// ==UserScript==
// @name Plurk Lib
// @description An unofficial library for Plurk
// @version 0.1.1
// @license MIT
// @namespace https://github.com/stdai1016
// @include https://www.plurk.com/*
// @exclude https://www.plurk.com/_*
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion: 6 */
const plurklib = (function () { // eslint-disable-line
'use strict';
/* class */
class PlurkRecord {
constructor (target, type = null) {
this.target = target;
this.type = type;
this.plurks = [];
class PlurkObserver {
* @param {Function} callback
constructor (callback) {
this._observe = false;
this._mo_tl = new MutationObserver(function (mrs) {
const records = [];
mrs.forEach(mr => {
const pr = new PlurkRecord(mr.target, 'plurk');
mr.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
const plurk = Plurk.analysisElement(node);
if (plurk) pr.plurks.push(plurk);
if (pr.plurks.length) records.push(pr);
this._mo_resp = new MutationObserver(function (mrs) {
const records = [];
mrs.forEach(mr => {
const pr = new PlurkRecord(mr.target, 'plurk');
mr.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
const plurk = Plurk.analysisElement(node);
if (plurk) pr.plurks.push(plurk);
if (pr.plurks.length) records.push(pr);
observe (options = { plurk: false }) {
if (options?.plurk) {
this._observe = true;
getElementAsync('#timeline_cnt .block_cnt', document) // timeline
.then(tl => this._mo_tl.observe(tl, { childList: true }), e => {});
getElementAsync('#cbox_response .list', document) // pop window
.then(list => this._mo_resp.observe(list, { childList: true }));
getElementAsync('#form_holder .list', document) // resp in timeline
.then(list => this._mo_resp.observe(list, { childList: true }));
// resp in article
getElementAsync('#plurk_responses .list', document).then(
list => this._mo_resp.observe(list, { childList: true }),
e => {}
if (!this._observe) throw Error();
disconnect () {
class Plurk {
* @param {object} pdata
constructor (pdata, target) {
Plurk.ATTRIBUTES.forEach(a => { this[a] = pdata[a]; });
this.target = target;
get isMute () { return this.is_unread === 2; }
get isResponse () { return this.id !== this.plurk_id; }
get isReplurk () {
return !this.isResponse && this.user_id !== this.owner_id;
* @param {HTMLElement} node
* @returns {Plurk}
static analysisElement (node) {
if (!node.classList.contains('plurk')) return null;
return new Plurk(analysisElement(node), node);
/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */
/** attributes for plurk | response */
'owner_id', // posted by
'plurk_id', // the plurk | the plurk that the response belongs to
'user_id', // which timeline does this Plurk belong to | unused
'replurker_id', // replurked by | unused
'id', // plurk id | response id
'qualifier', // qualifier
'content', // HTMLElement if exist
// 'content_raw',
// 'lang',
'posted', // the date this plurk was posted
'last_edited', // the last date this plurk was edited
'plurk_type', // 0: public, 1: private, 4: anonymous | unused
// 'limited_to',
// 'excluded',
// 'publish_to_followers',
// 'no_comments',
'porn', // has 'porn' tag | unused
'anonymous', // is anonymous
'is_unread', // 0: read, 1: unread, 2: muted | unused
// 'has_gift', // current user sent a gift?
'coins', // number of users sent gift
'favorite', // favorited by current user
'favorite_count', // number of users favorite it
// 'favorers', // favorers
'replurked', // replurked by current user
'replurkers_count', // number of users replurked it
// 'replurkers', // replurkers
'replurkable', // replurkable
// 'responded', // responded by current user
'response_count' // number of responses | unused
// 'responses_seen',
// 'bookmark',
// 'mentioned' // current user is mentioned
/* eslist-enable */
function getElementAsync (selectors, target, timeout = 100) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const i = setTimeout(function () {
const el = target.querySelector(selectors);
if (el) resolve(el);
else reject(Error(`get "${selectors}" timeout`));
}, timeout);
const mo = new MutationObserver(r => r.forEach(mu => {
const el = mu.target.querySelector(selectors);
if (el) { stop(); resolve(el); }
mo.observe(target, { childList: true, subtree: true });
function stop () { clearTimeout(i); mo.disconnect(); }
* @param {HTMLElement} node
* @returns {object}
function analysisElement (node) {
const user = node.querySelector('.td_qual a.name') ||
node.querySelector('.user a.name');
const posted = node.querySelector('.posted');
const isResponse = node.classList.contains('response');
const isReplurk = !isResponse && user.dataset.uid !== node.dataset.uid;
return {
owner_id: parseInt(node.dataset.uid || user.dataset.uid),
plurk_id: parseInt(node.dataset.pid),
user_id: getPageUserData()?.id || parseInt(user.dataset.uid),
posted: posted ? new Date(posted.dataset.posted) : null,
replurker_id: isReplurk ? parseInt(user.dataset.uid) : null,
id: parseInt(node.id.substr(1) || node.dataset.rid || node.dataset.pid),
qualifier: (function () {
const qualifier = node.querySelector('.text_holder .qualifier') ||
for (const c of qualifier?.classList || []) {
if (!c.startsWith('q_') || c === 'q_replurks') continue;
return c.substr(2);
return ':';
content: node.querySelector('.text_holder .text_holder') ||
// content_raw,
// lang,
response_count: parseInt(node.dataset.respcount) || 0,
// responses_seen,
// limited_to,
// excluded,
// no_comments,
plurk_type: (function () {
if (node.dataset.uid === '99999') return 4;
if (node.querySelector('.private')) return 1;
return 0;
is_unread: (function () {
if (node.classList.contains('mute')) return 2;
if (node.classList.contains('new')) return 1;
return 0;
last_edited: posted?.dataset.edited
? new Date(posted.dataset.edited)
: null,
porn: node.classList.contains('porn'),
// publish_to_followers,
coins: parseInt(node.querySelector('a.gift')?.innerText) || 0,
// has_gift,
replurked: node.classList.contains('replurk'),
// replurkers,
parseInt(node.querySelector('a.replurk')?.innerText) || 0,
replurkable: node.querySelector('a.replurk') !== null,
// favorers,
favorite_count: parseInt(node.querySelector('a.like')?.innerText) || 0,
anonymous: node.dataset.uid === '99999',
// responded,
favorite: node.classList.contains('favorite')
// bookmark,
// mentioned
const _GLOBAL = (function () {
function cp (o) {
const n = {};
for (const k in o) {
if (o[k] instanceof Date) n[k] = new Date(o[k]);
else if (typeof o[k] !== 'object') n[k] = o[k];
else n[k] = cp(o[k]);
return n;
if (typeof unsafeWindow === 'undefined') {
if (window.GLOBAL) return cp(window.GLOBAL);// eslint-disable-line
// eslint-disable-next-line
} else if (unsafeWindow.GLOBAL) return cp(unsafeWindow.GLOBAL);
for (const scr of document.querySelectorAll('script')) {
try {
const text = scr.textContent
.replace(/new Date\("([\w ,:]+)"\)/g, '"new Date(\\"$1\\")"');
const i = text.indexOf('var GLOBAL = {');
return (function dd (o) {
for (const k in o) {
if (typeof o[k] === 'object') dd(o[k]);
else if (typeof o[k] === 'string' && o[k].startsWith('new Date')) {
const m = o[k].match(/new Date\("([\w ,:]+)"\)/);
o[k] = m ? new Date(m[1]) : null;
return o;
})(JSON.parse(text.substring(i + 13, text.indexOf('\n', i))));
} catch {}
* @returns {object}
function getUserData () { return _GLOBAL?.session_user; }
* @returns {object}
function getPageUserData () { return _GLOBAL?.page_user; }
/* ## API */
* @param {string} path
* @param {object} options
* @returns {Promise<any>}
async function callApi (path, options = null) {
options = options || {};
let body = '';
for (const k in options) {
body += `&${encodeURIComponent(k)}=${encodeURIComponent(options[k])}`;
body = body.substr(1);
const init = { method: 'POST', credentials: 'same-origin' };
if (body.length) {
init.body = body;
init.headers = { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' };
path = path.startsWith('/') ? path : '/' + path;
const resp = await fetch(`https://www.plurk.com${path}`, init);
if (!resp.ok) {
throw Error(`${resp.status} ${resp.statusText}: ${await resp.text()}`);
return resp.json();
/* ### Notifications */
* @param {number} limit
* @param {string|number|Date} offset
* @returns {Promise<object>}
async function getNotificationsMixed2 (limit = 20, offset = null) {
const options = { limit: limit };
if (offset) options.offset = (new Date(offset)).toISOString();
return callApi('/Notifications/getMixed2', options);
/* ### Responses */
async function getResponses (plurkId, from = 0) {
return callApi('/Responses/get',
{ plurk_id: plurkId, from_response_id: from });
/* ### Users */
async function fetchUserAliases () {
return callApi('/Users/fetchUserAliases');
* @param {number|string} userIdOrNickName
* @returns {Promise<object>}
async function fetchUserInfo (userIdOrNickName) {
let id = null;
if (/^\d+$/.test(`${userIdOrNickName}`)) id = `${userIdOrNickName}`;
else {
const resp = await fetch(`https://www.plurk.com/${userIdOrNickName}`);
const html = resp.ok ? (await resp.text()) : '';
const doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
for (const scr of doc.head.querySelectorAll('script:not([src])')) {
const i = scr.textContent.indexOf('"page_user"');
if (i < 0) continue;
const text = scr.textContent.substr(i, 128);
id = text.match(/"id" *: *(\d+) *,/)?.[1];
if (id) break;
return callApi('/Users/fetchUserInfo', { user_id: id });
* @param {number} userId
* @returns {Promise<string[]>}
async function getCustomCss (userId = null) {
userId = userId || getPageUserData().id;
const url = `https://www.plurk.com/Users/getCustomCss?user_id=${userId}`;
const rules = await (await fetch(url)).text();
return rules.split(/\r?\n/);
return {
Plurk: Plurk,
PlurkRecord: PlurkRecord,
PlurkObserver: PlurkObserver,
getUserData: getUserData,
getPageUserData: getPageUserData,
callApi: callApi,
getNotificationsMixed2: getNotificationsMixed2,
fetchUserAliases: fetchUserAliases,
fetchUserInfo: fetchUserInfo,
getResponses: getResponses,
getCustomCss: getCustomCss