Greasy Fork

Find User

You can use /user/ztrztr to find the user called "ztrztr"!

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Find User
// @namespace
// @version      0.4
// @description  You can use /user/ztrztr to find the user called "ztrztr"!
// @author       ztrztr
// @match        *://**
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    var url = window.location.href;
    //User Finder
    var res = url.split("/");
    if (res[3] == "user") {
        fetch('' + res[4])
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => {
            var dataa = data.users[0]
            if (data.users.length == 0) window.location.replace("");
            if (res[4] != dataa.uid.split("#")[0]) {
                window.location.replace("" + dataa.uid);
    //Auto-Message sender
    setInterval(function() {
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => {
                window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
        if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === "'") {
                    fetch("", {
                    headers: [
                        ["content-type", "application/json"],
                        ["referer", ""],
                        ["x-csrf-token", document.querySelector("meta[name=csrf-token]").content],
                    body: JSON.stringify({
                        user: data.currentData.latestMessages.result[0].sender.uid,
                        content: "[Auto-reply]This OIer was coding,pls conntect him or her later!",
                    method: "POST",
            if (localStorage.getItem("msgCnt") == 0) localStorage.setItem("msgCnt", data.currentData.latestMessages.result.length);

            if (data.currentData.latestMessages.result.length != localStorage.getItem("msgCnt")) {
                fetch("", {
                    headers: [
                        ["content-type", "application/json"],
                        ["referer", ""],
                        ["x-csrf-token", document.querySelector("meta[name=csrf-token]").content],
                    body: JSON.stringify({
                        user: data.currentData.latestMessages.result[0].sender.uid,
                        content: "[Auto-reply]This OIer was coding,pls conntect him or her later!",
                    method: "POST",
    }, 1000);