Greasy Fork

WME Utils - Google Link Enhancer

Adds some extra WME functionality related to Google place links.

目前为 2020-08-12 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         WME Utils - Google Link Enhancer
// @namespace    WazeDev
// @version      2020.08.12.001
// @description  Adds some extra WME functionality related to Google place links.
// @author       MapOMatic, WazeDev group
// @include      /^https:\/\/(www|beta)\.waze\.com\/(?!user\/)(.{2,6}\/)?editor\/?.*$/
// @license      GNU GPLv3
// ==/UserScript==

/* global $ */
/* global OpenLayers */
/* global Promise */
/* global W */
/* global Node */

/* eslint-disable */

class GoogleLinkEnhancer {

    constructor() {
        this.DISABLE_CLOSED_PLACES = false; // Set to TRUE if the "closed Google place" feature needs to be temporarily disabled, e.g. during the COVID-19 pandemic.
        this.EXT_PROV_ELEM_QUERY = 'li.external-provider-item';
        this.LINK_CACHE_NAME = 'gle_link_cache';
        this.LINK_CACHE_CLEAN_INTERVAL_MIN = 1; // Interval to remove old links and save new ones.
        this.LINK_CACHE_LIFESPAN_HR = 6; // Remove old links when they exceed this time limit.
        this.DEC = k => atob(atob(k));
        this._enabled = false;
        this._disableApiUntil; // When a serious API error occurs (OVER_QUERY_LIMIT, REQUEST_DENIED), set this to a time in the future.
        this._mapLayer = null;
        this._urlOrigin = window.location.origin;
        this._distanceLimit = 400; // Default distance (meters) when Waze place is flagged for being too far from Google place.
        // Area place is calculated as _distanceLimit + <distance between centroid and furthest node>

        this.strings = {};
        this.strings.permClosedPlace = 'Google indicates this place is permanently closed.\nVerify with other sources or your editor community before deleting.';
        this.strings.tempClosedPlace = 'Google indicates this place is temporarily closed.';
        this.strings.multiLinked = 'Linked more than once already. Please find and remove multiple links.';
        this.strings.linkedToThisPlace = 'Already linked to this place';
        this.strings.linkedNearby = 'Already linked to a nearby place';
        this.strings.linkedToXPlaces = 'This is linked to {0} places';
        this.strings.badLink = 'Invalid Google link. Please remove it.';
        this.strings.tooFar = 'The Google linked place is more than {0} meters from the Waze place.  Please verify the link is correct.';

        this._urlBase = `${this._urlOrigin}/maps/api/place/details/json?fields=geometry,business_status&${this.DEC('YTJWNVBVRkplbUZUZVVObFltSkZVM0pYUlZKWk1VMVNXalUyWjBWQlpuQjBOM1JMTWxJMmFGWmZTUT09')}&placeid=`;


        let storedCache = localStorage.getItem(this.LINK_CACHE_NAME);
        try {
            this._linkCache = storedCache ? $.parseJSON(this._LZString.decompressFromUTF16(storedCache)) : {};
        } catch (ex) {
            if ( === 'SyntaxError') {
                // In case the cache is corrupted and can't be read.
                this._linkCache = {};
                console.warn('GoogleLinkEnhancer:', 'An error occurred while loading the stored cache.  A new cache was created.');
            } else {
                throw ex;
        if (this._linkCache === null || this._linkCache.length === 0) this._linkCache = {};


        // Watch for ext provider elements being added to the DOM, and add hover events.
        this._linkObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
            mutations.forEach(mutation => {
                for (let idx = 0; idx < mutation.addedNodes.length; idx++) {
                    let nd = mutation.addedNodes[idx];
                    if (nd.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        let $el = $(nd);
                        if ($ {
                        } else {
                            if ($el.find('div.uuid').length) {

        // Watch for Google place search result list items being added to the DOM
        let that = this;
        this._searchResultsObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
            mutations.forEach(mutation => {
                for (let idx = 0; idx < mutation.addedNodes.length; idx++) {
                    let nd = mutation.addedNodes[idx];
                    if (nd.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && $(nd).is('.select2-results-dept-0') && $(nd).parent().parent().is('.select2-with-searchbox')) {
                        $(nd).mouseenter(() => {
                            // When mousing over a list item, find the Google place ID from the list that was stored previously.
                            // Then add the point/line to the map.
                        }).mouseleave(() => {
                            // When leaving the list item, remove the point.

        // Watch the side panel for addition of the sidebar-layout div, which indicates a mode change.
        this._modeObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
            mutations.forEach(mutation => {
                for (let idx = 0; idx < mutation.addedNodes.length; idx++) {
                    let nd = mutation.addedNodes[idx];
                    if (nd.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && $(nd).is('.sidebar-layout')) {

        // This is a special event that will be triggered when DOM elements are destroyed.
        (function ($) {
            $.event.special.destroyed = {
                remove: function (o) {
                    if (o.handler && o.type !== 'destroyed') {

    _initLayer() {
        this._mapLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('Google Link Enhancements.', {
            uniqueName: '___GoogleLinkEnhancements',
            displayInLayerSwitcher: true,
            styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
                default: {
                    strokeColor: '${strokeColor}',
                    strokeWidth: '${strokeWidth}',
                    strokeDashstyle: '${strokeDashstyle}',
                    pointRadius: '15',
                    fillOpacity: '0'

        this._mapLayer.setOpacity(0.8);;'mergeend', this, function (e) {
        }, true);

        // *************************************
        // EDIT 2019.03.14 - Not sure if this is needed.  Mergeend event seems to work fine.
        // Removing it for now, but not thoroughly tested.
        // *************************************
        //'moveend', this, function (e) {
        //     this._processPlaces();
        // }, true);

        W.model.venues.on('objectschanged', function (e) { this._processPlaces(); }, this);
        W.model.venues.on('objectsremoved', function (e) { this._processPlaces(); }, this);
        W.model.venues.on('objectsadded', function (e) { this._processPlaces(); }, this);

    enable() {
        if (!this._enabled) {
            this._modeObserver.observe($('.edit-area #sidebarContent')[0], { childList: true, subtree: false });
            this._searchResultsObserver.observe($('body')[0], { childList: true, subtree: true });
            // Watch for JSONP callbacks. JSONP is used for the autocomplete results when searching for Google links.
            // Note: Using on() allows passing "this" as a variable, so it can be used in the handler function.
            $('#map').on('mouseenter', null, this, this._onMapMouseenter);
            $(window).on('unload', null, this, this._onWindowUnload);
            W.model.venues.on('objectschanged', this._formatLinkElements, this);
            this._cacheCleanIntervalID = setInterval(() => this._cleanAndSaveLinkCache(), 1000 * 60 * this.LINK_CACHE_CLEAN_INTERVAL_MIN);
            this._enabled = true;

    disable() {
        if (this._enabled) {
            $('#map').off('mouseenter', this._onMapMouseenter);
            $(window).off('unload', null, this, this._onWindowUnload);
  'objectschanged', this._formatLinkElements, this);
            if (this._cacheCleanIntervalID) clearInterval(this._cacheCleanIntervalID);
            this._enabled = false;

    // The distance (in meters) before flagging a Waze place that is too far from the linked Google place.
    // Area places use distanceLimit, plus the distance from the centroid of the AP to its furthest node.
    get distanceLimit() {
        return this._distanceLimit;
    set distanceLimit(value) {
        this._distanceLimit = value;

    _onWindowUnload(evt) {;

    _cleanAndSaveLinkCache() {
        if (!this._linkCache) return;
        let now = new Date();
        Object.keys(this._linkCache).forEach(id => {
            let link = this._linkCache[id];
            // Bug fix:
            if (link.location) {
                link.loc = link.location;
                delete link.location;
            // Delete link if older than X hours.
            if (!link.ts || (now - new Date(link.ts)) > this.LINK_CACHE_LIFESPAN_HR * 3600 * 1000) {
                delete this._linkCache[id];
        localStorage.setItem(this.LINK_CACHE_NAME, this._LZString.compressToUTF16(JSON.stringify(this._linkCache)));
        //console.log('link cache count: ' + Object.keys(this._linkCache).length, this._linkCache);

    _distanceBetweenPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
        return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2));

    _isLinkTooFar(link, venue) {
        if (link.loc) {
            let linkPt = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(link.loc.lng,;
            let venuePt;
            let distanceLimit;
            if (venue.isPoint()) {
                venuePt = venue.geometry.getCentroid();
                distanceLimit = this.distanceLimit;
            } else {
                let bounds = venue.geometry.getBounds();
                let center = bounds.getCenterLonLat();
                venuePt = { x: center.lon, y: };
                distanceLimit = this._distanceBetweenPoints(center.lon,, bounds.right, + this.distanceLimit;
            let distance = this._distanceBetweenPoints(linkPt.x, linkPt.y, venuePt.x, venuePt.y);

            return distance > distanceLimit;
        } else {
            return false;

    _processPlaces() {
        try {
            if (this._enabled) {
                let that = this;
                let projFrom =;
                let projTo =;
                let mapExtent =;
                // Get a list of already-linked id's
                let existingLinks = this._getExistingLinks();
                let drawnLinks = [];
                W.model.venues.getObjectArray().forEach(function (venue) {
                    const promises = [];
                    venue.attributes.externalProviderIDs.forEach(provID => {
                        let id = provID.attributes.uuid;

                        // Check for duplicate links
                        let linkInfo = existingLinks[id];
                        if (linkInfo.count > 1) {
                            let geometry = venue.isPoint() ? venue.geometry.getCentroid() : venue.geometry.clone();
                            let width = venue.isPoint() ? '4' : '12';
                            let color = '#fb8d00';
                            let features = [new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometry, {
                                strokeWidth: width, strokeColor: color
                            let lineStart = geometry.getCentroid();
                            linkInfo.venues.forEach(linkVenue => {
                                if (linkVenue !== venue
                                    && !drawnLinks.some(dl => (dl[0] === venue && dl[1] === linkVenue) || (dl[0] === linkVenue && dl[1] === venue))) {
                                        new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
                                            new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([lineStart, linkVenue.geometry.getCentroid()]),
                                                strokeWidth: 4,
                                                strokeColor: color,
                                                strokeDashstyle: '12 12',
                                    drawnLinks.push([venue, linkVenue]);

                        // Get Google link info, and store results for processing.

                    // Process all results of link lookups and add a highlight feature if needed.
                    Promise.all(promises).then(results => {
                        let strokeColor = null;
                        let strokeDashStyle = 'solid';
                        if (results.some(res => that._isLinkTooFar(res, venue))) {
                            strokeColor = '#0FF';
                        } else if (!that.DISABLE_CLOSED_PLACES && results.some(res => res.permclosed)) {
                            if (/^(\[|\()?(permanently )?closed(\]|\)| -)/i.test(
                                || /(\(|- |\[)(permanently )?closed(\)|\])?$/i.test( {
                                strokeDashStyle = venue.isPoint() ? '2 6' : '2 16';
                            strokeColor = '#F00';
                        } else if (!that.DISABLE_CLOSED_PLACES && results.some(res => res.tempclosed)) {
                            if (/^(\[|\()?(temporarily )?closed(\]|\)| -)/i.test(
                                || /(\(|- |\[)(temporarily )?closed(\)|\])?$/i.test( {
                                strokeDashStyle = venue.isPoint() ? '2 6' : '2 16';
                            strokeColor = '#FD3';
                        } else if (results.some(res => res.notFound)) {
                            strokeColor = '#F0F';
                        if (strokeColor) {
                            const style = {
                                strokeWidth: venue.isPoint() ? '4' : '12',
                            const geometry = venue.isPoint() ? venue.geometry.getCentroid() : venue.geometry.clone();
                            that._mapLayer.addFeatures([new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometry, style)]);
        } catch (ex) {
            console.error('PIE (Google Link Enhancer) error:', ex);

    _cacheLink(id, link) {
        link.ts = new Date();
        this._linkCache[id] = link;
        //console.log('link cache count: ' + Object.keys(this._linkCache).length, this._linkCache);

    _getLinkInfoAsync(id) {
        var link = this._linkCache[id];
        if (link) {
            return Promise.resolve(link);
        } else {
            if (this._disableApiUntil) {
                if ( < this._disableApiUntil) {
                    return Promise.resolve({ apiDisabled: true });
                this._disableApiUntil = null;
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                $.getJSON(`${this._urlBase}${id}`).then(json => {
                    let res = {};
                    if (json.status === "OK") {
                        res.loc = json.result.geometry.location;
                        if (json.result.business_status == "CLOSED_PERMANENTLY") {
                            res.permclosed = true;
                        } else if (json.result.business_status == "CLOSED_TEMPORARILY") {
                            res.tempclosed = true;
                        this._cacheLink(id, res);
                    } else if (json.status === "NOT_FOUND") {
                        res.notfound = true;
                        this._cacheLink(id, res);
                    } else {
                        if (this._disableApiUntil) {
                            res.apiDisabled = true;
                        } else {
                            res.error = json.status;
                            res.errorMessage = json.error_message;
                            this._disableApiUntil = + 10 * 1000 // Disable api calls for 10 seconds.
                            console.error( + ', Google Link Enhancer disabled for 10 seconds due to API error.', res);

    _onMapMouseenter(event) {
        // If the point isn't destroyed yet, destroy it when mousing over the map.;

    _getSelectedFeatures() {
        if (!W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures)
            return W.selectionManager.selectedItems;
        return W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures();

    _formatLinkElements(a, b, c) {
        let existingLinks = this._getExistingLinks();
        $('#edit-panel').find(this.EXT_PROV_ELEM_QUERY).each((ix, childEl) => {
            let $childEl = $(childEl);
            let id = this._getIdFromElement($childEl);
            if (existingLinks[id] && existingLinks[id].count > 1 && existingLinks[id].isThisVenue) {
                setTimeout(() => {
                    $childEl.find('div.uuid').css({ backgroundColor: '#FFA500' }).attr({ 'title': this.strings.linkedToXPlaces.replace('{0}', existingLinks[id].count) });
                }, 50);

            let link = this._linkCache[id];
            if (link) {
                if (link.permclosed && !this.DISABLE_CLOSED_PLACES) {
                    // A delay is needed to allow the UI to do its formatting so it doesn't overwrite ours.
                    // EDIT 2019.03.14 - Tested without the timeouts and it appears to be working now.

                    //setTimeout(() => {
                    $childEl.find('div.uuid').css({ backgroundColor: '#FAA' }).attr('title', this.strings.permClosedPlace);
                    //}, 50);
                } else if (link.tempclosed && !this.DISABLE_CLOSED_PLACES) {
                    //setTimeout(() => {
                    $childEl.find('div.uuid').css({ backgroundColor: '#FFA' }).attr('title', this.strings.tempClosedPlace);
                    //}, 50);
                } else if (link.notFound) {
                    //setTimeout(() => {
                    $childEl.find('div.uuid').css({ backgroundColor: '#F0F' }).attr('title', this.strings.badLink);
                    //}, 50);
                } else {
                    let venue = this._getSelectedFeatures()[0].model;
                    if (this._isLinkTooFar(link, venue)) {
                        //setTimeout(() => {
                        $childEl.find('div.uuid').css({ backgroundColor: '#0FF' }).attr('title', this.strings.tooFar.replace('{0}', this.distanceLimit));
                        //}, 50);

    _getExistingLinks() {
        let existingLinks = {};
        let thisVenue;
        if (this._getSelectedFeatures().length) {
            thisVenue = this._getSelectedFeatures()[0].model;
        W.model.venues.getObjectArray().forEach(venue => {
            let isThisVenue = venue === thisVenue;
            let thisPlaceIDs = [];
            venue.attributes.externalProviderIDs.forEach(provID => {
                let id = provID.attributes.uuid;
                if (thisPlaceIDs.indexOf(id) === -1) {
                    let link = existingLinks[id];
                    if (link) {
                    } else {
                        link = { count: 1, venues: [venue] };
                        existingLinks[id] = link;
                    link.isThisVenue = link.isThisVenue || isThisVenue;
        return existingLinks;

    // Remove the POI point from the map.
    _destroyPoint() {
        if (this._ptFeature) {
            this._ptFeature = null;
            this._lineFeature = null;

    // Add the POI point to the map.
    _addPoint(id) {
        if (!id) return;
        let link = this._linkCache[id];
        if (link) {
            if (!link.notFound) {
                let coord = link.loc;
                let poiPt = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(coord.lng,;
                let placeGeom = this._getSelectedFeatures()[0].geometry.getCentroid();
                let placePt = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(placeGeom.x, placeGeom.y);
                let ext =;
                var lsBounds = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(ext.left, ext.bottom),
                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(ext.left,,
                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(ext.right,,
                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(ext.right, ext.bottom),
                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(ext.left, ext.bottom)]);
                let lsLine = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([placePt, poiPt]);

                // If the line extends outside the bounds, split it so we don't draw a line across the world.
                let splits = lsLine.splitWith(lsBounds);
                let label = '';
                if (splits) {
                    let splitPoints;
                    splits.forEach(split => {
                        split.components.forEach(component => {
                            if (component.x === placePt.x && component.y === placePt.y) splitPoints = split;
                    lsLine = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([splitPoints.components[0], splitPoints.components[1]]);
                    let distance = poiPt.distanceTo(placePt);
                    let unitConversion, unit1, unit2;
                    if (W.model.isImperial) {
                        distance *= 3.28084;
                        unitConversion = 5280;
                        unit1 = ' ft';
                        unit2 = ' mi';
                    } else {
                        unitConversion = 1000;
                        unit1 = ' m';
                        unit2 = ' km';
                    if (distance > unitConversion * 10) {
                        label = Math.round(distance / unitConversion) + unit2;
                    } else if (distance > 1000) {
                        label = (Math.round(distance / (unitConversion / 10)) / 10) + unit2;
                    } else {
                        label = Math.round(distance) + unit1;

                this._destroyPoint();  // Just in case it still exists.
                this._ptFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(poiPt, { poiCoord: true }, {
                    pointRadius: 6,
                    strokeWidth: 30,
                    strokeColor: '#FF0',
                    fillColor: '#FF0',
                    strokeOpacity: 0.5
                this._lineFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(lsLine, {}, {
                    strokeWidth: 3,
                    strokeDashstyle: '12 8',
                    strokeColor: '#FF0',
                    label: label,
                    labelYOffset: 45,
                    fontColor: '#FF0',
                    fontWeight: 'bold',
                    labelOutlineColor: "#000",
                    labelOutlineWidth: 4,
                    fontSize: '18'
      'venues').addFeatures([this._ptFeature, this._lineFeature]);
        } else {
            this._getLinkInfoAsync(id).then(res => {
                if (res.error || res.apiDisabled) {
                    // API was temporarily disabled.  Ignore for now.
                } else {

    // Destroy the point after some time, if it hasn't been destroyed already.
    _timeoutDestroyPoint() {
        if (this._timeoutID) clearTimeout(this._timeoutID);
        this._timeoutID = setTimeout(() => this._destroyPoint(), 4000);

    _getIdFromElement($el) {
        return $el.find('input.uuid').attr('value');

    _addHoverEvent($el) {
        $el.hover(() => this._addPoint(this._getIdFromElement($el)), () => this._destroyPoint());

    _observeLinks() {
        this._linkObserver.observe($('#edit-panel')[0], { childList: true, subtree: true });

    // The JSONP interceptor is used to watch the head element for the addition of JSONP functions
    // that process Google link search results. Those functions are overridden by our own so we can
    // process the results before sending them on to the original function.
    _addJsonpInterceptor() {
        // The idea for this function was hatched here:

        // The head element, where the Google Autocomplete code will insert a tag 
        // for a javascript file.
        var head = $('head')[0];
        // The name of the method the Autocomplete code uses to insert the tag.
        var method = 'appendChild';
        // The method we will be overriding.
        var originalMethod = head[method];
        this._originalHeadAppendChildMethod = originalMethod;
        let that = this;
        head[method] = function () {
            // Check that the element is a javascript tag being inserted by Google.
            if (arguments[0] && arguments[0].src && arguments[0].src.match(/GetPredictions/)) {
                // Regex to extract the name of the callback method that the JSONP will call.
                var callbackMatchObject = (/callback=([^&]+)&|$/).exec(arguments[0].src);

                // Regex to extract the search term that was entered by the user.
                var searchTermMatchObject = (/\?1s([^&]+)&/).exec(arguments[0].src);

                var searchTerm = unescape(searchTermMatchObject[1]);
                if (callbackMatchObject && searchTermMatchObject) {
                    // The JSONP callback method is in the form "abc.def" and each time has a different random name.
                    var names = callbackMatchObject[1].split('.');
                    // Store the original callback method.
                    var originalCallback = names[0] && names[1] && window[names[0]] && window[names[0]][names[1]];

                    if (originalCallback) {
                        var newCallback = function () {  // Define your own JSONP callback
                            if (arguments[0] && arguments[0].predictions) {
                                // SUCCESS!

                                // The autocomplete results
                                var data = arguments[0];

                                that._lastSearchResultPlaceIds = => pred.place_id);

                                // Call the original callback so the WME dropdown can do its thing.

                        // Add copy all the attributes of the old callback function to the new callback function. 
                        // This prevents the autocomplete functionality from throwing an error.
                        for (name in originalCallback) {
                            newCallback[name] = originalCallback[name];
                        window[names[0]][names[1]] = newCallback;  // Override the JSONP callback
            // Insert the element into the dom, regardless of whether it was being inserted by Google.
            return originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);

    _removeJsonpInterceptor() {
        $('head')[0].appendChild = this._originalHeadAppendChildMethod;

    _initLZString() {
        // LZ Compressor
        // Copyright (c) 2013 Pieroxy <[email protected]>
        // This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
        // under the terms of the WTFPL, Version 2
        // LZ-based compression algorithm, version 1.4.4
        this._LZString = (function () {
            // private property
            var f = String.fromCharCode;
            var keyStrBase64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
            var keyStrUriSafe = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-$";
            var baseReverseDic = {};

            function getBaseValue(alphabet, character) {
                if (!baseReverseDic[alphabet]) {
                    baseReverseDic[alphabet] = {};
                    for (var i = 0; i < alphabet.length; i++) {
                        baseReverseDic[alphabet][alphabet.charAt(i)] = i;
                return baseReverseDic[alphabet][character];
            var LZString = {
                compressToBase64: function (input) {
                    if (input === null) return "";
                    var res = LZString._compress(input, 6, function (a) {
                        return keyStrBase64.charAt(a);
                    switch (res.length % 4) { // To produce valid Base64
                        default: // When could this happen ?
                        case 0:
                            return res;
                        case 1:
                            return res + "===";
                        case 2:
                            return res + "==";
                        case 3:
                            return res + "=";
                decompressFromBase64: function (input) {
                    if (input === null) return "";
                    if (input === "") return null;
                    return LZString._decompress(input.length, 32, function (index) {
                        return getBaseValue(keyStrBase64, input.charAt(index));
                compressToUTF16: function (input) {
                    if (input === null) return "";
                    return LZString._compress(input, 15, function (a) {
                        return f(a + 32);
                    }) + " ";
                decompressFromUTF16: function (compressed) {
                    if (compressed === null) return "";
                    if (compressed === "") return null;
                    return LZString._decompress(compressed.length, 16384, function (index) {
                        return compressed.charCodeAt(index) - 32;

                compress: function (uncompressed) {
                    return LZString._compress(uncompressed, 16, function (a) {
                        return f(a);
                _compress: function (uncompressed, bitsPerChar, getCharFromInt) {
                    if (uncompressed === null) return "";
                    var i, value,
                        context_dictionary = {},
                        context_dictionaryToCreate = {},
                        context_c = "",
                        context_wc = "",
                        context_w = "",
                        context_enlargeIn = 2, // Compensate for the first entry which should not count
                        context_dictSize = 3,
                        context_numBits = 2,
                        context_data = [],
                        context_data_val = 0,
                        context_data_position = 0,
                    for (ii = 0; ii < uncompressed.length; ii += 1) {
                        context_c = uncompressed.charAt(ii);
                        if (!, context_c)) {
                            context_dictionary[context_c] = context_dictSize++;
                            context_dictionaryToCreate[context_c] = true;
                        context_wc = context_w + context_c;
                        if (, context_wc)) {
                            context_w = context_wc;
                        } else {
                            if (, context_w)) {
                                if (context_w.charCodeAt(0) < 256) {
                                    for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1);
                                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                            context_data_position = 0;
                                            context_data_val = 0;
                                        } else {
                                    value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
                                    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                            context_data_position = 0;
                                            context_data_val = 0;
                                        } else {
                                        value = value >> 1;
                                } else {
                                    value = 1;
                                    for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | value;
                                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                            context_data_position = 0;
                                            context_data_val = 0;
                                        } else {
                                        value = 0;
                                    value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
                                    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                            context_data_position = 0;
                                            context_data_val = 0;
                                        } else {
                                        value = value >> 1;
                                if (context_enlargeIn === 0) {
                                    context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
                                delete context_dictionaryToCreate[context_w];
                            } else {
                                value = context_dictionary[context_w];
                                for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                    context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                    if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                        context_data_position = 0;
                                        context_data_val = 0;
                                    } else {
                                    value = value >> 1;
                            if (context_enlargeIn === 0) {
                                context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
                            // Add wc to the dictionary.
                            context_dictionary[context_wc] = context_dictSize++;
                            context_w = String(context_c);
                    // Output the code for w.
                    if (context_w !== "") {
                        if (, context_w)) {
                            if (context_w.charCodeAt(0) < 256) {
                                for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                    context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1);
                                    if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                        context_data_position = 0;
                                        context_data_val = 0;
                                    } else {
                                value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
                                for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                                    context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                    if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                        context_data_position = 0;
                                        context_data_val = 0;
                                    } else {
                                    value = value >> 1;
                            } else {
                                value = 1;
                                for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                    context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | value;
                                    if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                        context_data_position = 0;
                                        context_data_val = 0;
                                    } else {
                                    value = 0;
                                value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
                                for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                                    context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                    if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                        context_data_position = 0;
                                        context_data_val = 0;
                                    } else {
                                    value = value >> 1;
                            if (context_enlargeIn === 0) {
                                context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
                            delete context_dictionaryToCreate[context_w];
                        } else {
                            value = context_dictionary[context_w];
                            for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                    context_data_position = 0;
                                    context_data_val = 0;
                                } else {
                                value = value >> 1;
                        if (context_enlargeIn === 0) {
                            context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
                    // Mark the end of the stream
                    value = 2;
                    for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                            context_data_position = 0;
                            context_data_val = 0;
                        } else {
                        value = value >> 1;
                    // Flush the last char
                    while (true) {
                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1);
                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                        } else context_data_position++;
                    return context_data.join('');
                decompress: function (compressed) {
                    if (compressed === null) return "";
                    if (compressed === "") return null;
                    return LZString._decompress(compressed.length, 32768, function (index) {
                        return compressed.charCodeAt(index);
                _decompress: function (length, resetValue, getNextValue) {
                    var dictionary = [],
                        enlargeIn = 4,
                        dictSize = 4,
                        numBits = 3,
                        entry = "",
                        result = [],
                        bits, resb, maxpower, power,
                        data = {
                            val: getNextValue(0),
                            position: resetValue,
                            index: 1
                    for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
                        dictionary[i] = i;
                    bits = 0;
                    maxpower = Math.pow(2, 2);
                    power = 1;
                    while (power !== maxpower) {
                        resb = data.val & data.position;
                        data.position >>= 1;
                        if (data.position === 0) {
                            data.position = resetValue;
                            data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                        bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                        power <<= 1;
                    switch (next = bits) {
                        case 0:
                            bits = 0;
                            maxpower = Math.pow(2, 8);
                            power = 1;
                            while (power !== maxpower) {
                                resb = data.val & data.position;
                                data.position >>= 1;
                                if (data.position === 0) {
                                    data.position = resetValue;
                                    data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                                bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                                power <<= 1;
                            c = f(bits);
                        case 1:
                            bits = 0;
                            maxpower = Math.pow(2, 16);
                            power = 1;
                            while (power !== maxpower) {
                                resb = data.val & data.position;
                                data.position >>= 1;
                                if (data.position === 0) {
                                    data.position = resetValue;
                                    data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                                bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                                power <<= 1;
                            c = f(bits);
                        case 2:
                            return "";
                    dictionary[3] = c;
                    w = c;
                    while (true) {
                        if (data.index > length) {
                            return "";
                        bits = 0;
                        maxpower = Math.pow(2, numBits);
                        power = 1;
                        while (power !== maxpower) {
                            resb = data.val & data.position;
                            data.position >>= 1;
                            if (data.position === 0) {
                                data.position = resetValue;
                                data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                            bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                            power <<= 1;
                        switch (c = bits) {
                            case 0:
                                bits = 0;
                                maxpower = Math.pow(2, 8);
                                power = 1;
                                while (power !== maxpower) {
                                    resb = data.val & data.position;
                                    data.position >>= 1;
                                    if (data.position === 0) {
                                        data.position = resetValue;
                                        data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                                    bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                                    power <<= 1;
                                dictionary[dictSize++] = f(bits);
                                c = dictSize - 1;
                            case 1:
                                bits = 0;
                                maxpower = Math.pow(2, 16);
                                power = 1;
                                while (power !== maxpower) {
                                    resb = data.val & data.position;
                                    data.position >>= 1;
                                    if (data.position === 0) {
                                        data.position = resetValue;
                                        data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                                    bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                                    power <<= 1;
                                dictionary[dictSize++] = f(bits);
                                c = dictSize - 1;
                            case 2:
                                return result.join('');
                        if (enlargeIn === 0) {
                            enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, numBits);
                        if (dictionary[c]) {
                            entry = dictionary[c];
                        } else {
                            if (c === dictSize) {
                                entry = w + w.charAt(0);
                            } else {
                                return null;
                        // Add w+entry[0] to the dictionary.
                        dictionary[dictSize++] = w + entry.charAt(0);
                        w = entry;
                        if (enlargeIn === 0) {
                            enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, numBits);
            return LZString;