// ==UserScript==
// @name M3u8
// @description 解析 或 破解 vip影视 的时候,使用的 《在线播放器》 和 《在线VIP解析接口》 和 《第三方影视野鸡网站》 全局通用 拦截和过滤 (解析资源/采集资源) 的 插播广告切片
// @version 20250313
// @author 江小白
// @match https://v.68sou.com/
// @include /\/\?id=[a-zA-Z\d]+?$/
// @include /\/[pP]lay(?:\/|\?id=\d)/
// @include /(?:lay|ideo).*?\.html/
// @include /\.m3u8(?:\?(?!.+?&)|$)/
// @include /^https?:\/\/(?:movie\.douban\.com\/subject|m\.douban\.com\/movie)\//
// @include /^https?:\/\/.+?(?<!(?:refer(?:rer)?|ori(?:gin)?))[&#=\?]https?(?::\/\/|:\\\/\\\/|%3A%2F%2F)/
// @include /^https?:\/\/(?!.+?https?(?::\/\/|:\\\/\\\/|%3A%2F%2F)).+?[\?&](?:url|rul)=(?!http).{5,}/
// @include /^https?:\/\/[^\/]+?\/(?:play|share)\/[a-z0-9]+?\/?\s*?$/
// @include /^https?:\/\/[^\/]+?\/vod(?:\/[^\/]+?(?:\/\d[^\/]+?\d)?\.html|detail\/\d[^\/]+?\d\.html)/
// @include /^https?:\/\/(?!.+?https?(?::\/\/|:\\\/\\\/|%3A%2F%2F)).+?\/(?:index\.php\/vod\/detail\/id\/\d+?|p\/\d[^\.]+?\d)\.html/
// @exclude /^https?:\/\/(?:[^\/]+?\.)?(?:(?:ggpht|qpic|gstatic|[yg]timg|youtu|google|cloudflare)|(?:roajsdl|vvvdj|bing|jd|tmall|taobao|meizu|asus|nike|vmall|fliggy|adidas|gome|\w*?suning|liangxinyao|xiaomiyoupin|mmstat|\w*?video\w*?\.qq)\.)/
// @exclude /^https?:\/\/(?:.+?\]|(?:[^\/]+?\/(?!api)){1,}\w+?\?\w*?id=.+?(?<!&key=.+?)[&#=\?]https?(?::\/\/|:\\\/\\\/|%3A%2F%2F)|(?:[^\/]+?\/(?:proxyhttp|[a-zA-Z]*?kv\?)|.+?\.\w+?\/\d+?)$)/
// @exclude /(?:^https?:\/\/(?!.+?https?(?::\/\/|:\\\/\\\/|%3A%2F%2F)).+?\.(?:ts|vob|3gp|rmvb|flac|[fh]lv|og[gv]|m(?:3u8|p[34]|kv|4a|ov|pg|idi|peg)|w(?:[am]v|ma|ebm)|a(?:ac|pe|vi|lac))|\.(?:js(?:on)?|rb|swf|png|xml|bmp|pac|gif|apk|exe|zip|txt|aspx|docx?|jpe?g|p(?:y|df|ng)|i(?:co|dx|mage)|r(?:ss|ar|[0-9]{2,2})|s(?:h|vg|rt|ub)|(?:c|le)ss|w(?:ebp|off2)))(?:#|\?|\\|&|$)|\/0\/(?:\d+?_){1,}\d+?\/0$/
// @run-at document-start
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/769699
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
try {
if (typeof location['m3u8去插播广告'] === 'undefined') {
try {
Object.defineProperty(location, 'm3u8去插播广告', {
value: 'm3u8去插播广告',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false
} catch (e) {}
let m3u8wz, wzm3u8, mp4wz, flvwz, tswz, playsharewz, urlFromArgBy, ggbmd, shouldStopExecution, shouldStopExecutionbf, 打印开关, spbfurl, ggtspd, gggzdp, gggzpd, ggsjgg, ggzlhx, ggljbmd, ggljdmb, hhzz, bhhzz, dypd, m3u8gglj, m3u8ggljdypd, m3u8bflj;
m3u8gglj = '';
m3u8bflj = '';
hhzz = '[\\n\\r\\u0085\\u2028\\u2029]';
bhhzz = '[^\\n\\r\\u0085\\u2028\\u2029]';
wzm3u8 = /\.m3u8(?:\?(?!.+?&)|$)/i;
m3u8wz = /\.(?:m3u8|png|css)(?:#|\?|\\|&|$)|(?<!thread|forum|read)\.php(?!(?:[a-z0-9\/]|\?\w+?=.+?\.(?:m(?:p4|kv)|flv|ts)(?:#|\?|\\|&|$)))|\/(?!.+?\.m(?:3u8|p4)(?:#|\?|\\|&|$)).+?(?<![a-z0-9])m(?:3u8|p4)(?![a-z0-9])/i;
mp4wz = /\.m(?:p4|kv)(?:#|\?|\\|&|$)|^https?:\/\/(?:[^\/]+?\.)?pstatp.+?\/obj\/[^\.]+?$|type=video_mp4&(?!.+\.[a-z]{2,5}(?:#|\?|\\|&|$))|\.php\?\w+?=.+?\.mp4/i;
flvwz = /\.flv(?:#|\?|\\|&|$)/i;
tswz = /\.ts(?:#|\?|\\|&|$)/i;
playsharewz = /^https?:\/\/[^\/]+?\/{1,}(?:play|share)\/{1,}[a-zA-Z0-9]+?(?:\/{1,})?$/i;
dypd = /^\s*?(?:0{1,}|(?<!开\s*?)关(?:\s*?[闭掉])?)\s*?$/;
打印开关 = '关';
ggsjgg = '4|20';
ggzlhx = 'ts|png|jpe?g|txt';
ggljbmd = /&(?:[a-z]*?(?:sign|token|version)|[a-z]+?_?key)=/i;
ggbmd = /(?:\.php|\_(?:ts|mp4)\/.+?\.m3u8)(?:#|\?|\\|&|$)/i;
ggljdmb = new RegExp('\\.(?:' + ggzlhx + ')' + hhzz + '+?#EXTINF','i');
shouldStopExecution = false;
shouldStopExecutionbf = false;
try {
if (!shouldStopExecution || !shouldStopExecutionbf) {
/*以下是 M3U8 插播广告 过滤核心代码 不懂勿动*/
const tyad0 = '#EXTINF'
, tyad1 = tyad0 + '\\s*?:\\s*?'
, tyad3 = tyad2 + hhzz
, tyad4 = '(?:' + ggzlhx + ')'
, tyad5 = '\\.' + tyad4
, tyad6 = tyad5 + hhzz + '+'
, tyad7 = '#EXT-X-ENDLIST'
, tyad8 = '(?:[a-z\\d]+?(?:\\s*?[\\_\\-]\\s*?)?)?\\d+?'
, tyad10 = new RegExp('^\\s*?(?:(?!.*?0{3,})[a-z\\d]+?|' + tyad8 + '|https?:\\\/\\\/' + bhhzz + '+?0{3,}\\d+?)\\s*?$','i')
, tyad11 = new RegExp('^' + tyad0,'i')
, tyad12 = new RegExp('^\\s*?' + tyad1,'i')
, tyad13 = '[\\S\\s]+?'
, tyad14 = new RegExp(tyad8 + tyad5,'i')
, tyada = bhhzz + '+?' + tyad6
, tyadb = tyad1 + '\\d+?(?:\\.\\d+?)?\\s*?,' + hhzz + '+?'
, tyadc = tyad3 + '+'
, tyadd = tyadc + '?' + tyadb
, tyade = tyada + '?[\\s\\S]*?' + tyadc
, tyadf = '(?<=' + tyad9 + '\\s*?:\\s*?'
, tyadg = ')(?:\\.0{1,})?\\s*?,'
, tyadh = '(?:#EXT-X-[^:]+?:\\s*?'
, tyadi = tyad1 + '\\d+?\\.\\d+?'
, tyad100 = ggsjgg + tyadg
, tyad101 = hhzz + '+?' + tyadh + bhhzz
, tyad102 = tyad1 + '(?:' + tyad100 + hhzz
, tyad103 = tyad101 + '+?' + hhzz
, tyad104 = tyad1 + '\\d+?(?:\\.\\d+?)?,'
, tyad105 = 'https?:\\\/\\\/'
, tyad106 = '+?\\\/\\d+?_\\w{1,10}\\.ts'
, tyad107 = new RegExp('^((?:' + bhhzz + '+?|\\s*?))(?=0{3}\\d+?' + tyad5 + ')','i')
, tyad108 = '[a-z\\d]{10,}0{2}\\d+?\\.'
, tyad109 = '(?:(?=' + tyad7 + ')|' + tyad3 + ')'
, tyad1010 = '^\\s*?#EXTM3U\\s*?'
, tyad1011 = hhzz + '+?' + bhhzz + '+?'
, tyad1012 = tyad1011 + hhzz + '+?'
, tyad1013 = tyad104 + tyad1012 + ')'
, tyad1014 = tyad3 + '+?'
, tyad1015 = tyad104 + hhzz + '+?'
, tyad1016 = tyad6 + '?'
, tyad1017 = bhhzz + '+?' + hhzz + '+?'
, tyad1018 = '0{3}'
, tyad1019 = tyad1011 + hhzz + '+?'
, tyad1020 = tyad104 + tyad1019
, tyad1021 = '#EXT-X-KEY\\s*?:\\s*?METHOD\\s*?='
, tyad1022 = bhhzz + '+?' + tyad5
, tyad1023 = '(?<=' + hhzz + '+)' + tyad1022
, tyad1024 = tyad105 + bhhzz
, tyad1025 = tyad1022 + hhzz + '+?'
, tyad1026 = '(?<=' + hhzz + '+)' + tyad1014 + tyad1
, tyad1027 = hhzz + '+?' + tyad105
, tyad1028 = tyad1027 + tyad1017
, tyad1029 = tyad1011 + tyad1016
, tyad1030 = tyad1015 + tyad1024 + tyad106 + hhzz
, tyad1031 = tyad1010 + hhzz + '+?'
, tyad1032 = tyad1031 + '(?:#EXT-X-' + tyad1017 + '){1,}('
, tyad1033 = tyad1011 + '(?<!' + tyad1018 + bhhzz + '+?)'
, tyad1034 = tyad1033 + hhzz + '+?'
, tyad1035 = tyad1033 + tyad5 + hhzz + '+?'
, tyad1036 = tyadb + tyad1025
, tyad1037 = tyad1028 + '(?:' + tyad1
, tyad1038 = hhzz + '+?' + tyad1024 + '+?' + hhzz + '+?'
, tyad1039 = tyadb + tyad1024 + '+?'
, tyad1040 = tyad1029 + tyad1
, tyad1041 = tyad1 + '\\d+?(?:\\.0{1,})?,'
, tyad1042 = '(?:' + tyad1041 + tyad1038 + ')'
, tyad1043 = tyadi + '\\s*?,' + hhzz
, tyad1044 = '+?[a-z\\d]+?' + tyad6 + '?'
, tyad1045 = tyad1043 + tyad1044 + '){'
, tyad1046 = '\\s*?,' + hhzz + tyad1044
, tyad1047 = '(?=#EXT-X-)'
, tyad1048 = '){0,}'
, tyad1049 = tyad1048 + tyad1 + '\\d+?\\.3{3,}\\s*?,'
, tyad1050 = tyad1046 + '(?:' + tyad1043 + tyad1044 + tyad1048 + ')'
, tyad1051 = new RegExp(tyad1010 + tyad13 + tyad5 + '(?:\\?' + bhhzz + '+?)?' + hhzz + '+?' + tyad1 + tyad13 + tyad7 + '\\s*?$','i')
, itemts = new RegExp(tyad5,'i')
, itemm3u8 = new RegExp(tyad1010 + '#EXT-X-','i')
, itemsdpgza = tyad1026 + '(?<!0)(3)\\.\\1(?:((?<!0)\\d)\\2){2,}\\d+?,' + tyad1028 + '(?:' + tyad104 + tyad1028 + tyad1048 + tyad109
, itemspdgza = '(?:' + tyad1015 + '[a-z\\d]{10,}0{2}\\d+?' + tyad1016 + '){5,}'
, itemstygza = '(?<=(?:' + tyad1015 + tyad108 + tyad4 + hhzz + '+?){1,})' + tyad1014 + '(?:' + tyad1015 + '(?!' + tyad108 + tyad4 + ')' + tyada + '?){1,}' + tyad109
, itemstygza1 = '(?<=' + tyad1020 + ')' + tyad1014 + tyadb + tyad1017 + tyad1 + '3\\.3{3,}\\s*?,' + tyad1034 + '(?:' + tyadb + tyad1017 + tyad1049 + tyad1034 + tyad109
, itemstygza2 = new RegExp(tyad1032 + tyadb + '(\\\/' + bhhzz + '+?\\\/)[^\\\/]+?' + tyad1016 + '(?:' + tyadb + '\\2[^\\\/]+?' + tyad1016 + '){3,})' + tyad1014 + '#EXT-X-KEY\\s*?:\\s*?METHOD=NONE' + hhzz + '+?' + tyad1039 + tyad1016,'i')
, itemstygza3 = new RegExp(tyad1039 + tyad6,'igm')
, itemstygza4 = new RegExp(tyad1032 + '?:' + tyadb + '(?<!' + tyad105 + ')[a-z0-9\\\/]+?' + tyad6 + '?){3,}' + tyad1014 + '(?:' + tyad1039 + tyad6 + '){3,}','i')
, itemstygza5 = new RegExp('(?<=(?<=' + hhzz + '+)' + tyad1014 + tyadi + tyad1018 + tyad1050 + tyad2 + '(?:' + hhzz + '+?' + tyad1045 + '1,}(?:' + tyadi + '3{5}' + tyad1050 + '{2,}' + tyad1047,'gi')
, itemstygza6 = new RegExp('(?<=' + hhzz + '+)' + tyad1014 + '(?:#EXT-X-' + bhhzz + '+' + hhzz + '+){1,}(?=(?:' + tyad7 + '|' + tyad1 + '\\d))','gim')
, itemstygza7 = new RegExp('(?<=' + tyadb + tyad1017 + ')(?:#EXT-X-(?!(?:DISCONTINUITY|ENDLIST))' + tyad1017 + '){1,}(?=(?:' + tyad2 + '|#EXT-X-|' + tyad1 + '\\d))','gim')
, itemsPaichu = [/*动态排除指定资源 正规则表达式,以达到智能删除插播广告的效果*/
new RegExp(tyad1031 + '(?![\\S\\s]*?(?:' + tyad1015 + '[a-z\\d]{10,}0{2}\\d+?' + tyad1016 + '){2,})[\\S\\s]*?' + tyad1014 + '(?:' + tyad1015 + '(?:[a-z]+?\\d+?|\\d+?[a-z]+?){10,}' + tyad1016 + '){2,}','i')]
, itemsHandle = [{
reUrl: wzm3u8,
reAds: [new RegExp(itemsdpgza,'gim'), new RegExp(itemstygza,'gim'), new RegExp(itemstygza1,'gim'), new RegExp('(?<=' + tyad1031 + '(?:#EXT-X-(?!KEY)' + tyad1017 + '){1,})(?:' + tyad1021 + tyad1017 + '(?:' + tyad1014 + ')?){1,}(?=' + tyad1021 + ')','gim'), /*动态拼接采集资源 正规则表达式,以达到智能删除插播广告的效果*/
new RegExp(tyad1026 + '((?<!0)\\d\\.([1-9])(?!\\2)\\d{4,5}(?<!\\2)\\2),' + tyad1037 + '\\1,' + tyad1028 + '){2,6}' + tyad109,'gim'), new RegExp(tyad1014 + tyad1036 + tyad1 + '3\\.3{3,}\\s*?,' + tyad1035 + '(?:' + tyad1036 + tyad1049 + tyad1035 + '(?:' + tyad1036 + tyad1048 + tyad109,'gim'), new RegExp('(?<=' + tyad1030 + '+?(?:' + tyad1014 + tyad1048 + ')' + tyad1014 + '(?:' + tyad104 + hhzz + tyad1024 + '+?\\\/\\w{50,}\\.ts' + hhzz + '+?){1,}' + tyad1014 + '(?=' + tyad1030 + ')','gim'), new RegExp(tyadf + '(?:' + tyad100 + '?' + bhhzz + '+?' + tyad103 + '+?' + tyad1048 + ')' + tyad102 + '+?' + bhhzz + '+?-' + bhhzz + '+?\\d' + tyad1016 + '(?=' + tyad1 + ')','gim'), new RegExp(tyadf + bhhzz + '+?' + tyad103 + '+' + tyad1048 + ')(?:' + tyad1014 + ')?' + tyad102 + '+?[a-z\\d]+?0{4,}' + tyad1016 + '[\\s\\S]+?' + hhzz + '+[a-z\\d]+?0{2,}\\d' + tyad1016 + '(?<![\\s\\S]+?10' + tyad5 + '\\n*?[\\s\\S]*?' + hhzz + '+)(?=(?:' + tyad3 + '+|' + tyad1 + '\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?\\s*?,' + hhzz + '+?[a-z\\d]+?10' + tyad1016 + '))','gi'), ],
, itemsHandleby = [/*播放黑木耳采集资源的时候,额外增加该数组规则,避免其他的误杀*/
reUrl: /^https?:\/\/(?:[^\/]+?\.)?(?:hmr|heimuer)/i,
reAds: [new RegExp('(\\n' + tyad2 + ')\\n.+\\n.+\\1','i'), new RegExp('(\\n' + tyad2 + ')(\\n.+\\n).+\\2.+\\2.+(\\2.+)?\\1','gi'), new RegExp('(?<=' + tyad1014 + ')' + tyad1039 + tyad5 + tyad1017 + tyad1047,'gim'), new RegExp(tyad1026 + '((?<!0)\\d\\.(?!0)\\d{4,5}[1-9]),' + tyad1037 + '\\1,' + tyad1028 + '){2,6}' + tyad109,'gim'), new RegExp(tyad1026 + '(\\d+?(?:\\.(?!0{1,},)\\d+?)?),' + tyad1037 + '\\1,' + tyad1028 + '){1,}' + tyad109,'gim'), ]
}, /*播放华为采集资源的时候,额外增加该数组规则,避免其他资源误杀*/
reUrl: /^https?:\/\/(?:[^\/]+?\.)?nikanba/i,
reAds: [new RegExp('(?<=' + tyad2 + ')' + hhzz + '+?' + tyad1 + '10,' + tyad1027 + tyada + '?' + tyad2 + '(?=' + hhzz + ')','gim'), new RegExp(tyad1014 + tyad1 + '2,' + tyad1040 + '3,' + tyad1040 + '1,' + tyad1029 + '(?:' + tyad104 + tyad1011 + tyad6 + '?' + tyad1048 + tyad3 + '+','gim'), ]
}, ];
const logysa = '%c[江小白-'
, logysb = '-已经发现] ✂\n%c对比'
, logysc = '-已经发现] ✂\n%c已经生效的广告正则:\n%c'
, logysd = "的广告正则:\n%c"
, logyse = '\n%c已经删除的广告内容:\n'
, logysf = 'border-left:5px solid #A0B;color:#A0B;padding:3px'
, logysg = 'color:blue;'
, logysh = 'color:red;'
, logysi = 'color:black;'
, logysj = '广告标识'
, logysk = '额外删除-具体内容] ✂%c'
, logysl = '时间差异-具体内容] ✂\n%c'
, logysm = '长度差异-具体内容] ✂\n%c'
, logysn = '长短差异-具体内容] ✂\n%c'
, logyso = '时间标识';
/*以上是 M3U8 插播广告 过滤核心代码 不懂勿动*/
const urlFromArg = arg=>typeof arg === 'string' ? arg : arg instanceof Request ? arg.url : String(arg);
const isValidM3U8Url = url=>{
return (wzm3u8.test(url) && m3u8wz.test(url) && !mp4wz.test(url) && !flvwz.test(url) && !tswz.test(url) && !playsharewz.test(url));
const matchM3u = url=>{
try {
if (isValidM3U8Url(url)) {
spbfurl = url;
const matchedItem = itemsHandle.find(item=>item.reUrl.test(url) && isValidM3U8Url(url) && !ggbmd.test(url));
itemsHandleby.forEach(byItem=>byItem.reUrl.test(url) && isValidM3U8Url(url) && byItem.reAds.forEach(newReAd=>matchedItem.reAds.find(ad=>ad.source === newReAd.source && ad.flags === newReAd.flags) || matchedItem.reAds.push(newReAd)));
return matchedItem;
} else {
return null;
} catch (e) {
return null;
const M3umatch = text=>{
try {
if (!text || !itemts.test(text) || !itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch (e) {
return false;
const M3umatchu3M = (array,regExp)=>{
return array.some(function(item) {
return item.toString() === regExp.toString();
const m3u8text = (text)=>{
try {
const regex = /^[a-z\d]{20,}/i;
const lines = text.split('\n');
let count = 0;
for (let line of lines) {
const trimmedLine = line.trim();
if (itemts.test(trimmedLine)) {
const match = trimmedLine.match(itemts);
if (match) {
const extension = match[0];
const fileName = trimmedLine.slice(0, -extension.length);
if (!regex.test(fileName)) {
return false;
if (/0{2,}\d+$/.test(trimmedLine)) {
if (count >= 20) {
return false;
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
const endlist = (text)=>{
try {
if (!itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
if (ggljbmd.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
if (!new RegExp(tyad5,'i').test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
const lines = text.trim().split('\n');
const lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1];
if (lastLine.trim() !== tyad7) {
return lines.join('\n');
} catch (e) {
return text;
const deleteAbnormalTs = (text,jxbgza,jxbgzb,jxbgzc,jxbgzd,jxbgze)=>{
try {
if (!shouldStopExecution || !shouldStopExecutionbf) {
if (text) {
if (!itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
if (ggljbmd.test(text)) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
return text;
} else {
if (ggljdmb.test(text)) {
if (new RegExp(tyad1023,'i').test(text)) {
if (!new RegExp(tyad5 + '\\?','i').test(text)) {
if (new RegExp(tyad5 + hhzz,'i').test(text)) {
if (!jxbgzd) {
jxbgzd = new RegExp('^\\s*?' + tyad8 + '\\s*?$','i');
} else if (jxbgzd == '空') {
jxbgzd = /^\s*?空\s*?$/;
try {
const rgtya = tyad1015
, rgtyb = jxbgza + tyad1016
, regex = '(?<=' + rgtya + ')(' + jxbgzb + ')(?=' + rgtyb + ')'
, regexx = new RegExp(regex,'gi')
, tsPaths = text.match(new RegExp('(?:(?<=' + tyad1015 + '))?' + bhhzz + '+?(?=' + tyad1016 + ')','gi'))
, matches = text.match(regexx)
, paths = {};
if (!jxbgze || jxbgze == '空' || (Number.isInteger(Number(jxbgze)) && tsPaths && tsPaths.length < jxbgze)) {
for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
const path = matches[i];
if (!paths[path]) {
paths[path] = [];
let maxCount = 0
, maxPath = '';
for (const path in paths) {
if (paths[path].length > maxCount) {
maxCount = paths[path].length;
maxPath = path;
if (maxCount > matches.length * 0.66 && Object.keys(paths).length < matches.length * 0.66) {
let deleteCount = 0;
for (const path in paths) {
if (path !== maxPath) {
deleteCount += paths[path].length;
if (deleteCount <= maxCount) {
for (const path in paths) {
if (path !== maxPath) {
if (!jxbgzd.test(p)) {
text = text.replace(new RegExp(rgtya + p + rgtyb,'gi'), (match)=>{
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
try {
console.log(logysa + "广告资源" + logysb + jxbgzc + logysd + regexx + logyse + "%c" + match.replace(new RegExp(tyad1023,'gi'), tsLink=>{
if (!tsLink.startsWith('http')) {
if (m3u8gglj) {
return new URL(tsLink,m3u8gglj).href;
} else {
return tsLink;
} else {
return tsLink;
), logysf, logysg, logysh, logysg, logysi);
} catch (e) {
try {
console.log(logysa + "广告资源" + logysb + jxbgzc + logysd + regexx + logyse + "%c" + match, logysf, logysg, logysh, logysg, logysi);
} catch (e) {}
return '';
} else {
return text;
} catch (e) {}
return endlist(text);
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} catch (e) {
return text;
const durationtaragt = (text)=>{
try {
if (!itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
const lines = text.split('\n');
const outputLines = [];
let extinfCount = 0;
let tsCount = 0;
let lastExtinf = null;
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const line = lines[i].trim();
if (tyad12.test(line)) {
const durationPart = line.split(',', 1)[0].replace(tyad12, '').trim();
if (!isNaN(durationPart) && durationPart.trim() !== '') {
lastExtinf = line;
} else {
lastExtinf = null;
} else if (itemts.test(line)) {
if (lastExtinf) {
lastExtinf = null;
} else {
} else if (line) {
if (extinfCount > tsCount) {
const finalLines = [];
let shouldKeepTs = false;
for (let i = 0; i < outputLines.length; i++) {
const line = outputLines[i];
if (tyad12.test(line)) {
shouldKeepTs = true;
} else if (itemts.test(line)) {
if (shouldKeepTs) {
shouldKeepTs = false;
} else {
return finalLines.join('\n').trim();
} else {
return outputLines.join('\n').trim();
} catch (e) {
return text;
const taragtduration = (text)=>{
try {
if (!itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
var lines = text.split('\n');
var maxDuration = 0;
var minDuration = Infinity;
var targetDurationLineIndex = -1;
var originalTargetDuration = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].match(tyad12)) {
var duration = parseFloat(lines[i].split(',')[0].split(':')[1]);
if (duration > maxDuration) {
maxDuration = duration;
if (duration < minDuration) {
minDuration = duration;
} else if (lines[i].match(new RegExp('^\\s*?' + tyad9 + '\\s*?:','i'))) {
targetDurationLineIndex = i;
originalTargetDuration = parseInt(lines[i].split(':')[1], 10);
if (targetDurationLineIndex === -1) {
return text;
} else {
var newTargetDuration;
if (maxDuration === minDuration) {
var multiplier = maxDuration < 10 ? 1.5 : 1.23;
newTargetDuration = Math.ceil(maxDuration * multiplier);
} else {
newTargetDuration = Math.ceil(maxDuration + minDuration);
if (newTargetDuration === originalTargetDuration) {
var multiplier = maxDuration < 10 ? 1.5 : 1.23;
newTargetDuration = Math.ceil(maxDuration * multiplier);
if (newTargetDuration === originalTargetDuration) {
var multiplier = originalTargetDuration < 10 ? 1.5 : 1.23;
newTargetDuration = Math.ceil(originalTargetDuration * multiplier);
if (newTargetDuration !== originalTargetDuration) {
lines[targetDurationLineIndex] = tyad9 + ':' + newTargetDuration;
try {
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
console.log(logysa + logyso + "-已经发现] ✂" + '已经把《' + tyad9 + '》数值从原来的值<' + originalTargetDuration + '>修改成<' + newTargetDuration + '>', logysf);
} catch (e) {}
return lines.join('\n');
} else {
return text;
} catch (e) {
return text;
const pruner = (text,item)=>{
try {
if (!shouldStopExecution || !shouldStopExecutionbf) {
if (text) {
if (!itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
if (ggljbmd.test(text)) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
return text;
} else {
try {
if ((!(new RegExp(itemsdpgza,'i').test(text) && ggljdmb.test(text))) && !new RegExp(tyad1014 + tyad1021,'i').test(text)) {
gggzdp = true;
} else {
try {
item.reAds = item.reAds.filter(re=>re.source !== itemsdpgza);
} catch (e) {}
gggzdp = false;
} catch (e) {
gggzdp = false;
if (ggljdmb.test(text) || !!gggzdp) {
try {
if (!gggzpd) {
gggzpd = true;
try {
if (new RegExp(itemspdgza,'i').test(text) && new RegExp(itemstygza1,'i').test(text)) {
item.reAds = item.reAds.filter(re=>re.source !== itemstygza1);
} catch (e) {}
try {
if (!(new RegExp(itemspdgza,'i').test(text) && new RegExp(itemstygza,'i').test(text))) {
item.reAds = item.reAds.filter(re=>re.source !== itemstygza);
} catch (e) {}
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
console.log("播放链接:" + spbfurl);
} catch (e) {}
let modifiedText;
try {
if (itemsPaichu.some(regex=>regex.test(text))) {
try {
if (!M3umatchu3M(itemsHandle[0].reAds, itemstygza5)) {
} catch (e) {}
modifiedText = text;
} else {
if (new RegExp(tyadb + bhhzz + '+?\\.(?:' + ggzlhx + ')\\?' + tyad1017,'i').test(text)) {
modifiedText = text;
} else {
if (m3u8text(text)) {
modifiedText = text;
} else {
try {
if (text.match(itemstygza2)) {
const matchessc = text.match(itemstygza3);
if (matchessc) {
try {
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
console.log(logysa + "资源广告" + logysc + itemstygza3 + logyse, logysf, logysg, logysh, logysg);
} catch (e) {}
modifiedText = text.replace(itemstygza3, '');
} else {
modifiedText = deleteAbnormalTs(text, '[^\\.]+?', '(?:' + bhhzz + '+\\\/|\\b)', '路径');
} else {
modifiedText = deleteAbnormalTs(text, '[^\\.]+?', '(?:' + bhhzz + '+\\\/|\\b)', '路径');
} catch (e) {
modifiedText = text;
try {
if (!text.match(itemstygza4)) {
modifiedText = deleteAbnormalTs(modifiedText, '(?:\\d+?|[a-z]+?)', '\\w+?(?:[^\\d]\\d{2})?', '名称');
} catch (e) {}
try {
modifiedText = deleteAbnormalTs(modifiedText, '\\d+?', '\\w+(?=\\d{3})', '名称', '空', 100);
} catch (e) {}
try {
modifiedText = deleteAbnormalTs(modifiedText, '\\d+?', '\\w+(?=\\d{4})', '名称', '空');
} catch (e) {}
try {
modifiedText = deleteAbnormalTs(modifiedText, '\\d+?', '[^0]\\d+[^0]0{2,}\\d0', '名称', /(?<=[^0]0{3,})\d+$/);
} catch (e) {}
} catch (e) {
modifiedText = text;
for (const reAd of item.reAds) {
const matches = modifiedText.match(reAd);
if (matches) {
try {
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
try {
console.log(logysa + "资源广告" + logysc + reAd + logyse + "%c" + match.replace(new RegExp(tyad1023,'gi'), tsLink=>{
if (!tsLink.startsWith('http')) {
if (m3u8gglj) {
return new URL(tsLink,m3u8gglj).href;
} else {
return tsLink;
} else {
return tsLink;
), logysf, logysg, logysh, logysg, logysi);
} catch (e) {
try {
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
console.log(logysa + "资源广告" + logysc + reAd + logyse + "%c" + match, logysf, logysg, logysh, logysg, logysi);
} catch (e) {}
} catch (e) {}
modifiedText = modifiedText.replace(reAd, "");
if (modifiedText.length < text.length) {
return endlist(modifiedText);
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} catch (e) {
return text;
const removeprunerm3u8a = (text)=>{
try {
if (!shouldStopExecution || !shouldStopExecutionbf) {
if (text) {
if (!itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
if (ggljbmd.test(text)) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
return text;
} else {
let deletedContent = '';
text = text.replace(itemstygza6, (match)=>{
deletedContent += match + '\n';
return '';
try {
if (deletedContent.trim() !== '') {
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
console.log(logysa + logysk + deletedContent, logysf, logysi);
} catch (e) {}
return endlist(text);
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} catch (e) {
return text;
const removeprunerm3u8b = (text)=>{
try {
if (!shouldStopExecution || !shouldStopExecutionbf) {
if (text) {
if (!itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
if (ggljbmd.test(text)) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
return text;
} else {
let deletedContent = '';
let addedMatches = new Set();
text = text.replace(itemstygza7, (match)=>{
match = match.trim();
if (!addedMatches.has(match) && match !== '') {
deletedContent += match + '\n';
return '';
try {
if (deletedContent.trim() !== '') {
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
console.log(logysa + logysk + deletedContent, logysf, logysi);
} catch (e) {}
return endlist(text);
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} catch (e) {
return text;
const removeprunerm3u8c = (text)=>{
try {
if (!shouldStopExecution || !shouldStopExecutionbf) {
if (text) {
if (!itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
if (ggljbmd.test(text)) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
return text;
} else {
const lines = text.split('\n');
const extinfLines = lines.filter(line=>tyad11.test(line));
const extinfValues = extinfLines.map(line=>parseFloat(line.split(':')[1].split(',')[0]));
const valueCounts = extinfValues.reduce((acc,value)=>{
acc[value] = (acc[value] || 0) + 1;
return acc;
, {});
const maxCount = Math.max(...Object.values(valueCounts));
const maxValue = Object.keys(valueCounts).find(key=>valueCounts[key] === maxCount);
const maxValueRatio = maxCount / extinfValues.length;
let deletedLines = [];
if (maxValueRatio > 0.987) {
const newLines = [];
let skipNextTs = false;
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (tyad11.test(lines[i])) {
if (firstExtinf) {
firstExtinf = false;
skipNextTs = false;
} else if (i === lines.length - 1 || !tyad11.test(lines[i + 1])) {
lastExtinf = true;
skipNextTs = false;
} else {
const value = parseFloat(lines[i].split(':')[1].split(',')[0]);
if (value != maxValue) {
deletedLines.push(lines[i], lines[i + 1]);
skipNextTs = true;
} else {
skipNextTs = false;
} else if (skipNextTs) {
skipNextTs = false;
} else {
if (deleteCount > maxValueRatio * extinfValues.length) {
return text;
} else {
text = endlist(newLines.join('\n'));
try {
if (deletedLines.length > 0) {
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
console.log(logysa + logysl + deletedLines.map(line=>{
return line.replace(new RegExp(tyad1022,'gi'), tsLink=>{
if (!tsLink.startsWith('http')) {
if (m3u8gglj) {
return new URL(tsLink,m3u8gglj).href;
} else {
return tsLink;
} else {
return tsLink;
).join('\n'), logysf, logysi);
} catch (e) {}
return text;
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} catch (e) {
return text;
const removeprunerm3u8d = (text)=>{
try {
if (!shouldStopExecution || !shouldStopExecutionbf) {
if (text) {
if (!itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
if (ggljbmd.test(text)) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
return text;
} else {
const lines = text.split('\n');
const urlLengths = [];
const urlsWithIndex = [];
const match = line.match(new RegExp(tyad5 + '\\s*?$','i'));
if (match) {
url: line,
const lengthCounts = urlLengths.reduce((acc,length)=>{
acc[length] = (acc[length] || 0) + 1;
return acc;
, {});
const total = urlLengths.length;
let dominantLength = null;
for (const length in lengthCounts) {
if (lengthCounts[length] / total >= 0.789) {
dominantLength = parseInt(length);
let deletedUrls = [];
if (dominantLength !== null) {
urlsWithIndex.forEach(({url, index})=>{
if (url.length !== dominantLength && !tyad14.test(url)) {
if (deletedUrls.length > lengthCounts[dominantLength]) {
return text;
} else {
const {index} = urlsWithIndex.find(u=>u.url === url);
if (index >= 0) {
lines.splice(index, 1);
if (index - 1 >= 0 && !new RegExp(tyad7,'i').test(lines[index - 1])) {
lines.splice(index - 1, 1);
if (deletedUrls.length > 0) {
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
console.log(logysa + logysm + deletedUrls.map(line=>{
return line.replace(new RegExp(tyad1022,'gi'), tsLink=>{
if (!tsLink.startsWith('http')) {
if (m3u8gglj) {
return new URL(tsLink,m3u8gglj).href;
} else {
return tsLink;
} else {
return tsLink;
).join('\n'), logysf, logysi);
return endlist(lines.join('\n'));
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} catch (e) {
return text
const removeprunerm3u8e = (text)=>{
try {
if (!shouldStopExecution || !shouldStopExecutionbf) {
if (text) {
if (!itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
if (ggljbmd.test(text)) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
return text;
} else {
const lines = text.split('\n');
const matchedLines = [];
const allLines = lines.map((line,index)=>({
const match = item.line.match(tyad107);
if (match) {
matchedGroup: match[1]
if (matchedLines.length === 0) {
return text;
} else {
const matchedGroupCounts = {};
matchedGroupCounts[item.matchedGroup] = (matchedGroupCounts[item.matchedGroup] || 0) + 1;
const minCount = Math.min(...Object.values(matchedGroupCounts));
const lessFrequentMatchedGroups = Object.keys(matchedGroupCounts).filter(group=>matchedGroupCounts[group] === minCount);
let filteredMatchedGroups = lessFrequentMatchedGroups.map(group=>{
const lastSlashIndex = group.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlashIndex !== -1) {
group = group.substring(0, lastSlashIndex + 1);
if (!group.match(/^https?:\/\//) && !group.startsWith('/')) {
return null;
return group;
).filter(group=>group !== null);
const totalMatched = matchedLines.length;
let dominantMatchedGroup;
for (const matchedGroup in matchedGroupCounts) {
if (matchedGroupCounts[matchedGroup] / totalMatched > 0.66) {
dominantMatchedGroup = matchedGroup;
if (!dominantMatchedGroup) {
return text;
} else {
let diffCount = 0;
for (let i = allLines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (allLines[i].line.startsWith(tyad0)) {
const nextLine = allLines[i + 1]?.line;
const match = nextLine?.match(tyad107);
if (!match || match[1] !== dominantMatchedGroup) {
if (diffCount / totalMatched > 0.66) {
return text;
} else {
const deletedLines = [];
if (filteredMatchedGroups.length > 0) {
for (let i = allLines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (allLines[i].line.startsWith(tyad0)) {
const nextLine = allLines[i + 1]?.line;
const cleanedNextLine = nextLine.replace(new RegExp(tyad5 + '.*?$','i'), '');
if (!tyad10.test(cleanedNextLine)) {
const isFilteredMatched = filteredMatchedGroups.some(group=>nextLine.startsWith(group));
if (isFilteredMatched) {
deletedLines.push(allLines[i + 1].line);
allLines.splice(i, 2);
} else {
for (let i = allLines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (allLines[i].line.startsWith(tyad0)) {
const nextLine = allLines[i + 1]?.line;
const cleanedNextLine = nextLine.replace(new RegExp(tyad5 + '.*?$','i'), '');
const match = nextLine?.match(tyad107);
if (!match || match[1] !== dominantMatchedGroup) {
if (!tyad10.test(cleanedNextLine)) {
deletedLines.push(allLines[i + 1].line);
allLines.splice(i, 2);
const tsToDeleteCount = deletedLines.length / 2;
if (tsToDeleteCount > totalMatched) {
return text;
} else {
try {
if (deletedLines.length > 0) {
try {
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
console.log(logysa + logysn + deletedLines.reverse().map(line=>{
return line.replace(new RegExp(tyad1022,'gi'), tsLink=>{
if (!tsLink.startsWith('http')) {
if (m3u8gglj) {
return new URL(tsLink,m3u8gglj).href;
} else {
return tsLink;
} else {
return tsLink;
).join('\n'), logysf, logysi);
} catch (e) {}
} catch (e) {}
return endlist(allLines.map(item=>item.line).join('\n'));
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} catch (e) {
return text;
const prunerm3u8 = (text)=>{
try {
if (!shouldStopExecution || !shouldStopExecutionbf) {
if (text) {
if (!itemm3u8.test(text)) {
return text;
} else {
if (ggljbmd.test(text)) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
return text;
} else {
if (!shouldStopExecution || !shouldStopExecutionbf) {
const lines = text.split('\n');
const keyCount = lines.filter(line=>new RegExp(tyad1021,'i').test(line)).length;
if (keyCount >= 2) {
return text;
} else {
let discontinuityCount = 0;
const filteredLines = lines.filter(line=>{
if (new RegExp(tyad2,'i').test(line)) {
return false;
return true;
try {
if (!dypd.test(打印开关)) {
if (discontinuityCount > 1) {
console.log(logysa + logysj + "-已经发现] ✂" + '已删除《' + discontinuityCount + '》个' + tyad2 + logysj, logysf);
} catch (e) {}
return endlist(removeprunerm3u8a(filteredLines.join('\n')));
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} else {
return text;
} catch (e) {
return text;
function processText(textin, item) {
try {
if (shouldStopExecution || shouldStopExecutionbf) {
return textin;
} else {
if (!shouldStopExecution || !shouldStopExecutionbf) {
let textout = pruner(textin, item);
try {
textout = prunerm3u8(textout);
} catch (e) {}
try {
textout = removeprunerm3u8e(textout);
} catch (e) {}
try {
textout = removeprunerm3u8b(textout);
} catch (e) {}
try {
textout = removeprunerm3u8c(textout);
} catch (e) {}
try {
textout = removeprunerm3u8d(textout);
} catch (e) {}
try {
textout = durationtaragt(textout);
} catch (e) {}
try {
textout = taragtduration(textout);
} catch (e) {}
try {
textout = endlist(textout);
} catch (e) {}
return textout;
} else {
return textout;
return textout;
} catch (e) {
return textout;
;function interceptRequest(target, thisArg, args, isFetch=false) {
try {
if (shouldStopExecution && shouldStopExecutionbf) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} else {
const urlFromArgBy = urlFromArg(isFetch ? args[0] : args[1]);
const item = matchM3u(urlFromArgBy);
if (item) {
if (ggljbmd.test(urlFromArgBy)) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
shouldStopExecutionbf = true;
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} else {
m3u8gglj = urlFromArgBy;
try {
if (isValidM3U8Url(m3u8gglj)) {
m3u8bflj = m3u8gglj;
} catch (e) {}
if (isFetch) {
return realFetch(...args).then(realResponse=>realResponse.text().then(textin=>{
try {
if (M3umatch(textin)) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} else {
if (!new RegExp(tyad5,'i').test(textin)) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} else {
if (!tyad1051.test(textin)) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} else {
const textout = processText(textin, item);
if (M3umatch(textout)) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} else {
if (textout !== textin) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
shouldStopExecutionbf = true;
return new Response(textout,{
status: realResponse.status,
statusText: realResponse.statusText,
headers: realResponse.headers
} else {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} catch (e) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} else {
thisArg.addEventListener('readystatechange', function handler() {
try {
if (thisArg.readyState !== 4) {
} else {
const type = thisArg.responseType;
if (type !== '' && type !== 'text') {
} else {
try {
thisArg.removeEventListener('readystatechange', handler);
} catch (e) {}
const textin = thisArg.responseText;
if (M3umatch(textin)) {
} else {
if (!new RegExp(tyad5,'i').test(textin)) {
} else {
if (!tyad1051.test(textin)) {
} else {
const textout = processText(textin, item);
if (M3umatch(textout)) {
} else {
if (textout !== textin) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
shouldStopExecutionbf = true;
Reflect.defineProperty(thisArg, 'response', {
value: textout
Reflect.defineProperty(thisArg, 'responseText', {
value: textout
} else {
} catch (e) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} else {
shouldStopExecution = true;
shouldStopExecutionbf = true;
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} catch (e) {
shouldStopExecution = true;
shouldStopExecutionbf = true;
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
;function removeInterceptors() {
try {
self.fetch = realFetch;
self.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = realOpen;
} catch (e) {}
;const realFetch = self.fetch;
self.fetch = new Proxy(realFetch,{
apply: (target,thisArg,args)=>{
try {
if (shouldStopExecution && shouldStopExecutionbf) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} else {
return interceptRequest(target, thisArg, args, true);
} catch (e) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
const realOpen = self.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
self.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = new Proxy(realOpen,{
apply: (target,thisArg,args)=>{
try {
if (shouldStopExecution && shouldStopExecutionbf) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} else {
return interceptRequest(target, thisArg, args, false);
} catch (e) {
return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, args);
} catch (e) {}
} catch (e) {}