// ==UserScript==
// @name BLUL
// @namespace SeaLoong
// @version 1.0.4
// @description Bilibili Live Userscript Library
// @author SeaLoong
// @homepageURL https://github.com/SeaLoong/BLUL
// @supportURL https://github.com/SeaLoong/BLUL/issues
// @updateURL https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/require.jsdelivr.js
// @include /^https?:\/\/live\.bilibili\.com\/(blanc\/)?\d+.*$/
// @connect bilibili.com
// @connect *
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM.getValue
// @grant GM.setValue
// @grant GM.deleteValue
// @grant GM.listValues
// @grant GM.getResourceUrl
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant GM.addStyle
// @grant GM.getResourceText
// @grant GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM.unregisterMenuCommand
// @run-at document-start
// @license MIT License
// @incompatible chrome 不支持内核低于80的版本
// @incompatible firefox 不支持内核低于72的版本
// @resource jquery https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js
// @resource lodash https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.19/lodash.min.js
// @resource toastr https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/toastr.js/2.1.4/toastr.min.js
// @resource spark-md5 https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/spark-md5/3.0.0/spark-md5.min.js
// @resource Toast https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/modules/toast.js
// @resource Util https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/modules/util.js
// @resource Dialog https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/modules/dialog.js
// @resource Page https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/modules/page.js
// @resource Logger https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/modules/logger.js
// @resource Config https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/modules/config.js
// @resource Request https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/modules/request.js
// @resource Worker https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/modules/worker.js
// @resource Worker/env https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/modules/worker/env.js
// @resource Worker/channel https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/modules/worker/channel.js
// @resource AppToken https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist/modules/apptoken.js
// ==/UserScript==
'use strict';
var BLUL;
(function () {
try {
((0, eval)('(null ?? 1) && (({a: 1})?.a)')); // eslint-disable-line no-eval
} catch (error) {
console.error('[BLUL]不支持当前浏览器,请使用内核不低于Chromium80或Firefox72的浏览器', error);
if (typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined') {
const safeWindow = window;
window = unsafeWindow; // eslint-disable-line no-global-assign
window.safeWindow = safeWindow;
if (window.top.BLUL) {
// console.warn('[BLUL]检测到BLUL已存在,本脚本将不再初始化BLUL,脚本行为可能会出现异常');
BLUL = new Proxy(window.top.BLUL, {
has: function (target, property) {
if (property === 'isChild') return true;
return property in target;
get: function (target, property, receiver) {
if (property === 'isChild') return true;
return target[property];
BLUL = {
debug: () => {},
ENVIRONMENT: GM.info.scriptHandler,
VERSION: GM.info.script.version,
BLUL_MODULE_NAMES: ['Toast', 'Util', 'Dialog', 'Page', 'Logger', 'Config', 'Request', 'Worker', 'Worker/env', 'Worker/channel', 'AppToken'],
INFO: {},
BLUL.lazyFn = function (...args) {
let object = BLUL;
let name;
let promise = false;
if (args.length >= 3) [object, name, promise] = args;
else if (args.length === 2) [object, name] = args;
else [name] = args;
const list = [];
let fn;
Object.defineProperty(object, name, {
configurable: true,
get: () => fn ?? ((...args) => promise ? new Promise(resolve => list.push({ args, resolve })) : list.push({ args })),
set: f => {
fn = f;
if (fn instanceof Function) {
for (const { resolve, args } of list) {
const v = fn.apply(object, args);
if (resolve) resolve(v);
BLUL.getResourceUrl = async (name) => await GM.getResourceUrl(name) ?? BLUL.RESOURCE[name] ?? ((BLUL.BLUL_MODULE_NAMES.includes(name) ? BLUL.RESOURCE.BLULBase : BLUL.RESOURCE.base) + '/modules/' + name.toLowerCase() + '.js');
BLUL.getResourceText = async (name) => {
let ret = await GM.getResourceText(name);
if (ret === undefined || ret === null) {
ret = (await window.fetch(await BLUL.getResourceUrl(name))).text();
return ret;
BLUL.createImportModuleFunc = function (context, keepContext = false) {
* 如果需要上下文, Module 应当返回(export default)一个 Function/AsyncFunction, 其参数表示上下文, 且第一个参数是importModule
* 在不需要上下文的情况下可以返回任意
const importUrlMap = new Map();
async function importModule (name, reImport = false) {
try {
if (!reImport && importUrlMap.has(name)) return importUrlMap.get(name);
const url = await BLUL.getResourceUrl(name);
try {
let ret = await import(url);
ret = ret?.default ?? ret;
if (ret instanceof Function) ret = ret.apply(window, context);
ret = await ret;
importUrlMap.set(name, ret);
return ret;
} catch (error) {
(BLUL.Logger ?? console).error(`模块 ${name} 导入失败,尝试使用script标签加载`, error);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const elem = document.createElement('script');
elem.onerror = reject;
elem.onload = () => {
importUrlMap.set(name, undefined);
elem.src = url;
} catch (error) {
(BLUL.Logger ?? console).error(`使用script标签加载模块 ${name} 失败`, error);
if (!keepContext) context.unshift(importModule);
return importModule;
BLUL.createImportModuleFromCodeFunc = function (context, keepContext = false) {
* 如果需要上下文, Module 应当返回(const exports = )一个 Function/AsyncFunction, 其参数表示上下文, 且第一个参数是importModule
* 在不需要上下文的情况下可以返回任意
* 这种方式不兼容 export 语法
const importCodeMap = new Map();
async function importModule (code, reImport = false) {
try {
if (!reImport && importCodeMap.has(code)) return importCodeMap.get(code);
code = (await BLUL.getResourceText(code) ?? code);
code = code.replace('export default', 'const exports =') + ';\nif (typeof exports !== "undefined") return exports;';
const fn = Function(code); // eslint-disable-line no-new-func
let ret = fn.apply(window, context);
if (ret instanceof Function) ret = ret.apply(window, context);
ret = await ret;
importCodeMap.set(code, ret);
return ret;
} catch (error) {
(BLUL.Logger ?? console).error('模块导入失败', error, code);
if (!keepContext) context.unshift(importModule);
return importModule;
BLUL.addResource = async function (name, urls, displayName) {
if (BLUL.RESOURCE[name] !== undefined) return;
BLUL.RESOURCE[name] = urls instanceof Array ? urls[0] : urls;
BLUL.__addResourceConfig(name, urls, displayName);
if (await GM.getValue('resetResource')) return;
const resource = (await GM.getValue('config'))?.resource;
if (!resource) return;
if (resource[name]?.__VALUE__) BLUL.RESOURCE[name] = resource[name]?.__VALUE__;
const listenerFilters = {};
BLUL.addListenerFilter = (type, f) => {
if (!(listenerFilters[type] instanceof Array)) listenerFilters[type] = [];
BLUL.removeListenerFilter = (type, f) => {
if (listenerFilters[type] instanceof Array) {
for (let i = 0; i < listenerFilters[type].length; i++) {
if (listenerFilters[type][i] === f) {
listenerFilters[type].splice(i, 1);
const addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener, ...args) {
if (listenerFilters[type] instanceof Array) {
let allow = true;
for (const f of listenerFilters[type]) {
allow &= f.call(this, type, listener, ...args);
if (!allow) return;
if (!(BLUL.TRACKED_LISTENERS[type] instanceof Array)) BLUL.TRACKED_LISTENERS[type] = [];
BLUL.TRACKED_LISTENERS[type].push({ target: this, listener, args });
addEventListener.call(this, type, listener, ...args);
const removeEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener;
EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type, listener, ...args) {
if (BLUL.TRACKED_LISTENERS[type] instanceof Array) {
for (let i = 0; i < BLUL.TRACKED_LISTENERS[type].length; i++) {
const o = BLUL.TRACKED_LISTENERS[type][i];
if (o.target === this && o.listener === listener) {
BLUL.TRACKED_LISTENERS[type].splice(i, 1);
removeEventListener.call(this, type, listener, ...args);
BLUL.removeAllListener = (type, rejectType = true) => {
if (rejectType) {
listenerFilters[type] = [t => type !== t];
for (const o of BLUL.TRACKED_LISTENERS[type]) {
removeEventListener.call(o.target, type, o.listener, ...o.args);
BLUL.recover = () => {
EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = addEventListener;
EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = removeEventListener;
let hasRun = false;
BLUL.run = async (options) => {
if (hasRun) return 2;
hasRun = true;
const { debug, slient, unique, login, EULA, EULA_VERSION, NOTICE } = options ?? {};
if (debug) {
BLUL.debug = console.debug;
// 等待load事件
await new Promise(resolve => {
window.addEventListener('load', resolve);
// 特殊直播间页面,如 6 55 76
if (!document.getElementById('aside-area-vm')) return 1;
const resetResourceMenuCmdId = await GM.registerMenuCommand?.('恢复默认源', async () => {
await GM.setValue('resetResource', true);
const unregisterMenuCmd = async () => {
if (await GM.getValue('resetResource')) {
await BLUL.Config.reset('resource', true);
await GM.deleteValue('resetResource');
await GM.unregisterMenuCommand?.(resetResourceMenuCmdId); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions
await BLUL.addResource('BLULBase', ['https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SeaLoong/BLUL@dist'], 'BLUL根目录');
await BLUL.addResource('lodash', ['https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.19/lodash.min.js', 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/lodash.min.js']);
await BLUL.addResource('toastr', ['https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/toastr.js/2.1.4/toastr.min.js', 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/toastr.min.js', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/toastr.js/latest/toastr.min.js']);
await BLUL.addResource('jquery', ['https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js', 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js', 'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js']);
const importModule = BLUL.createImportModuleFromCodeFunc([BLUL, GM]);
await importModule('jquery');
await importModule('Toast');
if (unique) {
const mark = 'running';
// 检查重复运行
if (await (async () => {
const running = parseInt(await GM.getValue(mark) ?? 0);
const ts = Date.now();
return (ts - running >= 0 && ts - running <= 5e3);
})()) {
if (!slient) {
await unregisterMenuCmd();
return 2;
// 标记运行中
await GM.setValue(mark, Date.now());
const uniqueCheckInterval = setInterval(async () => {
await GM.setValue(mark, Date.now());
}, 4e3);
window.addEventListener('unload', async () => {
await GM.deleteValue(mark);
await importModule('lodash'); /* global _ */
const Util = BLUL.Util = await importModule('Util');
await Util.callUntilTrue(() => window.BilibiliLive?.ROOMID && window.BilibiliLive?.ANCHOR_UID && window.BilibiliLive?.SHORT_ROOMID && window.__statisObserver);
if (login) {
BLUL.INFO.CSRF = Util.getCookie('bili_jct');
if (!slient) {
await unregisterMenuCmd();
return 3;
await Util.callUntilTrue(() => window.BilibiliLive?.UID);
await importModule('Dialog');
if (EULA) {
if (Util.compareVersion(EULA_VERSION, await GM.getValue('eulaVersion')) > 0) {
await GM.setValue('eula', false);
if (!await GM.getValue('eula')) {
const dialog = new BLUL.Dialog(await Util.result(EULA), '最终用户许可协议');
dialog.addButton('我同意', () => dialog.close(true));
dialog.addButton('我拒绝', () => dialog.close(false), 1);
if (!await dialog.show()) {
await unregisterMenuCmd();
return 4;
await GM.setValue('eula', true);
await GM.setValue('eulaVersion', EULA_VERSION);
await importModule('Page');
await importModule('Logger');
await importModule('Config');
await importModule('Request');
await importModule('Worker');
await importModule('AppToken');
BLUL.Config.addItem('resource', '自定义源', false, { tag: 'input', help: '该设置项下的各设置项只在没有设置对应的 @resource 时有效。<br>此项直接影响脚本的加载,URL不正确或访问速度太慢均可能导致不能正常加载。<br>需要重置源可点击油猴图标再点击此脚本下的"恢复默认源"来重置。', attribute: { type: 'checkbox' } });
BLUL.__addResourceConfig = (name, urls, displayName = name) => {
BLUL.Config.addItem(`resource.${name}`, displayName, BLUL.RESOURCE[name], {
tag: 'input',
list: urls instanceof Array ? urls : undefined,
corrector: v => {
const i = v.trim().search(/\/+$/);
return i > -1 ? v.substring(0, i) : v;
attribute: { type: 'url' }
BLUL.Config.onload(() => {
BLUL.RESOURCE[name] = BLUL.Config.get(`resource.${name}`);
BLUL.setBase = _.once(urls => BLUL.addResource('base', urls, '根目录'));
BLUL.importModule = importModule;
BLUL.INFO.UID = window.BilibiliLive.UID;
BLUL.INFO.ROOMID = window.BilibiliLive.ROOMID;
BLUL.INFO.VISIT_ID = window.__statisObserver.__visitId ?? '';
BLUL.INFO.__NEPTUNE_IS_MY_WAIFU__ = window.__NEPTUNE_IS_MY_WAIFU__; // 包含B站自己请求返回的一些数据,当然也可以自行请求获取
const callHandler = f => {
try {
return f.apply(BLUL.load, [BLUL, GM]);
} catch (error) {
(BLUL.Logger ?? console).error(error);
if (Util.compareVersion(BLUL.VERSION, await GM.getValue('version')) > 0) {
await GM.setValue('version', BLUL.VERSION);
if (NOTICE) {
const dialog = new BLUL.Dialog(await Util.result(NOTICE), '更新说明-' + BLUL.VERSION);
dialog.addButton('知道了', () => dialog.close());
BLUL.onupgrade = callHandler;
BLUL.onpreinit = callHandler;
BLUL.oninit = callHandler;
BLUL.onpostinit = callHandler;
BLUL.onrun = callHandler;
window.top[BLUL.NAME] = window.top.BLUL = BLUL;
return 0;