// EntryList library
// Common functions for modifying/hiding/etc. entries in page, based on
// entry features or presence in one or more lists.
// For instance: hide all YouTube videos that have been watched and highlight
// the ones that have been started but not finished, highlight Netflix movies
// based on IMDb lists, etc.
// https://greasyfork.org/scripts/390248-entrylist
// Copyright (C) 2019, Guido Villa
// Original idea and some of the code is taken from IMDb 'My Movies' enhancer:
// Copyright (C) 2008-2018, Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira ([email protected])
// Released under the GPL license - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
// For instructions, see https://greasyfork.org/help/installing-user-scripts
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ==UserScript==
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/373199-guido-villa
// @exclude *
// ==UserLibrary==
// @name EntryList
// @description Common functions for working on lists of entries
// @version 1.5
// @author guidovilla
// @date 03.10.2019
// @copyright 2019, Guido Villa (https://greasyfork.org/users/373199-guido-villa)
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later
// @homepageURL https://greasyfork.org/scripts/390248-entrylist
// @supportURL https://gitlab.com/gv-browser/userscripts/issues
// @contributionURL https://tinyurl.com/gv-donate-0c
// @downloadURL https://greasyfork.org/scripts/390248-entrylist/code/EntryList.user.js
// @updateURL https://greasyfork.org/scripts/390248-entrylist/code/EntryList.meta.js
// ==/UserScript==
// ==/UserLibrary==
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// To-do (priority: [H]igh, [M]edium, [L]ow):
// - [H] Extend library to work on all the scripts
// - [M] Make private members actually private and not only undocumented
// (only after understanding which ones really can be private)
// - [M] main context as default context
// - [M] do we need that the library is not cached? if so, how?
// - [M] changes to a list aren't reflected in page till reload. Change?
// - [M] Better handle case without lists (e.g. optimizations)
// - [M] Add description of flow in usage documentation
// - [M] Add indication of URL to use to @require library itself
// - [M] List regeneration function doesn't handle case where lists are missing
// Changelog:
// ----------
// 2019.10.03 [1.5] Automatically handle case with only one list
// Better handling of list of lists
// Add possibility to permanently skip an entry
// 2019.10.02 [1.4] More generic: getUser and getIdFromEntry are now optional
// Add newContext utility function
// 2019.09.30 [1.3] Correct @namespace and other headers (for public use)
// 2019.09.27 [1.2] Refactoring and name changing: TitleList -> EntryList
// 2019.09.27 [1.1] Code cleanup (string literals, reorder functions)
// Check for validity of the context object
// Add usage documentation
// 2019.09.21 [1.0] First version
// 2019.09.18 [0.1] First test version, private use only
/* jshint esversion: 6, supernew: true */
/* exported EL, Library_Version_ENTRYLIST */
const Library_Version_ENTRYLIST = '1.5';
/* How to use the library
This library instantitates an EL object with a startup method.
Call EL.startup(ctx), passing a "context" object that is specific to the
website you are working on.
Other functions and variables:
- mainContext: the context saved with EL.startup
- addToggleEventOnClick(button, howToFindEntry[, toggleList[, toggleType]]):
mainly used in ctx.modifyEntry(), adds an event listener that implements
a toggle function:
- button: the DOM object to attach the event listener to
- howToFindEntry: how to go from evt.target to the entry object. It can be:
- a number: # of node.parentNode to hop to get from evt.target to to entry
- a CSS selector: used with evt.target.closest to get to entry
- toggleList: the list where the entry is toggled when the button is pressed
(can be omitted if a default list is to be used)
- toggleType: the processing type that is toggled by the press of the button
(can be omitted if only one processing type is used)
It cannot be a false value (0, null, false, undefined, etc.)
- newContext(name):
utility function that returns a new context, initialized with <name>
- markInvalid(entry):
marks entry as invalid to skips it in subsequent passes
This function returns false so it can be used in isValidEntry() in this way:
return condition || EL.markInvalid(entry)
This leaves the return value unchanged and marks the entry only if invalid
Mandatory callback functions and variables in context:
- name: identifier of the site
- getPageEntries():
return (usually with querySelectorAll) an array of entries to be treated
- processItem(entry, tt, processingType):
process the entry based on the processing type or other features of the entry
Conditionally mandatory callback functions and variables in context:
- getUser(): retrieve and return the username used on the website
mandatory if data are to be stored on a per-user basis
- getIdFromEntry(entry): return a tt: { id, name } object from the entry
mandatory if you want to save entries to lists
NOTE: if id is not found, entry is skipped but it is not marked as invalid
for subsequent passes (unless you use TL.markInvalid(), see above)
- unProcessItem(entry, tt, processingType):
like processItem, but it should reverse the action
mandatory for entries that have a toggle action added with
Optional callback functions and variables in context:
- interval: interval (in ms) to re-scan links in the DOM
won't re-scan if < MIN_INTERVAL
- isEntryPage():
returns false if page must not be scanned for entries
default is always true (all pages contain entries)
- isValidEntry(entry):
return false if entry must be skipped
NOTE: if entry is skipped, it is not however marked as invalid for subsequent
passes (unless you use TL.markInvalid(), see above)
default is always true (all entries returned by "getPageEntries" are valid)
- modifyEntry(entry):
optionally modify entry when scanned for the first time (e.g. add a button)
see also EL.addToggleEventOnClick() above
- determineType(lists, tt, entry):
return the processing type for an entry, given the lists it appears in, or a
false value (0, null, false, undefined, etc.) if no processing is required
"lists" is an object with a true property for each list the entry appears in.
The decision can also be taken using name, id and properties of the entry.
If there is a single processing type, the function might as well return true/false
Default: returns true if entry is in at least one list (especially useful in
cases with only one list, so there is no need to tell different lists apart)
var EL = new (function() {
'use strict';
const STORAGE_SEP = '-';
const FAKE_USER = '_';
const DEFAULT_TYPE = '_DEF_';
const MIN_INTERVAL = 100;
const DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 1000;
var self = this;
this.mainContext = null;
/* PRIVATE members */
// Check if "object" has "property" of "type"
// used to test if object "implements" a specific interface
function checkProperty(object, property, type, optional) {
if (typeof object[property] !== type && (!optional || typeof object[property] !== 'undefined')) {
console.error((optional ? 'Optionally, c' : 'C') + 'ontext must have a "' + property + '" property of type "' + type + '"');
return false;
else return true;
// check if context has the correct variables and functions
function isValidTargetContext(ctx) {
var valid = true;
valid &= checkProperty(ctx, 'name', 'string');
valid &= checkProperty(ctx, 'getPageEntries', 'function');
valid &= checkProperty(ctx, 'processItem', 'function');
valid &= checkProperty(ctx, 'interval', 'number', true);
valid &= checkProperty(ctx, 'isEntryPage', 'function', true);
valid &= checkProperty(ctx, 'isValidEntry', 'function', true);
valid &= checkProperty(ctx, 'modifyEntry', 'function', true);
valid &= checkProperty(ctx, 'determineType', 'function', true);
valid &= checkProperty(ctx, 'getUser', 'function', true);
valid &= checkProperty(ctx, 'getIdFromEntry', 'function', true);
valid &= checkProperty(ctx, 'unProcessItem', 'function', true);
return !!valid;
// standardized names for storage variables
var storName = {
'lastUser': function(ctx) { return ctx.name + STORAGE_SEP + 'lastUser'; },
'listOfLists': function(ctx) { return 'EntryLists' + STORAGE_SEP + ctx.user; },
'listPrefix': function(ctx) { return 'EntryList' + STORAGE_SEP + ctx.user + STORAGE_SEP; },
'listName': function(ctx, listName) { return this.listPrefix(ctx) + listName; },
// Return name of user currently logged on <ctx> site
// Return last saved value and log error if no user is found
this.getLoggedUser = function(ctx) {
if (!ctx.getUser) return FAKE_USER;
var user = ctx.getUser();
if (!user) {
console.error(ctx.name + ": user not logged in (or couldn't get user info) on URL " + document.URL);
user = GM_getValue(storName.lastUser(ctx), '');
console.error('Using last user: ' + user);
GM_setValue(storName.lastUser(ctx), user);
ctx.user = user;
return user;
// Regenerate and save the list of lists stored object, even if empty
// returns the new list
function regenerateListOfLists(ctx) {
var allVariables = GM_listValues();
var listNames = allVariables.reduce(function(listNames, variable) {
if (variable.startsWith(storName.listPrefix(ctx))) {
return listNames;
}, []);
var userData = JSON.stringify(listNames);
GM_setValue(storName.listOfLists(ctx), userData);
return listNames;
// Load a single saved lists
function loadSavedList(listName) {
var list;
var userData = GM_getValue(listName, null);
if (userData) {
try {
list = JSON.parse(userData);
} catch(err) {
alert("Error loading saved list named '" + listName + "'!\n" + err.message);
return list;
// Load the list of lists, regenerating it if necessary
// always returns an array, possibly empty
function loadListOfLists(ctx) {
var listNames = loadSavedList(storName.listOfLists(ctx));
if (!Array.isArray(listNames)) listNames = regenerateListOfLists(ctx);
return listNames;
// Load lists for the current user
this.loadSavedLists = function(ctx) {
var listNames = loadListOfLists(ctx);
var lists = {};
var list;
var mustRegenerateListOfLists = false;
listNames.forEach(function(listName) {
list = loadSavedList(storName.listName(ctx, listName));
if (list) lists[listName] = list;
else mustRegenerateListOfLists = true;
if (mustRegenerateListOfLists) regenerateListOfLists(ctx);
return lists;
// Save single list for the current user
this.saveList = function(ctx, list, name) {
var listNames = loadListOfLists(ctx);
if (listNames.indexOf(name) == -1) {
var userData = JSON.stringify(listNames);
GM_setValue(storName.listOfLists(ctx), userData);
userData = JSON.stringify(list);
GM_setValue(storName.listName(ctx, name), userData);
// Receives an entry tt and finds all lists where tt.id appears
this.inLists = function(ctx, tt) {
var lists = {};
for (var list in ctx.allLists) {
if (ctx.allLists[list][tt.id]) lists[list] = true;
return lists;
// Wrap ctx.getIdFromEntry and add error logging
function _wrap_getIdFromEntry(ctx, entry) {
var tt = ctx.getIdFromEntry(entry);
if (!tt) console.error('Could not determine id :-( - for entry', entry);
return tt;
// Process all entries in current page
this.processEntries = function(ctx) {
var entries = ctx.getPageEntries();
if (!entries) return;
var entry, tt, lists, processingType;
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
entry = entries[i];
// if entry has already been previously processed, skip it
if (entry.ELProcessed || entry.ELInvalid) continue;
// see if entry is valid
if (ctx.isValidEntry && !ctx.isValidEntry(entry)) continue;
tt = null;
if (ctx.getIdFromEntry) {
tt = _wrap_getIdFromEntry(ctx, entry);
if (!tt) continue;
if (ctx.modifyEntry) ctx.modifyEntry(entry);
lists = ( tt ? self.inLists(ctx, tt) : {} );
processingType = (ctx.determineType
? ctx.determineType(lists, tt, entry)
: Object.keys(lists).length > 0);
if (processingType) {
ctx.processItem(entry, tt, processingType);
entry.ELProcessingType = processingType;
entry.ELProcessed = true; // set to "true" after processing (so we skip it on next pass)
// handle the toggle event
this.handleToggleButton = function(evt) {
var data = evt.target.dataset;
var toggleList = (typeof data.toggleList === 'undefined' ? DEFAULT_TYPE : data.toggleList);
var toggleType = (typeof data.toggleType === 'undefined' ? DEFAULT_TYPE : data.toggleType);
// get corresponding entry
var entry = evt.target;
if (Number.isInteger(Number(data.howToFindEntry))) {
for (var i = 0; i < Number(data.howToFindEntry); i++) entry = entry.parentNode;
} else {
entry = entry.closest(data.howToFindEntry);
self.toggleEntry(entry, toggleList, toggleType);
// add/remove entry from a list
this.toggleEntry = function(entry, toggleList, toggleType) {
var ctx = self.mainContext;
var tt = _wrap_getIdFromEntry(ctx, entry);
if (!tt) return;
// check if item is in list
var list = ctx.allLists[toggleList];
if (!list) list = ctx.allLists[toggleList] = {};
if (list[tt.id]) {
delete list[tt.id];
ctx.unProcessItem(entry, tt, toggleType);
entry.ELProcessingType = '-' + toggleType;
} else {
list[tt.id] = tt.name;
ctx.processItem(entry, tt, toggleType);
entry.ELProcessingType = toggleType;
self.saveList(ctx, list, toggleList);
/* PUBLIC members */
// utility function to create a new context, initialized with <name>
this.newContext = function(name) {
return { 'name': name };
// startup function
this.startup = function(ctx) {
// check that passed context is good
if (!isValidTargetContext(ctx)) {
console.log('Invalid context, aborting');
self.mainContext = ctx;
//TODO forse salvare una variabile we_are_in_an_entry_page nel contesto?
//TODO per altri casi lo startup deve fare anche altro
if (!( !ctx.isEntryPage || ctx.isEntryPage() )) return;
// find current logged in user, or quit script
if (!self.getLoggedUser(ctx)) {
console.log('No user is defined, aborting');
// Load list data for this user from local storage
ctx.allLists = self.loadSavedLists(ctx);
// start the entry processing function
if (typeof ctx.interval === 'undefined' || ctx.interval >= MIN_INTERVAL) {
// TODO we might consider using MutationObserver in the future, instead
ctx.timer = setInterval(function() {self.processEntries(ctx);}, ctx.interval || DEFAULT_INTERVAL);
this.addToggleEventOnClick = function(button, howToFindEntry, toggleList, toggleType) {
button.dataset.howToFindEntry = howToFindEntry;
if (typeof toggleList !== 'undefined') button.dataset.toggleList = toggleList;
if (typeof toggleType !== 'undefined') button.dataset.toggleType = toggleType;
button.addEventListener('click', self.handleToggleButton, false);
this.markInvalid = function(entry) {
entry.ELInvalid = true;
return false;