Greasy Fork Skin cheat (only visible to u)

aimbot with autoheadshot beta, esp, unlock all skin,...

目前为 2021-01-03 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name Skin cheat (only visible to u)
// @description aimbot with autoheadshot beta, esp, unlock all skin,...
// @version 4.0
// @author VN BPM
// @match **
// @exclude **
// @run-at document-start
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @noframes
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==
/* eslint-env es6 */
/* eslint-disable no-return-assign, no-sequences, no-undef, curly, no-eval */
/* Ip Dip Dog Shit Chonker Stood In It */
let request = (url) => fetch(`${encodeURIComponent(url)}`).then(response => response.ok ? response.json() : null);
let redefine = (fnStr, prop, func, config = false) => { Object.defineProperty(globalThis, prop, { [fnStr]: func, configurable: config}) }
const the_gaming_gurus = "const[input,game,recon,lock]=arguments,me=this,key={frame:0,delta:1,xdir:2,ydir:3,moveDir:4,shoot:5,scope:6,jump:7,reload:8,crouch:9,weaponScroll:10,weaponSwap:11,moveLock:12},moveDir={leftStrafe:0,forward:1,rightStrafe:2,right:3,backwardRightStrafe:4,backward:5,backwardLeftStrafe:6,left:7};utilities.state.frame=input[key.frame],utilities.state.players=game.players,,,utilities.state.controls=game.controls,utilities.settings.autoNuke&&me&&Object.keys(me.streaks).length&&sendWsMessage(\"k\",0);const bhop=utilities.settings.bhop;if(bhop&&(utilities.state.pressedKeys.has(\"Space\")||[1,3].includes(bhop))&&(utilities.state.controls.keys[utilities.state.controls.binds.jumpKey.val]^=1,utilities.state.controls.keys[utilities.state.controls.binds.jumpKey.val]&&(utilities.state.controls.didPressed[utilities.state.controls.binds.jumpKey.val]=1),[3,4].includes(bhop)&&(utilities.state.pressedKeys.has('Space')||bhop===3)&&>{utilities.state.shouldCrouch=!1},350),utilities.state.shouldCrouch=!0)),utilities.settings.forceNametagsOn)try{Object.defineProperty(game.config,\"nameTags\",{get(){return!utilities.settings.forceNametagsOn&&game._nametags},set(a){game._nametags=a}})}catch(a){}if(utilities.state.shouldCrouch&&(input[key.crouch]=1),utilities.settings.spinBot){const a=1;input[key.moveDir]!==-1&&(input[key.moveDir]=(input[key.moveDir]+utilities.state.spinCounter-Math.round(7*(input[key.ydir]/(Math.PI*2e3))))%7),input[key.ydir]=utilities.state.spinCounter/7*(Math.PI*2e3),input[key.frame]%a===0&&(utilities.state.spinCounter=(utilities.state.spinCounter+1)%7)}if(utilities.settings.autoReload&&me[utilities.vars.ammos][me[utilities.vars.weaponIndex]]===0&&(input[key.reload]=1),utilities.settings.pitchHack)switch(utilities.settings.pitchHack){case 1:input[key.xdir]=-Math.PI*500;break;case 2:input[key.xdir]=Math.PI*500;break;case 3:input[key.xdir]=Math.sin(*Math.PI*500;break;case 4:input[key.xdir]=Math.sin(*Math.PI*500;break;case 5:input[key.xdir]=input[key.frame]%2?Math.PI*500:-Math.PI*500;break;case 6:input[key.xdir]=(Math.random()*Math.PI-Math.PI/2)*1e3;break}const getNoise=()=>(Math.random()*2-1)*utilities.settings.aimNoise;if(game.players.list.forEach(a=>{a.pos={x:a.x,y:a.y,z:a.z},a.npos={x:a.x+getNoise(),y:a.y+getNoise(),z:a.z+getNoise()},a.isTarget=!1}),game.AI.ais&&game.AI.ais.forEach(a=>a.npos=a.pos={x:a.x,y:a.y,z:a.z}),utilities.state.renderer&&utilities.state.renderer.frustum&&{;const b=game.players.list.filter(a=>!a.isYTMP&&a.hasOwnProperty('npos')&&(!utilities.settings.frustumCheck||utilities.state.renderer.frustum.containsPoint(a.npos))&&(||!>0&&a[utilities.vars.inView]).sort((a,b)=>utilities.math.getDistance(me.x,me.z,a.npos.x,a.npos.z)-utilities.math.getDistance(me.x,me.z,b.npos.x,b.npos.z));let a=b[0];if(utilities.settings.fovbox){const e=parseFloat(document.getElementById(\"uiBase\").style.transform.match(/\\((.+)\\)/)[1]),c=innerWidth/e,d=innerHeight/e;function world2Screen(a,b=0){return a.y+=b,a.project(,a.x=(a.x+1)/2,a.y=(-a.y+1)/2,a.x*=c,a.y*=d,a}let f=!1;for(let g=0;g<b.length;g++){const h=b[g],i=world2Screen(new utilities.state.three.Vector3(h.x,h.y,h.z),h.height/2);let e=[c/3,d/4,c*(1/3),d/2];switch(utilities.settings.fovBoxSize){case 2:e=[c*.4,d/3,c*.2,d/3];break;case 3:e=[c*.45,d*.4,c*.1,d*.2];break}if(i.x>=e[0]&&i.x<=e[0]+e[2]&&i.y>=e[1]&&i.y<e[1]+e[3]){a=b[g],f=!0;break}}f||(a=void\"kpal\")}let c=!1;if(game.AI.ais&&utilities.settings.AImbot){let b=game.AI.ais.filter(a=>a.mesh&&a.mesh.visible&&,b)=>utilities.math.getDistance(me.x,me.z,a.pos.x,a.pos.z)-utilities.math.getDistance(me.x,me.z,b.pos.x,b.pos.z)).shift();(!a||b&&utilities.math.getDistance(me.x,me.z,b.pos.x,b.pos.z)>utilities.math.getDistance(me.x,me.z,a.pos.x,a.pos.z))&&(a=b,c=!0)}const d=input[key.shoot];if(a&&utilities.settings.aimbot&&utilities.state.bindAimbotOn&&(!utilities.settings.aimbotRange||utilities.math.getD3D(me.x,me.y,me.z,a.x,a.y,a.z)<utilities.settings.aimbotRange)&&(!utilities.settings.rangeCheck||utilities.math.getD3D(me.x,me.y,me.z,a.x,a.y,a.z)<=me.weapon.range)&&!me[utilities.vars.reloadTimer]){utilities.settings.awtv&&(input[key.scope]=1),a.isTarget=utilities.settings.markTarget;const b=(utilities.math.getDir(me.z,me.x,a.npos.z,a.npos.x)||0)*1e3,e=c?((utilities.math.getXDire(me.x,me.y,me.z,a.npos.x,a.npos.y-a.dat.mSize/2,a.npos.z)||0)-.3*me[utilities.vars.recoilAnimY])*1e3:((utilities.math.getXDire(me.x,me.y,me.z,a.npos.x,a.npos.y-a[utilities.vars.crouchVal]*3+me[utilities.vars.crouchVal]*3+utilities.settings.aimOffset,a.npos.z)||0)-.3*me[utilities.vars.recoilAnimY])*1e3;switch(utilities.settings.forceUnsilent&&({xD:e/1e3,yD:b/1e3},game.controls.update(400)),utilities.settings.aimbot){case 1:case 2:case 5:case 6:case 9:case 10:{let a=[5,6,9].includes(utilities.settings.aimbot);(utilities.settings.aimbot===5&&input[key.scope]||utilities.settings.aimbot===10)&&({xD:e/1e3,yD:b/1e3},game.controls.update(400)),([2,10].includes(utilities.settings.aimbot)||utilities.settings.aimbot===1&&!me.weapon.melee&&(input[key.scope]=1),me[utilities.vars.didShoot]?(input[key.shoot]=0,utilities.state.quickscopeCanShoot=!1,setTimeout(()=>{utilities.state.quickscopeCanShoot=!0},me.weapon.rate)):utilities.state.quickscopeCanShoot&&(!a||input[key.scope])&&(me.weapon.melee||(input[key.scope]=1),!utilities.settings.superSilent&&utilities.settings.aimbot!==9&&(input[key.ydir]=b,input[key.xdir]=e),(utilities.settings.aimbot!==9&&(!me[utilities.vars.aimVal]||me.weapon.noAim||me.weapon.melee)||utilities.settings.aimbot===9&&d)&&(input[key.ydir]=b,input[key.xdir]=e,input[key.shoot]=1))}break;case 4:case 7:case 8:case 11:input[key.scope]||utilities.settings.aimbot===11?({xD:e/1e3,yD:b/1e3},game.controls.update({4:400,7:110,8:70,11:400}[utilities.settings.aimbot]),[4,11].includes(utilities.settings.aimbot)&&(input[key.xdir]=e,input[key.ydir]=b),me[utilities.vars.didShoot]?(input[key.shoot]=0,utilities.state.quickscopeCanShoot=!1,setTimeout(()=>{utilities.state.quickscopeCanShoot=!0},me.weapon.rate)):utilities.state.quickscopeCanShoot&&(input[me.weapon.melee?key.shoot:key.scope]=1));break;case 12:{if(!utilities.state.three||!utilities.state.renderer||!||!utilities.state.players||!utilities.state.players.list.length||!input[key.scope]||me[utilities.vars.aimVal])break;utilities.state.raycaster||(utilities.state.raycaster=new utilities.state.three.Raycaster,utilities.state.mid=new utilities.state.three.Vector2(0,0));const a=[];for(let c=0;c<utilities.state.players.list.length;c++){let b=utilities.state.players.list[c];if(!b||!b[utilities.vars.objInstances]||b.isYTMP||!(||!||!b[utilities.vars.inView])continue;a.push(b[utilities.vars.objInstances])}const b=utilities.state.raycaster;b.setFromCamera(utilities.state.mid,,b.intersectObjects(a,!0).length&&(input[key.shoot]=me[utilities.vars.didShoot]?0:1)}break}}else utilities.settings.uwtv&&(input[key.scope]=0),utilities.state.spinFrame=0}utilities.settings.alwaysAim&&(input[key.scope]=1),utilities.settings.preventMeleeThrowing&&me.weapon.melee&&(input[key.scope]=0)"
const _requestAnimationFrame = unsafeWindow.requestAnimationFrame;
unsafeWindow.requestAnimationFrame = function(fn) {
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            return callback.apply(this, arguments)
        } catch (fn) {
            alert("FATAL ERROR:\n" + fn + "\n" + fn.stack)
    }, _requestAnimationFrame.apply(this, arguments);
}, unsafeWindow.utilities = {
    settings: {
        aimbot: 1,
        superSilent: !0,
        AImbot: !0,
        frustumCheck: !1,
        staticWeaponZoom: !1,
        wallbangs: !0,
        alwaysAim: !1,
        pitchHack: 0,
        thirdPerson: !1,
        autoReload: !1,
        speedHack: !1,
        rangeCheck: !1,
        alwaysTrail: !1,
        spinAimFrames: 10,
        animatedBillboards: !1,
        esp: 1,
        espFontSize: 10,
        tracers: !1,
        showGuiButton: !0,
        awtv: !1,
        uwtv: !1,
        forceUnsilent: !1,
        bhop: 0,
        spinBot: !1,
        markTarget: !0,
        skinHack: !1,
        aimOffset: 0,
        aimNoise: 0,
        keybinds: !0,
        antikick: !0,
        fovbox: !1,
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        fovBoxSize: 1,
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        chams: !1,
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        chamsc: 0,
        customCss: "",
        selfChams: !1,
        autoNuke: !1,
        chamsInterval: 500,
        preventMeleeThrowing: !1,
        forceNametagsOn: !1,
        aimbotRange: 0
    state: {
        bindAimbotOn: !0,
        quickscopeCanShoot: !0,
        spinFrame: 0,
        pressedKeys: new Set,
        shouldCrouch: !1,
        spinCounter: 0,
        activeTab: 0,
        frame: 0
    gui: {},
    math: {
        getDir: function(a, b, c, d) {
            return Math.atan2(b - d, a - c)
        getDistance: function(c, d, a, b) {
            return Math.sqrt((a -= c) * a + (b -= d) * b)
        getD3D: function(g, h, i, d, e, f) {
            const a = g - d,
                  b = h - e,
                  c = i - f;
            return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c)
        getXDire: function(c, a, d, e, b, f) {
            const g = Math.abs(a - b),
                  h = this.getD3D(c, a, d, e, b, f);
            return Math.asin(g / h) * (a > b ? -1 : 1)
        lineInRect: function(k, b, c, d, e, f, s, r, q, p, t, o) {
            const m = (s - k) * d,
                  a = (p - k) * d,
                  l = (q - c) * f,
                  j = (o - c) * f,
                  i = (r - b) * e,
                  h = (t - b) * e,
                  g = Math.max(Math.max(Math.min(m, a), Math.min(l, j)), Math.min(i, h)),
                  n = Math.min(Math.min(Math.max(m, a), Math.max(l, j)), Math.max(i, h));
            return !(n < 0 || g > n) && g
    isClient: !!unsafeWindow.doge_work
}, localStorage.kro_setngss_json ? Object.assign(utilities.settings, JSON.parse(localStorage.kro_setngss_json)) : localStorage.kro_setngss_json = JSON.stringify(utilities.settings),
    Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "thirdPerson", {
    get() {
        return unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.thirdPerson
}), Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "renderer", {
    enumerable: !1,
    get() {
        return && (unsafeWindow.utilities.state.renderer = this), this._renderer
    set(a) {
        this._renderer = a
}), Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "OBJLoader", {
    enumerable: !1,
    get() {
        return this._OBJLoader
    set(a) {
        unsafeWindow.utilities.state.three = this, this._OBJLoader = a
}), Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "useLooseClient", {
    enumerable: !1,
    get() {
        return this._ulc
    set(a) {
        unsafeWindow.utilities.state.config = this, Object.defineProperty(this, "nameVisRate", {
            value: 0,
            writable: !1,
            configurable: !0
        }), this._ulc = a
}), Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "trail", {
    enumerable: !1,
    get() {
        return unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.alwaysTrail || this._trail
    set(a) {
        this._trail = a
}), Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "showTracers", {
    enumerable: !1,
    get() {
        return unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.alwaysTrail || this._showTracers
    set(a) {
        this._showTracers = a
}), Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "shaderId", {
    enumerable: !1,
    get() {
        return this.src && this.src.startsWith("pubs/") ? unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.animatedBillboards ? 1 : this.rshaderId : this.rshaderId
    set(a) {
        this.rshaderId = a
}), Object.defineProperties(Object.prototype, {
    idleTimer: {
        enumerable: !1,
        get() {
            return unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.antikick ? 0 : this._idleTimer
        set(a) {
            this._idleTimer = a
    kickTimer: {
        enumerable: !1,
        get() {
            return unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.antikick ? 1 / 0 : this._kickTimer
        set(a) {
            this._kickTimer = a
}); {
    Object.defineProperty(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype, 'save', {
        writable: !1
    function c(a) {
        unsafeWindow.utilities.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), unsafeWindow.utilities.canvas.width = innerWidth, unsafeWindow.utilities.canvas.height = innerHeight, unsafeWindow.addEventListener("resize", () => {
            const a = unsafeWindow.utilities.state.canvasScale || 1;
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        }), a.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", unsafeWindow.utilities.canvas), unsafeWindow.utilities.state.ctx = unsafeWindow.utilities.canvas.getContext("2d")
    const a = setInterval(() => {
        document.getElementById("inGameUI") && (clearInterval(a), c(document.getElementById("inGameUI")))
    }, 100);
    function d() {
        if (!unsafeWindow.utilities.state.renderHookArgs) return;
        const [q, j, o, n, b, p] = unsafeWindow.utilities.state.renderHookArgs;
        if (unsafeWindow.utilities.state.canvasScale = parseFloat(document.getElementById("uiBase").style.transform.match(/\((.+)\)/)[1]), unsafeWindow.utilities.state.players = j.players, = j, unsafeWindow.utilities.state.controls = o, unsafeWindow.utilities.state.renderer = n, = b, !unsafeWindow.utilities.state.renderer.frustum) return;
        b && b.weapon && !b.weapon.zoomHooked && (b.weapon.zoomHooked = !0, b.weapon._zoom = b.weapon.zoom, Object.defineProperty(b.weapon, "zoom", {
            get() {
                return unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.staticWeaponZoom ? 1 : this._zoom
        const a = unsafeWindow.utilities.state.ctx,
              h = parseFloat(document.getElementById("uiBase").style.transform.match(/\((.+)\)/)[1]),
              d = innerWidth / h,
              c = innerHeight / h;
        if (unsafeWindow.utilities.canvas.width = d, unsafeWindow.utilities.canvas.height = c, !a) return;
        function k(a, b = 0) {
            return a.y += b, a.project(, a.x = (a.x + 1) / 2, a.y = (-a.y + 1) / 2, a.x *= d, a.y *= c, a
        function m(c, d, e, f, b, g) {
  , a.lineWidth = b + 2, a.beginPath(), a.moveTo(c, d), a.lineTo(e, f), a.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)", a.stroke(), a.lineWidth = b, a.strokeStyle = g, a.stroke(), a.restore()
        function g(h, i, d, e, f, g, b, c) {
  , a.translate(~~h, ~~i), a.beginPath(), c ? a.fillStyle = b : a.strokeStyle = b, a.rect(d, e, f, g), c ? a.fill() : a.stroke(), a.closePath(), a.restore()
        function l(b) {
            for (let c = 0; c < b.length; c++) b[c] = ~~a.measureText(b[c]).width;
            return b
        function i(d, e, f, g, b) {
            const c = a.createLinearGradient(d, e, f, g);
            for (let a = 0; a < b.length; a++) c.addColorStop(a, b[a]);
            return c
        function e(b, c, d, e, f) {
  , a.translate(~~e, ~~f), a.fillStyle = d, a.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", a.font = c, a.lineWidth = 1, a.strokeText(b, 0, 0), a.fillText(b, 0, 0), a.restore()
        const f = 2;
        if (a.clearRect(0, 0, d, c), unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.esp > 1)
            for (const j of unsafeWindow.utilities.state.players.list.filter(a => !a.isYTMP && && (a.pos = {
                x: a.x,
                y: a.y,
                z: a.z
            }))) {
                const s = new unsafeWindow.utilities.state.three.Vector3(j.pos.x, j.pos.y, j.pos.z),
                      r = k(s.clone()),
                      h = k(s.clone(), j.height),
                      q = ~~(r.y - h.y),
                      o = ~~(q * .6),
                      p = unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.espFontSize + "px GameFont";
                if (!unsafeWindow.utilities.state.renderer.frustum.containsPoint(j.pos)) continue;
                if (unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.tracers && m(d / 2, unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.tracers === 2 ? c / 2 : c - 1, r.x, r.y, 2, === null ? "#FF4444" : === ? "#44AAFF" : "#FF4444"), j.isTarget) {
                    const b = l(["TARGET"]);
                    e("TARGET", p, "#FFFFFF", h.x - b[0] / 2, h.y - unsafeWindow.utilities.settings.espFontSize * 1.5), a.beginPath(), a.translate(h.x, h.y + Math.abs(q / 2)), a.arc(0, 0, Math.abs(q / 2) + 10, 0, Math.PI * 2), a.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF", a.stroke(), a.closePath(), a.restore()
                if (utilities.settings.esp === 2) {
          , a.strokeStyle = === null || !== ? "#FF4444" : "#44AAFF", a.strokeRect(h.x - o / 2, h.y, o, q), a.restore();
                g(h.x - o / 2 - 7, ~~h.y - 1, 0, 0, 4, q + 2, "#000000", !1), g(h.x - o / 2 - 7, ~~h.y - 1, 0, 0, 4, q + 2, "#44FF44", !0), g(h.x - o / 2 - 7, ~~h.y - 1, 0, 0, 4, ~~((j[utilities.vars.maxHealth] - / j[utilities.vars.maxHealth] * (q + 2)), "#000000", !0),, a.lineWidth = 4, a.translate(~~(h.x - o / 2), ~~h.y), a.beginPath(), a.rect(0, 0, o, q), a.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)", a.stroke(), a.lineWidth = 2, a.strokeStyle = === null ? '#FF4444' : === ? '#44AAFF' : '#FF4444', a.stroke(), a.closePath(), a.restore();
                const t = ~~(utilities.math.getD3D(b.x, b.y, b.z, j.pos.x, j.pos.y, j.pos.z) / 10);
      , a.font = p;
                const n = l(["[", t, "m]", j.level, "©",]);
                const u = i(0, 0, n[4] * 5, 0, ["rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"]);
                if (j.level) {
                    const a = i(0, 0, n[4] * 2 + n[3] + f * 3, 0, ["rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)"]);
                    g(~~(h.x - o / 2) - 12 - n[4] * 2 - n[3] - f * 3, ~~h.y - f, 0, 0, n[4] * 2 + n[3] + f * 3, n[4] + f * 2, a, !0), e("" + j.level, p, '#FFFFFF', ~~(h.x - o / 2) - 16 - n[3], ~~h.y + n[4] * 1)
                g(~~(h.x + o / 2) + f, ~~h.y - f, 0, 0, n[4] * 5, n[4] * 4 + f * 2, u, !0), e(, p, === null ? '#FFCDB4' : === ? '#B4E6FF' : '#FFCDB4', h.x + o / 2 + 4, h.y + n[4] * 1), j.clan && e("[" + j.clan + "]", p, "#AAAAAA", h.x + o / 2 + 8 + n[5], h.y + n[4] * 1), e( + " HP", p, "#33FF33", h.x + o / 2 + 4, h.y + n[4] * 2), e(, p, "#DDDDDD", h.x + o / 2 + 4, h.y + n[4] * 3), e("[", p, "#AAAAAA", h.x + o / 2 + 4, h.y + n[4] * 4), e("" + t, p, "#DDDDDD", h.x + o / 2 + 4 + n[0], h.y + n[4] * 4), e("m]", p, "#AAAAAA", h.x + o / 2 + 4 + n[0] + n[1], h.y + n[4] * 4)
        if (utilities.settings.chams && utilities.state.players)
            for (const b of utilities.state.players.list.filter(a => (utilities.settings.selfChams || !a.isYTMP) && && (a.pos = {
                x: a.x,
                y: a.y,
                z: a.z
            }))) {
                const a = b[utilities.vars.objInstances];
                if (!a) continue;
                Reflect.defineProperty(a, "visible", {
                    get() {
                        return utilities.settings.chams || this._visible
                    set(a) {
                        this._visible = a
                }), a.traverse(a => {
                    if (a.type === "Mesh") {
                        Reflect.defineProperty(a.material, "wireframe", {
                            get() {
                                return utilities.settings.wireframe || this._wf
                            set(a) {
                                this._wf = a
                        }), a.visible = !0, a.material.visible = !0, a.material.depthTest = !1, a.material.transparent = !0, a.material.fog = !1;
                        const b = [null, {
                            r: 1
                        }, {
                            g: 1
                        }, {
                            b: 1
                        }, {
                            g: 1,
                            b: 1
                        }, {
                            r: 1,
                            b: 1
                        }, {
                            r: 1,
                            g: 1
                        if (utilities.settings.chamsc === 7) a.material.emissive = b[1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 6)];
                        else if (utilities.settings.chamsc === 8) {
                            const c = ~~( % (utilities.settings.chamsInterval * 6) / utilities.settings.chamsInterval);
                            a.material.emissive = b[c + 1]
                        } else a.material.emissive = b[utilities.settings.chamsc]
        if (utilities.settings.fovbox && utilities.settings.drawFovbox) {
            let b = [d / 3, c / 4, d * (1 / 3), c / 2];
            switch (utilities.settings.fovBoxSize) {
                case 2:
                    b = [d * .4, c / 3, d * .2, c / 3];
                case 3:
                    b = [d * .45, c * .4, d * .1, c * .2];
  , a.strokeStyle = "red", a.strokeRect(...b), a.restore()
    const b = a => typeof a != "undefined" && a !== null;
    Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "render", {
        enumerable: !1,
        get() {
            return this._render
        set(a) {
            b(this.showHits) ? this._render = new Proxy(a, {
                apply(b, c, a) {
                    const e = b.apply(c, a);
                    return utilities.state.renderHookArgs = a, d(), e
            }) : this._render = a
} {
    let a = {};
    function e(b) {
        unsafeWindow.dispatchWsEvent = b._dispatchEvent.bind(b), unsafeWindow.sendWsMessage = b.send.bind(b), b.send = new Proxy(b.send, {
            apply(c, d, b) {
                return b[0] === "en" && (a = {
                    main: b[1][2][0],
                    secondary: b[1][2][1],
                    hat: b[1][3],
                    body: b[1][4],
                    knife: b[1][9],
                    dye: b[1][14],
                    waist: b[1][17]
                }), c.apply(d, b)
        }), b._dispatchEvent = new Proxy(b._dispatchEvent, {
            apply(c, d, [e, f]) {
                if (a && e === "0" && utilities.settings.skinHack) {
                    const c = f[0];
                    let d = 38;
                    while (c.length % d !== 0) d++;
                    for (let e = 0; e < c.length; e += d) c[e] === b.socketId && (c[e + 12] = [a.main, a.secondary], c[e + 13] = a.hat, c[e + 14] = a.body, c[e + 19] = a.knife, c[e + 24] = a.dye, c[e + 33] = a.waist)
                return c.apply(d, arguments[2])
    const b = Symbol("kpal");
    Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "events", {
        enumerable: !1,
        get() {
            return this[b]
        set(a) {
            this.ahNum === 0 && e(this), this[b] = a
    const c = Symbol("lol anticheat");
    Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "skins", {
        enumerable: !1,
        get() {
            return this.stats && utilities.settings.skinHack ? this.fakeSkins : this[c]
        set(a) {
            if ("stats" in this) {
                this.fakeSkins = [];
                for (let b = 0; b < 5e3; b++) a[b] ? this.fakeSkins.push({
                    ind: b,
                    cnt: a[b].cnt
                }) : this.fakeSkins.push({
                    ind: b,
                    cnt: "SH"
            this[c] = a
let b; {
    function f() {
        const a = {
            checkbox: (b, a, c = "", d = !1) => `<div class="settName" title="${c}">${b} ${d?'<span style="color: #eb5656">*</span>':""}<label class="switch" style="margin-left:10px"><input type="checkbox" onclick='utilities.gui.setSetting("${a}", this.checked)' ${utilities.settings[a]?"checked":""}><span class="slider"></span></label></div>`,
            client_setting: (b, a, c = "", d = !0) => `<div class="settName" title="${c}">${b} ${d?'<span style="color: #eb5656">*</span>':""}<label class="switch" style="margin-left:10px"><input type="checkbox" onclick='doge_setsetting("${a}", this.checked?"1":"0")' ${utilities.settings[a]?"checked":""}><span class="slider"></span></label></div>`,
            select: (d, b, a, e = "", f = !1) => {
                let c = `<div class="settName" title="${e}">${d} ${f?'<span style="color: #eb5656">*</span>':""}<select onchange='utilities.gui.setSetting("${b}", parseInt(this.value))' class="inputGrey2">`;
                for (const d in a) a.hasOwnProperty(d) && (c += `<option value="${a[d]}" ${utilities.settings[b]==a[d]?"selected":""}>${d}</option>,`);
                return c + "</select></div>"
                slider: (d, a, b, c, e, f = "") => `<div class="settName" title="${f}">${d} <input type="number" class="sliderVal" id="slid_input_${a}" min="${b}" max="${c}" value="${utilities.settings[a]}" onkeypress="utilities.gui.setSetting('${a}', parseFloat(this.value.replace(',', '.')));document.querySelector('#slid_input_${a}').value=this.value" style="margin-right:0;border-width:0"><div class="slidecontainer" style=""><input type="range" id="slid_${a}" min="${b}" max="${c}" step="${e}" value="${utilities.settings[a]}" class="sliderM" oninput="utilities.gui.setSetting('${a}', parseFloat(this.value));document.querySelector('#slid_input_${a}').value=this.value"></div></div>`,
                    input: (c, a, b, d, e) => `<div class="settName" title="${d}">${c} <input type="${b}" name="${b}" id="slid_utilities_${a}"\n${'color'==b?'style="float:right;margin-top:5px"':`class="inputGrey2" placeholder="${e}"`}\nvalue="${utilities.settings[a]}" oninput="utilities.gui.setSetting(\'${a}\', this.value)"/></div>`,
                        label: (a, b) => "<br><span style='color: black; font-size: 20px; margin: 20px 0'>" + a + "</span> <span style='color: dimgrey; font-size: 15px'>" + (b || "") + "</span><br>",
                            nobrlabel: (a, b) => "<span style='color: black; font-size: 20px; margin: 20px 0'>" + a + "</span> <span style='color: dimgrey; font-size: 15px'>" + (b || "") + "</span><br>",
                                br: () => "<br>",
                                    style: a => `<style>${a}</style>`
    let b = `<div id="settHolder">
<h3 style="margin-bottom: 10px">HERE ARE THE CHEAT by VN BPM v4.0</h3>
<h5 style="margin: 15px 0">If you see this menu, the cheat is work. Now you can subcribe to me on<a href=""> YouTube</a> .Good luck :D:.<br></h5>`;
    Object.keys(a).forEach(c => {
        const d = a[c];
        a[c] = function() {
            return b += d.apply(this, arguments), ""
    const c = ["Weapon", "Wallhack", "Visual", "Tweaks", "Movement", "Other"];
    utilities.isClient && c.push("Client"),`
.cheatTabButton {
color: black;
background: #ddd;
padding: 2px 7px;
font-size: 15px;
cursor: pointer;
text-align: center;
.cheatTabActive {
background: #bbb;
`), utilities.gui.changeTab = function(a) {
        const b = a.innerText;
        document.getElementById("cheat-tabbtn-" + c[utilities.state.activeTab]).classList.remove("cheatTabActive"), document.getElementById("cheat-tab-" + c[utilities.state.activeTab]).style.display = "none", a.classList.add("cheatTabActive"), document.getElementById("cheat-tab-" + b).style.display = "block", utilities.state.activeTab = c.indexOf(b)
    }, b += `<table style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 30px"><tr>`;
    for (let a = 0; a < c.length; a++) {
        const d = c[a];
        b += `<td id="cheat-tabbtn-${d}" onclick="utilities.gui.changeTab(this)" class="cheatTabButton ${c[utilities.state.activeTab]===d?'cheatTabActive':''}">`, b += d, b += `</td>`
    b += `</table></tr>`;
    function d(a, d) {
        b += `<div style="display: ${utilities.state.activeTab===a?'block':'none'}" class="cheat-tab" id="cheat-tab-${c[a]}">`, d(), b += `</div>`
    return d(0, () => {"Aimbot [Y]", "aimbot", {
            None: 0,
            "Quickscope / Auto pick": 1,
            "Silent aimbot": 2,
            "Aim assist": 4,
            "Easy aim assist": 11,
            "SP Trigger bot": 12,
            "Silent on aim": 6,
            Smooth: 7,
            Unsilent: 10,
            "Unsilent on aim": 5,
            "Aim correction": 9
        }),"Spin aimbot speed", "spinAimFrames", {
            1: 30,
            2: 20,
            3: 15,
            4: 10,
            5: 5
        }), a.slider("Aim range", "aimbotRange", 0, 1e3, 10, "Set above 0 to make the aimbot pick enemies only at the selected range"), a.slider("Aim offset", "aimOffset", -4, 1, .1, "The lower it is, the lower the aimbot will shoot (0 - head, -4 - body)"), a.slider("Aim noise", "aimNoise", 0, 2, .005, "The higher it is, the lower is the aimbot accuracy"), a.checkbox("Supersilent aim", "superSilent", "Only works with quickscope and silent aim, makes it almost invisible that you're looking at somebody when you're shooting at him"), a.checkbox("Aim at AIs", "AImbot", "Makes the aimbot shoot at NPCs"), a.checkbox("FOV check", "frustumCheck", "Makes you only shoot at enemies that are in your field of view. Prevents 180 flicks"), a.checkbox("FOV box", "fovbox", "Creates a box in which enemies can be targetted, enable with FOV check"),"FOV box size", "fovBoxSize", {
            Big: 1,
            Medium: 2,
            Small: 3
        }), a.checkbox("Wallbangs", "wallbangs", "Makes the aimbot shoot enemies behind walls"), a.checkbox("Aimbot range check", "rangeCheck", "Checks if the enemy is in range of your weapon before shooting it, disable for rocket launcher"), a.checkbox("Auto reload", "autoReload", "Automatically reloads your weapon when it's out of ammo"), a.checkbox("Prevent melee throwing", "preventMeleeThrowing", "Prevents you from throwing your knife")
    }), d(1, () => {"ESP [H]", "esp", {
            None: 0,
            Nametags: 1,
            "Box ESP": 2,
            "Full ESP": 3
        }),"ESP Font Size", "espFontSize", {
            "30px": 30,
            "25px": 25,
            "20px": 20,
            "15px": 15,
            "10px": 10,
            "5px": 5
        }),"Tracers", "tracers", {
            None: 0,
            Bottom: 1,
            Middle: 2
        }, "Draws lines to players"), a.checkbox("Mark aimbot target", "markTarget", "Shows who is the aimbot targetting at the time, useful for aim assist/aim correction"), a.checkbox("Draw FOV box", "drawFovbox", "Draws the FOV box from aimbot settings"), a.checkbox("Chams", "chams"),"Chams colour", "chamsc", {
            None: 0,
            Red: 1,
            Green: 2,
            Blue: 3,
            Cyan: 4,
            Pink: 5,
            Yellow: 6,
            RGB: 8,
            Epilepsy: 7
        }), a.checkbox("Self chams", "selfChams", "Makes your weapon affected by chams"), a.checkbox("Wireframe", "wireframe"), a.slider("RGB interval", "chamsInterval", 50, 1e3, 50, "How fast will the RGB chams change colour")
    }), d(2, () => {
        a.checkbox("Skin hack", "skinHack", "Makes you able to use any skin in game, only shows on your side"), a.checkbox("Third person mode", "thirdPerson"), a.checkbox("No weapon zoom", "staticWeaponZoom", "Removes the distracting weapon zoom animation"), a.checkbox("Any weapon trail", "alwaysTrail"), a.checkbox("Billboard shaders", "animatedBillboards", "Disable if you get fps drops")
    }), d(3, () => {
        a.checkbox("Always aim", "alwaysAim", "Makes you slower and jump lower, but the aimbot can start shooting at enemies  faster. Only use if ur good at bhopping"), a.checkbox("Aim when target visible", "awtv"), a.checkbox("Unaim when no target visible", "uwtv"), a.checkbox("Force unsilent", "forceUnsilent")
    }), d(4, () => {"Auto bhop", "bhop", {
            None: 0,
            "Auto Jump": 1,
            "Key Jump": 2,
            "Auto Slide": 3,
            "Key Slide": 4
        }), a.label("Only use with silent aim"),"Pitch hax", "pitchHack", {
            Disabled: 0,
            Downward: 1,
            Upward: 2,
            "sin(time)": 3,
            "sin(time/5)": 4,
            double: 5,
            random: 6
        }, "Only use with aimbot on"), a.checkbox("Spin bot", "spinBot")
    }), d(5, () => {
        a.input("Custom CSS", "customCss", "url", "", "URL to CSS file"), a.checkbox("Show GUI button", "showGuiButton", "Disable if you don't want the dog under settings to be visible"), a.checkbox("GUI on middle mouse button", "guiOnMMB", "Makes it possible to open this menu by clicking the mouse wheel"), a.checkbox("Keybinds", "keybinds", "Turn keybinds on/off, Aimbot - Y, ESP - H"), a.checkbox("No inactivity kick", "antikick", "Disables the 'Kicked for inactivity' message (client side, but works)"), a.checkbox("Auto nuke", "autoNuke", "Automatically nukes when you are able to"), a.checkbox("Force nametags on", "fgno", "Use in custom games with disabled nametags")
    }), utilities.isClient && d(6, () => {
        a.nobrlabel("Restart is required after changing any of these settings"),, a.client_setting("Uncap FPS", "uncap_fps", "Disables V-Sync"), a.client_setting("Adblock", "adblock", "Disables ads")
    }), b += "</div>", b
b = function() {
    function a(f, g, d) {
        const e = document.querySelector("#menuItemContainer"),
              a = document.createElement("div"),
              c = document.createElement("div"),
              b = document.createElement("div");
        a.className = "menuItem", c.className = "menuItemIcon", b.className = "menuItemTitle", b.innerHTML = f, = `url("")`, a.append(c, b), e.append(a), a.addEventListener("click", d)
    utilities.gui.cssElem = document.createElement("link"), utilities.gui.cssElem.rel = "stylesheet", utilities.gui.cssElem.href = utilities.settings.customCss;
    try {
    } catch (a) {
        alert("Error injecting custom CSS:\n" + a), utilities.settings.customCss = ""
    utilities.gui.setSetting = function(a, b) {
        switch (a) {
            case "customCss":
                utilities.settings.customCss = b;
                utilities.settings[a] = b
        localStorage.kro_setngss_json = JSON.stringify(utilities.settings);
    }, utilities.gui.windowIndex = windows.length + 1, utilities.gui.settings = {
        aimbot: {
            val: utilities.settings.aimbot
    }, utilities.gui.windowObj = {
        header: "Hacks",
        html: "",
        gen() {
            return f()
    }, Object.defineProperty(, windows.length, {
        value: utilities.gui.windowObj
    }), utilities.settings.showGuiButton && a("Hacks", null, () => {
function a() {
    (document.pointerLockElement || document.mozPointerLockElement) && document.exitPointerLock(), unsafeWindow.showWindow(utilities.gui.windowIndex)
unsafeWindow.addEventListener("mouseup", b => {
    b.which === 2 && utilities.settings.guiOnMMB && (b.preventDefault(), a())
}), unsafeWindow.addEventListener("keydown", b => {
    b.key === "F1" && (b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), b.stopImmediatePropagation(), a())
}), unsafeWindow.addEventListener("keydown", a => {
    utilities.state.pressedKeys.has(a.code) || utilities.state.pressedKeys.add(a.code)
}), unsafeWindow.addEventListener("keyup", a => {
    if (utilities.state.pressedKeys.has(a.code) && utilities.state.pressedKeys.delete(a.code), !(document.activeElement.tagName === "INPUT" || !unsafeWindow.endUI && && utilities.settings.keybinds) switch (a.code) {
        case "KeyY":
            utilities.state.bindAimbotOn = !utilities.state.bindAimbotOn, dispatchWsEvent("ch", [null, "Aimbot " + (utilities.state.bindAimbotOn ? "on" : "off"), 1]);
        case "KeyH":
            utilities.settings.esp = (utilities.settings.esp + 1) % 4, dispatchWsEvent("ch", [null, "ESP: " + ["disabled", "nametags", "box", "full"][utilities.settings.esp], 1]);
const h = new Function(the_gaming_gurus);
function i() {
    Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, utilities.vars.procInputs, {
        enumerable: !1,
        get() {
            return this._procInputs
        set(a) {
            typeof a == "function" ? this._procInputs = new Proxy(a, {
                apply(c, a, b) {
                    return h.apply(a, b), c.apply(a, b)
            }) : this._procInputs = a
function j(a) {
    utilities.vars = {};
    const b = (new Map).set("inView", [/&&!\w+\['\w+']&&\w+\['\w+']&&\w+\['(\w+)']\)/, 1]).set("procInputs", [/this\['(\w+)']=function\((\w+),(\w+),\w+,\w+\){(this)\['recon']/, 1]).set("aimVal", [/this\['(\w+)']-=0x1\/\(this\['weapon']\['\w+']\/\w+\)/, 1]).set("didShoot", [/--,\w+\['(\w+)']=!0x0/, 1]).set("nAuto", [/'Single\\x20Fire','varN':'(\w+)'/, 1]).set("crouchVal", [/this\['(\w+)']\+=\w\['\w+']\*\w+,0x1<=this\['\w+']/, 1]).set("ammos", [/\['length'];for\(\w+=0x0;\w+<\w+\['(\w+)']\['length']/, 1]).set("weaponIndex", [/\['weaponConfig']\[\w+]\['secondary']&&\(\w+\['(\w+)']==\w+/, 1]).set("objInstances", [/\(\w+=\w+\['players']\['list']\[\w+]\)\['active']&&\w+\['(\w+)']\)/, 1]).set("reloadTimer", [/0x0>=this\['(\w+')]&&0x0>=this\['swapTime']/, 1]).set("maxHealth", [/this\['health']\/this\['(\w+)']\?/, 1]).set("recoilAnimY", [/this\['(\w+)']\+=this\['\w+']\*\(/, 1]);
    for (const [c, d] of b) {
        const e = d[0].exec(a);
        e ? utilities.vars[c] = e[d[1]] : (alert("Failed to find " + c), utilities.vars[c] = c)
    console.log("VARS:"), console.table(utilities.vars), console.log(JSON.stringify(utilities.vars)), i()
function k(a) {
    return a = a.replace(/(&&!\w+\['\w+']&&\w+\['\w+'])&&(\w+\['\w+'])\)/, "$1 && ($2 || [1, 2].includes(utilities.settings.esp)) && utilities.settings.esp !== 3)"), a = a.replace(/!(\w+)\['transparent']/, "(utilities.settings.wallbangs ? !$1.penetrable : !$1.transparent)"), a = a.replace("navigator['webdriver']", "false"), a = a.replace(",this['frustum']['containsPoint']=new Proxy(this['frustum']['containsPoint'],{'apply':function(){return!0x1;}})", ""), a = a.replace(/windows\['length'\]>\d+.*?0x25/, '0x25'), a
unsafeWindow.gameCodeInit = function(a) {
    return console.log("Initializing cheat"), j(a), k(a)
function l(a, b) {
    if (a()) return b();
    const c = setInterval(() => {
        a() && (clearInterval(c), b())
    }, 100)
l(() =>, b)
function initialize() {
    GM.xmlHttpRequest ({ url: "", responseType: 'json' }).then(res => GM.xmlHttpRequest ({ url: `${/\w.exports="(\w+)"/.exec(res.responseText)[1]}.vries`, responseType: 'arrayBuffer' })).then(res => {
        const array = Array.from(new Uint8Array(res.response))
        const xor = array[0]^'!'.charCodeAt(0);
        const csv = 0;
        let script = => String.fromCharCode(code ^ xor)).join('');
        let loader = Function("__LOADER__mmTokenPromise", "Module", unsafeWindow.gameCodeInit(script))
        loader(GM.xmlHttpRequest ({ url: "", responseType: 'json' }).then(data=>data.response.token), {csv: async () => csv})
redefine('get', 'initWASM', function() {
    return function(m){console.log(m)}
let observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
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