// ==UserScript==
// @name 官种保种统计
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/432969
// @version 0.9.3
// @description Count the seeding torrents, support PTer, SKY, OB, CHD, Hares, PTH, hddolby, tjupt, TTG, HDH, ???, HDC
// @author ccf2012
// @source https://github.com/ccf-2012/ptnote
// @match https://hdsky.me/userdetails.php?id=*
// @match https://ourbits.club/userdetails.php?id=*
// @match https://chdbits.co/userdetails.php?id=*
// @match https://club.hares.top/userdetails.php?id=*
// @match https://*.pthome.net/userdetails.php?id=*
// @match https://*.hddolby.com/userdetails.php?id=*
// @match https://*.tjupt.org/userdetails.php?id=*
// @match https://totheglory.im/userdetails.php?id=*
// @match https://hdhome.org/userdetails.php?id=*
// @match https://hdchina.org/userdetails.php?id=*
// @match https://springsunday.net/userdetails.php?id=*
// @match https://pterclub.com/userdetails.php?id=*
// @icon https://ourbits.club//favicon.ico
// @grant GM_addElement
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
var config = [
host : "hdsky.me",
abbrev: "SKY",
seedList: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
seedListSize: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)",
seedingSummary: "#ka1 > b",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDS)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'HDSky',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(HDSky)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'HDS',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(HDS)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'HDSWEB',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDSWEB)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'HDSTV',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDSTV)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'HDSPad',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDSPad)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'Others',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDS)\w./i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
useTitle: true,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "pterclub.com",
abbrev: "PTer",
seedList: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(1)",
seedListSize: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4)",
seedingSummary: "#ka1",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTer)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'PTer',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(PTer)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'PTerWEB',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTerWEB)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'PTerMV',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTerMV)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'PTerTV',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTerTV)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'PTerGame',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTerGame)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
useTitle: true,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "ourbits.club",
abbrev: "OB",
seedList: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
seedListSize: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)",
seedingSummary: "#ka1 > b",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(Our|PbK|iLoveTV|FLTTH|Ao|MGs|HosT|iLoveHD)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'OurBits',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(OurBits)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'OurTV',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(OurTV)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'FLTTH',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(FLTTH)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'Ao',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(Ao)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'PbK',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PbK)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'MGs',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PbK)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'iLoveTV',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(iLoveTV)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'iLoveHD',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(iLoveHD)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
useTitle: true,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "chdbits.co",
abbrev: "CHD",
seedList: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
seedListSize: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)",
seedingSummary: "#ka1 > b",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(CHD|blucook|HQC|GBT|KAN|OneHD)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'CHD',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(CHD)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'CHDBits',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(CHDBits)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'CHDTV',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(CHDTV)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'CHDPAD',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(CHDPAD)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'CHDWEB',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(CHDWEB)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'CHDHKTV',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(CHDHKTV)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'StBOX',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(StBOX)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'OneHD',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(OneHD)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
], useTitle: true,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "club.hares.top",
abbrev: "Hares",
seedList: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
seedListSize: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)",
seedingSummary: "#ka1 > b",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(Hares)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'Hares',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(Hares)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'HaresWEB',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(HaresWEB)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'HaresTV',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(HaresTV)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
useTitle: true,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "pthome.net",
abbrev: "PTH",
seedList: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
seedListSize: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)",
seedingSummary: "#ka1 > b",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTH)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'PTHome',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(PTHome)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'PTH',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTH)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'PTHweb',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTHweb)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'PTHtv',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTHtv)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'PTHeBook',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTHeBook)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'PTHAudio',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTHAudio)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'PTHmusic',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(PTHmusic)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
], useTitle: true,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "springsunday.net",
abbrev: "SSD",
seedList: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
seedListSize: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)",
seedingSummary: "#ka1 > b",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(CMCT)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'CMCT',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(CMCT)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'CMCTV',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(CMCTV)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
useTitle: true,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "hdhome.org",
abbrev: "HDH",
seedList: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
seedListSize: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)",
seedingSummary: "#ka1 > b",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDH)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'HDHome',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(HDHome)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'HDH',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDH)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'HDHTV',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDHTV)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'HDHPad',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDHPad)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'HDHWEB',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDHWEB)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
useTitle: true,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "hdchina.org",
abbrev: "HDC",
seedList: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
seedListSize: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)",
seedingSummary: "#ka1 > p",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDC|k9611|tudou|iHD)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'HDC',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(HDC)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'k9611',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(k9611)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'tudou',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(tudou)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'iHD',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(iHD)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
useTitle: true,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "hddolby.com",
abbrev: "DB",
seedList: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
seedListSize: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)",
seedingSummary: "#ka1 > b",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(Dream|DBTV|QHstudIo|HDo)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'Dream',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(Dream)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'DBTV',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(DBTV)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'QHstudIo',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(QHstudIo)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'HDo',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(HDo)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
useTitle: true,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "tjupt.org",
abbrev: "TJU",
seedList: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
seedListSize: "#ka1 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)",
seedingSummary: "#ka1 > b",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(TJUPT)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'TJUPT',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(TJUPT)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
useTitle: true,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "totheglory.im",
abbrev: "TTG",
seedList: "#ka2 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a",
seedListSize: "#ka2 > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4)",
"#main_table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td > table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(16) > td:nth-child(2)",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(TTG|Wiki|NGB|DoA|ARiN|ExREN)/i,
groups: [
groupName: 'TTG',
groupRegex : /[@-]\s?(TTG)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'Wiki',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(Wiki)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'NGB',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(NGB)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'DoA',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(DoA)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'ARiN',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(ARiN)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
groupName: 'ExREN',
groupRegex: /[@-]\s?(ExREN)\b/i,
groupCount: 0,
groupSize: 0,
useTitle: false,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "frds",
abbrev: "FRDS",
seedList: "",
seedListSize: "",
seedingSummary: "",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(FRDS)/i,
useTitle: false,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "beitai",
abbrev: "BeiTai",
seedList: "",
seedListSize: "",
seedingSummary: "",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(BeiTai)/i,
useTitle: false,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "beast",
abbrev: "beAst",
seedList: "",
seedListSize: "",
seedingSummary: "",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(beAst)/i,
useTitle: false,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
host: "Others",
abbrev: "Others",
seedList: "",
seedListSize: "",
siteRegex: /[@-]\s?(Others)/i,
useTitle: false,
torCount: 0,
torSize: 0,
const TTG_INDEX = 11;
var OTHERS_INDEX = config.length-1;
function formatBytes(bytes, decimals = 2) {
if (bytes === 0) return "0 Bytes";
const k = 1024;
const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;
const sizes = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"];
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));
return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + " " + sizes[i];
function sizeStrToBytes(sizeStr) {
var regex = /[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?/g;
var num = sizeStr.match(regex).map(function (v) {
return parseFloat(v);
var size = 0;
if (sizeStr.match(/(KB|KiB)/i)) {
size = num * 1024;
} else if (sizeStr.match(/(MB|MiB)/i)) {
size = num * 1024 * 1024;
} else if (sizeStr.match(/(GB|GiB)/i)) {
size = num * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
} else if (sizeStr.match(/(TB|TiB)/i)) {
size = num * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
} else {
size = num;
return size;
function getSeedList(seedHtml, theConfig) {
var seedList = seedHtml.querySelectorAll(
var seedListSize = seedHtml.querySelectorAll(
var totalTorCount = 0;
var totalTorSize = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < seedList.length; i++) {
var torName;
var torSize;
var foundGroup;
if (theConfig.useTitle) torName = seedList[i].title;
else torName = seedList[i].innerText;
torSize = sizeStrToBytes(seedListSize[i + 1].innerText);
totalTorCount ++;
totalTorSize += torSize;
var foundConfig = config.find(cc => torName.match(cc.siteRegex))
if (foundConfig){
foundConfig.torCount ++;
if (foundConfig == theConfig) {
seedList[i].parentNode.style = "background-color: lightgreen;";
foundGroup = theConfig.groups.find(gg => torName.match(gg.groupRegex));
if (foundGroup){
foundGroup.groupSize += torSize;
foundConfig.torSize += torSize;
} else {
config[OTHERS_INDEX].torCount ++;
config[OTHERS_INDEX].torSize += torSize;
GM_addStyle("#ot_block {font-weight: bold;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;}");
GM_addStyle("#ot_block td, #ot_summary th{vertical-align: top;border: none;padding: 18px;}");
GM_addStyle("#ot_summary {font-weight: normal;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;}");
GM_addStyle("#ot_summary tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2;}");
GM_addStyle("#ot_summary tr:hover {background-color: #ddd;}");
GM_addStyle("#ot_summary td, #ot_summary th{border: 1px solid #ddd;padding: 4px;}");
GM_addStyle("#ot_summary th{padding-top: 6px;padding-bottom: 6px;text-align: left;color: white;background-color: #2f4879;}");
var groupSumary = '<table id="ot_summary"><tr><th>官组</th><th>数量</th><th>大小</th><tbody>';
for (i=0; i<theConfig.groups.length; i++){
if (theConfig.groups[i].groupCount >0){
groupSumary += '<tr><td>'+theConfig.groups[i].groupName+'</td><td>'+theConfig.groups[i].groupCount+'</td><td>' +formatBytes(theConfig.groups[i].groupSize)+'</td></tr>';
groupSumary += '</tbody></table>';
var sitesSumary = '<table id="ot_summary"><tr><th>各站官种</th><th>数量</th><th>大小</th>';
for (i=0; i<config.length; i++ )
if (config[i].torCount > 0) {
sitesSumary += '<tr><td>'+config[i].abbrev + '</td><td>'+ config[i].torCount + '</td><td>' + formatBytes(config[i].torSize) + '</td></tr>';
sitesSumary += '</tbody></table>';
var summary = document.querySelector(theConfig.seedingSummary);
summary.innerHTML = '<table id="ot_block"><tbody><tr><td>'+
'作种总数:' + totalTorCount + ' 总大小: '+ formatBytes(totalTorSize) + '<p>' + sitesSumary +
'本站官种数量:' + theConfig.torCount + ' 官种大小: '+ formatBytes(theConfig.torSize) + '<p>' + groupSumary +
'</td></tr></tbody></table>'+summary.innerHTML ;
(function () {
"use strict";
if (window.location.host == "totheglory.im") {
getSeedList(document, config[TTG_INDEX]); // REMEMBER THIS
} else {
var intv = setInterval(function() {
var elems = document.querySelectorAll('#ka1 > table > tbody > tr');
if (elems && elems.length < 1){
return false;
//when element is found, clear the interval.
var thisConfig = config.find(cc => window.location.host.includes(cc.host));
if (thisConfig) getSeedList(document, thisConfig);
}, 1000);