Greasy Fork

Inoreader: viewing API for userscripts

This userscript provides an API to modify the viewing experience of Inoreader

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This userscript provides an API for other userscripts to modify the viewing experience of Inoreader.

Based on Kenya-West/userscript-typescript-template-kw.


Styles support

Just write your styles in src/assets/styles/styles.scss and they will append in web page's <head></head>!

You can also add your own files with .css or .scss extension in StylesInjecter class.

Splitted assets for different development workflow

The repository generates two different assets (files):

  1. One is fully compiled (index.user.js);
  2. The second ( has userscript's meta info and reference to the first asset so you can copy and paste its entire code to Tampermonkey once.

This allows you faster updating scripts by automatically picking up recent changes.

Better tooling support

The project has different classes to:

  • Render, remove elements;
  • Guards (which are TS decorators) that allow you to restrict method/function execution;
  • HTML element finders;
  • Build your own HTML elements declaratively.



This scripts produces list of events, prefixed with tm_inoreader-viewing-api-for-userscripts_:

Event Name Description
articleAdded Triggered when a article is added. It appies both for new and read articles.
articleNewAdded Triggered when a new article is added.
articleReadAdded Triggered when an already read read article is added.
articleMediaLoadCompleted Triggered when the media associated with an article has finished loading. It appies both for new and read articles.
articleMediaLoadFailed Triggered when the media associated with an article has failed to load. It appies both for new and read articles.
articleMediaLoadSuccess Triggered when the media associated with an article has successfully loaded. It appies both for new and read articles.
articleNewMediaLoadCompleted Triggered when the media associated with a new article has finished loading.
articleNewMediaLoadFailed Triggered when the media associated with a new article has failed to load.
articleNewMediaLoadSuccess Triggered when the media associated with a new article has successfully loaded.
articleReadMediaLoadCompleted Triggered when the media associated with a read article has finished loading.
articleReadMediaLoadFailed Triggered when the media associated with a read article has failed to load.
articleReadMediaLoadSuccess Triggered when the media associated with a read article has successfully loaded.
articleModified Triggered when an article is modified.

In your userscript, you can subscribe to events like this:

document.addEventListener('tm_inoreader-viewing-api-for-userscripts_articleAdded', (e) => {
    // your code
    // All data is in `e.detail?.details`

All data is accessed through e.detail?.details object. It contains element (HTMLElement) of article and various flags and text data of the article. Look into element.model.ts file to see which fields are available to read.


  • Clone this repository
# Use Github CLI
$ gh repo clone kenya-west/inoreader-viewing-api-for-userscripts
# Or use 'git clone' command directly
$ git clone
  1. Install dependencies with npm ci.
  2. Edit settings in userscript object in package.json, you can refer to the comments in plugins/userscript.plugin.ts.
  3. Code your userscript in src directory (like src/index.ts).
  4. Generate userscript with npm run build or npm run build:watch to auto-update resulting bundle on changes.
  5. Copy generated userscript contents to Tampermonkey -> Add new script.

3. (Optional) Compile other file types

You need install other loader plugins to support other file types.

4. Debug

Allow Tampermonkey's access to local file URIs (Tampermonkey FAQs) and import built userscript's file URL.

5. Publish you userscript

You can publish your userscript to Greasy Fork or other websites.

You can push your userscript to Github and import it to Greasy Fork.


🕒 Add top icon buttons support

🕒 Add footer text element

🕒 Add replacement for cover image with image or video

🕒 Add carousel support