Greasy Fork


glabal darl style

此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require

(function() {
	var css = "";
	css += [
		"@namespace html url(;",
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		"/* Browser Background */",
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	css += [
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		"a.button {background-image: none !important; background-color: black !important, color: silver !important}",

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		"/* Styles from midnigth surfing */",
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		"/* Not list item, but still useful*/",
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		"/* === Basic === */",
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		"html:root input[type=\"submit\"],",
		"html:root input[type=\"reset\"],",
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		"[class*=\"spacer\"]:empty {",
		"background-image: none !important;",
		"/* Menus and Navigation */",
		"nav, ",
		"/*Common naming conventions - in case previous declarations fail to give solid BG*/",
		"html body [class*=\"open\"],",
		"html body [id*=\"Dropdown\"],",
		"html body [id*=\"dropdown\"],",
		"html body [class*=\"Dropdown\"],",
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		"html body [class*=\"tooltip\"],",
		"html body [class*=\"popup\"], ",
		"html body [id*=\"popup\"],",
		"/* Notes, details, etc.  Maybe useful */",
		"html body [class*=\"note\"],",
		"html body [class*=\"detail\"],",
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		"{background-color: #232323 !important}",
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		"[id*=\"logo\"] a,",
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		"text-indent: 0 !important;",
		"/* Instead of increasing specificity rating by using :not, set rules separately */",
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		"html:root body #imageContainer {",
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		"/* Event Handlers/Attributes */",
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		"text-indent: 0 !important;",
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		"color: #FEFF97 !important;",
		"/* Make images transparent */",
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		"img:hover {",
		"opacity: 1 !important;",
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		"svg {",
		"background: none #666 !important;",
		"/* Highlight */",
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		"background-color: #626F61 !important;",
		"color: #F6F7B9 !important;",
		"/* :::::::: Specific Fixes :::::::: */",
		"/* google search link fix */",
		".g .r {",
		"background-color: transparent !important;",
		"/* google result hover highlight*/",
		"div.vsc:hover > .vspi, div.vso > .vspi {",
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	var node = document.createElement("style");
	node.type = "text/css";
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	if (heads.length > 0) {
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		// no head yet, stick it whereever