const locales = {
// Configuration for CSS selectors and translations
css: [
key: "!html", // Determines how the replacement is applied
selector: "a[aria-label='Pull requests you created']", // Targeted CSS selector
replacement: "請求拉取", // Replacement string in Traditional Chinese
// Dictionary of translations for various UI elements
dict: {
// Month translations
"jan": "1月", "january": "1月",
"feb": "2月", "february": "2月",
"mar": "3月", "march": "3月",
"apr": "4月", "april": "4月",
"may": "5月",
"jun": "6月", "june": "6月",
"jul": "7月", "july": "7月",
"aug": "8月", "august": "8月",
"sep": "9月", "september": "9月",
"oct": "10月", "october": "10月",
"nov": "11月", "november": "11月",
"dec": "12月", "december": "12月",
// Homepage translations
"sign in": "登入",
"sign up": "註冊",
"team": "團隊",
"enterprise": "企業",
"pricing": "價格",
"search github": "搜尋GitHub",
"why github?": "為何選擇GitHub",
"built for developers": "專為開發者打造",
"refresh": "重新整理",
"developers": "開發者",
"spoken language:": "自然語言",
"any": "所有",
"date range:": "時間範圍",
"today": "今天",
"this week": "本週",
"this month": "本月",
// Explore page translations
"collections": "集合",
"trending": "趨勢",
"events": "事件",
"github sponsors": "GitHub贊助",
// Footer translations
"terms": "服務條款",
"contact github": "聯絡 GitHub",
"privacy": "隱私",
"blog": "部落格",
"help": "幫助",
"shop": "商店",
"status": "狀態",
"training": "培訓",
// Authentication-related translations
"username": "使用者名稱",
"email": "電子郵件",
"password": "密碼",
"sign up for github": "註冊 GitHub",
"sign in to gitHub": "登入 GitHub",
"username or email address": "使用者名稱或電子郵件地址",
"forgot password?": "忘記密碼?",
"new to github?": "初次接觸 GitHub?",
"create an account": "建立帳號",
"make sure it's ": "確保",
"at least 15 characters": "至少15個字元",
"or": " 或者 ",
"at least 8 characters": "至少8個字元",
"including a number": "包括數字",
"and a lowercase letter": "和小寫字母",
"learn more": "了解更多",
"confirm password to continue": "確認密碼以繼續",
"confirm password": "確認密碼",
"tip:": "提示:",
// User home page translations
"pull requests": "拉取請求",
"marketplace": "應用商店",
"explore": "探索",
"issues": "問題",
"overview": "概況",
"repositories": "儲存庫",
"projects": "專案",
"recent activity": "最近動態",
"all activity": "所有動態",
"loading activity...": "載入動態中...",
"more": "更多",
"create an organization": "建立一個組織",
"explore more →": "探索更多",
"show more": "顯示更多",
"working with a team?": "與團隊合作?",
"github is built for collaboration. set up an organization to improve the way your team works together, and get access to more features.": "GitHub是為協作而設計的。 建立組織以改善團隊合作的方式,並獲得更多功能。",
// Search translations
"language:": " 程式語言:",
"type:": "類型:",
"all": "所有",
"select type": "選擇類型",
"select language": "選擇語言",
"find a repository…": "搜尋儲存庫…",
"search or jump to…": "搜尋或跳轉到…",
// User and organization translations
"pinned": "置頂",
"followers": "追蹤者",
"following": "正在追蹤",
"edit profile": "編輯個人檔案",
"follow": "追蹤",
"unfollow": "取消追蹤",
"highlights": "精選時刻",
"popular repositories": "熱門儲存庫",
"contribution activity": "貢獻動態",
"show more activity": "載入更多動態",
"people": "成員",
"members": "成員",
"top languages": "主要程式語言",
"most used topics": "最常用的主題",
"verified": "已驗證",
"report abuse": "檢舉濫用",
"organizations": "組織",
// Repository translations
"new": "新增",
"languages": "語言",
"about": "關於",
"code": "程式碼",
"explore repositories": "探索儲存庫",
"create a new repository": "新增儲存庫",
"owner": "擁有者",
"repository name": "儲存庫名稱",
"description": "描述",
"(optional)": "(可選)",
"public": "公開",
"private": "私密",
"packages": "套件",
"secrets": "密鑰",
"security": "安全",
"notifications": "通知",
"discussions": "討論",
"sponsor": "贊助",
"sponsor this project": "贊助此專案",
"learn more about": "了解更多關於",
"insights": "統計",
"actions": "操作",
"releases": "版本",
"add file": "新增檔案",
"readme": "自述文件",
"commits": "次提交",
"merge pull request": "合併拉取請求",
"switch branches/tags": "切換分支/標籤",
"default": "預設",
"go to file": "檔案查找",
"used by": "使用者",
"contributors": "貢獻者",
"view license": "檢視License",
"no releases published": "無版本發佈",