Greasy Fork


github 本地化

此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require

var I18N = {};

I18N.conf = {
     * 要翻译的页面正则
    rePageClass: /\b(vis-public|page-(dashboard|profile|account|new-repo|create-org)|homepage|signup|session-authentication|oauth)\b/,

     * 匹配 pathname 页面的正则
     * 通知页面 /notifications
     * 关注页面 /watching
     * 点赞页面 /stars
     * 问题页面 /issues
     * 拉取请求 /pulls
     * 搜索页面 /search
     * 趋势页面 /trending
     * 展示页面 /showcases
     * 导入仓库 /new/import
     * 未登录首页 /
    rePagePath: /\/(notifications|watching|stars|issues|search|pulls|trending|showcases|$|new\/import)/,

     * 匹配 url 页面的正则
     * 代码片段页面 gist
    rePageUrl: /(gist)\,

     * 忽略区域的 class 正则
     * 面包屑 breadcrumb
     * 文件列表 files js-navigation-container js-active-navigation-container
     * 代码高亮 highlight tab-size js-file-line-container
     * 代码差异 data highlight blob-wrapper
     * wiki内容 markdown-body
    reIgnore: /(breadcrumb|files js-navigation-container|highlight tab-size|highlight blob-wrapper|markdown-body)/,

I18N.zh = {
    "title": { // 标题翻译
        "static": { // 静态翻译
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译

    "pubilc": { // 公共区域翻译
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            // 未登录部分
            "Personal": "个人",
            "Open source": "开源",
            "Business": "商业",
            "Pricing": "定价",
            "Support": "支持",
            "Sign in": "登录",
            "Sign up": "注册",

            "Search GitHub": "GitHub 一下,你就知道",
            "This repository": "当前仓库",
            "Search": "搜索",

            "Pull Requests": "拉取请求",
            "Pull requests": "拉取请求",
            "Issues": "问题",
            "Marketplace": "广场",
            "Gist": "代码片段",
            "Your dashboard": "返回首页",

            "You have no unread notifications": "您没有未读通知",
            "You have unread notifications": "您有未读通知",
            "Create new…": "新建…",
            "View profile and more": "查看更多信息",

            "New repository": "新建仓库",
            "New organization": "新建组织",
            "Import repository": "导入仓库",
            "New gist": "新建代码片段",
            "New issue": "新建问题",

            "Signed in as": "您好",
            "Your profile": "您的主页",
            "Your stars": "点赞的项目",
            "Your gists": "您的代码片段",
            "Explore": "探索",
            "Integrations": "集成",
            "Help": "帮助",
            "Settings": "设置",
            "Sign out": "退出",

            "Showcases": "展柜",
            "Trending": "趋势",
            "Stars": "已赞",

            "Previous": "上一页",
            "Next": "下一页",

            "Period:": "最近:",
            "Filter activity": "选择时间",
            "1 day": "一天",
            "3 days": "三天",
            "1 week": "一周",
            "1 month": "一个月",

            "Confirm password to continue": "确认密码后才能继续操作",
            "Password": "密码",
            "(Forgot password)": "(忘记密码)",
            "Confirm password": "继续",

            "Updated": "更新",
            "Terms": "条款",
            "Privacy": "隐私",
            "Security": "安全",
            "Contact": "联系",
            "Status": "状态",
            "Training": "培训",
            "Shop": "商店",
            "Blog": "博客",
            "About": "关于",

            // 评论编辑器翻译
            "Write": "编辑",
            "Preview": "预览",

            "Add header text": "标题",
            "Add bold text <cmd+b>": "加粗 <cmd+b>",
            "Add italic text <cmd+i>": "斜体 <cmd+i>",
            "Insert a quote": "插入引用",
            "Insert code": "插入代码",
            "Add a link <cmd+k>": "连接 <cmd+k>",
            "Add a bulleted list": "添加无序列表",
            "Add a numbered list": "添加有序列表",
            "Add a task list": "添加任务列表",
            "Directly mention a user or team": "直接提到用户或团队",
            "Reference an issue or pull request": "参考问题或拉取请求",
            "Leave a comment": "留下评论",

            "Attach files by dragging & dropping,": "拖拽添加附件,",
            "selecting them": "或选择文件",
            ", or pasting from the clipboard.": ",或复制粘贴内容。",
            "Styling with Markdown is supported": "支持 Markdown 功能哦。",

            "Close issue": "关闭问题",
            "Comment": "提交",
            "Submit new issue": "提交新问题",
            "Comment on this commit": "提交",
            "Close and comment": "提交并关闭",
            "Reopen and comment": "提交并重新打开",
            "Reopen issue": "重新打开问题",

            // 公共动作词
            "Followers": "粉丝",
            "Follow": "关注",
            "Unfollow": "取消关注",
            "Watch": "关注",
            "Unwatch": "取消关注",
            "Star": "点赞",
            "Unstar": "取消点赞",
            "Fork": "派生",

            // 邮箱验证提示
            "Please verify your email address to access all of GitHub's features.": "请验证您的电子邮件地址以便开启所有 GitHub 功能。",
            "Configure email settings": "修改电子邮件设置",
            "Your email was verified.": "您的邮件地址验证成功!",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译 (公共区域正则会二次调用翻译,为了弥补部分翻译的情况)
             * 匹配时间格式
             * Mar 19, 2015 – Mar 19, 2016
             * January 26 – March 19
             * March 26
             * 不知道是否稳定, 暂时先试用着. 2016-03-19 20:46:45
            [/(Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May(?:)?|Jun(?:e)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?) (\d+)(?:, (\d+)|)/g, function (all, month, date, year) {
                var monthKey = {
                    "Jan": "1月",
                    "Feb": "2月",
                    "Mar": "3月",
                    "Apr": "4月",
                    "May": "5月",
                    "Jun": "6月",
                    "Jul": "7月",
                    "Aug": "8月",
                    "Sep": "9月",
                    "Oct": "10月",
                    "Nov": "11月",
                    "Dec": "12月"
                return (year ? year + '年' : '') + monthKey[month.substring(0, 3)] + date + '日';
             * 相对时间格式处理
            [/just now|(an?|\d+) (second|minute|hour|day|month|year)s? ago/, function (m, d, t) {
                if (m === 'just now') {
                    return '刚刚';

                if (d[0] === 'a') {
                    d = '1';
                } // a, an 修改为 1

                var dt = {second: '秒', minute: '分钟', hour: '小时', day: '天', month: '个月', year: '年'};

                return d + ' ' + dt[t] + '之前';

            // 仓库删除提示
            [/Your repository "([^"]+)"was successfully deleted\./, "您的 \"$1\"仓库已被成功删除。"],
            // 邮箱验证提示
            [/An email containing verification instructions was sent to (.+)\./, "验证邮件已发送到 $1。"],
            // 头像下面的注册信息
            [/Joined on/, "注册于"],

    "page-dashboard": { // 已登录的首页
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            // 新手帮助
            "Learn Git and GitHub without any code!": "了解 Git 和 GitHub 无需任何代码!",
            "Using the Hello World guide, you’ll create a repository, start a branch,": "使用 Hello World 指南,您将创建一个仓库,开始一个分支,",
            "write comments, and open a pull request.": "写评论,并创建一个拉取请求。(教程内容就不翻译了...)",
            "Let's get started!": "让我们开始吧!",
            "Hide this notice forever": "永久的隐藏该信息",

            "Welcome to GitHub! What’s next?": "欢迎来到 GitHub!下一步干什么?",
            "Create a repository": "创建一个仓库",
            "Tell us about yourself": "介绍一下你自己",
            "Browse interesting repositories": "浏览有趣资料库",
            "on Twitter": "在 Twitter 上",

            "You don’t have any repositories yet!": "您目前还没有任何仓库!",
            "Create your first repository": "创建您的第一个仓库",
            "or": "或者",
            "learn more about Git and GitHub": "学习更多关于 Git 和 GitHub 知识",

            // 已有仓库的项目
            "Repositories you contribute to": "您贡献过的仓库",
            "Your repositories": "您的仓库",
            "Find a repository…": "搜索仓库…",
            "All": "全部",
            "Public": "公共",
            "Private": "私有",
            "Sources": "源码",
            "Forks": "派生",

            "View": "查看",
            "new broadcast": "条新公告",
            "new broadcasts": "条新公告",

            // 动态 状态词
            "starred": "赞了",
            "forked": "派生了",
            "forked from": "派生至",
            "created repository": "创建了仓库",
            "opened pull request": "发起了拉取请求",
            "commented on pull request": "评论了拉取请求",
            "opened issue": "新建问题",
            "close issue": "关闭问题",
            "added": "添加了",
            "to": "到",
            "pushed to": "推送了",
            "closed issue": "关闭了问题",
            "merged pull request": "合并了拉取请求",
            "commented on issue": "提交了评论",

            "More": "更多",

            "Switch dashboard context": "切换默认身份",
            "Manage organizations": "管理组织",
            "Create organization": "创建组织",

            // 首次加入组织通知
            "You’ve been added to the": "您已经被添加到",
            "organization!": "组织!",
            "Here are some quick tips for a first-time organization member.": "以下是首次加入组织的一些提示。",
            "Use the switch context button in the upper left corner of this page to switch between your personal context (": "使用页面左上角的切换身份按钮,您可以在(",
            ") and organizations you are a member of.": ")和组织身份之间进行切换。",
            "After you switch contexts you’ll see an organization-focused dashboard that lists out organization repositories and activities.": "当您切换身份,您会看到一个组织为中心的页面,其中列出了组织库和活动。",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译
            [/Show (\d+) more repositories…/, "显示 $1 个更多的仓库…"],

    "page-profile": { // 个人首页
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Updating your profile with your name, location, and a profile picture helps other GitHub users get to know you.": "更新您的资料信息包括姓名,地址,头像等资料,让其他用户更容易的了解您。",

            "Joined on": "注册于",
            "Change your avatar": "修改头像",
            "Starred": "赞了",
            "Following": "关注",
            "Organizations": "组织",
            "Contributions": "贡献",
            "Public contributions": "贡献",
            "Overview": "概述",
            "Repositories": "仓库",
            "Public activity": "动态",
            "Edit profile": "修改设置",
            "Popular repositories": "流行的仓库",
            "Pinned repositories": "固定的仓库",
            "Customize your pinned repositories": "自定义您的固定仓库",
            "Repositories contributed to": "贡献过的仓库",
            "Contribution activity": "贡献信息",

            "You can now pin up to 6 repositories.": "你现在可以设置6个固定仓库。",
            "Select up to five public repositories you'd like to show.": "最多可选择五个要显示的公共仓库。",
            "Show:": "显示:",
            "Your repositories": "您的仓库",
            "Repositories you contribute to": "您贡献过的仓库",
            "Save pinned repositories": "保存固定仓库",

            "Jan": "1月",
            "Feb": "2月",
            "Mar": "3月",
            "Apr": "4月",
            "May": "5月",
            "Jun": "6月",
            "Jul": "7月",
            "Aug": "8月",
            "Sep": "9月",
            "Oct": "10月",
            "Nov": "11月",
            "Dec": "12月",

            "January": "一月",
            "February": "二月",
            "March": "三月",
            "April": "四月",
            "May": "五月",
            "June": "六月",
            "July": "七月",
            "August": "八月",
            "September": "九月",
            "October": "十月",
            "November": "十一月",
            "December": "十二月",

            "Mon": "周一",
            "Wed": "周三",
            "Fri": "周五",

            "Includes contributions from private repositories you can access.": "您可以访问包括私人仓库。",
            "Summary of pull requests, issues opened, and commits.": "包括 拉取请求, 提问, 提交.",
            "Learn how we count contributions": "您想知道如何计算贡献的吗",
            "Less": "少",
            "More": "多",

            // "Contributions in the last year": "过去一年的贡献",
            // "Longest streak": "最长连续贡献天数",
            // "Current streak": "当前连续贡献天数",
            // "No recent contributions": "最近没有贡献",

            // 2016-05-20 更新贡献日历部分
            "Contribution settings": "贡献设置",
            "Select which contributions to show": "选择要显示哪​​些贡献",
            "Public contributions only": "仅公共的贡献",
            "Visitors to your profile will only see your contributions to public repositories.": "访客到您的个人资料只会看到公共仓库部分的贡献。",
            "Public and private contributions": "公共和私人贡献",
            "Visitors to your profile will see your public and anonymized private contributions.": "访客到您的个人资料将会看到您的公共和匿名的私人贡献。",
            "Visitors will now see only your public contributions.": "访客只会看到您公共仓库部分的贡献。",
            "Visitors will now see your public and anonymized private contributions.": "访客将看到您的公共和匿名的私人贡献。",

            "commits": "次提交",
            "Pull Request": "拉取请求",
            "Pull Requests": "拉取请求",
            "Issue reported": "问题报告",
            "Issues reported": "问题报告",

            // 动态 状态词
            "starred": "赞了",
            "forked": "收藏了",
            "forked from": "收藏至",
            "created repository": "创建了仓库",
            "opened pull request": "发起了拉取请求",
            "commented on pull request": "评论了拉取请求",
            "opened issue": "新建问题",
            "close issue": "关闭问题",
            "added": "添加了",
            "to": "到",
            "pushed to": "推送了",
            "closed issue": "关闭了问题",
            "merged pull request": "合并了拉取请求",
            "commented on issue": "提交了评论",

            // 仓库 tab
            "Find a repository…": "搜索仓库…",
            "All": "全部",
            "Public": "公共",
            "Private": "私有",
            "Sources": "源码",
            "Forks": "派生",
            "Mirrors": "镜像",
            "New": "新建",

            "Block or report": "阻止或举报",
            "Learn more about blocking a user.": "查看详细的阻止用户信息。",
            "Block or report this user": "阻止或举报该用户",
            "Block user": "阻止该用户",
            "Hide content and notifications from this user.": "屏蔽所有来自该用户的通知消息。",
            "Report abuse": "举报该用户",
            "Contact Support about this user's behavior.": "将该用户行为上报。",

            "Search repositories…": "搜索这些查库…",
            "Search starred repositories…": "搜索点赞的仓库…",
            "Type:": "类型:",
            "Select type:": "选择类型:",
            "Language:": "语言:",
            "Select language:": "选择语言:",
            "All languages": "所有语言",

            "Sort:": "排序:",
            "Sort options": "排序选项",
            "Recently starred": "最近关注的",
            "Recently active": "最近活动的",
            "Most stars": "最多赞的",
            "Unstar": "取消点赞",

            "Jump to": "跳转到",
            "First pull request": "第一次拉取请求",
            "First issue": "第一次提问",
            "First repository": "第一个仓库",
            "Joined GitHub": "刚注册 GitHub",
            "Show more activity": "显示更多",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译
            [/Created (\d+)[\s\r\n]+commits? in[\s\r\n]+(\d+)[\s\r\n]+repositor(y|ies)/, "在 $2 个库中创建了 $1 次提交"],
            [/Created (\d+)[\s\r\n]+repositor(y|ies)/, "创建了 $1 个仓库"],
            [/Opened (\d+)[\s\r\n]+other[\s\r\n]+pull requests?/, "发起了 $1 个拉取请求"],
            [/Opened (\d+)[\s\r\n]+other[\s\r\n]+issues/, "开了 $1 个其他问题"],
            [/(\d+) commits?/, "$1 次提交"],
            [/Pushed (\d+) commits? to/, "推送了 $1 次提交到"],
            [/Follow ([^’]+)’s activity feed/, "关注 $1 的 feed"],
            [/([^ ]+) has no activity during this period\./, "$1 近期没有任何活动。"],
            [/([\s\S]+?) has no activity yet for this period\./, "$1 近期没有任何活动。"],
            [/(\d+) total/, "$1 次"],
            [/(\d+) days?/, "$1 天"],
            [/([\d,]+) contributions in the last year/, "$1 次贡献在过去的一年中"],

    "page-account": { // 个人设置
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            // 菜单
            "Personal settings": "个人设置",
            "Profile": "基本信息",
            "Account": "帐户设置",
            "Emails": "邮箱设置",
            "Notifications": "通知设置",
            "Billing": "财务信息",
            "SSH and GPG keys": "SSH 和 GPG keys",
            "Security": "安全信息",
            "OAuth applications": "授权应用",
            "Personal access tokens": "访问令牌",
            "Repositories": "仓库管理",
            "Organizations": "组织管理",
            "Saved replies": "快捷回复",

            // Profile 菜单
            "Public profile": "基本资料",
            "Profile picture": "我的头像",
            "Upload new picture": "上传新图片",
            "You can also drag and drop a picture from your computer.": "您也可以直接拖拽照片镜像上传.",
            "Name": "昵称",
            "Public email": "公共邮箱",
            "Don’t show my email address": "不显示我的邮箱",
            "You can add or remove verified email addresses in your": "您可以添加或删除邮件地址在您的",
            "personal email settings": "邮箱设置",
            "URL": "网站",
            "Company": "公司",
            "You can": "您可以",
            "other users and organizations to link to them.": "其他用户和组织链接到他们。",
            "Location": "地址",
            "your company's GitHub organization to link it.": "贵公司和GitHub的组织联系起来。",
            "Update profile": "更新资料",
            "Profile updated successfully": "资料更新成功。",

            "Contributions": "贡献",
            "Include private contributions on my profile": "在我的主页显示私人贡献",
            "Get credit for all your work by showing the number of contributions to private repositories on your profile without any repository or organization information.": "显示所有包括私人仓库的贡献到您的个人资料页面,不包括组织仓库信息。",
            "Learn how we count contributions": "查看如统计贡献",
            "Update contributions": "更新贡献",

            "GitHub Developer Program": "GitHub 开发者计划",
            "Building an application, service, or tool that integrates with GitHub?": "构建应用程序、服务或工具,集成了GitHub吗?",
            "Join the GitHub Developer Program": "加入 GitHub 开发者计划",
            ", or read more about it at our": "或了解更多信息在我们的",
            "Developer site": "开发者站点",

            "Jobs profile": "就业状态",
            "Available for hire": "求HR带走",
            "Save jobs profile": "保存状态",

            // Account settings 菜单
            "Change password": "修改密码",
            "Old password": "旧的密码",
            "New password": "新的密码",
            "Confirm new password": "再次输入新的密码",
            "Update password": "更新",
            "I forgot my password": "我忘记我的密码了",
            "Looking for two-factor authentication? You can find it in": "使用双重认证?您可以去",
            "Change username": "修改用户名",
            "Changing your username can have": "修改您的用户名会导致",
            "unintended side effects": "意想不到的副作用",
            "Delete account": "删除帐户",
            "Once you delete your account, there is no going back. Please be certain.": "一旦您删除了帐户,就没办法恢复,请三思而行。",
            "Delete your account": "确认删除",

            // Emails 菜单
            "Your": "您的",
            "primary GitHub email address": "GitHub Email 主帐户",
            "will be used for account-related notifications (e.g. account changes and billing receipts) as well as any web-based GitHub operations (e.g. edits and merges).": "将被用于接收相关通知 (例如:账单信息),以及任何基于 web 的 GitHub 操作 (例如:编辑或合并操作)。",
            "Primary": "主帐户",
            "Private": "私有",
            "Public": "公开",
            "This email will be used as the 'from' address for web-based GitHub operations.": "该邮箱将被用作 \"发件人\"地址",
            "Your primary email address is now public.": "主邮件地址现在是公开的。",
            "Your primary email address is now private.": "主邮件地址现在是保密的。",
            "Set as primary": "设为主帐户",
            "Add email address": "添加 Email 地址",
            "Add": "添加",
            "Keep my email address private": "将我的邮件地址保密",
            "We will use": "我们将使用",
            "when performing web-based Git operations and sending email on your behalf. If you want command line Git operations to use your private email you must": "作为默认\"发件人\"地址以您的名义发送电子邮件。如果您想在命令行 Git 的操作中使用您的私人邮件地址,您必须在",
            "set your email in Git": "Git 中设置您的电子邮件地址",
            "Email preferences": "Email 偏好设置",
            "Receive all emails, except those I unsubscribe from.": "接收所有邮件,除了那些我退订的信息。",
            "We'll occasionally contact you with the latest news and happenings from the GitHub Universe.": "我们将会把 GitHub Universe 的最新消息和事件发送给您。",
            "Learn more": "查看更多",
            "Only receive account related emails, and those I subscribe to.": "只接收帐户相关的电子邮件,以及我的订阅的信息。",
            "We'll only send you legal or administrative emails, and any emails you’ve specifically subscribed to.": "我们只向您发送法律或行政邮件以及您订阅信息。",
            "Save email preferences": "保存偏好",
            "Successfully updated your email preferences.": "Email 偏好设置修改成功。",
            "Looking for activity notification controls? Check the": "想要了解更详细的通知设置,请前往",

            // Notification center 菜单
            "How you receive notifications": "通知设置",
            "Automatic watching": "自动关注",
            "When you’re given push access to a repository, automatically receive notifications for it.": "当您给一个仓库推送权限时,自动接收相关通知。",
            "Automatically watch repositories": "自动关注仓库",
            "Participating": "参与话题",
            "When you participate in a conversation or someone brings you in with an": "当有人",
            "@mention": "@用户名",
            "Watching": "关注仓库",
            "Updates to any repositories or threads you’re watching.": "当您关注的仓库更新时。",
            "Your notification settings apply to the": "通知设置将应用到",
            "repositories you’re watching": "您关注的仓库",
            "Notification email": "接收通知的邮箱",
            "Primary email address": "主邮箱地址",
            "Save": "保存",
            "Custom routing": "自定义",
            "You can send notifications to different": "您可以发送通知不同的",
            "verified": "验证",
            "email addresses depending on the organization that owns the repository.": "电子邮件地址取决于组织拥有仓库。",

            // Billing 菜单
            "Billing overview": "财务信息",
            "Plan": "方案",
            "Free": "免费",
            "Change plan": "修改方案",
            "per month for": "每月 -",
            "Learn more about Git LFS": "什么是 Git LFS (大文件存储)?",
            "Purchase more": "购买更多",
            "Billing cycle": "结算周期",
            "Bandwidth": "带宽",
            "Bandwidth quota resets every billing cycle": "带宽配额每个周期重置",
            "Storage": "存储",
            "Payment": "支付方式",
            "No payment method on file.": "没有设置支付方式",
            "Add payment method": "添加支付方式",
            "Coupon": "优惠券",
            "You don’t have an active coupon.": "没有可用的优惠券",
            "Redeem a coupon": "兑换优惠券",
            "Payment history": "支付记录",
            "Amounts shown in USD": "以美元显示",
            "You have not made any payments.": "没有支付记录",

            // Security 菜单
            "Two-factor authentication": "双重认证",
            "Status:": "状态:",
            "Off": "未开启",
            "Set up two-factor authentication": "设置双重认证",
            "provides another layer of security to your account.": "为您的帐户提供了另一层安全保障。",
            "Sessions": "会话信息",
            "This is a list of devices that have logged into your account. Revoke any sessions that you do not recognize.": "这是您登陆的设备会话列表,如果不是您本人操作,可以关闭该会话。",
            "Your current session": "您当前的会话",
            "Location:": "地址",
            "Signed in:": "登陆于",
            "Last accessed on": "最后访问时间",
            "Revoke": "注销",
            "Security history": "操作记录",
            "This is a security log of important events involving your account.": "这是您帐户的操作日志",

            // Applications 菜单
            "Authorized applications": "已授权的应用",
            "Developer applications": "开发者应用",
            "Revoke all": "注销全部",
            "You have granted the following applications access to your account. Read more about connecting with third-party applications at": "您已授权下来应用访问您的帐户信息,如需了解更多请阅读",
            "Sort": "排序",
            "Sort by": "排序方式",
            "Alphabetical": "字母排序",
            "Recently used": "最近使用",
            "Least recently used": "最少使用",
            "No Developer Applications": "暂无开发者的应用",
            "Developer applications are used to access the": "开发者应用是用于访问",
            ". To get started you should": "。首先您应该",
            "register an application": "注册一个应用",
            "Register new application": "注册应用",
            "Register a new OAuth application": "注册一个 OAuth 应用",
            "Application name": "应用名",
            "Something users will recognize and trust": "让用户识别和信任",
            "Homepage URL": "主页地址",
            "The full URL to your application homepage": "您的应用主页地址",
            "Application description": "应用描述",
            "Application description is optional": "应用描述 (可选)",
            "This is displayed to all potential users of your application": "给您的目标用户最直接的信息",
            "Authorization callback URL": "认证回调地址",
            "Your application’s callback URL. Read our": "您的应用授权回调地址。详情请阅读",
            "OAuth documentation": "OAuth 文档",
            "for more information": "。",
            "Register application": "注册应用",
            "Drag & drop": "拖拽上传",
            "or": "或者",
            "choose an image": "选择图片",

            // Personal access tokens 页面
            "Generate new token": "创建新的密令",
            "Tokens you have generated that can be used to access the": "密令可以用来访问",
            "Full control of private repositories": "完全控制私有仓库",
            "Edit": "编辑",
            "Delete": "删除",
            "Personal access tokens function like ordinary OAuth access tokens. They can be used instead of a password for Git over HTTPS, or can be used to": "访问令牌功能类似于OAuth,他可以代替密码给 Git Https 访问,",
            "authenticate to the API over Basic Authentication": "或用来进行API调用的验证",

            // Organizations 页面
            "You are not a member of any organizations.": "您暂无任何组织。",
            "Transform account": "账户变更",
            "Account transformation warning": "账户变更警告",
            "What you are about to do is an irreversible and destructive process. Please be aware:": "这将是一个不可逆转的过程,请确认:",
            "Any user-specific information (OAuth tokens, SSH keys, Job Profile, etc) will be erased": "任何用户特定的信息(OAuth tokens, SSH keys, Job Profile, 等)将被删除。",
            "create a new personal account": "创建一个新的个人帐户",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译
            [/This email will not be used as the 'from' address for web-based GitHub operations - we will instead use ([^@][email protected])./, "该邮箱不会被用作 \"发件人\"地址,我们会改用 ($1) 作为默认 \"发件人\"地址。"],
            [/Your primary email was changed to ([^@]+@[^\n]+)\./, "您的 Email 主帐户已经更改为 $1"],
            [/(\d+) private repositories?\./, "$1 个私有仓库."],
            [/(\d+) data packs?/, "$1 数据包"],
            [/(\d+) days? left,\n\s+billed monthly/, "$1天, 按月"],
            [/Using\n\s+([\d.]+) of\n\s+(\d+) GB\/month/, "$$1, $2GB/月"],
            [/Using\n\s+([\d.]+) of\n\s+(\d+) GB/, "$$1, $2GB"],
            [/(\d+) Authorized applications?/, "$1 个授权应用"],
            [/Turn (\w+) into an organization/, "变更 $1 为一个组织"],
            [/You will no longer be able to sign into (\w+) \(all administrative privileges will be bestowed upon the owners you choose\)/, "您将不能作为账户登录到 $1。(所有管理权限将赋予您选择的所有者)"],
            [/Any commits credited to (\w+) will no longer be linked to this GitHub account/, "任何提交归功于 $1 将不再链接到这个 GitHub 帐户"],
            [/If you are using (\w+) as a personal account, you should/, "如果您正在使用 $1 作为个人帐户,您应"],
            [/before transforming (\w+) into an organization./, "在转化 $1 组织之前。"],

    "page-new-repo": { // 新建仓库
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Create a new repository": "创建一个新的仓库",
            "A repository contains all the files for your project, including the revision history.": "仓库包含项目中的所有文件,包括修订历史记录。",
            "Owner": "创建者",
            "Repository name": "仓库名",
            "Great repository names are short and memorable. Need inspiration? How about": "一个好的仓库名应该是简单容易被记住的,需要来点灵感吗?这个名字怎么样",
            "Description": "描述",
            "(optional)": "(可选)",
            "Public": "公共 (免费)",
            "Anyone can see this repository. You choose who can commit.": "任何人都可以看到这个仓库,您可以选择谁能提交。",
            "Private": "私有 (收费)",
            "You choose who can see and commit to this repository.": "您可以选择谁可以看和提交到该仓库。",
            "Initialize this repository with a README": "使用 初始化仓库",
            "This will let you immediately clone the repository to your computer. Skip this step if you’re importing an existing repository.": "这将让您可以立刻克隆该仓库到您的电脑。如果您要提交已有的仓库,请忽略这个选项。",
            "Add .gitignore:": "添加 .gitignore 文件",
            "Filter ignores…": "筛选忽略文件…",
            "Add a license:": "添加发布许可",
            "Filter licenses…": "筛选许可…",
            "None": "无",
            "Need help picking a license? We’ve built a site just for you.": "需要帮您挑选一个许可吗?我们为您供了参考页面。",
            "Create repository": "创建仓库",
            "Creating repository…": "创建仓库中…",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译

    "new/import": { // 导入仓库
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            // 第一页
            "Import your project to GitHub": "导入您的项目到 GitHub",
            "Import all the files, including the revision history, from another version control system.": "导入的所有文件,包括修订历史记录,从另一个版本控制系统。",
            "Your old repository’s clone URL": "你的老仓库 URL 地址",
            "Learn more about the types of": "仓库更多类型的帮助",
            "supported VCS": "支持 VCS",
            "Your new repository details": "新仓库描述",
            "Owner": "所有者",
            "Name": "仓库名",
            "Your new repository will be": "新仓库将会",
            "public": "公开",
            ". In order to make this repository private, you’ll need to": "如果想使这个仓库转为私有的,你需要",
            "upgrade your account": "升级帐户",
            "Cancel": "取消",
            "Begin import": "开始导入",
            "Preparing import…": "准备导入…",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译

    "page-create-org": { // 新建组织
        "static": { // 静态翻译
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译

    "vis-public": { // 仓库页
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            // 导入仓库 第二页
            "Preparing your new repository": "准备新的存储库",
            "There is no need to keep this window open, we’ll email you when the import is done.": "没有必要在这个窗口傻等,当导入完成时,我们会向您发送电子邮件。",
            "Detecting your project’s version control system…": "检测项目的版本控制系统…",
            "Importing  commits and revision history…": "导入提交和历史版本…",
            "Importing complete! Your new repository": "导入完成,您的新仓库",
            "is ready.": "已经就绪。",

            // 仓库页面
            "Where should we fork this repository?": "您想把该仓库派生到哪个角色下?",

            "Code": "代码",
            "Pulse": "统计",
            "Graphs": "图表",
            "Projects": "项目",

            // 仓库描述编辑
            "No description or website provided.": "没有提供说明和网站信息.",
            "Edit": "编辑",
            "Description": "描述",
            "Short description of this repository": "简短的描述下您的仓库",
            "Website": "网址",
            "Website for this repository (optional)": "这个仓库的网址 (可选)",
            "Save": "保存",
            "or": "或",
            "Cancel": "取消",

            // 关注通知设置
            "Notifications": "通知类型",
            "Not watching": "取消关注",
            "Watching": "关注",
            "Ignoring": "忽略",
            "Be notified when participating or @mentioned.": "仅参与交谈或@我时通知我.",
            "Be notified of all conversations.": "所有交谈都通知我.",
            "Never be notified.": "忽略任何通知.",

            "commit": "次提交",
            "commits": "次提交",
            "branch": "分支",
            "branches": "分支",
            "release": "次发布",
            "releases": "次发布",
            "contributor": "个贡献者",
            "contributors": "个贡献者",
            "Copy to clipboard": "复制到剪切板",
            "Copied!": "复制成功!",

            "Your recently pushed branches:": "您最近推送的分支:",
            "(less than a minute ago)": "不到一分钟前",
            "Compare & pull request": "比较 & 拉取请求",

            "New pull request": "发起拉取请求",
            "Create new file": "新建文件",
            "Upload files": "上传文件",
            "Find file": "查找文件",
            "Copy path": "复制路径",
            "Clone or download": "克隆或下载",
            "Download ZIP": "下载 ZIP",
            "History": "历史记录",

            "Use SSH": "使用 SSH",
            "Use HTTPS": "使用 HTTPS",
            "Open in Desktop": "从桌面版打开",

            "Clone with SSH": "通过 SSH 克隆",
            "Clone with HTTPS": "通过 HTTPS 克隆",
            "Use an SSH key and passphrase from account.": "使用 SSH 密钥和密码访问。",
            "Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.": "使用 git 或 svn 检出该仓库。",

            "Branch:": "分支:",
            "Switch branches/tags": "选择分支或标签",
            "Branches": "分支",
            "Tags": "标签",
            "Nothing to show": "暂无",

            "File uploading is now available": "现在可以上传文件了",
            "You can now drag and drop files into your repositories.": "您可以直接拖拽文件到该仓库界面进行上传。",
            "Learn more": "查看详情",
            "Dismiss": "我知道了",

            // 关注者页面
            "Watchers": "关注者",

            // 点赞者页面
            "Stargazers": "点赞的人",
            "All": "全部",
            "You know": "您关注的",

            // issues 页面
            "opened this": "打开这个",
            "Issue": "问题",
            "added a commit that closed this issue": "在提交时关闭了这个问题",
            "closed this in": "关闭于",
            "added the": "添加了",
            "added": "添加",
            "and removed": "并移除了",
            "label": "标签",
            "labels": "标签",
            "self-assigned this": "自己受理了该问题",
            "edited": "编辑的",
            "added this to the": "添加到",
            "milestone": "里程碑",
            "closed this": "关闭了",
            "reopened this": "重新打开了",
            "This was referenced": "这是引用",

            "No description provided.": "没有具体描述。",
            "Add your reaction": "添加您的表情",
            "Pick your reaction": "选择您的表情",
            "Leave a comment": "发表评论",
            "Milestone": "里程碑",
            "Unsubscribe": "取消订阅",
            "Attach files by dragging & dropping,": "拖拽添加附件,",
            "selecting them": "或选择文件,",
            ", or pasting from the clipboard.": "或复制黏贴内容。",
            "Styling with Markdown is supported": "支持 Markdown 功能。",
            "Close issue": "关闭问题",
            "Comment": "提交",

            "Filters": "筛选",
            "Open issues and pull requests": "开放的问题或拉取请求",
            "Your issues": "您提出的问题",
            "Your pull requests": "您的拉取请求",
            "Everything assigned to you": "任何关于您的",
            "Everything mentioning you": "提及您的",
            "View advanced search syntax": "查看高级搜索语法",

            "Labels": "标签",
            "None yet": "暂无",
            "Milestones": "里程碑",
            "No milestone": "无里程碑",
            "Author": "作者",
            "Assignee": "受理人",
            "Assignees": "受理人",
            "No one—": "无人 - ",
            "assign yourself": " 受理自己",
            "No one assigned": "无人受理",
            "Sort": "排序",

            "Filter by author": "筛选用户",
            "Filter users": "筛选用户名",
            "Filter by label": "筛选标签",
            "Filter labels": "筛选标签",
            "Unlabeled": "无标签",
            "Filter by milestone": "筛选里程碑",
            "Filter milestones": "筛选里程碑",
            "Issues with no milestone": "无里程碑",
            "Filter by who’s assigned": "筛选代理人",
            "Assigned to nobody": "无代理人",
            "Sort by": "排序",
            "Newest": "最新的",
            "Oldest": "最老的",
            "Most commented": "最多评论",
            "Least commented": "最少评论",
            "Recently updated": "最近更新",
            "Least recently updated": "最早更新",
            "View all issues in this milestone": "查看这个里程碑的所有问题",

            // New collaborator 页面
            "New collaborator": "添加合作者",
            "Collaborators": "合作者",
            "Push access to the repository": "当前仓库的推送权限",
            "This repository doesn’t have any collaborators yet. Use the form below to add a collaborator.": "当前仓库没有合作者,您可以在下面输入框添加合作者。",
            "Search by username, full name or email address": "搜索用户名, 全名, 邮箱地址:",
            "Add collaborator": "添加合作者",

            // Upload files 页面
            "Drag files here to add them to your repository": "拖拽文件添加到当前仓库",
            "Drag additional files here to add them to your repository": "拖拽其他文件添加到当前仓库",
            "Drop to upload your files": "拖拽上传您的文件",
            "Or": "或",
            "choose your files": "选择文件",
            "Yowza, that’s a big file. Try again with a file smaller than 25MB.": "我勒个擦,这么大的文件,单文件不得超过25MB",
            "Yowza, that’s a lot of files. Try again with fewer than 100 files.": "我勒个擦,这么多文件,一次不能超过100个",
            "This file is empty.": "这个文件是空的",
            "Something went really wrong, and we can’t process that file.": "遇到错误,我们处理不了这个文件。",
            "Uploading": "文件上传中",
            "of": "",
            "files": "",
            "Commit changes": "提交变更",
            "Add files via upload": "通过添加文件上传",
            "Optional extended description": "可选的描述",
            "Add an optional extended description…": "添加描述... (可选)",
            "Commit directly to the": "提交到",
            "Create a": "创建",
            "new branch": "新分支",
            "for this commit and start a pull request.": "为这个提交,并且发起一个拉取请求。",
            "Learn more about pull requests.": "了解更多拉取请求。",

            // Find file 页面
            "You’ve activated the": "您已激活",
            "file finder": "文件搜索模式",
            ". Start typing to filter the file list. Use": "。输入关键词查找您的文件。使用",
            "and": "和",
            "to navigate,": "选择文件",
            "to view files,": "查看文件",
            "to exit.": "返回。",

            // 拉取请求信息提示
            "Your recently pushed branches:": "你最近推送的分支:",
            "Compare & pull request": "比较 & 拉取请求",

            // Pull Requests 页面
            "There aren’t any open pull requests.": "暂无拉取请求。",
            "There aren’t any open issues.": "暂无开放的问题。",
            "Use the links above to find what you’re looking for, or try": "使用上面的链接来找到您要找的,或者尝试",
            "a new search query": "新的搜索查询",
            ". The Filters menu is also super helpful for quickly finding issues most relevant to you.": "。搜索栏也是快速找到问题最相关的您超级有帮助的。",

            "Conversation": "交谈",
            "Files changed": "更改的文件",
            "commented": "评论",
            "merged commit": "以合并提交",
            "into": "到",
            "from": "来自",

            "Revert": "还原",

            "Avoid bugs by automatically running your tests.": "通过持续集成测试来避免BUG。",
            "Continuous integration can help catch bugs by running your tests automatically.": "持续集成可以通过自动运行您的测试有助于捕获错误。",
            "Merge your code with confidence using one of our continuous integration providers.": "合并您的代码使用我们信任的持续集成供应商。",

            "Add more commits by pushing to the": "添加更多来至于",
            "branch on": "分支的提交推送到",

            "This branch has no conflicts with the base branch": "该分支与base支没有冲突",
            "Merging can be performed automatically.": "可以自动地执行合并。",
            "You can also": "您也可以在",
            "open this in GitHub Desktop": "GitHub桌面版本",
            "or view": "打开,或通过",
            "command line instructions": "命令行查看",

            //// 直接提交拉取请求
            "Open a pull request": "新建一个拉取请求",
            "Create a new pull request by comparing changes across two branches. If you need to, you can also": "通过比较两个分支的更改来创建一个新的拉请求。如果需要,还可以",
            "Able to merge.": "可被合并。",
            "These branches can be automatically merged.": "该分支可被自动合并。",
            "file changed": "个文件变更",
            "files changed": "个文件变更",
            "commit comment": "次提交",
            "commit comments": "次提交",
            "No commit comments for this range": "该范围变更没有提交注释",

            "Comparing changes": "比较变更",
            "Choose two branches to see what’s changed or to start a new pull request. If you need to, you can also": "选择两个分支,看看发生了什么改变,或发起一个新的拉请求。如果你需要,你也可以",
            "base fork:": "基派生:",
            "There isn’t anything to compare.": "没有任何东西可比较。",
            "is up to date with all commits from": "已是最新,提交于",
            ". Try": "。尝试",
            "switching the base": "切换基础库",
            "for your comparison.": "来进行比较。",

            // projects 页面
            "This repository doesn't have any projects yet": "该仓库目前没有任何项目",
            "Create a project": "创建一个项目",

            // wiki 页面
            "Wikis provide a place in your repository to lay out the roadmap of your project, show the current status, and document software better, together.": "wiki 为您的仓库提供了一个更好的文档资料。",
            "Create the first page": "创建第一个页面",

            "Create new page": "创建新页面",
            "Write": "编辑",
            "Preview": "预览",
            "Edit mode:": "编辑模式:",
            "Edit Message": "提交信息",
            "Save Page": "保存页面",

            // settings 页面
            "Webhooks & services": "Web钩子 & 服务",
            "Deploy keys": "部署密钥",

            "Options": "基本选项",
            "Repository name": "仓库名",
            "Rename": "重命名",
            "Features": "特性",
            "GitHub Wikis is a simple way to let others contribute content. Any GitHub user can create and edit pages to use for documentation, examples, support, or anything you wish.": "GitHub Wikis 是一个简单的方法让别人贡献内容。GitHub 的任何用户都可以创建和编辑页面中使用的文档,示例,支持或任何您想。",
            "Restrict editing to collaborators only": "编辑限制只有合作者可以",
            "Public wikis will still be readable by everyone.": "公共 wikis 仍然会受到大家的可读性",
            "GitHub Issues adds lightweight issue tracking tightly integrated with your repository. Add issues to milestones, label issues, and close & reference issues from commit messages.": "GitHub 与您的存储库添加轻量级问题跟踪紧密集成的问题。添加里程碑的问题,标签问题,并密切与参考问题提交消息。",

            "Merge button": "合并按钮",
            "When merging pull requests, you can allow merge commits, squashing, or both.": "当合并拉取请求时,您可以允许合并提交,压缩。",
            "Allow merge commits": "允许合并提交",
            "Add all commits from the head branch to the base branch with a merge commit.": "从head分支的所有提交合并提交到base分支。",
            "Allow squash merging": "允许压缩合并",
            "Combine all commits from the head branch into a single commit in the base branch.": "从head分支的所有提交压缩提交到base分支。",
            "You must select at least one option": "您至少要选择一个选项。",

            "GitHub Pages": "GitHub 项目演示页面",
            "Your site is published at": "您的演示地址为:",
            "Your site is ready to be published at": "您的演示地址为:",
            "is designed to host your personal, organization, or project pages from a GitHub repository.": "为您私人,组织或仓库项目提供静态web页面。",
            "Source": "源",
            "Your GitHub Pages site is currently being built from the": "你的 GitHub Pages 网站目前正在建立在",
            "branch.": "分支。",
            "Select source": "选择源",
            "Use the": "使用",
            "branch for GitHub Pages.": "分支作为 GitHub Pages",
            "Disable GitHub Pages.": "禁用 GitHub Pages",
            "Custom domain": "自定义域名",
            "Custom domains allow you to serve your site from a domain other than": "自定义域名也许你用其他域名访问",
            "Update your site": "更新您的站点",
            "To update your site, push your HTML or": "更新您的站点,可以直接推送 html 或者使用",
            "updates to your": "更新到",
            "branch. Read the": "分支。详情请阅读",
            "Pages help article": "演示页面帮助",
            "for more information.": "获取更多信息",
            "Overwrite site": "覆盖现有站点",
            "Replace your existing site by using our automatic page generator. Author your content in our Markdown editor, select a theme, then publish.": "通过使用我们的自动页面生成器替换现有的网站。您可以在我们的 Markdown 编辑器,选择一个主题,然后发布。",
            "Launch automatic page generator": "启动自动生成器",
            "Enforce HTTPS": "强制 HTTPS",
            "— Unavailable for your site because you have a custom domain configured (": "- 无法为您的网站开启,因为您配置了一个自定义域名 (",
            "HTTPS provides a layer of encryption that prevents others from snooping on or tampering with traffic to your site.": "HTTPS 提供了一层加密,防止他人偷窥或篡改的交通到您的网站。",
            "When HTTPS is enforced, your site will only be served over HTTPS.": "当开启强制 HTTPS 后,您的网站将只能通过 HTTPS 访问。",

            "Danger Zone": "危险区",
            "Make this repository private": "将该仓库设为私有仓库",
            "Public forks can’t be made private. Please": "派生的的仓库,无法转为私有,请",
            "duplicate the repository": "复制一份该仓库。",
            "Make private": "转为私有",
            "Please": "请",
            "upgrade your plan": "更新您的私有仓库计划",
            "to make this repository private.": "让这个仓库转为私有。",
            "Transfer ownership": "转让所有权",
            "Transfer": "转让",
            "Transfer this repository to another user or to an organization where you have admin rights.": "此存储库转移到其他用户或组织,在这里您具有管理员权限。",
            "Delete this repository": "删除此仓库",
            "Once you delete a repository, there is no going back. Please be certain.": "一旦删除您的仓库,将无法找回。请您三思。",

            "Default branch": "默认分支",
            "The default branch is considered the “base” branch in your repository, against which all pull requests and code commits are automatically made, unless you specify a different branch.": "默认分支被认为是“基地”分支在您的资料库,对所有拉取请求和代码的提交是自动进行的,除非您指定一个不同的分支。",
            "Update": "更新",
            "Switch default branch": "选择默认分支",
            "Filter branches": "搜索分支",
            "Protected branches": "受保护的分支",
            "Protect branches to disable force pushing, prevent branches from being deleted, and optionally require status checks before merging. New to protected branches?": "受保护分支禁用强制推送,避免删除分支机构,合并可选要求前状态检查。创建新的受保护的分支机构?",
            "Learn more.": "查看更多信息",
            "No protected branches yet.": "暂无受保护分支",

            "Are you ABSOLUTELY sure?": "您确定一定以及肯定?",
            "Unexpected bad things will happen if you don’t read this!": "请仔细阅读以下提示信息!!!",
            "This action": "该操作是",
            "CANNOT": "不可逆的",
            "be undone. This will permanently delete the": ",您将永久删除",
            "repository, wiki, issues, and comments, and remove all collaborator associations.": "仓库,wiki,问题和提交内容,并且移除所有合作者。",
            "Please type in the name of the repository to confirm.": "请您输入该仓库名以确认删除它。",
            "I understand the consequences, delete this repository": "我确定一定以及肯定删除它",

            // Compare changes 页面
            "Compare changes": "变更比较",
            "Compare changes across branches, commits, tags, and more below. If you need to, you can also": "比较跨分支,提交,标签,和更多的变更。如果您需要,也可以",
            "compare across forks": "比较派生库和源仓库",
            "base:": "基础库:",
            "compare:": "比较库:",
            "Create pull request": "创建拉取请求",
            "Choose different branches or forks above to discuss and review changes.": "选择不同的分支或派生来讨论和查看变化。",
            "Compare and review just about anything": "比较和审查任何文件",
            "Branches, tags, commit ranges, and time ranges. In the same repository and across forks.": "分支,标签,提交范围和时间范围。在同一仓库和派生的仓库。",
            "Example comparisons": "比较例子",

            // 新建空仓库
            "Quick setup": "快速安装",
            "— if you’ve done this kind of thing before": "- 如果您以前做过这样的事",
            "Set up in Desktop": "安装到桌面",
            "We recommend every repository include a": "我们推荐每个仓库都包括",
            ", and": ",和",
            "…or create a new repository on the command line": "…或在命令行上创建一个新的仓库",
            "…or push an existing repository from the command line": "…或从命令行中推送现有的仓库",
            "…or import code from another repository": "…或从另一个仓库库导入代码",
            "You can initialize this repository with code from a Subversion, Mercurial, or TFS project.": "您可以初始化此仓库从一个 Subversion,Mercurial 或 TFS 项目。",
            "Import code": "导入代码",

            // commits 页面
            "committed": "提交于",
            "Merge pull request": "合并拉取请求",
            "Confirm merge": "确认合并",
            "Close pull request": "关闭拉取请求",

            "Copy the full SHA": "复制完整的 SHA",
            "Browse the repository at this point in the history": "浏览该阶段的历史仓库内容",

            "Newer": "新的",
            "Older": "旧的",

            // branches 页面
            "Overview": "概述",
            "Yours": "您的",
            "Active": "活跃的",
            "Stale": "陈旧的",
            "All branches": "所有分支",
            "Search branches…": "搜索分支…",

            "Your branches": "您的分支",
            "You haven’t pushed any branches to this repository.": "您没有推送任何分支到该仓库。",
            "Active branches": "活跃的分支",
            "There aren’t any active branches.": "没有任何活跃的分支。",
            "Stale branches": "陈旧的分支",
            "There aren’t any stale branches.": "没有任何陈旧的分支。",
            "View more active branches": "查看更多活跃的分支",
            "View more stale branches": "查看更多陈旧的分支",
            "Compare": "比较",
            "Change default branch": "更改默认分支",

            // Releases 页面
            "Releases": "发布",
            "Pre-release": "预发布",
            "Downloads": "下载",
            "Notes": "说明",
            "There aren’t any releases here": "没有任何发布内容",
            "Create a new release": "创建一个发布",
            "Releases are powered by": "发布是通过在仓库中标记",
            "tagging specific points of history": "特定历史版本",
            "in a repository. They’re great for marking release points like": ",用于发布的版本类似",

            "Latest release": "最新发布",
            "Read release notes": "阅读发布说明",
            "released this": "发布它",
            "tagged this": "标注",

            "Draft a new release": "起草新版本发布",
            "Add release notes": "添加发布说明",
            "Edit release notes": "编辑发布说明",
            "(No release notes)": "(没有发布说明)",
            "Release notes": "发布说明",

            "Edit tag": "修改标签",
            "Edit release": "修改发布",
            "Delete": "删除",
            "Are you sure?": "您确定一定以及肯定吗?",
            "This will delete the information for this tag.": "将删除该标签的所有信息。",
            "Delete this tag": "删除此标签",
            "Your tag was removed": "标签删除成功!",

            "Existing tag": "已存在的标签",
            "Markdown supported": "Markdown 语法支持",
            "Attach binaries by dropping them here or": "拖拽文件到这来添加附件",
            "This is a pre-release": "这是一个预发布版本",
            "We’ll point out that this release is identified as non-production ready.": "我们会指定该版本为未正式发布。",
            "Update release": "更新发布",
            "Publish release": "发布版本",
            "Save draft": "保存草稿",
            "Saved!": "已保存",
            "Saving draft failed. Try again?": "保存失败,再试一次?",

            // 图表页面
            "Contributors": "贡献者",
            "Traffic": "流量",
            "Commits": "提交",
            "Code frequency": "频率",
            "Punch card": "时刻",
            "Network": "网络",
            "Members": "成员",

            "Contributions to master, excluding merge commits": "对主分支的贡献,不包括合并提交",
            "Contributions:": "贡献者:",
            "Filter contributions": "筛选贡献者",
            "Additions": "添加数量",
            "Deletions": "删除数量",

        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译
            [/HTTPS\s+(recommended)/, "HTTPS (推荐)"],
            [/Save (.+?) to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop./, "使用 GitHub 桌面版,保存 $1 到您的电脑。"],
            [/([\d,]+) Open/, "$1 个开放的"],
            [/([\d,]+) Closed/, "$1 个关闭的"],
            [/View all issues opened by (.+)/, "查看所有 $1 的问题"],
            [/Welcome to the ([^ ]+) wiki!/, "欢迎访问 $1 的 wiki"],
            [/([\d,]+) participants?/, "$1 参与者"],
            [/Commits on (.+)/, "提交于 $1"],
            // bug [/from (.+)/, "从 $1"],
            [/wants to merge ([\d,]+) commits? into/, "需要合并 $1 次提交到"],
            [/([\d,]+) commits?/, "$1 次提交"],
            [/to ([^\n]+)[\n\s]+since this release/, "到 $1 分支在此发布中。"],
            [/· ([\d,]+) comments?/, "$1 次提交"]

    "homepage": { // 未登录首页
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Pick a username": "选择一个用户名",
            "Your email address": "您的邮件地址",
            "Create a password": "创建一个密码",
            "Sign up for GitHub": "注册 GitHub",

            "Use at least one letter, one numeral, and seven characters.": "密码需要字母和数字组成的 7 位以上字符串。",
            "By clicking \"Sign up for GitHub\", you agree to our": "点击 “注册 GitHub”,表示您同意我们的",
            "terms of service": "服务条款",
            "and": "和",
            "privacy policy": "隐私政策条款",
            "We'll occasionally send you account related emails.": "我们会偶尔发送您的帐户相关的电子邮件。",

            "How people build software": "人们如何构建软件",
            "Millions of developers use GitHub to build personal projects, support their businesses, and work together on open source technologies.": "数以百万计的开发人员使用 GitHub 建立个人项目,支持他们的企业,共同在开放源码技术。",

            "Introducing unlimited": "引入无限制的",
            "private repositories": "私人仓库",
            "All of our paid plans on now include unlimited private repositories.": "所有在我们 上的付费用户,我们将提供无限制的私人仓库。",
            "Sign up": "注册",
            "to get started or": "开始使用或",
            "read more about this change on our blog": "阅读更多信息在我们的博客上",

            "Welcome home, developers": "欢迎回来,开发者们",
            "GitHub fosters a fast, flexible, and collaborative development process that lets you work on your own or with others.": "GitHub 提供了一个快速,灵活和协作开发过程,让您对自己或与他人合作。",

            "For everything you build": "为您打造",
            "Host and manage your code on GitHub. You can keep your work private or share it with the world.": "主机和管理您的代码在 GitHub 上。您可以把您的工作或私人与世界分享。",
            "A better way to work": "一个更好的工作方式",
            "From hobbyists to professionals, GitHub helps developers simplify the way they build software.": "从业余爱好者到专业人士,GitHub 帮助开发人员简化的方式构建软件。",
            "Millions of projects": "数以百万计的项目",
            "GitHub is home to millions of open source projects. Try one out or get inspired to create your own.": "GitHub 是数百万开源项目的家园。尝试一个或获得灵感来创造您自己的项目。",
            "One platform, from start to finish": "一个平台,从始至终",
            "With hundreds of integrations, GitHub is flexible enough to be at the center of your development process.": "成百上千的集成,GitHub 是足够灵活的,能够在您的发展过程的中心。",

            "Who uses GitHub?": "谁在使用 GitHub ?",
            "Individuals": "个人",
            "Use GitHub to create a personal project, whether you want to experiment with a new programming language or host your life’s work.": "使用 GitHub 来创建一个个人项目,不管您想要尝试一个新的编程语言或主机在您生活及工作。",
            "Communities": "社区",
            "GitHub hosts one of the largest collections of open source software. Create, manage, and work on some of today’s most influential technologies.": "GitHub 主机是最大的开放源码软件的集合之一。创建,管理,以及在一些当今最具影响力的技术工作。",
            "Businesses": "企业",
            "Businesses of all sizes use GitHub to support their development process and securely build software.": "各种规模的企业使用的 GitHub 支持其发展过程中,安全地构建软件。",

            "GitHub is proud to host projects and organizations like": "GitHub 是自豪地举办项目和组织,如",
            "Public projects are always free. Work together across unlimited private repositories for $7 / month.": "公共项目是免费的。私人项目需要支付 7 美元一个月的费用。",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译

    "session-authentication": { // 登录页
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Sign in to GitHub": "登录 GitHub 帐户",
            "Username or email address": "用户名/邮箱",
            "Password": "密码",
            "Forgot password?": "忘记密码",
            "Sign in": "登录",
            "New to GitHub?": "第一次来 GitHub?",
            "Create an account": "那就注册个帐户吧",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译

    "signup": { // 注册页
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Join GitHub": "加入 GitHub",
            "The best way to design, build, and ship software.": "最优的方式来设计、构建和存储软件",

            "Step 1:": "第一步:",
            "Set up a personal account": "建立个人账户",
            "Step 2:": "第二步:",
            "Choose your plan": "选择您的方案",
            "Step 3:": "第三步:",
            "Go to your dashboard": "去到您的首页",

            // Step 1:
            "Create your personal account": "创建您的个人账户",
            "Username": "用户名 (也是您个人首页的二级地址)",
            "This will be your username — you can enter your organization’s username next.": "这将是您的用户名 - 也可以是您组织或公司的名称。",
            "Email Address": "Email 地址",
            "You will occasionally receive account related emails. We promise not to share your email with anyone.": "该邮箱用于接收相关的通知邮件。我们承诺不公开您的电子邮件给任何人。",
            "Password": "密码",
            "Use at least one lowercase letter, one numeral, and seven characters.": "密码需要字母和数字组成的 7 位以上字符串。",
            "By clicking on \"Create an account\" below, you are agreeing to the": "点击下面的“创建账户”,表示您同意我们的",
            "Terms of Service": "服务条款",
            "and the": "和",
            "Privacy Policy": "隐私政策",
            "Create an account": "创建账户",

            "You’ll love GitHub": "您将会爱上 GitHub",
            "Unlimited": "无限多的",
            "collaborators": "合作者",
            "public repositories": "公共仓库",
            "Great communication": "良好的沟通",
            "Friction-less development": "无摩擦开发",
            "Open source community": "开源社区",

            // Step 2:
            "Welcome to GitHub": "欢迎来到 GitHub",
            "You’ve taken your first step into a larger world,": "您已经迈出了第一步进入到更大的世界,",
            "Choose your personal plan": "选择您的个人方案",
            "Unlimited public repositories for free.": "无限的公共仓库免费使用",
            "Unlimited private repositories": "无限的私人仓库",
            "for": "需",
            "$7/month.": "$7/月",
            "¥46.06/month.": "¥46.06/月.",
            "(view in CNY)": "(显示人民币价格)",
            "(view in USD)": "(显示美元价格)",
            "Don’t worry, you can cancel or upgrade at any time.": "别担心,你可以随时升级或取消这个方案。",
            "Charges to your account will be made in ": "汇率问题说明,不翻译了...",
            "Secure": "安全",
            "Enter your billing details": "输入您的帐单明细",
            "Pay with": "支付方式",
            "Credit card": "信用卡",
            "PayPal account": "PayPal 账户",
            "Credit card number": "信用卡号",
            "Accepted cards": "支持的卡",
            "Help me set up an organization next": "帮我建立一个组织",
            "Organizations are separate from personal accounts and are best suited for businesses who need to manage permissions for many employees.": "组织是独立于个人账户,是最适合需要管理权限对许多员工的企业。",
            "Learn more about organizations.": "阅读更多关于组织的信息。",
            "Finish sign up": "完成注册",

            "Both plans include:": "这两种方案包括:",
            "Collaborative code review": "协作代码审查",
            "Issue tracking": "问题跟踪",
            "Unlimited public repositories": "无限制的公共仓库",
            "Join any organization": "加入任何组织",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译

    "notifications": { // 通知页面
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Mark all as read": "全部标为已读",
            "Are you sure?": "您确定吗?",
            "Are you sure you want to mark all unread notifications as read?": "你确定要将所有的未读通知标记为已读?",
            "Mark all notifications as read": "全部标为已读",

            "Notifications": "通知",
            "Watching": "关注的仓库",
            "Unread": "未读",
            "Participating": "参与话题",
            "All notifications": "所有通知",

            "No new notifications.": "没有新的通知。",
            "Depending on": "根据",
            "your notification settings": "您的通知设置",
            ", you’ll see updates here for your conversations in watched repositories.": ",您将看到您关注仓库的更新信息。",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译

    "watching": { // 关注的仓库页面
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Notifications": "通知",
            "Watching": "关注的仓库",

            "Watched repositories": "关注的仓库",
            "Sorted by most recently watched.": "按最近关注排序",
            "Unwatch all": "取消所有关注",
            "Notification settings": "通知设置",
            "You can change how you receive notifications from your account settings.": "您可以修改接收通知的方式。",
            "Change notification settings": "修改通知设置",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译

    "stars": { // 点赞页面
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "All stars": "所有仓库",
            "Your repositories": "您的仓库",
            "Others' repositories": "其他仓库",

            "Filter by languages": "筛选语言",
            "Jump to a friend": "去好基友那",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译

    "trending": { // 趋势页面
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Trending in open source": "开源趋势",
            "See what the GitHub community is most excited about today.": "看看 GitHub 社区今天最受关注的项目。",
            "See what the GitHub community is most excited about this week.": "看看 GitHub 社区本周最受关注的项目。",
            "See what the GitHub community is most excited about this month.": "看看 GitHub 社区本月最受关注的项目。",

            "Trending developers": "开发者趋势",
            "These are the organizations and developers building the hot tools today.": "这是今天创建热门项目的组织和开发人员。",
            "These are the organizations and developers building the hot tools this week.": "这是本周创建热门项目的组织和开发人员。",
            "These are the organizations and developers building the hot tools this month.": "这是本月创建热门项目的组织和开发人员。",

            "Repositories": "仓库",
            "Developers": "开发者",

            "Trending:": "趋势:",
            "Adjust time span": "调整的时间跨度",
            "today": "今天",
            "this week": "本周",
            "this month": "本月",

            "All languages": "所有语言",
            "Unknown languages": "未知语言",

            "Other:": "其他:",
            "Languages": "语言",
            "Other Languages": "其他语言",
            "Filter Languages": "筛选语言",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译
            [/([\d,]+) stars today([^B]+)[\w ]+/, "今天 $1 赞$2创建者"],
            [/([\d,]+) stars this week([^B]+)[\w ]+/, "本周 $1 赞$2创建者"],
            [/([\d,]+) stars this month([^B]+)[\w ]+/, "本月 $1 赞$2创建者"],

    "showcases": { // 展示页面
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Open source showcases": "开源展示",
            "Browse popular repositories based on the topic that interests you most.": "浏览热门仓库基于你最感兴趣的话题。",
            "Search showcases": "搜索展示",

    "issues": { // 问题页面
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Created": "已创建",
            "Assigned": "已分配",
            "Mentioned": "提到的",

            "Visibility": "可见性",
            "Repository visibility": "仓库可见性",
            "Private repositories only": "只有私有仓库",
            "Public repositories only": "只有公共库",

            "Organization": "组织",
            "Filter by organization or owner": "通过组织或所有者筛选",
            "Filter organizations": "筛选组织",

            "Sort": "排序",
            "Sort by": "排序方式",
            "Newest": "最新的",
            "Oldest": "最老的",
            "Most commented": "最多评论",
            "Least commented": "最少评论",
            "Recently updated": "最近更新",
            "Least recently updated": "最早更新",
            "Most reactions": "最多回应",

            "No results matched your search.": "没有符合您的搜索结果。",
            "Use the links above to find what you’re looking for, or try": "使用上面的链接找到您要找的内容,或尝试",
            "a new search query": "新的搜索查询",
            ". The Filters menu is also super helpful for quickly finding issues most relevant to you.": "。过滤菜单也是快速找到问题最相关的您超级有帮助的。",
            "ProTip!": "专业提示!",
            "Updated in the last three days": "更新了最后三天:",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译
            [/(\d+) Open/, "$1 未处理"],
            [/(\d+) Closed/, "$1 已处理"],

    "search": { // 搜索页面
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Search more than": "这里有超过",
            "repositories": "的仓库供您搜索",

            "Repositories": "仓库",
            "Code": "代码",
            "Users": "用户",

            "Languages": "语言",

            "Advanced search": "高级搜索",
            "Cheat sheet": "搜索技巧",
            "You could try an": "您可以试一试",
            "advanced search": "高级搜索",

            "Sort:": "排序:",
            "Sort options": "排序选项",
            "Best match": "最佳匹配",
            "Most stars": "最多赞",
            "Fewest stars": "最少赞",
            "Most forks": "最多派生",
            "Fewest forks": "最少派生",
            "Recently updated": "最近更新",
            "Least recently updated": "最早更新",

            // 高级搜索
            "Advanced options": "高级选项",
            "From these owners": "指定作者",
            "In these repositories": "指定仓库",
            "Created on the dates": "创建日期",
            "Written in this language": "使用语言",
            "Any Language": "任何语言",
            "Popular": "流行的",
            "Everything else": "其他语言",

            "Repositories options": "仓库选项",
            "With this many stars": "指定被赞数",
            "With this many forks": "指定派生数",
            "Of this size": "仓库大小",
            "Pushed to": "推送于",
            "Return repositories": "搜索结果",
            "not": "不",
            "and": "要",
            "only": "只",
            "including forks.": "包括被派生的仓库。",

            "Code options": "代码选项",
            "With this extension": "文件后缀",
            "Of this file size": "文件大小",
            "In this path": "文件路径",
            "Return code from forked repositories": "搜索结果包括被派生的仓库。",

            "Issues options": "问题选项",
            "In the state": "问题状态",
            "With this many comments": "评论数量",
            "With the labels": "问题标签",
            "Opened by the author": "提问人",
            "Mentioning the users": "提到谁",
            "Assigned to the users": "分配给谁",
            "Updated before the date": "更新于",

            "Users options": "用户选项",
            "With this full name": "用户全称",
            "From this location": "来自哪里",
            "With this many followers": "有多少粉丝",
            "With this many public repositories": "有多少公共仓库",
            "Working in this language": "擅长什么语言",

        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译
            [/We’ve found ([\d,]+) repository results/, "我们为您找到 $1 个相关结果"],
            [/We couldn’t find any repositories matching '(.+)'/, "我们没有找到任何与 '$1' 相关的结果"],

    "gist": { // 代码片段页面
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Search…": "搜索代码片段…",
            "All gists": "所有片段",
            "New gist": "新建片段",
            "Your gists": "您的片段",
            "Starred gists": "已赞片段",
            "Your GitHub profile": "设置",

            "View profile and more": "查看更多信息",
            "See all of your gists": "查看您的所有片段",
            "Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.": "即时分享您的代码,笔记,片段,以及灵感。",
            "Gist description…": "片段描述",

            "Filename including extension…": "文件名 (包括扩展名)",
            "Indent mode": "缩进模式",
            "Spaces": "空格",
            "Tabs": "TAB",
            "Indent size": "缩进大小",
            "Line wrap mode": "换行模式",
            "No wrap": "无换行",
            "Soft wrap": "软换行",
            "Add file": "添加文件",
            "Create secret gist": "创建私有片段",
            "Secret gists are hidden from search engines but visible to anyone you give the URL.": "私有片段搜索引擎是搜不到的,但是您可以分享您的 url 给他们。",
            "Create public gist": "创建公共片段",

            // All gists 页面
            "Sort:": "排序:",
            "Sort options": "排序选项",
            "Recently created": "最近创建的",
            "Least recently created": "最早创建的",
            "Recently updated": "最近更新的",
            "Least recently updated": "最早更新的",
            "Filter:": "筛选:",
            "Filter options": "筛选选项",
            "Public & Secret": "公共 & 私有",
            "Public only": "仅公共",
            "Secret only": "仅私有",
            "forked from": "派生自",
            "Created": "创建于",
            "View": "查看",
            "Newer": "新的",
            "Older": "旧的",

            // View 代码 页面
            "Edit": "编辑",
            "Delete": "删除",
            "Star": "点赞",
            "Unstar": "取消点赞",
            "User actions": "用户操作",
            "Report abuse": "举报该用户",

            "Code": "代码",
            "Revisions": "修订",
            "Stars": "被赞",
            "Forks": "派生",

            // 代码页面
            "What would you like to do?": "您想做什么?",
            "Embed this gist in your website.": "Embed 可嵌入到您的网页中。",
            "Copy sharable URL for this gist.": "复制 URL 共享这个片段。",
            "Clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repository's web address.": "Git 克隆或 SVN 检出该仓库所使用的 web 地址。",
            "Clone with an SSH key and passphrase from your GitHub settings.": "使用 SSH 密钥克隆",
            "Learn more about clone URLs": "更多的克隆方法",

            "Copy to clipboard": "复制到剪切板",
            "Copied!": "复制成功!",
            "Download ZIP": "下载 ZIP",
            "Permalink": "永久链接",
            "Raw": "源码",

            // 修订页面
            "Unified": "同屏",
            "Split": "分屏",
            "created": "创建",
            "this gist": "该片段于",

            // 编辑代码页面
            "Editing": "编辑",
            "Make secret": "转为私有",
            "Cancel": "取消",
            "Update public gist": "更新片段",

            // 已赞页面
            "Starred": "赞了",
            "You don’t have any starred gists yet.": "您还没有赞过任何片段。",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译
            [/View ([^ ]+) on GitHub/, "查看 $1 的 GitHub"],
            [/(\d+) files?/, "$1 文件"],
            [/(\d+) forks?/, "$1 派生"],
            [/(\d+) comments?/, "$1 评论"],
            [/(\d+) stars?/, "$1 赞"],
            [/Save (.+?) to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop./, "使用 GitHub 桌面版,保存 $1 到您的电脑。"],

    "oauth": { // 应用授权
        "static": { // 静态翻译
            "Authorize application": "应用授权",
            "by": "的",
            "would like permission to access your account": "想访问您的帐户",
            "Review permissions": "查看权限",
            "Public data only": "仅公共数据",
            "Limited access to your public data": "仅限访问您的公共数据",
            "This application will be able to identify you and read public information.": "此应用程序将能识别您的身份和读取您的公共信息。",
            "Learn more": "更多",

            "Visit application’s website": "访问应用官网",
            "Learn more about OAuth": "查看更多授权信息",
        "regexp": [ // 正则翻译

// 公共复用翻译部分
I18N.zh.pulls = I18N.zh.issues;