// ==UserScript==
// @name 'Delta - 999999 in 1
// @name:ru 'Delta - 999999 в 1
// @description Delta - extension for agario, agar.io mod collection. Zoom+, macro eject mass, double split, hot-keys, minimap, chat, helpers, themes
// @description:es Delta - extensión para agario, colección de mods agar.io. Zoom+, masa de expulsión de macro, doble división, teclas de acceso rápido, minimapa, chat, ayudas, temas
// @description:ru Delta - расширение для агарио, сборник модов для agar.io. Зум, авто-ц, дабл-сплит, горячие клавиши, мини-карта, чат, подсказки, темы
// @description:zh Delta - agario 的擴展,agar.io mod 集合。縮放+、巨集彈出品質、雙分割、熱鍵、小地圖、聊天、助理、主題
// @description:uk Delta - розширення для agario, колекція модів agar.io. Zoom+, макро викидна маса, подвійний поділ, гарячі клавіші, міні-карта, чат, помічники, теми
// @description:tr Delta - agario, agar.io mod koleksiyonu için uzantı. Zoom+, makro çıkarma kütlesi, çift bölme, kısayol tuşları, mini harita, sohbet, yardımcılar, temalar
// @description:de Delta – Erweiterung für Agario, agar.io Mod-Sammlung. Zoom+, Makro-Auswurfmasse, Doppelsplit, Hotkeys, Minikarte, Chat, Helfer, Themen
// @description:ja Delta - agario の拡張機能、agar.io mod コレクション。 Zoom+、マクロイジェクトマス、ダブルスプリット、ホットキー、ミニマップ、チャット、ヘルパー、テーマ
// @description:pl Delta - rozszerzenie do kolekcji modów agario, agar.io. Zoom+, masa wyrzucania makro, podwójny podział, klawisze skrótu, minimapa, czat, pomocnicy, motywy
// @description:fr Delta - extension para sa agario, agar.io mod collection. Zoom+, macro eject mass, double split, hot-keys, minimap, chat, mga katulong, mga tema
// @version 7.4
// @namespace delta.agar
// @author neo
// @icon https://deltav4.gitlab.io/ext/assets/favicon.ico
// @match *://*.agar.io/*
// @match *://*.sigmally.com/*
// @match *://*.gota.io/*
// @run-at document-start
// @connect delt.io
// @connect sentinelix-source-agarix.glitch.me
// @connect deltav4.gitlab.io
// @connect hslo.gitlab.io
// @connect
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant window.close
// @license Proprietary
// ==/UserScript==
This script is a redirector to the official Delta repository and other mods for agar.io,
which is loaded in the context of the Agar.io page.
This allows you to get all the benefits of Delta and other mods when playing on official agar.io servers.
Copying and subsequent publication of this source code is prohibited. The publication of this user script is allowed, use the following links:
- https://greasyfork.org/ru/scripts/399197-delta-999999-in-1
- https://deltav4.gitlab.io/deltav4.user.js
If this user script does not start, write me a discord
Если данное расширение не запускается, напишите мне в дискорд
try {
GM.registerMenuCommand('\uD83D\uDF02\u2077 Delta 7', function () {
window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/v7';
GM.registerMenuCommand('\uD83D\uDF02\u2075 Delta 5', function () {
window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/v5';
GM.registerMenuCommand('\uD83D\uDF02\u2074 Delta 4', function () {
window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/v4';
GM.registerMenuCommand('\u2104 Legendmod (n/a)', function () {
alert('Sorry, this mod is not available in this user-script');
GM.registerMenuCommand('\u24B6 Agar Tool (Backup copy)', function () {
window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/ato';
GM.registerMenuCommand('\u24B6 Agar Tool (n/a)', function () {
alert('Sorry, this mod is not available in this user-script');
GM.registerMenuCommand('\u1EFA HSLO', function () {
window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/hslo';
GM.registerMenuCommand('\u2168 Agarix', function () {
window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/ix';
GM.registerMenuCommand('\ud83d\uddf8 Stock Agar.io', function () {
window.location.href = 'https://agar.io/noext';
GM.registerMenuCommand('\ud83d\udd17 Visit our website', function () {
window.location.href = 'https://deltav4.glitch.me/';
GM.registerMenuCommand('\uD83D\uDDAD Delta Discord', function () {
window.location.href = 'https://bit.ly/3RXQXQd';
} catch (e) {}
if (window.document && window.document.title === 'Attention Required! | Cloudflare') {
if (!/you have been blocked/.test(window.document.body.innerHTML)) {
const host2path = {
'sigmally': '/terms.html',
'': '/delta',
if (window.location.pathname === '/') {
for(const [host, path] of Object.entries(host2path)) {
if(window.location.host.includes(host)) return window.location.href = path;
for(const [, path] of Object.entries(host2path)) {
if(window.location.pathname.includes(path)) {
window.history && window.history.replaceState && window.history.replaceState({}, window.document.title, '/');
var webBase = 'https://deltav4.gitlab.io';
var devBase = '';
var defaultMode = 'v7';
var location = '';
var isDevMode = window.location.pathname.indexOf('dev') > -1;
var modes = {
url: function () {
// For developers
// example http://agar.io/url?https://your.host.com/
// add
// @connect your.host.com
location = window.location.search.slice(1);
noext: function () {
location = 'https://agar.io';
v4: function () {
location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/v4/index.html';
v5: function () {
location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/ext/index.html';
v6: function () {
location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/ext2/index.html';
v7: function () {
location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/v7/index.html';
ix: function () {
location = 'https://sentinelix-source-agarix.glitch.me/';
ato: function () {
location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/agartool/index.html';
hslo540: function () {
location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/hslo540/index.html';
hslo536: function () {
location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/hslo536/index.html';
hslo532: function () {
location = (isDevMode ? devBase : webBase) + '/hslo532/index.html';
hslo: function () {
location = 'https://hslo.gitlab.io/';
for (var mode in modes) {
var isMatched = window.location.pathname.toLowerCase().indexOf(mode) > -1;
if (isMatched) {
if (!isMatched) modes[defaultMode]();
document &&
document.documentElement &&
(document.documentElement.innerHTML =
'<style>html{font: 1.2em "Fira Sans", sans-serif;color:white;background: radial-gradient(circle at bottom right,#36003e, #000000 27%); height: 100%;}</style>Extension is loading');
if (location === 'none') {
} else {
console.log('Extension location', location);
function loader() {
method: 'GET',
url: location + '?' + Math.random(),
onload: async function (e) {
var blob = new Blob(['\ufeff' + e.responseText], { type: 'text/html;charset=windows-1252' });
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
var str = reader.result;
if (isDevMode) str = str.replace(webBase, devBase);
if (mode === 'hslo')
str = str.replace(
'<head><script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>'