " + fastMatch.length : "") + " )");
      } else {
        for (let title of pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || []) { i += hideByTitle(title, node); }
        debug && sw("block ( actually : " + i + "  )");
      if (i) { help = i + "個を非表示にしました\n" + help + (debug && fasttest ? " \n\nドラフトでマッチ:" + (JSON.stringify(hitTitle.slice(0, 9))) : ""); }
    // 全体ヘルプを表示
    //    if (debug || (ENABLE_HELP_CONCLUSION && (SITE.helpOnDNI || (runmode === "1st" && SITE.listTitleXP)) && !(SITE.disableUrlRE && (location.href.match(SITE.disableUrlRE))))) popup2(help, 1);
    if (debug || (ENABLE_HELP_CONCLUSION && (SITE.helpOnDNI || (runmode === "1st" && (SITE.title || SITE.listTitleXP))) && !(SITE.disableUrlRE && (location.href.match(SITE.disableUrlRE))))) popup2(help, 1.5);


    // 自動メモを探索&製作
    function mekeautomemo() {
      if (ENABLE_AUTOMEMO && SITE?.automemoFunc &&
        (SITE?.automemoURLRE && location?.href?.match(SITE.automemoURLRE) || isDetail || (SITE?.automemoForceFunc && SITE?.automemoForceFunc()))
      ) { SITE?.automemoFunc(); }
    for (let t = 0; t < ENABLE_AUTOMEMO; t++) {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, (t + 1) * 2000)
    debug && sw("automemo")
    //debug&&t>0?popup3( t * t / 2 * 1000,2,1):0; }

    if (SITE.funcFinally) SITE.funcFinally(disableHide, i); // Qが有効、非表示にした個数
    GF.runElapsed = - GF.runStart
    debug && sw(`run total : ${GF.runElapsed}`)

  function restoreTranslucent() {
    if (pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle')) {
      let fastmode = !fasttest ? null : SITE.listTitleSearchFunc ? null : SITE.title || (!(/\*\*alt\*\*|\+\+alt\+\+|\+\+title\+\+|\+\+url\+\+|\*\*url\*\*/.test(SITE.listTitleSearchXP + " " + SITE.detailTitleSearchXP + " " + SITE.listTitleMemoSearchXP)) && !SITE.listTitleSearchFunc);
      //      var fasttext = !fasttest ? null : fastmode ? document.body.textContent?.nfd() || "" : document.body.innerHTML?.nfd() || "";
      var fasttext = !fasttest ? null : fastmode ? document.body.textContent || "" : document.body.innerHTML || "";
      fasttext = fasttext?.normalize("NFC")

      var fastMatch = null //!fasttest ? null : fastmode ? (SITE.title ? elegeta(SITE.title) : []).concat(SITE.listTitleXP ? elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP) : []).concat((SITE.listTitleXP2 ? elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP2) : [])).concat((SITE.detailTitleXP ? elegeta(SITE.detailTitleXP) : [])) : null;

      debug && dc(fastmode ? "restoreTranslucent : use fastmode" : "restoreTranslucent : not use fastmode")
      debug && sw("reset")
      var i = 0;
      var hitTitle = [];
      //var titles = pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle').map(e => e = e)
      var titles = JP(JS(pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle')).normalize("NFC"))
      if (fasttest) {
        if (fastMatch) {
          for (let ele of fastMatch) {
            //var a = titles.filter(t => ele.textContent.indexOf(t) !== -1);
            var a = titles.filter(t => ele.textContent?.normalize("NFC")?.indexOf(t) !== -1);
            if (a) hitTitle = hitTitle.concat(a);
        } else {
          hitTitle = titles.filter(t => { return fasttext.indexOf(t) !== -1 });
        hitTitle = [ Set(hitTitle)];
      } else {
        hitTitle = pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || []
      for (let title of hitTitle) showByTitle(title, 0);
      debug && sw("restoreTranslucent")
    if (SITE.funcOnTOn) SITE.funcOnTOn();

  function eletext(xpa, xp) {
    if (typeof xpa == "string") { // string
      let e = eleget0(xpa);
      if (e) debugEle(e);
      return e ? e.innerText : "";
    } else { // array
      let text = "";
      xpa.forEach(xp => {
        elegeta(xp).forEach(e => {
          e = e.cloneNode(true, true) // 繰り替えさないようにメモは除外
          elegeta('.yhmMyMemo', e).forEach(v => v.remove())
          text = text + (e.innerText + "\n");
      return text;

  function autoMemo2(automemotarget, re) {
    let node = document.body;
    let sou = automemotarget?.match(re);
    if (sou && sou.length) {
      var memo = Array.from(new Set(sou)).join(" ").replace(/[A-Za-z0-9.,]/g, function(s) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248) }).replace(/\s{2,99}| /gm, " ").trim();
      var title = getDetailTitle()
      if (!title) return;
      var tmp = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || [];
      var isExist = tmp.filter(e => e.t == title && e.m == memo);
      if (isExist.length == 0) {
        if (debug) popup3(memo, 2, 5000);
        storeMemo(title, memo, COLOR3, node);
      return true;
    return false;

  function autoMemo(re, func) {
    let automemotarget = SITE.automemoSearchFunc();
    if (func) automemotarget = func(automemotarget)
    let node = document.body;
    let sou = automemotarget.match(re);
    if (sou && sou.length) {
      var memo = Array.from(new Set(sou)).join(" ").replace(/[A-Za-z0-9.,]/g, function(s) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248) }).replace(/\s{2,99}| /gm, " ").trim();
      // node.innerHTML=node.innerHTML.replace(re,"<mark>$1</mark>");
      var title = getDetailTitle()
      if (!title) return;
      var tmp = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || [];
      var isExist = tmp.filter(e => e.t == title && e.m == memo);
      if (isExist.length == 0) {
        if (debug) popup3(memo, 2, 5000);
        storeMemo(title, memo, COLOR3, node);
      return true;
    return false;

  function getDetailTitle(x, y) {
    var ele = ((SITE.detailTitleXP && isDetail) && eleget0(SITE.detailTitleXP)) || (eleget0(SITE?.title)) || document.elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey);
    if (!ele) return;
    var title = getTitleFromParent(ele);
    if (!title) return;
    return title;

  function getTitleFromParent(ele, nodisplay = 0) { // ele要素の親の出品物タイトルを返す
    if (!nodisplay)
      debug && dc("start at : " + ele.innerText);
    if (SITE.title) {
      let box = ele?.closest(
      if (box) {
        let title = eleget0(SITE.title, box)?.textContent?.trim()
        if (title) { return title }
    //    if (isDetail) return tri((SITE.useText ? ele.textContent.replace(/\|/g, '\|') : ele.title || ele.textContent.replace(/\|/g, '\|') || ele.alt));
    if (isDetail) return tri((SITE.useText ? ele.textContent.replace(/\|/g, '\|') : SITE.useURL ? ele.getAttribute("href").replace(/\?.*$/, "") : ele.title || ele.textContent.replace(/\|/g, '\|') || ele.alt));
    for (let i = 0; i < (SITE.listGen); i++) {
      if (!nodisplay)
        debug && dc("go up (" + i + ") : " + ele.innerText)
      var ele2 = elegeta(SITE.listTitleXP, ele);
      if (!nodisplay)
        debug && dc("length:" + ele2.length)
      if (ele2.length === 1 || (SITE.searchAllowLength && ele2.length)) {
        if (!nodisplay)
          debug && dc("href : " + ele2[0].getAttribute("href") + "\ntitle : " + tri((ele2[0].title + " \ntextContent : " + ele2[0].textContent.replace(/\|/g, '\|') + " \nalt : " + ele2[0].alt)));
        return SITE.useURL ? ele2[0].getAttribute("href").replace(/\?.*$/, "") : SITE.useText ? tri(ele2[0].textContent.replace(/\|/g, '\|')) : tri((ele2[0].title || ele2[0].textContent.replace(/\|/g, '\|') || ele2[0].alt));
      if (ele === document) return;
      ele = ele.parentNode;

  function tri(str) {
    if (!str) return "";
    if (str.match(/\"/)) { popup3("項目名に \" を含むので多分うまく処理できません"); return ""; }
    return (SITE.trim) ? str.trim() : str;

  function memoElement(ele, node, color = COLOR1, memoword = "") { //12 memo
    if (!ele) return;
    var title = typeof ele === "string" ? ele : getTitleFromParent(ele);
    if (!title) return;
    if (SITE.titleProcessFunc) title = SITE.titleProcessFunc(title);
    if (!title) return;
    var memo = memoword || (prompt("『" + title + "』\nのメモを書いてください") || "").trim();
    //        storeMemo(title, sani(memo), color, node);
    storeMemo(title, memo, color, node);
    return true;

  function storeMemo(title, memo, color = COLOR1, node = document, jumpUrl = null, site = SITE) {
    if (title && memo) {
      memo = sani(memo)
      let tmp = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || [];

      var isExist = tmp.filter(e => e.t === title && e.c === color && e.m === memo); // 重複してなければ
      if (isExist.length == 0) {

        jumpUrl ? tmp.push({ t: title, m: memo, c: color, u: jumpUrl }) : tmp.push({ t: title, m: memo, c: color })
        pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo', tmp)
        memoByTitle(title, memo, node, color, jumpUrl);

  function memoByTitle(title, memo, node, color, jumpUrl = null) {
    let titleNfc = title?.normalize("NFC")

    if ((SITE.preventMemo && SITE.preventMemo(memo)) || (title.indexOf('"') !== -1 && SITE.listTitleSearchXP)) return; // todo:タイトルに"があると正しく検索できないので処理しない
    //if ((SITE.preventMemo && SITE.preventMemo(memo)) || (title.indexOf('"') !== -1 && ! return; // todo:タイトルに"があると正しく検索できないので処理しない
    var xp = SITE?.listTitleMemoSearchXP?.replaceTitle(title);
    let isChapterMemo = color === COLORVIDEOTIME; // && memo.match0(/^([\d:]+)\s/)
    let memoPosition = SITE.memoPosition || "afterend"
    for (let titleEle of
        SITE.title ?
        SITE.titleSubstr ? elegeta(SITE.title, node).filter(e => e?.textContent?.normalize("NFC").indexOf(titleNfc) !== -1) :
        elegeta(SITE.title, node).filter(e => e?.textContent?.normalize("NFC") === titleNfc || e?.title?.normalize("NFC") === titleNfc || SITE.trim && e?.textContent?.normalize("NFC")?.trim() === titleNfc) :
        elegeta(xp, node)) {
      if (titleEle) {
        var ele1 = SITE.memoFunc ? SITE.memoFunc(titleEle) : // titleノードから位置をずらす関数
          SITE.listTitleMemoSearchXPSameGen ? titleEle :
        if (!ele1) return;
        let isCPU = memo.match(/Pentium|Celeron|Core\s?i\d|Ryzen|GHz|AMD.*APU/i);

        if (isChapterMemo && GF?.isNico && titleEle?.href) jumpUrl = `${titleEle?.href?.replace(/\?.*$/,"")}?from=${hms2sec(memo.match0(/^([\d:]+)\s/))}`;

        ele1.insertAdjacentHTML(memoPosition, `<span data-mbt="1" class="ignoreMe"><span class="ignoreMe yhmMyMemo yhmMyMemo${COLOR1==color||COLORVIDEOTIME==color ? "O" : "X"}" data-yhmc="${color}" id="${escape(title + memo + color)}" title="『${ title.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;").replace(/\`/g, '&#x60;').replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/\n/gm, "<br>")}』についたメモ(クリックで削除)${(isCPU ? "\n\n右クリックでuserbenchmark検索\n!ducky+" + memo.replace(/[\u30a0-\u30ff\u3040-\u309f\u3005-\u3006\u30e0-\u9fcf\s]+/g, "+") + "+userbenchmark" : "") + (isChapterMemo ? "\n右クリックでこの位置から再生\n" + (jumpUrl ? jumpUrl + "\n" : "") + "Shift+Uで再生位置の列挙をコピー" : "")}" style="${ MEMOSTYLE + (isCPU ? " cursor:help; " : "") } background-color:${color};">${ memo }</span>`)
        var ele = memoPosition !== "afterend" ? ele1.firstElementChild : ele1.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild
        $(ele).hide().fadeIn(SITE.observe || memofast ? 0 : 150);

        if (SITE?.callGKSIafterMemo) {
          GF.gksiAfterMemo = setTimeout(() => document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('plzGKSI')), 999)

        // CPUモデルナンバーを右クリックでuserbenchmark検索
        if (isCPU) {
          $(ele).on('contextmenu', (function(title, memo) {
            return function() {
              if (pref("lastItemName") == undefined) { // 前回の処理が終わってないとだめ
                pref("lastItemName", title);
                memo = memo.replace(/[\u30a0-\u30ff\u3040-\u309f\u3005-\u3006\u30e0-\u9fcf\s]+/g, "+");
      "!ducky+" + memo + "+userbenchmark", "", "noreferrer");
                setTimeout(() => {
                  if (pref("lastItemName")) {
                    popup3("Investigating " + memo + " timed out");
                    pref("lastItemName", "");
                }, 30000); // 30秒以内に見ないとだめ
              return false;
          })(title, memo));
        // チャプターメモメモを右クリックでその場所に移動 u::
        if (isChapterMemo) {
 = "1"
          if (jumpUrl) ele.dataset.url = jumpUrl
          //if (/\/watch/.test(location.href) && (ele.closest("#title,.ytd-video-primary-info-renderer") || ele1?.classList?.contains("HeaderContainer-topAreaLeft"))) {
          ele.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => {
            if (/\/watch/.test(location.href) && (e?.target?.closest('#title,.ytd-video-primary-info-renderer , div[class*="grid-area_[meta]"].d_flex[class*="gap_x2"]') || e?.target?.closest(".HeaderContainer-topAreaLeft"))) {
              var videoEle = eleget0('video');
              if (!videoEle) return
              videoEle.currentTime = hms2sec(memo.match0(/^([\d:]+)\s/)) || videoEle.currentTime
              //videoEle.scrollIntoView({ block: "center", behavior: "smooth" })
              return false;
            } else {
              var p = ele.closest('.ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer')?.style?.display;
              p = "block !important"
              //              if (jumpUrl) ele.dataset.url = jumpUrl
              ele.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => {
                var jumpUrl = || null
                if (jumpUrl) {
                  (eleget0('video') && !eleget0('video')?.paused) || e.ctrlKey ? (eleget0('video')?.pause(),, "", "noreferrer")) : location.href = jumpUrl;
                  return false;
          }, true)
        setRemoveMemo(ele, title, memo, color)

  function setRemoveMemo(ele, title, memo, color) { // メモをクリックで消す処理
    $(ele).on("click", e => { // 遅いかも?
      //pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo', (pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || []).filter(n => !(n.t == title && n.m == memo && n.c == color)))
      pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo', (pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || []).filter(n => !(n.t?.normalize("NFC") == title?.normalize("NFC") && n.m == memo && n.c == color)))
      for (let e of elegeta('//span[contains(@class,"yhmMyMemo") and @id="' + escape(title + memo + color) + '"]')) $(e).hide(200).queue(function() { $(this.parentNode).remove() }); //e.remove(); //ele.remove();
      document.body.dispatchEvent(new Event('yhmMyMemoRemoved'))
      //adja(document.body, "afterbegin", "<yhmmymemoremoved></yhmmymemoremoved>");
      //eleget0('yhmmymemoremoved')?.remove(); // 学園祭用に消去を告知

  function blockElement(ele) { //Q:: toggle
    if (!ele) return;
    var title = getTitleFromParent(ele);
    debug && dc(`got (${SITE?.box}→${SITE?.title}): 『${ title}』`)

  function hideByTitle(titleOrEle, node, targetXP = SITE.listTitleSearchXP) {
    if (typeof titleOrEle === "object") { titleOrEle = titleOrEle.textContent }
    var titleNfcH = titleOrEle.normalize("NFC")
    let i = 0;
    if (!isDetail || SITE.hideListEvenDetail) {
      let resHit = [];
      if (SITE.listTitleSearchFunc) resHit = SITE.listTitleSearchFunc(titleOrEle); // 主に5ch用、レス中キーワードNG
      // 1項目ずつ
      for (let ele of (typeof titleOrEle === "object" ? [titleOrEle] : SITE.title ? elegeta(SITE.title, node).filter(v => (SITE.titleProcessFunc ? SITE.titleProcessFunc(v.textContent?.normalize("NFC")?.trim()) : v.textContent?.normalize("NFC")?.trim()) === titleNfcH).map(v => v.closest( : elegeta(targetXP.replaceTitle(titleOrEle), node)).concat(resHit)) { // titleがテキストなら項目タイトルにヒットする要素、DOM要素なら直接それを隠す

        if (!ele) continue;
        gmDataList_add(ele, "gmHideByyhm");
        if (!disableHide && (!SITE.forceTranslucentFunc || !SITE.forceTranslucentFunc(ele))) {
          ele.dataset.hidden = "1";
          ele.dataset.yhmkey = titleNfcH
        } else {
 = "0.75";
          setTimeout(function() { = "0.50" }, 17 * 2);
          ele.dataset.hidden = "2"; // 必要?
          ele.dataset.yhmkey = titleNfcH
          //elegeta('//*[text()="' + titleOrEle + '"]').forEach(e => { debugEle(e, "autoRemove") });
          if (!ele.title) ele.title = `非表示登録『${titleOrEle}』にヒット`
          ele.dataset.whyitishidden = `非表示登録『${titleOrEle}』にヒット`
    if (isDetail) {
      // 詳細:画面全体
      if (isDetail && SITE.detailTitleXP && SITE.detailTitleSearchXP) {
        var xp = SITE.detailTitleSearchXP.replaceTitle(titleOrEle) // isearでハイライトされていると×
        for (let ele of elegeta(xp, node)) {
          if (!ele) continue;
          gmDataList_add(ele, "gmHideByyhm");
          debug && dc(xp, ele, ele.textContent);
 = "0.5";
          if (!ele.title) ele.title = `非表示登録『${titleOrEle}』にヒット`
          ele.dataset.whyitishidden = `非表示登録『${titleOrEle}』にヒット`
    return i;

  function showByTitle(titleOrEle, time = 34, xpath = SITE.listTitleSearchXP) {
    if (typeof titleOrEle === "object") { titleOrEle = titleOrEle.textContent }
    if (typeof titleOrEle === "string") { var titleNfcH = titleOrEle.normalize("NFC") }

    //    if (!xpath) return
    if (!isDetail || SITE.hideListEvenDetail) {
      let resHit = [];
      if (SITE.listTitleSearchFunc) resHit = SITE.listTitleSearchFunc(titleOrEle);
      // 1項目ずつ
      for (let ele of (typeof titleOrEle === "object" ? [titleOrEle] : SITE.title ? elegeta(SITE.title).filter(v => (SITE.titleProcessFunc ? SITE.titleProcessFunc(v.textContent?.normalize("NFC")?.trim()) : v.textContent?.normalize("NFC")?.trim()) === titleNfcH).map(e => e?.closest( : elegeta(xpath.replaceTitle(titleNfcH))).concat(resHit)) {

        if (!ele) continue;

        gmDataList_remove(ele, "gmHideByyhm");
        if (!gmDataList_includesPartial(ele, 'gmHideBy')) {

          if (ele) = "1";
          //        delete ele.dataset.hidden;
          if (ele) ele.dataset.hidden = null; //ele.dataset.yhmkey=null;
          //setTimeout(function() { = "1" }, 17 * 2);
    if (isDetail) {
      // 詳細:画面全体
      if (isDetail && SITE.detailTitleXP && SITE.detailTitleSearchXP) {
        var xp = SITE.detailTitleSearchXP.replaceTitle(titleOrEle) // isearでハイライトされていると×
        for (let ele of elegeta(xp)) {
          if (!ele) continue;
          gmDataList_remove(ele, "gmHideByyhm");
          if (!gmDataList_includesPartial(ele, 'gmHideBy')) {
   = "1";

  function addNGWord() {
    let tips = SITE?.Bsyntax2 ? "独自構文Tips:\n「ABCやDEFを含まず、GHIかJKLを含み、かつMNOとPQRも含む」\n!ABC|DEF GHI|JKL MNO PQR\n\n" : "";
    var newWord = (prompt(`非表示にしたい項目が含むNGワードを入力してください${SITE.QRule||""}\nすでに登録されている文字列を入力するとそれを削除します\n\n${tips}現在の全体\n${JSON.stringify(pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || []) }\n\n`) || "").trim();
    newWord = SITE?.Bsyntax2 ? newWord.replace(/^S$/, "??").replace(/^S([\s \||])/, "??$1").replace(/([\s \||!!])S([\s \||])/, "$1??$2").replace(/([\s \||!!])S$/, "$1??").replace(/|/gm, "|").replace(/^[\!|!](\S*)/, "^(?!.*($1)).*").replace(/(\S*)[  ](\S*)/gm, "^(?=.*($1))(?=.*\($2\))").replace(/\s| /gm, ".*") : newWord // 独自構文を正規表現に変換
    if (newWord && (pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || []).includes(newWord) && confirm(`${newWord}\nはすでに存在します\n削除しますか?\n\n`) == false) return;
  /*  function addNGWord() {
      var newWord = (prompt(`非表示にしたい項目が含むNGワードを入力してください${SITE.QRule||""}\nすでに登録されている文字列を入力するとそれを削除します\n\n現在の全体\n${JSON.stringify(pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || []) }\n\n`) || "").trim();
      if (newWord && (pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || []).includes(newWord) && confirm(`${newWord}\nはすでに存在します\n削除しますか?\n\n`) == false) return;

  function addNG(title, opt = "") {
    if (!title) return;
    if (SITE.titleProcessFunc) title = SITE.titleProcessFunc(title);
    if (!title) return;
    let resist = pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle') || [];
    let i = resist.indexOf(title);
    if (i !== -1) {
      resist.splice(i, 1);
      pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle', resist);;
      popup2("『" + title + "』\nを非表示登録から削除しました", 1, " background-color:#446; ", "bottom", opt);
      if (isDetail && SITE.showFunc) SITE.showFunc();
    } else {
      pref( + ' : SearchHideTitle', resist);
      popup2("『" + title + "』\nを非表示登録しました(" + KEYUNDO + ":取り消し " + KEYEDIT + ":編集)", 1, "", "bottom", opt);

  // キャッシュ付き
  var elegetaCacheXP = "";
  var elegetaCacheLastTime = new Date();
  var elegetaCacheResult = [];
  var elegetaCacheNode = "";
  var ehit = 0;
  var emiss = 0;

  function elegeta(xpath, node = document) {
    if (!xpath || !node) return [];
    if (xpath == "cacheon") {
      elegeta.cache = [];
      elegeta.cacheon = true;
    } else if (xpath == "cacheoff") {
      elegeta.cache = [];
      elegeta.cacheon = false;
    if (elegeta.cacheon) {
      let cache = elegeta.cache.find(v => v.xpath == xpath && v.node == node)
      if (cache) { //console.log("use cache");
        return cache.array;
    //if (typeof xpath === "function") return xpath() // !!!
    if (Array.isArray(xpath)) {
      let array = => elegeta(v, node)).filter(v => v.length).flat();
      elegeta.cacheon && elegeta.cache.push({ xpath, node, array });
      return array;
    //    let xpath2 = xpath.replace(/:inv?screen|:visible|:text\*=[^:]*/g, "") // text*=~中で:は使えない
    let xpath2 = xpath.replace(/:inscreen|:visible|:text\*=[^:]*/g, "") // text*=~中で:は使えない
    let array = []
    try {
      if (!/^\.?\//.test(xpath)) {
        array = [...node.querySelectorAll(xpath2)]
      } else {
        //        var snap = document.evaluate("." + xpath2, node, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null)
        var snap = document.evaluate("." + xpath2, node, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null)
        let l = snap.snapshotLength
        for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) array[i] = snap.snapshotItem(i)
      if (/:visible/.test(xpath)) array = array.filter(e => e.offsetHeight)
      //if (/:invscreen/.test(xpath)) array = array.filter(e => { var eler = e.getBoundingClientRect(); return (eler.bottom >= 0 && <= document.documentElement.clientHeight) }) // 画面縦内に1ピクセルでも入っている
      if (/:inscreen/.test(xpath)) array = array.filter(e => { var eler = e.getBoundingClientRect(); return (eler.bottom >= 0 && eler.right >= 0 && eler.left <= document.documentElement.clientWidth && <= document.documentElement.clientHeight) }) // 画面内に1ピクセルでも入っている
      if (/:text\*=./.test(xpath)) { let text = xpath.replace(/^.*:text\*=([^:]*)$/, "$1"); if (text) array = array.filter(e => new RegExp(text).test(e?.textContent)) }
    } catch (e) { alert(`XPath/CSS構文にエラーがあるかもしれません\n2023/12以前にインストールしたFirefoxを使っている場合はabout:configでlayout.css.has-selector.enabled を true にすると解決するかもしれません\n\n${e}\n\n${xpath}`); return []; }
    //} catch (e) { return []; }
    elegeta.cacheon && elegeta.cache.push({ xpath, node, array });
    return array;

  function eleget0(xpath, node = document) {
    if (!xpath || !node) return null;
    if (xpath == "cacheon") {
      eleget0.cache = [];
      eleget0.cacheon = true;
    } else if (xpath == "cacheoff") {
      eleget0.cache = [];
      eleget0.cacheon = false;
    if (eleget0.cacheon) {
      let cache = eleget0.cache.find(v => v.xpath == xpath && v.node == node)
      if (cache) { //console.log("0 use cache");
        return cache.array;
    //if (typeof xpath === "function") return xpath() // !!!
    //    if (/:inv?screen|:visible|:text\*=/.test(xpath)) return elegeta(xpath, node)?.shift();
    if (/:inscreen|:visible|:text\*=/.test(xpath)) return elegeta(xpath, node)?.shift();
    if (!/^\.?\//.test(xpath)) {
      let array = node.querySelector(xpath);
      eleget0.cacheon && eleget0.cache.push({ xpath, node, array });
      return array
    try {
      //      var ele = document.evaluate("." + xpath, node, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
      var ele = document.evaluate("." + xpath, node, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
      let array = ele.snapshotLength > 0 ? ele.snapshotItem(0) : null;
      eleget0.cacheon && eleget0.cache.push({ xpath, node, array });
      return array;
    } catch (e) { alert(`XPath/CSS構文にエラーがあるかもしれません\n2023/12以前にインストールしたFirefoxを使っている場合はabout:configでlayout.css.has-selector.enabled を true にすると解決するかもしれません\n\n${e}\n\n${xpath}`); return null; }
    //} catch (e) { alert(e + "\n" + xpath + "\n" + JSON.stringify(node)); return null; }

  function dc(str, force = 0) {
    //if (debug == 1) console.log(str);
    if (debug >= 1 || force) popup3(str, 0, 31000, "top");
    return str;

  function popup3(text, i = 0, timer = 5000, alignY = "bottom") {
    if (!ENABLE_HELP_CONCLUSION) return;
    if (text === undefined || text === null) text = "<null>"
    if (typeof text == "string") text = text.slice(0, 200);
    //    if (typeof text == "number") text = String(text);
    if (typeof text == "number") text = String(text);
    text = text.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;").replace(/`/g, '&#x60;').replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/\n/gm, "<br>")
    let id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);
    let maey = alignY == "bottom" ? 0 : elegeta(".wcspu3top").map(e => e.getBoundingClientRect().bottom).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b), 0) + 2;
    if (i > 0) $(`.pu3line${i}s`).remove()
    var ele = $(`<span id="wcspu3${id}" class="ignoreMe wcspu3${alignY} pu3line${i}s" style="all:initial; max-width:33%; max-height:100vh; overflow-y:auto; scrollbar-width:thin; font-family:sans-serif; position: fixed; right:0em; ${ alignY }:${((maey) + i * 18)}px; z-index:2147483647; opacity:1; font-size:15px; margin:0px 1px; text-decoration:none !important;  padding:1px 6px 1px 6px; word-break: break-all !important; border-radius:12px; background-color:#6080ff; color:white; ">${ text }</span>`).appendTo('body');
    let ey = ele[0]?.getBoundingClientRect()?.height
    //    if (ele[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom >= (window.innerHeight)) {
    if (ele[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom >= (window.innerHeight)) {
      elegeta('.wcspu3top').forEach(e => { = parseFloat(e?.style?.top) - (ey) - 2 + "px" })
    if (typeof text == "string") { maey += (text.match(/<br>/gmi) || []).length || 0; } //console.log((text.match(/<br>/gmi) || [] ).length) }
    setTimeout(() => {
      let hov = eleget0(`span#wcspu3${id}:hover`)
      if (hov) hov.addEventListener("mouseout", e => hov?.remove());
      else eleget0(`span#wcspu3${id}`)?.remove();
      //eleget0('//span[@id="wcspu3' + id + '"]')?.remove();
    }, timer);
  var maet;

  function popup2(text, i = 0, style = "", position = "bottom", opt = "") {
    if (!ENABLE_HELP_CONCLUSION) return;
    text = String(text).replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;").replace(/`/g, '&#x60;').replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/\n/gm, "<br>")
    var mae = eleget0('span#yhmbox2');
    if (opt != "dispall") $(elegeta("#yhmbox2")).remove();
    let bgcol = (pref("translucent") != "on") ? "#6080ff" : "#909090";
    var ele = end(document.body, `<span id="yhmbox2" class="ignoreMe" style="all:initial;  max-height:100vh; overflow-y:auto; scrollbar-width:thin; font-family:sans-serif; cursor:pointer; position: fixed; right:0em; ${position}:${(i * 2 + 2) }em; z-index:2147483647; opacity:1; font-size:15px; margin:0px 1px; text-decoration:none !important; padding:1px 6px 1px 6px; word-break: break-all !important; border-radius:12px; background-color:${bgcol}; color:white; ${style}">${text}</span>`);
    $(ele).attr("title", "クリックでこのガイドを一時的に消す").click(() => $(this).fadeOut(200).queue(() => $(this).remove()));
    setTimeout(e => e?.remove(), 5000, ele);
    opt == "dispall" && scrollHzbox()

    function scrollHzbox() {
      elegeta('#yhmbox2').forEach((e, i, a) => {
        const isHit = (ele1, ele2, xSize = 0, ySize = 0) => ele1.getBoundingClientRect().left <= ele2.getBoundingClientRect().right + xSize && ele1.getBoundingClientRect().right >= ele2.getBoundingClientRect().left - xSize && ele1.getBoundingClientRect().top <= ele2.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + ySize && ele1.getBoundingClientRect().bottom >= ele2.getBoundingClientRect().top - ySize;
        if (a[i + 1] && isHit(e, a[i + 1], 0, 1)) {
 = `${e.getBoundingClientRect().top-4}px`;
 = "";


  function prefChanged(id) { // prefのkeyをキャッシュと見比べて変化したか?他タブで変更されていることを想定している
    let cache = prefCache[id] || null
    let present = GM_getValue(id) || null //let present = pref(id) || null
    //if (typeof cache === "object") cache = JS(cache)
    //if (typeof present === "object") present = JS(present)
    return cache !== present
    //return JS(prefCache[key] || []) !== JS(pref(key) || [])

  function prefCacheEqual(id) {
    return JS(prefCache[id] || []) === JS(pref(id) || [])

  function prefCacheClear() { prefCache = [] }

  function pref(name, store = null) { // prefs(name,data)で書き込み(数値でも文字列でも配列でもオブジェクトでも可)、prefs(name)で読み出し
    if (store === null) { // 読み出し
      let data = GM_getValue(name) || GM_getValue(name);
      if (data == undefined) return null; // 値がない
      if (data.substring(0, 1) === "[" && data.substring(data.length - 1) === "]") { // 配列なのでJSONで返す
        //        try { return JSON.parse(data || '[]'); } catch (e) {
        try {
          let a = JSON.parse(data || '[]');
          prefCache[name] = data;
          return a
        } catch (e) {
          alert("データベースがバグってるのでクリアします\n" + e);
          pref(name, []);
          prefCache[name] = null
        //      } else return data;
      } else {
        prefCache[name] = data;
        return data;
    if (store === "" || (Array.isArray(store) && store?.length == 0)) { // 書き込み、削除
      prefCache[name] = null;
    } else if (typeof store === "string") { // 書き込み、文字列
      GM_setValue(name, store);
      prefCache[name] = store
      return store;
    } else { // 書き込み、配列
      //      try { GM_setValue(name, JSON.stringify(store)); } catch (e) {
      try {
        let a = JSON.stringify(store);
        GM_setValue(name, a);
        prefCache[name] = store
      } catch (e) {
        alert("データベースがバグってるのでクリアします\n" + e);
        pref(name, "");
      return store;

  function prefRestrict(name, type) {
    let data = pref(name);
    if (!data) return data;
    if (type === "array") {
      if (typeof data === "object") {
        //            alert("correct");
        return data;
      } else {
        pref(name, "");
        return [];
    return data;

  function prefl(name, store = undefined, logLen = 50) { // prefl(name,data,len)で書き込み(数値でも文字列でも配列でもオブジェクトでも可)・"name+Log"にlen個の履歴保存、prefl(name)で読み出し
    if (store === undefined) { // 読み出し
      return pref(name);
    } else { // 書き込み、削除
      if (store) {
        var a = pref(name + "Log") || [];
        a = [ Set(a)];
        pref(name + "Log", a.slice(0, logLen));
      return pref(name, store);

  function debugEle(ele, command = "") {
    if (!ele) return
    if (command.indexOf("remove") !== -1) { = ""; = "";
    if (ENABLE_HELP_CONCLUSION && (debug || command.indexOf("force") !== -1)) {
      var col = getColorFromText(ele.innerText);
      if (command.indexOf("random") !== -1) col = '#' + (0x1000000 + (Math.random()) * 0xffffff).toString(16).substr(1, 6); = "3px dotted " + col; = " 0px 0px 4px 4px " + col + "30, inset 0 0 100px " + col + "20";
      //      ele.title='\n@class="'+ele.className+'"\n@id="''"';
      if (command.indexOf("autoRemove") !== -1) {
        setTimeout(() => {
 = "";
 = "";
        }, 60000)

  function getColorFromText(str) {
    if (!str) return "#808080"
    var col = 0;
    for (letter of str) { col = (col + str.charCodeAt(letter) ** 3); }
    return '#' + (0x1000000 + col % 0xffffff).toString(16).substr(1, 6);

  function advertiseEle(ele, force = "") {
    if (debug || force == "force") {
      if (ele) = "4px dotted red";

  function sw(job, mode = "dc") {
    //    if (ENABLE_MEASURE_TIME_SPENT == 0) return;
    if (debug < 2 && !ENABLE_MEASURE_TIME_SPENT) return;
    if (job !== "reset") {
      if (mode === "dc")
        debug && dc(job + " : " + ((new Date().getTime()) - (swb.getTime())) + " ms");
      if (mode === "notify") notifyMe(job + " : " + ((new Date().getTime()) - (swb.getTime())) + " ms");
    if (job !== "reset")
      swb = new Date();

  function isSeller() {
    return location.href.match(/\/seller\//);

  function proInput(prom, defaultval, min = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
    let r = window.prompt(prom, defaultval)
    if (r === null) return null
    return Math.min(Math.max(
      Number(r.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9.]/g, function(s) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248); }).replace(/[^-^0-9^\.]/g, "")), min), max);

  //  function notifyMe(body, title = "", clickfunc = null, img = null,requireInteraction=false) {

  function notifyMe(body, title = "", clickfunc = null, img = null, command = false) {
    if (!("Notification" in window)) return;
    else if (Notification.permission == "granted") {
      var notify = img ? new Notification(title, { body: body, icon: img, requireInteraction: command }) : new Notification(title, { body: body, requireInteraction: command });
      if (clickfunc) {
        notify.onclick = clickfunc
    } else if (Notification.permission !== "denied") Notification.requestPermission().then(function(permission) {
      if (permission === "granted") new Notification(title, { body: body });

  function setupbutton(id, title, func, tips, command) {
    $(`<span id='${id}' class='ignoreMe' title='${tips}' style='cursor:pointer; color:#505050; font-size:15px; background:#ffffffc0; padding:3px; border-radius:9px;border:#505050 1px solid; position:fixed; bottom:3em; right: 1em;'>${title}</span>`).appendTo(document.body).click(function() { func(); if (/removeWhenClicked/.test(command)) { $(this).remove(); } });

  // eleはスクロール画面内に入ってる?
  function isinscreen(ele, evencorner = 0, borderHeight = 0) {
    if (!ele) return;
    var eler = ele.getBoundingClientRect();
    if (evencorner) return ( > 0 - eler.height - borderHeight && eler.left > 0 && eler.left < document.documentElement.clientWidth && < Math.min(window.innerHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight) + borderHeight);
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  function autoPagerized(callback, command) { // 複数回呼んではいけない
    if (command !== "not1st") callback(document.body)
    document.body.addEventListener('AutoPagerize_DOMNodeInserted', function(evt) { callback(; }, false);
    //    document.body.addEventListener('2chanReloaded', function() { setTimeout(() => { callback() }, 1) }, false);
    if (lh(".2chan.")) document.body.addEventListener('2chanReloaded', function() {
      setTimeout(() => {
        GF.fromSecond = 1;
      }, 1)
    }, false);

  function autoPagerizedD(id, callback, command) { // 複数回呼んで良い、連続で呼んだ時は収まるまで遅延する
    if (command !== "not1st") callback(document.body)
    if (!GF?.[id]) {
      document.body.addEventListener('AutoPagerize_DOMNodeInserted', function(evt) {
        GF.apdTO = setTimeout(callback, 500)
      }, false);
      GF[id] = 1;

  function searchWithHistory(id, sitename, url, orSeparator = "|") {
    var selection = null;
    url = [url].flat()
    let prev = pref(id + " : searchWithHistory")
    if (orSeparator) {
      let query = prompt(`${sitename}で全体検索します\n|でOR\n\n履歴(${id}):\n${ (pref(id + " : searchWithHistoryLog") || []).slice(0, 50).join("\n") }\n\n` + => v.replace(/\*\*\*/, "${キーワード}")).join("\n") + '\nを開きます\n\n', selection || (prev ? prev + "|" : ""))
      if (query) {
        query = Array.from(new Set(query.replace(/\|/g, "|").replace(/|+/gmi, "|").split("|"))).join("|").replace(/^[|\|]+|[|\|]+$/gmi, "").trim() // 重複自動削除
        if (!selection) prefl(id + " : searchWithHistory", query.replace(/\|/g, "|"))
        url.forEach((v, i) => {
          setTimeout(() => { GM.openInTab(`${v.replace(/\*\*\*/,encodeURI(query.replace(/|/g,orSeparator)))}`); }, i * 333)
    } else {
      let query = prompt(`${sitename}で全体検索します\n\n履歴(${id}):\n${ (pref(id + " : searchWithHistoryLog") || []).slice(0, 50).join("\n") }\n\n` + => v.replace(/\*\*\*/, "${キーワード}")).join("\n") + '\nを開きます\n\n', selection || prev || "")
      if (query) {
        if (!selection) prefl(id + " : searchWithHistory", query?.trim())
        url.forEach((v, i) => {
          setTimeout(() => { GM.openInTab(`${v.replace(/\*\*\*/,encodeURI(query?.trim()))}`); }, i * 333)
    return false;

  function sec2hms(s) {
    return new Date(s * 1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8).replace(/^00\:0|^00\:/, "");

  function hms2sec(s) {
    return ((s.match0(/^(\d+):\d+:\d+$/) || 0) * 60 * 60) + ((s.match0(/^\d+:(\d+):\d+$/) || 0) * 60) + ((s.match0(/^(\d+):\d+$/) || 0) * 60) + ((s.match0(/^\d+:\d+:(\d+)$/) || 0) * 1) + ((s.match0(/^\d+:(\d+)$/) || 0) * 1);

  //  function chapterMemo(requireUrlRE, videoTitleXP, newUrl, copy = 0) {
  function chapterMemo(requireUrlRE, videoTitleXP, newUrl, copy = 0) {
    if (!location.href.match0(requireUrlRE)) return
    var videoEle = eleget0('//video');
    if (!videoEle) { return; } else { var currentTime = sec2hms(Math.floor(videoEle.currentTime)); }
    if (typeof videoTitleXP == "string") {
      var videoTitleEle = eleget0(videoTitleXP);
      if (!videoTitleEle) return;
      var videoTitle = videoTitleEle.textContent;
    } else { var videoTitle = videoTitleXP(); if (!videoTitle) return false; } //eleget0(videoTitleXP);

    var curMemos = pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || [];
    var chaMemos = curMemos.filter(e => (e.t == videoTitle && e.c == COLORVIDEOTIME)).sort((a, b) => hms2sec(a.m.match0(/^([\d:]+)\s/)) > hms2sec(b.m.match0(/^([\d:]+)\s/)) ? 1 : -1);
    var chaMemoTU = "";
    //chaMemos.forEach(c => { chaMemoTU += `${videoTitle} ${c.m}\n${newUrl.replace(/\*\*time\*\*/,hms2sec(c.m.match0(/^([\d:]+)\s/)))}\n` })
    chaMemos.forEach(c => { chaMemoTU += `${videoTitle} - YouTube ▶ ${c.m}\n${newUrl.replace(/\*\*time\*\*/,hms2sec(c.m.match0(/^([\d:]+)\s/)))}\n` })
    if (!copy) {
      var jumpUrl = location.href.match0(/https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{11})/);
      if (jumpUrl) jumpUrl = `${jumpUrl}&t=${Math.floor(videoEle.currentTime)}`;

      var word = window.getSelection().toString().trim() || (prompt(`『${videoTitle}』\n${currentTime=="0:00"?"に付ける":"の "+currentTime+" に付けるチャプター"}メモを入力してください\n${chaMemoTU?"\n\n列挙(Shift+Uでコピー):\n"+chaMemoTU:""}\n`) || "").trim();
      if (!word) return;
      storeMemo(videoTitle, (currentTime != "0:00" ? currentTime + " " : "") + word.trim(), currentTime == "0:00" ? COLOR1 : COLORVIDEOTIME, document, jumpUrl || "")
    } else {
      popup2(chaMemoTU, -1, "", "top")
      //var newstr = (pref( + ' : SearchMyMemo') || []).filter(e => (e.c === COLORVIDEOTIME));
      //prompt(`チャプターメモから再生するURLの列挙をコピーしました\n\n入力フォームよりチャプターメモのエクスポートとマージが行えます\nコピーしてテキストファイル等に保存すればエクスポートとなり、他環境からエクスポートしたものを入力すればマージになります\n変更せずにEnterかEscを押せば何もしません\n\n${JSON.stringify(newstr)}`, JSON.stringify(newstr))

  // intervalが1以上かつ設定値がdefValueと違っていればintervalミリ秒事に再処理、そうでなければ割り込みはせず、初回の実行もしない
  function setSlider(placeEle, min = 0, max = 100, defValue = 0, title = "", key = "SliderValue", onchangecallback, interval = 0, addProperty = "") { // interval:1なら初回一度だけcallbackも実行、2~ならそのms間隔で定期実行
    if (placeEle && !eleget0(`//input[@id="setSlider${key}"]`)) {
      let val = pref(key) || defValue;
      placeEle.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", `<input type="range" class="setSlider" id="setSlider${key}" min="${min}" max="${max}" value="${val}" ${addProperty} title="${title.replace("***",val)}\n右クリック:デフォルトに戻す" oninput="this.title='${title}\\n右クリック:デフォルトに戻す'.replace('***',this.value);" oncontextmenu="this.value='${defValue}'; this.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); return false;">`)

      let adjustFunc = function(key, interval = 0, defValue = 0, onchange = 0) {
        //popup2(`${interval} ${onchange}`)
        let sliderEle = eleget0(`#setSlider${key}`)
        let sliderEleNum = Number(sliderEle.value)
        if (onchange) pref(key, sliderEleNum)
        if (interval && sliderEleNum != defValue) setTimeout(() => { adjustFunc(key, interval, defValue) }, interval)
        //        if (interval>0 && sliderEleNum != defValue) setTimeout(() => { adjustFunc(key, interval, defValue) }, interval)
      let sliderEle = eleget0(`#setSlider${key}`)
      if (sliderEle) {
        sliderEle.addEventListener('input', () => adjustFunc(key, interval, defValue, 1));
        if (Number(sliderEle.value) != defValue) adjustFunc(key, interval, defValue)
      //if (interval == 1) adjustFunc(key, 0, defValue)
      if (interval == 1) onchangecallback(Number(eleget0(`#setSlider${key}`)?.value || defValue))

  function domsort(container, doms, func, prepend = 0) { // container:domsの入っている大枠、省略時はdomsの1つ親 doms:並べ替える要素たち prepend:0:containerの最後に付ける 1:最初に付ける(逆順) 2:最後につける(逆順)(0or2) 3:最初に付ける(昇順) // 1と3のほうが継ぎ足し位置マーカーが上に来ないので多分良い
    if (container === "") container = doms[0]?.parentNode
    if (!container || !doms.length) return
    if (Array.isArray(container)) container = container.shift()
    let col = new Intl.Collator("ja", { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' })
    if (prepend == 2 || prepend == 3), i) { return { dom: v, value: func(v, i) } }).sort(function(b, a) { return (!isNaN(b.value) && !isNaN(a.value) ? b.value == a.value ? 0 : (b.value - a.value) : b.value == a.value ? 0 : (, b.value))) }).forEach(function(v) { prepend == 3 ? container?.prepend(v.dom) : container?.appendChild(v.dom) })
    if (prepend == 1 || prepend == 0), i) { return { dom: v, value: func(v, i) } }).sort(function(a, b) { return (!isNaN(b.value) && !isNaN(a.value) ? b.value == a.value ? 0 : (b.value - a.value) : b.value == a.value ? 0 : (, b.value))) }).forEach(function(v) { prepend ? container?.prepend(v.dom) : container?.appendChild(v.dom) })

  function sortdom(doms, func, prepend = 0) { // doms:並べ替える要素たち prepend:0:昇順 1:降順
    let position = doms[0]?.previousElementSibling
    let container = doms[0]?.parentNode
    if (!container || !doms.length) return
    let col = new Intl.Collator("ja", { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' })
    let fragment = new DocumentFragment();, i) => { return { dom: v, value: func(v, i) } }).sort((a, b) => (prepend == 0 ?
      (!isNaN(b.value) && !isNaN(b.value) ? a.value == b.value ? 0 : (a.value - b.value) : a.value == b.value ? 0 : (, b.value))) :
      (!isNaN(a.value) && !isNaN(b.value) ? a.value == b.value ? 0 : (b.value - a.value) : a.value == b.value ? 0 : (, a.value)))
    )).forEach(v => fragment?.append(v.dom))
    position ? position.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, position.nextSibling) : container.prepend(fragment)

  function before(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html); return e?.previousElementSibling; }

  function begin(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', html); return e?.firstChild; }

  function end(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); return e?.lastChild; }

  function after(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html); return e?.nextElementSibling; }

  function ct1(callback, name = "test", time = 10) {
  } // 速度測定(1回だけ)
  function ctLong(callback, name = "test", time = 10) { console.time(name); for (let i = time; i--;) { callback() } console.timeEnd(name) } // 速度測定(もともと長くかかるもの)
  function ct(callback, name = "test", time = 10) { let i = 0; let st =; while ( - st < 1000) { i++, callback() } console.log(`${name} ${i}回実行 / 1sec , ${1000/i}ミリ秒/1実行 ${callback.toString().slice(0,55)}`) } // 速度測定(一瞬で終わるもの)
  function lh(re) { let tmp = location.protocol == "file:" ? null : location.href.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
  function ld(re) { let tmp = location.protocol == "file:" ? null : location.hostname.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
  //function lh(re) { let tmp = location.href.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
  //function ld(re) { let tmp = location.hostname.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
  function JS(v) { try { return JSON.stringify(v) } catch { return null } }

  function JP(v) { try { return JSON.parse(v) } catch { return null } }

  function e2sel(ele) { return `${ele.tagName?.toLowerCase()}${"#"""}${ele.className?"."+ele.className.replace(/\s/g,"."):""}` }

  function han(str) { return str?.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9]/g, function(s) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248) }) || "" }

  function sani(s) { return s?.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")?.replace(/"/g, "&quot;")?.replace(/'/g, "&#39;")?.replace(/`/g, '&#x60;')?.replace(/</g, "&lt;")?.replace(/>/g, "&gt;") || "" }

  function gettime(_fmt = 'YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.iii', _dt = new Date()) {
    return [
      ['YYYY', _dt.getFullYear()],
      ['MM', _dt.getMonth() + 1],
      ['DD', _dt.getDate()],
      ['hh', _dt.getHours()],
      ['mm', _dt.getMinutes()],
      ['ss', _dt.getSeconds()],
      ['iii', _dt.getMilliseconds()],
    ].reduce((s, a) => s.replace(a[0], `${a[1]}`.padStart(a[0].length, '0')), _fmt)

  function isValidRE(str) {
    try { new RegExp(str) } catch (e) { return false }
    return true

  function matchGG(str, re) {
    return str?.match(new RegExp(re, "gm"))?.map(v => v?.match(new RegExp(re, "m"))?.[1])

  // element.dataset.gmDataListプロパティにclassList.add/removeのような命令セット
  function gmDataList_add(ele, name) {
    let data = new Set(ele?.dataset?.gmDataList?.split(" ") || []);
    if (!data.has(name)) {
      ele.dataset.gmDataList = [].join(" ")

  function gmDataList_remove(ele, name) {
    let data = new Set(ele?.dataset?.gmDataList?.split(" ") || []);
    if (data.has(name)) {
      if (data.size) ele.dataset.gmDataList = [].join(" ");
      else delete ele.dataset.gmDataList;

  function gmDataList_includesPartial(ele, name) { // *[class*="name"]のような部分一致
    let data = [ Set(ele?.dataset?.gmDataList?.split(" ") || [])];
    return data.find(v => v.includes(name))

  function gmhbShow(e, id) {
    gmDataList_remove(e, `gmHideBy${id}`)
    if (!gmDataList_includesPartial(e, 'gmHideBy')) $(e).show(333)

  function gmhbHide(e, id) {
    gmDataList_add(e, `gmHideBy${id}`)

  function sound(type, sec, freq = 440) { // type:sine, square, sawtooth, triangleがある
    let ctx = new AudioContext();
    let osc = ctx.createOscillator();
    osc.type = type;
    osc.frequency.setValueAtTime(freq, ctx.currentTime); // 440HzはA4(4番目のラ)

  function clientHeight() { return Math.min(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight) }

  function clientWidth() { return document.documentElement.clientWidth }

  function cldtd(title) { debug && console.log(title + " : " + (new Date()).toLocaleString("ja-JP", { timeZone: "Asia/Tokyo" })) } // console.log date time
  function cldt(title) { debug && console.log(title + " : " + gettime()) } // console.log date time

  function getDefault56memo() {
    var date = new Date();
    //    return date.getFullYear() + "." + ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + "." + ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2) + " (" + ["日", "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土"][date.getDay()] + ")"
    //return `${date.getFullYear()}.${("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)}.${("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2)} (${["日", "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土"][date.getDay()]})`
    return `${date.getFullYear()}.${("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)}.${("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2)}`

  function img2dhash(img) {
    if (!img || !img.complete || !img.naturalWidth || !img.naturalHeight) return null;
    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    canvas.width = 8;
    canvas.height = 7;
    var context = canvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false });
    try {
      context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    } catch (e) {
      return null;
    var pixels = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    var gray = [...Array(pixels.width * pixels.height)].map((v, i) =>[i * 4] +[i * 4 + 1] +[i * 4 + 2])
    var dHash = gray.reduce((a, v, i) => ((i + 1) % canvas.width !== 0) ? (v < gray[i + 1] ? "1" : "0") + a : a, "");
    return parseInt(dHash, 2).toString(16);

  function keyFuncAdd(keyarr) {
    if (!GF?.keyFuncC) {
      GF.keyFuncC = new Map();
      document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
        if ( === 'INPUT' || === 'TEXTAREA' || || (('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer') || document.activeElement.closest('#chat-messages,ytd-comments-header-renderer')))) return;
        var key = (e.shiftKey ? "Shift+" : "") + (e.altKey ? "Alt+" : "") + (e.ctrlKey ? "Ctrl+" : "") + e.key;
        let f = GF?.keyFuncC?.get(key)
        if (f) f();
    keyarr.forEach(v => {
      GF.keyFuncC?.set(v.key, v.func) // GF?.keyFuncC ? GF.keyFuncC.push(v) : [v];

  function minmax(v, min, max) {
    return Math.max(Math.min(v, max), min) //return Math.min(Math.max(v, min), max)

  function dragElement(ele, handleSel = "*", cancelSel = "", zindexcss = "") {
    let x, y;
    (handleSel == "*" ? [ele] : elegeta(handleSel, ele)).forEach(e => e.onmousedown = dragMouseDown)

    function dragMouseDown(e) {
      if ( || e.button != 0) return;
      if (e?.target?.style?.resize && mousex > ele.offsetLeft + $(ele).width() - 8 && mousey > ele.offsetTop + $(ele).height() - 8) return; // resize:bothだったら右下の角は掴めない判定にする
      e = e || window.event;
      if (!e?.target?.style?.resize) = `${$(ele).width()}px`;
      [x, y] = [e.clientX, e.clientY];
      elegeta('iframe').forEach(e => { = "none" }) //elegeta('iframe', => { = "none" })
      if (zindexcss) = elegeta(zindexcss).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a,, 0) + 1
      document.onmouseup = closeDragElement;
      document.onmousemove = elementDrag;

    function elementDrag(e) {
      e = e || window.event;

      if ( { // right:かbottom:で張り付いてるものなら剥がしてleft/topにする = `${ele.offsetLeft}px` = ""
      if ( { // right:かbottom:で張り付いてるものなら剥がしてleft/topにする = `${ele.offsetTop}px` = ""
      } = `${(ele.offsetTop - (y - e.clientY))}px`; = `${(ele.offsetLeft - (x - e.clientX))}px`;
      [x, y] = [e.clientX, e.clientY];

    function closeDragElement(e) {
      document.onmouseup = null;
      document.onmousemove = null;
      elegeta('iframe').forEach(e => { = "auto" }) //elegeta('iframe', => { = "auto" })

  function waitdo(checkFunc, func, timeout = 3000, start = { // checkFuncがtrueになったらfuncを実行
    let ret = checkFunc();
    if (ret || ret?.length > 0) { func(ret) } else if ( - start < timeout) { setTimeout(waitdo, 111, checkFunc, func, timeout, start) }

  function nfd(str) { return str?.normalize("NFD") || "" }

  function hoverHelp(cb) {
    let latest, helpEle;
    SITE.preventHelpFunc = () => 1,
      document.addEventListener("mousemove", e => {
        if (!e?.target instanceof Element) return;
        //if (!e?.target) return;
        if (latest != e?.target) {
          let text = cb(e?.target)
          if (text) helpEle = end(document?.body, `<div class="ignoreMe" id="hoverHelpPopup" style="z-index:999999999; bottom:1em; right:1em; position:fixed; background-color:#ffffffe0; padding:1px 0.5em; border:1px solid #505050; font-size:15px; color:#505050; border-radius:0.75em;">${text}</div>`)
          latest = e?.target
          if (document.elementFromPoint(e?.clientX, e?.clientY) == helpEle) {
   = "";
   = "1em";

  function moq2(observeNode, cb) {
    let mo = new MutationObserver((m) => {
      let eles = [...m.filter(v => v.addedNodes).map(v => [...v.addedNodes]).filter(v => v.length)].flat().filter(v => v.nodeType === 1).forEach(v => cb(v));
    })?.observe(observeNode || document.body, { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true });
    return () => {
      mo = null;

  function waitDraw(each = 333) {
    if (!waitDraw.c) waitDraw.c = 1;
    else if (++waitDraw.c % each != --each) return Promise.resolve();
    if (! =;
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      const currentTime =;
      if (currentTime - > 4000) { = currentTime;
        setTimeout(() => requestAnimationFrame(resolve), 0);
      } else resolve();