Greasy Fork


msgpack backup

此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         msgpack
// @description  msgpack backup
// @author       msgpack authors
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    function serialize(data) {
        const pow32 = 0x100000000;
        let floatBuffer, floatView;
        let array = new Uint8Array(128);
        let length = 0;
        return array.subarray(0, length);

        function append(data) {
            switch (typeof data) {
                case "undefined":
                case "boolean":
                case "number":
                case "string":
                case "object":
                    if (data === null) {
                    } else if (data instanceof Date) {
                    } else if (Array.isArray(data)) {
                    } else if (data instanceof Uint8Array || data instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) {
                    } else if (data instanceof Int8Array || data instanceof Int16Array || data instanceof Uint16Array ||
                               data instanceof Int32Array || data instanceof Uint32Array ||
                               data instanceof Float32Array || data instanceof Float64Array) {
                    } else {

        function appendNull(data) {

        function appendBoolean(data) {
            appendByte(data ? 0xc3 : 0xc2);

        function appendNumber(data) {
            if (isFinite(data) && Math.floor(data) === data) {
                if (data >= 0 && data <= 0x7f) {
                } else if (data < 0 && data >= -0x20) {
                } else if (data > 0 && data <= 0xff) { // uint8
                    appendBytes([0xcc, data]);
                } else if (data >= -0x80 && data <= 0x7f) { // int8
                    appendBytes([0xd0, data]);
                } else if (data > 0 && data <= 0xffff) { // uint16
                    appendBytes([0xcd, data >>> 8, data]);
                } else if (data >= -0x8000 && data <= 0x7fff) { // int16
                    appendBytes([0xd1, data >>> 8, data]);
                } else if (data > 0 && data <= 0xffffffff) { // uint32
                    appendBytes([0xce, data >>> 24, data >>> 16, data >>> 8, data]);
                } else if (data >= -0x80000000 && data <= 0x7fffffff) { // int32
                    appendBytes([0xd2, data >>> 24, data >>> 16, data >>> 8, data]);
                } else if (data > 0 && data <= 0xffffffffffffffff) { // uint64
                    let hi = data / pow32;
                    let lo = data % pow32;
                    appendBytes([0xd3, hi >>> 24, hi >>> 16, hi >>> 8, hi, lo >>> 24, lo >>> 16, lo >>> 8, lo]);
                } else if (data >= -0x8000000000000000 && data <= 0x7fffffffffffffff) { // int64
                } else if (data < 0) { // below int64
                    appendBytes([0xd3, 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
                } else { // above uint64
                    appendBytes([0xcf, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]);
            } else {
                if (!floatView) {
                    floatBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
                    floatView = new DataView(floatBuffer);
                floatView.setFloat64(0, data);
                appendBytes(new Uint8Array(floatBuffer));

        function appendString(data) {
            let bytes = encodeUtf8(data);
            let length = bytes.length;

            if (length <= 0x1f) {
                appendByte(0xa0 + length);
            } else if (length <= 0xff) {
                appendBytes([0xd9, length]);
            } else if (length <= 0xffff) {
                appendBytes([0xda, length >>> 8, length]);
            } else {
                appendBytes([0xdb, length >>> 24, length >>> 16, length >>> 8, length]);


        function appendArray(data) {
            let length = data.length;

            if (length <= 0xf) {
                appendByte(0x90 + length);
            } else if (length <= 0xffff) {
                appendBytes([0xdc, length >>> 8, length]);
            } else {
                appendBytes([0xdd, length >>> 24, length >>> 16, length >>> 8, length]);

            for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {

        function appendBinArray(data) {
            let length = data.length;

            if (length <= 0xf) {
                appendBytes([0xc4, length]);
            } else if (length <= 0xffff) {
                appendBytes([0xc5, length >>> 8, length]);
            } else {
                appendBytes([0xc6, length >>> 24, length >>> 16, length >>> 8, length]);


        function appendObject(data) {
            let length = 0;
            for (let key in data) length++;

            if (length <= 0xf) {
                appendByte(0x80 + length);
            } else if (length <= 0xffff) {
                appendBytes([0xde, length >>> 8, length]);
            } else {
                appendBytes([0xdf, length >>> 24, length >>> 16, length >>> 8, length]);

            for (let key in data) {

        function appendDate(data) {
            let sec = data.getTime() / 1000;
            if (data.getMilliseconds() === 0 && sec >= 0 && sec < 0x100000000) { // 32 bit seconds
                appendBytes([0xd6, 0xff, sec >>> 24, sec >>> 16, sec >>> 8, sec]);
            else if (sec >= 0 && sec < 0x400000000) { // 30 bit nanoseconds, 34 bit seconds
                let ns = data.getMilliseconds() * 1000000;
                appendBytes([0xd7, 0xff, ns >>> 22, ns >>> 14, ns >>> 6, ((ns << 2) >>> 0) | (sec / pow32), sec >>> 24, sec >>> 16, sec >>> 8, sec]);
            else { // 32 bit nanoseconds, 64 bit seconds, negative values allowed
                let ns = data.getMilliseconds() * 1000000;
                appendBytes([0xc7, 12, 0xff, ns >>> 24, ns >>> 16, ns >>> 8, ns]);

        function appendByte(byte) {
            if (array.length < length + 1) {
                let newLength = array.length * 2;
                while (newLength < length + 1)
                    newLength *= 2;
                let newArray = new Uint8Array(newLength);
                array = newArray;
            array[length] = byte;

        function appendBytes(bytes) {
            if (array.length < length + bytes.length) {
                let newLength = array.length * 2;
                while (newLength < length + bytes.length)
                    newLength *= 2;
                let newArray = new Uint8Array(newLength);
                array = newArray;
            array.set(bytes, length);
            length += bytes.length;

        function appendInt64(value) {
            let hi, lo;
            if (value >= 0) {
                hi = value / pow32;
                lo = value % pow32;
            else {
                hi = Math.abs(value) / pow32;
                lo = Math.abs(value) % pow32;
                hi = ~hi;
                lo = ~lo;
            appendBytes([hi >>> 24, hi >>> 16, hi >>> 8, hi, lo >>> 24, lo >>> 16, lo >>> 8, lo]);

    function deserialize(array) {
        const pow32 = 0x100000000; // 2^32
        let pos = 0;
        if (array instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
            array = new Uint8Array(array);
        if (typeof array !== "object" || typeof array.length === "undefined") {
            throw new Error("Invalid argument type: Expected a byte array (Array or Uint8Array) to deserialize.");
        if (!array.length) {
            throw new Error("Invalid argument: The byte array to deserialize is empty.");
        if (!(array instanceof Uint8Array)) {
            array = new Uint8Array(array);
        let data = read();
        if (pos < array.length) {
        return data;

        function read() {
            const byte = array[pos++];
            if (byte >= 0x00 && byte <= 0x7f) return byte; // positive fixint
            if (byte >= 0x80 && byte <= 0x8f) return readMap(byte - 0x80); // fixmap
            if (byte >= 0x90 && byte <= 0x9f) return readArray(byte - 0x90); // fixarray
            if (byte >= 0xa0 && byte <= 0xbf) return readStr(byte - 0xa0); // fixstr
            if (byte === 0xc0) return null; // nil
            if (byte === 0xc1) throw new Error("Invalid byte code 0xc1 found."); // never used
            if (byte === 0xc2) return false // false
            if (byte === 0xc3) return true; // true
            if (byte === 0xc4) return readBin(-1, 1); // bin 8
            if (byte === 0xc5) return readBin(-1, 2); // bin 16
            if (byte === 0xc6) return readBin(-1, 4); // bin 32
            if (byte === 0xc7) return readExt(-1, 1); // ext 8
            if (byte === 0xc8) return readExt(-1, 2); // ext 16
            if (byte === 0xc9) return readExt(-1, 4) // ext 32
            if (byte === 0xca) return readFloat(4); // float 32
            if (byte === 0xcb) return readFloat(8); // float 64
            if (byte === 0xcc) return readUInt(1); // uint 8
            if (byte === 0xcd) return readUInt(2); // uint 16
            if (byte === 0xce) return readUInt(4); // uint 32
            if (byte === 0xcf) return readUInt(8) // uint 64
            if (byte === 0xd0) return readInt(1); // int 8
            if (byte === 0xd1) return readInt(2); // int 16
            if (byte === 0xd2) return readInt(4); // int 32
            if (byte === 0xd3) return readInt(8); // int 64
            if (byte === 0xd4) return readExt(1); // fixext 1
            if (byte === 0xd5) return readExt(2); // fixext 2
            if (byte === 0xd6) return readExt(4); // fixext 4
            if (byte === 0xd7) return readExt(8); // fixext 8
            if (byte === 0xd8) return readExt(16); // fixext 16
            if (byte === 0xd9) return readStr(-1, 1); // str 8
            if (byte === 0xda) return readStr(-1, 2); // str 16
            if (byte === 0xdb) return readStr(-1, 4); // str 32
            if (byte === 0xdc) return readArray(-1, 2); // array 16
            if (byte === 0xdd) return readArray(-1, 4); // array 32
            if (byte === 0xde) return readMap(-1, 2); // map 16
            if (byte === 0xdf) return readMap(-1, 4); // map 32
            if (byte >= 0xe0 && byte <= 0xff) return byte - 256; // negative fixint
            console.debug("msgpack array:", array);
            throw new Error("Invalid byte value '" + byte + "' at index " + (pos - 1) + " in the MessagePack binary data (length " + array.length + "): Expecting a range of 0 to 255. This is not a byte array.");

        function readInt(size) {
            let value = 0;
            let first = true;
            while (size-- > 0) {
                if (first) {
                    let byte = array[pos++];
                    value += byte & 0x7f;
                    if (byte & 0x80) {
                        value -= 0x80;
                    first = false;
                else {
                    value *= 256;
                    value += array[pos++];
            return value;

        function readUInt(size) {
            let value = 0;
            while (size-- > 0) {
                value *= 256;
                value += array[pos++];
            return value;

        function readFloat(size) {
            let view = new DataView(array.buffer, pos, size);
            pos += size;
            if (size === 4) {
                return view.getFloat32(0, false);
            if (size === 8) {
                return view.getFloat64(0, false);

        function readBin(size, lengthSize) {
            if (size < 0) size = readUInt(lengthSize);
            let data = array.subarray(pos, pos + size);
            pos += size;
            return data;

        function readMap(size, lengthSize) {
            if (size < 0) size = readUInt(lengthSize);
            let data = {};
            while (size-- > 0) {
                let key = read();
                data[key] = read();
            return data;

        function readArray(size, lengthSize) {
            if (size < 0) size = readUInt(lengthSize);
            let data = [];
            while (size-- > 0) {
            return data;

        function readStr(size, lengthSize) {
            if (size < 0) size = readUInt(lengthSize);
            let start = pos;
            pos += size;
            return decodeUtf8(array, start, size);

        function readExt(size, lengthSize) {
            if (size < 0) size = readUInt(lengthSize);
            let type = readUInt(1);
            let data = readBin(size);
            switch (type) {
                case 255:
                    return readExtDate(data);
            return { type: type, data: data };

        function readExtDate(data) {
            if (data.length === 4) {
                let sec = ((data[0] << 24) >>> 0) +
                    ((data[1] << 16) >>> 0) +
                    ((data[2] << 8) >>> 0) +
                return new Date(sec * 1000);
            if (data.length === 8) {
                let ns = ((data[0] << 22) >>> 0) +
                    ((data[1] << 14) >>> 0) +
                    ((data[2] << 6) >>> 0) +
                    (data[3] >>> 2);
                let sec = ((data[3] & 0x3) * pow32) +
                    ((data[4] << 24) >>> 0) +
                    ((data[5] << 16) >>> 0) +
                    ((data[6] << 8) >>> 0) +
                return new Date(sec * 1000 + ns / 1000000);
            if (data.length === 12) {
                let ns = ((data[0] << 24) >>> 0) +
                    ((data[1] << 16) >>> 0) +
                    ((data[2] << 8) >>> 0) +
                pos -= 8;
                let sec = readInt(8);
                return new Date(sec * 1000 + ns / 1000000);
            throw new Error("Invalid data length for a date value.");

    function encodeUtf8(str) {
        let ascii = true, length = str.length;
        for (let x = 0; x < length; x++) {
            if (str.charCodeAt(x) > 127) {
                ascii = false;

        let i = 0, bytes = new Uint8Array(str.length * (ascii ? 1 : 4));
        for (let ci = 0; ci !== length; ci++) {
            let c = str.charCodeAt(ci);
            if (c < 128) {
                bytes[i++] = c;
            if (c < 2048) {
                bytes[i++] = c >> 6 | 192;
            else {
                if (c > 0xd7ff && c < 0xdc00) {
                    if (++ci >= length)
                        throw new Error("UTF-8 encode: incomplete surrogate pair");
                    let c2 = str.charCodeAt(ci);
                    if (c2 < 0xdc00 || c2 > 0xdfff)
                        throw new Error("UTF-8 encode: second surrogate character 0x" + c2.toString(16) + " at index " + ci + " out of range");
                    c = 0x10000 + ((c & 0x03ff) << 10) + (c2 & 0x03ff);
                    bytes[i++] = c >> 18 | 240;
                    bytes[i++] = c >> 12 & 63 | 128;
                else bytes[i++] = c >> 12 | 224;
                bytes[i++] = c >> 6 & 63 | 128;
            bytes[i++] = c & 63 | 128;
        return ascii ? bytes : bytes.subarray(0, i);

    function decodeUtf8(bytes, start, length) {
        let i = start, str = "";
        length += start;
        while (i < length) {
            let c = bytes[i++];
            if (c > 127) {
                if (c > 191 && c < 224) {
                    if (i >= length)
                        throw new Error("UTF-8 decode: incomplete 2-byte sequence");
                    c = (c & 31) << 6 | bytes[i++] & 63;
                else if (c > 223 && c < 240) {
                    if (i + 1 >= length)
                        throw new Error("UTF-8 decode: incomplete 3-byte sequence");
                    c = (c & 15) << 12 | (bytes[i++] & 63) << 6 | bytes[i++] & 63;
                else if (c > 239 && c < 248) {
                    if (i + 2 >= length)
                        throw new Error("UTF-8 decode: incomplete 4-byte sequence");
                    c = (c & 7) << 18 | (bytes[i++] & 63) << 12 | (bytes[i++] & 63) << 6 | bytes[i++] & 63;
                else throw new Error("UTF-8 decode: unknown multibyte start 0x" + c.toString(16) + " at index " + (i - 1));
            if (c <= 0xffff) str += String.fromCharCode(c);
            else if (c <= 0x10ffff) {
                c -= 0x10000;
                str += String.fromCharCode(c >> 10 | 0xd800)
                str += String.fromCharCode(c & 0x3FF | 0xdc00)
            else throw new Error("UTF-8 decode: code point 0x" + c.toString(16) + " exceeds UTF-16 reach");
        return str;

    let msgpack = {
        serialize: serialize,
        deserialize: deserialize,

        encode: serialize,
        decode: deserialize

    if (typeof module === "object" && module && typeof module.exports === "object") {
        module.exports = msgpack;
    else {
        window[window.msgpackJsName || "msgpack"] = msgpack;
