// ==UserScript==
// @name MusicBrainz function library
// @namespace http://www.jens-bertram.net/userscripts/mbz-lib
// @description Musicbrainz function library. Requires jQuery to run.
// @supportURL https://github.com/JensBee/userscripts
// @icon https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/-/images/3/39/MusicBrainz_Logo_Square_Transparent.png
// @license MIT
// @version 0.4beta
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// Function library to work with MusicBrainz pages.
// Please beware that this library is not meant for public use. It may change
// between versions in any incompatible way. If you make use of this library you
// may want to fork it or use a service like greasyfork which is able to point
// to a specific version of this library.
MBZ = null;
* Event callback for re-using library.
* @lib Library passed in from callback.
var loader = function(lib) {
MBZ = lib;
* Library specification for re-using.
var thisScript = {
id: 'mbz-lib',
version: '0.4beta',
loader: loader
// trigger load event
$(window).trigger('MBZLoadingLibrary', thisScript);
// reuse existing library, if already set by callback
if (MBZ) {
console.log("Reusing library", MBZ);
} else {
// we have to wrap this in the else statement, because GreasyMonkey does not
// like a return statement in top-level code
MBZ = {
baseUrl: 'https://musicbrainz.org/',
impl: {} // concrete implementations, unloaded after initialization
MBZ.iconUrl = MBZ.baseUrl + 'favicon.ico',
MBZ.impl.Html = function() {
this.globStyle = null;
* Add CSS entry to pages <head/>.
* @param style definition to add
function init() {
if ($('head').length == 0) {
this.globStyle = $('head>style');
if (this.globStyle.length == 0) {
this.globStyle = $('<style>');
this.globStyle.attr('type', 'text/css');
+ 'button.mbzButton{'
+ 'cursor:pointer;'
+ 'text-decoration:none;'
+ 'text-shadow:-1px -1px 0 rgba(255,201,97,0.3);'
+ 'font-weight:bold;'
+ 'color:#000;'
+ 'padding:5px 5px 5px 25px;'
+ 'border-radius:5px;'
+ 'border-top:1px solid #736CAE;'
+ 'border-left:1px solid #736CAE;'
+ 'border-bottom:1px solid #FFC961;'
+ 'border-right:1px solid #FFC961;'
+ 'background:#FFE3B0 url("' + MBZ.iconUrl + '") no-repeat 5px center;'
+ '}'
+ 'button.mbzButton:hover{'
+ 'border:1px solid #454074;'
+ 'background-color:#FFD88C;'
+ '}'
+ 'button.mbzButton:disabled{'
+ 'cursor:default;'
+ 'border:1px solid #ccc;'
+ 'background-color:#ccc;'
+ 'color:#5a5a5a;'
+ '}'
+ 'div#mbzDialog{'
+ 'margin:0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0;'
+ 'padding:0.5em;'
+ 'background-color:#FFE3B0;'
+ 'border-top:1px solid #736CAE;'
+ 'border-left:1px solid #736CAE;'
+ 'border-bottom:1px solid #FFC961;'
+ 'border-right:1px solid #FFC961;'
+ '}'
* Add some CSS to the global page style.
* @style CSS to add
this.addStyle = function(style) {
// constructor
MBZ.impl.Html.prototype = {
mbzIcon: '<img src="' + MBZ.iconUrl + '" />',
* Create a MusicBrainz link.
* @params[type] type to link to (e.g. release)
* @params[id] mbid to link to (optional)
* @params[more] stuff to add after mbid + '/' (optional)
* @return plain link text
getLink: function (params) {
return MBZ.baseUrl + params.type + '/'
+ (params.id ? params.id + '/' : '') + (params.more || '');
* Create a MusicBrainz link.
* @params[type] type to link to (e.g. release)
* @params[id] mbid to link to (optional)
* @params[more] stuff to add after mbid + '/' (optional)
* @params[title] link title attribute (optional)
* @params[text] link text (optional)
* @params[before] stuff to put before link (optional)
* @params[after] stuff to put after link (optional)
* @params[icon] true/false: include MusicBrainz icon (optional,
* default: true)
* @return link jQuery object
getLinkElement: function (params) {
params.icon = (typeof params.icon !== 'undefined'
&& params.icon == false ? false : true);
var retEl = $('<div style="display:inline-block;">');
if (params.before) {
var linkEl = $('<a>' + (params.icon ? this.mbzIcon : '')
+ (params.text || '') + '</a>');
linkEl.attr('href', this.getLink({
type: params.type,
id: params.id,
more: params.more
})).attr('target', '_blank');
if (params.title) {
linkEl.attr('title', params.title);
if (params.after) {
return retEl;
getMbzButton: function(caption, title) {
var btn = $('<button type="button" class="mbzButton">' + caption
+ '</button>');
if (title) {
btn.attr('title', title);
return btn;
* Utility functions.
MBZ.impl.Util = function() {};
MBZ.impl.Util.prototype = {
* Convert anything to string.
* @data object
asString: function (data) {
if (data == null) {
return '';
switch (typeof data) {
case 'string':
return data.trim();
case 'object':
return data.toString().trim();
case 'function':
return 'function';
case 'undefined':
return '';
data = data + '';
return data.trim();
* Creates http + https url from a given https? url.
* @url http/https url
* @return array with given url prefixed with http + https or single url,
* if not https? protocol
expandProtocol: function(url) {
var urls;
if (url.toLowerCase().startsWith('http')) {
var urlPath = url.replace(/^https?:\/\//,'');
urls = ['http://' + urlPath, 'https://' + urlPath];
} else {
urls = [url];
return urls;
* Creates http + https urls from a given array of https? urls.
* @urls array of http/https urls
* @return array with given urls prefixed with http + https
expandProtocols: function(urls) {
var newUrls = [];
var self = this;
$.each(urls, function(idx, val){
newUrls = newUrls.concat(self.expandProtocol(val));
return newUrls;
* Get the last path segment from a URL.
getLastPathSegment: function(str) {
if (!str || typeof str !== 'string' || str.indexOf('/') == -1) {
return str;
var seg = str.split('/');
return seg[seg.length -1];
* Detect the MusicBrainz page we're on.
getMbzPageType: function() {
var type = [];
if (this.isMbzPage()) {
var path = window.location.pathname;
if (path.contains("/artist/")) {
} else if (path.contains("/recording/")) {
} else if (path.contains("/release/")) {
} else if (path.contains('/release-group/')) {
var lps = this.getLastPathSegment(path);
// exclude id strings
if (!lps.match(/^[0-9a-f]+-[0-9a-f]+-[0-9a-f]+-[0-9a-f]+-[0-9a-f]+$/)) {
return type;
* Convert HH:MM:SS, MM:SS, SS to seconds.
* http://stackoverflow.com/a/9640417
* @str string
* @return seconds extracted from initial string
hmsToSeconds: function (str) {
str = MBZ.Util.asString(str);
if (str.indexOf(':') > -1) {
var p = str.split(':'), s = 0, m = 1;
while (p.length > 0) {
s += m * parseInt(p.pop(), 10);
m *= 60;
return s;
} else {
return str;
* Check, if we're on a musicbrainz page.
* @return true if so
isMbzPage: function() {
if (window.location.hostname.contains('musicbrainz.org')
|| window.location.hostname.contains('mbsandbox.org')) {
return true;
return false;
* Convert milliseconds to HH:MM:SS.ss string.
* https://coderwall.com/p/wkdefg
msToHms: function (ms) {
str = this.asString(ms);
if (str.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
var milliseconds = parseInt((ms % 1000) / 100)
, seconds = parseInt((ms / 1000) % 60)
, minutes = parseInt((ms / (1000 * 60)) % 60)
, hours = parseInt((ms / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24);
hours = (hours < 10) ? "0" + hours : hours;
minutes = (minutes < 10) ? "0" + minutes : minutes;
seconds = (seconds < 10) ? "0" + seconds : seconds;
return (hours && hours != '00' ? (hours + ":") : '') + minutes + ":"
+ seconds + (milliseconds ? ("." + milliseconds) : '');
} else {
return ms;
* Remove a trailing slash from a string
* @str string
* @return intial string with trailing slash removed
rmTrSlash: function (str) {
if(str.substr(-1) == '/') {
return str.substr(0, str.length - 1);
return str;
* Util functions to work with results from MutationObservers.
MBZ.impl.Util.Mutations = function() {};
MBZ.impl.Util.Mutations.prototype = {
* Checks mutation records if an element with a given tagName was added.
* If callback function returns true, no further elements will be checked.
* @mutationRecords mutation records passed by an observer
* @tName tagname to check for (case is ignored)
* @cb callback function
* @scope optionl scope for callback
* @return if callback returned true, false otherwise
forAddedTagName: function(mutationRecords, tName, cb, scope) {
if (!mutationRecords || !cb || !tName || tName.trim().length == 0) {
return false;
tName = tName.toLowerCase();
return mutationRecords.some(function(mutationRecord){
for (let node of mutationRecord.addedNodes) {
if (node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() == tName) {
var ret;
if (scope) {
ret = cb.call(scope, node);
} else {
ret = cb(node);
if (ret == true) {
return ret;
* Shared bubble editor functions.
MBZ.impl.BubbleEditor = function() {};
MBZ.impl.BubbleEditor.prototype = {
* Add an artist credit.
* Must be called in scope.
* @bubble bubble element
* @data String or array with 1-3 elements. [mb-artist name, artist as
* credited, join phrase]
* @noAc if true, displaying the autocomplete popup will be disabled
addArtist: function(data, noAc) {
if (typeof data === 'string') {
data = [data];
if (data && data.length > 0) {
var rows = this.getCreditRows();
if (rows.length > 0) {
var targets = this.getCreditInputs(rows.get(rows.length -1));
// check, if row is all empty..
if (targets[0].val() != '' || targets[1].val() != ''
|| targets[2].val() != '') {
// ..if not, add one row and re-set target
if (targets[2].val().trim() == '') {
// at least in track bubble adding a new artist is not possible
// without a join-phrase - so add one
targets[2].val(" & ");
rows = this.getCreditRows();
targets = this.getCreditInputs(rows.get(rows.length -1));
if (noAc) {
targets[0].autocomplete({disabled: true});
if (data.length > 1) {
} else {
if (data.length > 2) {
if (noAc) {
targets[0].autocomplete({disabled: false});
* Get all mb-artist credits currently listed in the bubble editor.
* Must be called in scope.
* @return array with artist names
getArtistCredits: function() {
var rows = this.getCreditRows();
var artists = [];
if (rows.length > 0) {
var self = this;
$.each(rows, function() {
var row = $(this);
var inputs = self.getCreditInputs(row);
if (inputs[0]) {
return artists;
* See Observer.addAppearCb.
onAppear: function(params) {
return this._bubble.observer.addAppearCb(params);
* See Observer.addChangedCb.
onContentChange: function(params) {
return this._bubble.observer.addChangedCb(params);
* Remove a complete artist credit by it's row.
* @row artists data row
removeArtist: function(row) {
if (row) {
// may be <button/> or <input/> - so check attribute only
* Get a new array with artists removed already present in bubble editor.
* Checks are done against the mb artist name. Check is done by using
* all lower case letters.
* Must be called in scope.
* @artists Array of artist names
removePresentArtists: function(artists) {
var rows = this.getCreditRows();
var newArtists = [];
var presentArtists = this.getArtistCredits();
if (rows.length > 0) {
var presentArtists = [];
var self = this;
$.each(rows, function() {
var row = $(this);
var inputs = self.getCreditInputs(row);
if (inputs[0]) {
// sort out new ones
for (let artist of artists) {
if (presentArtists.indexOf(artist.toLowerCase()) == -1) {
return newArtists;
* Tries to open the bubble by clicking the given handler.
* @bubble bubble element
* @handler handler to click
tryOpen: function(handler) {
var bubble = this.getBubble();
if (bubble && !bubble.is(':visible')) {
* Bubble observer class.
* @instance Bubble class instance.
* @ids[bubble] Id of bubble element
* @ids[container] For two-stage loading: container that will contain the
* bubble (optional)
Observer: function(instance) {
var observer = null;
var disconnected = false;
var onAppearCb = [];
var onChangeCb = [];
var that = instance;
var noBubble = false;
function mutated(mutationRecords) {
if (that._bubble.el) {
// remove observer, if noone is listening
if (onChangeCb.length == 0) {
console.debug("Remove bubble observer - noone listening.");
disconnected = true;
} else {
for (let cbParams of onChangeCb) {
cbParams.cb(that._bubble.el, mutationRecords);
} else {
var bubble = $(that._bubble.id);
if (bubble && bubble.length ==1) {
that._bubble.el = bubble;
function hasAppeared() {
// call onAppear callbacks
while (onAppearCb.length > 0) {
// check if someone is listening for changes
if (onChangeCb.length == 0) {
if (observer) {
console.debug("Remove bubble observer - noone listening.");
disconnected = true;
} else {
console.debug("Not attaching bubble observer - noone listening.");
function init() {
var bubble = $(that._bubble.id);
var e;
if (bubble && bubble.length ==1) {
that._bubble.el = bubble;
e = bubble.get(0);
if (!e) {
"Bubble not found. Giving up.");
noBubble = true;
} else {
observer = new MutationObserver(mutated);
observer.observe(e, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
function reAttach() {
if (disconnected) {
console.debug("Re-attach bubble observer - new listener.");
observer.observe(that._bubble.el.get(0), {
childList: true,
subtree: true
* Add a listener to listen to appearance of the bubble. Callback is
* called directly, if bubble is already present.
* @cb[cb] callcack function
* @return true, if added or called immediately, false, if there's no
* bubble to attach to
this.addAppearCb = function(cb) {
if (noBubble) {
console.debug("Not attaching to event. No bubble.");
return false;
if (that._bubble.el) {
// direct call, bubble already there
} else {
// add to stack
return true;
* Add a listener to listen to changes to the bubble.
* @cb[cb] callcack function
* @return true, if added, false, if there's no bubble to attach to
this.addChangedCb = function(cb) {
if (noBubble) {
console.debug("Not attaching to event. No bubble.");
return false;
return false;
// constructor
* Bubble editors base class.
MBZ.BubbleEditor = {
* Differenciate types of bubble editors.
types: {
artistCredits: 'ArtistCreditBubble',
trackArtistCredits: 'TrackArtistCreditBubble'
* Artists credits bubble.
MBZ.BubbleEditor.ArtistCredits = function() {
this.type = MBZ.BubbleEditor.types.artistCredits;
this._bubble = {
el: null,
id: '#artist-credit-bubble',
observer: null
* Get the bubble element.
this.getBubble = function() {
return this._bubble.el;
* Extract the inputs for mb-artist, credited-artist and join-phrase from a
* single data row.
* @row data row
* @return array with input elements for mb-artist, credited-artist and
* join-phrase from a single data row.
this.getCreditInputs = function(row) {
if (!row || (row.length && row.length == 0)) {
console.debug("Empty row.");
return [];
row = $(row);
var rowData = [];
var el = row.find('input[type="text"]'); // mb-artist
if (el.length == 1) {
el = row.next().find('input[type="text"]'); // artist as credited
if (el.length == 1) {
el = row.next().next().find('input[type="text"]'); // join phrase
if (el.length == 1) {
return rowData;
return [];
* Get the rows containing inputs for mb-artist, credited-artist and
* join-phrase from the bubble.
* @return jQuery object containing each data row. This is for each entry
* the first row containing the mb-artist name.
this.getCreditRows = function() {
if (this._bubble.el) {
return this._bubble.el.find('tr:has(input.name)');
} else {
console.debug("No rows found. Bubble not present.");
return $();
* Called when bubble has appeared to call the real observer.
function attachObserver() {
this._bubble.observer = new this.Observer(this);
// wait until bubble container appears
cb: attachObserver,
scope: this,
selector: this._bubble.id
* Track artists credits bubble.
MBZ.BubbleEditor.TrackArtistCredits = function() {
this.type = MBZ.BubbleEditor.types.trackArtistCredits;
this._bubble = {
el: null,
id: '#track-ac-bubble',
observer: null
* Get the bubble element.
this.getBubble = function() {
return this._bubble.el;
* Get the rows containing inputs for mb-artist, credited-artist and
* join-phrase from the bubble.
* @return jQuery object containing each data row
this.getCreditRows = function() {
if (this._bubble.el) {
return this._bubble.el.find('tr:has(td span.artist)');
} else {
console.debg("No rows found. Bubble not present.");
return $();
* Extract the inputs for mb-artist, credited-artist and join-phrase from a
* single data row.
* @row data row
* @return array with input elements for mb-artist, credited-artist and
* join-phrase from a single data row.
this.getCreditInputs = function(row) {
if (!row) {
console.debug("Empty row.");
return [];
var inputs = $(row).find('td input[type="text"]');
if (inputs.length == 3) {
return [
$(inputs.get(0)), // mb-artist
$(inputs.get(1)), // artist as credited
$(inputs.get(2)) // join-phrase
} else {
return [];
this._bubble.observer = new this.Observer(this);
MBZ.impl.ReleaseEditor = function() {
var observer = new MutationObserver(mutated);
var e = $('#release-editor');
var onAppearCb = [];
var observing = false;
function checkExistance(cbConf) {
var result = e.find(cbConf.selector);
if (result.length > 0) {
if (cbConf.scope) {
cbConf.cb.call(cbConf.scope, result);
} else {
return true;
return false;
function checkObserver() {
if (onAppearCb.length > 0) {
if (!observing) {
observer.observe(e.get(0), {
childList: true,
subtree: true
observing = true;
console.debug("Attach ReleaseEditor observer - new listener.");
} else if (observing) {
observing = false;
console.debug("Remove ReleaseEditor observer - noone listening.");
function mutated(mutationRecords) {
var surviving = [];
for (var cbConf of onAppearCb) {
if (!checkExistance(cbConf)) {
onAppearCb = surviving;
* cbConf[selector] element selector to search for
* cbConf[cb] callback function
* cbConf[scope] optional scope for callback
this.onAppear = function(cbConf) {
if (!checkExistance(cbConf)) {
* Release tracklist.
MBZ.impl.TrackList = function() {
var observer;
var id = '#tracklist';
var Observer = function() {
var observer;
var onChangeCb = [];
function attach() {
console.debug("Creating tracklist observer - new listener.");
observer = new MutationObserver(mutated);
observer.observe($(id).get(0), {
childList: true,
subtree: true
function mutated(mutationRecords) {
var element = $(id);
for (cb of onChangeCb) {
cb.cb(element, mutationRecords);
* Add a listener to listen to changes to the bubble.
* @cb[cb] callcack function
this.addChangedCb = function(cb) {
if (!observer) {
this.getList = function() {
return $(id);
this.onContentChange = function(params) {
if (!observer) {
console.debug("Not attaching to event. No tracklist.");
return false;
return observer.addChangedCb(params);
if ($(id).length == 1) {
observer = new Observer();
* Cover art archive.
MBZ.impl.CA = function() {};
MBZ.impl.CA.prototype = {
baseUrl: 'https://coverartarchive.org/',
originBaseUrl: 'https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/coverartarchive.org:443/',
* Create a CoverArtArchive link.
* @params[type] type to link to (e.g. release)
* @params[id] mbid to link to (optional)
* @params[more] stuff to add after mbid (optional)
getLink: function (params) {
return this.originBaseUrl + params.type + '/'
+ (params.id ? params.id + '/' : '') + (params.more || '');
* MusicBrainz web service v2 interface.
MBZ.impl.WS = function() {};
MBZ.impl.WS.prototype = {
_baseUrl: MBZ.baseUrl + 'ws/2/',
_queue: [],
_pollFreq: 1100,
_pollInterval: null,
* Add to request queue.
* @params[cb] callback
* @params[url] request url
* @params[args] callback function parameters object
* @params[scope] scope for calling callback function
_qAdd: function(params) {
if (!this._pollInterval) {
if (this._queue.length == 1) {
this._pollInterval = setInterval(this._qPoll, this._pollFreq);
* Execute queued requests.
_qPoll: function() {
if (MBZ.WS._queue.length > 0) {
var item = MBZ.WS._queue.pop();
$.getJSON(item.url, function(data) {
if (item.args) {
if (item.scope) {
item.cb.call(item.scope, data, item.args);
} else {
item.cb(data, item.args);
} else {
if (item.scope) {
item.cb.call(item.scope, data);
} else {
}).fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
var err = textStatus + ', ' + error;
console.error("Request (" + item.url + ") failed: " + err);
if (item.scope) {
} else {
} else if (MBZ.WS._queue.length == 0 && MBZ.WS._pollInterval) {
* Lookup a musicbrainz url relation
* @params[cb] callback function
* @params[res] url to lookup
* @params[rel] relation type
* @params[scope] scope for callback function
getUrlRelation: function (params) {
cb: params.cb,
url: this._baseUrl + 'url?resource=' + encodeURIComponent(params.res)
+ '&inc=' + params.rel + '-rels',
scope: params.scope
* Lookup musicbrainz url relations
* @params[urls] array of urls to lookup
* @params[rel] relation type
* @params[cb] callback function for each response
* @params[cbInc] callback for each item looked up
* @params[cbDone] callback to call if all items have been looked up
* @params[scope] scope for callback functions
getUrlRelations: function(params) {
var self = this;
var count = params.urls.length;
var current = 0;
function localCb(data) {
if (params.scope) {
params.cb.call(params.scope, data);
} else {
if (typeof params.cbInc === 'function') {
if (params.scope) {
} else {
if (++current == count && typeof params.cbDone === 'function') {
if (params.scope) {
} else {
$.each(params.urls, function(idx, val) {
cb: localCb,
res: val,
rel: params.rel
* Library initialization.
function init() {
// base
console.debug("Loading MBZ base classes");
MBZ.Html = new MBZ.impl.Html();
MBZ.Util = new MBZ.impl.Util();
MBZ.Util.Mutations = new MBZ.impl.Util.Mutations();
MBZ.CA = new MBZ.impl.CA();
MBZ.WS = new MBZ.impl.WS();
// initialize the following only on MusicBrainz pages
var pageType = MBZ.Util.getMbzPageType();
if (pageType.length > 0) {
// release editor
if (pageType.indexOf("release") > -1 || pageType.indexOf("edit") > -1) {
console.debug("Loading MBZ.ReleaseEditor");
MBZ.ReleaseEditor = new MBZ.impl.ReleaseEditor();
// bubble editors
if (pageType.indexOf("edit") > -1 || pageType.indexOf("add") > -1) {
// track editor only, if we edit releases
if (pageType.indexOf("release") > -1) {
console.debug("Loading MBZ.BubbleEditor.TrackArtistCredits");
MBZ.BubbleEditor.TrackArtistCredits.prototype =
new MBZ.impl.BubbleEditor();
MBZ.BubbleEditor.TrackArtistCredits =
new MBZ.BubbleEditor.TrackArtistCredits();
// artist editor on artist edit or release types
if (pageType.indexOf("artist") > -1
|| pageType.indexOf("release") > -1
|| pageType.indexOf("release-group") > -1) {
console.debug("Loading MBZ.BubbleEditor.ArtistCredits");
MBZ.BubbleEditor.ArtistCredits.prototype =
new MBZ.impl.BubbleEditor();
MBZ.BubbleEditor.ArtistCredits = new MBZ.BubbleEditor.ArtistCredits();
// tracklist is only available on release pages
if (pageType.indexOf("release") > -1) {
console.debug("Loading MBZ.TrackList");
MBZ.TrackList = new MBZ.impl.TrackList();
// release MBZ.impl.* classes to garbage collection
console.debug("Unloading MBZ.impl.*");
delete MBZ.impl;
// Library initialization finished.
// ============================== On demand classes - created by users =======
* Release related functions.
MBZ.Release = function() {
var form = $('<form method="post" id="' + MBZ.Release._form.baseName + '-'
+ (MBZ.Release._form.count++) + '" target="_blank" action="'
+ MBZ.Release._form.target + '" acceptCharset="UTF-8"></form>');
var submitted = false;
this.data = {
annotation: '', // content
artists: [],
labels: [],
mediums: [],
note: '', // content
packaging: '', // type
releases: [],
title: '', // content
tracks: [],
urls: [] // [target, type]
function addField(name, value) {
name = MBZ.Util.asString(name);
value = MBZ.Util.asString(value);
if (name.length > 0 && value.length > 0) {
form.append($('<input type="hidden" name="' + name + '" value="' + value
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/'/g, ''')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
+ '"/>'));
function buildForm(dataSet) {
if (dataSet.annotation != '') {
addField('annotation', dataSet.annotation);
if (dataSet.artists.length > 0) {
$.each(dataSet.artists, function(idx, val) {
var prefix = 'artist_credit.names.' + (val.idx || idx);
addField(prefix + '.name', val.cred);
addField(prefix + '.mbid', val.id);
addField(prefix + '.artist.name', val.name);
addField(prefix + '.join_phrase', val.join);
if (dataSet.labels.length > 0) {
$.each(dataSet.labels, function(idx, val) {
var prefix = 'labels.' + (val.idx || idx);
addField(prefix + '.mbid', val.id);
addField(prefix + '.name', val.name);
addField(prefix + '.catalog_number', val.catNo);
if (dataSet.note != '') {
addField('edit_note', dataSet.note);
if (dataSet.releases.length > 0) {
$.each(dataSet.releases, function(idx, val) {
var prefix = 'events.' + (val.idx || idx);
addField(prefix + '.date.year', val.y);
addField(prefix + '.date.month', val.m);
addField(prefix + '.date.day', val.d);
addField(prefix + '.country', val.cc);
$.each(dataSet.mediums, function(idx, val) {
var prefix = 'mediums.' + (val.idx || idx);
addField(prefix + '.format', val.fmt);
addField(prefix + '.name', val.name);
if (dataSet.packaging != '') {
addField('packaging', dataSet.packaging);
if (dataSet.title != '') {
addField('name', dataSet.title);
$.each(dataSet.tracks, function(idx, val) {
var prefix = 'mediums.' + val.med + '.track.' + (val.idx || idx);
addField(prefix + '.name', val.tit);
addField(prefix + '.number', val.num);
addField(prefix + '.recording', val.recId);
addField(prefix + '.length', val.dur);
if (val.artists) {
$.each(val.artists, function(aIdx, aVal) {
var aPrefix = prefix + '.artist_credit.names.' + (aVal.idx || aIdx);
addField(aPrefix + '.name', aVal.cred);
addField(aPrefix + '.mbid', aVal.id);
addField(aPrefix + '.artist.name', aVal.name);
addField(aPrefix + '.join_phrase', aVal.join);
if (dataSet.urls.length > 0) {
$.each(dataSet.urls, function(idx, val) {
addField('urls.' + idx + '.url', val[0]);
addField('urls.' + idx + '.link_type', val[1]);
* Submit data to musicbrainz.
this.submitRelease = function() {
if (!submitted) {
submitted = true;
MBZ.Release._relationCb = function(data) {
if (!data) {
return {};
if (data.relations) {
var rels = {_res: data.resource};
$.each(data.relations, function(idx, val) {
var id = val.release.id;
var type = val.type;
if (!rels[id]) {
rels[id] = [];
if (rels[id].indexOf(type) == -1) {
return rels;
MBZ.Release._form = {
baseName: 'mbAddReleaseForm',
count: 0,
target: MBZ.baseUrl + 'release/add'
* Lookup a musicbrainz url relation for 'release' type.
* @params[cb] callback function
* @params[res] url to lookup
* @params[scope] scope for callback function
MBZ.Release.getUrlRelation = function(params) {
function innerCb(cbData) {
if (params.scope) {
params.cb.call(params.scope, MBZ.Release._relationCb(cbData));
} else {
cb: innerCb,
res: params.res,
rel: 'release',
scope: params.scope
* Lookup musicbrainz url relations for 'release' type.
* @params[urls] array of urls to lookup
* @params[cb] callback function for each response
* @params[cbInc] callback for each item looked up
* @params[cbDone] callback to call if all items have been looked up
* @params[scope] scope for callback functions
MBZ.Release.getUrlRelations = function(params) {
function innerCb(cbData) {
if (params.scope) {
params.cb.call(params.scope, MBZ.Release._relationCb(cbData));
} else {
urls: params.urls,
rel: 'release',
cb: innerCb,
cbInc: params.cbInc,
cbDone: params.cbDone,
scope: params.scope
* Insert a link, if a release has MusicBrainz relations.
* @data key=mbid value=string array: relation types
* @target target jQuery element to append (optional) or
* this.mbLinkTarget set in scope
MBZ.Release.insertMBLink = function(data, target) {
if (data) {
var self = this;
target = target || self.mbLinkTarget;
if (!target) {
$.each(data, function(k, v) {
if (!k.startsWith('_')) { // skip internal data
var relLink = MBZ.Html.getLinkElement({
type: 'release',
id: k,
title: "Linked as: " + v.toString(),
before: ' '
var editLink = MBZ.Html.getLinkElement({
type: 'release',
id: k,
more: 'edit',
text: 'edit',
title: 'Edit release',
before: ', ',
icon: false
var artLinkTitle = 'set';
url: MBZ.CA.getLink({
type: 'release',
id: k,
more: 'front'
artLinkTitle = 'edit';
}).always(function() {
var artLink = MBZ.Html.getLinkElement({
type: 'release',
id: k,
more: 'cover-art',
text: artLinkTitle + ' art',
title: artLinkTitle + ' cover art for release',
before: ', ',
icon: false
relLink.after('<sup> ' + v.length + editLink.html()
+ artLink.html() + '</sup>');
MBZ.Release.prototype = {
* Add an artist entry.
* @params plain artist name as string or object:
* params[cred] artist name as credited
* params[id] artists mbid
* params[idx] position
* params[join] phrase to join with next artist
* params[name] artist name
addArtist: function(params) {
if (typeof params === 'string') {
this.data.artists.push({name: params});
} else {
* Add a label entry.
* @params plain label name as string or object.
* params[catNo] catalog number
* params[id] mbid
* params[idx] position
* params[name] label name
addLabel: function(params) {
if (typeof params === 'string') {
this.data.labels.push({name: params});
} else {
* Set format of a medium.
* @params[idx] position
* @params[fmt] format type name
* @params[name] name
addMedium: function(params) {
* Add a release event.
* @params[y] YYYY
* @params[m] MM
* @params[d] DD
* @params[cc] country code
* @params[idx] position
addRelease: function(params) {
* Add a track.
* @params[med] medium number
* @params[tit] track name
* @params[idx] track number
* @params[num] track number (free-form)
* @params[dur] length in MM:SS or milliseconds
* @params[recId] mbid of existing recording to associate
* @params[artists] array of objects:
* obj[cred] artist name as credited
* obj[id] artists mbid
* obj[idx] position
* obj[join] phrase to join with next artist
* obj[name] artist name
addTrack: function(params) {
* @url target url
* @type musicbrainz url type
* @return true if value was added
addUrl: function(url, type) {
url = MBZ.Util.asString(url);
type = MBZ.Util.asString(type);
this.data.urls.push([url, type]);
return true;
* Dump current data (best viewed in FireBug).
dump: function() {
* @content annotation content
* @return old value
setAnnotation: function(content) {
var old = this.data.annotation;
this.data.annotation = MBZ.Util.asString(content);
return old;
* @content edeting note content
* @return old value
setNote: function(content) {
var old = this.data.note;
this.data.note = MBZ.Util.asString(content);
return old;
* @content packaging type
* @return old value
setPackaging: function(type) {
var old = this.data.packaging;
this.data.packaging = MBZ.Util.asString(type);
return old;
* @name release title
* @return old value
setTitle: function(name) {
var old = this.data.title;
this.data.title = MBZ.Util.asString(name);
return old;
$(window).on('MBZLoadingLibrary', function(e, ts){
if (ts.id == thisScript.id && ts.version == thisScript.version
&& typeof ts.loader === 'function') {