// ==UserScript==
// @name Seed Picks
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 2024-03-09
// @description 做种精选
// @author bahtyar
// @match https://*.tjupt.org/torrents.php*
// @match https://pt.keepfrds.com/torrents.php*
// @icon none
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
"use strict";
var site_url = decodeURI(location.href);
// console.log(site_url)\
var siteData = {
"tjupt": {
values: {
"T0": 4,
"B0": 7,
"N0": 130,
"L": 300,
}, // T0, N0, B0, L
"keepfrds": {
values: {
"B0": 7,
"N0": 100,
"L": 900,
}, // T0, N0, B0, L
function calculateA(Ti, T0, Si, Ni, N0) {
const term1 = 1 - Math.pow(10, -Ti / T0);
const term2 = Si * (1 + Math.sqrt(2) * Math.pow(10, -(Ni - 1) / (N0 - 1)));
return term1 * term2;
function calculateB(A, L, B0) {
const pi = Math.PI;
const arctanValue = Math.atan(A / L);
const result = ((B0 * 2) / pi) * arctanValue;
return result;
function addColumnToTable() {
if (site_url.includes("tjupt.org")) {
} else if (site_url.includes("keepfrds.com")) {
function calculateTimeDifference(timeString) {
const currentTime = new Date();
const uploadTime = new Date(timeString.replace("<br>", " "));
const timeDifferenceInMilliseconds = currentTime - uploadTime;
return timeDifferenceInMilliseconds / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 7 * 24); // 转换为周
function convertToGB(inputString) {
if (site_url.includes("tjupt.org")) {
return tjuptConvertToGB(inputString);
} else if (site_url.includes("keepfrds.com")) {
return keepfrdsConvertToGB(inputString);
function addtjuptColumns() {
const table0 = document.getElementsByClassName("torrents")[0];
if (!table0) {
console.error('Table with class "torrents" not found.');
const table = table0.tBodies[0];
const rows = table.children;
const valueA = document.createElement("td");
valueA.textContent = "A值";
valueA.className = "colhead";
const point = document.createElement("td");
point.textContent = "时魔";
point.className = "colhead";
for (let i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
const cells = rows[i].children;
const tr = cells[i];
// 获取时间差(单位:小时)、体积(单位:GB)、#seeders
const timeString = cells[3].innerHTML;
const timeDifference = calculateTimeDifference(timeString); // 计算时间差
const volume = parseFloat(convertToGB(cells[4].textContent.trim()));
const seeders = parseFloat(cells[5].textContent.trim());
// console.log(timeString, timeDifference, volume, seeders)
const resultA = calculateA(timeDifference, 4, volume, seeders, 7);
// console.log(resultA)
const result = calculateB(resultA, 300, 130);
const resultACell = document.createElement("td");
resultACell.textContent = resultA.toFixed(2);
const resultCell = document.createElement("td");
resultCell.textContent = result.toFixed(2); // 保留两位小数
function addkeepfrdsColumns() {
const table0 = document.getElementsByClassName("torrents")[0];
if (!table0) {
console.error('Table with class "torrents" not found.');
const table = table0.tBodies[0];
// console.log(table);
const rows = table.children;
const valueA = document.createElement("td");
valueA.textContent = "A值";
valueA.className = "colhead";
const point = document.createElement("td");
point.textContent = "时魔";
point.className = "colhead";
// console.log(rows[1]);
for (let i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
const cells = rows[i].children;
const tr = cells[i];
// 获取时间差(单位:小时)、体积(单位:GB)、#seeders
const timeString = cells[3].querySelector('span[title]').getAttribute('title');
const timeDifference = calculateTimeDifference(timeString); // 计算时间差
const volume = parseFloat(convertToGB(cells[4].textContent.trim()));
const seeders = parseFloat(cells[5].textContent.trim());
// console.log(timeString, timeDifference, volume, seeders)
let T0 = siteData["keepfrds"]["values"]["T0"];
let N0 = siteData["keepfrds"]["values"]["N0"];
let B0 = siteData["keepfrds"]["values"]["B0"];
let L = siteData["keepfrds"]["values"]["L"];
const resultA = calculateA(timeDifference, T0, volume, seeders, N0);
// console.log(resultA)
const result = calculateB(resultA, L, B0);
const resultACell = document.createElement("td");
resultACell.textContent = resultA.toFixed(2);
const resultCell = document.createElement("td");
resultCell.textContent = result.toFixed(2); // 保留两位小数
function tjuptConvertToGB(inputString) {
const regex = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*([KkMmGgTt]?i?[Bb])/;
const match = inputString.match(regex);
if (match) {
const value = parseFloat(match[1]);
const unit = match[3].toUpperCase();
switch (unit) {
case "KIB":
return value / (1024 * 1024);
case "MIB":
return value / 1024;
case "GIB":
return value;
case "TIB":
return value * 1024;
console.error("Unsupported unit:", unit);
return NaN;
} else {
console.error("Invalid input string:", inputString);
return NaN;
function keepfrdsConvertToGB(inputString) {
const regex = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*([KkMmGgTt]?[Bb])/;
const match = inputString.match(regex);
if (match) {
const value = parseFloat(match[1]);
const unit = match[3].toUpperCase();
switch (unit) {
case "KB":
return value / (1024 * 1024);
case "MB":
return value / 1024;
case "GB":
return value;
case "TB":
return value * 1024;
console.error("Unsupported unit:", unit);
return NaN;
window.addEventListener("load", addColumnToTable);