// ==UserScript==
// @name Twitter Direct
// @description Remove t.co tracking links from Twitter
// @author chocolateboy
// @copyright chocolateboy
// @version 1.7.2
// @namespace https://github.com/chocolateboy/userscripts
// @license GPL
// @include https://twitter.com/
// @include https://twitter.com/*
// @include https://mobile.twitter.com/
// @include https://mobile.twitter.com/*
// @require https://unpkg.com/@chocolateboy/[email protected]/dist/polyfill.iife.min.js
// @require https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/index.umd.min.js
// @require https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/index.iife.min.js
// @require https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/index.js
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
* a pattern which matches the content-type header of responses we scan for
* URLs: "application/json" or "application/json; charset=utf-8"
const CONTENT_TYPE = /^application\/json\b/
* the minimum size (in bytes) of documents we deem to be "not small"
* we log (to the console) misses (i.e. no URLs ever found/replaced) in
* documents whose size is greater than or equal to this value
* if we keep failing to find URLs in large documents, we may be able to speed
* things up by blacklisting them, at least in theory
* (in practice, URL data is optional in most of the matched document types
* (contained in arrays that can be empty), so an absence of URLs doesn't
* necessarily mean URL data will never be included...)
const LOG_THRESHOLD = 1024
* an immutable array used in various places as a way to indicate "no values".
* static to avoid unnecessary allocations.
const NONE = []
* used to keep track of which queries (don't) have matching URIs and which URIs
* (don't) have matching queries
const STATS = { root: {}, uri: {} }
* the domain intercepted links are routed through
* not all links are intercepted. exceptions include links to twitter (e.g.
* https://twitter.com) and card URIs (e.g. card://123456)
const TRACKING_DOMAIN = 't.co'
* a pattern which matches the domain(s) we expect data (JSON) to come from.
* responses which don't come from a matching domain are ignored.
const TWITTER_API = /^(?:(?:api|mobile)\.)?twitter\.com$/
* default locations to search for URL metadata (arrays of objects) within tweet
* nodes
const TWEET_PATHS = [
* default locations to search for URL metadata (arrays of objects) within
* user/profile nodes
const USER_PATHS = [
* a router which matches URIs (pathnames) to queries. each query contains a
* root path (required) and some additional options which specify the locations
* under the root path to substitute URLs in.
* implemented as an array of pairs with URI-pattern keys (string(s) or
* regexp(s)) and one or more queries as the value. if a query is a string
* (path), it is converted into an object with the path as its `root`
* property.
* options:
* - root (required): a path (string or array of steps) into the document
* under which to begin searching
* - collect (default: Object.values): a function which takes a root node and
* turns it into an array of context nodes to scan for URL data
* - scan (default: USER_PATHS): an array of paths to probe for arrays of
* { url, expanded_url } pairs in a context node
* - targets (default: NONE): an array of paths to standalone URLs (URLs that
* don't have an accompanying expansion), e.g. for URLs in cards embedded in
* tweets. these URLs are replaced by expanded URLs gathered during
* preceding scans.
* target paths can point directly to a URL node (string), or to an array
* or plain object, in which case the URL is located inside the array/object
* and replaced
* if a target path is an object containing a { url: path, expanded_url: path }
* pair, the URL is expanded directly in the same way as scanned paths.
const MATCH = [
/\/Bookmarks$/, [
root: 'data.bookmark_timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy',
url: 'quoted_status_permalink.url',
expanded_url: 'quoted_status_permalink.expanded',
root: 'data.bookmark_timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.card',
// just expand the URLs in the specified locations within the
// card; there's no user or tweet data under this root
scan: NONE,
targets: ['legacy.binding_values', 'legacy.url'],
/\/Conversation$/, [
root: 'data.conversation_timeline.instructions.*.moduleItems.*.item.itemContent.tweet.legacy',
targets: ['card.binding_values', 'card.url'],
root: 'data.conversation_timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.items.*.item.itemContent.tweet.legacy',
targets: ['card.binding_values', 'card.url'],
// "List" page, e.g. /i/api/graphql/abcd1234/ListLatestTweetsTimeline
/\/ListLatestTweetsTimeline$/, [
root: 'data.list.tweets_timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy',
root: 'data.list.tweets_timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy.retweeted_status.legacy',
root: 'data.list.tweets_timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet',
scan: NONE,
targets: [
// "Likes" page, e.g. /i/api/graphql/abcd1234/Likes
/\/Likes$/, [
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.quoted_status.legacy',
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy',
targets: [
url: 'quoted_status_permalink.url',
expanded_url: 'quoted_status_permalink.expanded',
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet',
scan: NONE,
targets: [
// used for hovercard data
/\/UserByScreenName$/, {
root: 'data.user.legacy',
collect: Array.of,
/\/UserByScreenNameWithoutResults$/, {
root: 'data.user.legacy',
collect: Array.of,
// e.g. /i/api/graphql/abcd1234/UserMedia
/\/UserMedia$/, [
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy',
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.quoted_status.legacy',
// e.g. /i/api/graphql/abcd1234/UserTweets
/\/UserTweets$/, [
root: 'data.user.legacy',
collect: Array.of,
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy',
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy.retweeted_status.legacy',
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entry.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy',
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.card',
scan: NONE,
targets: ['legacy.binding_values', 'legacy.url'],
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy.retweeted_status.card',
scan: NONE,
targets: ['legacy.binding_values', 'legacy.url'],
// e.g. /i/api/graphql/abcd1234/UserTweetsAndReplies
/\/UserTweetsAndReplies$/, [
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.items.*.item.itemContent.tweet.legacy',
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy',
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy.retweeted_status.legacy',
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entry.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy',
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.items.*.item.itemContent.tweet.card',
scan: NONE,
targets: ['legacy.binding_values', 'legacy.url'],
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.card',
scan: NONE,
targets: ['legacy.binding_values', 'legacy.url'],
root: 'data.user.result.timeline.timeline.instructions.*.entries.*.content.itemContent.tweet.legacy.retweeted_status.card',
scan: NONE,
targets: ['legacy.binding_values', 'legacy.url'],
// DMs
// e.g. '/1.1/dm/inbox_initial_state.json' and '/1.1/dm/user_updates.json'
/\/(?:inbox_initial_state|user_updates)\.json$/, {
root: 'inbox_initial_state.entries.*.message.message_data',
targets: ['attachment.card.binding_values', 'attachment.card.url'],
// e.g. '/1.1/friends/following/list.json',
/\/list\.json$/, {
root: 'users.*'
// e.g. '/1.1/users/lookup.json',
/\/lookup\.json$/, {
root: NONE, // the document itself (an array of users) is the root
// "Who to follow"
// e.g. '/1.1/users/recommendations.json'
/\/recommendations\.json$/, {
root: '*.user',
* a single { pattern => queries } pair for the router which is run against all
* documents
const WILDCARD = [
root: 'globalObjects.tweets',
targets: [
url: 'card.binding_values.website_shortened_url.string_value',
expanded_url: 'card.binding_values.website_url.string_value',
* a custom version of get-wild's `get` function which uses a simpler/faster
* path parser since we don't use the extended syntax
const get = exports.getter({ split: '.' })
* a helper function which returns true if the supplied value is a plain object,
* false otherwise
const isPlainObject = (function () {
const toString = {}.toString
// only used with JSON data, so we don't need this to be foolproof
return value => toString.call(value) === '[object Object]'
* a helper function which iterates over the supplied iterable, filtering out
* missing (undefined) values.
* this is done in one pass (rather than map + filter) as there may potentially
* be dozens or even hundreds of values, e.g. contexts (tweet/user objects)
* under a root node
function eachDefined (iterable, fn) {
for (const value of iterable) {
if (value) fn(value)
* a helper function which returns true if the supplied URL is tracked by
* Twitter, false otherwise
function isTracked (url) {
return (new URL(url)).hostname === TRACKING_DOMAIN
* JSON.stringify helper used to serialize stats data
function replacer (_key, value) {
return (value instanceof Set) ? Array.from(value) : value
* a generator which returns { pattern => queries } pairs where patterns are
* strings/regexps which match a URI and queries are objects which define
* substitutions to perform in the matched document.
* this forms the basis of a simple "router" which tries all URI patterns until
* one matches (or none match) and then additionally performs a wildcard match
* which works on all URIs.
* the URI patterns are disjoint, so there's no need to try them all if one
* matches. in addition to these, some substitutions are non URI-specific, i.e.
* they work on documents that aren't matched by URI (e.g. profile.json) and
* documents that are (e.g. list.json). currently these cross-document nodes can
* be found under obj.globalObjects, so we check for the existence of that
* property before yielding these catch-all queries
function* router (data, state) {
for (const [key, value] of MATCH) {
yield [key, value]
if (state.matched) {
if ('globalObjects' in data) {
* a helper class which implements document-specific (MATCH) and generic
* (WILDCARD) URL substitutions in nodes (subtrees) within a JSON-formatted
* document returned by the Twitter API.
* a transformer is instantiated for each query and its methods are passed a
* context (node within the document tree) and the value of an option from the
* query, e.g. the `scan` option is handled by the `_scan` method and the
* `targets` option is processed by the `_assign` method
class Transformer {
constructor ({ cache, onReplace, root, uri }) {
this._cache = cache
this._onReplace = onReplace
this._root = root
this._uri = uri
* expand URLs in context nodes in the locations specified by the query's
* `scan` and `targets` options
// @ts-ignore https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/14279
transform (contexts, scan, targets) {
// scan the context nodes for { url, expanded_url } pairs, replace
// each t.co URL with its expansion, and add the mappings to the
// cache
eachDefined(contexts, context => this._scan(context, scan))
// do a separate pass for targets because the scan may have added more
// mappings to the cache
if (targets.length) {
eachDefined(contexts, context => this._assign(context, targets))
* scan the context node for { url, expanded_url } pairs, replace each t.co
* URL with its expansion, and add the mappings to the cache
_scan (context, paths) {
const { _cache: cache, _onReplace: onReplace } = this
for (const path of paths) {
const items = get(context, path, NONE)
for (const item of items) {
if (item.url && item.expanded_url) {
if (isTracked(item.url)) {
cache.set(item.url, item.expanded_url)
item.url = item.expanded_url
} else {
console.warn("can't find url/expanded_url pair for:", {
uri: this._uri,
root: this._root,
* replace URLs in the context which weren't substituted during the scan.
* these are either standalone URLs whose expansion we retrieve from the
* cache, or URLs whose expansion exists in the context in a location not
* covered by the scan
_assign (context, targets) {
for (const target of targets) {
if (isPlainObject(target)) {
this._assignFromPath(context, target)
} else {
this._assignFromCache(context, target)
* replace a short URL in the context with an expanded URL defined in the
* context, e.g. context.foo.url = context.bar.baz.expanded_url
* this is similar to the replacements performed during the scan, but rather
* than using a fixed set of locations/paths, the paths to the short and
* expanded URLs are supplied as a parameter
_assignFromPath (context, paths) {
const { url: urlPath, expanded_url: expandedUrlPath } = paths
let url, expandedUrl
if (
(url = get(context, urlPath))
&& isTracked(url)
&& (expandedUrl = get(context, expandedUrlPath))
) {
this._cache.set(url, expandedUrl)
exports.set(context, urlPath, expandedUrl)
* pinpoint an isolated URL in the context which doesn't have a
* corresponding expansion, and replace it using the mappings collected
* during preceding scans
_assignFromCache (context, path) {
const node = get(context, path)
let url
// special-case card URLs
// if the target is an array or plain object, locate its target URL
// automatically. used to resolve "binding" nodes, which represent
// properties (key/value pairs) as an array or object
if (Array.isArray(node)) {
const found = node.find(it => it?.key === 'card_url')
if (found) {
context = found
path = 'value.string_value'
url = get(context, path)
} else if (isPlainObject(node)) {
if (node.card_url) {
context = node
path = 'card_url.string_value'
url = get(context, path)
} else {
url = node
if (typeof url === 'string' && isTracked(url)) {
const expandedUrl = this._cache.get(url)
if (expandedUrl) {
exports.set(context, path, expandedUrl)
} else {
console.warn(`can't find expanded URL for ${url} in ${this._uri}`)
* replace t.co URLs with the original URL in all locations in the document
* which contain URLs
* returns the number of substituted URLs
function transform (data, uri) {
let count = 0 // keep track of and return the number of expanded URLs
if (!STATS.uri[uri]) {
STATS.uri[uri] = new Set()
// t.co -> expanded URL mapping for all queries in this document. used to
// fill in isolated URLs (usually in cards) which don't have a corresponding
// `expanded_url`
const cache = new Map()
// used to notify the router when a pattern matches so it can stop trying
// URI matches and transition to the wildcard match
const state = { matched: false }
// an iterator which yields { pattern => query } pairs for this document. if
// a document's URI matches the pattern, the corresponding queries (search +
// replace) are executed
const it = router(data, state)
for (const [key, value] of it) {
const uris = NONE.concat(key) // coerce to an array
const queries = NONE.concat(value)
const match = uris.some(want => {
return (typeof want === 'string') ? (uri === want) : want.test(uri)
if (match) {
// stop matching URIs after this and switch to the wildcard queries
state.matched = true
} else {
// try the next URI pattern, or switch to the wildcard queries if
// there are no more patterns to match against
for (const $query of queries) {
const query = isPlainObject($query) ? $query : { root: $query }
const { root: rootPath } = query
if (!STATS.root[rootPath]) {
STATS.root[rootPath] = new Set()
const root = get(data, rootPath)
// might be an array (e.g. lookup.json)
if (!root || typeof root !== 'object') {
const {
collect = Object.values,
scan = USER_PATHS,
targets = NONE,
} = query
const updateStats = () => {
const contexts = collect(root)
const transformer = new Transformer({
onReplace: updateStats,
root: rootPath,
// @ts-ignore https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/14279
transformer.transform(contexts, scan, targets)
return count
* replacement for Twitter's default handler for XHR requests. we transform the
* response if it's a) JSON and b) contains URL data; otherwise, we leave it
* unchanged
function onResponse (xhr, uri) {
const contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type')
if (!CONTENT_TYPE.test(contentType)) {
const url = new URL(uri)
// exclude e.g. the config-<date>.json file from pbs.twimg.com, which is the
// second biggest document (~500K) after home_latest.json (~700K)
if (!TWITTER_API.test(url.hostname)) {
const json = xhr.responseText
const size = json.length
// fold URIs which differ only in the user ID, e.g.:
// /2/timeline/profile/1234.json -> /2/timeline/profile.json
const path = url.pathname.replace(/\/\d+\.json$/, '.json')
let data
try {
data = JSON.parse(json)
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Can't parse JSON for ${uri}:`, e)
const oldStats = JSON.stringify(STATS, replacer)
const count = transform(data, path)
if (!count) {
if (STATS.uri[path].size === 0 && size >= LOG_THRESHOLD) {
console.debug(`no replacements in ${path} (${size} B)`)
const descriptor = { value: JSON.stringify(data) }
const clone = GMCompat.export(descriptor)
GMCompat.unsafeWindow.Object.defineProperty(xhr, 'responseText', clone)
const newStats = JSON.stringify(STATS, replacer)
if (newStats !== oldStats) {
const replacements = 'replacement' + (count === 1 ? '' : 's')
console.debug(`${count} ${replacements} in ${path} (${size} B)`)
* replace the built-in XHR#send method with our custom version which swaps in
* our custom response handler. once done, we delegate to the original handler
* (this.onreadystatechange)
function hookXHRSend (oldSend) {
return /** @this {XMLHttpRequest} */ function send (body = null) {
const oldOnReadyStateChange = this.onreadystatechange
this.onreadystatechange = function (event) {
if (this.readyState === this.DONE && this.responseURL && this.status === 200) {
onResponse(this, this.responseURL)
if (oldOnReadyStateChange) {
oldOnReadyStateChange.call(this, event)
oldSend.call(this, body)
* replace the default XHR#send with our custom version, which scans responses
* for tweets and expands their URLs
const xhrProto = GMCompat.unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest.prototype
xhrProto.send = GMCompat.export(hookXHRSend(xhrProto.send))