// ==UserScript==
// @name GoFile 增强
// @name:en GoFile Enhanced
// @namespace https://github.com/ewigl/gofile-enhanced
// @version 0.3.0
// @description 在 GoFile 文件页面添加一个按钮,导出当前页面全部文件下载链接。用以配合 IDM、aria2 等下载器使用。
// @description:en Export all files' download link. Use along with IDM, aria2 and similar downloaders.
// @author Licht
// @license MIT
// @homepage https://github.com/ewigl/gofile-enhanced
// @match http*://gofile.io/d/*
// @icon https://gofile.io/dist/img/favicon16.png
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
;(function () {
'use strict'
// comments for myself
// mainFolderObject (object): GoFile OBJECT (NOT ARRAY!) of current page's all files and folders.
// contentsSelected (object): user selected files or folders.
// accountsObject (object): user accounts object.
// accountActive (string): active account.
// IDM Exported Format (CRLF(${CRLF}) only):
// <
// url
// cookie: accountToken=ABCDEFG
// >
// constants
const CRLF = '\r\n'
// plain text
txt: 'txt',
// IDM
ef2: 'ef2',
// const FOLDER_TYPE = 'folder'
const FILE_TYPE = 'file'
const I18N = {
'zh-CN': {
allToTXT: '全部链接 -> TXT',
selectedToTXT: '选中链接 -> TXT',
allToEF2: '全部链接 -> IDM',
selectedToEF2: '选中链接 -> IDM',
noFileSelected: '未选中任何文件',
noFileSelectedDescription: '请先选中文件。',
noFiles: '没有文件可以下载',
noFilesDescription: '没有可以下载的文件,暂不支持文件夹下载。',
ok: '确定',
cancel: '取消',
'en-US': {
allToTXT: 'All links -> TXT',
selectedToTXT: 'Selected links -> TXT',
allToEF2: 'All links -> IDM',
selectedToEF2: 'Selected links -> IDM',
noFileSelected: 'No file selected',
noFileSelectedDescription: 'Please select files first.',
noFiles: 'No files can be downloaded',
noFilesDescription: 'No files can be downloaded, folder download is not supported, yet.',
ok: 'OK',
cancel: 'Cancel',
const ICON_CLASS = {
allToTXT: 'bi-bookmark-fill',
selectedToTXT: 'bi-bookmark-check-fill',
allToEF2: 'bi-cloud-arrow-down-fill',
selectedToEF2: 'bi-cloud-check-fill',
const utils = {
getTranslation: (key) => I18N[navigator.language || DEFAULT_LANGUAGE][key],
getToken: () => accountsObject[accountActive].token,
downloadFile(links, format = 'txt') {
const blob = new Blob([links], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.href = url
// generate file neme by timestamp
link.download = `${mainFolderObject.name} - ${new Date().getTime()}.${format}`
generateButtonDom(selectMode = false, format = 'txt') {
const buttonText = utils.getTranslation(
selectMode ? 'selectedTo' + format.toUpperCase() : 'allTo' + format.toUpperCase()
const iconClass = selectMode
? ICON_CLASS['selectedTo' + format.toUpperCase()]
: ICON_CLASS['allTo' + format.toUpperCase()]
return `
<a href="javascript:void(0)">
<div class="row justify-content-center rounded-pill sidebarItem mt-1 mb-1 hover">
<div class="col-auto">
<span style="font-size: 1.5em"><i class="bi ${iconClass}"></i></span>
<div class="col sidebarMobile d-flex align-items-center" style="display: block;">
<span> ${buttonText} </span>
const operations = {
exportToFile(selectMode = false, format = 'txt') {
const objectKeys = Object.keys(selectMode ? contentsSelected : mainFolderObject.children)
// .filter(
// (key) => mainFolderObject.children[key].type === FILE_TYPE
// )
const fileKeys = objectKeys.filter((key) => mainFolderObject.children[key].type === FILE_TYPE)
if (fileKeys.length === 0) {
return createModal({
modalTitle: selectMode ? utils.getTranslation('noFileSelected') : utils.getTranslation('noFiles'),
modalBody: selectMode
? utils.getTranslation('noFileSelectedDescription')
: utils.getTranslation('noFilesDescription'),
modalYesLabel: utils.getTranslation('ok'),
const formatMap = {
[EXPORT_FORMAT.ef2]: (item) =>
`<${CRLF}${item.link}${CRLF}cookie: accountToken=${utils.getToken()}${CRLF}>${CRLF}`,
[EXPORT_FORMAT.txt]: (item) => `${item.link}${CRLF}`,
const links = fileKeys
.map((key) => {
const item = mainFolderObject.children[key]
return formatMap[format](item)
utils.downloadFile(links, format)
addButtonsToSidebar() {
const hrLine = document.createElement('hr')
const buttonConfigs = [
{ selectMode: false, format: EXPORT_FORMAT.txt },
{ selectMode: true, format: EXPORT_FORMAT.txt },
{ selectMode: false, format: EXPORT_FORMAT.ef2 },
{ selectMode: true, format: EXPORT_FORMAT.ef2 },
const buttons = buttonConfigs.map((config) => {
const button = document.createElement('div')
button.innerHTML = utils.generateButtonDom(config.selectMode, config.format)
button.addEventListener('click', operations.exportToFile.bind(null, config.selectMode, config.format))
return button
const container = document.createElement('div')
buttons.forEach((button) => container.appendChild(button))
const main = {
init() {
let interval = setInterval(() => {
if (mainFolderObject.children) {
}, 640)