Greasy Fork

VGA Bot-Core

Library of functions for NU bot library

此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name          VGA Bot-Core
// @namespace     daunting/bot
// @version       0.1
// @date          2018-04-01
// @author        Daunting
// @description   Library of functions for NU bot library
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include				userscript
// @resource      userscript
// @homepage
// ==/UserScript==
function wrapper () { // wrapper for injection
   if (vgap.version < 3.0) 
      console.log("VGABot-Core plugin requires at least NU version 3.0. Plugin disabled." );
   var plugin_version = 0.1;
   console.log("VGABot-Core plugin version: v" + plugin_version );
   *  Specify your plugin
   *  You need to have all those methods defined or errors will be thrown. 
   *  I inserted the print-outs in order to demonstrate when each method is 
   *  being called. Just comment them out once you know your way around.
   *  For any access to plugin class variables and methods, 
   *  "vgap.plugins["vgaBot"].my_variable" has to be used 
   *  instead of "this.my_variable".
   var vgaBotCore = 

       * processload: executed whenever a turn is loaded: either the current turn or
       * an older turn through time machine 
      processload: function() 
	 			console.log("ProcessLoad: plugin called.");
       * loaddashboard: executed to rebuild the dashboard content after a turn is loaded
      loaddashboard: function() 
   			console.log("LoadDashboard: plugin called.");

       * showdashboard: executed when switching from starmap to dashboard
      showdashboard: function() 
	 			console.log("ShowDashboard: plugin called.");
       * showsummary: executed when returning to the main screen of the dashboard
      showsummary: function() 
	 			console.log("ShowSummary: plugin called.");
       * loadmap: executed after the first turn has been loaded to create the map
       * as far as I can tell not executed again when using time machine
      loadmap: function() 
	 			console.log("LoadMap: plugin called.");
       * showmap: executed when switching from dashboard to starmap
      showmap: function() 
	 			console.log("ShowMap: plugin called.");
       * draw: executed on any click or drag on the starmap
      draw: function() 
	 			console.log("Draw: plugin called.");
       * loadplanet: executed a planet is selected on dashboard or starmap
      loadplanet: function() 
	 			console.log("LoadPlanet: plugin called.");
       * loadstarbase: executed a planet is selected on dashboard or starmap
      loadstarbase: function() 
        console.log("LoadStarbase: plugin called.");
       * loadship: executed a planet is selected on dashboard or starmap
      loadship: function() 
				console.log("LoadShip: plugin called.");
       * Custom plugin variables
      missionEnum: {
        EXPLORATION: 0,
        HISS: 8,
        CLOAK: 9,
  			BEAMFUEL: 10,
    	  BEAMDUR: 11,
     	  BEAMTRIT: 12,
     	  BEAMMOLY: 13,
     		BEAMSUP: 14
     * Unload freighters
     unloadToPlanet: function(ship, planet)
     		vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].transferClans(ship, planet, ship.clans);
        vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].transferSupplies(ship, planet,;
        vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].transferDur(ship, planet, ship.duranium);
        vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].transferTrit(ship, planet, ship.tritanium);
        vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].transferMoly(ship, planet, ship.molybdenum);
        vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].transferCredits(ship, planet, ship.megacredits);
     transferClans: function(src, dest, nClans)
       if (src.clans >= nClans)
          if (dest.ownerid == src.ownerid)
            dest.clans += nClans;
            dest.changed = 1;
            src.transferclans += nClans;
            vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].setTransferTarget(src, dest);
          src.clans -= nClans;
          src.changed = 1;
     transferSupplies: function(src, dest, nSupplies)
       if ( >= nSupplies)
          if (dest.ownerid == src.ownerid)
   += nSupplies;
            dest.changed = 1;
            src.transfersupplies += nSupplies;         
            vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].setTransferTarget(src, dest);
 -= nSupplies;
          src.changed = 1;
     transferDur: function(src, dest, nDur)
       if (src.duranium >= nDur)
          if (dest.ownerid == src.ownerid)
            dest.duranium += nDur;
            dest.changed = 1;
            src.transferduranium += nDur;
					  vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].setTransferTarget(src, dest);
          src.duranium -= nDur;
          src.changed = 1;
     transferTrit: function(src, dest, nTrit)
       if (src.tritanium >= nTrit)
          if (dest.ownerid == src.ownerid)
            dest.tritanium += nTrit;
            dest.changed = 1;
            src.transfertritanium += nTrit;
            vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].setTransferTarget(src, dest);
          src.tritanium -= nTrit;
          src.changed = 1;
     transferMoly: function(src, dest, nMoly)
       if (src.molybdenum >= nMoly)
          if (dest.ownerid == src.ownerid)
            dest.molybdenum += nMoly;
            dest.changed = 1;
            src.transfermolybdenum += nMoly;          
            vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].setTransferTarget(src, dest);
          src.molybdenum -= nMoly;
          src.changed = 1;
     transferCredits: function(src, dest, nCredits)
       if (src.megacredits >= nCredits && dest.ownerid == src.ownerid)
          dest.megacredits += nCredits;         
          src.megacredits -= nCredits;
          src.changed = 1;
          dest.changed = 1;
     setTransferTarget: function(src, dest)
        src.transfertargetid =;
        if (dest.isPlanet)
        	src.transfertargettype = 1;
        else if (dest.isShip)
          src.transfertargettype = 0;
     * Move Ships
     findNearestStarbase: function(target)
       var min = 100000;
       var ret = null;
       for (var i=0; i<vgap.planets.length; i++)
         var planet = vgap.planets[i];
         if ( planet.ownerid == && planet.isbase)
            var distance = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcDistance(planet, target);
           	if (distance < min)
              min = distance;
              ret = planet;
       return ret;
     orbittingPlanet: function(ship)
       for (var i=0; i<vgap.planets.length; i++)
         var planet = vgap.planets[i];
         if ( (ship.x == planet.x && ship.y == planet.y) )
         		return planet;
       return null;
      * TODO: Need to make sure ships don't go to the same planet.
     findNearestUnownedPlanet: function(thing)
       var min = 100000;
       var ret = null;
       for (var i=0; i<vgap.planets.length; i++)
         var planet = vgap.planets[i];
         if ( (thing.x != planet.x || thing.y != planet.y) && planet.ownerid == 0)
            var distance = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcDistance(planet, thing);
           	if (distance < min)
              min = distance;
              ret = planet;
       return ret;
     findNearestEnemyPlanet: function(thing)
       var min = 100000;
       var ret = null;
       for (var i=0; i<vgap.planets.length; i++)
         var planet = vgap.planets[i];
         if ( (thing.x != planet.x || thing.y != planet.y) && planet.ownerid != 0 && planet.ownerid !=
            var distance = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcDistance(planet, thing);
           	if (distance < min)
              min = distance;
              ret = planet;
       return ret;

     calcDistance: function(a, b)
       return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.x-b.x,2) + Math.pow(a.y-b.y,2));
     createWaypoint: function(ship, dest)
       var waypoint = {, x1:ship.x, y1:ship.y, x2:dest.x, y2:dest.y, color:"#009900", dasharray:null};
       ship.targetx = dest.x;
       ship.targety = dest.y; = dest;
       ship.warp = ship.engineid;
       ship.changed = 1;
     clearWaypoint: function(ship)
       ship.targetx = ship.x;
       ship.targety = ship.y; = null;
       ship.changed = 1;
     loadFuel: function(ship)
       	var fuelAvailable = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].getFuelAvailable(ship);
       	var planet = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].orbittingPlanet(ship);
        var sbPlanet = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].findNearestStarbase(;
        var returnFuel = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcFuelConsumption(ship,, sbPlanet, false);
        var needed = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcFuelConsumption(ship, ship,, true) + returnFuel;
        var added = 0;
        console.log("Ship " + + ": Needed: " + needed + " Ship: " + ship.neutronium + " Available: " + fuelAvailable + " Return: " + returnFuel);
        while (needed > ship.neutronium && needed < fuelAvailable)
          if (needed > ship.neutronium)
            if (planet != null && planet.ownerid ==
              var adding = needed - ship.neutronium;
              added += adding;
              planet.neutronium -= adding;
              ship.neutronium += adding;
          needed = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcFuelConsumption(ship, ship,, true) + returnFuel;
        if (ship.neutronium < needed && added > 0)
          ship.neutronium -= added;
          planet.neutronium += added;
        else if (planet != null && planet.neutronium > 0 && planet.ownerid ==
          planet.neutronium -= 1;
          ship.neutronium += 1;
        console.log("Added fuel: " + added);
        return ship.neutronium >= needed;
     calcFuelConsumption: function(ship, start, dest, includeCargo)
       var fuelFactor = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].getFuelFactor(ship);
       var mass = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].getMass(ship, includeCargo);
       var distance = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcDistance(start, dest);
       var cloakFuel = 0;
       if (ship.mission == vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].missionEnum.CLOAK)
       		var turns = Math.ceil(distance / Math.pow(ship.engineid,2));
       		var hull = vgap.getHull(ship.hullid);
          cloakFuel = Math.ceil(hull.mass / 20) * turns;
       console.log("mass: " + mass + " cloakFuel: " + cloakFuel + " distance: " + distance + " factor: " + fuelFactor);
       return Math.truncate(fuelFactor * Math.truncate(mass / 10) * Math.truncate(distance / Math.pow(ship.engineid,2)) / 10000) + cloakFuel;
     getFuelFactor: function(ship)
       var engine = vgap.getEngine(ship.engineid);
       return engine.warps[ship.engineid-1];

     getMass: function(ship, includeCargo)
       var mass = 0;
       var hull = vgap.getHull(ship.hullid);
       mass += hull.mass;
       if (ship.torpedoid != 0)
         var torps = vgap.getTorpedo(ship.torpedoid);
       	 mass += torps.mass * ship.torps;
       if (ship.beamid != 0)
         var beam = vgap.getBeam(ship.beamid);
       	 mass += beam.mass * ship.beams;
       //Will still have ammo
       mass += ship.ammo;
       if (includeCargo)
         mass += ship.duranium + ship.tritanium + ship.molybdenum + + ship.clans +
       return mass;       
     getFuelAvailable: function(ship)
       var planet = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].orbittingPlanet(ship);
       var fuel = ship.neutronium;
       if (planet != null && planet.ownerid == ship.ownerid)
         fuel += planet.neutronium;
       return fuel;

     * Intel
     hasOrbitingShip: function(planet)
       var ret = false;
       for (var i=0; i<vgap.myships.length; i++)
         var ship = vgap.myships[i];
         if (ship.x == planet.x && ship.y == planet.y)
           ret = true;
       return ret;
     shouldCloak: function(ship)
       var cloak = true;
       var hull = vgap.getHull(ship.hullid);
       //Can it cloak?
       if (!hull.cancloak)
       		cloak = false;
       //Is it moving (currently only cloaking when moving ...)?
       //TODO: Put in tactical decision to cloak on friendly planets or in space.
       if (cloak)
          if ( == null)
						cloak = false;
       //Target a friendly planet?
       if (cloak)
         if ( && == ship.ownerid)
           cloak = false;
       return cloak;

     * Build Ships
     calcShipCredits: function(shipAssembly, base)
       console.log("Ship hull name: " +;
       var credits = shipAssembly.hull.cost +
           shipAssembly.hull.engines * shipAssembly.engine.cost;
       if (shipAssembly.hull.launchers != 0 && shipAssembly.torp != null)
         credits += shipAssembly.hull.launchers * shipAssembly.torp.launchercost;
       if (shipAssembly.hull.beams != 0 && shipAssembly.beam != null)
         credits += shipAssembly.hull.beams * shipAssembly.beam.cost;
       credits += vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcTechCost(base.hulltechlevel, shipAssembly.hull.techlevel);
       credits += vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcTechCost(base.enginetechlevel, shipAssembly.engine.techlevel);
       credits += vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcTechCost(base.torptechlevel, shipAssembly.torp.techlevel);
       credits += vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcTechCost(base.beamtechlevel, shipAssembly.beam.techlevel);
       return credits;
     calcTechCost: function(baseTech, shipTech)
       var cost = 0;
       if (baseTech < shipTech)
         for (i=baseTech; i<shipTech; i++)
           cost += i*100;
       //Have we upgraded to level 9 (i.e. 10)
       if (shipTech == 9 && cost > 0)
         cost += 900;
       if (cost > 0)
       		console.log("Tech Cost: " + cost);        
       		console.log("Upgrade from " + baseTech + " to " + shipTech);
       return cost;
     calcShipDur: function(shipAssembly)
       var dur = shipAssembly.hull.duranium +
           shipAssembly.hull.engines * shipAssembly.engine.duranium;
       if (shipAssembly.hull.launchers != 0 && shipAssembly.torp != null)
         dur += shipAssembly.hull.launchers * shipAssembly.torp.duranium;
       if (shipAssembly.hull.beams != 0 && shipAssembly.beam != null)
         dur += shipAssembly.hull.beams * shipAssembly.beam.duranium;
       return dur;
     calcShipTrit: function(shipAssembly)
       var trit = shipAssembly.hull.tritanium +
           shipAssembly.hull.engines * shipAssembly.engine.tritanium;
       if (shipAssembly.hull.launchers != 0 && shipAssembly.torp != null)
         trit += shipAssembly.hull.launchers * shipAssembly.torp.tritanium;
       if (shipAssembly.hull.beams != 0 && shipAssembly.beam != null)
         trit += shipAssembly.hull.beams * shipAssembly.beam.tritanium;
       return trit;
     calcShipMoly: function(shipAssembly)
       var moly = shipAssembly.hull.molybdenum +
           shipAssembly.hull.engines * shipAssembly.engine.molybdenum;
       if (shipAssembly.hull.launchers != 0 && shipAssembly.torp != null)
         moly += shipAssembly.hull.launchers * shipAssembly.torp.molybdenum;
       if (shipAssembly.hull.beams != 0 && shipAssembly.beam != null)
         moly += shipAssembly.hull.beams * shipAssembly.beam.molybdenum;
       return moly;
     findHullNamed: function(hullName)
       var ret = null;
       for (var i=0; i<vgap.hulls.length; i++)
         if (vgap.hulls[i].name == hullName)
           ret = vgap.hulls[i];
       return ret;
     assembleShip: function(base, shipAssembly)
       var planet = vgap.getPlanet(base.planetid);
       //Pay for the ship       
       var credits = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcShipCredits(shipAssembly, base);
       var dur = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcShipDur(shipAssembly);
       var trit = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcShipTrit(shipAssembly);
       var moly = vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcShipMoly(shipAssembly);
       planet.duranium -= dur;
       planet.tritanium -= trit;
       planet.molybdenum -= moly;              
       vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].payForStructure(planet, 0, credits);     
       //Upgrade all tech needed
       if (base.beamtechlevel < shipAssembly.beam.techlevel)
         base.beamtechup = shipAssembly.beam.techlevel - base.beamtechlevel;
         base.beamtechlevel = shipAssembly.beam.techlevel;
       if (base.hulltechlevel < shipAssembly.hull.techlevel)
         base.hulltechup = shipAssembly.hull.techlevel - base.hulltechlevel;
         base.hulltechlevel = shipAssembly.hull.techlevel;
       if (base.enginetechlevel < shipAssembly.engine.techlevel)
         base.enginetechup = shipAssembly.engine.techlevel - base.enginetechlevel;
         base.enginetechlevel = shipAssembly.engine.techlevel;
       if (base.torptechlevel < shipAssembly.torp.techlevel)
         base.torptechup = shipAssembly.torp.techlevel - base.torptechlevel;
         base.torptechlevel = shipAssembly.torp.techlevel;
       //Assemble the ship
       base.buildbeamcount = shipAssembly.hull.beams;
       base.buildbeamid =;
       var stockitem = vgap.getStock(, 3,;
       stockitem.builtamount += shipAssembly.hull.beams;
       stockitem.amount += shipAssembly.hull.beams;
       stockitem.changed = 1;
       base.buildengineid =;
       stockitem = vgap.getStock(, 2,;
       stockitem.builtamount += shipAssembly.hull.engines;
       stockitem.amount += shipAssembly.hull.engines;
       stockitem.changed = 1;
			 base.buildhullid =;
       stockitem = vgap.getStock(, 1,;
       stockitem.builtamount += 1;
       stockitem.amount += 1;
       stockitem.changed = 1;
   		 base.buildtorpcount = shipAssembly.hull.launchers;
			 base.buildtorpedoid =;
       stockitem = vgap.getStock(, 4,;
       stockitem.builtamount += shipAssembly.hull.launchers;
       stockitem.amount += shipAssembly.hull.launchers;
       stockitem.changed = 1;
       base.isbuilding = true;
       base.changed = 1;
       planet.changed = 1;
     * Build Structures
     calcMaxFactories: function(planet)
       var nFactories;
       if (planet.clans <= 100)
         nFactories = planet.clans;
         nFactories = Math.truncate(100 + Math.sqrt( planet.clans - 100));
       return nFactories;
     calcMaxMines: function(planet)
     	 var nMines;
       if (planet.clans <= 200)
         nMines = planet.clans;
         nMines = Math.truncate(200 + Math.sqrt( planet.clans - 200));
       return nMines;
     calcMaxDefense: function(planet)
       var nDefense;
       if (planet.clans <= 50)
         nDefense = planet.clans;
         nDefense = Math.truncate(50 + Math.sqrt( planet.clans - 50));
       return nDefense;
     calcDesiredDefense: function(planet)
       return Math.min(20, vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].calcMaxDefense(planet));
     buildFactories: function(planet, max)
       while(planet.factories < max && vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].payForStructure(planet, 1, 3))
         planet.factories += 1;
         planet.builtfactories += 1;
       return planet.factories >= max;
     buildMines: function(planet, max)
       while(planet.mines < max && vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].payForStructure(planet, 1, 4))
         planet.mines += 1;         
         planet.builtmines += 1;
       return planet.mines >= max;
     buildDefense: function(planet, max)
       while(planet.defense < max && vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].payForStructure(planet, 1, 10))
         planet.defense += 1;  
         planet.builtdefense += 1;
       return planet.defense >= max;
     payForStructure: function(planet, nSupplies, nCredits)
       var bought = false;
       //Check if we can afford this
       if ( >= nSupplies && (( + planet.megacredits) > (nSupplies + nCredits)) )
         bought = true; -= nSupplies;
         var nCreditsSpend = Math.min(planet.megacredits, nCredits);
         planet.megacredits -= nCreditsSpend;
         nCredits -= nCreditsSpend;
         if (nCredits > 0)
           vgap.plugins["vgaBotCore"].sellSupplies(planet, nCredits);
           planet.megacredits -= nCredits;
       return bought;
     sellSupplies: function(planet, nSupplies)
     		planet.suppliessold += nSupplies; -= nSupplies;
        planet.megacredits += nSupplies;
     * Tax
   }; //End plugin
   // register your plugin with NU
   vgap.registerPlugin(vgaBot, "vgaBotCore");
} //wrapper for injection

var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "application/javascript";
script.textContent = "(" + wrapper + ")();";
