// @tabversion 20171101
var GuardWidget = {
guardPosition : null,
CurrentActive : '',
serverwait: false,
init : function () {
var t = uW.btGuardWidget;
var styles = 'li.guardbutton { border: 4px inset Peru; display: inline; float: left; width: 31px; height: 33px; text-align: center; color: white; }';
styles += 'li.guardbutton.active { border: 4px solid blue;}';
styles += 'li.guardbutton:hover div.tt { visibility: visible;}';
styles += 'li.guardbutton div.tt { visibility: hidden; border-radius: 5px 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px;';
styles += 'box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); -moz-box-shadow: 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);';
styles += 'font-family: Calibri, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-weight: normal;';
styles += 'position: relative; left: -30px; top: 50px;';
styles += 'margin-left: 0; width: 200px; background-color: white; color: black;';
styles += 'background: #FFFFAA; border: 1px solid #FFAD33; padding: 0.8em 1em;}';
GM_addStyle (styles);
var C2 = jQuery("<ul/>", {
id: "t_throneGuardList",
addClass: "presetList",
style: "padding: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: none; overflow: visible; float: left; border: 4px outset Peru;"
var guardTypes = ["wood", "ore", "food", "stone"];
var offsets = [" 77% 47% ", " 77% 73% ", " 77% 60% "," 77% 85% "]; // default to highest level.
for (g =0; g < 4; g++)
var type = guardTypes[g];
var bb = jQuery("<li/>").html('<div/>').css(
'padding': '0px',
'background': 'url("https://rycamelot1-a.akamaihd.net/fb/e2/src/img/guardian_change_spritemap102.png") no-repeat scroll ' + offsets[g] + ' white',
'background-size': '350px'
bb.append("<div class='tt'>" + unsafeWindow.g_js_strings.guardian["tooltipSummon_" + type] + "</div>");
bb.bind("click", {
gt: type
}, function (K) {
aa = jQuery("<div id='bt_guardBox'/>");
aa.css({"height": "48px",
"width": "164px",
"position": "absolute",
"overflow": "visible",
"z-index": "100000"}
jQuery("#bt_guardBox").draggable({stop: function( event, ui ) {
t.guardPosition = jQuery("#bt_guardBox").position();
} });
if (!t.guardPosition)
"left": t.guardPosition.left + "px",
"top": t.guardPosition.top + "px"});
// hook into citysel_click();
var cityselMod = new CalterUwFunc("citysel_click",[['cm.PrestigeCityView.render()','cm.PrestigeCityView.render();bt_cityChanged();']]);
uWExportFunction('bt_cityChanged', t.drawGuardWidget);
jQuery('#bt_guardBox').bind('mousedown', function(e) {
if (e.which == 3) {
return false;
setInterval(t.checkWidget, 3000);
processGuardianClick : function (type) { //handler when a guardian button is presed
var t = uW.btGuardWidget;
if (t.serverwait) return;
// callback. only called when successful
var cb = function(cityId,type,success,finishTime) {
if (success) {
uW.btGuardWidget.serverwait = true;
// set the outline and turn the background gray
var btn = "li.guardbutton." + type;
jQuery(btn).css('background-color', 'darkgray');
// after lockout time is complete, redraw the control
var timeLeft = finishTime - unixTime();
setTimeout(uW.bt_guardCallbackFinish, (timeLeft + 1.0)* 1000,type);
uWExportFunction('bt_guardCallback', cb);
var cbf = function (type) {
var btn = "li.guardbutton." + type;
jQuery(btn).css('background-color', 'white');
uW.btGuardWidget.serverwait = false;
uWExportFunction('bt_guardCallbackFinish', cbf);
// change guardian
t.SwitchGuardian(unsafeWindow.currentcityid,type, uW.bt_guardCallback)
drawGuardWidget : function () {
var t = uW.btGuardWidget;
// color the outline based on the current city
if (t.serverwait) return;
var cityId = unsafeWindow.currentcityid;
t.CurrentActive = '';
var y_offset = {
wood: " 47% ",
ore: " 72.5% ",
food: " 59.5% ",
stone: " 85% "
var x_offset = {
plate: 20,
junior: 134,
teenager: 248,
adult: 362,
adult2: 476,
adult3: 590
var x_by_level = {
0: x_offset.plate,
1: x_offset.junior,
2: x_offset.junior,
3: x_offset.junior,
4: x_offset.teenager,
5: x_offset.teenager,
6: x_offset.adult,
7: x_offset.adult,
8: x_offset.adult,
9: x_offset.adult,
10: x_offset.adult2,
11: x_offset.adult3,
12: x_offset.adult3,
13: x_offset.adult3,
14: x_offset.adult3,
15: x_offset.adult3
for (var c=0;c<unsafeWindow.seed.guardian.length;c++)
if (unsafeWindow.seed.guardian[c].cityId == cityId)
var type = unsafeWindow.seed.guardian[c].type;
t.CurrentActive = type;
jQuery("li.guardbutton." + type).addClass("active");
for (tt in y_offset)
var level = unsafeWindow.seed.guardian[c].cityGuardianLevels[tt];
level = level ? level : 0;
var bg_offset = x_by_level[level]/776*100 + "% " + y_offset[tt];
jQuery("li.guardbutton." + tt).css('background-position', bg_offset);
if (level)
jQuery("li.guardbutton." + tt).css('background-color', 'white');
jQuery("li.guardbutton." + tt).css('background-color', 'darkgray');
checkWidget : function () {
var t = uW.btGuardWidget;
var cityId = unsafeWindow.currentcityid;
for (var c=0;c<unsafeWindow.seed.guardian.length;c++)
if (unsafeWindow.seed.guardian[c].cityId == cityId)
var type = unsafeWindow.seed.guardian[c].type;
if (t.CurrentActive != type) {
resetGuardWidget : function () {
var t = uW.btGuardWidget;
var e = ById('bt_guardBox');
e.style.position = "absolute";
e.style.top = ById('mod_maparea').offsetHeight+6+"px";
e.style.left = "200px";
e.style.zIndex = 100000;
delete t.guardPosition;
t.guardPosition = null;
saveGuardPosition : function () {
var t = uW.btGuardWidget;
var serverID = getServerId();
setTimeout (function (){ GM_setValue ('GuardPosition_'+serverID, JSON2.stringify(t.guardPosition));}, 0);
readGuardPosition : function () {
var t = uW.btGuardWidget;
var serverID = getServerId();
s = GM_getValue ('GuardPosition_'+serverID);
if (s != null){
t.guardPosition = JSON2.parse (s);
SwitchGuardian : function (cityId,type,notify) {
var t = uW.btGuardWidget;
var cIndex = Cities.byID[cityId].idx;
if (type == Seed.guardian[cIndex].type) { return; }
var level = Seed.guardian[cIndex].cityGuardianLevels[type];
level = level ? level : 0;
if (level == 0) { return; }
var params = uW.Object.clone(uW.g_ajaxparams);
params.ctrl = "Guardian";
params.action = "summon";
params.cityId = cityId;
params.type = type;
new MyAjaxRequest(uW.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/_dispatch.php" + uW.g_ajaxsuffix, {
method: "post",
parameters: params,
onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (rslt.ok) {
var g = CM.guardianModalModel.gObj();
g.summonGuardian = uWCloneInto({
summonFinishTime: parseInt(rslt.summonFinishTime),
level: rslt.summonGuardian.cl0,
type: rslt.summonGuardian.type,
upgrading: false
uW.seed.guardian[cIndex].type = type;
uW.seed.guardian[cIndex].level = rslt.summonGuardian.cl0;
var GType = 0;
switch(type) {
case "wood": GType=50;break;
case "ore": GType=51;break;
case "food": GType=52;break;
case "stone": GType=53;break;
uW.seed.buildings["city"+ cityId].pos500[0] = GType;
var time = parseInt(rslt.summonFinishTime) - unixTime();
uW.seed.buildings["city"+ cityId].pos500[0] = GType;
uW.seed.guardian[cIndex].type = type;
uW.seed.guardian[cIndex].level = rslt.summonGuardian.cl0;
guardianFailures = 0;
if (notify) notify(cityId,type,true,rslt.summonFinishTime);
else { // retry?
actionLog(Cities.byID[cityId].name+": Guardian change failed. Error code: " + rslt.error_code,'GENERAL');
// try again in 2 seconds
if (guardianFailures <=3) {
setTimeout(t.SwitchGuardian, 2000, cityId, type, notify);
else {
guardianFailures = 0;
if (notify) notify(cityId,type,false);
onFailure: function () {
actionLog(Cities.byID[cityId].name+": Guardian change server error",'GENERAL');
guardianFailures = 0;
if (notify) notify(cityId,type,false);
},true) // noretry
uW.btGuardWidget = GuardWidget;