Greasy Fork


Extremely fast and lightweight double-ended queue implementation with zero dependencies.

目前为 2021-06-24 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

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Copyright (c) 2018 Mike Diarmid (Salakar) <[email protected]>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this library except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

'use strict';

 * Custom implementation of a double ended queue.
function Denque(array, options) {
  var options = options || {};

  this._head = 0;
  this._tail = 0;
  this._capacity = options.capacity;
  this._capacityMask = 0x3;
  this._list = new Array(4);
  if (Array.isArray(array)) {

 * -------------
 * -------------

 * Returns the item at the specified index from the list.
 * 0 is the first element, 1 is the second, and so on...
 * Elements at negative values are that many from the end: -1 is one before the end
 * (the last element), -2 is two before the end (one before last), etc.
 * @param index
 * @returns {*}
Denque.prototype.peekAt = function peekAt(index) {
  var i = index;
  // expect a number or return undefined
  if ((i !== (i | 0))) {
    return void 0;
  var len = this.size();
  if (i >= len || i < -len) return undefined;
  if (i < 0) i += len;
  i = (this._head + i) & this._capacityMask;
  return this._list[i];

 * Alias for peekAt()
 * @param i
 * @returns {*}
Denque.prototype.get = function get(i) {
  return this.peekAt(i);

 * Returns the first item in the list without removing it.
 * @returns {*}
Denque.prototype.peek = function peek() {
  if (this._head === this._tail) return undefined;
  return this._list[this._head];

 * Alias for peek()
 * @returns {*}
Denque.prototype.peekFront = function peekFront() {
  return this.peek();

 * Returns the item that is at the back of the queue without removing it.
 * Uses peekAt(-1)
Denque.prototype.peekBack = function peekBack() {
  return this.peekAt(-1);

 * Returns the current length of the queue
 * @return {Number}
Object.defineProperty(Denque.prototype, 'length', {
  get: function length() {
    return this.size();

 * Return the number of items on the list, or 0 if empty.
 * @returns {number}
Denque.prototype.size = function size() {
  if (this._head === this._tail) return 0;
  if (this._head < this._tail) return this._tail - this._head;
  else return this._capacityMask + 1 - (this._head - this._tail);

 * Add an item at the beginning of the list.
 * @param item
Denque.prototype.unshift = function unshift(item) {
  if (item === undefined) return this.size();
  var len = this._list.length;
  this._head = (this._head - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask;
  this._list[this._head] = item;
  if (this._tail === this._head) this._growArray();
  if (this._capacity && this.size() > this._capacity) this.pop();
  if (this._head < this._tail) return this._tail - this._head;
  else return this._capacityMask + 1 - (this._head - this._tail);

 * Remove and return the first item on the list,
 * Returns undefined if the list is empty.
 * @returns {*}
Denque.prototype.shift = function shift() {
  var head = this._head;
  if (head === this._tail) return undefined;
  var item = this._list[head];
  this._list[head] = undefined;
  this._head = (head + 1) & this._capacityMask;
  if (head < 2 && this._tail > 10000 && this._tail <= this._list.length >>> 2) this._shrinkArray();
  return item;

 * Add an item to the bottom of the list.
 * @param item
Denque.prototype.push = function push(item) {
  if (item === undefined) return this.size();
  var tail = this._tail;
  this._list[tail] = item;
  this._tail = (tail + 1) & this._capacityMask;
  if (this._tail === this._head) {
  if (this._capacity && this.size() > this._capacity) {
  if (this._head < this._tail) return this._tail - this._head;
  else return this._capacityMask + 1 - (this._head - this._tail);

 * Remove and return the last item on the list.
 * Returns undefined if the list is empty.
 * @returns {*}
Denque.prototype.pop = function pop() {
  var tail = this._tail;
  if (tail === this._head) return undefined;
  var len = this._list.length;
  this._tail = (tail - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask;
  var item = this._list[this._tail];
  this._list[this._tail] = undefined;
  if (this._head < 2 && tail > 10000 && tail <= len >>> 2) this._shrinkArray();
  return item;

 * Remove and return the item at the specified index from the list.
 * Returns undefined if the list is empty.
 * @param index
 * @returns {*}
Denque.prototype.removeOne = function removeOne(index) {
  var i = index;
  // expect a number or return undefined
  if ((i !== (i | 0))) {
    return void 0;
  if (this._head === this._tail) return void 0;
  var size = this.size();
  var len = this._list.length;
  if (i >= size || i < -size) return void 0;
  if (i < 0) i += size;
  i = (this._head + i) & this._capacityMask;
  var item = this._list[i];
  var k;
  if (index < size / 2) {
    for (k = index; k > 0; k--) {
      this._list[i] = this._list[i = (i - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask];
    this._list[i] = void 0;
    this._head = (this._head + 1 + len) & this._capacityMask;
  } else {
    for (k = size - 1 - index; k > 0; k--) {
      this._list[i] = this._list[i = ( i + 1 + len) & this._capacityMask];
    this._list[i] = void 0;
    this._tail = (this._tail - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask;
  return item;

 * Remove number of items from the specified index from the list.
 * Returns array of removed items.
 * Returns undefined if the list is empty.
 * @param index
 * @param count
 * @returns {array}
Denque.prototype.remove = function remove(index, count) {
  var i = index;
  var removed;
  var del_count = count;
  // expect a number or return undefined
  if ((i !== (i | 0))) {
    return void 0;
  if (this._head === this._tail) return void 0;
  var size = this.size();
  var len = this._list.length;
  if (i >= size || i < -size || count < 1) return void 0;
  if (i < 0) i += size;
  if (count === 1 || !count) {
    removed = new Array(1);
    removed[0] = this.removeOne(i);
    return removed;
  if (i === 0 && i + count >= size) {
    removed = this.toArray();
    return removed;
  if (i + count > size) count = size - i;
  var k;
  removed = new Array(count);
  for (k = 0; k < count; k++) {
    removed[k] = this._list[(this._head + i + k) & this._capacityMask];
  i = (this._head + i) & this._capacityMask;
  if (index + count === size) {
    this._tail = (this._tail - count + len) & this._capacityMask;
    for (k = count; k > 0; k--) {
      this._list[i = (i + 1 + len) & this._capacityMask] = void 0;
    return removed;
  if (index === 0) {
    this._head = (this._head + count + len) & this._capacityMask;
    for (k = count - 1; k > 0; k--) {
      this._list[i = (i + 1 + len) & this._capacityMask] = void 0;
    return removed;
  if (i < size / 2) {
    this._head = (this._head + index + count + len) & this._capacityMask;
    for (k = index; k > 0; k--) {
      this.unshift(this._list[i = (i - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask]);
    i = (this._head - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask;
    while (del_count > 0) {
      this._list[i = (i - 1 + len) & this._capacityMask] = void 0;
    if (index < 0) this._tail = i;
  } else {
    this._tail = i;
    i = (i + count + len) & this._capacityMask;
    for (k = size - (count + index); k > 0; k--) {
    i = this._tail;
    while (del_count > 0) {
      this._list[i = (i + 1 + len) & this._capacityMask] = void 0;
  if (this._head < 2 && this._tail > 10000 && this._tail <= len >>> 2) this._shrinkArray();
  return removed;

 * Native splice implementation.
 * Remove number of items from the specified index from the list and/or add new elements.
 * Returns array of removed items or empty array if count == 0.
 * Returns undefined if the list is empty.
 * @param index
 * @param count
 * @param {...*} [elements]
 * @returns {array}
Denque.prototype.splice = function splice(index, count) {
  var i = index;
  // expect a number or return undefined
  if ((i !== (i | 0))) {
    return void 0;
  var size = this.size();
  if (i < 0) i += size;
  if (i > size) return void 0;
  if (arguments.length > 2) {
    var k;
    var temp;
    var removed;
    var arg_len = arguments.length;
    var len = this._list.length;
    var arguments_index = 2;
    if (!size || i < size / 2) {
      temp = new Array(i);
      for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
        temp[k] = this._list[(this._head + k) & this._capacityMask];
      if (count === 0) {
        removed = [];
        if (i > 0) {
          this._head = (this._head + i + len) & this._capacityMask;
      } else {
        removed = this.remove(i, count);
        this._head = (this._head + i + len) & this._capacityMask;
      while (arg_len > arguments_index) {
      for (k = i; k > 0; k--) {
        this.unshift(temp[k - 1]);
    } else {
      temp = new Array(size - (i + count));
      var leng = temp.length;
      for (k = 0; k < leng; k++) {
        temp[k] = this._list[(this._head + i + count + k) & this._capacityMask];
      if (count === 0) {
        removed = [];
        if (i != size) {
          this._tail = (this._head + i + len) & this._capacityMask;
      } else {
        removed = this.remove(i, count);
        this._tail = (this._tail - leng + len) & this._capacityMask;
      while (arguments_index < arg_len) {
      for (k = 0; k < leng; k++) {
    return removed;
  } else {
    return this.remove(i, count);

 * Soft clear - does not reset capacity.
Denque.prototype.clear = function clear() {
  this._head = 0;
  this._tail = 0;

 * Returns true or false whether the list is empty.
 * @returns {boolean}
Denque.prototype.isEmpty = function isEmpty() {
  return this._head === this._tail;

 * Returns an array of all queue items.
 * @returns {Array}
Denque.prototype.toArray = function toArray() {
  return this._copyArray(false);

 * -------------
 * -------------

 * Fills the queue with items from an array
 * For use in the constructor
 * @param array
 * @private
Denque.prototype._fromArray = function _fromArray(array) {
  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) this.push(array[i]);

 * @param fullCopy
 * @returns {Array}
 * @private
Denque.prototype._copyArray = function _copyArray(fullCopy) {
  var newArray = [];
  var list = this._list;
  var len = list.length;
  var i;
  if (fullCopy || this._head > this._tail) {
    for (i = this._head; i < len; i++) newArray.push(list[i]);
    for (i = 0; i < this._tail; i++) newArray.push(list[i]);
  } else {
    for (i = this._head; i < this._tail; i++) newArray.push(list[i]);
  return newArray;

 * Grows the internal list array.
 * @private
Denque.prototype._growArray = function _growArray() {
  if (this._head) {
    // copy existing data, head to end, then beginning to tail.
    this._list = this._copyArray(true);
    this._head = 0;

  // head is at 0 and array is now full, safe to extend
  this._tail = this._list.length;

  this._list.length *= 2;
  this._capacityMask = (this._capacityMask << 1) | 1;

 * Shrinks the internal list array.
 * @private
Denque.prototype._shrinkArray = function _shrinkArray() {
  this._list.length >>>= 1;
  this._capacityMask >>>= 1;