Greasy Fork



// ==UserScript==
// @name         流放之路之雕像搜索汉化
// @namespace
// @version      2.0
// @description  关于【POE网页市集简中汉化】还没兼容雕像词缀的临时解决方案
// @author       开始摸鱼
// @match*
// @run-at       document-end
// @grant        none
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
    let lscacheTradestats = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("lscache-tradestats"));
    const entries = [
        "id": "explicit.stat_3299347043",
        "text": "+# 最大生命(+# to maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3372524247",
        "text": "+#% 火焰抗性(+#% to Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4220027924",
        "text": "+#% 冰霜抗性(+#% to Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1671376347",
        "text": "+#% 闪电抗性(+#% to Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1050105434",
        "text": "+# 最大魔力(+# to maximum Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4080418644",
        "text": "+# 力量(+# to Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3261801346",
        "text": "+# 敏捷(+# to Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_328541901",
        "text": "+# 智慧(+# to Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3489782002",
        "text": "+# 最大能量护盾(+# to maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3325883026",
        "text": "每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2901986750",
        "text": "+#% 所有元素抗性(+#% to all Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2511217560",
        "text": "晕眩回复和格挡回复提高 #%(#% increased Stun and Block Recovery)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3917489142",
        "text": "物品稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items found)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1509134228",
        "text": "物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2250533757",
        "text": "移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3032590688",
        "text": "攻击附加 # - # 基础物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2923486259",
        "text": "+#% 混沌抗性(+#% to Chaos Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_789117908",
        "text": "魔力再生速度提高 #%(#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_210067635",
        "text": "攻击速度加快 #% (区域)(#% increased Attack Speed (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3556824919",
        "text": "+#% 全域暴击伤害加成(+#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_803737631",
        "text": "+# 命中值(+# to Accuracy Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2891184298",
        "text": "施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4052037485",
        "text": "+# 最大能量护盾 (区域)(+# to maximum Energy Shield (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_983749596",
        "text": "生命上限提高 #%(#% increased maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1940865751",
        "text": "该装备附加 # - # 基础物理伤害 (区域)(Adds # to # Physical Damage (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1379411836",
        "text": "+# 全属性(+# to all Attributes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_681332047",
        "text": "攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_95249895",
        "text": "怪物生命总增 #%(#% more Monster Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_124859000",
        "text": "闪避值提高 #% (区域)(#% increased Evasion Rating (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2974417149",
        "text": "法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1754445556",
        "text": "攻击附加 # - # 基础闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2144192055",
        "text": "+# 点闪避值(+# to Evasion Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1573130764",
        "text": "攻击附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage to Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4067062424",
        "text": "攻击附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage to Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_53045048",
        "text": "+# 点闪避值 (区域)(+# to Evasion Rating (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2482852589",
        "text": "能量护盾上限提高 #%(#% increased maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_587431675",
        "text": "全域暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Global Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3484657501",
        "text": "+# 护甲 (区域)(+# to Armour (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3962278098",
        "text": "火焰伤害提高 #%(#% increased Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4015621042",
        "text": "该装备的能量护盾提高 #% (区域)(#% increased Energy Shield (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1062208444",
        "text": "该装备的护甲提高 #% (区域)(#% increased Armour (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2231156303",
        "text": "闪电伤害提高 #%(#% increased Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_387439868",
        "text": "攻击技能的元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3291658075",
        "text": "冰霜伤害提高 #%(#% increased Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3321629045",
        "text": "该装备的护甲与能量护盾提高 #% (区域)(#% increased Armour and Energy Shield (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1263695895",
        "text": "照亮范围扩大 #%(#% increased Light Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2451402625",
        "text": "该装备的护甲与闪避提高 #% (区域)(#% increased Armour and Evasion (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2375316951",
        "text": "该装备的攻击暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3336890334",
        "text": "该装备附加 # - # 基础闪电伤害 (区域)(Adds # to # Lightning Damage (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1890519597",
        "text": "怪物伤害提高 #%(#% increased Monster Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1037193709",
        "text": "该装备附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害 (区域)(Adds # to # Cold Damage (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_809229260",
        "text": "+# 护甲(+# to Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3695891184",
        "text": "每击败一名敌人获得#点生命(Gain # Life per Enemy Killed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2748665614",
        "text": "魔力上限提高 #%(#% increased maximum Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_691932474",
        "text": "+# 命中值 (区域)(+# to Accuracy Rating (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1368271171",
        "text": "每击败一名敌人获得#点魔力(Gain # Mana per Enemy Killed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_709508406",
        "text": "该装备附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害 (区域)(Adds # to # Fire Damage (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3787436548",
        "text": "史实(Historic)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1999113824",
        "text": "该装备的闪避与能量护盾提高 #% (区域)(#% increased Evasion and Energy Shield (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2517001139",
        "text": "敌人的晕眩时间延长 #%(#% increased Stun Duration on Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1310194496",
        "text": "全局物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Global Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2306522833",
        "text": "怪物移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Monster Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2488361432",
        "text": "怪物施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Monster Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3416853625",
        "text": "怪物造成的 #% 额外物理伤害视为闪电伤害(Monsters deal #% extra Physical Damage as Lightning)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3593843976",
        "text": "物理攻击伤害的 #% 会转化为生命偷取(#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1913583994",
        "text": "怪物攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Monster Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_624954515",
        "text": "命中值提高 #%(#% increased Global Accuracy Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3680664274",
        "text": "法术伤害压制率 +#%(+#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3767873853",
        "text": "反射 # 物理伤害给近战攻击者(Reflects # Physical Damage to Melee Attackers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3873704640",
        "text": "魔法怪物数量提高 #%(#% increased Magic Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3759663284",
        "text": "投射物速度加快 #%(#% increased Projectile Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3350803563",
        "text": "被怪物击中时中毒(Monsters Poison on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1026390635",
        "text": "玩家不能施加曝露状态(Players cannot inflict Exposure)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1309819744",
        "text": "怪物可以发射 # 个额外投射物(Monsters fire # additional Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1000591322",
        "text": "区域内有许多图腾(Area contains many Totems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3793155082",
        "text": "稀有怪物的数量增加#%(#% increased number of Rare Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1366534040",
        "text": "玩家受到脆弱诅咒(Players are Cursed with Vulnerability)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_124877078",
        "text": "传奇首领的伤害提高 #%(Unique Boss deals #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_124877078",
        "text": "传奇首领的伤害提高 #%(Map Bosses deal #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2109106920",
        "text": "传奇首领的攻击速度及施法速度加快 #%(Unique Boss has #% increased Attack and Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3376488707",
        "text": "玩家的所有抗性上限为 #%(Players have #% to all maximum Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2326202293",
        "text": "玩家受到时空锁链诅咒(Players are Cursed with Temporal Chains)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1497673356",
        "text": "怪物造成的 #% 额外物理伤害视为火焰伤害(Monsters deal #% extra Physical Damage as Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_406353061",
        "text": "怪物有 #% 的几率在击中时获得暴击球(Monsters have #% chance to gain a Power Charge on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1041951480",
        "text": "怪物免疫晕眩(Monsters cannot be Stunned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3448216135",
        "text": "怪物造成的 #% 额外物理伤害视为冰霜伤害(Monsters deal #% extra Physical Damage as Cold)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3237948413",
        "text": "物理攻击伤害的 #% 转化为魔力偷取(#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3183973644",
        "text": "怪物的技能附加 # 次连锁弹射(Monsters' skills Chain # additional times)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_558910024",
        "text": "玩家受到元素要害诅咒(Players are Cursed with Elemental Weakness)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2866361420",
        "text": "该装备的护甲提高 #%(#% increased Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4103440490",
        "text": "玩家受到衰弱诅咒(Players are Cursed with Enfeeble)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_687813731",
        "text": "怪物有 #% 的几率在击中时获得耐力球(Monsters have #% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1959158336",
        "text": "传奇首领的生命提高 #%(Unique Boss has #% increased Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1959158336",
        "text": "传奇首领的生命提高 #%(Map Bosses have #% increased Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3040667106",
        "text": "传奇首领的效果区域扩大 #%(Unique Boss has #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1742567045",
        "text": "怪物有 #% 的几率在击中时获得狂怒球(Monsters have #% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_57326096",
        "text": "+#% 怪物暴击伤害加成(+#% to Monster Critical Strike Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2797971005",
        "text": "你的攻击击中每个敌人会回复 # 生命(Gain # Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3561450806",
        "text": "区域内的怪物种类增加了(Area has increased monster variety)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1256719186",
        "text": "生效时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1839076647",
        "text": "投射物伤害提高 #%(#% increased Projectile Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_272758639",
        "text": "玩家的护甲总降 #%(Players have #% less Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1708461270",
        "text": "怪物效果区域的扩大 #%(Monsters have #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2312028586",
        "text": "玩家技能的范围总降 #%(Players have #% less Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3729221884",
        "text": "玩家的格挡几率降低 #%(Players have #% reduced Chance to Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_322206271",
        "text": "怪物有 #% 的几率避免元素异常状态(Monsters have #% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_337935900",
        "text": "怪物受到的暴击伤害降低 #%(Monsters take #% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2106365538",
        "text": "闪避值提高 #%(#% increased Evasion Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2753083623",
        "text": "怪物暴击率提高 #%(Monsters have #% increased Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2549889921",
        "text": "玩家获得的药剂充能降低 #%(Players gain #% reduced Flask Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1588049749",
        "text": "怪物的命中值提高 #%(Monsters have #% increased Accuracy Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_57434274",
        "text": "经验值加成提高 #% (地图)(#% increased Experience gain (Maps))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2588474575",
        "text": "传奇首领被附身(Unique Bosses are Possessed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_286947568",
        "text": "玩家阻挡被压制的法术伤害 +#%(Players Prevent +#% of Suppressed Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4181072906",
        "text": "玩家的生命和能量护盾总回复速度总降 #%(Players have #% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_737908626",
        "text": "法术暴击几率提高 #%(#% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4251717817",
        "text": "范围伤害提高 #%(#% increased Area Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2450628570",
        "text": "玩家技能的非诅咒光环效果提高 #%(Players have #% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_365540634",
        "text": "+#% 怪物的混沌抗性(+#% Monster Chaos Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_839186746",
        "text": "怪物的物理减伤提高 #%(+#% Monster Physical Damage Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1443060084",
        "text": "敌人晕眩门槛降低 #%(#% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1054098949",
        "text": "+#% 怪物的元素抗性(+#% Monster Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2154246560",
        "text": "伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_144665660",
        "text": "怪物有 #% 的几率避免中毒、穿刺、流血(Monsters have a #% chance to avoid Poison, Impale, and Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3222482040",
        "text": "怪物击中时有 #% 的几率偷取暴击球,狂暴球,耐力球(Monsters have #% chance to steal Power, Frenzy and Endurance charges on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3667574329",
        "text": "玩家的命中值总增 #%(Players have #% more Accuracy Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2887760183",
        "text": "怪物将生命上限的 #% 转化为额外能量护盾上限(Monsters gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3796523155",
        "text": "对怪物的诅咒总效果总降 #%(#% less effect of Curses on Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1589917703",
        "text": "召唤生物的伤害提高 #%(Minions deal #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2553656203",
        "text": "怪物击中时有 #% 的几率造成点燃、冻结和感电(Monsters have a #% chance to Ignite, Freeze and Shock on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_799271621",
        "text": "区域内有两个传奇首领(Area contains two Unique Bosses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2764017512",
        "text": "怪物会反射 #% 元素伤害(Monsters reflect #% of Elemental Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2138205941",
        "text": "怪物有 +#% 的几率压制法术伤害(Monsters have +#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_770672621",
        "text": "召唤生物的最大生命提高 #%(Minions have #% increased maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1541224187",
        "text": "怪物的攻击击中有 #% 的几率造成穿刺(Monsters' Attacks have #% chance to Impale on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2831165374",
        "text": "法术附加 # - # 基础闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_967627487",
        "text": "持续伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage over Time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3086156145",
        "text": "星团珠宝:增加 # 个天赋技能(Adds # Passive Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2557943734",
        "text": "增加的小天赋无效果(Added Small Passive Skills grant Nothing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3464419871",
        "text": "怪物会反射 #% 物理伤害(Monsters reflect #% of Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1335054179",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率点燃(#% chance to Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1175385867",
        "text": "燃烧伤害提高 #%(#% increased Burning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4154059009",
        "text": "怪物免疫诅咒(Monsters are Hexproof)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4237190083",
        "text": "技能的魔力保留效能提高 #%(#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1217583941",
        "text": "玩家身上的增益效果消减速度加快 #%(Buffs on Players expire #% faster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_816367946",
        "text": "怪物的所有伤害必定点燃(All Monster Damage from Hits always Ignites)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1106651798",
        "text": "怪物无法被嘲讽(Monsters cannot be Taunted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_798009319",
        "text": "怪物的行动速度无法被减速至基础以下\n怪物的移动速度无法被减速至基础以下(Monsters' Action Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value\nMonsters' Movement Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_941368244",
        "text": "玩家的冷却回复率总增 #%(Players have #% more Cooldown Recovery Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2469416729",
        "text": "法术附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1629869774",
        "text": "怪物有 #% 的几率在击中时致盲(Monsters have #% chance to Blind on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1444556985",
        "text": "将所受伤害的#%吸纳为生命(#% of Damage taken Recouped as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3988349707",
        "text": "+#% 持续伤害加成(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1133016593",
        "text": "给法术附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3441501978",
        "text": "+#% 火焰与闪电抗性(+#% to Fire and Lightning Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2843100721",
        "text": "此物品上装备的技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1910157106",
        "text": "玩家无法再生生命、魔力和能量护盾(Players cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2672805335",
        "text": "攻击与施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1535626285",
        "text": "+# 力量和智慧(+# to Strength and Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4277795662",
        "text": "+#% 冰霜与闪电抗性(+#% to Cold and Lightning Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1538773178",
        "text": "闪电伤害击中时有 #% 的几率使敌人受到感电效果影响(#% chance to Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2915988346",
        "text": "+#% 火焰与冰霜抗性(+#% to Fire and Cold Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4291461939",
        "text": "每秒再生 # 魔力(Regenerate # Mana per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4164174520",
        "text": "怪物的攻击击中有 #% 的几率施加【瘫痪】(Monsters have #% chance to Maim on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3639275092",
        "text": "属性需求提高 #%(#% increased Attribute Requirements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_821021828",
        "text": "每击中一名敌人获得 # 点生命(Grants # Life per Enemy Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3741323227",
        "text": "药剂效果的持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Flask Effect Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_284496119",
        "text": "怪物等级:#(Monster Level: #)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_538848803",
        "text": "+# 力量和敏捷(+# to Strength and Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2132807290",
        "text": "该地图有# 个额外的虚空忆境全局词缀(Map has # additional Synthesis Global Modifier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_388617051",
        "text": "每次使用消耗的充能次数提高 #%(#% increased Charges per use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4003278965",
        "text": "该地图有 # 个额外的随机词缀(Map has # additional random Modifier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_280731498",
        "text": "效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1140978125",
        "text": "怪物无法被偷取(Monsters cannot be Leeched from)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2300185227",
        "text": "+# 敏捷与智慧(+# to Dexterity and Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2309614417",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率造成冻结状态(#% chance to Freeze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_962720646",
        "text": "怪物的法术击中有 #% 的几率施加【缓速】(Monsters have #% chance to Hinder on Hit with Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1002362373",
        "text": "近战伤害提高 #%(#% increased Melee Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4253454700",
        "text": "该装备 +#% 攻击格挡率 (护盾)(+#% Chance to Block (Shields))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1811604576",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+#% 混沌抗性(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +#% to Chaos Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2448920197",
        "text": "效果提高 #%(#% increased effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1294118672",
        "text": "流血伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2339757871",
        "text": "能量护盾充能率提高 #%(#% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_561307714",
        "text": "#% 法术伤害格挡几率(#% Chance to Block Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_736967255",
        "text": "混沌伤害提高 #%(#% increased Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1290399200",
        "text": "中毒伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Poison)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2669029667",
        "text": "添加的小天赋还获得:所有元素抗性 +#%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +#% to all Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4036575250",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+# 所有属性(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +# to All Attributes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1923879260",
        "text": "攻击有 #% 的几率导致流血(Attacks have #% chance to cause Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2166444903",
        "text": "双持时攻击伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2709692542",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+#% 冰霜抗性(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +#% to Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_724930776",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+# 智慧(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +# to Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_674553446",
        "text": "攻击附加 # - # 基础混沌伤害(Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1790411851",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+#% 火焰抗性(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +#% to Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2090413987",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+# 敏捷(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +# to Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1840747977",
        "text": "怪物获得相当于其物理伤害 #% 的额外混沌伤害(Monsters gain #% of their Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3258414199",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+# 力量(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +# to Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1086147743",
        "text": "敌人被点燃的持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4249220643",
        "text": "双持攻击的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1782086450",
        "text": "能量护盾提前 #% 开始充能(#% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_700317374",
        "text": "回复量提高 #%(#% increased Amount Recovered)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2250780084",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+#% 闪电抗性(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +#% to Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3044826007",
        "text": "怪物击中时有 #% 的几率造成 2 秒的死亡凋零(Monsters have #% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3721672021",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:每秒再生 #% 生命(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: Regenerate #% of Life per Second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3196823591",
        "text": "充能回复量提高 #%(#% increased Charge Recovery)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2474836297",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:魔力再生速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3805075944",
        "text": "持盾牌时攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1719521705",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:伤害提高 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_55876295",
        "text": "物理攻击伤害的 #% 会转化为生命偷取 (区域)(#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2011656677",
        "text": "中毒持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Poison Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_829382474",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【近战技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Melee Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3819827377",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+# 最大生命(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +# to Maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_474294393",
        "text": "技能魔力消耗降低 #%(#% reduced Mana Cost of Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2643685329",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+# 最大能量护盾(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +# to Maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_884586851",
        "text": "物品掉落数量提高 #%(#% increased Quantity of Items found)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3407849389",
        "text": "你受到的诅咒效果降低 #%(#% reduced Effect of Curses on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3403461239",
        "text": "更明显打击效果(Extra gore)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2618549697",
        "text": "增加的小天赋效果提高 #%(Added Small Passive Skills have #% increased Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3382807662",
        "text": "+#% 火焰持续伤害加成(+#% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_686254215",
        "text": "图腾的生命提高 #%(#% increased Totem Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3441651621",
        "text": "攻击击中承受 +# 物理伤害(+# Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_51994685",
        "text": "药剂生命回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Flask Life Recovery rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_349586058",
        "text": "区域内有【冰缓地面】(Area has patches of Chilled Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3577222856",
        "text": "区域内有腐化地面(Area has patches of desecrated ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1452809865",
        "text": "药剂充能获取提高 #%(#% increased Flask Charges gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_133340941",
        "text": "区域内有【燃烧地面】(Area has patches of Burning Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2941585404",
        "text": "陷阱伤害提高 #%(#% increased Trap Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2554466725",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+# 护甲值(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +# to Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4100161067",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+# 闪避值(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +# to Evasion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3994193163",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+# 最大魔力(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +# to Maximum Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3293699237",
        "text": "剑类攻击的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed with Swords)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3738001379",
        "text": "暴击时有 #% 的几率获得 1 充能(#% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1073942215",
        "text": "敌人被冰冻的持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4237442815",
        "text": "+#% 近战攻击暴击伤害加成(+#% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1813451228",
        "text": "近战单手武器攻击的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_83050999",
        "text": "剑类伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Swords)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1459321413",
        "text": "流血持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Bleeding Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4055307827",
        "text": "+#% 混沌持续伤害加成(+#% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1010549321",
        "text": "单手武器的攻击伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with One Handed Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3550868361",
        "text": "斧类攻击的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed with Axes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1314617696",
        "text": "+#% 物理持续伤害加成(+#% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1506355899",
        "text": "持续时间总增 #%(#% more Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_174664100",
        "text": "召唤生物的移动速度加快 #%(Minions have #% increased Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3314142259",
        "text": "斧类伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Axes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1393393937",
        "text": "持盾牌时造成的攻击伤害提高 #%(#% increased Attack Damage while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_795138349",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率使目标中毒(#% chance to Poison on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3152982863",
        "text": "召唤生物附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Minions deal # to # additional Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_227523295",
        "text": "暴击球数量上限 +#(+# to Maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1423639565",
        "text": "召唤生物获得 +#% 元素抗性(Minions have +#% to all Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2521230387",
        "text": "区域内的玩家数量上限为一人(Maximum number of Players in Area is one)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3005472710",
        "text": "#% 几率避免元素异常状态(#% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3120164895",
        "text": "弓类攻击附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(# to # Added Fire Damage with Bow Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1172029298",
        "text": "召唤生物附加 # - # 基础物理伤害(Minions deal # to # additional Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1437957544",
        "text": "最大充能 +#(+# to Maximum Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2137912951",
        "text": "地雷伤害提高 #%(#% increased Mine Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_444174528",
        "text": "攻击伤害在双持武器时提高 #%(#% increased Attack Damage while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_215124030",
        "text": "弓类攻击附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害(# to # Added Cold Damage with Bow Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_44972811",
        "text": "生命再生速度提高 #%(#% increased Life Regeneration rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3141070085",
        "text": "元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_677564538",
        "text": "非吟唱技能的总魔力消耗 +#(Non-Channelling Skills have +# to Total Mana Cost)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1917910910",
        "text": "双手近战武器攻击的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed with Two Handed Melee Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1836374041",
        "text": "双手武器的攻击伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Two Handed Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2441475928",
        "text": "+#% 闪电技能暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Lightning Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3851254963",
        "text": "图腾伤害提高 #%(#% increased Totem Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_915908446",
        "text": "+#% 冰霜技能暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Cold Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2307547323",
        "text": "+#% 火焰技能暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Fire Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_938645499",
        "text": "持盾牌时有 +#% 的几率格挡法术伤害(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4061558269",
        "text": "攻击伤害格挡率在持盾牌时 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1040269876",
        "text": "弓类攻击附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(# to # Added Lightning Damage with Bow Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_138741818",
        "text": "双持时法术伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_472520716",
        "text": "将所受伤害的#%吸纳为魔力(#% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1760576992",
        "text": "弓类攻击附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(# to # Added Physical Damage with Bow Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3668351662",
        "text": "敌人的感电持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Shock Duration on Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3246076198",
        "text": "区域内有【感电地面】,使受到的伤害提高 #%(Area has patches of Shocked Ground which increase Damage taken by #%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_173226756",
        "text": "回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Recovery rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2918708827",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率获得 4 秒【迷踪】状态(#% chance to gain Phasing for 4 seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4139681126",
        "text": "敏捷提高 #%(#% increased Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_734614379",
        "text": "力量提高 #%(#% increased Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3739863694",
        "text": "攻击击中时有 #% 的几率穿刺敌人(#% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1950806024",
        "text": "+#% 冰霜持续伤害加成(+#% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3604946673",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【召唤生物技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Minion Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2300399854",
        "text": "法术附加 # - # 基础混沌伤害(Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4262448838",
        "text": "#% 几率避免被晕眩(#% chance to Avoid being Stunned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2889601781",
        "text": "召唤生物附加 # - # 基础混沌伤害(Minions deal # to # additional Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2561836520",
        "text": "每秒再生 # 能量护盾(Regenerate # Energy Shield per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1519615863",
        "text": "击中时 #% 的几率造成流血(#% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3351784991",
        "text": "召唤生物附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Minions deal # to # additional Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3885634897",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率使目标中毒 (区域)(#% chance to Poison on Hit (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_649025131",
        "text": "低血时移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_820939409",
        "text": "攻击每击中一名敌人获得#点魔力(Gain # Mana per Enemy Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2930653471",
        "text": "召唤生物造成 # 到 # 点额外闪电伤害(Minions deal # to # additional Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2452998583",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【光环技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Aura Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1948962470",
        "text": "区域中出现奉献地面(Area has patches of Consecrated Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1186596295",
        "text": "闪电技能暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Lightning Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_318953428",
        "text": "攻击击中有 #% 的几率致盲敌人(#% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1104796138",
        "text": "火焰技能暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Fire Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2387423236",
        "text": "该装备附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3337344042",
        "text": "冰霜技能暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Cold Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1412217137",
        "text": "药剂魔力回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1662717006",
        "text": "攻击和法术附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells and Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1809006367",
        "text": "图腾 +#% 元素抗性(Totems gain +#% to all Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3791071930",
        "text": "怪物仅能在位于一名玩家 # 米内时受到伤害\n玩家的照亮范围增益也会对该范围生效(Monsters can only be Damaged while within # metres of a Player\nPlayers' modifiers to Light Radius also apply to this range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_977908611",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率击退敌人(#% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_538241406",
        "text": "伤害型异常状态生效速度加快 #%(Damaging Ailments deal damage #% faster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1334060246",
        "text": "该装备附加 # - # 基础闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_836936635",
        "text": "每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_295075366",
        "text": "力量需求提高 #%(#% increased Strength Requirement)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_45546355",
        "text": "区域内有许多【魔侍】(Area is inhabited by Skeletons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_758191285",
        "text": "区域内有恐惧(Area contains The Feared)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1582728645",
        "text": "你被敌人击中时获得 # 次充能(Gain # Charge when you are Hit by an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2587176568",
        "text": "技能的保留效能提高 #%(#% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3182498570",
        "text": "生效期间,移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1199429645",
        "text": "近战攻击暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Melee Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_118398748",
        "text": "陷阱投掷速度加快 #%(#% increased Trap Throwing Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3377888098",
        "text": "技能效果持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Skill Effect Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3527617737",
        "text": "拥有 # 个深渊插槽(Has # Abyssal Sockets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2435536961",
        "text": "法术附加 # - # 基础物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage to Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1478653032",
        "text": "你受到的冰缓效果降低 #%(#% reduced Effect of Chill on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1515657623",
        "text": "耐力球数量上限 +#(+# to Maximum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_321077055",
        "text": "该装备附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_670153687",
        "text": "近战单手武器攻击 +#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with One Handed Melee Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_669069897",
        "text": "物理攻击伤害的 #% 转化为魔力偷取 (区域)(#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2633745731",
        "text": "生命偷取的每秒总恢复量提高 #%(#% increased total Recovery per second from Life Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1896971621",
        "text": "地雷投掷速度加快 #%(#% increased Mine Throwing Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_656461285",
        "text": "智慧提高 #%(#% increased Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_979246511",
        "text": "获得额外冰霜伤害, 其数值等同于物理伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_876831634",
        "text": "无法被冰冻(Cannot be Frozen)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3531280422",
        "text": "该装备附加 # - # 基础混沌伤害(Adds # to # Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_587175996",
        "text": "大迷宫(Area is a large Maze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2911442053",
        "text": "攻击击中时,召唤生物有 #% 的几率嘲讽敌人(Minions have #% chance to Taunt on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2546185479",
        "text": "双持时附加 +#% 基础暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_752930724",
        "text": "装备和技能石的属性需求提高 #%(Items and Gems have #% increased Attribute Requirements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1569407745",
        "text": "+#% 元素技能暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1880071428",
        "text": "你技能的非诅咒类光环效果提高 #%(#% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2223678961",
        "text": "该装备附加 # - # 基础混沌伤害 (区域)(Adds # to # Chaos Damage (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2530372417",
        "text": "#% 攻击伤害格挡率(#% Chance to Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1837040413",
        "text": "击败敌人将会吸引更强大的怪物登场(Slaying Enemies close together can attract monsters from Beyond this realm)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3081816887",
        "text": "闪电异常状态效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1618589784",
        "text": "#% 几率避免致流血(#% chance to Avoid Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1545858329",
        "text": "所有闪电法术主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Lightning Spell Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3676141501",
        "text": "+#% 冰霜抗性上限(+#% to maximum Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3463633447",
        "text": "玩家的移动速度提高 #%(Players have #% increased Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2885144362",
        "text": "攻击和法术附加 # - # 基础闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells and Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1513447578",
        "text": "低血时伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_372478711",
        "text": "从你职业的出发位置到该珠宝槽之间\n每一点配置的天赋就使该珠宝插槽的效果提高 #%(This Jewel's Socket has #% increased effect per Allocated Passive Skill between\nit and your Class' starting location)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1555263964",
        "text": "玩家的旅行技能被禁用(Players' Travel Skills are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1766142294",
        "text": "法术伤害在持盾牌时提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3771516363",
        "text": "#% 额外物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1826802197",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率获得一个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2481353198",
        "text": "格挡几率提高 #%(#% increased Chance to Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_252507949",
        "text": "双手近战武器的攻击 +#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Two Handed Melee Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_310246444",
        "text": "偷取时伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage while Leeching)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1514829491",
        "text": "#% 几率避免被冰冻(#% chance to Avoid being Frozen)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_211381198",
        "text": "攻击每击中一名敌人获得#点能量护盾(Gain # Energy Shield per Enemy Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4095671657",
        "text": "+#% 火焰抗性上限(+#% to maximum Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_644456512",
        "text": "药剂充能使用降低 #%(#% reduced Flask Charges used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3483999943",
        "text": "#% 几率避免被冰缓(#% chance to Avoid being Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2381842786",
        "text": "近战单手武器的攻击暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance with One Handed Melee Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3964634628",
        "text": "攻击和法术附加 #-# 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3375935924",
        "text": "召唤生物的攻击速度加快 #%(Minions have #% increased Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2023107756",
        "text": "生命在击败敌人时恢复 #%(Recover #% of Life on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3801067695",
        "text": "你受到的感电效果降低 #%(#% reduced Effect of Shock on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4078695",
        "text": "狂怒球数量上限 +#(+# to Maximum Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3393547195",
        "text": "满血时移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed when on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_116232170",
        "text": "魔力燃烧速度减慢 #%(#% reduced Mana Burn rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1241625305",
        "text": "弓类技能伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Bow Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_362579144",
        "text": "区域内的稀有和传奇怪物被 # 个罪魂附身,附身时它们的召唤生物被触碰(Rare and Unique Monsters in Area are Possessed by up to # Tormented Spirit and if Possessed their Minions are Touched)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2120297997",
        "text": "持长杖时法术伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage while wielding a Staff)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1871765599",
        "text": "#% 几率避免被感电(#% chance to Avoid being Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4053951709",
        "text": "#% 几率避免中毒(#% chance to Avoid being Poisoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1981273563",
        "text": "地图内有战乱之殇遭遇战的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_379328644",
        "text": "法杖伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Wands)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_30642521",
        "text": "你能施加 # 个额外诅咒(You can apply # additional Curses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_986397080",
        "text": "你被点燃的持续时间缩短 #%(#% reduced Ignite Duration on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_928238845",
        "text": "冰霜技能施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed with Cold Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1476643878",
        "text": "火焰技能施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed with Fire Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1533563525",
        "text": "#% 的物理伤害转换为火焰伤害(#% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2397408229",
        "text": "暴走(Rampage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_378817135",
        "text": "+#% 火焰与混沌抗性(+#% to Fire and Chaos Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1788635023",
        "text": "闪电技能施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed with Lightning Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1678690824",
        "text": "法术伤害在双持武器时提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3702513529",
        "text": "双持武器时,攻击暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Attack Critical Strike Chance while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1712221299",
        "text": "弓类攻击 +#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Bows)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1541516339",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1101206134",
        "text": "若你近期内被击中并受到伤害,则 +#% 的几率格挡法术伤害(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage if you were Damaged by a Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3289633055",
        "text": "插入的宝石的保留效能提高 #%(Socketed Gems have #% increased Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1181419800",
        "text": "锤类或短杖伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Maces or Sceptres)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3720627346",
        "text": "法杖攻击的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed with Wands)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_490098963",
        "text": "#% 的物理伤害转换为混沌伤害(#% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1693613464",
        "text": "生效期间,护甲提高 #%(#% increased Armour during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_274716455",
        "text": "法术伤害的暴击伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1089165168",
        "text": "起源珠宝(Primordial)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1692879867",
        "text": "你受到的流血持续时间提高 #%(#% increased Bleed Duration on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2515515064",
        "text": "锤类或短杖的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed with Maces or Sceptres)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1778298516",
        "text": "持长杖时攻击伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1612163368",
        "text": "持盾牌时施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2483795307",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率获得一个暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4000101551",
        "text": "召唤生物的施法速度加快 #%(Minions have #% increased Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3301100256",
        "text": "你受到的中毒持续时间提高 #%(#% increased Poison Duration on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3736589033",
        "text": "技能的总魔力消耗 +#(+# to Total Mana Cost of Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2524254339",
        "text": "终结(Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3496944181",
        "text": "法术伤害在持握长杖时提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage while wielding a Staff)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2484223218",
        "text": "传奇首领给予 #% 更多经验值(Unique Boss gives #% increased Experience)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1421645223",
        "text": "爪类攻击的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed with Claws)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3855016469",
        "text": "受到的暴击伤害降低 #%(You take #% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3759735052",
        "text": "弓类攻击的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed with Bows)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_299054775",
        "text": "生效期间,闪避值提高 #%(#% increased Evasion Rating during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_764295120",
        "text": "双手近战武器的攻击暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Two Handed Melee Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1783006896",
        "text": "#% 几率避免被点燃(#% chance to Avoid being Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2382196858",
        "text": "双持时施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1069260037",
        "text": "爪类伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Claws)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4126210832",
        "text": "击中无法被闪避(Hits can't be Evaded)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4188894176",
        "text": "弓类伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Bows)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1342271987",
        "text": "援军的移动速度加快 #%(Reinforcements have #% increased Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_800141891",
        "text": "#% 的几率使敌人受到冰冻,感电与点燃(#% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2431643207",
        "text": "攻击击中时,召唤生物有 #% 的几率致盲敌人(Minions have #% chance to Blind on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2538566497",
        "text": "匕首攻击的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed with Daggers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1011760251",
        "text": "+#% 闪电抗性上限(+#% to maximum Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2027269580",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【弓技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Bow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_655278200",
        "text": "传奇首领掉落 # 个额外地图(Unique Boss drops an additional Map)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2323739383",
        "text": "召唤生物有 #% 的几率用法术击中时使敌人缓速(Minions have #% chance to Hinder Enemies on Hit with Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3465022881",
        "text": "+#% 闪电与混沌抗性(+#% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1445684883",
        "text": "攻击者格挡时反射 # 到  # 物理伤害(Reflects # to # Physical Damage to Attackers on Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2066542501",
        "text": "持长杖时施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed while wielding a Staff)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3550168289",
        "text": "区域内会出现额外 # 个【盗贼流放者】(Area is inhabited by # additional Rogue Exile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3550168289",
        "text": "区域内会出现额外 # 个【盗贼流放者】(Your Maps are inhabited by # additional Rogue Exile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3091578504",
        "text": "召唤生物的攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Minions have #% increased Attack and Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_591105508",
        "text": "所有火焰法术主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3586984690",
        "text": "匕首伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Daggers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_283649372",
        "text": "无法被冰缓(Cannot be Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1661151735",
        "text": "召唤生物 +# 命中值(Minions have +# to Accuracy Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2264295449",
        "text": "近战打击范围 +# 米(+# metres to Melee Strike Range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4087089130",
        "text": "长杖伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Staves)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1152182658",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【武艺精湛】(1 Added Passive Skill is Martial Prowess)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3393628375",
        "text": "+#% 冰霜与混沌抗性(+#% to Cold and Chaos Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1394963553",
        "text": "长杖攻击的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed with Staves)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1526933524",
        "text": "立即回复(Instant Recovery)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_827329571",
        "text": "每个暴击球使法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_818778753",
        "text": "伤害穿透 #% 的闪电抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4198346809",
        "text": "区域内有许多动物(Area is inhabited by Animals)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2342448236",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【棱光之心】(1 Added Passive Skill is Prismatic Heart)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1389153006",
        "text": "全局防御提高 #%(#% increased Global Defences)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1813544255",
        "text": "区域内有许多【羊男】(Area is inhabited by Goatmen)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_645841425",
        "text": "区域内有许多远程怪物(Area is inhabited by ranged monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3319896421",
        "text": "获得额外混沌伤害,其数值等同于物理伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_439950087",
        "text": "元素技能的暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Elemental Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2457517302",
        "text": "该区域被日耀女神占领(Area is inhabited by Solaris fanatics)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3134632618",
        "text": "该区域被月影女神占领(Area is inhabited by Lunaris fanatics)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4252630904",
        "text": "该区域会出现许多奇塔弗的狂信者(Area is inhabited by Cultists of Kitava)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_25085466",
        "text": "区域内有许多【海巫】和它的召唤生物(Area is inhabited by Sea Witches and their Spawn)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3516340048",
        "text": "该区域会出现鬼魂(Area is inhabited by Ghosts)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_808491979",
        "text": "区域内有许多不死生物(Area is inhabited by Undead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3916182167",
        "text": "区域内有许多【恶魔】(Area is inhabited by Demons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1843941387",
        "text": "援军的施法速度加快 #%(Reinforcements have #% increased Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2961018200",
        "text": "该区域会出现大量被创造的生物(Area is inhabited by Abominations)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1339532482",
        "text": "援军的攻击速度加快 #%(Reinforcements have #% increased Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1225383362",
        "text": "+# 魔侍数量上限(+# to maximum number of Skeletons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2133341901",
        "text": "#% 的物理伤害转换为冰霜伤害(#% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3691695237",
        "text": "插入的诅咒技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Curse Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2223640518",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 致盲 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Blind)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_114734841",
        "text": "你身上的药剂效果提高 #%(Flasks applied to you have #% increased Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4056408881",
        "text": "奖励室的怪物增加 #%(Reward Rooms have #% increased Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2614321687",
        "text": "对感电敌人造成伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Damage Leeched as Life against Shocked Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_822476873",
        "text": "怪物击中生命低于 20% 以下的生物造成致命一击(Monsters Kill things with 20% or lower Life on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_962725504",
        "text": "生效期间,元素抗性额外提高 #%(#% additional Elemental Resistances during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_895264825",
        "text": "光环技能范围提高 #%(#% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4124805414",
        "text": "+#% 攻击伤害格挡几率上限(+#% to maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2091591880",
        "text": "弓类攻击的暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Bows)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_290923864",
        "text": "区域内有 # 个额外的四个首领怪物群(Area contains # additional pack of four Map Bosses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1686122637",
        "text": "伤害在被点燃时提高 #%(#% increased Damage while Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2651141461",
        "text": "区域内有许多【人型生物】(Area is inhabited by Humanoids)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3181974858",
        "text": "#% 的几率使敌人逃跑(#% chance to Cause Monsters to Flee)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2787733863",
        "text": "法杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(# to # Added Lightning Damage with Wand Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_339179093",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【火焰技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Fire Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3885405204",
        "text": "弓类攻击发射 # 支额外箭矢(Bow Attacks fire # additional Arrows)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_830161081",
        "text": "结界提高 #%(#% increased Ward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3023957681",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率获得 4 秒【猛攻】状态(#% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_960081730",
        "text": "该装备附加 # - # 基础物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3599340381",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【充能备战】(1 Added Passive Skill is Fuel the Fight)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_287491423",
        "text": "对深渊怪物获得 #% 物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction against Abyssal Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2008255263",
        "text": "生效期间,暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_118849615",
        "text": "稀有怪物被击败时有 #% 生成一个地图首领的复制(Rare Monsters have #% chance to spawn a Duplicate of Map Boss on Death)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2479683456",
        "text": "召唤生物每秒再生 #% 生命(Minions Regenerate #% of Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2222186378",
        "text": "药剂给予的魔力恢复提高 #%(#% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1793818220",
        "text": "冰霜异常状态效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Cold Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3485067555",
        "text": "敌人被冰缓的持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Chill Duration on Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1859333175",
        "text": "可以最多拥有 3 个工艺属性(Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2383797932",
        "text": "法杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害(# to # Added Cold Damage with Wand Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4235886357",
        "text": "反射 # 冰霜伤害给近战攻击者(Reflects # Cold Damage to Melee Attackers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_928701213",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 快速攻击 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Faster Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4193088553",
        "text": "持双手武器时持续伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage over Time while wielding a Two Handed Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2999796964",
        "text": "对怪物施放的诅咒效果降低 #%(Curses have #% reduced effect on Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_513681673",
        "text": "暴击时有 #% 的几率造成流血(#% chance to Cause Bleeding on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3837707023",
        "text": "召唤生物有 +#% 混沌抗性(Minions have +#% to Chaos Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_87098247",
        "text": "法杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(# to # Added Fire Damage with Wand Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3529940209",
        "text": "效果提高 #%(#% increased effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_966747987",
        "text": "+# 【魔卫复苏】数量上限(+# to maximum number of Raised Zombies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2343216207",
        "text": "【传奇首领】掉落 # 个额外稀有 #(Unique Boss drops # additional Rare #)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1911162866",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【毁灭引擎】(1 Added Passive Skill is Drive the Destruction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1585344030",
        "text": "若你近期内打出过暴击,则攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_774059442",
        "text": "结界 +#(+# to Ward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_540300548",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【截心击】(1 Added Passive Skill is Smite the Weak)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3062329212",
        "text": "召唤生物每秒再生 # 生命(Minions Regenerate # Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_821241191",
        "text": "药剂给予的生命恢复提高 #%(#% increased Life Recovery from Flasks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3666934677",
        "text": "经验值获取提高 #%(#% increased Experience gain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_125218179",
        "text": "+# 灵体数量上限(+# to maximum number of Spectres)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3811191316",
        "text": "召唤生物的效果区域扩大 #%(Minions have #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2388360415",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 集中效应 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Concentrated Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4077035099",
        "text": "未连结至天赋树的技能,仍然可以在范围内配置(Passives in Radius can be Allocated without being connected to your tree)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_victario",
        "text": "授予 # 纪念维多里奥的金币(Commissioned # coins to commemorate Victario)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4265534424",
        "text": "生效期间,你受到的诅咒效果降低 #%(#% reduced Effect of Curses on you during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2355312681",
        "text": "怪物免疫元素异常状态和晕眩(Monsters are Immune to randomly chosen Elemental Ailments or Stun)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4154259475",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【辅助技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Support Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_41394014",
        "text": "怪物的近战攻击击中时施加随机魔蛊(Monsters' Melee Attacks apply random Hexes on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1341845920",
        "text": "怪物反射魔蛊(Monsters Reflect Hexes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_802316710",
        "text": "玩家每装备一件物品,造成的伤害总增 #%(Players deal #% more Damage per Equipped Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3854489687",
        "text": "玩家每装备一件物品,其召唤生物造成的伤害总增 #%(Players' Minions deal #% more Damage per Item Equipped by their Master)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_141810208",
        "text": "攻击伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_cadiro",
        "text": "授予 # 纪念卡迪罗的金币(Commissioned # coins to commemorate Cadiro)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3166317791",
        "text": "近战击败敌人时,有 #% 的几率获得不洁之力 4 秒(#% chance to Gain Unholy Might for 4 seconds on Melee Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3458622626",
        "text": "区域内的所有魔法和普通怪物为聚魂(All Magic and Normal Monsters in Area are in a Union of Souls)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3338298622",
        "text": "狂怒球持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Frenzy Charge Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3853018505",
        "text": "受到的物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Physical Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3895393544",
        "text": "使用时移除诅咒(Removes Curses on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4079888060",
        "text": "其中 # 个增加的天赋为【珠宝槽】(# Added Passive Skills are Jewel Sockets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3233646242",
        "text": "在流血时使用可以在 4 秒内免疫流血\n被腐化之血影响时使用可以在 4 秒内免疫腐化之血(Grants Immunity to Bleeding for 4 seconds if used while Bleeding\nGrants Immunity to Corrupted Blood for 4 seconds if used while affected by Corrupted Blood)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2067062068",
        "text": "投射物会穿透 # 个额外目标(Projectiles Pierce # additional Targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1095765106",
        "text": "在区域内被击败的玩家会进入虚空(Players who Die in area are sent to the Void)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_875143443",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率偷取暴击,狂怒和耐力球(#% chance to Steal Power, Frenzy, and Endurance Charges on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2162097452",
        "text": "所有召唤生物主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Minion Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1678643716",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【毁天灭地】(1 Added Passive Skill is Widespread Destruction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_734823525",
        "text": "移动时闪避值提高 #%(#% increased Evasion Rating while moving)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_xibaqua",
        "text": "以夏巴夸亚的名义用 # 名祭品之血浸染(Bathed in the blood of # sacrificed in the name of Xibaqua)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_350069479",
        "text": "攻击伤害的 #% 转化为魔力偷取(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3374165039",
        "text": "图腾放置速度加快 #%(#% increased Totem Placement speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1004011302",
        "text": "冷却回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1164767410",
        "text": "没有被点燃,冰冻,感电时,护甲提高 #%(#% increased Armour while not Ignited, Frozen or Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1493091477",
        "text": "没有插槽(Has no Sockets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2378288719",
        "text": "区域在一段时间后变为致命(Area becomes fatal after some time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1122134690",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 陷阱 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trap)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_ahuana",
        "text": "以阿华纳的名义用 # 名祭品之血浸染(Bathed in the blood of # sacrificed in the name of Ahuana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_doryani",
        "text": "以多里亚尼的名义用 # 名祭品之血浸染(Bathed in the blood of # sacrificed in the name of Doryani)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2254480358",
        "text": "所有冰霜法术主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Cold Spell Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_376585490",
        "text": "怪物有 #% 的几率避免异常状态(Monsters have #% chance to Avoid Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_860864690",
        "text": "该区域会出现难以逾越的鸿沟(Area contains unbridged gaps to cross)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2159994279",
        "text": "玩家位移技能的冷却回复速度加快 #%(Players have #% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate for Movement Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3240769289",
        "text": "物理伤害的 #% 转换为闪电伤害(#% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2821079699",
        "text": "召唤魔像的数量上限 +#(+# to maximum number of Summoned Golems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2818167778",
        "text": "生效期间,获得额外混沌伤害,等于物理伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3562241510",
        "text": "生效期间获得额外混沌伤害,等于元素伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1341148741",
        "text": "生效期间,#% 的混沌伤害转化为生命偷取(#% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_kaom",
        "text": "获得冈姆麾下 # 名武士的领导权(Commanded leadership over # warriors under Kaom)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1484471543",
        "text": "闪电异常状态持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration of Lightning Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3437613601",
        "text": "怪物击中时造成 # 秒的石化(Monsters inflict Petrification for # seconds on hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_rakiata",
        "text": "获得拉凯尔塔麾下 # 名武士的领导权(Commanded leadership over # warriors under Rakiata)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2937483991",
        "text": "若你近期内有击败敌人,则 +#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_228165595",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的低阶毒化辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Chance to Poison)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_avarius",
        "text": "荣耀雕像 # 来自神主阿瓦留斯(Carved to glorify # new faithful converted by High Templar Avarius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1327522346",
        "text": "移动时魔力再生速度提高 #%(#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while moving)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_762600725",
        "text": "生命在你格挡时 #(# Life gained when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4016885052",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石可以发射 1 个额外投射物(Socketed Gems fire an additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3854949926",
        "text": "若你近期内没受到伤害,则移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed if you haven't taken Damage Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3303551725",
        "text": "无限复生(Restless Dead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2122183138",
        "text": "魔力在你格挡时 #(# Mana gained when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3002506763",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在法术击中时使敌人缓速(#% chance to Hinder Enemies on Hit with Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2808735733",
        "text": "区域内会出现大宝箱(Area contains a Large Chest)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4064396395",
        "text": "该武器的攻击穿透 #% 的元素抗性(Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1600707273",
        "text": "所有物理主动法术技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Physical Spell Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3970396418",
        "text": "水银爪印(Mercury Footprints)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_728267040",
        "text": "区域内找到的物品有 #% 的几率在掉落时腐化(Found Items have #% chance to drop Corrupted in Area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_728267040",
        "text": "区域内找到的物品有 #% 的几率在掉落时腐化(Items found in your Maps have #% chance to be Corrupted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2018035324",
        "text": "每当你用法术击中一个敌人时,获得 # 生命(Gain # Life per Enemy Hit with Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_maxarius",
        "text": "荣耀雕像 # 来自神主玛萨留斯(Carved to glorify # new faithful converted by High Templar Maxarius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_279227559",
        "text": "若你近期内有击败敌人,则移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed if you've Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2689259705",
        "text": "最终首领掉落更高等级的物品(Final Boss drops higher Level Items)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4058681894",
        "text": "你的暴击不造成额外暴击伤害(Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1004468512",
        "text": "受到物理伤害的 #% 视作火焰伤害(#% of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_504366827",
        "text": "冰冻时 +# 点护甲(+# to Armour while Frozen)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_449526948",
        "text": "区域内找到的非传奇装备改为掉落通货物品(Non-Unique Equipment found in Area drops as Currency instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4226189338",
        "text": "所有混沌法术主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Chaos Spell Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1331384105",
        "text": "魔侍的持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Skeleton Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_182714578",
        "text": "在流血时使用可以在接下来 # 秒免疫流血\n被腐化之血影响时使用可以在接下来 # 秒免疫腐化之血(Grants Immunity to Bleeding for # seconds if used while Bleeding\nGrants Immunity to Corrupted Blood for # seconds if used while affected by Corrupted Blood)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2695354435",
        "text": "低血时最大闪避值提高 #%(#% increased Global Evasion Rating when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4231842891",
        "text": "爪类攻击附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(# to # Added Lightning Damage with Claw Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2551600084",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【效果区域技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed AoE Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_211836731",
        "text": "所有插槽都是白色(All Sockets are White)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_akoya",
        "text": "获得阿寇亚麾下 # 名武士的领导权(Commanded leadership over # warriors under Akoya)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1718147982",
        "text": "召唤生物命中值提高 #%(#% increased Minion Accuracy Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2550456553",
        "text": "每个稀有怪物额外具有 # 个词缀(Rare Monsters each have # additional Modifier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2550456553",
        "text": "每个稀有怪物额外具有 # 个词缀(Rare Monsters in your Maps have # additional Modifier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_caspiro",
        "text": "授予 # 纪念卡斯皮罗的金币(Commissioned # coins to commemorate Caspiro)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1384864963",
        "text": "每1级使你每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per second per Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3495544060",
        "text": "获得额外混沌伤害,其数值等同于元素伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3257279374",
        "text": "对深渊怪物造成的击中和异常状态伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Abyssal Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_446733281",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【法术技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Spell Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_908516597",
        "text": "移动时每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second while moving)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3570046771",
        "text": "被冰缓时使用可以在 4 秒内免疫冰缓\n被冻结时使用可以在 4 秒内免疫冻结(Grants Immunity to Chill for 4 seconds if used while Chilled\nGrants Immunity to Freeze for 4 seconds if used while Frozen)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_832404842",
        "text": "使用该武器时,敌人晕眩门槛降低 #%(#% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with this Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3660039923",
        "text": "被点燃时施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed while Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2848646243",
        "text": "爪类攻击附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害(# to # Added Cold Damage with Claw Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2899095498",
        "text": "周围的敌人会被威吓(Nearby Enemies are Intimidated)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4176970656",
        "text": "当你的召唤生物死亡时,承受 # 点物理伤害(# Physical Damage taken on Minion Death)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_412745376",
        "text": "若你近期内使用了召唤生物技能,则召唤生物的伤害提高 #%(Minions deal #% increased Damage if you've used a Minion Skill Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2562665460",
        "text": "你的晕眩门槛由能量护盾计算,而不再基于生命(Stun Threshold is based on Energy Shield instead of Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3479987487",
        "text": "生效期间,格挡及晕眩回复提高 #%(#% increased Block and Stun Recovery during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2047819517",
        "text": "被点燃时攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed while Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3814686091",
        "text": "【闪电之捷】的增益效果提高 #%(Herald of Thunder has #% increased Buff Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2227180465",
        "text": "技能的魔力保留提高 #%(#% increased Mana Reservation of Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3603666270",
        "text": "若你近期内没被击中后受到伤害,则获得 #% 物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction if you weren't Damaged by a Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_asenath",
        "text": "在安赛娜丝的阿卡拉中指派 # 名德卡拉的服务(Denoted service of # dekhara in the akhara of Asenath)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2805714016",
        "text": "击中冰缓敌人的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_239144",
        "text": "冷却回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3478075311",
        "text": "弓类攻击附加 # 到 # 点混沌伤害(# to # Added Chaos Damage with Bow Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1072119541",
        "text": "若你近期内有击败敌人,则伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage if you've Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_nasima",
        "text": "在娜斯玛的阿卡拉中指派 # 名德卡拉的服务(Denoted service of # dekhara in the akhara of Nasima)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2154290807",
        "text": "爪类攻击附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(# to # Added Fire Damage with Claw Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1814782245",
        "text": "徒手近战攻击的物理伤害总增 #%(#% more Physical Damage with Unarmed Melee Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1064331314",
        "text": "插上 1 个绿色技能石时获得 +#% 冰霜抗性(+#% to Cold Resistance when Socketed with a Green Gem)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1237708713",
        "text": "剑类攻击附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(# to # Added Lightning Damage with Sword Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2398198236",
        "text": "持双手武器时附加 # 到 # 点闪电法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Lightning Damage while wielding a Two Handed Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3051845758",
        "text": "插上 1 个红色技能石时获得 +#% 火焰抗性(+#% to Fire Resistance when Socketed with a Red Gem)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2301191210",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率致盲敌人(#% chance to Blind Enemies on hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2624514051",
        "text": "超越怪物产生腐化地面\n无法生成超越首领(Monsters from Beyond create Desecrated Ground\n Beyond Bosses cannot spawn)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_369494213",
        "text": "获得额外火焰伤害, 其数值等同于物理伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_852195286",
        "text": "若你近期内因被击中而受伤,攻击伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage if you were Damaged by a Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1787073323",
        "text": "技能可以连锁弹射 +# 次(Skills Chain +# times)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_289814996",
        "text": "插上 1 个蓝色技能石时获得 +#% 闪电抗性(+#% to Lightning Resistance when Socketed with a Blue Gem)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2962840349",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 法术图腾 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Spell Totem)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3720936304",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 增大范围 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_491450213",
        "text": "召唤生物的暴击率提高 #%(Minions have #% increased Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2464689927",
        "text": "持双手武器时附加 # 到 # 点冰霜法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Cold Damage while wielding a Two Handed Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_972201717",
        "text": "剑类攻击附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害(# to # Added Cold Damage with Sword Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_133683091",
        "text": "法杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(# to # Added Physical Damage with Wand Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4043416969",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【闪电技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Lightning Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2135335407",
        "text": "持双手武器时附加 # 到 # 点火焰法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Fire Damage while wielding a Two Handed Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_504850499",
        "text": "区域内有一个额外的先驱者(Area contains an additional Harbinger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_504850499",
        "text": "地图内有一个额外的先驱者(Your Maps contain an additional Harbinger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2731249891",
        "text": "#% 的火焰伤害转换为混沌伤害(#% of Fire Damage Converted to Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_67169579",
        "text": "所有混沌主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Chaos Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4091709362",
        "text": "对被冰冻的敌人时,伤害的 #% 转化为能量护盾偷取(#% of Damage Leeched as Energy Shield against Frozen Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1435748744",
        "text": "诅咒技能的技能效果持续时间延长 #%(Curse Skills have #% increased Skill Effect Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2419712247",
        "text": "造成的异常状态持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3250272113",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【力量萃取】(1 Added Passive Skill is Brewed for Potency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2921084940",
        "text": "持双手武器时附加 # 到 # 点物理法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Physical Damage while wielding a Two Handed Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_989228672",
        "text": "玩家受到易燃诅咒(Players are Cursed with Flammability)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_856021430",
        "text": "位移技能伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Movement Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3642528642",
        "option": {
            "options": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "text": "小(Small)"
                    "id": 2,
                    "text": "中(Medium)"
                    "id": 3,
                    "text": "大(Large)"
                    "id": 4,
                    "text": "很大(Very Large)"
                    "id": 5,
                    "text": "巨大(Massive)"
        "text": "影响 # 环内的天赋(Only affects Passives in # Ring)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_601249293",
        "text": "剑类攻击附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(# to # Added Fire Damage with Sword Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2605850929",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石额外获得【元素之相】(Socketed Gems have Elemental Equilibrium)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3442976749",
        "text": "玩家受到冻伤诅咒(Players are Cursed with Frostbite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_131358113",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【解剖疗法】(1 Added Passive Skill is Exposure Therapy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1174076861",
        "text": "若你近期内有打出过暴击,则施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2460506030",
        "option": {
            "options": [
                    "id": 32947,
                    "text": "敏捷克星(Swift Killer)"
                    "id": 55867,
                    "text": "博学者(Polymath)"
                    "id": 28884,
                    "text": "凝心者(Heartstopper)"
                    "id": 29825,
                    "text": "逃脱艺术(Escape Artist)"
                    "id": 41891,
                    "text": "破魔者(Spellbreaker)"
                    "id": 23225,
                    "text": "快人一步(One Step Ahead)"
                    "id": 57331,
                    "text": "虚空掌控(Harness the Void)"
                    "id": 3184,
                    "text": "刽子手(Headsman)"
                    "id": 17315,
                    "text": "镇压(Overwhelm)"
                    "id": 62817,
                    "text": "传奇灾星(Bane of Legends)"
                    "id": 34484,
                    "text": "无尽饥饿(Endless Hunger)"
                    "id": 10143,
                    "text": "残暴热情(Brutal Fervour)"
                    "id": 38180,
                    "text": "影响(Impact)"
                    "id": 16306,
                    "text": "大师之形(Masterful Form)"
                    "id": 16940,
                    "text": "焚烧(Pyromaniac)"
                    "id": 5087,
                    "text": "生在影中(Born in the Shadows)"
                    "id": 14103,
                    "text": "爆破专家(Explosives Expert)"
                    "id": 51462,
                    "text": "发条狂人(Like Clockwork)"
                    "id": 28535,
                    "text": "完美犯罪(Perfect Crime)"
                    "id": 39834,
                    "text": "爆破天才(Demolitions Specialist)"
                    "id": 38918,
                    "text": "连锁反应(Chain Reaction)"
                    "id": 47778,
                    "text": "炸弹专家(Bomb Specialist)"
                    "id": 31364,
                    "text": "春日誓言(Oath of Spring)"
                    "id": 16848,
                    "text": "凛冬誓言(Oath of Winter)"
                    "id": 4849,
                    "text": "母亲的教诲(Mother's Teachings)"
                    "id": 11597,
                    "text": "四季之训(Lesson of the Seasons)"
                    "id": 33645,
                    "text": "炎夏誓言(Oath of Summer)"
                    "id": 55509,
                    "text": "荒野化身(Avatar of the Wilds)"
                    "id": 29662,
                    "text": "资深草药师(Experienced Herbalist)"
                    "id": 40104,
                    "text": "持久弥散(Enduring Suffusion)"
                    "id": 51101,
                    "text": "大自然的肾上腺素(Nature's Adrenaline)"
                    "id": 63293,
                    "text": "手术大师(Master Surgeon)"
                    "id": 65296,
                    "text": "自然的恩赐(Nature's Boon)"
                    "id": 61805,
                    "text": "炼金术大师(Master Alchemist)"
                    "id": 6038,
                    "text": "蒸馏大师(Master Distiller)"
                    "id": 40813,
                    "text": "大自然的复仇(Nature's Reprisal)"
                    "id": 1697,
                    "text": "制毒宗师(Master Toxicist)"
                    "id": 37127,
                    "text": "秽言亡语(Profane Bloom)"
                    "id": 31344,
                    "text": "邪恶君王(Unholy Authority)"
                    "id": 37492,
                    "text": "残劣壁垒(Vile Bastion)"
                    "id": 27096,
                    "text": "虚无之塔(Void Beacon)"
                    "id": 62504,
                    "text": "禁忌力量(Forbidden Power)"
                    "id": 25309,
                    "text": "凋零姿态(Withering Presence)"
                    "id": 47630,
                    "text": "彻骨之径(Frigid Wake)"
                    "id": 54159,
                    "text": "盲目挑衅(Mindless Aggression)"
                    "id": 65153,
                    "text": "亵渎之力(Unnatural Strength)"
                    "id": 14603,
                    "text": "骸骨屏障(Bone Barrier)"
                    "id": 48719,
                    "text": "奉献女魔(Mistress of Sacrifice)"
                    "id": 3554,
                    "text": "精华吞噬(Essence Glutton)"
                    "id": 36017,
                    "text": "黑暗统御者(Commander of Darkness)"
                    "id": 11490,
                    "text": "疫病之源(Plaguebringer)"
                    "id": 23572,
                    "text": "灵枢契约(Corpse Pact)"
                    "id": 5819,
                    "text": "势不可挡(Unstoppable)"
                    "id": 53816,
                    "text": "坚不可破(Unbreakable)"
                    "id": 62595,
                    "text": "屹立不摇(Unyielding)"
                    "id": 44297,
                    "text": "不可置疑(Undeniable)"
                    "id": 1734,
                    "text": "永不动摇(Unflinching)"
                    "id": 56789,
                    "text": "灭无赦(Unrelenting)"
                    "id": 17988,
                    "text": "不知疲倦(Untiring)"
                    "id": 53884,
                    "text": "正义之庭(Righteous Providence)"
                    "id": 48214,
                    "text": "命运审判(Inevitable Judgement)"
                    "id": 40059,
                    "text": "忏悔之兆(Augury of Penitence)"
                    "id": 39790,
                    "text": "至圣所(Sanctuary)"
                    "id": 32816,
                    "text": "廉简之途(Pious Path)"
                    "id": 13851,
                    "text": "狂热之器(Instruments of Zeal)"
                    "id": 19417,
                    "text": "美德之器(Instruments of Virtue)"
                    "id": 922,
                    "text": "神圣指引(Divine Guidance)"
                    "id": 29026,
                    "text": "意识圣殿(Sanctuary of Thought)"
                    "id": 1105,
                    "text": "信念之诉(Pursuit of Faith)"
                    "id": 34434,
                    "text": "升华仪式(Ritual of Awakening)"
                    "id": 25651,
                    "text": "力量定罪(Conviction of Power)"
                    "id": 60462,
                    "text": "无上奉献(Illuminated Devotion)"
                    "id": 40510,
                    "text": "秘术保佑(Arcane Blessing)"
                    "id": 51492,
                    "text": "目的标识(Sign of Purpose)"
                    "id": 55146,
                    "text": "紧急时刻(Time of Need)"
                    "id": 42264,
                    "text": "信念之辉(Radiant Faith)"
                    "id": 39728,
                    "text": "希望壁垒(Bastion of Hope)"
                    "id": 61372,
                    "text": "和谐之源(Harmony of Purpose)"
                    "id": 64768,
                    "text": "不动信念(Unwavering Faith)"
                    "id": 4494,
                    "text": "光芒圣战军(Radiant Crusade)"
                    "id": 19641,
                    "text": "坚毅圣战军(Unwavering Crusade)"
                    "id": 27864,
                    "text": "免费力量(Gratuitous Violence)"
                    "id": 15616,
                    "text": "锯刃战技(Jagged Technique)"
                    "id": 52575,
                    "text": "武器大师(Weapon Master)"
                    "id": 8419,
                    "text": "坚毅求存(Determined Survivor)"
                    "id": 63490,
                    "text": "慎重回敬(Measured Retaliation)"
                    "id": 2598,
                    "text": "天眷英豪(More Than Skill)"
                    "id": 758,
                    "text": "持久鏖战(War of Attrition)"
                    "id": 56461,
                    "text": "原始之君(Liege of the Primordial)"
                    "id": 61259,
                    "text": "混沌天才(Mastermind of Discord)"
                    "id": 57197,
                    "text": "毁灭之心(Heart of Destruction)"
                    "id": 4917,
                    "text": "元素堡垒(Bastion of Elements)"
                    "id": 258,
                    "text": "魔像使(Elemancer)"
                    "id": 53123,
                    "text": "火焰塑形(Shaper of Flames)"
                    "id": 27038,
                    "text": "风暴塑形(Shaper of Storms)"
                    "id": 40810,
                    "text": "寒冬塑形(Shaper of Winter)"
                    "id": 5443,
                    "text": "聚焦点(Focal Point)"
                    "id": 61627,
                    "text": "弹射(Ricochet)"
                    "id": 26067,
                    "text": "无限弹药(Endless Munitions)"
                    "id": 45313,
                    "text": "狙击(Far Shot)"
                    "id": 44482,
                    "text": "熟稔(Avidity)"
                    "id": 24848,
                    "text": "聚风(Gathering Winds)"
                    "id": 2872,
                    "text": "占领军(Occupying Force)"
                    "id": 23169,
                    "text": "风之结界(Wind Ward)"
                    "id": 31667,
                    "text": "西奥妮,太阳之啸(Sione, Sun's Roar)"
                    "id": 50692,
                    "text": "火徒.努葛玛呼(Ngamahu, Flame's Advance)"
                    "id": 1731,
                    "text": "死之狂怒.辛格拉(Hinekora, Death's Fury)"
                    "id": 48480,
                    "text": "塔赛里奥,纯净之水(Tasalio, Cleansing Water)"
                    "id": 53095,
                    "text": "战争使者.图克哈玛(Tukohama, War's Herald)"
                    "id": 5029,
                    "text": "森林之力.塔赫亚(Tawhoa, Forest's Strength)"
                    "id": 61355,
                    "text": "雷默科,太阳之光(Ramako, Sun's Light)"
                    "id": 32249,
                    "text": "瓦拉克,风暴之拥(Valako, Storm's Embrace)"
                    "id": 31700,
                    "text": "坚毅(Fortitude)"
                    "id": 33940,
                    "text": "不败英雄(Unstoppable Hero)"
                    "id": 35750,
                    "text": "征服者(Conqueror)"
                    "id": 56967,
                    "text": "可敬的对手(Worthy Foe)"
                    "id": 11412,
                    "text": "启发(Inspirational)"
                    "id": 27604,
                    "text": "嗜战如命(First to Strike, Last to Fall)"
                    "id": 13374,
                    "text": "钢铁大师(Master of Metal)"
                    "id": 32251,
                    "text": "战争使者(War Bringer)"
                    "id": 57560,
                    "text": "毁灭仪式(Rite of Ruin)"
                    "id": 9271,
                    "text": "苦痛劫掠(Defy Pain)"
                    "id": 38999,
                    "text": "完美的暴行(Flawless Savagery)"
                    "id": 24528,
                    "text": "屠戮之欲(Crave the Slaughter)"
                    "id": 59920,
                    "text": "血肉之章(Aspect of Carnage)"
                    "id": 29630,
                    "text": "疾电(Blitz)"
                    "id": 4242,
                    "text": "不稳定化身(Unstable Infusion)"
                    "id": 48239,
                    "text": "致命专注(Deadly Infusion)"
                    "id": 21264,
                    "text": "伏击(Ambush and Assassinate)"
                    "id": 19083,
                    "text": "暗影(Opportunistic)"
                    "id": 19598,
                    "text": "毒物私运(Toxic Delivery)"
                    "id": 1945,
                    "text": "淬毒打击(Noxious Strike)"
                    "id": 28782,
                    "text": "迷雾行者(Mistwalker)"
                    "id": 61072,
                    "text": "勇士(Juggernaut)"
                    "id": 4194,
                    "text": "暴徒(Berserker)"
                    "id": 57052,
                    "text": "酋长(Chieftain)"
                    "id": 8656,
                    "text": "守望者(Warden)"
                    "id": 34567,
                    "text": "锐眼(Deadeye)"
                    "id": 9327,
                    "text": "追猎者(Pathfinder)"
                    "id": 12597,
                    "text": "秘术家(Occultist)"
                    "id": 8281,
                    "text": "元素使(Elementalist)"
                    "id": 10099,
                    "text": "召唤师(Necromancer)"
                    "id": 43195,
                    "text": "处刑者(Slayer)"
                    "id": 34774,
                    "text": "卫士(Gladiator)"
                    "id": 39598,
                    "text": "冠军(Champion)"
                    "id": 43962,
                    "text": "判官(Inquisitor)"
                    "id": 42144,
                    "text": "圣宗(Hierophant)"
                    "id": 30919,
                    "text": "守护者(Guardian)"
                    "id": 43122,
                    "text": "暗影大师(Assassin)"
                    "id": 6778,
                    "text": "欺诈师(Trickster)"
                    "id": 58827,
                    "text": "破坏者(Saboteur)"
                    "id": 27602,
                    "text": "九条命(Nine Lives)"
                    "id": 57568,
                    "text": "炽热净化(Searing Purity)"
                    "id": 52435,
                    "text": "不屈坚毅(Indomitable Resolve)"
                    "id": 42469,
                    "text": "致命绽放(Fatal Flourish)"
                    "id": 18054,
                    "text": "自然之怒(Fury of Nature)"
                    "id": 48999,
                    "text": "灵魂饮者(Soul Drinker)"
                    "id": 19355,
                    "text": "释放潜能(Unleashed Potential)"
                    "id": 36958,
                    "text": "资深猎手(Seasoned Hunter)"
        "text": "升华珠宝:禁断之火上有匹配的词缀则配置 #(Allocates # if you have matching modifier on Forbidden Flame)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3944525413",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【怒火盛宴】(1 Added Passive Skill is Feed the Fury)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2312652600",
        "text": "生效期间,有 #% 几率避免被晕眩(#% Chance to Avoid being Stunned during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3228973398",
        "text": "每 3 秒钟回复 # 药剂充能(# Flask Charges recovered every 3 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3479683016",
        "text": "匕首攻击附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(# to # Added Lightning Damage with Dagger Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1582068183",
        "text": "斧类攻击附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(# to # Added Lightning Damage with Axe Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_172852114",
        "text": "每个蓝色插槽会使你物理攻击伤害的 #% 转化为魔力偷取(#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana per Blue Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2671663397",
        "text": "持盾牌时附加 # 到 # 点冰霜法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Cold Damage while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_251342217",
        "text": "生效期间,近战攻击添加击退(Adds Knockback to Melee Attacks during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3143208761",
        "text": "所有属性提高 #%(#% increased Attributes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_balbala",
        "text": "在芭芭拉的阿卡拉中指派 # 名德卡拉的服务(Denoted service of # dekhara in the akhara of Balbala)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1743759111",
        "text": "持双手武器时附加 # 到 # 点混沌法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Chaos Damage while wielding a Two Handed Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2770782267",
        "text": "召唤生物获得 #% 生命偷取(Minions Leech #% of Damage as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3965637181",
        "text": "生效期间免疫流血和腐化之血(Immunity to Bleeding and Corrupted Blood during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_64726306",
        "text": "不能使用其他戒指(Can't use other Rings)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_581625445",
        "text": "被点燃时移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed while Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1618339429",
        "text": "+#% 的几率被点燃(+#% chance to be Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_dominus",
        "text": "荣耀雕像 # 来自神主多米纳斯(Carved to glorify # new faithful converted by High Templar Dominus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_782230869",
        "text": "非伤害型异常状态效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_455556407",
        "text": "若你近期内没有击败过敌人,则伤害穿透 #% 元素抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1782176131",
        "text": "斧类攻击附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害(# to # Added Cold Damage with Axe Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1263342750",
        "text": "匕首攻击附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害(# to # Added Cold Damage with Dagger Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_44182350",
        "text": "持盾牌时附加 # 到 # 点火焰法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Fire Damage while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2856328513",
        "text": "若你近期内没有打出暴击,则暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1801889979",
        "text": "持盾牌时附加 # 到 # 点闪电法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Lightning Damage while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1645459191",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【冰霜技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Cold Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_569299859",
        "text": "+#% 全部抗性上限(+#% to all maximum Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3753748365",
        "text": "低血时,敌人击中你的伤害会特别不幸(Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1244360317",
        "text": "持盾牌时的持续伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage over Time while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1408638732",
        "text": "角色体型增大 #%(#% increased Character Size)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_619213329",
        "text": "所有物理主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Physical Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1626998468",
        "text": "区域内没有怪物(Area contains no monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2461965653",
        "text": "斧类攻击附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(# to # Added Fire Damage with Axe Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_425242359",
        "text": "受到击中物理伤害的 #% 视作闪电伤害(#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3457143479",
        "text": "宝箱内的物品稀有度提高 #%(Chests have #% increased Item Rarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3376452528",
        "text": "双持武器时附加 # 到 # 点冰霜法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Cold Damage while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3470876581",
        "text": "低血时闪避值提高 +#(+# to Evasion Rating while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3954157711",
        "text": "持盾牌时附加 # 到 # 点物理法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Physical Damage while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2169938251",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的快速施法辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Faster Casting)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1119465199",
        "text": "受到的混沌伤害无法穿透能量护盾(Chaos Damage taken does not bypass Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2366940416",
        "text": "低血时 +#% 混沌抗性(+#% to Chaos Resistance when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2763429652",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率造成瘫痪(#% chance to Maim on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_350598685",
        "text": "武器范围 +# 米(+# metres to Weapon Range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1910361436",
        "text": "匕首攻击附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(# to # Added Fire Damage with Dagger Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_744082851",
        "text": "混沌伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1190333629",
        "option": {
            "options": [
                    "id": 32947,
                    "text": "敏捷克星(Swift Killer)"
                    "id": 55867,
                    "text": "博学者(Polymath)"
                    "id": 28884,
                    "text": "凝心者(Heartstopper)"
                    "id": 29825,
                    "text": "逃脱艺术(Escape Artist)"
                    "id": 41891,
                    "text": "破魔者(Spellbreaker)"
                    "id": 23225,
                    "text": "快人一步(One Step Ahead)"
                    "id": 57331,
                    "text": "虚空掌控(Harness the Void)"
                    "id": 3184,
                    "text": "刽子手(Headsman)"
                    "id": 17315,
                    "text": "镇压(Overwhelm)"
                    "id": 62817,
                    "text": "传奇灾星(Bane of Legends)"
                    "id": 34484,
                    "text": "无尽饥饿(Endless Hunger)"
                    "id": 10143,
                    "text": "残暴热情(Brutal Fervour)"
                    "id": 38180,
                    "text": "影响(Impact)"
                    "id": 16306,
                    "text": "大师之形(Masterful Form)"
                    "id": 16940,
                    "text": "焚烧(Pyromaniac)"
                    "id": 5087,
                    "text": "生在影中(Born in the Shadows)"
                    "id": 14103,
                    "text": "爆破专家(Explosives Expert)"
                    "id": 51462,
                    "text": "发条狂人(Like Clockwork)"
                    "id": 28535,
                    "text": "完美犯罪(Perfect Crime)"
                    "id": 39834,
                    "text": "爆破天才(Demolitions Specialist)"
                    "id": 38918,
                    "text": "连锁反应(Chain Reaction)"
                    "id": 47778,
                    "text": "炸弹专家(Bomb Specialist)"
                    "id": 31364,
                    "text": "春日誓言(Oath of Spring)"
                    "id": 16848,
                    "text": "凛冬誓言(Oath of Winter)"
                    "id": 4849,
                    "text": "母亲的教诲(Mother's Teachings)"
                    "id": 11597,
                    "text": "四季之训(Lesson of the Seasons)"
                    "id": 33645,
                    "text": "炎夏誓言(Oath of Summer)"
                    "id": 55509,
                    "text": "荒野化身(Avatar of the Wilds)"
                    "id": 29662,
                    "text": "资深草药师(Experienced Herbalist)"
                    "id": 40104,
                    "text": "持久弥散(Enduring Suffusion)"
                    "id": 51101,
                    "text": "大自然的肾上腺素(Nature's Adrenaline)"
                    "id": 63293,
                    "text": "手术大师(Master Surgeon)"
                    "id": 65296,
                    "text": "自然的恩赐(Nature's Boon)"
                    "id": 61805,
                    "text": "炼金术大师(Master Alchemist)"
                    "id": 6038,
                    "text": "蒸馏大师(Master Distiller)"
                    "id": 40813,
                    "text": "大自然的复仇(Nature's Reprisal)"
                    "id": 1697,
                    "text": "制毒宗师(Master Toxicist)"
                    "id": 37127,
                    "text": "秽言亡语(Profane Bloom)"
                    "id": 31344,
                    "text": "邪恶君王(Unholy Authority)"
                    "id": 37492,
                    "text": "残劣壁垒(Vile Bastion)"
                    "id": 27096,
                    "text": "虚无之塔(Void Beacon)"
                    "id": 62504,
                    "text": "禁忌力量(Forbidden Power)"
                    "id": 25309,
                    "text": "凋零姿态(Withering Presence)"
                    "id": 47630,
                    "text": "彻骨之径(Frigid Wake)"
                    "id": 54159,
                    "text": "盲目挑衅(Mindless Aggression)"
                    "id": 65153,
                    "text": "亵渎之力(Unnatural Strength)"
                    "id": 14603,
                    "text": "骸骨屏障(Bone Barrier)"
                    "id": 48719,
                    "text": "奉献女魔(Mistress of Sacrifice)"
                    "id": 3554,
                    "text": "精华吞噬(Essence Glutton)"
                    "id": 36017,
                    "text": "黑暗统御者(Commander of Darkness)"
                    "id": 11490,
                    "text": "疫病之源(Plaguebringer)"
                    "id": 23572,
                    "text": "灵枢契约(Corpse Pact)"
                    "id": 5819,
                    "text": "势不可挡(Unstoppable)"
                    "id": 53816,
                    "text": "坚不可破(Unbreakable)"
                    "id": 62595,
                    "text": "屹立不摇(Unyielding)"
                    "id": 44297,
                    "text": "不可置疑(Undeniable)"
                    "id": 1734,
                    "text": "永不动摇(Unflinching)"
                    "id": 56789,
                    "text": "灭无赦(Unrelenting)"
                    "id": 17988,
                    "text": "不知疲倦(Untiring)"
                    "id": 53884,
                    "text": "正义之庭(Righteous Providence)"
                    "id": 48214,
                    "text": "命运审判(Inevitable Judgement)"
                    "id": 40059,
                    "text": "忏悔之兆(Augury of Penitence)"
                    "id": 39790,
                    "text": "至圣所(Sanctuary)"
                    "id": 32816,
                    "text": "廉简之途(Pious Path)"
                    "id": 13851,
                    "text": "狂热之器(Instruments of Zeal)"
                    "id": 19417,
                    "text": "美德之器(Instruments of Virtue)"
                    "id": 922,
                    "text": "神圣指引(Divine Guidance)"
                    "id": 29026,
                    "text": "意识圣殿(Sanctuary of Thought)"
                    "id": 1105,
                    "text": "信念之诉(Pursuit of Faith)"
                    "id": 34434,
                    "text": "升华仪式(Ritual of Awakening)"
                    "id": 25651,
                    "text": "力量定罪(Conviction of Power)"
                    "id": 60462,
                    "text": "无上奉献(Illuminated Devotion)"
                    "id": 40510,
                    "text": "秘术保佑(Arcane Blessing)"
                    "id": 51492,
                    "text": "目的标识(Sign of Purpose)"
                    "id": 55146,
                    "text": "紧急时刻(Time of Need)"
                    "id": 42264,
                    "text": "信念之辉(Radiant Faith)"
                    "id": 39728,
                    "text": "希望壁垒(Bastion of Hope)"
                    "id": 61372,
                    "text": "和谐之源(Harmony of Purpose)"
                    "id": 64768,
                    "text": "不动信念(Unwavering Faith)"
                    "id": 4494,
                    "text": "光芒圣战军(Radiant Crusade)"
                    "id": 19641,
                    "text": "坚毅圣战军(Unwavering Crusade)"
                    "id": 27864,
                    "text": "免费力量(Gratuitous Violence)"
                    "id": 15616,
                    "text": "锯刃战技(Jagged Technique)"
                    "id": 52575,
                    "text": "武器大师(Weapon Master)"
                    "id": 8419,
                    "text": "坚毅求存(Determined Survivor)"
                    "id": 63490,
                    "text": "慎重回敬(Measured Retaliation)"
                    "id": 2598,
                    "text": "天眷英豪(More Than Skill)"
                    "id": 758,
                    "text": "持久鏖战(War of Attrition)"
                    "id": 56461,
                    "text": "原始之君(Liege of the Primordial)"
                    "id": 61259,
                    "text": "混沌天才(Mastermind of Discord)"
                    "id": 57197,
                    "text": "毁灭之心(Heart of Destruction)"
                    "id": 4917,
                    "text": "元素堡垒(Bastion of Elements)"
                    "id": 258,
                    "text": "魔像使(Elemancer)"
                    "id": 53123,
                    "text": "火焰塑形(Shaper of Flames)"
                    "id": 27038,
                    "text": "风暴塑形(Shaper of Storms)"
                    "id": 40810,
                    "text": "寒冬塑形(Shaper of Winter)"
                    "id": 5443,
                    "text": "聚焦点(Focal Point)"
                    "id": 61627,
                    "text": "弹射(Ricochet)"
                    "id": 26067,
                    "text": "无限弹药(Endless Munitions)"
                    "id": 45313,
                    "text": "狙击(Far Shot)"
                    "id": 44482,
                    "text": "熟稔(Avidity)"
                    "id": 24848,
                    "text": "聚风(Gathering Winds)"
                    "id": 2872,
                    "text": "占领军(Occupying Force)"
                    "id": 23169,
                    "text": "风之结界(Wind Ward)"
                    "id": 31667,
                    "text": "西奥妮,太阳之啸(Sione, Sun's Roar)"
                    "id": 50692,
                    "text": "火徒.努葛玛呼(Ngamahu, Flame's Advance)"
                    "id": 1731,
                    "text": "死之狂怒.辛格拉(Hinekora, Death's Fury)"
                    "id": 48480,
                    "text": "塔赛里奥,纯净之水(Tasalio, Cleansing Water)"
                    "id": 53095,
                    "text": "战争使者.图克哈玛(Tukohama, War's Herald)"
                    "id": 5029,
                    "text": "森林之力.塔赫亚(Tawhoa, Forest's Strength)"
                    "id": 61355,
                    "text": "雷默科,太阳之光(Ramako, Sun's Light)"
                    "id": 32249,
                    "text": "瓦拉克,风暴之拥(Valako, Storm's Embrace)"
                    "id": 31700,
                    "text": "坚毅(Fortitude)"
                    "id": 33940,
                    "text": "不败英雄(Unstoppable Hero)"
                    "id": 35750,
                    "text": "征服者(Conqueror)"
                    "id": 56967,
                    "text": "可敬的对手(Worthy Foe)"
                    "id": 11412,
                    "text": "启发(Inspirational)"
                    "id": 27604,
                    "text": "嗜战如命(First to Strike, Last to Fall)"
                    "id": 13374,
                    "text": "钢铁大师(Master of Metal)"
                    "id": 32251,
                    "text": "战争使者(War Bringer)"
                    "id": 57560,
                    "text": "毁灭仪式(Rite of Ruin)"
                    "id": 9271,
                    "text": "苦痛劫掠(Defy Pain)"
                    "id": 38999,
                    "text": "完美的暴行(Flawless Savagery)"
                    "id": 24528,
                    "text": "屠戮之欲(Crave the Slaughter)"
                    "id": 59920,
                    "text": "血肉之章(Aspect of Carnage)"
                    "id": 29630,
                    "text": "疾电(Blitz)"
                    "id": 4242,
                    "text": "不稳定化身(Unstable Infusion)"
                    "id": 48239,
                    "text": "致命专注(Deadly Infusion)"
                    "id": 21264,
                    "text": "伏击(Ambush and Assassinate)"
                    "id": 19083,
                    "text": "暗影(Opportunistic)"
                    "id": 19598,
                    "text": "毒物私运(Toxic Delivery)"
                    "id": 1945,
                    "text": "淬毒打击(Noxious Strike)"
                    "id": 28782,
                    "text": "迷雾行者(Mistwalker)"
                    "id": 61072,
                    "text": "勇士(Juggernaut)"
                    "id": 4194,
                    "text": "暴徒(Berserker)"
                    "id": 57052,
                    "text": "酋长(Chieftain)"
                    "id": 8656,
                    "text": "守望者(Warden)"
                    "id": 34567,
                    "text": "锐眼(Deadeye)"
                    "id": 9327,
                    "text": "追猎者(Pathfinder)"
                    "id": 12597,
                    "text": "秘术家(Occultist)"
                    "id": 8281,
                    "text": "元素使(Elementalist)"
                    "id": 10099,
                    "text": "召唤师(Necromancer)"
                    "id": 43195,
                    "text": "处刑者(Slayer)"
                    "id": 34774,
                    "text": "卫士(Gladiator)"
                    "id": 39598,
                    "text": "冠军(Champion)"
                    "id": 43962,
                    "text": "判官(Inquisitor)"
                    "id": 42144,
                    "text": "圣宗(Hierophant)"
                    "id": 30919,
                    "text": "守护者(Guardian)"
                    "id": 43122,
                    "text": "暗影大师(Assassin)"
                    "id": 6778,
                    "text": "欺诈师(Trickster)"
                    "id": 58827,
                    "text": "破坏者(Saboteur)"
                    "id": 27602,
                    "text": "九条命(Nine Lives)"
                    "id": 57568,
                    "text": "炽热净化(Searing Purity)"
                    "id": 52435,
                    "text": "不屈坚毅(Indomitable Resolve)"
                    "id": 42469,
                    "text": "致命绽放(Fatal Flourish)"
                    "id": 18054,
                    "text": "自然之怒(Fury of Nature)"
                    "id": 48999,
                    "text": "灵魂饮者(Soul Drinker)"
                    "id": 19355,
                    "text": "释放潜能(Unleashed Potential)"
                    "id": 36958,
                    "text": "资深猎手(Seasoned Hunter)"
        "text": "升华珠宝:禁断之肉上有匹配的词缀则配置 #(Allocates # if you have matching modifier on Forbidden Flesh)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2557247391",
        "text": "你消耗一具点燃的灵柩可恢复 # 次充能(Recharges # Charge when you Consume an Ignited corpse)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3477833022",
        "text": "生效期间,被你点燃的敌人受到的伤害提高 #%(Enemies Ignited by you during Effect take #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1261982764",
        "text": "生命回复提高 #%(#% increased Life Recovered)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_214001793",
        "text": "双持时的持续伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage over Time while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_662691280",
        "text": "双持武器时附加 # 到 # 点火焰法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Fire Damage while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3352373076",
        "text": "双持武器时附加 # 到 # 点闪电法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Lightning Damage while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_778848857",
        "text": "周围友军的魔力再生速度提高 #%(Nearby Allies gain #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_338121249",
        "text": "击中时对敌人附加易燃诅咒。(Curse Enemies with Flammability on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1924591908",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率给予周围敌人【猛攻】状态(#% chance to grant Onslaught to nearby Enemies on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3607444087",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率使周围的敌人获得混沌之威(#% chance to grant Chaotic Might to nearby Enemies on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2101383955",
        "text": "伤害穿透 #% 元素抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2096159630",
        "text": "锤类或短杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(# to # Added Lightning Damage with Mace or Sceptre Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3212481075",
        "text": "长杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(# to # Added Lightning Damage with Staff Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3872306017",
        "text": "暴击球的持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Power Charge Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4255924189",
        "text": "双持武器时附加 # 到 # 点物理法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Physical Damage while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2453026567",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率获得【猛攻】状态,持续 10 秒(#% chance to gain Onslaught for 10 seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2422197812",
        "text": "左戒指栏位:你和你的召唤生物受到的反射元素伤害降低 #%(Left ring slot: You and your Minions take #% reduced Reflected Elemental Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2503377690",
        "text": "立即回复#% 回复量(#% of Recovery applied Instantly)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1612402470",
        "text": "区域内额外有一个受到保护的精美瓦尔容器(Area contains an additional guarded Exquisite Vaal Vessel)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3462673103",
        "text": "周围友军每秒再生 #% 生命(Nearby Allies gain #% of Life Regenerated per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_357180449",
        "text": "必须打开所有区域内的保险箱才能领取奖励(All Strongboxes in Area must be opened to claim Reward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2129392647",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【循环湮灭】(1 Added Passive Skill is Circling Oblivion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3859865977",
        "text": "精准的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Precision has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_562371749",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率获得混沌之威,持续 10 秒(#% chance to gain Chaotic Might for 10 seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1955882986",
        "text": "你施放法术后 1 秒内再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life over 1 second when you Cast a Spell)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1181129483",
        "text": "持盾牌时附加 # 到 # 点混沌法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Chaos Damage while holding a Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1357244124",
        "text": "右戒指栏位:反射物理伤害降低 #%(Right ring slot: You and your Minions take #% reduced Reflected Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_280213220",
        "text": "攻击击中有 #% 的几率嘲讽敌人(#% chance to Taunt Enemies on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2135899247",
        "text": "暴击球达到最大数量时,失去所有的暴击球(Lose all Power Charges on reaching Maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_187418672",
        "text": "锤类或短杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害(# to # Added Cold Damage with Mace or Sceptre Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_599749213",
        "text": "所有火焰主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Fire Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1411310186",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:攻击速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2721815210",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【精准】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Precision Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1001829678",
        "text": "持长杖时攻击伤害格挡几率 +#% (长杖)(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff (Staves))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3942946753",
        "text": "低血时每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3741956733",
        "text": "在任何满溢圣杯药剂生效期间不获得药剂充能(Gains no Charges during Effect of any Overflowing Chalice Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3910859570",
        "text": "基底词缀幅度变为三倍(Implicit Modifier magnitudes are tripled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3146788701",
        "text": "锤类或短杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(# to # Added Fire Damage with Mace or Sceptre Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1172810729",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率造成双倍伤害(#% chance to deal Double Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2826979740",
        "text": "周围敌人被致盲(Nearby Enemies are Blinded)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1078455967",
        "text": "所有冰霜主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Cold Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3418377329",
        "text": "仅打开 # 扇区域的传送门(Only opens # Portal to Area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3418377329",
        "text": "仅打开 # 扇区域的传送门(Only # Portal is opened to each of your Maps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1865428306",
        "text": "双持武器时附加 # 到 # 点混沌法术伤害(# to # Added Spell Chaos Damage while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1085359447",
        "text": "生效期间,通过其他药剂获得的各种充能增加 #%(#% increased Charges gained by Other Flasks during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1974445926",
        "text": "召唤生物击中时有 #% 的几率使目标中毒(Minions have #% chance to Poison Enemies on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2283806768",
        "text": "玩家会受到众多危险幽灵的袭击(Players are assaulted by many dangerous Apparitions)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3206381437",
        "text": "带眩晕效果的近战击中有 #% 的几率提供护体状态(Melee Hits which Stun have #% chance to Fortify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3986030307",
        "text": "使用时获得 # 个耐力球(Gain # Endurance Charge on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3594640492",
        "text": "每秒再生 #% 能量护盾(Regenerate #% of Energy Shield per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3374054207",
        "text": "召唤生物有+#% 攻击伤害格挡几率(Minions have +#% Chance to Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_97064873",
        "text": "生效期间,有 #% 几率造成冻结、感电和点燃(#% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1261958804",
        "text": "长杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害(# to # Added Cold Damage with Staff Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3642618258",
        "text": "生效期间,有 #% 几率避免被感电(#% chance to Avoid being Shocked during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1147690586",
        "text": "所有闪电主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Lightning Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3579807004",
        "text": "近战伤害在满血时提高 #%(#% increased Melee Damage when on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2180070554",
        "text": "区域内有 # 个额外的生成冰墙并逃跑的稀有怪物(Area contains # additional Rare Monsters that create Frost Walls and Flee)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4217693429",
        "text": "弓类攻击带终结效果(Bow Attacks have Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3684879618",
        "text": "【迷踪】状态时移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed while Phasing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1011537121",
        "text": "玩家无法闪避(Players cannot Evade)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2497009514",
        "text": "插入的宝石没有保留效果\n你的祝福技能被禁用(Socketed Gems have no Reservation\nYour Blessing Skills are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2995661301",
        "text": "幸存(Survival)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_498214257",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率获得一个暴击球、狂怒球或耐力球(#% chance to gain a Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3787670808",
        "text": "有永生化的元帅\nPvP 伤害调整(Contains the Immortalised Grandmasters\nPvP damage scaling in effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1683578560",
        "text": "烈士意志(Unwavering Stance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_723388324",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在消耗至少 # 点预支花费的魔力\n或触发一个技能时触发插入的法术,它有 0.1 秒冷却时间(#% chance to Trigger Socketed Spells when you Spend at least # Mana on an\nUpfront Cost to Use or Trigger a Skill, with a 0.1 second Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3235814433",
        "text": "所有召唤灵体技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Raise Spectre Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3520048646",
        "text": "你的副手为空时,冰霜伤害提高 #%(#% increased Cold Damage while your Off Hand is empty)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2835888248",
        "text": "玩家拥有【零点射击】(Players have Point Blank)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3220927448",
        "text": "长杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(# to # Added Fire Damage with Staff Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2076926581",
        "text": "法术伤害压制率在空出副手时 +#%(+#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage while your Off Hand is empty)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2886495370",
        "text": "玩家击败敌人时获得动荡\n不稳定的玩家最终会爆炸(Players gain Instability on Kill\nUnstable Players eventually detonate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3838369929",
        "text": "生效期间免疫冻结和冰缓(Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4077843608",
        "text": "有 1 个插槽(Has 1 Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3477714116",
        "text": "格挡时对敌人附加脆弱诅咒。(Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_153777645",
        "text": "魔蛊技能的效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3944782785",
        "text": "攻击伤害对流血的敌人提高 #%(#% increased Attack Damage against Bleeding Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2918129907",
        "text": "你的图腾死亡时对你施加一种随机魔蛊。(Inflicts a random Hex on you when your Totems die)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_645735818",
        "text": "这些区域包含额外的保险箱\n发现依次摆放的保险箱\n解锁前一个保险箱才能接连打开同一列的下一个保险箱(Areas contain additional Strongboxes\nStrongboxes are found in Sequences\nStrongboxes in a Sequence open when the previous Strongbox in the Sequence has unlocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_411460446",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 附加混沌伤害 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Added Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2301696196",
        "text": "使用时承受最大生命 #% 的混沌伤害(You take #% of your maximum Life as Chaos Damage on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2917449574",
        "text": "使用时移除最大能量护盾的 #%(Removes #% of your maximum Energy Shield on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1776945532",
        "text": "你击败的敌人有 #% 的几率爆炸,造成等同该敌人最大生命四分之一的混沌伤害(Enemies you Kill have a #% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1878455805",
        "text": "生效期间,你受到的感电效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Shock on you during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1173558568",
        "text": "生效期间,#% 的攻击伤害转化为生命偷取(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3342989455",
        "text": "受到击中物理伤害的 #% 视作火焰伤害(#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3359207393",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【灾殃】(1 Added Passive Skill is Calamitous)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2740359895",
        "text": "你只能击败被冰冻的敌人(Your Hits can only Kill Frozen Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3924520095",
        "text": "当你击中的稀有或传奇敌人没有被标记,触发 # 级暗影印记(Trigger Level # Assassin's Mark when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy and have no Mark)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_803730540",
        "text": "生效期间免疫冻结、冻缓、诅咒和晕眩(Immunity to Freeze, Chill, Curses and Stuns during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2501237765",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 多重打击 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Multistrike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2886441936",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【放大器】(1 Added Passive Skill is Magnifier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1453197917",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率获得暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1898967950",
        "text": "每个耐力球使你每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per second per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1456464057",
        "text": "生效期间,#% 的法术伤害转化为能量护盾偷取(#% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3230795453",
        "text": "使用时获得 # 个狂怒球(Gain # Frenzy Charge on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1733969225",
        "text": "传奇首领掉落 # 个额外通货物品(Unique Boss drops # additional Currency Items)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2697049014",
        "text": "使用时获得 # 个暴击球(Gain # Power Charge on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2604619892",
        "text": "敌人受到的元素异常状态时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_819529588",
        "text": "全局伤害提高 #%(#% increased Global Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_872972810",
        "text": "传奇怪物拥有一个随机神龛增益(Unique Monsters have a random Shrine Buff)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_298173317",
        "text": "穿刺的效果提高 #%(#% increased Impale Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_640052854",
        "text": "每击中一名敌人获得 # 点魔力(Grants # Mana per Enemy Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4293245253",
        "text": "敌人无法偷取你的魔力(Enemies Cannot Leech Mana From you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_507075051",
        "text": "每 4 点力量 +# 魔力(+# Mana per 4 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4256314560",
        "text": "暴击球达到最大数量时,你被感电(Shocks you when you reach Maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1694106311",
        "text": "免疫晕眩(Cannot be Stunned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2833226514",
        "text": "+# 力量需求(+# Strength Requirement)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2042405614",
        "text": "每 4 点敏捷 +# 生命(+# Life per 4 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2196657026",
        "text": "每 2 点智慧 +# 命中值(+# Accuracy Rating per 2 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2355151849",
        "text": "每 10 点敏捷可使近战物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Melee Physical Damage per 10 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_506942497",
        "text": "每 10 点力量提高 #% 能量护盾(#% increased Energy Shield per 10 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_988575597",
        "text": "能量护盾回复率提高 #%(#% increased Energy Shield Recovery rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_810772344",
        "text": "每 10 点智慧提高 #% 闪避值(#% increased Evasion Rating per 10 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_782323220",
        "text": "攻击技能的元素伤害在任意药剂生效期间提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1352418057",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率用插入的魔蛊诅咒敌人(#% chance to Curse Enemies with Socketed Hex Curse Gem on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2233272527",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【连发】(1 Added Passive Skill is Repeater)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3640252904",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【金刚拳】(1 Added Passive Skill is Heavy Hitter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2629106530",
        "text": "使用时恢复 #% 生命(Recover #% of Life on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1917107159",
        "text": "每个暴击球造成 # - # 闪电伤害(# to # Lightning Damage per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3734640451",
        "text": "对冰缓敌人附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage against Chilled Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1054322244",
        "text": "击败敌人有 #% 的几率时获得耐力球(#% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_570159344",
        "text": "使用时消耗 1 个狂怒球(Consumes 1 Frenzy Charge on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2264039874",
        "text": "区域内出现额外的无限复生怪物群(Area contains additional packs of Restless Dead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1277035917",
        "text": "生命偷取每秒总恢复量翻倍(Total Recovery per second from Life Leech is Doubled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2075199521",
        "text": "将范围内天赋所给予的敏捷转换成智慧(Dexterity from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_383245807",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【饕餮群魔】(1 Added Passive Skill is Feasting Fiends)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_661376813",
        "text": "使用时每消耗一个狂怒球,获得 # 秒猛攻(Gain Onslaught for # second per Frenzy Charge consumed on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3232201443",
        "text": "每秒受到最大生命 #% 的混沌伤害(#% of Maximum Life taken as Chaos Damage per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3706959521",
        "text": "耐力球数量下限 +#(+# to Minimum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2519106214",
        "text": "生效期间有 +#% 的几率格挡攻击伤害(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2319448214",
        "text": "瘀血爪印(Gore Footprints)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_969865219",
        "text": "能量护盾全满时,受到的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage taken while on Full Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2007062029",
        "text": "【闪电之捷】击中敌人时,受到 # 点闪电伤害(Take # Lightning Damage when Herald of Thunder Hits an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3110907148",
        "text": "近期内你的召唤生物若被击败,则施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed if a Minion has been Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3700381193",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使命中值提高 #%(#% increased Accuracy Rating per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_215754572",
        "text": "生效期间有 +#% 的几率格挡法术伤害(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_169657426",
        "text": "主手武器附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage in Main Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1285587221",
        "text": "将范围内天赋所给予的智慧转换成力量(Intelligence from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_851224302",
        "text": "生效期间获得狂热者的誓言(Zealot's Oath during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_658456881",
        "text": "狂怒球数量下限 +#(+# to Minimum Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3582614035",
        "text": "这些区域会出现额外的时空穿越机会\n时空穿越传送门已反转方向(Areas contain additional Temporal Incursions\nTemporal Incursion Portals have their direction reversed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1493590317",
        "text": "你在护体状态下获得猛攻效果(You have Onslaught while Fortified)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_935326447",
        "text": "流血状态下移动不再承受额外的伤害(Moving while Bleeding doesn't cause you to take extra Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3303015",
        "text": "爪类攻击附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(# to # Added Physical Damage with Claw Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3159161267",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使投射物速度加快 #%(#% increased Projectile Speed per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1358422215",
        "text": "取护甲和闪避值之间的较低者,每 200 点可使攻击伤害提高 1%(1% increased Attack Damage per 200 of the lowest of Armour and Evasion Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_588512487",
        "text": "区域额外有 # 个随机词缀(Area has # additional random Modifier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_588512487",
        "text": "区域额外有 # 个随机词缀(Your Maps have # additional random Modifier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3173052379",
        "text": "你的击中击败被点燃的敌人时将其摧毁(Ignited Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2424133568",
        "text": "若你近期内没有击败敌人,则护甲提高 #%(#% increased Armour if you haven't Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1482572705",
        "text": "插槽内的【深渊珠宝】效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Socketed Abyss Jewels)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1457911472",
        "text": "使用时有 #% 的几率诅咒敌人(#% chance to cause Enemies to Flee on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3816512110",
        "text": "每个暴击球使投射物伤害提高 #%(#% increased Projectile Damage per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3636096208",
        "text": "生效期间近战物理伤害总增 #%(#% more Melee Physical Damage during effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3591397930",
        "text": "你使用药剂时击退一片区域内的敌人(Knocks Back Enemies in an Area when you use a Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2153364323",
        "text": "+# 智慧需求(+# Intelligence Requirement)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_774474440",
        "text": "生效期间,你受到的冻结持续时间提高 #%(#% increased Freeze Duration on you during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2434101731",
        "text": "生效期间,你受到的冰缓效果降低 #%(#% reduced Effect of Chill on you during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1040189894",
        "text": "剑类攻击附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(# to # Added Physical Damage with Sword Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2102212273",
        "text": "每个暴击球暴击率降低 #%(#% reduced Critical Strike Chance per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2093523445",
        "text": "攻击你时附加#-#点物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks against you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_105466375",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【元素净化】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Purity of Elements Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_846433713",
        "text": "你的地图有 #% 的几率被一个额外的罪魂纠缠",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_219391121",
        "text": "获得额外闪电伤害, 其数值等同于物理伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2978905446",
        "text": "任务速度加快 #%(#% increased Job speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_28299254",
        "text": "闪电之捷的风暴击中敌人的频率提高 #%(Herald of Thunder's Storms Hit Enemies with #% increased Frequency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1349296959",
        "text": "生效期间免疫中毒(Immunity to Poison during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4159248054",
        "text": "战吼冷却回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_658443507",
        "text": "药剂持续期间免疫点燃\n使用时移除燃烧效果(Immunity to Ignite during Effect\nRemoves Burning on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1964607303",
        "text": "你使敌人感电时,【闪电之捷】始终产生一个风暴(Herald of Thunder also creates a storm when you Shock an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1002855537",
        "text": "插槽内的的技能石被 # 级的 猛毒 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Vile Toxins)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_524797741",
        "text": "镶嵌的技能宝石等级提高 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2847548062",
        "text": "每个暴击球使魔力再生速度提高 #%(#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4045269075",
        "text": "当你点燃 1 个敌人时,回复 # 生命(Recover # Life when you Ignite an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1325047894",
        "text": "每有一个暴击球,你受到伤害的 #% 由魔力先承担(#% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_475518267",
        "text": "生效期间,有 #% 几率避免被冰冻(#% chance to Avoid being Frozen during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_589991690",
        "text": "生效期间免疫感电(Immunity to Shock during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_893903361",
        "text": "每击败一名被点燃的敌人获得#点生命(Gain # Life per Ignited Enemy Killed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4293455942",
        "text": "敌人无法偷取你的生命(Enemies Cannot Leech Life From you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_247746531",
        "text": "增加 # 个珠宝插槽天赋(Adds # Jewel Socket Passive Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2085855914",
        "text": "召唤愤怒狂灵的伤害提高 #%(Summoned Raging Spirits deal #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1085446536",
        "text": "增加 # 个无特殊效果的小天赋(Adds # Small Passive Skills which grant nothing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1619168299",
        "text": "生效期间,有 #% 几率避免被冰缓(#% chance to Avoid being Chilled during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1869678332",
        "text": "生效期间,你绝对元素抗性中最低的一个会使你承受该元素的伤害降低 #%(During Effect, #% reduced Damage taken of each Element for which your Uncapped Elemental Resistance is lowest)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4283407333",
        "text": "所有主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2444301311",
        "text": "生效期间,你绝对元素抗性中最高的一个会使你该元素的伤害穿透 #% 抗性(During Effect, Damage Penetrates #% Resistance of each Element for which your Uncapped Elemental Resistance is highest)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3433724931",
        "text": "击中时对敌人附加时空锁链诅咒。(Curse Enemies with Temporal Chains on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4097174922",
        "text": "将范围内天赋所给予的敏捷转换成力量(Dexterity from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_256730087",
        "text": "若你有至少 300 点敏捷,则中毒伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Poison if you have at least 300 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1642347505",
        "text": "受到冰霜伤害的 #% 视作火焰伤害(#% of Cold Damage taken as Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_8517868",
        "text": "攻击伤害格挡率按照近期内被击中所受到的每 200 点火焰伤害 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage for every 200 Fire Damage taken from Hits Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2739830820",
        "text": "所有魔卫复苏技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Raise Zombie Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3442107889",
        "text": "击败稀有或者传奇敌人时,获得【癫狂】状态 10 秒(Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_311030839",
        "text": "斧类攻击附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(# to # Added Physical Damage with Axe Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1592029809",
        "text": "非暴击时获得一个暴击球(Gain a Power Charge on Non-Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1757945818",
        "text": "反射 # 火焰伤害给近战攻击者(Reflects # Fire Damage to Melee Attackers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2353576063",
        "text": "你所施放诅咒的效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of your Curses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_496822696",
        "text": "击败中毒 5 层以上的敌人时,有 #% 的几率获得 1 个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Killing an Enemy affected by at least 5 Poisons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2629689891",
        "text": "该区域的怪物等级 +#(+# to Monster Level of Area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2735889191",
        "text": "暴击时失去所有暴击球(Lose all Power Charges on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1702195217",
        "text": "+#% 攻击伤害格挡几率(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1221011086",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使中毒伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Poison per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_13669281",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 急冻 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Hypothermia)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_41178696",
        "text": "你格挡近距离敌人时烧灼它们(Scorch Enemies in Close Range when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3206911230",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【心神错乱】(1 Added Passive Skill is Disorienting Display)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1594156261",
        "text": "贤主会干涉玩家(The Maven interferes with Players)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1030153674",
        "text": "魔力在击败敌人时恢复 #%(Recover #% of Mana on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3814560373",
        "text": "#% increased Physical Damage with Swords",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2839036860",
        "text": "耐力球,狂怒球,以及暴击球的持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charge Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1244494473",
        "text": "受到闪电伤害的 #% 视作火焰伤害(#% of Lightning Damage taken as Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2234049899",
        "text": "不受感电地面影响(Unaffected by Shocked Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_660404777",
        "text": "每个狂怒球提高 #% 闪避值(#% increased Evasion Rating per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1298238534",
        "text": "匕首攻击附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(# to # Added Physical Damage with Dagger Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3548561213",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2543931078",
        "text": "每个狂怒球持续时间缩短 #%(#% reduced Frenzy Charge Duration per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3491499175",
        "text": "每个暴击球使中毒持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Poison Duration per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_352612932",
        "text": "击败少于 5 层中毒状态的敌人时,有 #% 的几率获得 1 个暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Killing an Enemy affected by fewer than 5 Poisons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1994392904",
        "text": "能量连接(Conduit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1334465904",
        "text": "#% increased Physical Damage with One Handed Melee Weapons",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_20251177",
        "text": "生效期间,有 #% 几率避免被点燃(#% chance to Avoid being Ignited during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1999711879",
        "text": "暴击球数量下限 +#(+# to Minimum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4069440714",
        "text": "伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Damage Leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_412462523",
        "text": "伤害总增 #%(#% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2593773031",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 和善 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Generosity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2158060122",
        "text": "#% 的闪电伤害转换为冰霜伤害(#% of Lightning Damage Converted to Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_288651645",
        "text": "你的法术有 #% 的几率对冰冻的敌人造成感电(Your spells have #% chance to Shock against Frozen Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4116705863",
        "text": "阻挡被压制的法术伤害 +#%(Prevent +#% of Suppressed Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1703766309",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【深寒】(1 Added Passive Skill is Deep Chill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4271082039",
        "text": "濒血状态时有 #% 几率避免被点燃(#% chance to Avoid being Ignited while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4249200326",
        "text": "基底词缀幅度变为双倍(Implicit Modifier magnitudes are doubled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_124131830",
        "text": "所有法术主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Spell Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2656696317",
        "text": "被冻结时每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second while Frozen)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_392168009",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,提高 +#% 混沌抗性(+#% to Chaos Resistance during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3900284865",
        "text": "怪物的狂怒球上限 +#(Monsters have +# to Maximum Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3654074125",
        "text": "拥有最大数量的狂怒球时,攻击有 #% 的几率使敌人中毒(Attacks have #% chance to Poison while at maximum Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_331731406",
        "text": "无法被点燃(Cannot be Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_74462130",
        "text": "生效期间,药剂的生命回复效果也适用于能量护盾(Life Recovery from Flasks also applies to Energy Shield during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3195300715",
        "text": "召唤生物的法术伤害压制率 +#%(Minions have +#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_115351487",
        "text": "迷踪状态下有 #% 的几率避免元素异常状态(#% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while Phasing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2771181375",
        "text": "若你有至少 150 点智慧,则中毒持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Poison Duration if you have at least 150 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_847744351",
        "text": "你施放的非光环类诅咒不会因垂死的敌人而移除(Non-Aura Curses you inflict are not removed from Dying Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_38301299",
        "text": "低血时 +#% 火焰抗性(+#% to Fire Resistance while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1123357133",
        "text": "地图内有 #% 的几率有一个额外盗贼流放者",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2259700079",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 提高暴击几率 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Increased Critical Strikes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1970606344",
        "text": "受到【寒冰之捷】影响时,冰霜伤害提高 #%(#% increased Cold Damage while affected by Herald of Ice)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1170174456",
        "text": "耐力球持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Endurance Charge Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3294232483",
        "text": "受到【纯净之捷】影响时,物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Physical Damage while affected by Herald of Purity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3882662078",
        "text": "锤类或短杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(# to # Added Physical Damage with Mace or Sceptre Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_739274558",
        "text": "受到【苦痛之捷】影响时,混沌伤害提高 #%(#% increased Chaos Damage while affected by Herald of Agony)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2063695047",
        "text": "获得额外混沌伤害,其数值等同于非混沌伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2109043683",
        "text": "魔像的增益效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2176571093",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【投射物技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2572910724",
        "text": "【苦痛之捷】的增益效果提高 #%(Herald of Agony has #% increased Buff Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2920970371",
        "text": "受到诅咒的持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration of Curses on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_729180395",
        "text": "魔像施放技能的冷却速度加快 #%(Golem Skills have #% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2625134410",
        "text": "暴击球持续时间总增 #%(#% more Power Charge Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2810434465",
        "text": "若你近期内打出过暴击,则获得物理伤害 #% 的额外火焰伤害(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2865731079",
        "text": "若你近期内获得过暴击球,则暴击伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've gained a Power Charge Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1509756274",
        "text": "被你诅咒的灵柩周围的敌人会被致盲\n被你诅咒的灵柩周围的敌人被击败时会爆炸,造成生命它们\n#% 的物理伤害(Enemies near corpses affected by your Curses are Blinded\nEnemies Killed near corpses affected by your Curses explode, dealing\n#% of their Life as Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3246099900",
        "text": "召唤魔像时,它们的冷却回复率提高 #%(Summoned Golems have #% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2126027382",
        "text": "【纯净之捷】的增益效果提高 #%(Herald of Purity has #% increased Buff Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2114157293",
        "text": "每 1 个召唤出的不同魔像可使魔像伤害提高 #%(#% increased Golem Damage for each Type of Golem you have Summoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2235163762",
        "text": "召唤的魔像每秒再生 #% 生命(Summoned Golems Regenerate #% of their Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4033049853",
        "text": "玩家的角色体型增大 #%(Players have #% increased Character Size)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1862926389",
        "text": "【寒冰之捷】的增益效果提高 #%(Herald of Ice has #% increased Buff Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3878987051",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 死亡时施放 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Cast on Death)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3435403756",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【施法熟手】(1 Added Passive Skill is Practiced Caster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2001530951",
        "text": "陷阱持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Trap Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1939202111",
        "text": "对致盲敌人的暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance against Blinded Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2858921304",
        "text": "暴击时有 #% 的几率获得 1 充能(#% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2434293916",
        "text": "使用药剂时产生一只敌对的蠕虫\n蠕虫在被击中时摧毁(An Enemy Writhing Worms escape the Flask when used\nWrithing Worms are destroyed when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_69898010",
        "text": "长杖攻击附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(# to # Added Physical Damage with Staff Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_723832351",
        "text": "#% 的冰霜伤害转换为火焰伤害(#% of Cold Damage Converted to Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_273476097",
        "text": "获得等同 #% 物理攻击伤害的火焰伤害(Gain #% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3743301799",
        "text": "受到的火焰伤害提高 #%(#% increased Fire Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1383929411",
        "text": "击中冰冻的敌人获得等同于 #% 冰霜伤害的额外火焰伤害(Gain #% of Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage against Frozen Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2154349925",
        "text": "【灰烬之捷】的增益效果提高 #%(Herald of Ash has #% increased Buff Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1695720239",
        "text": "晕眩敌人时有 #% 的几率获得 1 个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Stun an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3192592092",
        "text": "插槽无法被调整(Sockets cannot be modified)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_19803471",
        "text": "+#% 格挡法术伤害几率(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_107118693",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 护体 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Fortify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3366426512",
        "text": "每个蓝色插槽使召唤生物 #% 的物理伤害转化为闪电伤害(Minions convert #% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage per Blue Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3121133045",
        "text": "你的闪电伤害可以造成点燃(Your Lightning Damage can Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3285748758",
        "text": "燃烧伤害在你近期内每次使非感电敌人陷入感电时提高 #%,最多 120%(#% increased Burning Damage for each time you have Shocked a Non-Shocked Enemy Recently, up to a maximum of 120%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2870108850",
        "text": "击中点燃敌人时附加 # - # 基础闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Hits against Ignited Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3607300552",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【复兴】(1 Added Passive Skill is Renewal)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2590715472",
        "text": "使用位移技能时,承受 # 额外物理伤害(Take # Physical Damage when you use a Movement Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2775776604",
        "text": "受到【灰烬之捷】影响时,火焰伤害提高 #%(#% increased Fire Damage while affected by Herald of Ash)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1669220541",
        "text": "生效期间技能不消耗魔力(Skills Cost no Mana during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2620267328",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为正义之路(1 Added Passive Skill is Righteous Path)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3591359751",
        "text": "解除护甲和最大能量护盾(You have no Armour or Maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4078194486",
        "text": "效果结束时,回复 #% 生命(Recover #% of Life at the end of the Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_688802590",
        "text": "你的召唤生物死亡时产生腐蚀地面,每秒造成等同它们 #% 最大生命的混沌伤害(Your Minions spread Caustic Ground on Death, dealing #% of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3086896309",
        "text": "每对敌人造成1%的冰缓效果就造成#%的冰霜伤害,并视为额外的火焰伤害(Gain #% of Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage per 1% Chill Effect on Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_786460697",
        "text": "【苦痛爬行者】的伤害提高 #%(Agony Crawler deals #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3768948090",
        "text": "如果首要为焚界者,则命中时消灭生命值低于15%的敌人(Kill Enemies that have 15% or lower Life on Hit if The Searing Exarch is dominant)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1238227257",
        "text": "你身上的减益效果消失速度加快 #%(Debuffs on you expire #% faster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4212372504",
        "text": "不受时空锁链影响(Unaffected by Temporal Chains)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3102860761",
        "text": "投掷陷阱可以使移动速度在 # 秒内加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed for # seconds on Throwing a Trap)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_573884683",
        "text": "格挡时有 #% 的几率制造奉献地面(#% chance to create Consecrated Ground when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_67280387",
        "text": "获得等同 #% 最大生命的额外能量护盾(Gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3691641145",
        "text": "承受伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2592686757",
        "text": "生命药剂每 3 秒获得 # 次充能(Life Flasks gain # Charge every 3 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2929101122",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 元素扩散 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Elemental Proliferation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_156734303",
        "text": "在【猛攻】状态期间闪避值提高 #%(#% increased Evasion Rating during Onslaught)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2458598175",
        "text": "你施加的致盲被反射(Blind you inflict is Reflected to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1133703802",
        "text": "苦痛之捷的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Herald of Agony has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1787444936",
        "text": "会出现多波怪物(Contains waves of Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_536957",
        "text": "受到【闪电之捷】影响时,闪电伤害提高 #%(#% increased Lightning Damage while affected by Herald of Thunder)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1109900829",
        "text": "如果首要为灭世者,则暴击有#%的几率施加恶魔之触(Critical Strikes have #% chance to inflict Malignant Madness if The Eater of Worlds is dominant)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_306443498",
        "text": "每个绿色插槽使召唤生物 #% 的物理伤害转化为冰霜伤害(Minions convert #% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage per Green Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2996445420",
        "text": "暴击拥有终结能力(Critical Strikes have Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1994549323",
        "text": "召唤生物有 #% 的几率使敌人受到冰冻,感电与点燃(Minions have #% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3238189103",
        "text": "你的法术拥有【终结】效果(Your Spells have Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_199362230",
        "text": "每个白色插槽使召唤生物 #% 的物理伤害转化为混沌伤害(Minions convert #% of Physical Damage to Chaos Damage per White Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1715784068",
        "text": "区域里的玩家 #% 亢奋(Players in Area are #% Delirious)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3983981705",
        "text": "暴击时有 #% 的几率致盲敌人(#% chance to Blind Enemies on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1608425196",
        "text": "将范围内天赋所给予的智慧转换成敏捷(Intelligence from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3501769159",
        "text": "#% increased Melee Physical Damage while holding a Shield",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1397498432",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【流线作业】(1 Added Passive Skill is Streamlined)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_264042266",
        "text": "召唤生物 #% 的物理伤害转化为冰霜伤害(Minions convert #% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1968038301",
        "text": "会额外出现多波亡灵怪物(Contains additional waves of Undead Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2481358827",
        "text": "每个耐力球使物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Physical Damage per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2139569643",
        "text": "每个红色插槽使召唤生物 #% 的物理伤害转化为火焰伤害(Minions convert #% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage per Red Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2739148464",
        "text": "穿戴对人物属性无需求(Has no Attribute Requirements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3013171896",
        "text": "被致盲不影响你的照亮范围(Blind does not affect your Light Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3203905334",
        "text": "玩家无法压制法术伤害(Players cannot Suppress Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2571899044",
        "text": "心灵幻化(Transfiguration of Mind)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1086057912",
        "text": "召唤生物对深渊敌人造成的击中和异常状态伤害提高 #%(Minions deal #% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Abyssal Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_816458107",
        "text": "法术伤害格挡率按照每个暴击球 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2825197711",
        "text": "能量护盾全满时,移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed while on Full Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_56225773",
        "text": "魔像的攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Golems have #% increased Attack and Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_72129119",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【大出血】(1 Added Passive Skill is Haemorrhage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3268519799",
        "text": "灵魂幻化(Transfiguration of Soul)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1020786773",
        "text": "魔像 +# 护甲值(Golems have +# to Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2929867083",
        "text": "低血时物品稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items found when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3899352861",
        "text": "最大生命和最大魔力,以及全局能量护盾提高 #%(#% increased maximum Life, Mana and Global Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_881917501",
        "text": "被你的击中所击败的流血敌人会破碎(Bleeding Enemies you Kill with Hits Shatter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_881645355",
        "text": "身体幻化(Transfiguration of Body)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_705686721",
        "text": "受到魔侍的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage taken from Skeletons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2056783069",
        "text": "#% increased Physical Damage with Two Handed Melee Weapons",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3771273420",
        "text": "将范围内天赋所给予的力量转换成智慧(Strength from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_647201233",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【邪恶复兴】(1 Added Passive Skill is Vile Reinvigoration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2189040439",
        "text": "纯净之捷的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Herald of Purity has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2160282525",
        "text": "你被冰冻的持续时间缩短 #%(#% reduced Freeze Duration on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2156764291",
        "text": "受到鬼魂的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage taken from Ghosts)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1740200922",
        "text": "生效期间,找到的物品稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items found during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2745936267",
        "text": "生效期间,能见度提高 #%(#% increased Light Radius during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1011772129",
        "text": "你的闪电伤害可以冰冻但无法感电(Your Lightning Damage can Freeze but not Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2422708892",
        "option": {
            "options": [
                    "id": 18663,
                    "text": "复仇之灵(Minion Instability)"
                    "id": 23540,
                    "text": "能量连接(Conduit)"
                    "id": 54307,
                    "text": "移形换影(Acrobatics)"
                    "id": 10661,
                    "text": "霸体(Iron Reflexes)"
                    "id": 31961,
                    "text": "坚毅之心(Resolute Technique)"
                    "id": 40907,
                    "text": "烈士意志(Unwavering Stance)"
                    "id": 11455,
                    "text": "异灵之体(Chaos Inoculation)"
                    "id": 56075,
                    "text": "异能魔力(Eldritch Battery)"
                    "id": 57279,
                    "text": "祭血术(Blood Magic)"
                    "id": 45175,
                    "text": "灵能护盾(Necromantic Aegis)"
                    "id": 31703,
                    "text": "苦痛灵曲(Pain Attunement)"
                    "id": 39085,
                    "text": "元素之相(Elemental Equilibrium)"
                    "id": 12926,
                    "text": "钢铁之握(Iron Grip)"
                    "id": 42178,
                    "text": "零点射击(Point Blank)"
                    "id": 54922,
                    "text": "箭矢闪跃(Arrow Dancing)"
                    "id": 41970,
                    "text": "先祖魂约(Ancestral Bond)"
                    "id": 24426,
                    "text": "灵能护体(Ghost Reaver)"
                    "id": 10808,
                    "text": "瓦尔冥约(Vaal Pact)"
                    "id": 63425,
                    "text": "狂热誓言(Zealot's Oath)"
                    "id": 44941,
                    "text": "火之化身(Avatar of Fire)"
                    "id": 34098,
                    "text": "心灵升华(Mind Over Matter)"
                    "id": 22088,
                    "text": "元素超载(Elemental Overload)"
                    "id": 23407,
                    "text": "完美苦痛(Perfect Agony)"
                    "id": 17818,
                    "text": "玫红之舞(Crimson Dance)"
                    "id": 42343,
                    "text": "符文绑定者(Runebinder)"
                    "id": 23950,
                    "text": "恶毒结界(Wicked Ward)"
                    "id": 23090,
                    "text": "武装召唤(Call to Arms)"
                    "id": 21650,
                    "text": "青春永驻(Eternal Youth)"
                    "id": 39713,
                    "text": "斗转星移(Glancing Blows)"
                    "id": 11239,
                    "text": "风舞者(Wind Dancer)"
                    "id": 19732,
                    "text": "惘信者(The Agnostic)"
                    "id": 49639,
                    "text": "无上自我(Supreme Ego)"
                    "id": 24720,
                    "text": "失衡卫士(Imbalanced Guard)"
                    "id": 57257,
                    "text": "穿刺者(The Impaler)"
                    "id": 43988,
                    "text": "邪法宗师(Hex Master)"
                    "id": 56116,
                    "text": "法师克星(Magebane)"
                    "id": 50288,
                    "text": "钢铁意志(Iron Will)"
                    "id": 60247,
                    "text": "唯我独尊(Solipsism)"
                    "id": 35255,
                    "text": "幽灵舞步(Ghost Dance)"
                    "id": 58556,
                    "text": "神威之盾(Divine Shield)"
                    "id": 50679,
                    "text": "多面好手(Versatile Combatant)"
                    "id": 62791,
                    "text": "忘川之影(Lethe Shade)"
                    "id": 63620,
                    "text": "技艺精湛(Precise Technique)"
                    "id": 21210,
                    "text": "复仇军库(Arsenal of Vengeance)"
                    "id": 13019,
                    "text": "喋血之刃(Bloodsoaked Blade)"
        "text": "# 范围内的天赋可以在未连结至天赋树的情况下配置(Passives in Radius of # can be Allocated\nwithout being connected to your tree)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1261612903",
        "text": "你的冰霜伤害可以点燃但无法冰冻或冰缓(Your Cold Damage can Ignite but not Freeze or Chill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3413085237",
        "text": "魔侍的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Skeleton Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_21824003",
        "text": "暴击击败敌人时物品稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Enemies killed with a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2788982914",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【不动之恶】(1 Added Passive Skill is Unwaveringly Evil)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1457679290",
        "text": "敌人的投射物会贯穿你(Enemy Projectiles Pierce you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4067268731",
        "text": "怪物的耐力球上限 +#(Monsters have +# to Maximum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2695527599",
        "text": "被点燃时使用可以在 4 秒内免疫点燃\n使用时移除所有燃烧效果(Grants Immunity to Ignite for 4 seconds if used while Ignited\nRemoves all Burning when used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_690135178",
        "text": "从魔力偷取中获得的每秒总恢复量提高 #%(#% increased total Recovery per second from Mana Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_186383409",
        "text": "魔像移动速度加快 #%(Golems have #% increased Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_899293871",
        "text": "暴击时触发 # 级的【奉献】(Trigger Level # Consecrate when you deal a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_665823128",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率获得 4 秒【猛攻】状态(#% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3869628136",
        "text": "被冰缓时使用可以在接下来 # 内免疫冰缓\n被冻结时使用可以在接下来 # 秒免疫冻结(Grants Immunity to Chill for # seconds if used while Chilled\nGrants Immunity to Freeze for # seconds if used while Frozen)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3395872960",
        "text": "寒冰之捷的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Herald of Ice has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_254728692",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 穿透 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Pierce)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3277537093",
        "text": "被动物击中时承受 +# 物理伤害(+# Physical Damage taken from Hits by Animals)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3504652942",
        "text": "每个狂怒球 +#% 中毒持续伤害加成(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2591020064",
        "text": "每 # 闪避值提高 1% 移动速度,最多 75%(1% increased Movement Speed per # Evasion Rating, up to 75%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2237528173",
        "text": "将范围内天赋所给予的力量转换成敏捷(Strength from Passives in Radius is Transformed to Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_485151258",
        "text": "对点燃的敌人造成的击中和异常状态伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2458962764",
        "text": "#% 的最大生命转化为能量护盾(#% of Maximum Life Converted to Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3865999868",
        "text": "在奉献地面上时攻击伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while on Consecrated Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2949096603",
        "text": "你的火焰伤害可以感电但无法点燃(Your Fire Damage can Shock but not Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4212255859",
        "text": "无法被击退(Cannot be Knocked Back)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_637766438",
        "text": "你和友军的伤害提高 #%(You and nearby allies gain #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1104246401",
        "text": "插入的技能石同时消耗生命并保留生命而非消耗和保留魔力(Socketed Gems Cost and Reserve Life instead of Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_952060721",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的几率逃跑辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Chance to Flee)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_916797432",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【红色技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Strength Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3945908658",
        "text": "召唤生物有 #% 的几率造成点燃状态(Minions have #% chance to Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2576412389",
        "text": "魔像体型缩小 #%(#% reduced Golem Size)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2861397339",
        "text": "魔像的伤害总降 #%(Golems Deal #% less Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3456816469",
        "text": "受到【苦痛之捷】影响时,+#% 混沌抗性(+#% to Chaos Resistance while affected by Herald of Agony)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3612407781",
        "text": "承受投射物攻击造成的物理伤害 +#(+# Physical Damage taken from Projectile Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4194900521",
        "text": "对感电敌人的击中伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits against Shocked Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2500442851",
        "text": "灰烬之捷的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Herald of Ash has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4268321763",
        "text": "满血时攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed when on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1704905020",
        "text": "在奉献地面上时,伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage while on Consecrated Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_944630113",
        "text": "区域内深渊产生的怪物增加 #%(Abysses in Area spawn #% increased Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_944630113",
        "text": "地图内深渊产生的怪物增加 #%(Abysses in your Maps spawn #% increased Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2893557981",
        "text": "生效期间,暴击不造成额外伤害(Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2894297982",
        "text": "你的混沌伤害有 #% 的几率使敌人中毒(Your Chaos Damage has #% chance to Poison Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1243237244",
        "text": "反射 # - # 闪电伤害给近战攻击者(Reflects # to # Lightning Damage to Melee Attackers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2777278657",
        "text": "生效期间,有 #% 几率击中造成中毒(#% chance to Poison on Hit during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1826605755",
        "text": "你无法拥有非魔像类召唤生物(You cannot have non-Golem Minions)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_398940995",
        "text": "你造成流血的敌人若没有冰缓,则受到冰缓(Non-Chilled Enemies you inflict Bleeding on are Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_308618188",
        "text": "生效期间每秒受到 # 混沌伤害(Take # Chaos Damage per Second during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_429867172",
        "text": "+# 召唤图腾数量上限(+# to maximum number of Summoned Totems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3202667190",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【腐朽学徒】(1 Added Passive Skill is Student of Decay)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3730242558",
        "text": "魔像的生命总降 #%(Golems have #% less Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2998305364",
        "text": "无法造成元素伤害(Deal no Elemental Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3762412853",
        "text": "该武器的攻击穿透 #% 的混沌抗性(Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Chaos Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_495299940",
        "text": "这些区域包含额外的先驱者传送门\n先驱者传送门被摧毁时掉落额外的通货碎片(Areas contain additional Harbinger Portals\nHarbinger Portals drop additional Currency Shards when destroyed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1031644844",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【坚决战吼】(Grants Level # Enduring Cry Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2653955271",
        "text": "伤害穿透 #% 火焰抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1751584857",
        "text": "怪物击中时施加 # 缓速藤蔓(Monsters inflict # Grasping Vine on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_573347393",
        "text": "钢铁之握(Iron Grip)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1473444150",
        "text": "达到护体上限时攻击和施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Cast Speed while at maximum Fortification)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_935592011",
        "text": "召唤生物不会造成冰霜以外的伤害(Minions deal no Non-Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2138434718",
        "text": "冰冻的敌人物品稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Frozen Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3852526385",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【位移技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Movement Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_968369591",
        "text": "生效期间,攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4181057577",
        "text": "暴击率总降 #%(#% less Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_650630047",
        "text": "【纯净哨兵】的伤害提高 #%(Sentinels of Purity deal #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3560157887",
        "text": "护体本身并不能降低你受到的伤害(You do not inherently take less Damage for having Fortification)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1802660259",
        "text": "你中毒时也会被冰缓(You are Chilled when you are Poisoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2401834120",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:持续伤害提高 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Damage over Time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3067409450",
        "text": "对中毒敌人造成攻击伤害的 #% 转化为魔力偷取(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Mana against Poisoned Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1854213750",
        "text": "召唤生物 +#% 暴击伤害加成(Minions have +#% to Critical Strike Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_67132951",
        "text": "你流血时也会被冰缓(You are Chilled while you are Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3998191356",
        "text": "你造成中毒的敌人若没有冰缓,则受到冰缓(Non-Chilled Enemies you Poison are Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_662803072",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,获得的充能数提高 #%(#% increased Flask Charges gained during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_347697569",
        "text": "低血时命中值提高 #%(#% increased Accuracy Rating when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3998967779",
        "text": "召唤生物有#%的几率造成攻击流血(Minions have #% chance to cause Bleeding with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_250876318",
        "text": "每个绿色插槽会使全局攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Global Attack Speed per Green Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2605663324",
        "text": "敌人每受到一种元素异常状态影响,\n击中和异常状态造成的元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage with Hits and Ailments for\neach type of Elemental Ailment on Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1882129725",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【游击战】(1 Added Passive Skill is Guerilla Tactics)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1921572790",
        "text": "低血时攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2801937280",
        "text": "血魔法(Blood Magic)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2367680009",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率给予周围友军 1 个暴击球(#% chance to grant a Power Charge to nearby Allies on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_419810844",
        "text": "玩家无法格挡(Players cannot Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_628716294",
        "text": "你的行动速度无法被减速至基础以下(Action Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2969128501",
        "text": "召唤生物技能的魔力消耗降低 #%(#% reduced Mana Cost of Minion Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1133453872",
        "text": "+# 敏捷需求(+# Dexterity Requirement)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3817220109",
        "text": "闪电之捷的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Herald of Thunder has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2016708976",
        "text": "+#% 品质(+#% to Quality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2076080860",
        "text": "每个白色插槽使近战打击范围 +# 米(+# metre to Melee Strike Range per White Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_850729424",
        "text": "装备时触发 # 级的主动技能【闪电神盾】(Triggers Level # Lightning Aegis when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3519268108",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,攻击和法术附加 #-# 基础混沌伤害(Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells and Attacks during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2112615899",
        "text": "武器上的每个红色插槽使物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Global Physical Damage with Weapons per Red Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3350228283",
        "text": "被你的击中所击败的中毒敌人会破碎(Poisoned Enemies you Kill with Hits Shatter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1759630226",
        "text": "不能偷取魔力(Cannot Leech Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3969608626",
        "text": "未保留的魔力充满时,效果不会消失\n效果不会堆叠(Effect is not removed when Unreserved Mana is Filled\nEffect does not Queue)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_185598681",
        "text": "对法术伤害的增幅与减益也套用于攻击,等于其数值的 150%(Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attacks at 150% of their value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_991168463",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率给予周围友军 1 个狂怒球(#% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge to nearby Allies on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3662336899",
        "text": "你承受暴击时恢复 # 次充能(Recharges # Charge when you take a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2467500499",
        "text": "这些区域的玩家以先驱者的身份出现\n在这些区域找到的物品被替换成大量通货碎片(Players in Areas take on the form of Harbingers\nItems found in Areas are replaced by stacks of Currency Shards)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1777334641",
        "text": "终结燃烧中的敌人(Culling Strike against Burning Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1103106414",
        "text": "怪物的暴击球上限 +#(Monsters have +# to Maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2494069187",
        "text": "受到【寒冰之捷】影响时,+#% 冰霜抗性(+#% to Cold Resistance while affected by Herald of Ice)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_691726702",
        "text": "区域内有裂界屠杀者(Area contains The Elderslayers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_47954913",
        "text": "对满血敌人的暴击几率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2924302129",
        "text": "你使用技能时失去 # 点魔力(Lose # Mana when you use a Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2881111359",
        "text": "#% 法术格挡几率 (遗产)(#% Chance to Block Spell Damage (Legacy))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1357409216",
        "text": "每第五次施放法术使你获得\n等同于其预支花费的能量护盾(Spells cause you to gain Energy Shield equal to their Upfront\nCost every fifth time you Pay it)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3812107348",
        "text": "低血时立即回复(Instant Recovery when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2725259389",
        "text": "魔侍的施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Skeleton Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3163114700",
        "text": "受到【纯净之捷】影响时,获得额外 #% 物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction while affected by Herald of Purity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1604995720",
        "text": "生效期间,赋予 # 级绝望诅咒光环(Grants Level # Despair Curse Aura during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4139137767",
        "text": "这些区域会出现额外的精华\n精华包含盗贼流放者(Areas contain additional Essences\nEssences contain Rogue Exiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4252342397",
        "text": "这些区域会出现额外的神殿\n该区域会出现有万神殿怪物守卫的神殿(Areas contain additional Shrines\nArea contains Shrines guarded by Pantheon Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2605119037",
        "text": "范围内能量护盾的增减转换成 200% 的护甲(Increases and Reductions to Energy Shield in Radius are Transformed to apply to Armour at 200% of their value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_655871604",
        "text": "周围友军击中造成的伤害特别幸运(Nearby Allies' Damage with Hits is Lucky)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2675641469",
        "text": "受到【灰烬之捷】影响时,+#% 火焰抗性(+#% to Fire Resistance while affected by Herald of Ash)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2663376056",
        "text": "获得等同 #% 魔力的额外能量护盾(Gain #% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3751996449",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发 8 级的【召唤愤怒狂灵】(#% chance to Trigger Level 10 Summon Raging Spirit on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2280313599",
        "text": "每秒对周围敌人造成 # 混沌伤害(Deals # Chaos Damage per second to nearby Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1130670241",
        "text": "结界复原速度加快 #%(#% faster Restoration of Ward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3804297142",
        "text": "击中时对未受诅咒的敌人附加衰弱诅咒。(Curse Non-Cursed Enemies with Enfeeble on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4082111882",
        "text": "满血时闪避值提高 +#(+# to Evasion Rating while on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1723061251",
        "text": "图腾被击中时对周围敌人反射火焰伤害,等同它们 #% 的最大生命(Totems Reflect #% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage to nearby Enemies when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_950661692",
        "text": "受到【寒冰之捷】影响时,最大冰霜抗性 +#%(+#% to maximum Cold Resistance while affected by Herald of Ice)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2864779809",
        "text": "当你总计消耗超过 800 点魔力后, +#% 暴击率,持续 2 秒(Gain +#% to Critical Strike Chance for 2 seconds after Spending a total of 800 Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3571342795",
        "text": "此物品上的元素技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Elemental Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3598983877",
        "text": "当攻击使怪物点燃时,获得 1 个狂怒球(Gain a Frenzy Charge if an Attack Ignites an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1328548975",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【辅助技能石】品质 +#%(+#% to Quality of Socketed Support Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2638352064",
        "text": "当你击败 1 名点燃敌人,对周围敌人造成相同的点燃效果(When you Kill an Ignited Enemy, inflict an equivalent Ignite on each nearby Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3503466234",
        "text": "对致盲敌人的击中和异常状态伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3266394681",
        "text": "攻击的技能 +# 召唤图腾数量上限(Attack Skills have +# to maximum number of Summoned Totems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4066711249",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 击退 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Knockback)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_447636597",
        "text": "对瘫痪敌人造成攻击伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life against Maimed Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_634031003",
        "text": "你技能中的非诅咒光环对你的召唤生物的效果提高 #%(#% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills on your Minions)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_99927264",
        "text": "你被感电的持续时间缩短 #%(#% reduced Shock Duration on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4053097676",
        "text": "每个影响你的【深渊珠宝】可使最大精神球数量 +#(+# to Maximum Spirit Charges per Abyss Jewel affecting you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_743992531",
        "text": "被击中时你反射给敌人的伤害有#%转化为生命偷取(#% of Damage you Reflect to Enemies when Hit is leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_398702949",
        "text": "暴击时获得狂怒球(Gain a Frenzy Charge on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_17526298",
        "text": "此武器攻击造成的元素伤害提高 #%(Attacks with this Weapon have #% increased Elemental Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2195137717",
        "text": "你一半的力量属性将添加至你的召唤生物身上(Half of your Strength is added to your Minions)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2993091567",
        "text": "药剂生效期间魔力再生速度提高 #%(#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1586440250",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4056985119",
        "text": "每 # 点力量可使魔卫的召唤上限 +1(+1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies per # Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3072303874",
        "text": "攻击击中一名受诅咒的敌人增加#点生命(Gain # Life per Cursed Enemy Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3716758077",
        "text": "受到【灰烬之捷】影响时,最大火焰抗性 +#%(+#% to maximum Fire Resistance while affected by Herald of Ash)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2802263253",
        "text": "当力量超过 1000 时,魔卫复苏造成伤害的 #% 转化为给你的生命偷取(With at least 1000 Strength, #% of Damage dealt by your Raised Zombies is Leeched to you as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2062174346",
        "text": "每 15 点敏捷可使伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage per 15 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3706656107",
        "text": "如果你最近使用过火系技能,则有 #% 几率避免被冰缓或冰冻(#% chance to Avoid being Chilled or Frozen if you have used a Fire Skill Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2687017988",
        "text": "受到【闪电之捷】影响时,+#% 闪电抗性(+#% to Lightning Resistance while affected by Herald of Thunder)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3295031203",
        "text": "魔侍的移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Skeleton Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2609011894",
        "text": "你地图中的冥渊尖塔和深渊保险箱有 #% 几率掉落一件具有一个深渊插槽的稀有物品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_986616727",
        "text": "受到魔蛊的敌人被击败时,魔蛊会转移到 3 米内的所有敌人身上(Hexes Transfer to all Enemies within 3 metres when Hexed Enemy dies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1551563177",
        "text": "玩家受到绝望诅咒(Players are Cursed with Despair)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1626818279",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【逃之夭夭】(1 Added Passive Skill is Quick Getaway)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1736172673",
        "text": "武器造成的伤害穿透 #% 元素抗性(Damage with Weapons Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2881426199",
        "text": "暴走状态结束时失去所有耐力球(Lose all Endurance Charges when Rampage ends)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2264655303",
        "text": "药剂回复的 #% 生命改为给周围友军回复(#% of Life Recovery from Flasks is applied to nearby Allies instead of You)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1939175721",
        "text": "你身上的神龛增益效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Shrine Buffs on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_550444281",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 寒冰转烈焰 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cold to Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_376158712",
        "text": "玩家受到导电诅咒(Players are Cursed with Conductivity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2361218755",
        "text": "被点燃时使用可以在接下来 # 秒免疫点燃\n使用时移除所有燃烧效果(Grants Immunity to Ignite for # seconds if used while Ignited\nRemoves all Burning when used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_798111687",
        "text": "你在耐力球达到上限时无法被感电(You cannot be Shocked while at maximum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2528955616",
        "text": "每击败一名敌人获得#点能量护盾(Gain # Energy Shield per Enemy Killed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1019891080",
        "text": "箭矢对其穿透的目标所造成的击中伤害和异常状态伤害提高 #%(Arrows deal #% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments to Targets they Pierce)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2518598473",
        "text": "每点燃 1 个敌人,则受到 # 火焰伤害(Take # Fire Damage when you Ignite an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1774881905",
        "text": "每个耐力球会使魔力消耗降低 #%(#% reduced Mana Cost per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2170294665",
        "text": "传奇首领掉落命运卡(Unique Boss drops divination cards)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2985291457",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 近战物理伤害 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Melee Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2087996552",
        "text": "攻击击中一名受诅咒的敌人获得#点魔力(Gain # Mana per Cursed Enemy Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1067429236",
        "text": "你被晕眩的时间延长 #%(#% increased Stun Duration on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1275066948",
        "text": "每 1 个耐力球使近战伤害提高 #%(#% increased Melee Damage per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2056575682",
        "text": "+# 召唤圣物数量上限(+# to maximum number of Summoned Holy Relics)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_693959086",
        "text": "攻击技能的持续伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2150694455",
        "text": "你可以【终结】被诅咒的敌人(You have Culling Strike against Cursed Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4224965099",
        "text": "敌人击中你的闪电伤害会特别幸运(Lightning Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Lucky)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1274831335",
        "text": "物理攻击伤害在双持武器时提高 #%(#% increased Physical Attack Damage while Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4260403588",
        "text": "每 # 层暴走能量增加 1% 物品稀有度(1% increased Rarity of Items found per # Rampage Kills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3938394827",
        "text": "每隔 10 秒:\n在 5 秒内攻击每击中一个敌人获得 2% 的生命\n在 5 秒内每击败一个敌人获得 5% 的生命(Every 10 seconds:\nGain 2% of Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks for 5 seconds\nGain 5% of Life per Enemy Killed for 5 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3112863846",
        "text": "你可以受到一个额外诅咒(An additional Curse can be applied to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1081444608",
        "text": "低血时爪类物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Claw Physical Damage when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1811422871",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 近战伤害扩散 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Melee Splash)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1019020209",
        "text": "伤害按照你身上每个诅咒提高 #%(#% increased Damage per Curse on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1169502663",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【冻伤】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Frostbite Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1643796079",
        "text": "耐力球达到上限时进入暴走状态(Gain Rampage while at Maximum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3259396413",
        "text": "受到【闪电之捷】影响时,最大闪电抗性 +#%(+#% to maximum Lightning Resistance while affected by Herald of Thunder)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3261557635",
        "text": "近距离时,弓类攻击会击退敌人(Bow Knockback at Close Range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_586037801",
        "text": "解密词缀的幅度扩大 #%(#% increased Unveiled Modifier magnitudes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3408601861",
        "text": "该区域被月影女神占领(Area is inhabited by Lunaris fanatics)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1079148723",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 晕眩时施放 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Cast when Stunned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2100196861",
        "text": "攻击伤害的 #% 在暴击时转化为生命偷取(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_798767971",
        "text": "你的抗性上限为 #%(Your Maximum Resistances are #%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1934713036",
        "text": "该区域被日耀女神占领(Area is inhabited by Solaris fanatics)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3954637034",
        "text": "愤怒狂灵击中后必定造成点燃(Summoned Raging Spirits' Hits always Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_967556848",
        "text": "插槽内的技能石的投射物会以环状方式发射(Socketed Gems fire Projectiles in a circle)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1070888079",
        "text": "被你感电的敌人将物理伤害的 #% 转化为闪电伤害(Enemies Shocked by you have #% of Physical Damage they deal converted to Lightning)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_725880290",
        "text": "攻击击中时有 #% 的几率穿刺敌人(#% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_766615564",
        "text": "远程武器攻击的物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Physical Damage with Ranged Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1186934478",
        "text": "召唤愤怒狂灵的最大数量减少 #%(#% reduced Maximum number of Summoned Raging Spirits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1265282021",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【猫之势】(Grants Level # Aspect of the Cat Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2569717992",
        "text": "守卫的伤害提高 #%(Guards deal #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3881126302",
        "text": "若敏捷高于智慧,则无法被冰冻(Cannot be Frozen if Dexterity is higher than Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2196695640",
        "text": "每 200 点命中值可使攻击暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Attack Critical Strike Chance per 200 Accuracy Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3144910208",
        "text": "巡逻怪物的伤害提高 #%(Patrolling Monsters deal #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_973269941",
        "text": "该武器的攻击附加相当于玩家能量护盾上限 #% 的最大闪电伤害(Attacks with this Weapon have Added Maximum Lightning Damage equal to #% of Player's Maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3212461220",
        "text": "格挡时有 #% 的几率使怪物逃跑(#% Chance to Cause Monster to Flee on Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_35476451",
        "text": "你最低的属性每有 5 点,伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage per 5 of your lowest Attribute)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3269060224",
        "text": "总计消耗 200 点魔力后可以获得 1 个暴击球(Gain a Power Charge after Spending a total of 200 Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3829706447",
        "text": "该武器攻击至少有 5 层中毒的敌人时,附加 # - # 混沌伤害(Attacks with this Weapon deal # to # added Chaos Damage against\nEnemies affected by at least 5 Poisons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_860668586",
        "text": "攻击技能的冰霜伤害提高 #%(#% increased Cold Damage with Attack Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1827657795",
        "text": "能量护盾充能率在任意药剂生效期间提高 #%(#% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3247931236",
        "text": "生效期间,每击败一个敌人回复 #% 魔力(Recover #% of Mana when you Kill an Enemy during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_215882879",
        "text": "生效期间,效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_323705912",
        "text": "生效期间,技能发射 1 个额外投射物(Skills fire an additional Projectile during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_676883595",
        "text": "若力量高于敏捷,则无法被点燃(Cannot be Ignited if Strength is higher than Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2221570601",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率使敌人致盲(#% Global chance to Blind Enemies on hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1272032962",
        "text": "被你点燃的敌人将它们物理伤害的 #% 转化为火焰伤害(Enemies Ignited by you have #% of Physical Damage they deal converted to Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1217476473",
        "text": "生效期间,每击败一个敌人回复 #% 生命(Recover #% of Life when you Kill an Enemy during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2034658008",
        "text": "每个暴击球使伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2347201221",
        "text": "生效期间,每击败一个敌人回复 #% 能量护盾(Recover #% of Energy Shield when you Kill an Enemy during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4270096386",
        "text": "对你的击中暴击率提高 #%(Hits have #% increased Critical Strike Chance against you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1405089557",
        "text": "被击中时受到的所有伤害都可以点燃你(All Damage Taken from Hits can Ignite you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2749166636",
        "text": "近距离用弓击中后的伤害总增 #%(#% more Damage with Arrow Hits at Close Range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3633399302",
        "text": "被点燃时,火焰伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life while Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2413219096",
        "text": "不朽野望(Immortal Ambition)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3391925584",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【直攻要害】(1 Added Passive Skill is Pressure Points)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_771127912",
        "text": "每秒损失#点生命(Lose # Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3056188914",
        "text": "获得 # 级的【召唤巨石魔像】(Grants Level # Summon Stone Golem Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_392942015",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【以眼还眼】(1 Added Passive Skill is Eye to Eye)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_808939569",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 召唤生物伤害 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3915702459",
        "text": "每失去一个耐力球,获得 # 生命(Gain # Life when you lose an Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_281201999",
        "text": "击退方向颠倒(Knockback direction is reversed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2483362276",
        "text": "远射(Far Shot)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3762784591",
        "text": "受到的持续性混沌伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Chaos Damage taken over time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3101897388",
        "text": "从生命偷取中获得的最大总恢复量提高 #%(#% increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2731261141",
        "text": "法术伤害压制率按照每层护体 +#%(+#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage per Fortification)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2105456174",
        "text": "你死亡时给予友军 # 个狂怒球(You grant # Frenzy Charges to allies on Death)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3905661226",
        "text": "伤害在你没有狂怒球时提高 #%(#% increased Damage while you have no Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1384629003",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 霜咬 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ice Bite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4017879067",
        "text": "每 50 点敏捷可使召唤生物的移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Minion Movement Speed per 50 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_32859524",
        "text": "由插入的诅咒技能施加的魔蛊被反射给了你(Hexes applied by Socketed Curse Skills are Reflected back to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_215346464",
        "text": "被感电后,你有 # 秒免疫感电(You cannot be Shocked for # second after being Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2306924373",
        "text": "你被冰缓后在接下来 # 秒不能被冰缓(You cannot be Chilled for # second after being Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2466604008",
        "text": "装备于主手时,攻击额外连锁弹射 1 次(Attacks Chain an additional time when in Main Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1972294007",
        "text": "地图内先驱者的冷却回复率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4186213466",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【渎神雅量】(1 Added Passive Skill is Unholy Grace)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3612464552",
        "text": "你被冻结后在接下来 # 秒不能被冻结(You cannot be Frozen for # second after being Frozen)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1807705940",
        "text": "抑制法术伤害时恢复#点生命(Recover # Life when you Suppress Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3999401129",
        "text": "冰霜伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Cold Damage Leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1912660783",
        "text": "能量护盾在任意药剂生效期间充能时间延后 #%(#% slower start of Energy Shield Recharge during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3818161429",
        "text": "终结时获得【猛攻】状态 # 秒(You gain Onslaught for # seconds on Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_956546305",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【蛛之势】(Grants Level # Aspect of the Spider Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3492297134",
        "text": "当暴击球达到上限时,获得等同 #% 物理伤害的混沌伤害(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage while at maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2032453153",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【赋能使者】(1 Added Passive Skill is Empowered Envoy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2872105818",
        "text": "猛攻期间,有 #% 几率避免被冰缓(#% chance to Avoid being Chilled during Onslaught)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4047895119",
        "text": "每 50 点敏捷可使召唤生物的攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Minion Attack Speed per 50 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1736403946",
        "text": "召唤生物只能击败被点燃的敌人(Minions' Hits can only Kill Ignited Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_98977150",
        "text": "苦痛灵曲(Pain Attunement)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_757315075",
        "text": "暴走状态时获得【不洁之力】# 秒(Gain Unholy Might for # second on Rampage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3808469650",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献使召唤生物攻击和施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Minion Attack and Cast Speed per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_970844066",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献使持续吟唱技能的伤害提高 #%(Channelling Skills deal #% increased Damage per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2105048696",
        "text": "装备在副手时,攻击可以额外发射 1 个投射物(Attacks fire an additional Projectile when in Off Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2830135449",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献使召唤生物的命中值 +#(Minions have +# to Accuracy Rating per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_947072590",
        "text": "你被点燃后在接下来 # 秒不能被点燃(You cannot be Ignited for # second after being Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_553402472",
        "text": "夺宝冒险总费用提高 #%(#% increased Total Heist Fee)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3848282610",
        "text": "火焰伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1053326368",
        "text": "生效期间,有 #% 几率避免被冰缓(#% chance to Avoid being Chilled during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2160417795",
        "text": "你和你的召唤生物受到的反射元素伤害降低 #%(You and your Minions take #% reduced Reflected Elemental Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_730530528",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献使自身受到的元素异常时间缩短 #%(#% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3321583955",
        "text": "暴走状态时创造一团烟雾(Creates a Smoke Cloud on Rampage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1070816711",
        "text": "该区域会出现 1 个额外深渊(Area contains an additional Abyss)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1070816711",
        "text": "该区域会出现 1 个额外深渊(Your Maps contain an additional Abyss)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3544527742",
        "text": "当你没有暴击球时,受到的暴击伤害降低 #%(You take #% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes while you have no Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3024242403",
        "text": "若智慧高于力量,则无法被感电(Cannot be Shocked if Intelligence is higher than Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_529432426",
        "text": "感电时伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage while Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3317068522",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【屠夫呼唤】(1 Added Passive Skill is Call to the Slaughter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2818281118",
        "text": "必须完成所有区域内的深渊才能领取奖励(All Abysses in Area must be completed to claim Reward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4235333770",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献使自身受到诅咒的持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration of Curses on you per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2648570028",
        "text": "先祖魂约(Ancestral Bond)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_683273571",
        "text": "生效期间,技能魔力消耗提高 #%(#% increased Mana Cost of Skills during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1625933063",
        "text": "对流血敌人造成的攻击伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life against Bleeding Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2661163721",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,获得等同 #% 物理伤害的冰霜伤害(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage during effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_374737750",
        "text": "暴击时有 #% 的几率造成中毒(#% chance to Cause Poison on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1468606528",
        "text": "消灭敌人时触发等级10召唤幽狼(Trigger Level 10 Summon Spectral Wolf on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2803981661",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献使盾牌获取的防御提高 #%(#% increased Defences from Equipped Shield per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2566390555",
        "text": "图腾伤害按照每 10 点奉献提高 #%(#% increased Totem Damage per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4089413281",
        "text": "使用瓦尔技能时,获得【迷踪】状态,持续 # 秒(You gain Phasing for # seconds on using a Vaal Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3821472155",
        "text": "每一级为你的攻击附加 # - # 基础物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks per Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1177358866",
        "text": "若你近期内没有被击中,则移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3258653591",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【钢铁斗士】(1 Added Passive Skill is Iron Breaker)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3110554274",
        "text": "生效期间,所有元素抗性 +#%(+#% to Elemental Resistances during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1978899297",
        "text": "+#% 元素抗性上限(+#% to all maximum Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1390113017",
        "text": "奖励室怪物的伤害提高 #%(Reward Room Monsters deal #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_567971948",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【恶毒穿刺】(1 Added Passive Skill is Vicious Skewering)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3854439683",
        "text": "遭受感电时使用可以在接下来 # 秒免疫感电(Grants Immunity to Shock for # seconds if used while Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1810368194",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献使对敌人施加的非伤害异常状态效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments on Enemies per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2872815301",
        "text": "生效期间,有 #% 几率避免被冰冻(#% chance to Avoid being Frozen during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2680613507",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 提高燃烧伤害 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Burning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2697019412",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献使烙印伤害提高 #% increased Brand Damage per 10 Devotion(#% increased Brand Damage per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1718051959",
        "text": "被击中时,玩家获得从总降 #% 至总增 #% 之间的\n随机移动速度修正,直到被再次击中(When Hit, Players gain a random Movement Speed\nmodifier from #% less to #% more, until Hit again)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2572192375",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 附加火焰伤害 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Added Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4003593289",
        "text": "缓速时使用可以在接下来 # 秒免疫缓速(Grants Immunity to Hinder for # seconds if used while Hindered)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3683134121",
        "text": "位移技能攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed with Movement Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1170386874",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【瓦尔技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Vaal Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2143990571",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发 20 级的【召唤异动奇点】(#% chance to Trigger Level 20 Summon Volatile Anomaly on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1823903967",
        "text": "遭受感电时使用可以在 4 秒内免疫感电(Grants Immunity to Shock for 4 seconds if used while Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2042813020",
        "text": "每 10 奉献使你每秒再生 # 魔力(Regenerate # Mana per Second per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1092987622",
        "text": "受到近战物理伤害的 #% 会反射给攻击者(#% of Melee Physical Damage taken reflected to Attacker)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4207939995",
        "text": "你每装备一个传奇装备,智慧提高 #%(#% increased Intelligence for each Unique Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_542923416",
        "text": "感电时移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed while Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2374357674",
        "text": "若你身上的中毒效果少于 100, 则你造成的中毒将作用到你身上(Poison you inflict is Reflected to you if you have fewer than 100 Poisons on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_35810390",
        "text": "每个绿色插槽 +#% 全域暴击伤害加成(+#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier per Green Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_175362265",
        "text": "你身上的每层中毒状态使你获得 +#% 混沌抗性(+#% to Chaos Resistance per Poison on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2921373173",
        "text": "若你的其他戒指为裂界者物品,则法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage if your other Ring is an Elder Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2920230984",
        "text": "消灭怪物有 #% 的几率额外掉落一个智慧卷轴(#% chance for Slain monsters to drop an additional Scroll of Wisdom)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4084763463",
        "text": "每个暴击球使你每秒再生 # 魔力(Regenerate # Mana per Second per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3638599682",
        "text": "无法造成暴击(Never deal Critical Strikes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3693130674",
        "text": "闪电伤害按照每个狂怒球提高 #%(#% increased Lightning Damage per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_967108924",
        "text": "每个白色插槽会使防御提高 #%(#% increased Global Defences per White Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2312817839",
        "text": "若你的其他戒指为塑界者物品,则免疫法术造成的晕眩(Cannot be Stunned by Spells if your other Ring is a Shaper Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3923274300",
        "text": "敌人在你造成的冰缓区域里,受到的闪电伤害提高 #%(Enemies in your Chilling Areas take #% increased Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1337327984",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 召唤生物生命 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2466912132",
        "text": "流血时护甲提高 #%(#% increased Armour while Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1604393896",
        "text": "每个暴击球使施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_542375676",
        "text": "中毒时使用可以在接下来 # 秒免疫中毒(Grants Immunity to Poison for # seconds if used while Poisoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_807955413",
        "text": "感电会反射回自己身上(Shocks you cause are reflected back to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2797075304",
        "text": "视作双持武器(Counts as Dual Wielding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4197676934",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 几率流血 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Chance To Bleed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1112135314",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率触发一个插入的战吼技能,它有 0.25 秒冷却时间(#% chance to Trigger a Socketed Warcry Skill when you lose Endurance Charges, with a 0.25 second Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2658399404",
        "text": "你造成的流血效果将作用到你身上(Bleeding you inflict is Reflected to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1134501245",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为怨恨姿态(1 Added Passive Skill is Spiteful Presence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3418949024",
        "text": "使用此武器攻击击中时造成瘫痪(Attacks with this Weapon Maim on hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_839556554",
        "text": "奖励室怪物受到的伤害提高 #%(Reward Room Monsters take #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4188581520",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【坚守战场】(1 Added Passive Skill is Battle-Hardened)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_129035625",
        "text": "你和你的召唤生物受到的反射物理伤害降低 #%(You and your Minions take #% reduced Reflected Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2040585053",
        "text": "装备于副手时 +#% 额外攻击伤害格挡几率(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage when in Off Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3057853352",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率使冰缓区域中的敌人力竭(#% chance to Sap Enemies in Chilling Areas)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_276103140",
        "text": "对感电目标的暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance against Shocked Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3702411606",
        "text": "巡逻队受到的伤害提高 #%(Patrol Packs take #% increased damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_289885185",
        "text": "混沌技能效果持续时间延长 #%(Chaos Skills have #% increased Skill Effect Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_80079005",
        "text": "闪电伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_873692616",
        "text": "守卫受到的伤害提高 #%(Guards take #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3002060175",
        "text": "移动时留下【感电地面】,持续 # 秒(Drops Shocked Ground while moving, lasting # seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3404168630",
        "text": "装备在主手时全局暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Global Critical Strike Chance when in Main Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3084359503",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【苦难根基】(1 Added Passive Skill is Basics of Pain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3685028559",
        "text": "格挡时有 #% 的几率制造腐化地面(#% chance to create Desecrated Ground when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_951608773",
        "text": "用该武器击中时,流血的持续伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding from Hits with this Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3243534964",
        "text": "暴击无法吸血(Cannot Leech Life from Critical Strikes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2108380422",
        "text": "未保留的生命全满时不会移除生命偷取效果(Life Leech effects are not removed when Unreserved Life is Filled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2449668043",
        "text": "每 5% 的攻击伤害格挡几率会使法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage per 5% Chance to Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1269609669",
        "text": "击败敌人时,每个狂怒球可以回复 # 生命(# Life gained on Kill per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2585926696",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献使非诅咒类光环效果提高 #%(#% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_398335579",
        "text": "幻化之刃德尔维希会禁用所有武器槽(Manifested Dancing Dervishes disables both weapon slots)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1724614884",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献可使范围伤害提高 #%(#% increased Area Damage per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4031081471",
        "text": "击败敌人后 # 秒内持续承受 # 混沌伤害(You take # Chaos Damage per second for # seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4232582040",
        "text": "瘫痪时使用可以在接下来 # 秒免疫瘫痪(Grants Immunity to Maim for # seconds if used while Maimed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4007938693",
        "text": "暴走时触发 # 级幻化之刃德尔维希(Triggers Level # Manifest Dancing Dervishes on Rampage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1625103793",
        "text": "每个狂怒球会使受到的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage taken per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_189451991",
        "text": "反射 # 混沌伤害给近战攻击者(Reflects # Chaos Damage to Melee Attackers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_625885138",
        "text": "左戒指栏位:你的冰冷的飞掠者用插入的魔蛊替代光环(Left Ring Slot: Your Chilling Skitterbot's Aura applies Socketed Hex Curse instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3462132936",
        "text": "当你击败 1 名感电敌人,对周围敌人造成相同的感电效果(When you Kill a Shocked Enemy, inflict an equivalent Shock on each nearby Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3025389409",
        "text": "每个红色插槽会使你物理攻击伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life per Red Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_443525707",
        "text": "周围敌人被诅咒的效果提高 #%(Nearby Enemies have #% increased Effect of Curses on them)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_285624304",
        "text": "当你拥有最大数量的狂怒球时,技能额外连锁弹射 1 次(Skills Chain an additional time while at maximum Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1489905076",
        "text": "无法获得友军光环效果(Allies' Aura Buffs do not affect you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_748813744",
        "text": "对被冰缓敌人所造成的攻击伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life against Chilled Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4196775867",
        "text": "光环效果对友军没有作用(Your Aura Buffs do not affect allies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_306104305",
        "text": "你身上的增益效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Buffs on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3422644692",
        "text": "这些区域包含古灵庄园\n农作物的体型更大\n农作物包含位阶更高的种子(Areas contain The Sacred Grove\nCrops are larger in size\nCrops contain higher tier seeds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_570644802",
        "text": "击败敌人后有 #% 的几率获得 1 个精神球(#% chance to gain a Spirit Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3736953565",
        "text": "生效期间,找到的物品数量提高 #%(#% increased Quantity of Items found during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3175679225",
        "text": "周围友军的伤害提高 #%(Nearby allies gain #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1809329372",
        "text": "右戒指栏位:电震的飞掠者用插入的魔蛊替代光环(Right Ring Slot: Your Shocking Skitterbot's Aura applies Socketed Hex Curse instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3251211004",
        "text": "当你战败后,羁绊目标在 # 秒内不会战败(Linked Targets Cannot Die for # seconds after you Die)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4127720801",
        "text": "无法格档(Cannot Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3256116097",
        "text": "生效期间,施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_375932027",
        "text": "你承受暴击时获得一个缓速藤蔓(You gain a Grasping Vine when you take a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_54812069",
        "text": "有 #% 被击中的伤害优先由你的灵体承受(#% of Damage from Hits is taken from your Spectres' Life before you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2233361223",
        "text": "对被冰缓或被冰冻敌人附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage against Chilled or Frozen Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1992516007",
        "text": "在你有精神球时使用技能,触发 # 级的【精神冲击】(Trigger Level # Spirit Burst when you Use a Skill while you have a Spirit Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1420236871",
        "text": "你攻击造成的点燃的伤害生效速度加快 #%(Ignites you inflict with Attacks deal Damage #% faster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3900877792",
        "text": "没有物理伤害(Deal no Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3037553757",
        "text": "战吼的增益效果提高 #%(#% increased Warcry Buff Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1161337167",
        "text": "可在腐化时添加词缀(Can be modified while Corrupted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_426847518",
        "text": "击中时对敌人附加冻伤诅咒。(Curse Enemies with Frostbite on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_886931978",
        "text": "恢复效果在低血状态下使用时总增 #%(#% more Recovery if used while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2718698372",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【绿色技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Dexterity Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2391255504",
        "text": "你在近期内没有被击中的情况下获得狂热誓言(You have Zealot's Oath if you haven't been hit recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2478268100",
        "text": "被致盲时击中有#%的几率获得一个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit while Blinded)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2518308945",
        "text": "这些区域会出现额外的裂隙\n裂隙打开和关闭的速度更快(Areas contain many additional Breaches\nBreaches open and close faster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2889807051",
        "text": "近战击中视为暴走击败\n暴走(Melee Hits count as Rampage Kills\nRampage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3590104875",
        "text": "最大耐力球达到上限时失去所有耐力球(You lose all Endurance Charges on reaching maximum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3469279727",
        "text": "周围静止的敌人每秒获得一个缓速藤蔓(Nearby stationary Enemies gain a Grasping Vine every second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2762046953",
        "text": "召唤生物获得 +#% 格挡法术伤害率(Minions have +#% Chance to Block Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1436284579",
        "text": "免疫致盲(Cannot be Blinded)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1869144397",
        "text": "当你使用技能时触发 # 级的【虚空凝视】(Trigger Level # Void Gaze when you use a Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4070157876",
        "text": "若你近期内有击败敌人,则效果区域扩大 #%,最多 50%(#% increased Area of Effect per Enemy killed recently, up to 50%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_825352061",
        "text": "装备时触发 # 级陨命光环(Trigger Level # Death Aura when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1810011556",
        "text": "格挡攻击时反射 # 闪电伤害(Reflects # Lightning Damage to Attackers on Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3085465082",
        "text": "地雷引爆速度加快 #%(Mines have #% increased Detonation Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1282978314",
        "text": "近战伤害对流血的敌人提高 #%(#% increased Melee Damage against Bleeding Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3074608753",
        "text": "召唤的魔侍有 #% 的几率在击中时使敌人被灰烬缠身(Summoned Skeletons have a #% chance to Cover Enemies in Ash on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3979476531",
        "text": "暴击不会天然造成冰冻(Critical Strikes do not inherently Freeze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1414945937",
        "text": "幻化之刃德尔维希会在暴走结束时消失(Manifested Dancing Dervishes die when Rampage ends)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_496011033",
        "text": "+# 受到的混沌伤害(+# Chaos Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2594215131",
        "text": "每 10 点力量会使武器物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Physical Weapon Damage per 10 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2070361501",
        "text": "你受到的来自中毒敌人的暴击额外伤害提高 #%(You take #% increased Extra Damage from Critical Strikes by Poisoned Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3103189267",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献使元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2230931659",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在击败冻结的敌人时获得一个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Killing a Frozen Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_738821856",
        "text": "当你因羁绊对象战败而战败时,不损失经验值(Lose no Experience when you die because a Linked target died)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1344805487",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【捷技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Herald Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1099200124",
        "text": "若你近期内没有失去暴击球,则每秒获得一个暴击球(Gain a Power Charge every Second if you haven't lost Power Charges Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1108755349",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 提高暴击伤害 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Increased Critical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3190526553",
        "text": "所有伤害都对至少被 # 个缓速蔓藤影响的敌人施加中毒(All Damage inflicts Poison against Enemies affected by at least # Grasping Vine)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_50381303",
        "text": "绚丽众星行走特效(Celestial Footprints)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2926399803",
        "text": "若你的其他戒指为裂界者物品,则免疫攻击造成的晕眩(Cannot be Stunned by Attacks if your other Ring is an Elder Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1482070333",
        "text": "每个暴击球使元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage per Power charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_651875072",
        "text": "装备时触发 # 级的【泯灭之舞】(Triggers Level # Death Walk when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1555962658",
        "text": "若你的其他戒指为塑界者物品,则攻击伤害提高 #%(#% increased Attack Damage if your other Ring is a Shaper Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3162258068",
        "text": "无法格挡攻击伤害(Cannot Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3457687358",
        "text": "被攻击或法术击中击败的敌人会爆炸,造成其生命 #% 的火焰伤害(Enemies Killed with Attack or Spell Hits Explode, dealing #% of their Life as Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1616734644",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【邪恶烟云】(1 Added Passive Skill is Wicked Pall)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2168365746",
        "text": "在这些区域找到的稀有和传奇怪物被附身,它们的召唤生物被触碰(Rare and Unique Monsters found in Areas are Possessed and their Minions are Touched)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2507321875",
        "text": "近战武器每击败一名敌人获得 # 点生命(Gain # Life per Enemy Killed with Melee Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_5955083",
        "text": "若你至少拥有 800 点智慧,可以放置地雷的技能就会最多额外投掷 1 个地雷(Skills which throw Mines throw up to 1 additional Mine if you have at least 800 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_402176724",
        "text": "闪避值在迷踪状态下提高 #%(#% increased Evasion Rating while Phasing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1917661185",
        "text": "若你至少拥有 800 点敏捷,可以投掷地雷的技能就会最多额外投掷 1 个地雷(Skills which throw Mines throw up to 1 additional Mine if you have at least 800 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3898799092",
        "text": "你格挡时失去所有暴击球(Lose all Power Charges when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3781201833",
        "text": "玩家无法获得经验值(Players do not gain Experience)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2499808413",
        "text": "近战武器伤害穿透 #% 元素抗性(Melee Weapon Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2125178364",
        "text": "每有 200 敏捷,攻城炮台 +# 召唤图腾数量上限(Siege Ballista has +# to maximum number of Summoned Totems per 200 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2066426995",
        "text": "每 25 点敏捷可以为攻击附加 # - # 基础物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks per 25 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_889691035",
        "text": "每 10 点敏捷会使攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed per 10 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2597985144",
        "text": "羁绊技能的施法速度加快 #%(Link Skills have #% increased Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3818661553",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【风暴之眼】(1 Added Passive Skill is Eye of the Storm)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4084331136",
        "text": "每级提高 #% 混沌伤害(#% increased Chaos Damage per Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4199056048",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【熊熊燃烧】(1 Added Passive Skill is Burning Bright)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_749770518",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【启迪】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Inspiration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1350938937",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发 20 级的【藤蔓抽击】(#% chance to Trigger Level 20 Tentacle Whip on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2780712583",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【残酷之触】(1 Added Passive Skill is Touch of Cruelty)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3489372920",
        "text": "若你近期内有击败敌人,则进入【迷踪】状态(You have Phasing if you've Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2406605753",
        "text": "能量护盾在击败敌人时恢复 #%(Recover #% of Energy Shield on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2087561637",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【风暴痛饮】(1 Added Passive Skill is Storm Drinker)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3788706881",
        "text": "每 5 点力量使最大能量护盾提高 +#(+# maximum Energy Shield per 5 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2572042788",
        "text": "攻击附加 +#% 攻击基础暴击率(Attacks have +#% to Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1214762172",
        "text": "羁绊技能的技能效果持续时间延长 #%(Link Skills have #% increased Skill Effect Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3602667353",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率施加火焰曝露(#% chance to inflict Fire Exposure on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3122491961",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【毁灭使徒】(1 Added Passive Skill is Agent of Destruction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3484267929",
        "text": "你被击败时,周围友军回复等同你最大生命 #% 的生命(Nearby allies Recover #% of your Maximum Life when you Die)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1991958615",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 冰霜穿透 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cold Penetration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1152934561",
        "text": "你受到的时空锁链效果降低 #%(Temporal Chains has #% reduced Effect on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1263962567",
        "text": "这些区域有裂隙\n这些区域包含额外的裂隙巨手\n裂隙首领可能会掉落裂隙石(Areas are Breached\nAreas contain additional Large Breach Hands\nBreach Bosses have a chance to drop a Breachstone)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2933625540",
        "text": "你的元素伤害可以造成感电(Your Elemental Damage can Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2630708439",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率施加冰霜曝露(#% chance to inflict Cold Exposure on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_625037258",
        "text": "该武器的攻击对被冰缓的敌人伤害翻倍(Attacks with this Weapon deal Double Damage to Chilled Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3416410609",
        "text": "+#% 对投射物伤害格挡几率(+#% chance to Block Projectile Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_632761194",
        "text": "狂热誓言(Zealot's Oath)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2837603657",
        "text": "你可以对敌人造成额外 1 个点燃效果(You can inflict an additional Ignite on each Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1958210928",
        "text": "召唤的魔侍获得火之化身(Summoned Skeletons have Avatar of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1096897481",
        "text": "获得等同 #% 物理攻击伤害的闪电伤害(Gain #% of Physical Attack Damage as Extra Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2912438397",
        "text": "召唤的魔侍每秒承受其生命上限 #% 的火焰伤害(Summoned Skeletons take #% of their Maximum Life per second as Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_74338099",
        "text": "技能可以额外发射 1 个投射物(Skills fire an additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1595367309",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【暴风雪】(1 Added Passive Skill is Snowstorm)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_769783486",
        "text": "每 10 点敏捷可以为攻击附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage to Attacks per 10 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1910205563",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献 +#% 点所有元素抗性(+#% to all Elemental Resistances per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_436556261",
        "text": "此地图的物品数量加成同时套用于物品稀有度上(This Map's Modifiers to Quantity of Items found also apply to Rarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_68673913",
        "text": "每 10 点力量可以为攻击附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage to Attacks per 10 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2846730569",
        "text": "占用所有武器栏位(Uses both hand slots)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3168149399",
        "text": "攻击按照每 10 点智慧附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Attacks per 10 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2789750513",
        "text": "这些区域会出现额外的深渊\n深渊已完全开启\n深渊中包含来自超越赛季的怪物(Areas contain additional Abysses\nAbysses have already fully opened\nAbysses contain monsters from Beyond this realm)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_491899612",
        "text": "无法被感电(Cannot be Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_228455793",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【多利亚尼之训】(1 Added Passive Skill is Doryani's Lesson)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_221328679",
        "text": "召唤的愤怒狂灵其近战打击对周围目标造成火焰限定溅射伤害(Summoned Raging Spirits' Melee Strikes deal Fire-only Splash\nDamage to Surrounding Targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2492660287",
        "text": "保留 #% 生命(Reserves #% of Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1829238593",
        "text": "箭矢贯穿所有目标(Arrows Pierce all Targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_249545292",
        "text": "暴击并不天然套用非伤害型异常状态(Critical Strikes do not inherently inflict non-Damaging Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3584443917",
        "text": "视作拥有最大数量的耐力球\n视作拥有最大数量的狂怒球\n视作拥有最大数量的暴击球(Count as having maximum number of Endurance Charges\nCount as having maximum number of Frenzy Charges\nCount as having maximum number of Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2930275641",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【翻天横扫】(1 Added Passive Skill is Titanic Swings)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4119032338",
        "text": "每完成 25 次暴走连击,效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect per 25 Rampage Kills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4157767905",
        "text": "每 200 命中值可使攻击造成的投射物伤害提高 #%(#% increased Projectile Attack Damage per 200 Accuracy Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_749465463",
        "text": "若你近期内没有获得狂怒球,则攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed if you haven't gained a Frenzy Charge Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_637690626",
        "text": "每达到 50 次暴走连击,就获得 1 个狂怒球(Gain a Frenzy Charge on every 50th Rampage Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2632954025",
        "text": "若你的能量护盾近期内开始充能,则获得【迷踪】状态(You have Phasing if Energy Shield Recharge has started Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3491639130",
        "text": "身上每种异常状态使你每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second for each different Ailment affecting you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1345113611",
        "text": "施加的非伤害型异常状态如同伤害总增 #%(Inflict non-Damaging Ailments as though dealing #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2479374428",
        "text": "范围内增减的生命转换成 200% 魔力(Increases and Reductions to Life in Radius are Transformed to apply to Mana at 200% of their value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3985468650",
        "text": "获得 # 级的的主动技能【血脉奉献】(Grants Level # Blood Offering Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_956038713",
        "text": "苦痛共享(Shared Suffering)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1601181226",
        "text": "击中和异常状态对致盲敌人的火焰伤害提高 #%(#% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1307972622",
        "text": "每 20 点智慧会使效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect per 20 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_642457541",
        "text": "当插槽内有 1 个【凶残之凝】珠宝时,攻击击中敌人会威吓它们 4 秒(With a Murderous Eye Jewel Socketed, Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2230910022",
        "text": "近战武器每击败一名敌人获得 # 点魔力(Gain # Mana per Enemy Killed with Melee Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3638731729",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【狂虐者】(1 Added Passive Skill is Sadist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3758293500",
        "text": "副手武器附加 # - # 基础混沌伤害(Adds # to # Chaos Damage in Off Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3557561376",
        "text": "低魔时受到的法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage taken when on Low Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_623651254",
        "text": "不能搭配【异灵之体】(Cannot be used with Chaos Inoculation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4244234128",
        "text": "终结时狂怒球和暴击球的持续时间 +# 秒(+# seconds to Duration of Frenzy and Power Charges on Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2750004091",
        "text": "当插槽内有 1 个【锐利之凝】珠宝时,攻击击中敌人会瘫痪它们 4 秒(With a Searching Eye Jewel Socketed, Maim Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2415398184",
        "text": "至少有 200 点力量时,+#% 元素抗性(+#% to all Elemental Resistances while you have at least 200 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1032614900",
        "text": "被你死亡凋零的敌人 +#% 所有抗性(Enemies Withered by you have +#% to all Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_607839150",
        "text": "周围敌人被缓速,移动速度减慢 #%(Nearby Enemies are Hindered, with #% reduced Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4105031548",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【咒法之墙】(1 Added Passive Skill is Conjured Wall)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3578946428",
        "text": "偷取能量护盾时,你造成的感电效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Shocks you inflict while Leeching Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3982634141",
        "text": "区域内有一个额外的华贵先驱者(Area contains an additional Regal Harbinger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1473289174",
        "text": "不受感电影响(Unaffected by Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_613752285",
        "text": "你施法时,献祭生命的 #% 来获得等量的能量护盾(Sacrifice #% of Life to gain that much Energy Shield when you Cast a Spell)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1996576560",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【无垠之力】(1 Added Passive Skill is Vast Power)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3655769732",
        "text": "所有主动技能石品质 +#%(+#% to Quality of all Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3707756896",
        "text": "怪物被击中时有 #% 的几率获得一个耐力球(Monsters have a #% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2491363440",
        "text": "攻击你时附加#-#点闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Attacks against you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2381677442",
        "text": "终结时获得 # 点生命(Gain # Life on Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3808869043",
        "text": "技能石经验值获取提高 #%(#% increased Experience Gain of Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3652138990",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【完美无暇】(1 Added Passive Skill is Distilled Perfection)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2038105340",
        "text": "近战武器攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Melee Weapon Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3717165313",
        "text": "你击败烧灼的敌人时有 #% 的几率使周围所有敌人燃烧 4 秒,\n每秒造成被击败敌人 8% 生命的火焰伤害(#% chance when you Kill a Scorched Enemy to Burn Each surrounding\nEnemy for 4 seconds, dealing 8% of the Killed Enemy's Life as Fire Damage per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2845511711",
        "text": "终结时获得 # 点魔力(Gain # Mana on Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3051562738",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【惊奇破坏】(1 Added Passive Skill is Surprise Sabotage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2675603254",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【混沌技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Chaos Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_151106430",
        "text": "若你近期内没有获得暴击球,则暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't gained a Power Charge Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3293275880",
        "text": "每 10 点奉献都使技能魔力消耗降低 #%(#% reduced Mana Cost of Skills per 10 Devotion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_617462123",
        "text": "攻击你时附加#-#点冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage to Attacks against you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4154008618",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为以攻为守(1 Added Passive Skill is Aggressive Defence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_871270154",
        "text": "生效期间每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3596333054",
        "text": "中毒时使用可以在 4 秒内免疫中毒(Grants Immunity to Poison for 4 seconds if used while Poisoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2737492258",
        "text": "暴走状态时回复 #% 生命(Recover #% of Life on Rampage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3271016161",
        "text": "若近期你获得过【暴走】,击败敌人时获得 1 个额外的瓦尔之灵(Kills grant an additional Vaal Soul if you have Rampaged Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_935386993",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,【电球】以环状方式发射投射物(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Spark fires Projectiles in a circle)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_417188801",
        "text": "格挡时 #% 的几率获得耐力球(#% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3981960937",
        "text": "冰缓时有 #% 几率避免被感电(#% chance to Avoid being Shocked while Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2008682345",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【掷象功】(1 Added Passive Skill is Burden Projection)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2127433866",
        "text": "攻击你时附加#-#点火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage to Attacks against you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1096136223",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【精华疾攻】(1 Added Passive Skill is Essence Rush)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4089969970",
        "text": "近期消耗灵柩使你和周围友军每秒再生 #% 生命(If you Consumed a corpse Recently, you and nearby Allies Regenerate #% of Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2517031897",
        "text": "冰霜抗性高于 75% 时,每高 1%,冰霜伤害便提高 #%(#% increased Cold Damage per 1% Cold Resistance above 75%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2642525868",
        "text": "闪电抗性高于 75% 时,每高 1%,闪电伤害便提高 #%(#% increased Lightning Damage per 1% Lightning Resistance above 75%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3872739249",
        "option": {
            "options": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "text": "秘法先驱者(Harbinger of the Arcane)"
                    "id": 2,
                    "text": "时空先驱者(Harbinger of Time)"
                    "id": 3,
                    "text": "不屈先驱者(Harbinger of Focus)"
                    "id": 4,
                    "text": "射术先驱者(Harbinger of Directions)"
                    "id": 5,
                    "text": "冰雷先驱者(Harbinger of Storms)"
                    "id": 6,
                    "text": "残暴先驱者(Harbinger of Brutality)"
                    "id": 7,
                    "text": "高等秘法先驱者(Greater Harbinger of the Arcane)"
                    "id": 8,
                    "text": "高等时空先驱者(Greater Harbinger of Time)"
                    "id": 9,
                    "text": "高等不屈先驱者(Greater Harbinger of Focus)"
                    "id": 10,
                    "text": "高等射术先驱者(Greater Harbinger of Directions)"
                    "id": 11,
                    "text": "高等不屈先驱者(Greater Harbinger of Storms)"
                    "id": 12,
                    "text": "高等冰雷先驱者(Greater Harbinger of Brutality)"
        "text": "提供召唤先驱者技能(Grants Summon Harbinger Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1871056256",
        "text": "受到击中物理伤害的 #% 视作冰霜伤害(#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4273356746",
        "text": "周围敌人的火焰和冰霜抗性提高 #%(Nearby Enemies have #% increased Fire and Cold Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3769854701",
        "text": "不能偷取生命(Cannot Leech Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_305634887",
        "text": "当精神球失效或被消耗时,回复 #% 生命(Recover #% of Life when you lose a Spirit Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_990219738",
        "text": "每 10 点智慧可使闪电伤害提高 #%(#% increased Lightning Damage per 10 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_344570534",
        "text": "烧灼效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Scorch)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2735021664",
        "text": "召唤生物造成暴击后会在 # 秒内听到低语(Minions can hear the whispers for # seconds after they deal a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3133579934",
        "text": "每个召唤的怒炎之灵可使攻击和施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Cast Speed per Summoned Raging Spirit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_528422616",
        "text": "击中和异常状态对被干扰敌人的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Hindered Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_865273657",
        "text": "你使用的非传奇功能药剂作用于你羁绊的目标(Non-Unique Utility Flasks you Use apply to Linked Targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1671749203",
        "text": "区域内有驱灵祭坛(Areas contain Ritual Altars)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1671749203",
        "text": "区域内有驱灵祭坛(Your Maps contain Ritual Altars)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_43034837",
        "text": "必须圆满完成区域内的所有驱灵仪式遭遇战才能领取奖励(Must fully complete all Ritual Encounters in Area to claim Reward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_85576425",
        "text": "元素抗性为零(Elemental Resistances are Zero)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1467713556",
        "text": "区域内举行仪式时,玩家的生命和能量护盾无法回复至 #% 以上(Players cannot Recover Life or Energy Shield above #% during Rituals in Area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2350430215",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【放血】(1 Added Passive Skill is Flow of Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1165847826",
        "text": "承受来自致盲敌人的法术伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Spell Damage taken from Blinded Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_259714394",
        "text": "对低血敌人造成的近战武器伤害提高 #%(#% increased Melee Weapon Damage against Enemies that are on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_177215332",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【奥法蠕虫】(1 Added Passive Skill is Thaumophage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3681057026",
        "text": "格挡时回复相当于 #% 护甲的能量盾(Recover Energy Shield equal to #% of Armour when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4235300427",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【特别预备】(1 Added Passive Skill is Special Reserve)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1038949719",
        "text": "获得等同武器物理伤害 #% 的随机一种额外火焰,冰霜,或者闪电伤害(Gain #% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3777170562",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【霹雳雷震】(1 Added Passive Skill is Overshock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1520059289",
        "text": "猛攻(Onslaught)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_446070669",
        "text": "召唤生物的暴击率按照你有的每个暴击球数量上限提高 #%(Minions have #% increased Critical Strike Chance per Maximum Power Charge you have)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_90012347",
        "text": "对被感电敌人附加 # - # 基础闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage against Shocked Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4270089231",
        "text": "每 100 点生命保留 +# 最大能量护盾(+# to maximum Energy Shield per 100 Reserved Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4067144129",
        "text": "生效期间,瓦尔技能的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Vaal Skills during effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2935409762",
        "text": "当你使用弓箭攻击时触发 # 级的【箭雨】(Trigger Level # Rain of Arrows when you Attack with a Bow)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1023752508",
        "text": "没有格档率(No Chance to Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3362271649",
        "text": "攻击暴击时造成恐惧 4 秒(Attacks inflict Unnerve on Critical Strike for 4 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3709502856",
        "text": "被你缓速的敌人生命再生速度提高 #%(Enemies Hindered by you have #% increased Life Regeneration rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3523867985",
        "text": "该装备的护甲、闪避和能量护盾提高 #% (区域)(#% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield (Local))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3610263531",
        "text": "专注的冷却回复速度加快 #%(Focus has #% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_539747809",
        "text": "此物品上的诅咒技能石受到 # 级的 诅咒光环 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Blasphemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1106668565",
        "text": "插槽内的技能石被 # 级的 闪电支配 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Innervate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3967028570",
        "text": "有 #% 受到的混沌伤害优先从魔力扣除(#% of Chaos Damage is taken from Mana before Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2843214518",
        "text": "攻击伤害提高 #%(#% increased Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2905515354",
        "text": "被格挡的击中对你造成 #% 伤害(You take #% of Damage from Blocked Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2262736444",
        "text": "异能魔力(Eldritch Battery)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_181229988",
        "text": "法术暴击时造成恐吓 4 秒(Spells inflict Intimidate on Critical Strike for 4 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_816079058",
        "text": "每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的药剂充能提高 #%(Players gain #% increased Flask Charges per 25% Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_898270877",
        "text": "偷取魔力时,你造成的冰缓效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Chills you inflict while Leeching Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_902947445",
        "text": "若生效期间使用瓦尔技能,则阻灵术持续时间缩短 #%(Vaal Skills used during effect have #% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3252082366",
        "text": "当你吞噬灵柩时触发 # 级的【召唤幻灵】技能(Trigger Level # Summon Phantasm Skill when you Consume a corpse)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_208447205",
        "text": "你的陷阱触发后,随即触发 # 级的【战争迷雾】(Trigger Level # Fog of War when your Trap is triggered)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4020144606",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 附加冰霜伤害 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Added Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2868692131",
        "text": "低血时获得灵巧(Gain Elusive on reaching Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_696805682",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 先祖呼唤 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ancestral Call)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1200347828",
        "text": "低血时使用生命药剂立即回复(Life Flasks used while on Low Life apply Recovery Instantly)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3415827027",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【狂风扫荡】(1 Added Passive Skill is Furious Assault)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2687254633",
        "text": "生效期间,#% 的闪电伤害转化为生命偷取(#% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1187803783",
        "text": "生效期间你被感电,受到的伤害提高 50%(You are Shocked during Effect, causing 50% increased Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1342790450",
        "text": "击败普通怪物的物品掉落数量提高 #%(#% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Slain Normal Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3699490848",
        "text": "对冰缓的目标的暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance against Chilled Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1104120660",
        "text": "被标记的敌人被击败后,你的印记转移给另一个敌人(Your Mark Transfers to another Enemy when Marked Enemy dies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3433676080",
        "text": "击败魔法怪物后的物品稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Magic Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1936544447",
        "text": "投掷陷阱时,有 #% 的几率获得一个暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Throw a Trap)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2289610642",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【腐烂之爪】(1 Added Passive Skill is Rotten Claws)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2198697797",
        "text": "生效期间不能获得魔力(Cannot gain Mana during effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3807518091",
        "text": "若范围内配置了 4 个关键天赋点,当你击败稀有怪物时,你会获得该怪物的 # 属性修正 20 秒(With 4 Notables Allocated in Radius, When you Kill a Rare monster, you gain # of its Modifiers for 20 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3563667308",
        "text": "魔卫复苏体型增大 #%(#% increased Raised Zombie Size)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2048643052",
        "text": "格挡法术伤害时对敌人附加元素要害诅咒,忽略诅咒上限。(Curse Enemies with Elemental Weakness when you Block their Spell Damage, ignoring Curse Limit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3446170049",
        "text": "生效期间,对周围敌人造成感电,使其受到的伤害提高 10%(Shocks nearby Enemies during Effect, causing 10% increased Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4014328139",
        "text": "偷取魔力时不受冰缓影响(Unaffected by Chill while Leeching Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3274973940",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的神圣祝福辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Divine Blessing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2445675562",
        "text": "每有 1 个异灵魔侍,+#% 攻击伤害格挡几率(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Summoned Skeleton)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2420410470",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 献祭 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Immolate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1710508327",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【链爆地雷】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Blastchain Mine)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4191067677",
        "text": "爪类攻击附加 # 到 # 点混沌伤害(# to # Added Chaos Damage with Claw Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2666795121",
        "text": "每个召唤的灵体使魔力再生速度提高 #%(#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Raised Spectre)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_541329769",
        "text": "格挡投射物攻击伤害时对敌人附加时空锁链诅咒,忽略诅咒上限。(Curse Enemies with Temporal Chains when you Block their Projectile Attack Damage, ignoring Curse Limit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1540840",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【灼热光线】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Scorching Ray Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2295303426",
        "text": "在近战暴击时触发一个插入的冰霜法术,它有 0.25 秒冷却时间(Trigger a Socketed Cold Spell on Melee Critical Strike, with a 0.25 second Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_519622288",
        "text": "战吼在更小的区域里击退并打断敌人(Warcries Knock Back and Interrupt Enemies in a smaller Area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2907156609",
        "text": "你造成的中毒的伤害生效速度加快 #%(Poisons you inflict deal Damage #% faster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1238382441",
        "text": "每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的总闪避值总增 #%(Players have #% more Evasion per 25% Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_247168950",
        "text": "召唤生物获得额外混沌伤害,其数值等同于元素伤害的 #%(Minions gain #% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2841618445",
        "text": "每个复苏的魔卫使你每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second for each Raised Zombie)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2787931289",
        "text": "每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的护甲总增 #%(Players have #% more Armour per 25% Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4102393882",
        "text": "偷取能量护盾时不受感电影响(Unaffected by Shock while Leeching Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3150000576",
        "text": "魔卫抗性提高 #%(Raised Zombies have +#% to all Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2416869319",
        "text": "给召唤生物提供 #% 生命恢复效果(Grants #% of Life Recovery to Minions)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1691221049",
        "text": "生效期间,暴击产生的毒性持续伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison from Critical Strikes during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_702909553",
        "text": "【灼热光线】的光束长度延长 #%(#% increased Scorching Ray beam length)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4069101408",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率感电已被冰缓的敌人(#% chance to Shock Chilled Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4041805509",
        "text": "【魔卫复苏】最大数量降低 #%(#% reduced maximum number of Raised Zombies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2857427872",
        "text": "被魔卫的击中击败的敌人会爆炸,造成其生命 #% 的火焰伤害(Enemies Killed by Zombies' Hits Explode, dealing #% of their Life as Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2922377850",
        "text": "格挡近战攻击时对敌人附加惩戒诅咒,忽略诅咒上限。(Curse Enemies with Punishment when you Block their Melee Damage, ignoring Curse Limit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4116579804",
        "text": "+# 魔卫复苏最大生命(Raised Zombies have +# to maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3541114083",
        "text": "获得 # 级的【捕熊陷阱】(Grants Level # Bear Trap Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2057712935",
        "text": "调整投射物数量的词缀改为\n调整投射物裂化飞向的目标数量(Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply\nto the number of targets Projectiles Split towards)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_568070507",
        "text": "魔卫复苏物理伤害总增 #%(Raised Zombies deal #% more Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4189061307",
        "text": "印记技能的施法速度加快 #%(Mark Skills have #% increased Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2421446548",
        "text": "吟唱技能的总魔力消耗 +#(Channelling Skills have +# to Total Mana Cost)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1982436039",
        "text": "巡逻队被精英巡逻队取代的几率提高 #%(Patrol Packs have #% increased chance to be replaced by an Elite Patrol Pack)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3853996752",
        "text": "当你使用技能时,能量护盾有 #% 的几率开始充能(#% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you use a Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_699756626",
        "text": "你使用的水银药剂也能用于周围友军(Quicksilver Flasks you Use also apply to nearby Allies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1024189516",
        "text": "每 5 秒触发 # 级的【血肉盛宴】(Trigger Level # Feast of Flesh every 5 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_478147593",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【贤者】(1 Added Passive Skill is Sage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3635566977",
        "text": "当不拥有耐力球时,所有属性的抗性上限 +#%(+#% to all maximum Resistances while you have no Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1114351662",
        "text": "每 10 点智慧 +# 最大生命(+# to Maximum Life per 10 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_252427115",
        "text": "至少 150 点力量下近战击中时,触发 # 级的【涂炭震波】(Trigger Level # Gore Shockwave on Melee Hit if you have at least 150 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2511280084",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点敏捷,则【虚空匕首】将以环状发射投射物(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Ethereal Knives fires Projectiles in a circle)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3733114005",
        "text": "周围敌人被烧灼(Nearby Enemies are Scorched)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_36406748",
        "text": "玩家无法获得药剂充能(Players cannot gain Flask Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3240073117",
        "text": "生命回复率提高 #%(#% increased Life Recovery rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3213407110",
        "text": "狂怒球达到上限时,+# 命中值(+# to Accuracy Rating while at Maximum Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2162876159",
        "text": "投射物攻击伤害提高 #%(#% increased Projectile Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3279535558",
        "text": "低血时不能偷取(Cannot Leech when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1891782369",
        "text": "点燃伤害对被冰缓的敌人施加时提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Ignite inflicted on Chilled Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1021552211",
        "text": "召唤的魔侍武士将会一直跟着你\n召唤魔侍所召唤的魔侍武士数量不多于 1 个(Summoned Skeleton Warriors are Permanent and Follow you\nSummon Skeletons cannot Summon more than 1 Skeleton Warrior)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1839832419",
        "text": "低魔时使用魔力药剂立即回复(Mana Flasks used while on Low Mana apply Recovery Instantly)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2022724400",
        "text": "力量高于智慧时,敏捷提高 #%(#% increased Dexterity if Strength is higher than Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2546417825",
        "text": "若你近期使用过战吼,移动速度提高 #%(#% increased Movement Speed if you've Warcried Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4120779321",
        "text": "使用时将生命扣至 1 点\n扣除的生命在 # 秒内再生为能量护盾(Removes all but one Life on use\nRemoved life is Regenerated as Energy Shield over # seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3836017971",
        "text": "照亮范围将基于能量护盾的属性(Light Radius is based on Energy Shield instead of Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1705633890",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【恢宏壁垒】(1 Added Passive Skill is Prodigious Defence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3221550523",
        "text": "当插槽内未腐化的辅助宝石达到最大等级时吞噬该宝石\n还可以吞噬额外 # 个未腐化的辅助宝石(Consumes Socketed Uncorrupted Support Gems when they reach Maximum Level\nCan Consume # additional Uncorrupted Support Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_963261439",
        "text": "每 10 点敏捷可使元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage per 10 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2229840047",
        "text": "效果期间受到的混沌伤害无法穿透能量护盾(Chaos Damage taken does not bypass Energy Shield during effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2919089822",
        "text": "在主手时,有 #% 的几率点燃(#% chance to Ignite when in Main Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2328588114",
        "text": "如果敏捷高于智慧,则  +#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier if Dexterity is higher than Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2803182108",
        "text": "若你近期使用过战吼,造成的元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage if you've Warcried Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1169165579",
        "text": "该区域内有针背兽(Area is inhabited by Porcupines)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_23466649",
        "text": "低血时你有迷踪效果(You have Phasing while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2001747092",
        "text": "对抗标记的敌人时,击中和异常状态伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Marked Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_262773569",
        "text": "捷光环的魔力保留总是 45%(Mana Reservation of Herald Skills is always 45%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1175213674",
        "text": "受到击中元素伤害的 #% 视作混沌伤害(#% of Elemental Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1493090598",
        "text": "每有一个影响你的捷增益效果,都使你有 35% 的几率避免眩晕(35% chance to avoid being Stunned for each Herald Buff affecting you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3198006994",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【忠诚钢印】(1 Added Passive Skill is Brand Loyalty)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3470535775",
        "text": "晕眩时有 #% 的几率获得暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Stun)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_414749123",
        "text": "填满未保留的生命而移除偷取时,\n有 #% 的几率获得肾上腺素,持续 2 秒(#% chance to gain Adrenaline for 2 Seconds when Leech is\nremoved by Filling Unreserved Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3106724907",
        "text": "填满未保留的生命而移除偷取时,\n有 #% 的几率获得猛攻,持续 4 秒(#% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 Seconds when Leech is\nremoved by Filling Unreserved Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2322980282",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【燃烬之烟】(1 Added Passive Skill is Smoking Remains)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_710372469",
        "text": "击中时对敌人附加导电诅咒。(Curse Enemies with Conductivity on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3790108551",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点智慧,【寒冰弹】会额外发射 1 个投射物(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Frostbolt fires an additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2727977666",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点智慧,\n【寒冰弹】会每秒提高 #% 投射物速度(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Frostbolt Projectiles gain #% increased Projectile Speed per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2900833792",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【梳洗之刑】(1 Added Passive Skill is Brush with Death)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1153801980",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【焚化炉】(1 Added Passive Skill is Cremator)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_627889781",
        "text": "暴走时驱散元素异常状态(Removes Elemental Ailments on Rampage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3100457893",
        "text": "暴走状态时免疫物理伤害 # 秒(Gain Immunity to Physical Damage for # second on Rampage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_652638686",
        "text": "每 25% 警报等级使玩家的抗性上限 +#%(+#% maximum Player Resistances per 25% Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_854030602",
        "text": "范围内的近战和近战武器加成转换成弓类武器加成(Melee and Melee Weapon Type modifiers in Radius are Transformed to Bow Modifiers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_794830148",
        "text": "对被点燃敌人附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage against Ignited Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3062763405",
        "text": "当你没有狂怒球时,+#% 全局暴击伤害加成(+#% Global Critical Strike Multiplier while you have no Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3927388937",
        "text": "被你击败的敌人身上的穿刺效果有 #% 的几率对周围敌人反射伤害(#% chance for Impales on Enemies you Kill to Reflect Damage to surrounding Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3103494675",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点敏捷,【冰霜射击】会额外穿透 1 个目标(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Ice Shot Pierces an additional Target)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3442130499",
        "text": "若范围内含 40 点敏捷,【冰霜射击】的范围扩大 #%(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Ice Shot has #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_507505131",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【勇毅先驱】(1 Added Passive Skill is Purposeful Harbinger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_16924183",
        "text": "魔卫复苏不再需要灵柩(Raise Zombie does not require a corpse)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2527686725",
        "text": "感电效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_908650225",
        "text": "若你近期内感电任意敌人,则伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage if you have Shocked an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2706994884",
        "text": "感电的敌人被你击败时会爆炸,\n造成等同敌人生命 #% 的闪电伤害,该伤害无法造成感电(Shocked Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing #% of\ntheir Life as Lightning Damage which cannot Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3087667389",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【致命行军】(1 Added Passive Skill is Dread March)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4062840317",
        "text": "怪物获得相当于其物理伤害 #% 的额外随机元素伤害(Monsters gain #% of their Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2901262227",
        "text": "击碎敌人时有 #% 的几率制造冰缓地面(#% chance to create Chilled Ground when you Freeze an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3248691197",
        "text": "匕首攻击附加 # 到 # 点混沌伤害(# to # Added Chaos Damage with Dagger Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2379781920",
        "text": "近期若打出过暴击,则元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2181499453",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点智慧,枯萎的干扰持续时间延长 #%(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Blight has #% increased Hinder Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2959020308",
        "text": "暴击时获得【不洁之力】 4 秒(Gain Unholy Might for 4 seconds on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2134166669",
        "text": "冰缓地面的效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Chilled Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_555311393",
        "text": "每 10 点敏捷可使持续物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Physical Damage Over Time per 10 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_608438307",
        "text": "只能在此物品上放入已腐化的技能石(You can only Socket Corrupted Gems in this item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1650632809",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点智慧,【电球】会发射 1 个额外投射物(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Spark fires an additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_676967140",
        "text": "召唤生物格挡时,回复它 #% 生命(Minions Recover #% of their Life when they Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2412100590",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点敏捷,【冰霜之刃】造成\n的近战伤害穿透 #% 冰霜抗性(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Melee Damage\ndealt by Frost Blades Penetrates #% Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3420284170",
        "text": "【电球】的持续时间缩短 #%(#% reduced Spark Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2092708508",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点敏捷,\n【冰霜之刃】的投射物速度加快 #%(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Frost Blades has #% increased Projectile Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_69078820",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【恶化创伤】(1 Added Passive Skill is Wound Aggravation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3019649166",
        "text": "压制敌人的法术伤害时使其疲惫 # 秒(Debilitate Enemies for # Seconds when you Suppress their Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3635120731",
        "text": "【迷踪】状态时有 #% 的几率躲避投射物(#% chance to Avoid Projectiles while Phasing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2072206041",
        "text": "击中流血敌人时有 #% 的几率使敌人逃跑(#% Chance to cause Bleeding Enemies to Flee on hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2908886986",
        "text": "专注时有 #% 的几率伤害翻倍(#% chance to deal Double Damage while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_958088871",
        "text": "暴击时偷取等同 #% 伤害的生命(#% of Damage Leeched as Life on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_165402179",
        "text": "对燃烧的敌人附加 # - # 火焰伤害(# to # added Fire Damage against Burning Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4148932984",
        "text": "当你击碎冰冻的敌人时,有 #% 的几率制造奉献地面(#% chance to create Consecrated Ground when you Shatter an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2764915899",
        "text": "击中时对敌人附加绝望诅咒。(Curse Enemies with Despair on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2109066258",
        "text": "副手武器附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage in Off Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_927817294",
        "text": "魔卫复苏最大生命提高 #%(Raised Zombies have #% increased maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1896269067",
        "text": "无法造成混沌伤害(Deal no Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3101915418",
        "text": "耐力球达到上限时获得【猛攻】状态(You have Onslaught while at maximum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4007482102",
        "text": "不能使用胸甲(Can't use Chest armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3951269079",
        "text": "你的魔卫复苏视为灵柩(Your Raised Zombies count as corpses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3390848861",
        "text": "使用此武器攻击时,每 10 点智慧附加 # - # 基础闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2947215268",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_953314356",
        "text": "被击中时有 #% 的几率制造一团烟雾(#% chance to create a Smoke Cloud when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_751773204",
        "text": "每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的能量护盾回复率总增 #%(Players have #% more Energy Shield Recovery Rate per 25% Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3417757416",
        "text": "陷阱冷却回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate for throwing Traps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1138742368",
        "text": "照亮范围的扩大和缩小也同样作用于效果区域,等于其数值的 #%(Increases and Reductions to Light Radius also apply to Area of Effect at #% of their value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1030835421",
        "text": "每 12 点智慧可使流血持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Bleeding Duration per 12 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2378065031",
        "text": "诅咒技能的施法速度加快 #%(Curse Skills have #% increased Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1488891279",
        "text": "若此武器装备在副手,此武器击中敌人时造成 # 秒的冰缓(Chill Enemies for # second on Hit with this Weapon when in Off Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2814396031",
        "text": "区域内有一个巨人盗贼流放者(Area contains a Gigantic Rogue Exile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2916280114",
        "text": "不会因被压制的法术伤害而眩晕(Cannot be Stunned by Suppressed Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3081076859",
        "text": "全域暴击率每级提高 #%(#% increased Global Critical Strike Chance per Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_282062371",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【领军之将】(1 Added Passive Skill is Strike Leader)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3519807287",
        "text": "对照亮范围的增强与减弱效果也作用于伤害(Increases and Reductions to Light Radius also apply to Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1435838855",
        "text": "人物等级每达到 # 级,镶嵌的技能宝石等级 +1(+1 to Level of Socketed Skill Gems per # Player Levels)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_953449033",
        "text": "每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的魔力回复率总增 #%(Players have #% more Mana Recovery Rate per 25% Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1217730254",
        "text": "你每使敌人受到一种异常状态,它们受到的伤害便提高 #%(Enemies take #% increased Damage for each type of Ailment you have inflicted on them)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3952196842",
        "text": "你的陷阱被敌人触发时回复 # 生命(Recover # Life when your Trap is triggered by an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2074744008",
        "text": "当范围内含有至少 40 点智慧时,若你近期内粉碎被冰冻的敌人,则【冰霜脉冲】伤害提高 #%(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, #% increased Freezing Pulse Damage if\nyou've Shattered an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2098320128",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点智慧,则【冰霜脉冲】额外发射 1 个投射物(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Freezing Pulse fires an additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2589589781",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【闪光理念】(1 Added Passive Skill is Scintillating Idea)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1867426121",
        "text": "近战武器攻击的持续伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier with Melee Weapon Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1454603936",
        "text": "玩家等级每提高 3 级,该武器攻击时便附加 # - # 物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 3 Player Levels)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3079007202",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在使用技能时触发一个插入的法术,它有 8 秒冷却时间\n通过这种方式触发的法术消耗总增 150%(#% chance to Trigger a Socketed Spell on Using a Skill, with a 8 second Cooldown\nSpells Triggered this way have 150% more Cost)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2490898366",
        "text": "地图内的穿越怪物群规模提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_97250660",
        "text": "处于【迷踪】状态时,投射物穿透 1 个额外目标(Projectiles Pierce an additional Target while you have Phasing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_209056835",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在你用该武器攻击时触发一个插入的法术,它有 0.25 秒冷却时间(#% chance to Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Attack with this Weapon, with a 0.25 second Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_648019518",
        "text": "使用时会移除魔力,等同于生命回复值的 #%(Removes #% of Life Recovered from Mana when used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1881314095",
        "text": "与周围队友分享耐力球(Share Endurance Charges with nearby party members)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_129937324",
        "text": "区域内有希鲁斯的崩解风暴(Area contains Sirus' Deatomisation Storms)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3774831856",
        "text": "#% increased Physical Damage with Maces or Sceptres",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_160933750",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,则熔岩奔涌每次连锁的效果区域扩大 #%(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Rolling Magma\nhas #% increased Area of Effect per Chain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1466172118",
        "text": "每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的生命回复率总增 #%(Players have #% more Life Recovery Rate per 25% Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2335364359",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【睚眦必报】(1 Added Passive Skill is Precise Retaliation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_156016608",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点力量,【裂地之击】的角度扩大 #%(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Ground Slam\nhas a #% increased angle)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3585232432",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【规律主宰】(1 Added Passive Skill is Master the Fundamentals)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1301765461",
        "text": "+#% 混沌抗性上限(+#% to maximum Chaos Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2428334013",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【惊怖酷刑】(1 Added Passive Skill is Astonishing Affliction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1506185293",
        "text": "该武器的攻击伤害翻倍(Attacks with this Weapon deal Double Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1109700751",
        "text": "反击技能附加 #-# 冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage to Retaliation Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_630867098",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点敏捷,【弹幕】的第一次和最后一次攻击会附加 1 个额外的投射物(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Barrage fires an additional projectile simultaneously on the first and final attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1088949570",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【忍耐专注】(1 Added Passive Skill is Stoic Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3284469689",
        "text": "近战武器攻击造成的元素异常状态的持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments from Melee Weapon Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1165023334",
        "text": "你的击中无法被闪避(Your hits can't be Evaded)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3410049114",
        "text": "你和周围友军的移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed for you and nearby Allies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3577316952",
        "text": "使用药剂时损失所有被吞噬的灵魂(Lose all Eaten Souls when you use a Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3968454273",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,获得噬魂者(Gain Soul Eater during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2080171093",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2966482502",
        "text": "调整耐力球数量下限的词缀改为调整残暴球数量下限(Modifiers to Minimum Endurance Charges instead apply to Minimum Brutal Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1073384532",
        "text": "你的陷阱被敌人触发时回复 # 能量护盾(Recover # Energy Shield when your Trap is triggered by an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3826977109",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 瘫痪 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Maim)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3133323410",
        "text": "击败流血的敌人时产生爆炸,造成等同其 #% 最大生命的物理伤害(Bleeding Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing #% of\ntheir Maximum Life as Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3738335639",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在敌人触发你的陷阱时获得一个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when your Trap is triggered by an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3710150470",
        "text": "残暴球数量上限等于耐力球数量上限(Maximum Brutal Charges is equal to Maximum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2095084973",
        "text": "无法击退敌人(Cannot Knock Enemies Back)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2306836071",
        "text": "获得残暴球替代耐力球(Gain Brutal Charges instead of Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2822821681",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点敏捷,\n则【虚空匕首】会额外发射 1 个投射物(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Ethereal Knives fires an additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_144887967",
        "text": "陷阱被敌人触发时,有 #% 的几率获得 # 秒迷踪状态(#% chance to gain Phasing for # seconds when your Trap is triggered by an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1643688236",
        "text": "不受燃烧地面影响(Unaffected by Burning Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2783012144",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【呼啸飞箭】(1 Added Passive Skill is Shrieking Bolts)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3192135716",
        "text": "陷阱和地雷击中时,有 #% 的几率使敌人中毒(Traps and Mines have a #% chance to Poison on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_99089516",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 快速投射 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Faster Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4129825612",
        "text": "受到击中物理伤害的 #% 视作混沌伤害(#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_625682777",
        "text": "生效期间受到物理伤害的 #% 视作冰霜伤害(#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2773515950",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【天衣无缝】(1 Added Passive Skill is Second Skin)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3882531569",
        "text": "#% increased Physical Damage with Daggers",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1496043857",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【重装上阵】(1 Added Passive Skill is Replenishing Presence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_706246936",
        "text": "承受投射物的攻击时,护甲提高 #%(#% increased Armour against Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_605218169",
        "text": "近战武器暴击伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Melee Weapon Critical Strike Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3350944114",
        "text": "地图内的惊悸迷雾消散减慢 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2894567787",
        "text": "格挡时喷洒焦油(Spreads Tar when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2224292784",
        "text": "同时可以放置最多 # 个额外陷阱(Can have up to # additional Trap placed at a time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2026112251",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【祭仪领袖】(1 Added Passive Skill is Cult-Leader)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1559361866",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点力量,【裂地之击】在晕眩敌人时有 #% 的几率获得耐力球(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Ground Slam has a #% chance\nto grant an Endurance Charge when you Stun an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3398283493",
        "text": "该武器的攻击穿透 #% 的火焰抗性(Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1546046884",
        "text": "暴击时获得 1 点充能(Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2264523604",
        "text": "技能的保留效果提高 #%(#% increased Reservation of Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3653191834",
        "text": "不受冰缓地面影响(Unaffected by Chilled Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2387539034",
        "text": "该武器的攻击穿透 #% 的闪电抗性(Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1922061483",
        "text": "沙姿态下 +# 闪避值(+# to Evasion Rating while in Sand Stance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3083201633",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使旅行技能的冷却回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Travel Skills per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1722821275",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【巅峰状态】(1 Added Passive Skill is Peak Vigour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_382360671",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【决不妥协】(1 Added Passive Skill is Uncompromising)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3648858570",
        "text": "每个狂怒球附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害(# to # Added Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2818518881",
        "text": "每 10 点智慧会使法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage per 10 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2970307386",
        "text": "反射 # - # 物理伤害给近战攻击者(Reflects # to # Physical Damage to Melee Attackers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1140739168",
        "text": "生效期间,持续伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage Over Time during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3536778624",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【胁迫如山】(1 Added Passive Skill is Towering Threat)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3194864913",
        "text": "范围内生命的增减转换成能量护盾(Increases and Reductions to Life in Radius are Transformed to apply to Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3444629796",
        "text": "在奉献地面上,你身上的诅咒效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Curses on you while on Consecrated Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2758966888",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【不可触及】(1 Added Passive Skill is Untouchable)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3372255769",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【钉刺调和】(1 Added Passive Skill is Spiked Concoction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2103009393",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【冰风暴】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Icestorm Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2150878631",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【末日使者】(1 Added Passive Skill is Endbringer)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_814369372",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【内奸】(1 Added Passive Skill is Provocateur)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2437193018",
        "text": "晕眩时所有攻击伤害造成冰缓(All Attack Damage Chills when you Stun)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3812562802",
        "text": "你偷取生命,数值等同于你的图腾造成伤害的 #%(#% of Damage dealt by your Totems is Leeched to you as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2816901897",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石魔力消耗降低 #%(Socketed Gems have #% reduced Mana Cost)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3607154250",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在击败冻结的敌人时获得一个暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Killing a Frozen Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_550848224",
        "text": "血姿态下每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per Second while in Blood Stance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2067717830",
        "text": "钢铁呼唤反射伤害的效果区域扩大 #%(Call of Steel deals Reflected Damage with #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_402920808",
        "text": "#% increased Physical Damage with Bows",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_660313500",
        "text": "区域在一段时间后变为致命(Area becomes fatal after some time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1731672673",
        "text": "魔蛊反射(Hex Reflection)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2188905761",
        "text": "若你近期内换过姿态,则攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed if you've changed Stance Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_445906009",
        "text": "当你使用旅行技能时,有 #% 的几率失去一个狂怒球(#% chance to lose a Frenzy Charge when you use a Travel Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1005475168",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【横扫千军】(1 Added Passive Skill is Powerful Assault)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3881647885",
        "text": "在范围内至少有 40 点智慧的情况下,枯萎在接下来 # 秒内施加凋零(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Blight inflicts Withered for # seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1367119630",
        "text": "你的魔蛊可以影响无咒的敌人(Your Hexes can affect Hexproof Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1214153650",
        "text": "若你近期内格挡过攻击伤害,则 +#% 法术伤害格挡率(+#% chance to Block Spell Damage if you have Blocked Attack Damage Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2982500944",
        "text": "血姿态下,投射物伤害提高 #%(#% increased Projectile Damage while in Blood Stance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_647983250",
        "text": "若你近期内格挡过法术伤害,攻击伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage if you have Blocked Spell Damage Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_791835907",
        "text": "法术暴击率 +#%(+#% to Spell Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_636370122",
        "text": "获得 # 级贪噬技能(Grants Level # Ravenous Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3914740665",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【鸟之势】(Grants Level # Aspect of the Avian Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2665170385",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【连打带跑】(1 Added Passive Skill is Hit and Run)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2402136583",
        "text": "获得额外混沌伤害, 其数值等同于闪电伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2048970144",
        "text": "召唤生物有 +# 点护甲(Minions have +# to Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1376530950",
        "text": "增加【空明之掌】(Adds Hollow Palm Technique)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3849523464",
        "text": "每装备一件裂界者物品,最大生命 +#(+# to Maximum Life per Elder Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3814876985",
        "text": "暴击时有 #% 的几率获得暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2435922859",
        "text": "封锁前的时间增加 #%(#% increased time before Lockdown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_869436347",
        "text": "图腾使用技能的效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect for Skills used by Totems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3657377047",
        "text": "当你施放一个诅咒法术时,有#% 几率触发插槽诅咒法术,有 0.25 秒的冷却时间(#% chance to Trigger Socketed Curse Spell when you Cast a Curse Spell, with a 0.25 second Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2879593163",
        "text": "钢铁呼唤反射伤害提高 #%(Call of Steel causes #% increased Reflected Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3992439283",
        "text": "若周围有稀有或传奇敌人,则 +#% 基础暴击伤害加成(+#% Critical Strike Multiplier while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2066820199",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【凌虐酷刑】(1 Added Passive Skill is Wasting Affliction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4133552694",
        "text": "每装备一件裂界者物品,非伤害异常状态效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments per Elder Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_109671187",
        "text": "钢铁呼唤使用速度加快 #%(Call of Steel has #% increased Use Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1248507170",
        "text": "劈砍的击中在范围内至少有 40 点力量的情况下提供护体状态(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Hits with Cleave Fortify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1539696482",
        "text": "范围内配置的力量至少 40 点时,周围每个敌人使劈砍范围 +0.1 米,\n最多 +1 米(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Cleave has +0.1 metres to Radius per Nearby\nEnemy, up to a maximum of +1 metre)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1079239905",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的赤炼辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Lifetap)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2917587077",
        "text": "若所有装备均为裂界者物品,使用药剂时移除 1 个异常状态(Remove an Ailment when you use a Flask if all Equipped Items are Elder Items)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_635761691",
        "text": "#% increased Physical Damage with Claws",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_446027070",
        "text": "你打出暴击时有 #% 的几率获得【秘术增强】(#% chance to Gain Arcane Surge when you deal a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1647746883",
        "text": "沙姿态下,效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect while in Sand Stance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2769075491",
        "text": "#% increased Physical Damage with Wands",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1496370423",
        "text": "每个召唤的图腾使你和你的图腾每秒再生 #% 生命(You and your Totems Regenerate #% of Life per second for each Summoned Totem)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2497198283",
        "text": "身上未装备已腐化的物品时,每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per second if no Equipped Items are Corrupted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2217962305",
        "text": "身上未装备已腐化的物品时,最大生命提高 #%(#% increased Maximum Life if no Equipped Items are Corrupted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2915373966",
        "text": "获得额外混沌伤害, 其数值等同于冰霜伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Cold Damage as Extra Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3685214225",
        "text": "每层魔力燃烧使近战武器伤害穿透 #% 元素抗性,最多 200%(Melee Weapon Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances per Mana Burn, up to a maximum of 200%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_721014846",
        "text": "你无法被缓速(You cannot be Hindered)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1055188639",
        "text": "暴击后获得 # 秒的【猛攻】状态(You gain Onslaught for # seconds on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3423006863",
        "text": "箭矢会穿透 1 个额外目标(Arrows Pierce an additional Target)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4164361381",
        "text": "敌人会显示怪物类型(Enemies display their Monster Category)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2251304016",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【崇高之形】(1 Added Passive Skill is Sublime Form)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3448743676",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【魔像技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Golem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_889728548",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【风暴骑手】(1 Added Passive Skill is Stormrider)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1161341806",
        "text": "具有该词缀时,最多可以有 1 个基底词缀(Can have a up to 1 Implicit Modifier while Item has this Modifier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1390285657",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 投射物减速 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Slower Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2257592286",
        "text": "赏金猎人招募费用提高 #%(#% increased Hiring Fee of Rogues)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1309218394",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为内省(1 Added Passive Skill is Introspection)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_607548408",
        "text": "范围内的非核心天赋技能效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of non-Keystone Passive Skills in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3734213780",
        "text": "敌人身上每有 1 个诅咒,法术伤害的 #% 便转化为能量护盾偷取(#% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield for each Curse on Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2627243269",
        "text": "范围内配置的核心天赋技能不会提供任何加成(Notable Passive Skills in Radius grant nothing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1877661946",
        "text": "你身上的神龛效果持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration of Shrine Effects on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_836566759",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【冷血杀手】(1 Added Passive Skill is Cold-Blooded Killer)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_293465345",
        "text": "秘环抽成提高至 #%(The Ring's Cut increased by #%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2904116257",
        "text": "旅行报酬提高 #%(#% increased Travel Fee)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1010340836",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发 1 级创造低等神龛(#% chance to Trigger Level 1 Create Lesser Shrine when you Kill an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_6637015",
        "text": "近战武器击败敌人获得的药剂充能提高 #%(#% increased Flask Charges gained from Kills with Melee Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1740229525",
        "text": "该武器的攻击穿透 #% 的冰霜抗性(Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate #% Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2828673491",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使你每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4004298002",
        "text": "不受腐化地面影响(Unaffected by Desecrated Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1025503586",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点力量,【重击】有 #% 的几率造成双倍伤害(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Heavy Strike has a \n#% chance to deal Double Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2933024469",
        "text": "右戒指栏位:法术的投射物无法分裂(Right ring slot: Projectiles from Spells cannot Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1181501418",
        "text": "+# 最大怒火(+# to Maximum Rage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1818773442",
        "text": "击中和异常状态伤害按照敌人身上每个诅咒提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Curse on Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4294267596",
        "text": "不会受到暴击所造成的额外暴击伤害(Take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_979288792",
        "text": "敌人对你施加的元素异常状态改为附近的友军承受(Enemies inflict Elemental Ailments on you instead of nearby Allies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3784610129",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【黑暗使者】(1 Added Passive Skill is Dark Messenger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2437476305",
        "text": "左戒指栏位:法术的投射物会分裂(Left ring slot: Projectiles from Spells Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_18234720",
        "text": "智慧需求提高 #%(#% increased Intelligence Requirement)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1555918911",
        "text": "右戒指栏位:法术的投射物连锁弹射 # 次(Right ring slot: Projectiles from Spells Chain +# times)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1531241759",
        "text": "不再通过力量获得伤害加成,每 10 点力量会使\n近战物理伤害提高 3%(Strength's Damage Bonus instead grants 3% increased Melee\nPhysical Damage per 10 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_695031402",
        "text": "若范围内有 40 点敏捷,敌人身上的每层中毒会使【毒蛇打击】的击中和中毒伤害提高 #%(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Viper Strike deals #% increased Damage with Hits and Poison for each Poison on the Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_209387074",
        "text": "你击败的敌人会感电(Enemies you kill are Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2532625478",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 武器元素伤害 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Elemental Damage with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3647242059",
        "text": "左戒指栏位:法术的投射物无法连锁弹射(Left ring slot: Projectiles from Spells cannot Chain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_664010431",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【防御老手】(1 Added Passive Skill is Veteran Defender)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_424549222",
        "text": "你造成的感电会扩散给 # 米内的其他敌人(Shocks you inflict spread to other Enemies within # metre)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3569230441",
        "text": "任务经验获取率提高 #%(#% increased Job Experience gain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3751566939",
        "text": "该区域会出现伊恩哈尔\n该区域可能出现可捕获的庄园野兽(Areas contain Einhar\nAreas can contain capturable Harvest Beasts)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2161482953",
        "text": "血时每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per Second while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1752582590",
        "text": "调整暴击球数量下限的词缀改为调整榨取球数量下限(Modifiers to Minimum Power Charges instead apply to Minimum Absorption Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_575111651",
        "text": "格挡时有 #% 的几率使攻击者感电 4 秒(#% chance to Shock Attackers for 4 seconds on Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3612256591",
        "text": "若你近期内使用过火焰技能,则冰霜伤害提高 #%(#% increased Cold Damage if you have used a Fire Skill Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2494027711",
        "text": "榨取球数量上限等于暴击球数量上限(Maximum Absorption Charges is equal to Maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4167600809",
        "text": "若你近期内使用过冰霜技能,则火焰伤害提高 #%(#% increased Fire Damage if you have used a Cold Skill Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2443492284",
        "text": "你造成的点燃的伤害生效速度加快 #%(Ignites you inflict deal Damage #% faster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4125471110",
        "text": "近战击中有 #% 的几率触发 16 级的【熔岩爆破】(#% chance to Trigger Level 16 Molten Burst on Melee Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3826125995",
        "text": "法术的投射物无法穿刺(Projectiles from Spells cannot Pierce)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3035514623",
        "text": "灵体的最大生命提高 #%(Spectres have #% increased maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4288473380",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【野蛮嚎叫】(1 Added Passive Skill is Rattling Bellow)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3462113315",
        "text": "你的【召唤灵体】也会随你一起获得【秘术增强】(Your Raised Spectres also gain Arcane Surge when you do)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2609824731",
        "text": "受到暴击时获得 1 个耐力球(Gain an Endurance Charge when you take a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_269590092",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使攻击速度减慢 #%(#% reduced Attack and Cast Speed per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1379726309",
        "text": "获得榨取球替代暴击球(Gain Absorption Charges instead of Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_979973117",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【惩击】(Grants Level # Smite Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_474452755",
        "text": "无法闪避敌人攻击(Cannot Evade Enemy Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4103111421",
        "text": "每有 # 每秒生命回复来自再生,每秒再生 1 怒火\n不会延迟怒火本身的消逝(Regenerate 1 Rage per second for every # Life Recovery per second from Regeneration\nDoes not delay Inherent Loss of Rage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1696792323",
        "text": "对低血敌人,每个狂怒球使伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge with Hits against Enemies on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_495095219",
        "text": "每个召唤的灵体使法术暴击几率提高 #%(#% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance per Raised Spectre)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3711553948",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【破坏者】(1 Added Passive Skill is Devastator)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3947672598",
        "text": "生命再生不再回复生命(Life Recovery from Regeneration is not applied)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2504709365",
        "text": "周围敌人在物理神盾没有耗尽时被致盲(Nearby Enemies are Blinded while Physical Aegis is not depleted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2316658489",
        "text": "+# 护甲和闪避值(+# to Armour and Evasion Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_864879045",
        "text": "格挡时有 #% 的几率冰缓攻击者 4 秒(#% chance to Chill Attackers for 4 seconds on Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1194648995",
        "text": "冰缓效果和冰冻时长基于你能量护盾的 #% 计算(Chill Effect and Freeze Duration on you are based on #% of Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2654043939",
        "text": "使用瓦尔技能时,获得【猛攻】状态,持续 # 秒(You gain Onslaught for # seconds on using a Vaal Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4169623196",
        "text": "分叉箭矢的暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance with arrows that Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1431402553",
        "text": "每一点怒火使你获得相当于物理伤害 #% 的额外火焰伤害(Every Rage also grants #% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3025453294",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【自制】(1 Added Passive Skill is Self-Control)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2195406641",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【按图索骥】(1 Added Passive Skill is Lead By Example)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2442647190",
        "text": "格挡时回复 #% 生命(Recover #% of Life when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2084371547",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【破坏专家】(1 Added Passive Skill is Expert Sabotage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1904581068",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【力量倍增】(1 Added Passive Skill is Force Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1060540099",
        "text": "使用此武器攻击时,每 10 点力量附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_982290947",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【灵活哨兵】(1 Added Passive Skill is Flexible Sentry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2314111938",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【秘法结界】(1 Added Passive Skill is Mystical Ward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2310019673",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:召唤生物的攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: Minions have #% increased Attack and Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2620656067",
        "text": "物理神盾消散时,暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance while Physical Aegis is depleted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1575046591",
        "text": "不受伤害异常状态影响(Unaffected by Damaging Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2573185638",
        "text": "区域内有伊恩哈尔,流放者猎手(Area contains Einhar, Exilehunter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1819086604",
        "text": "获得【灵巧】有 #% 的几率失去一个暴击球(#% chance to lose a Power Charge when you gain Elusive)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_76848920",
        "text": "元素抗性减少 #%(#% reduced Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3029185248",
        "text": "物理攻击伤害上限总增 #%(#% more Maximum Physical Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3847635614",
        "text": "玩家会受到诸界觉者希鲁斯幽灵的袭击(Players are assaulted by apparitions of Sirus, Awakener of Worlds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3545269928",
        "text": "每个暴击球使你的【灵巧】效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Elusive on you per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2628721358",
        "text": "每个暴击球会提供攻击伤害 #% 的魔力偷取(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Mana per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2968301430",
        "text": "晕眩敌人时获得 # 生命(Gain # Life when you Stun an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_37078857",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【斋戒】(1 Added Passive Skill is Fasting)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2006370586",
        "text": "你攻击的目标会反射 # 物理伤害(Enemies you Attack Reflect # Physical Damage to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1903496649",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【优雅处刑】(1 Added Passive Skill is Graceful Execution)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2390273715",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,【召唤灵体】击败敌人时有 #% 的几率获得 20 秒的噬魂者效果(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Raised Spectres have a #% chance to gain Soul Eater for 20 seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1715495976",
        "text": "物理攻击伤害下限总降 #%(#% less Minimum Physical Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2253286128",
        "text": "低血时,法术伤害格挡几率额外 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_232331266",
        "text": "物理神盾消散时,攻击和施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Cast Speed while Physical Aegis is depleted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2988055461",
        "text": "调整爪类攻击速度的词缀也作用于近战技能的徒手攻击速度(Modifiers to Claw Attack Speed also apply to Unarmed Attack Speed with Melee Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3629143471",
        "text": "你在满血时,敌人击中你的伤害会特别不幸(Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1892084828",
        "text": "装备时触发 # 级物理神盾(Triggers Level # Physical Aegis when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1163758055",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点力量,【熔岩之击】的范围扩大 #%(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Molten Strike has #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2845889407",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点力量,【熔岩之击】会额外发射 1 个投射物(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Molten Strike fires an additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2238831336",
        "text": "你的狂怒球数量上限等于你的暴击球数量上限(Your Maximum Frenzy Charges is equal to your Maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_324460247",
        "text": "有 #% 几率击中时使敌人被灰烬缠身。(#% chance to Cover Enemies in Ash on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2134141047",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【活力专注】(1 Added Passive Skill is Vital Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_52953650",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【嫉妒】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Envy Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2350668735",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为无常姿态(1 Added Passive Skill is Volatile Presence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_943960754",
        "text": "玩家的防御属性总增 #%(Players have #% more Defences)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1260233365",
        "text": "地图内有 #% 的几率有一个额外神龛",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_552705983",
        "text": "范围内每配置 1 点力量,便获得 # 点力量(# Strength per 1 Strength on Allocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2865232420",
        "text": "调整爪类伤害的词缀也作用于近战技能的攻击伤害(Modifiers to Claw Damage also apply to Unarmed Attack Damage with Melee Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1471600638",
        "text": "插入的诅咒宝石的保留效能提高 #%(Socketed Curse Gems have #% increased Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3613173483",
        "text": "徒手近战攻击暴击率 +#%(+#% to Unarmed Melee Attack Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_373964381",
        "text": "心灵升华(Mind Over Matter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3111456397",
        "text": "+# 灵体最大生命(+# to Spectre maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3188291252",
        "text": "击败感电敌人后物品稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Shocked Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_573223427",
        "text": "你击败敌人时有 #% 的几率获得【秘术增强】(#% chance to gain Arcane Surge when you Kill an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_693808153",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【千里冰封】(1 Added Passive Skill is Blast-Freeze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4095169720",
        "text": "投射物攻击技能的暴击率提高 #%(Projectile Attack Skills have #% increased Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1438488526",
        "text": "你每有 100 点敏捷,周围友军获得 +#% 暴击伤害加成(Nearby Allies have +#% to Critical Strike Multiplier per 100 Dexterity you have)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_307410279",
        "text": "在生命不满时使用则在 10 秒内额外恢复生命,等于生命药剂恢复量的 #%(Recover an additional #% of Flask's Life Recovery Amount over 10 seconds if used while not on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_531932482",
        "text": "调整爪类暴击率的词缀也作用于近战技能的徒手暴击率(Modifiers to Claw Critical Strike Chance also apply to Unarmed Critical Strike Chance with Melee Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2919181457",
        "text": "所有怪物的伤害都可以点燃、冰冻和感电(All Monster Damage can Ignite, Freeze and Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2813626504",
        "text": "法术有  #% 的几率造成双倍伤害(Spells have a #% chance to deal Double Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1212083058",
        "text": "技能的魔力保留效能按照每 250 点总属性提高 #%(#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills per 250 total Attributes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3565558422",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点力量,\n则【冰霜之锤】会对周围敌人造成冰霜伤害(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Glacial Hammer deals\nCold-only Splash Damage to surrounding targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2373999301",
        "text": "你每有 100 点智慧,周围友军的施法速度便提高 #%(Nearby Allies have #% increased Cast Speed per 100 Intelligence you have)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2168861013",
        "text": "有#%的几率使攻击你的敌人冰冻1秒(#% chance to Freeze Enemies for 1 second when they Hit you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3738331820",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点力量,\n则【冰霜之锤】#% 的物理伤害会转化为冰霜伤害(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, #% of Glacial\nHammer Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2886998024",
        "text": "红色插槽内的技能石 +# 等级(Gems Socketed in Red Sockets have +# to Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3206652215",
        "text": "+#% 的几率被感电(+#% chance to be Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4294344579",
        "text": "敌人身上每有一个诅咒,附加#-#点混沌伤害(Adds # to # Chaos Damage for each Curse on the Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_899329924",
        "text": "技能石可以无视此物品上的插槽颜色(Gems can be Socketed in this Item ignoring Socket Colour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2994477068",
        "text": "被击中时,你失去所有的耐力球(You lose all Endurance Charges when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3714207489",
        "text": "被击中时,每个耐力球使你获得 # 秒的【猛攻】状态(You gain Onslaught for # second per Endurance Charge when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2236460050",
        "text": "蓝色插槽内的技能石获得的经验提高 #%(Gems Socketed in Blue Sockets gain #% increased Experience)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2878779644",
        "option": {
            "options": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "text": "恐喙鸟(Rhoa)"
                    "id": 2,
                    "text": "熊(Ursa)"
                    "id": 3,
                    "text": "蛇(Snake)"
        "text": "获得20级的召唤兽 # 技能(Grants Level 20 Summon Bestial # Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_957679205",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【先祖回音】(1 Added Passive Skill is Ancestral Echo)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3799930101",
        "text": "绿色插槽内的技能石 +#% 品质(Gems Socketed in Green Sockets have +#% to Quality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2064503808",
        "text": "击败敌人时,你获得 1 颗耐力球(You gain an Endurance Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4092697134",
        "text": "钢铁意志(Iron Will)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_943553365",
        "text": "每个召唤的幻灵都给你【幽影之力】(Each Summoned Phantasm grants you Phantasmal Might)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2388574377",
        "text": "法术伤害格挡几率额外 +#%(+#% to maximum Chance to Block Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2752993899",
        "text": "区域内有 # 个额外的蛙群(Area contains # additional packs of Frog)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2201614328",
        "text": "近期被击中使你每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second if you have been Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1556625719",
        "text": "每个被暴击的敌人给予你 1 个暴击球(Gain a Power Charge for each Enemy you hit with a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1064778484",
        "text": "可穿透敌人的箭矢获得 +#% 暴击伤害加成(Arrows that Pierce have +#% to Critical Strike Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_235847153",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点敏捷,【毒蛇打击】每次造成中毒时有 #% 的几率获得 4 秒不洁之力(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Viper Strike has a #% chance per Poison on Enemy to grant Unholy Might for 4 seconds on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2574337583",
        "text": "护甲值按照每 50 点保留魔力提高 #%(#% increased Armour per 50 Reserved Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1599775597",
        "text": "获得额外混沌伤害, 其数值等同于火焰伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2138799639",
        "text": "箭矢在分叉后贯穿所有目标(Arrows Pierce all Targets after Forking)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3967845372",
        "text": "击中时对敌人附加脆弱诅咒。(Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1569101201",
        "text": "增助攻击的伤害提高 #%(Exerted Attacks deal #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1101250813",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【高枕无忧】(1 Added Passive Skill is Set and Forget)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_93696421",
        "text": "每 450 点闪避值可使攻击伤害提高 #%(#% increased Attack Damage per 450 Evasion Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_121185030",
        "text": "击败传奇敌人的掉落物品稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items found from Slain Unique Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3587013273",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 物品稀有度增幅 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Item Rarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3682009780",
        "text": "当幻化守卫击败一个敌人时,有 #% 的几率触发 20 级的【幻化守卫武器】(#% chance to Trigger Level 20 Animate Guardian's Weapon when Animated Guardian Kills an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1866211373",
        "text": "生效期间产生的奉献地面使敌人受到的伤害提高 #%(Consecrated Ground created during Effect applies #% increased Damage taken to Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1417394145",
        "text": "魔像附加#-#点物理攻击伤害(Golems have # to # Added Attack Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_984774803",
        "text": "格挡几率特别不幸(Chance to Block is Unlucky)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3591112611",
        "text": "格挡时触发一个镶嵌的元素法术,冷却时间 # 秒(Trigger a Socketed Elemental Spell on Block, with a # second Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3270788481",
        "text": "稀有和传奇怪物击中时玩家及其召唤生物时移除 #% 的生命、魔力和能量护盾(Rare and Unique Monsters remove #% of Life, Mana and Energy Shield from Players or their Minions on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_806698863",
        "text": "该药剂产生三倍范围的奉献地面(Consecrated Ground created by this Flask has Tripled Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3384291300",
        "text": "在召唤魔像后的 8 秒内伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage if you Summoned a Golem in the past 8 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2869193493",
        "text": "魔像在召唤后的 8 秒内伤害提高 #%(Golems Summoned in the past 8 seconds deal #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2745149002",
        "text": "被你瘫痪的敌人受到的持续伤害提高 #%(Enemies Maimed by you take #% increased Damage Over Time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3630426972",
        "text": "召唤的魔像转为【侵略】(Summoned Golems are Aggressive)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1266553505",
        "text": "你幻化的武器将额外复制 1 把(Weapons you Animate create an additional copy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4054656914",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【恶毒守卫】(1 Added Passive Skill is Vicious Guard)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2410501331",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【活力振奋】(1 Added Passive Skill is Surging Vitality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_849085925",
        "text": "被你冰冻的敌人受到的伤害提高 20%(Enemies Frozen by you take 20% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1647529598",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 附加闪电伤害 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Added Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_478698670",
        "text": "幻化召唤生物的近战攻击对周围目标造成的溅射伤害总降 #%(Animated Minions' Melee Attacks deal #% less Splash Damage to surrounding targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4216282855",
        "text": "被你致盲的敌人的暴击率提高 #%(Enemies Blinded by you have #% increased Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_759294825",
        "text": "每把幻化武器可使幻化守卫的伤害提高 #%(Animated Guardian deals #% increased Damage per Animated Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_91242932",
        "text": "幻化类召唤生物的近战攻击会对对周围目标造成溅射伤害(Animated Minions' Melee Attacks deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_314741699",
        "text": "周围有稀有或传奇敌人时,攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1750735210",
        "text": "魔像的最大生命提高 #%(Golems have #% increased Maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3150705301",
        "text": "#% increased Physical Damage with Staves",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1741700339",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【天雷轰顶】(1 Added Passive Skill is Thunderstruck)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_448903047",
        "text": "战斗法师(Battlemage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_632768824",
        "text": "该区域内有奇塔弗的信徒(Area is inhabited by Kitava's Heralds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2957407601",
        "text": "奉献技能的持续时间提高 #%(Offering Skills have #% increased Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_9187492",
        "text": "所有近战技能宝石等级提高 +#(+# to Level of all Melee Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1220105149",
        "text": "你无法拥有非幻化类召唤生物(You cannot have non-Animated Minions)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_919960234",
        "text": "当幻化武器击败一个敌人时,有 #% 的几率触发 18 级的【幻化守卫武器】(#% chance to Trigger Level 18 Animate Guardian's Weapon when Animated Weapon Kills an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2710292678",
        "text": "击中获得怒火时,有 #% 改为获得最大怒火(#% chance that if you would gain Rage on Hit, you instead gain up to your maximum Rage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2961372685",
        "text": "Recharges # Charge when you deal a Critical Strike",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1085545682",
        "text": "若你近期内造成过暴击,则获得【提速尾流】(You have Tailwind if you have dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_230941555",
        "text": "你可以拥有每种奉献各一个(You can have an Offering of each type)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4126447694",
        "text": "对施法速度的提高与降低也作用于攻击速度(Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed apply to Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2831922878",
        "text": "若你近期内使用过位移技能,则攻击和施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've used a Movement Skill Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_414991155",
        "text": "幻化武器时间总降 #%(#% less Animate Weapon Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_536929014",
        "text": "若你近期内有击碎敌人,则 +#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've Shattered an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3251705960",
        "text": "生效期间,找到的物品稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items found during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4116409626",
        "text": "每个暴击球使攻击技能的元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2771016039",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,投射物攻击伤害提高 #%(#% increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1200678966",
        "text": "装备箭袋获得的加成提高 #%(#% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Quiver)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2212731469",
        "text": "每装备一件裂界者物品,异常状态的持续伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Ailments per Elder Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3294884567",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【先祖降临】(1 Added Passive Skill is Ancestral Reach)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3127641775",
        "text": "你使用的药剂可以用于复苏的魔卫和幽魂(Flasks you Use apply to your Raised Zombies and Spectres)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2608615082",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 魔力偷取 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Mana Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1424305790",
        "text": "调整狂怒球数量下限词缀改为调整痛苦球数量下限(Modifiers to Minimum Frenzy Charges instead apply to Minimum Affliction Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3134513219",
        "text": "燃烧伤害总增 #%(#% more Burning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1499057234",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【战场主宰】(1 Added Passive Skill is Battlefield Dominator)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2100165275",
        "text": "时空锁链以光环形式施放时没有保留效果(Temporal Chains has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3003321700",
        "text": "你不能获得药剂效果(Flasks do not apply to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2681416653",
        "text": "该区域会额外出现多波幻灵(Area contains additional waves of Phantasms)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4210011075",
        "text": "混沌抗性按照每个耐力球 +#%(+#% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_635485889",
        "text": "技能的生命保留效能提高 #%(#% increased Life Reservation Efficiency of Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_115695112",
        "text": "元素技能造成三倍伤害(Deal Triple Damage with Elemental Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2522975315",
        "text": "达到狂怒球数量上限时失去所有狂怒球,并使你下次施放的弓类攻击发射相同数量的额外箭矢(Lose all Frenzy Charges on reaching Maximum Frenzy Charges to make the next Bow Attack you perform fire that many additional Arrows)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2210267337",
        "text": "该区域会额外出现多波枯骨恐喙鸟(Area contains additional waves of Bone Rhoas)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1302845655",
        "text": "每个被你用暴击击中的敌人都使你有 #% 的几率获得一个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge for each Enemy you hit with a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1013470938",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【疾雨摧花】(1 Added Passive Skill is Deadly Repartee)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4227567885",
        "text": "若你近期内或你的召唤生物击败过敌人,则召唤生物攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Minions have #% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you or your Minions have Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3375516056",
        "text": "全局暴击伤害加成在你有狂怒球的情况下 +#%(+#% Global Critical Strike Multiplier while you have a Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1103333624",
        "text": "近战武器击中施加 # 层死亡凋零减益,持续 2 秒(Melee Weapon Hits Inflict # Withered Debuffs for 2 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2205982416",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【侧舷炮】(1 Added Passive Skill is Broadside)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3839688967",
        "text": "每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的闪电抗性 +#%(+#% Player Lightning Resistance per 25% Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1698276268",
        "text": "连锁的投射物将 #% 非混沌伤害作为其额外混沌伤害(Projectiles that have Chained gain #% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_38715141",
        "text": "召唤愤怒狂灵的持续时间延长 #%(Summon Raging Spirit has #% increased Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1602173343",
        "text": "获得痛苦球替代狂怒球(Gain Affliction Charges instead of Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3188455409",
        "text": "每秒再生 #% 魔力(Regenerate #% of Mana per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4261620841",
        "text": "该区域会额外出现多波奥瑞亚魔卫(Area contains additional waves of Oriathan Zombies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_154272030",
        "text": "每种影响你的【深渊珠宝】可使伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage for each type of Abyss Jewel affecting you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2817027713",
        "text": "痛苦球数量上限等于狂怒球数量上限(Maximum Affliction Charges is equal to Maximum Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_482967934",
        "text": "法术伤害压制率按照每个狂怒球 +#%(+#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2195518432",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【无中生有】(1 Added Passive Skill is Energy From Naught)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3285400610",
        "text": "盾牌上每有 10 点最大能量护盾都使副手暴击率 +#%(+#% to Off Hand Critical Strike Chance per 10 Maximum Energy Shield on Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3397728378",
        "text": "该区域会额外出现多波鬼魂(Area contains additional waves of Ghosts)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3151397056",
        "text": "你受到的猛攻效果增强 #%(#% increased Effect of Onslaught on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2290031712",
        "text": "力量不对最大生命提供加成(Strength provides no bonus to Maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1916706958",
        "text": "施法时有 #% 的几率无视眩晕(#% chance to Ignore Stuns while Casting)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2724985127",
        "text": "该区域会额外出现多波魔卫(Area contains additional waves of Zombies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1973890509",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发 20 级的【幻化武器】(#% chance to Trigger Level 20 Animate Weapon on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2481080006",
        "text": "该区域会额外出现多波劫掠之喉(Area contains additional waves of Ravager Maws)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_769468514",
        "text": "装备斧类武器时,每一点怒火还会使流血的持续伤害加成 +#%(Each Rage also grants +#% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding while wielding an Axe)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3999870307",
        "text": "愤怒狂灵的最大生命提高 #%(Summoned Raging Spirits have #% increased maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2916448124",
        "text": "每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的冰霜抗性 +#%(+#% Player Cold Resistance per 25% Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_240790947",
        "text": "盾牌上每有 10 点最大能量护盾都使副手暴击伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Off Hand Critical Strike Multiplier per 10 Maximum Energy Shield on Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_77045106",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【先祖教化】(1 Added Passive Skill is Ancestral Inspiration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_19313391",
        "text": "近战武器击中时有 #% 的几率施加一层缓速藤蔓(#% chance to inflict a Grasping Vine on Melee Weapon Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2428064388",
        "text": "近战武器击中满血敌人时使其灰烬缠身,持续 # 秒(Cover Full Life Enemies in Ash for # seconds on Melee Weapon Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3828613551",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【技能石】品质 +#%(+#% to Quality of Socketed Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1318683911",
        "text": "每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的火焰抗性 +#%(+#% Player Fire Resistance per 25% Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2118664144",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【法师猎人】(1 Added Passive Skill is Mage Hunter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4120556534",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【空气力学】(1 Added Passive Skill is Aerodynamics)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1217959763",
        "text": "该区域会额外出现多波愤怒狂灵(Area contains additional waves of Raging Spirits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2609768284",
        "text": "区域内有许多【瓦尔生物】(Area is inhabited by the Vaal)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_797833282",
        "text": "召唤生物造成 # 到 # 点额外物理攻击伤害(Minions deal # to # additional Attack Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3304203764",
        "text": "有+#%的几率格挡被诅咒的敌人的攻击伤害(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage from Cursed Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1195849808",
        "text": "击败敌人时获得 # 秒【猛攻】状态(You gain Onslaught for # seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3265951306",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 火焰穿透 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Fire Penetration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2913235441",
        "text": "当你击败稀有怪物时,会获得该怪物属性修正 60 秒(When you Kill a Rare monster, you gain its Modifiers for 60 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3898572660",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【神圣征服】(1 Added Passive Skill is Holy Conquest)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4272503233",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【瘫痪】(1 Added Passive Skill is Paralysis)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1483305963",
        "text": "每层魔力燃烧使受到的击中火焰伤害 +#(+# Fire Damage taken from Hits per Mana Burn)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_881836292",
        "text": "怪物有 +#% 的几率格挡攻击伤害(Monsters have +#% Chance to Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1070347065",
        "text": "范围内每配置 1 点智慧,便获得 # 点智慧(# Intelligence per 1 Intelligence on Allocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2137878565",
        "text": "击中伤害对稀有怪物提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits against Rare monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3910961021",
        "text": "【寒冰之捷】的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Herald of Ice Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1063920218",
        "text": "愤怒狂灵每秒受到等同于最大生命 #% 的混沌伤害(Summoned Raging Spirits take #% of their Maximum Life per second as Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2208857094",
        "text": "已被诅咒的敌人有 #% 的几率被击中后中毒(#% chance to Poison on Hit against Cursed Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_736847554",
        "text": "图腾发射 # 个额外投射物(Totems fire # additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_436406826",
        "text": "玩家击败稀有或传奇怪物后\n被打上死亡印记,持续 # 秒(Players are Marked for Death for # seconds\nafter killing a Rare or Unique monster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1085167979",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【大雪漫天】(1 Added Passive Skill is Blanketed Snow)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_769192511",
        "text": "你在天赋树上连接到一个职业的出发位置时,你获得:\n野蛮人:近战技能效果区域扩大 #%\n决斗者:攻击伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取\n游侠:移动速度加快 #%\n暗影:暴击率+#%\n女巫:每秒再生 #% 的魔力\n圣堂武僧:伤害穿透 #% 元素抗性\n贵族:全属性 +#(While your Passive Skill Tree connects to a class' starting location, you gain:\nMarauder: Melee Skills have #% increased Area of Effect\nDuelist: #% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life\nRanger: #% increased Movement Speed\nShadow: +#% to Critical Strike Chance\nWitch: #% of Mana Regenerated per second\nTemplar: Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances\nScion: +# to All Attributes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_828179689",
        "text": "冰缓效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Chill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1239251576",
        "text": "警报等级一满便立刻触发封锁(Lockdown occurs immediately when Alert Level is full)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4091848539",
        "text": "格挡后的近期内 +# 护甲(+# Armour if you've Blocked Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1039536123",
        "text": "近战打击技能对周围目标造成溅射伤害,其效果范围缩小 #%(Melee Strike Skills deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets, with #% reduced Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1840985759",
        "text": "攻击技能的效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect for Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3651611160",
        "text": "嘲讽持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Taunt Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_325437053",
        "text": "地雷可以被额外触发 1 次(Mines can be Detonated an additional time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4204954479",
        "text": "魔力回复会在效果结束时立即开始(Mana Recovery occurs instantly at the end of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1330482101",
        "text": "近战武器击中敌人时对你造成魔力燃烧(Inflicts Mana Burn on you when you Hit an Enemy with a Melee Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_347328113",
        "text": "击败每个感电的敌人回复 +# 能量护盾(+# Energy Shield gained on Killing a Shocked Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4102870672",
        "text": "玩家使用药剂时有 #% 的几率成为陨石的目标(Players have #% chance to be targeted by a Meteor when they use a Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3226452989",
        "text": "每层魔力燃烧使物品稀有度提高 #%,最多 100%(#% increased Rarity of Items found per Mana Burn, up to a maximum of 100%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_802532569",
        "text": "近战武器攻击具有终结效果(Melee Weapon Attacks have Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_204458505",
        "text": "抵御敌人击中时有 #% 的几率将元素抗性视作 90%(#% chance for Elemental Resistances to count as being 90% against Enemy Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_172076472",
        "text": "范围内每配置 1 点敏捷,便获得 # 点敏捷(# Dexterity per 1 Dexterity on Allocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2477735984",
        "text": "#% 的闪电伤害优先从魔力中扣除(#% of Lightning Damage is taken from Mana before Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4091369450",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,近战伤害提高 #%(#% increased Melee Damage during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1686969928",
        "text": "不会持续造成魔力燃烧(Does not inflict Mana Burn over time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3748879662",
        "text": "被击中时有 #% 的几率让敌人受到【灰烬缠身】(#% chance to cover Enemies in Ash when they Hit you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_906997920",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的钢铁意志辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Iron Will)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4102318278",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【蟹之势】(Grants Level # Aspect of the Crab Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_93054948",
        "text": "近战武器击中有 #% 的几率刷新点燃的持续时间(#% chance to refresh Ignite Duration on Melee Weapon Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1038955006",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【屠龙猎手】(1 Added Passive Skill is Dragon Hunter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1749783861",
        "text": "获得 # 级的【疯狂之拥】技能(Grants Level # Embrace Madness Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2244243943",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【千斤坠】(1 Added Passive Skill is Weight Advantage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4170725899",
        "text": "枯萎技能会使干扰持续时间延长 #%(Blight has #% increased Hinder Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1386792919",
        "text": "用该武器击中时使敌人感电,如同伤害总增 #%(Hits with this Weapon Shock Enemies as though dealing #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3088991881",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,则【召唤魔侍】技能可以召唤最多 # 个魔侍法师(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Summon Skeletons can Summon up to # Skeleton Mages)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4263540840",
        "text": "左戒指栏位:你无法充能和再生能量护盾(Left ring slot: You cannot Recharge or Regenerate Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3274270612",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【传令者】(1 Added Passive Skill is Heraldry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4222635921",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【凶蛮回荡】(1 Added Passive Skill is Savage Response)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2946222246",
        "text": "无旅行费用(No Travel Cost)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1932583315",
        "text": "召唤生物的药剂效果持续时间提高 #%(Minions have #% increased Flask Effect Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_56720831",
        "text": "增加【苦难秘辛】(Adds Secrets of Suffering)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4222265138",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【独断宣言】(1 Added Passive Skill is Assert Dominance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_679194784",
        "text": "在主手时,每 # 力量提高 1% 伤害(1% increased Damage per # Strength when in Main Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1663239249",
        "text": "每 5 秒触发 # 级的【骸骨奉献】、【血肉奉献】或【灵魂奉献】\n以此种方式触发的奉献技能也会影响你(Trigger Level # Bone Offering, Flesh Offering or Spirit Offering every 5 seconds\nOffering Skills Triggered this way also affect you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3676958605",
        "text": "右戒指栏位:每秒再生 #% 能量护盾(Right ring slot: Regenerate #% of Energy Shield per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1054904554",
        "text": "你的地图中的保险箱包含物品的数量增加#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_783864527",
        "text": "右戒指栏位:你无法再生魔力(Right ring slot: You cannot Regenerate Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_940684417",
        "text": "插槽中的猛击宝石受 25 级裂地之灵辅助(Socketed Slam Gems are Supported by Level 25 Earthbreaker)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1200027417",
        "text": "怪物受到的减益效果消减速度加快 #%(Debuffs on Monsters expire #% faster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1777139212",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【腐蚀元素】(1 Added Passive Skill is Corrosive Elements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3914638685",
        "text": "若你近期内击败过敌人,则暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance if you have Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_737702863",
        "text": "范围内未配置的小天赋点技能会提供任何加成(Grants all bonuses of Unallocated Small Passive Skills in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1706239920",
        "text": "稀有怪物有 #% 的几率有一个无常之核(Rare Monsters have #% chance to have a Volatile Core)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2192181096",
        "text": "在副手时,每 # 力量提高 1% 护甲(1% increased Armour per # Strength when in Off Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1926135629",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:+#% 暴击伤害加成(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: +#% to Critical Strike Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3241234878",
        "text": "左戒指栏位:每秒再生 # 魔力(Left ring slot: Regenerate # Mana per Second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1209807941",
        "text": "提供 # 级鲜血渴求技能(Grants Level # Thirst for Blood Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_417509375",
        "text": "右戒指栏位:+# 最大魔力(Right ring slot: +# to maximum Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1289910726",
        "text": "插入的技能石附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(Socketed Gems deal # to # Added Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2937093415",
        "text": "被你的战吼嘲讽的敌人有 #% 的几率在击败时爆炸,造成其 8% 最大生命的混沌伤害(Enemies Taunted by your Warcries have #% chance to Explode on death, dealing 8% of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_684268017",
        "text": "战吼技能的冷却时间为 4秒(Warcry Skills' Cooldown Time is 4 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3218891195",
        "text": "被诅咒时法术伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage while Cursed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3619054484",
        "text": "未被诅咒时攻击伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while not Cursed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1173027373",
        "text": "至少有 400 点力量时,每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second with at least 400 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1603263120",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪遭遇战最后一轮包含一个首领的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2238019079",
        "text": "周围有稀有或传奇敌人时,每秒再生 # 能量护盾(Regenerate # Energy Shield per second while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1237693206",
        "text": "中毒持续时间总降 #%(#% less Poison Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2815652613",
        "text": "当你获得【火之化身】时,暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance while you have Avatar of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_325204898",
        "text": "范围内配置的小天赋点技能不会提供任何加成(Allocated Small Passive Skills in Radius grant nothing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_180240697",
        "text": "召唤生物的药剂充能消耗减少 #%(Minions have #% reduced Flask Charges used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2337273077",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【由死复生】(1 Added Passive Skill is Life from Death)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1198418726",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能枯萎,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Blight Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2896192589",
        "text": "暴击时有 #% 的几率获得【灵巧】(#% chance to gain Elusive on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2223307291",
        "text": "对敌人造成相当于伤害总增 #% 的冰缓效果(Chill Enemies as though dealing #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4164870816",
        "text": "每个暴击球 +#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3549734978",
        "text": "周围敌人的闪电抗性等同于你(Nearby Enemies have Lightning Resistance equal to yours)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1862097882",
        "text": "灵体的暴击率提高 #%(Spectres have #% increased Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1210937073",
        "text": "灵体的基础持续时间为 # 秒\n灵体无法在区域之间转移(Spectres have a Base Duration of # seconds\nSpectres do not travel between Areas)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_262301496",
        "text": "【召唤灵体】的魔力消耗降低 #%(#% reduced Mana Cost of Raise Spectre)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2865989731",
        "text": "范围内每配置 # 点智慧,最大生命提高 1 点(Adds 1 to Maximum Life per # Intelligence Allocated in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2134207902",
        "text": "被击中受到闪电伤害时也套用护甲值(Armour also applies to Lightning Damage taken from Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1364858171",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【崇高感】(1 Added Passive Skill is Sublime Sensation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1023968711",
        "text": "用该武器击中时,获得额外冰霜或闪电伤害,等于物理伤害的 #%(Hits with this Weapon gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold or Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_773846741",
        "text": "利用魔蛊技能对你诅咒的敌人造成腐蚀效果,每秒造成#点混沌伤害,持续8秒(Inflict Decay on Enemies you Curse with Hex Skills, dealing # Chaos Damage per Second for 8 Seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2075742842",
        "text": "不造成非闪电伤害(Deal no Non-Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1827636152",
        "text": "召唤生物在召唤时使用你的药剂(Your Minions use your Flasks when summoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2583415204",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使流血 +#% 持续伤害加成(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1091613629",
        "text": "击败稀有或者传奇敌人时,获得【塑界者姿态】,持续 10 秒(Gain Shaper's Presence for 10 seconds when you kill a Rare or Unique Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2262034536",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【欢欣预兆】(1 Added Passive Skill is Invigorating Portents)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3999959974",
        "text": "闪电抗性不对受到的闪电伤害生效(Lightning Resistance does not affect Lightning Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1670470989",
        "text": "每个狂怒球都使你施加的流血伤害生效速度加快 #%(Bleeding you inflict deals Damage #% faster per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1816894864",
        "text": "被你的击中冰缓的敌人受到的伤害提高,效果相当于冰缓效果(Enemies Chilled by your Hits have Damage taken increased by Chill Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1527893390",
        "text": "用该武器击中时,触发 # 级的【闪电传送】(Trigger Level # Lightning Warp on Hit with this Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1497601437",
        "text": "左戒指栏位:+# 最大能量护盾(Left ring slot: +# to maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2761538350",
        "text": "你具有次级狂击神龛效果(You have Lesser Brutal Shrine Buff)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2582360791",
        "text": "范围内每配置 10 点智慧,混沌伤害提高 #%(#% increased Chaos Damage per 10 Intelligence from Allocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3779398176",
        "text": "你具有次级威猛神龛效果(You have Lesser Massive Shrine Buff)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2052379536",
        "text": "当你获得【火之化身】时,#% 的物理伤害转换为火焰伤害(#% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire while you have Avatar of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3345955207",
        "text": "每 8 秒获得一次【火之化身】,持续 4 秒(Every 8 seconds, gain Avatar of Fire for 4 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4078952782",
        "text": "当你没有获得【火之化身】时,+# 护甲(+# Armour while you do not have Avatar of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_598215770",
        "text": "周围队友的耐力球数量上限和你的一样(Your nearby party members maximum Endurance Charges is equal to yours)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3603695769",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【折回冲刺】(1 Added Passive Skill is Spring Back)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3709982550",
        "text": "区域包含石化雕像(Area contains Petrification Statues)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_911695185",
        "text": "近距离暴击有 #% 的几率获得一个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Critical Strike at Close Range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_547412107",
        "text": "瓦尔技能持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Vaal Skill Effect Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_824024007",
        "text": "你的暴击伤害加成为 300%(Your Critical Strike Multiplier is 300%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2643613764",
        "text": "被诅咒的敌人无法对你施加元素异常状态(Cursed Enemies cannot inflict Elemental Ailments on You)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_406887685",
        "text": "持握剑类时 +# 最大怒火(+# to Maximum Rage while wielding a Sword)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4080206249",
        "text": "当你受到暴击时获得最大数量的耐力球(Gain up to maximum Endurance Charges when you take a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_393565679",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【奥术专家】(1 Added Passive Skill is Arcane Adept)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2913581789",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【精确专注】(1 Added Passive Skill is Precise Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_886366428",
        "text": "每装备一个魔法物品,伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage for each Magic Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3597806437",
        "text": "空手时法术附加 # - # 基础闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells while Unarmed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3467711950",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【肿胀灵柩】(1 Added Passive Skill is Hulking Corpses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3737604164",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【旧神启迪】(1 Added Passive Skill is Eldritch Inspiration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3609345433",
        "text": "玩家击败稀有怪物时有 #% 的几率获得其属性修正,持续 20 秒(Players have #% chance to gain Rare Monster Modifiers for 20 seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3539175001",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【品味片刻】(1 Added Passive Skill is Savour the Moment)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_699122342",
        "text": "地图内的战乱之殇遭遇战持续时间延长 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_394918362",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【万象之力】(1 Added Passive Skill is Expansive Might)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_611839381",
        "text": "左戒指栏里有魔法戒指时,不会承受暴击的额外伤害(Take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes if you have a Magic Ring in left slot)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_426715778",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【持久印象】(1 Added Passive Skill is Lasting Impression)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3703926412",
        "text": "击中和异常状态造成的火焰伤害对流血的敌人提高 #%(#% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_770408103",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【罪恶滔天】(1 Added Passive Skill is Overwhelming Malice)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_968069586",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【开凿】(1 Added Passive Skill is Chip Away)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1462364052",
        "text": "在生命不满时使用可以缓速周围敌人,使它们的移动速度减慢 #%(Hinders nearby Enemies with #% reduced Movement Speed if used while not on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3358745905",
        "text": "攻击消耗生命而非魔力(Attacks Cost Life instead of Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3835522656",
        "text": "徒手近战击中时附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Unarmed Melee Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2510276385",
        "text": "你装备魔法戒指时,敌人击中你的伤害会特别不幸(Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you have a Magic Ring Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_99487834",
        "text": "你的技能对你造成物理伤害,等于预支技能魔力消耗的 #%(Your Skills deal you #% of Mana Spent on Upfront Skill Mana Costs as Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4281625943",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【趁机发难】(1 Added Passive Skill is Opportunistic Fusilade)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1903097619",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:物理技能的攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Physical Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1612414696",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【还击】(1 Added Passive Skill is Blowback)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_165884462",
        "text": "若你的右戒指栏装备有魔法戒指,则你具有无咒效果(You are Hexproof if you have a Magic Ring in right slot)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3375415245",
        "text": "击中和异常状态造成的物理伤害对被点燃的敌人提高 #%(#% increased Physical Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4039124672",
        "text": "玩家近期每使用过一个技能,技能消耗提高 #%(Players have #% increased Cost of Skills for each Skill they've used Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_715786975",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【心灵枯竭】(1 Added Passive Skill is Sap Psyche)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2350900742",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【宏伟计划】(1 Added Passive Skill is Grand Design)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2337295272",
        "text": "若你近期内击中敌人,则召唤生物的伤害提高 #%(Minions deal #% increased Damage if you've Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1433144735",
        "text": "提高或降低召唤生物伤害的效果也作用于你自身,等于其数值的 150%(Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect you at 150% of their value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3408048164",
        "text": "每个暴击球为法术附加 # 最小基础冰霜伤害(Adds # minimum Cold Damage to Spells per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2179619644",
        "text": "近战伤害击退敌人时,有 #% 的几率获得 1 个暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge if you Knock an Enemy Back with Melee Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3729324251",
        "text": "周围敌人将物理伤害的 #% 转化为火焰伤害(Nearby Enemies Convert #% of their Physical Damage to Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1603621602",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【黑暗构想】(1 Added Passive Skill is Dark Ideation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_503990161",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 多重范围施法 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Spell Cascade)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2738190959",
        "text": "若你近期停止受到燃烧伤害,不会受到燃烧伤害(Take no Burning Damage if you've stopped taking Burning Damage Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_510654792",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【万物滋生】(1 Added Passive Skill is Natural Vigour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2155467472",
        "text": "被攻击击中时,有 #% 的几率流血(#% chance to be inflicted with Bleeding when Hit by an Attack)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_308396001",
        "text": "若你近期内没有被击中,则移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3513180117",
        "text": "魔力回复率提高 #%(#% increased Mana Recovery rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3304801725",
        "text": "击败 1 个被冰冻敌人时 +# 魔力(+# Mana gained on Killing a Frozen Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3212859169",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【弧光箭】(1 Added Passive Skill is Arcing Shot)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_725896422",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 10 级的【施法回响】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Spell Echo)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3901992019",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【奥术英姿】(1 Added Passive Skill is Arcane Heroism)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3030692053",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【弩炮图腾】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ballista Totem)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3492654051",
        "text": "若近期内有过格挡,你则获得【迷踪】状态(You have Phasing if you have Blocked Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4096656097",
        "text": "该武器施加的中毒持续伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison inflicted with this Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_791125124",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【保镖】(1 Added Passive Skill is Bodyguards)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_563277852",
        "text": "区域内有觉醒者之殇(Area has patches of Awakeners' Desolation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3872380586",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【绝妙镇压】(1 Added Passive Skill is Inspired Oppression)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1943574423",
        "text": "区域包含不稳定的恶魔触手(Area contains Unstable Tentacle Fiends)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1232004574",
        "text": "当你可能获得暴击球时,有 #% 的几率直接获得最大数量的暴击球(#% chance that if you would gain Power Charges, you instead gain up to\nyour maximum number of Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3351136461",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【累累伤痕】(1 Added Passive Skill is Disorienting Wounds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1953432004",
        "text": "不受中毒影响(Unaffected by Poison)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_438778966",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 施法回响 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Spell Echo)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2762445213",
        "text": "有 #% 被击中的伤害优先由你的图腾承受(#% of Damage from Hits is taken from your nearest Totem's Life before you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_927458676",
        "text": "暴击时喷洒焦油(Spreads Tar when you take a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1505850286",
        "text": "增加【独行使者】(Adds Lone Messenger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3984980429",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【追随】(1 Added Passive Skill is Follow-Through)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3551025193",
        "text": "格挡法术伤害的几率会特别不幸(Chance to Block Spell Damage is Unlucky)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1859244771",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 彻骨 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Bonechill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1061631617",
        "text": "每有 50 点力量,攻击伤害格挡几率额外 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage per 50 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_205619502",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发 1 级的【狂野怒火】(#% chance to Trigger Level 1 Blood Rage when you Kill an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_778036553",
        "text": "瓦尔技能生效期间增加#%暴击率(#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Vaal Skills during effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2255914633",
        "text": "受到【雷霆】影响时,获得物理伤害 #% 的额外闪电伤害(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage while affected by Wrath)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_616993076",
        "text": "秘环不抽成(The Ring takes no Cut)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_322835727",
        "text": "当你施放诅咒法术时,有 #% 的几率获得一个暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Cast a Curse Spell)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1015189426",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【武艺专精】(1 Added Passive Skill is Martial Mastery)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3138486617",
        "text": "警报等级每秒提高 #%(Alert Level increases by #% per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_654971543",
        "text": "击中时触发一个插入的闪电法术,它有 0.25 秒冷却时间\n插入的闪电法术触发时无花费(Trigger a Socketed Lightning Spell on Hit, with a 0.25 second Cooldown\nSocketed Lightning Spells have no Cost if Triggered)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2498303876",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【多里亚尼之触】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Doryani's Touch Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1222888897",
        "text": "受到【憎恨】影响时,伤害穿透 #% 冰霜抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance while affected by Hatred)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3814066599",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 陷阱及地雷伤害 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trap And Mine Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2106756686",
        "text": "受到【雷霆】影响时,#% 的物理伤害转化为闪电伤害(#% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage while affected by Wrath)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2501671832",
        "text": "每隔 5 秒,获得以下效果之一,持续 5 秒:\n你的击中始终为暴击\n对你的击中始终为暴击\n攻击无法击中你\n对你的攻击必定击中\n你的击中伤害特别幸运\n对你的击中伤害特别幸运(Every 5 seconds, gain one of the following for 5 seconds:\nYour Hits are always Critical Strikes\nHits against you are always Critical Strikes\nAttacks cannot Hit you\nAttacks against you always Hit\nYour Damage with Hits is Lucky\nDamage of Hits against you is Lucky)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2668070396",
        "text": "被击中时触发 # 级的感电地面(Trigger Level # Shock Ground when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3282302743",
        "text": "插入的非持续吟唱型弓类技能由狙击触发\n插入的触发型弓类技能获得 0.05 秒冷却时间(Socketed Non-Channelling Bow Skills are Triggered by Snipe\nSocketed Triggered Bow Skills gain a 0.05 second Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_456502758",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【谨慎操纵】(1 Added Passive Skill is Careful Handling)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3304763863",
        "text": "击败冰冻敌人后物品掉落数量提高 #%(#% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Slain Frozen Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2194205899",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【阴冷誓言】(1 Added Passive Skill is Grim Oath)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3860179422",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为毁灭之相(1 Added Passive Skill is Destructive Aspect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3111519953",
        "text": "伤害在受愤怒影响时穿透 #% 火焰抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance while affected by Anger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_973000407",
        "text": "你的诅咒限制等于你的最大暴击球数量(Your Curse Limit is equal to your maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4266776872",
        "text": "【斗转星移】(Glancing Blows)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4145689649",
        "text": "击败敌人时能获得肾上腺素,持续#秒(Gain Adrenaline for # second on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_845306697",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【准备就绪】(1 Added Passive Skill is Readiness)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2343098806",
        "text": "获得 # 级的【狙击】技能(Grants Level # Snipe Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3555807120",
        "text": "怪物的所有击中伤害造成中毒状态(All Damage from Monsters' Hits can Poison)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3168635562",
        "text": "战吼的威力值无限(Warcries have infinite Power)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1353527704",
        "text": "对玩家施加第五次穿刺时,移除穿刺效果,并对该玩家及其 1.8 米内的友军反射物理伤害,数值为伤害与剩余击中次数的乘数(When a fifth Impale is inflicted on a Player, Impales are removed to Reflect their Physical Damage multiplied by their remaining Hits to that Player and their Allies within 1.8 metres)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_456916387",
        "text": "击败中毒的敌人时,可使周围敌人中毒(On Killing a Poisoned Enemy, nearby Enemies are Poisoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1168603868",
        "text": "击败中毒的敌人时,周围友军每秒再生 200 生命(and nearby Allies Regenerate 200 Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3624529132",
        "text": "受到【愤怒】影响时,#% 的物理伤害转化为火焰伤害(#% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage while affected by Anger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2644533453",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【自圆其说】(1 Added Passive Skill is Self-Fulfilling Prophecy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1438403666",
        "text": "当你静止时,每秒获得 1 个狂怒球,耐力球或暴击球(Gain a Frenzy, Endurance, or Power Charge once per second while you are Stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_113147867",
        "text": "你使用攻击技能时失去 #% 魔力(Lose #% of Mana when you use an Attack Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_633943719",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【坦率】(1 Added Passive Skill is Openness)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_576760472",
        "text": "范围内的天赋技能还提供:陷阱和地雷造成 # 至 # 额外物理伤害(Passive Skills in Radius also grant: Traps and Mines deal # to # added Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2912949210",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【炼金术士】(1 Added Passive Skill is Alchemist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3357049845",
        "text": "受到【雷霆】影响时,暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance while affected by Wrath)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3337107517",
        "text": "受到【愤怒】影响时,火焰伤害提高 #%(#% increased Fire Damage while affected by Anger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_134839587",
        "text": "怪物的中毒时间提高 #%(Monsters have #% increased Poison Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4108186648",
        "text": "法术伤害压制率在吟唱时 +#%(+#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage while Channelling)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3188756614",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【火冥功】(1 Added Passive Skill is Fire Attunement)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4291066912",
        "text": "1 个添加的被动天赋为邪恶之眼(1 Added Passive Skill is Evil Eye)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1898978455",
        "text": "召唤生物的伤害穿透 #% 元素抗性(Monster Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2418601510",
        "text": "混沌伤害可以造成感电(Your Chaos Damage can Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_696659555",
        "text": "流血时移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed while Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2643562209",
        "text": "受到【憎恨】影响时,附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage while affected by Hatred)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4245204226",
        "text": "受到【愤怒】影响时,获得物理伤害 #% 的额外火焰伤害(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage while affected by Anger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3764265320",
        "text": "物理伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Physical Damage Leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1413864591",
        "text": "受到【憎恨】影响时,冰霜伤害提高 #%(#% increased Cold Damage while affected by Hatred)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2129352930",
        "text": "护甲值随超量火焰抗性提高(Armour is increased by Overcapped Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2778228111",
        "text": "攻击技能附加闪电伤害,等于最大魔力的 #%(Attack Skills have Added Lightning Damage equal to #% of maximum Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3479892158",
        "text": "玩家近期每使用过一个技能,行动速度提高 #%(Players have #% increased Action Speed for each time they've used a Skill Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2331104018",
        "text": "受到来自格挡的击中伤害无法忽略能量护盾\n受到来自未格挡的击中伤害始终忽略能量护盾(Damage taken from Blocked Hits cannot bypass Energy Shield\nDamage taken from Unblocked hits always bypasses Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_774369953",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【防护毒素】(1 Added Passive Skill is Antivenom)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1926816773",
        "text": "使用魔力药剂时也会回复 #% 生命(Recover #% of Life when you use a Mana Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2262007777",
        "text": "药剂的非即时生效类魔力回复也会同时回复生命(Non-instant Mana Recovery from Flasks is also Recovered as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2650053239",
        "text": "近期内每消耗总计 200 魔力都使技能消耗提高 #%(#% increased Cost of Skills for each 200 total Mana Spent Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2833896424",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items dropped in Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1625939562",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【先遣卫士】(1 Added Passive Skill is Advance Guard)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3775574601",
        "text": "每 100 点生命上限使法术暴击几率提高 #%(#% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance per 100 Player Maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_214835567",
        "text": "受到【奋锐光环】影响时,位于奉献地面之上的敌人受到的暴击几率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Consecrated Ground while affected by Zealotry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_192842973",
        "text": "每 450 点护甲都使攻击伤害提高 #%(#% increased Attack Damage per 450 Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2542542825",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,则熔岩奔涌发射一枚额外投射物(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Rolling Magma fires an additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1080363357",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【恶灵之嚎】(1 Added Passive Skill is Haunting Shout)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_347220474",
        "text": "近期你每消耗 200 魔力,法术伤害便提高 #%,最多 2000%(#% increased Spell Damage for each 200 total Mana you have Spent Recently, up to 2000%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1038897629",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【寸草不生】(1 Added Passive Skill is Raze and Pillage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_80470845",
        "text": "受到【纪律】影响时,能量护盾回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_622362787",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【原初之缚】(1 Added Passive Skill is Primordial Bond)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_991194404",
        "text": "受到纪律影响时每秒再生 #% 能量护盾(Regenerate #% of Energy Shield per Second while affected by Discipline)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_902747843",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3410752193",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【好整以暇】(1 Added Passive Skill is Surefooted Striker)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3692167527",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:混沌技能的攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Chaos Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3941641418",
        "text": "周围友军的攻击伤害格挡率按照每 100 点力量就有 #%(Nearby Allies have #% Chance to Block Attack Damage per 100 Strength you have)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1016185292",
        "text": "受到【纪律】影响时,能量护盾提前 #% 开始充能(#% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge while affected by Discipline)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3491815140",
        "text": "每 100 玩家点最大生命使法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage per 100 Player Maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_545408899",
        "text": "当你使用或触发法术技能时,献祭 #% 的生命(Sacrifice #% of your Life when you Use or Trigger a Spell Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_664849247",
        "text": "受到【憎恨】影响时,#% 的物理伤害转换为冰霜伤害(#% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage while affected by Hatred)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_367638058",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【不动专注】(1 Added Passive Skill is Unwavering Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3052102815",
        "text": "玩家会受到血痕锯刃魔的袭击(Players are assaulted by Bloodstained Sawblades)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3302736916",
        "text": "你用弓类攻击时有 #% 的几率触发一个插入的法术,它有 0.3 秒冷却时间(#% chance to Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Attack with a Bow, with a 0.3 second Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_691431951",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【非凡瞩目】(1 Added Passive Skill is Remarkable)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_775689239",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【受福】(1 Added Passive Skill is Blessed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_679080252",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:投射物速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Projectile Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1699499433",
        "text": "击败敌人失去 #% 能量护盾(Lose #% of Energy Shield on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_200113086",
        "text": "新星法术的效果区域总增 #%(Nova Spells have #% more Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1604736568",
        "text": "击败敌人会回复 #% 魔力(Recover #% of Mana on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1209237645",
        "text": "# 最大虚空之矢数量(# Maximum Void Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_751813227",
        "text": "击败敌人失去 #% 生命(Lose #% of Life on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3850409117",
        "text": "猫之势没有保留效果(Aspect of the Cat has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1606263610",
        "text": "格挡时补充 #% 的能量护盾(Recover #% of Energy Shield when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3013430129",
        "text": "【召唤魔侍】有 +# 秒冷却时间(+# second to Summon Skeleton Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2662268382",
        "text": "你在【灵巧】状态下,有 #% 的几率避免元素异常状态(#% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while you have Elusive)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1589090910",
        "text": "召唤魔侍额外召唤一个魔侍(Summon an additional Skeleton with Summon Skeletons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2043284086",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【持久冷静】(1 Added Passive Skill is Enduring Composure)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2753985507",
        "text": "受到【憎恨】影响时,+#% 暴击率(+#% to Critical Strike Chance while affected by Hatred)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_684087686",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【心意已决】(1 Added Passive Skill is Clarity of Purpose)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3772485866",
        "text": "范围内冰霜伤害的增减转换成物理伤害(Increases and Reductions to Cold Damage in Radius are Transformed to apply to Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_738100799",
        "text": "范围内物理伤害的增减转换成冰霜伤害(Increases and Reductions to Physical Damage in Radius are Transformed to apply to Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3329402420",
        "text": "受到【优雅】影响时,移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed while affected by Grace)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_915233352",
        "text": "徒手攻击的近战物理伤害按照范围内每配置 # 点敏捷提高 1%(1% increased Melee Physical Damage with Unarmed Attacks per # Dexterity Allocated in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4113852051",
        "text": "范围内每配置 # 点敏捷,闪避值提高 1%(1% increased Evasion Rating per # Dexterity Allocated in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1619923327",
        "text": "范围内每配置 # 点敏捷,爪类武器物理伤害提高 1%(1% increased Claw Physical Damage per # Dexterity Allocated in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3262369040",
        "text": "你使用非触发型技能发射箭矢时,消耗一枚【虚空之矢】可以触发 # 级的【虚空射击】(Consumes a Void Charge to Trigger Level # Void Shot when you fire Arrows with a Non-Triggered Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_34273389",
        "text": "每 # 秒获得 1 枚虚空之矢(Gain a Void Charge every # seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1621496909",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【天生狡诈】(1 Added Passive Skill is Pure Guile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2312747856",
        "text": "受到【愤怒】影响时,火焰伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life while affected by Anger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1424006185",
        "text": "受到【迅捷】影响时,击败敌人获得 # 秒【猛攻】状态(You gain Onslaught for # seconds on Kill while affected by Haste)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_777421120",
        "text": "怪物的移动速度无法被减速至基础以下(Monsters' Movement Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_619910101",
        "text": "你的地图中掉落的蓝图增加#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1535606605",
        "text": "在你至少拥有200点力量值时有#%的几率造成两倍伤害(#% chance to deal Double Damage while you have at least 200 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2372915005",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【纯粹之力】(1 Added Passive Skill is Pure Might)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_147155654",
        "text": "在你至少拥有400点力量值时有#%的几率造成三倍伤害(#% chance to deal Triple Damage while you have at least 400 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_289714529",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【优雅形体】(1 Added Passive Skill is Elegant Form)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2223565123",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 高阶齐射 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Greater Volley)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3860869243",
        "text": "增加【奇塔弗门徒】(Adds Disciple of Kitava)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2758454849",
        "text": "怪物的行动速度无法被减速至基础以下(Monsters' Action Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3874817029",
        "text": "受到魔法深渊珠宝影响时,移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed while affected by a Magic Abyss Jewel)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2811179011",
        "text": "受到传奇深渊珠宝影响时,技能的保留效能提高 #%(#% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills while affected by a Unique Abyss Jewel)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1360925132",
        "text": "增加【造化自然】(Adds Nature's Patience)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2459809121",
        "text": "被敌人击中后使其冰缓 # 秒,行动速度降低 30%(Chill Enemy for # second when Hit, reducing their Action Speed by 30%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1507059769",
        "text": "若你近期内有击败敌人,则攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed if you've Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3765507527",
        "text": "受纪律影响时每击中一名敌人获得#点能量护盾(Gain # Energy Shield per Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4238266823",
        "text": "#% 的闪电伤害转换为混沌伤害(#% of Lightning Damage Converted to Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_450601566",
        "text": "绝望以光环形式施放时没有保留效果(Despair has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2816098341",
        "text": "使用该技能击败敌人时触发插入的召唤生物法术\n该物品触发的召唤生物法术使用 5 次后有 0.25 秒冷却时间(Trigger Socketed Minion Spells on Kill with this Weapon\nMinion Spells Triggered by this Item have a 0.25 second Cooldown with 5 Uses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_728246008",
        "text": "新星不在周身施放,改为在目标位置施放(Nova Spells Cast at the targeted location instead of around you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2631806437",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【淬火箭头】(1 Added Passive Skill is Tempered Arrowheads)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_275498888",
        "text": "品质上限为 #%(Maximum Quality is #%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3509724289",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【天赋禀异】(1 Added Passive Skill is Pure Aptitude)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2358015838",
        "text": "闪避值随超量冰霜抗性提高(Evasion Rating is increased by Overcapped Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4154709486",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【穷兵黩武】(1 Added Passive Skill is Militarism)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4187741589",
        "text": "每 5 点敏捷使召唤生物的伤害提高 #%(Minions deal #% increased Damage per 5 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2709367754",
        "text": "近战击中时获得 # 点怒火(Gain # Rage on Melee Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_135378852",
        "text": "插槽内的法术获得 +#% 基础暴击率(Socketed Spells have +#% to Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4222857095",
        "text": "近期内你每击败 1 个感电敌人,则附加 #-# 基础闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage for each Shocked Enemy you've Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3913265126",
        "text": "获得等同武器物理伤害 #% 的全部三种额外火焰,冰霜和闪电伤害(Gain #% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3171958921",
        "text": "你用弓类攻击时有 #% 的几率触发一个插入的弓类技能,它有1 秒冷却时间(#% chance to Trigger a Socketed Bow Skill when you Attack with a Bow, with a 1 second Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_287112619",
        "text": "受到稀有深渊珠宝影响时,你受到的元素异常状态的持续时间提高 #%(#% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on You while affected by a Rare Abyss Jewel)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_452077019",
        "text": "快速击败敌人来累积暴走奖励(Slaying Enemies in a kill streak grants Rampage bonuses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4290522695",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【降蛊】(1 Added Passive Skill is Septic Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_882876854",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【恶毒撕咬】(1 Added Passive Skill is Vicious Bite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4150353141",
        "text": "地图首领伴随着一个虚空忆境首领(Map Boss is accompanied by a Synthesis Boss)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3078295401",
        "text": "捷技能的魔力保留效能提高 #%(#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Herald Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1919069577",
        "text": "当受到【奋锐光环】影响时,你创造奉献地面会获得【秘术增强】,持续 4 秒(Gain Arcane Surge for 4 seconds when you create Consecrated Ground while affected by Zealotry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2383304564",
        "text": "受到【清晰】影响时,受到伤害的 #% 伤害优先从魔力扣除(#% of Damage taken from Mana before Life while affected by Clarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2684644644",
        "text": "你地图中产生的先祖秘藏怪物额外失去 #% 生命值",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2073168229",
        "text": "区域内包含焚界者符文(Area contains Runes of the Searing Exarch)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2054530657",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:冰霜技能的攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Cold Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3332055899",
        "text": "受到【迅捷】影响时,位移技能的冷却速度加快 #%(#% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Movement Skills used while affected by Haste)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3824033729",
        "text": "生效期间,受到命中伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Damage Taken from Hits is Leeched as Life during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2896346114",
        "text": "零点射击(Point Blank)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3741365813",
        "text": "生效期间赋予完美苦痛(Grants Perfect Agony during effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_510304734",
        "text": "生效期间,你造成的中毒持续时间提高 #%(#% increased Duration of Poisons you inflict during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1313498929",
        "text": "受到【纪律】影响时,+#% 的几率格挡法术伤害(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage while affected by Discipline)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2548097895",
        "text": "受到【优雅】影响时,有 #% 的几率使击中你的敌人致盲(#% chance to Blind Enemies which Hit you while affected by Grace)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_920385757",
        "text": "若你有 3 个起源天赋珠宝,召唤魔像的数量 +#(+# to maximum number of Summoned Golems if you have 3 Primordial Items Socketed or Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3692646597",
        "text": "受到【坚定】影响时攻击伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while affected by Determination)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1173537953",
        "text": "最多 # 次【脆弱重生】(Maximum # Fragile Regrowth)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3175722882",
        "text": "每次脆弱重生时每秒再生 #% 生命(#% of Life Regenerated per second per Fragile Regrowth)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3841984913",
        "text": "每秒获得 # 层脆弱重生(Gain # Fragile Regrowth each second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2569941273",
        "text": "必须打开所有走私者秘藏才能领取奖励(All Smuggler's Caches must be opened to claim Reward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2161689853",
        "text": "击败稀有或传奇敌人后掉落物品的稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Rare or Unique Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_380220671",
        "text": "被清晰影响时,将承受伤害的 #% 吸纳为魔力(#% of Damage taken while affected by Clarity Recouped as Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_846491278",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【突进时刻】(1 Added Passive Skill is Darting Movements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3343561142",
        "text": "区域内的走私者秘藏受到保护(Smuggler's Caches in area are guarded)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3960907415",
        "text": "区域内有一个走私者秘藏(Area contains a Smuggler's Cache)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3904501306",
        "text": "当你击中的稀有或传奇敌人没有被标记,触发 # 级盗猎者印记(Trigger Level # Poacher's Mark when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy and have no Mark)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3371719014",
        "text": "使用【尊严】时有 #% 的几率造成双倍伤害(#% chance to deal Double Damage while using Pride)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2978494217",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【技如长虹】(1 Added Passive Skill is Martial Momentum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2434030180",
        "text": "当你受到奋锐光环影响时,创造的奉献地面可以使敌人受到的伤害提高 #%(Consecrated Ground you create while affected by Zealotry causes enemies to take #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3779823630",
        "text": "无魔力保留时,法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage while no Mana is Reserved)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1818900806",
        "text": "每个暴击球 +#% 暴击率(+#% Critical Strike Chance per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_235105674",
        "text": "范围内每配置 10 点力量,则生命回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Life Recovery Rate per 10 Strength on Allocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1964333391",
        "text": "你的技能在近期内造成过暴击的情况下\n按照每个暴击球每秒承受 # 点闪电伤害(# Lightning Damage taken per second per Power Charge if\nyour Skills have dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4085417083",
        "text": "法术按照每个暴击球附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_207635700",
        "text": "受到【迅捷】影响时,你身上的负面效果消退速度加快 #%(Debuffs on you expire #% faster while affected by Haste)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2200407711",
        "text": "召唤生物有 +#% 冰霜抗性(Minions have +#% to Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3585572043",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点敏捷,【幻化武器】可以幻化最多 # 把远程武器(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Animate Weapon can Animate up to # Ranged Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3382957283",
        "text": "当你击中的稀有或传奇敌人没有被标记,触发 # 级暗影印记(Trigger Level # Assassin's Mark when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy and have no Mark)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3656959867",
        "text": "受到【活力】影响时,伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Damage leeched as Life while affected by Vitality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3718597497",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石由 # 级的 精准破坏 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Controlled Destruction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2068574831",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【恶名昭著】(1 Added Passive Skill is Brutal Infamy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_726359715",
        "text": "任意装备的每个空的红色插槽使最大生命 +#(+# to maximum Life for each Empty Red Socket on any Equipped Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1676663186",
        "text": "近战武器击中有 #% 的几率忽略敌人的物理伤害减免(Melee Weapon Hits have #% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_556659145",
        "text": "受到【清晰】影响时,魔力回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Mana Recovery Rate while affected by Clarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1236638414",
        "text": "召唤生物获得等同 #% 物理伤害的额外冰霜伤害(Minions gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_781633505",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点智慧,\n【魔卫复苏】的重击攻击伤害提高 #%(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Raised Zombies' Slam\nAttack deals #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2457540491",
        "text": "受到【坚定】影响时,受到的反射物理伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Reflected Physical Damage taken while affected by Determination)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4280703528",
        "text": "任意装备的每个空的绿色插槽使命中值 +#(+# to Accuracy Rating for each Empty Green Socket on any Equipped Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1097026492",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点智慧,\n【魔卫复苏】的重击攻击会使冷却回复速度加快 #%(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Raised\nZombies' Slam Attack has #% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2731416566",
        "text": "在奋锐光环影响下,偷取的每秒最大能量护盾总恢复量提高 #%(#% increased Maximum total Energy Shield Recovery per second from Leech while affected by Zealotry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_778050954",
        "text": "范围内每配置 # 点敏捷,攻击附加 1 点最大闪电伤害(Adds 1 maximum Lightning Damage to Attacks per # Dexterity Allocated in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_335735137",
        "text": "图腾无法被击晕(Totems cannot be Stunned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_362838683",
        "text": "受到【活力】影响时,药剂的生命回复提高 #%(#% increased Life Recovery from Flasks while affected by Vitality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_747037697",
        "text": "范围内每配置 10 点力量,图腾生命提高 #%(#% increased Totem Life per 10 Strength Allocated in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1379205566",
        "text": "增加【百战老兵】(Adds Veteran's Awareness)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2444534954",
        "text": "受到【奋锐光环】影响时,施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed while affected by Zealotry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_462115791",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为德瑞的怨恨(1 Added Passive Skill is Doedre's Spite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2144634814",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【永恒苦难】(1 Added Passive Skill is Eternal Suffering)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_530280833",
        "text": "戒备打击的击中在范围内至少有 40 点力量的情况下给你和周围友军提供 # 秒护体状态(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Hits with Vigilant Strike Fortify you and Nearby Allies for # seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1290215329",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【魔侍凋零】(1 Added Passive Skill is Skeletal Atrophy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2753403220",
        "text": "怪物的投射物击中地形时有 #% 的几率产生连锁(Monsters' Projectiles have #% chance to be able to Chain when colliding with Terrain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_744783843",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【冻彻心扉】(1 Added Passive Skill is Cold to the Core)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1699077932",
        "text": "受到【清晰】影响时,你使用技能时有 #% 的几率回复 10% 魔力(#% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill while affected by Clarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2163419452",
        "text": "受到【奋锐光环】影响时,你创造的奉献地面效果可延续 # 秒(Effects of Consecrated Ground you create while affected by Zealotry Linger for # seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_65331133",
        "text": "受到【元素净化】影响时,受到的反射元素伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Reflected Elemental Damage taken while affected by Purity of Elements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3998316",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【先祖之力】(1 Added Passive Skill is Ancestral Might)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2028847114",
        "text": "击中时对敌人附加元素要害诅咒。(Curse Enemies with Elemental Weakness on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3515686789",
        "text": "每个耐力球使伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_201731102",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:闪电技能的攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Lightning Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3742808908",
        "text": "受到【坚定】影响时,+# 点护甲(+# to Armour while affected by Determination)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_121436064",
        "text": "受到【雷霆】影响时,闪电伤害的 #% 转化为能量护盾偷取(#% of Lightning Damage is Leeched as Energy Shield while affected by Wrath)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3772848194",
        "text": "使用【尊严】时,击中威吓敌人,持续 4 秒(Your Hits Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds while you are using Pride)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_497716276",
        "text": "陷阱触发范围扩大 #%(#% increased Trap Trigger Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2387747995",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【先祖指引】(1 Added Passive Skill is Ancestral Guidance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3319205340",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【激荡狂灵】(1 Added Passive Skill is Snaring Spirits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3904970959",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【无尽杀戮】(1 Added Passive Skill is Insatiable Killer)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1798719926",
        "text": "增加【万物皆动】(Adds Kineticism)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2219456349",
        "text": "你地图中驱灵祭坛同时产生的怪物数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1686913105",
        "text": "被击中时受到的元素伤害按照每个耐力球降低 #%(#% reduced Elemental Damage taken from Hits per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1274125114",
        "text": "非光环瓦尔技能每次施放需要的灵魂量在效果生效期间降低 #%(Non-Aura Vaal Skills require #% reduced Souls Per Use during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3122505794",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【韵律战法】(1 Added Passive Skill is Combat Rhythm)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2043503530",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【奥术烟花】(1 Added Passive Skill is Arcane Pyrotechnics)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1920234902",
        "text": "你在近期内被击中的情况下按照每个耐力球每秒承受 # 点火焰伤害(# Fire Damage taken per second per Endurance Charge if you've been Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_513221334",
        "text": "护甲值按照每个耐力球 +#(+# to Armour per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_187998220",
        "text": "静止时获得【霸体】(Iron Reflexes while stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1360359242",
        "text": "召唤生物有能量护盾时,它们的击中无视怪物的元素抗性(While Minions have Energy Shield, their Hits Ignore Monster Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_433536969",
        "text": "召唤生物每有 1% 混沌抗性\n就将其 #% 最大生命转化为最大能量护盾(Minions Convert #% of their Maximum Life to Maximum Energy\nShield per 1% Chaos Resistance they have)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2053992416",
        "text": "范围内配置的敏捷和力量总计 40 点时,虹光技能的闪电伤害总降 50%(With 40 total Dexterity and Strength in Radius, Prismatic Skills deal 50% less Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3950683692",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为电震姿态(1 Added Passive Skill is Electric Presence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4272453892",
        "text": "+# 力量和智慧需求(+# Strength and Intelligence Requirement)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1356468153",
        "text": "周围友军的行动速度无法被减速至基础以下(Nearby Allies' Action Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_637033100",
        "text": "范围内配置的敏捷和力量总计 40 点时,虹光技能不能选择闪电效果(With 40 total Dexterity and Strength in Radius, Prismatic Skills cannot choose Lightning)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1567462963",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 额外命中 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Additional Accuracy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_108334292",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在击中时获得神圣球(#% chance to gain a Divine Charge on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2439129490",
        "text": "混沌抗性归零(Chaos Resistance is Zero)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2831391506",
        "text": "受到【清晰】影响时,获得等同最大魔力 #% 的额外最大能量护盾(Gain #% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_88120117",
        "text": "获得 # 级忏悔印记(Grants level # Penance Mark)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_173438493",
        "text": "按照每个耐力球附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1619549198",
        "text": "被点燃敌人的燃烧减缓 #%(Ignited Enemies Burn #% slower)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1351893427",
        "text": "范围内配置的智慧至少 40 点时,投射物范围随飞行距离扩大,最大范围 +# 米(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Projectiles gain radius as they travel farther, up to a maximum of +# metre to radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1174243390",
        "text": "满神圣球时,你获得【神性】,持续 # 秒\n获得【神性】时失去所有神圣球(You gain Divinity for # seconds on reaching maximum Divine Charges\nLose all Divine Charges when you gain Divinity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2809802678",
        "text": "若你近期内使用过位移技能,技能可以额外发射 # 个投射物(Skills fire an additional Projectile if you've used a Movement Skill Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3163738488",
        "text": "元素伤害按照每个聚光之石提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage per Grand Spectrum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1765389199",
        "text": "使用此武器击中敌人立即获得生命偷取(Life Leech from Hits with this Weapon is instant)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2806391472",
        "text": "受到【迅捷】影响时,不受【时空锁链】影响(Unaffected by Temporal Chains while affected by Haste)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2720072724",
        "text": "受到【冰霜净化】影响时,免疫冰冻(Immune to Freeze while affected by Purity of Ice)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1195353227",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:施法速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_14664297",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的基础通货物品(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Basic Currency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1177959871",
        "text": "周围的敌人无法造成暴击(Nearby Enemies cannot deal Critical Strikes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2931889194",
        "text": "区域内的稀有怪物被塑界者触碰(Rare monsters in area are Shaper-Touched)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_25225034",
        "text": "区域内有淹没法球(Area contains Drowning Orbs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2962020005",
        "text": "任意装备的每个空的蓝色插槽使最大魔力 +#(+# to maximum Mana for each Empty Blue Socket on any Equipped Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_183591019",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【疫病弥漫】(1 Added Passive Skill is Disease Vector)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1332534089",
        "text": "近战物理伤害对被点燃的敌人提高 #%(#% increased Melee Physical Damage against Ignited Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3184053924",
        "text": "静止时护甲提高 #%(#% increased Armour while stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1984113628",
        "text": "你身上的冰缓和感电效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Chill and Shock on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2408625104",
        "text": "每 10 秒中,玩家及其召唤生物有 3 秒不能造成伤害(Players and their Minions deal no damage for 3 out of every 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2834476618",
        "text": "召唤生物的能量护盾充能时间提前 #%(Minions have #% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1582781759",
        "text": "使用技能时触发一个插入的法术,它有 # 秒冷却时间\n通过这种方式触发的法术消耗总增 150%(Trigger a Socketed Spell on Using a Skill, with a # second Cooldown\nSpells Triggered this way have 150% more Cost)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3643449791",
        "text": "受到【怨毒光环】影响时,生命和能量护盾回复率提高 #%(#% increased Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield while affected by Malevolence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_988207959",
        "text": "若你近期内被击中,技能可以额外发射 # 个投射物(Skills fire an additional Projectile if you've been Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3223142064",
        "text": "受到【元素净化】影响时,不受【元素要害】影响(Unaffected by Elemental Weakness while affected by Purity of Elements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3008104268",
        "text": "受到的混沌伤害无法穿透召唤生物的能量护盾(Chaos Damage taken does not bypass Minions' Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2567659895",
        "text": "受到【闪电净化】影响时,不受感电地面影响(Unaffected by Shocked Ground while affected by Purity of Lightning)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2314393054",
        "text": "从生命偷取、魔力偷取、能量护盾偷取中获得的每秒总恢复量提高 #%(#% increased total Recovery per second from Life, Mana, or Energy Shield Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_281949611",
        "text": "受到【闪电净化】影响时,免疫感电(Immune to Shock while affected by Purity of Lightning)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3919557483",
        "text": "点燃 1 个敌人后的近期内,燃烧伤害提高 #%(#% increased Burning Damage if you've Ignited an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2955966707",
        "text": "你身上的冰缓效果颠倒(The Effect of Chill on you is reversed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2918150296",
        "text": "每 6 秒会交替给予玩家以【玛拉凯的不同奇术】(Grants Malachai's Endurance, Frenzy and Power for 6 seconds each, in sequence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1274505521",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【寒冰导体】(1 Added Passive Skill is Cold Conduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2674214144",
        "text": "当敌人击中你时有 #% 的几率给予对方一个随机魔蛊,并且无视诅咒限制(#% chance to Curse Enemies which Hit you with a random Hex, ignoring Curse Limit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2647344903",
        "text": "受到【冰霜净化】影响时,不受冰缓地面影响(Unaffected by Chilled Ground while affected by Purity of Ice)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4012281889",
        "text": "受到【冰霜净化】影响时,不受【冻伤】影响(Unaffected by Frostbite while affected by Purity of Ice)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1817023621",
        "text": "受到【精准】影响时,+#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Precision)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3112776239",
        "text": "点燃一个敌人后回复 #% 生命(Recover #% of Life when you Ignite an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_304970526",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_407390981",
        "text": "#%的物理攻击伤害被敌人吸取为魔力(#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched by Enemy as Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1567542124",
        "text": "受到【闪电净化】影响时,不受【导电】影响(Unaffected by Conductivity while affected by Purity of Lightning)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3207781478",
        "text": "受到【坚定】影响时,不受【脆弱】影响(Unaffected by Vulnerability while affected by Determination)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4173751044",
        "text": "使用【尊严】时,攻击击中有 #% 的几率穿刺敌人(#% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks while using Pride)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2365917222",
        "text": "受到【优雅】影响时,不受【衰弱】影响(Unaffected by Enfeeble while affected by Grace)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3989400244",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【低容忍】(1 Added Passive Skill is Low Tolerance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_597739519",
        "text": "任意装备的每个空的白色插槽使所有元素抗性 +#%(+#% to all Elemental Resistances for each Empty White Socket on any Equipped Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4259701244",
        "text": "受活力影响时每击中一名敌人增加#点生命(Gain # Life per Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1306791873",
        "text": "被击中时失去所有【脆弱重生】(Lose all Fragile Regrowth when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4263287206",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【撕裂】(1 Added Passive Skill is Rend)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_418293304",
        "text": "受到【雷霆】影响时,闪电伤害提高 #%(#% increased Lightning Damage while affected by Wrath)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2584264074",
        "text": "若你近期内没有格挡,你的攻击伤害格挡率将处于最高值(You are at Maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage if you have not Blocked Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1173690938",
        "text": "受到【火焰净化】影响时,不受【易燃】影响(Unaffected by Flammability while affected by Purity of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2091518682",
        "text": "受【奋锐光环】影响时,暴击穿透敌人 #% 的元素抗性(Critical Strikes Penetrate #% of Enemy Elemental Resistances while affected by Zealotry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3290081052",
        "text": "第二个发射点发射的箭矢会分裂(Arrows fired from the second firing points Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3772841281",
        "text": "在【精准】影响下,你造成暴击恢复 1 次药剂充能(Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike while affected by Precision)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3032585258",
        "text": "暴击时有 #% 的几率获得狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_143510471",
        "text": "【迷踪】状态下,被击中时 +#% 避免元素伤害几率(+#% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits while Phasing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2199099676",
        "text": "当你格挡时获得 1 个耐力球、狂怒球或暴击球(Gain an Endurance, Frenzy or Power charge when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3468843137",
        "text": "受【怨毒光环】影响时,你造成的伤害类异常状态的伤害生效速度加快 #%(Damaging Ailments you inflict deal Damage #% faster while affected by Malevolence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3603019813",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点敏捷,\n双持打击时副手武器对周围敌人造成扩散伤害(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike deals Off-Hand Splash Damage\nto surrounding targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3765671129",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点敏捷,\n双持打击时主手武器有 #% 的几率造成双倍伤害(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike has a #% chance\nto deal Double Damage with the Main-Hand Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3434279150",
        "text": "自身的每个增益会为法术附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Spell Damage per Buff on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_301746072",
        "text": "第三个发射点发射的箭矢会返回(Arrows fired from the third firing points Return to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3594661200",
        "text": "被你击中而冰缓的敌人造成的伤害降低,效果相当于冰缓效果的一半(Enemies Chilled by your Hits lessen their Damage dealt by half of Chill Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_761505024",
        "text": "自身的每个增益会为攻击附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Attack Damage per Buff on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4068494864",
        "text": "放置旗帜不会阻止你获得胆魄(Having a placed Banner does not prevent you gaining Valour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3417711605",
        "text": "伤害穿透 #% 冰霜抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_371612541",
        "text": "受到【火焰净化】影响时,免疫点燃(Immune to Ignite while affected by Purity of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3119292058",
        "text": "被你击中而冰缓的敌人可以像冰冻一样击碎(Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2690790844",
        "text": "受到【活力】影响时,生命回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Life Recovery Rate while affected by Vitality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3833160777",
        "text": "所有击中的伤害都有冰缓效果(All Damage with Hits can Chill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1346311588",
        "text": "受到【迅捷】影响时获得【迷踪】状态(You have Phasing while affected by Haste)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_708913352",
        "text": "每 16 秒获得一次【元素超载】,持续 8 秒(Every 16 seconds you gain Elemental Overload for 8 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2905429068",
        "text": "当你没有获得【元素超载】时,获得【坚毅之心】(You have Resolute Technique while you do not have Elemental Overload)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4041943326",
        "text": "玩家会受到救赎者维利塔妮娅幽灵的袭击(Players are assaulted by apparitions of Veritania, the Redeemer)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3497810785",
        "text": "近战武器每击中一名敌人获得 # 点生命(Gain # Life per Enemy Hit with Melee Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3753703249",
        "text": "获得等同 #% 物理伤害的 1 个随机元素伤害(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2918755450",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【煽风点火】(1 Added Passive Skill is Fan the Flames)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1849042097",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:火焰技能的攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Fire Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3627458291",
        "text": "受到【愤怒】影响时,+#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Anger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_244239777",
        "text": "受到的所有击中伤害会使你冰缓(All Damage Taken from Hits can Chill you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2503682584",
        "text": "每个镶嵌的宝石使镶嵌的技能宝石等级 +#(+# to level of Socketed Skill Gems per Socketed Gem)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1424794574",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【受福重生】(1 Added Passive Skill is Blessed Rebirth)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3286480398",
        "text": "范围内配置的智慧和力量总计 40 点时,虹光技能的冰霜伤害总降 50%(With 40 total Strength and Intelligence in Radius, Prismatic Skills deal 50% less Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3796013729",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 无情 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ruthless)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2864618930",
        "text": "范围内配置的力量和智慧总计 40 点时,虹光技能不能选择冰霜效果(With 40 total Strength and Intelligence in Radius, Prismatic Skills cannot choose Cold)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_226515115",
        "text": "第四个发射点发射的箭矢 +# 次连锁(Arrows fired from the fourth firing points Chain +# time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1094635162",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【液化启迪】(1 Added Passive Skill is Liquid Inspiration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3308185931",
        "text": "受到【火焰净化】影响时,不受燃烧地面影响(Unaffected by Burning Ground while affected by Purity of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3997368968",
        "text": "+# 最大神圣球(+# to maximum Divine Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2241560081",
        "text": "每 25 点敏捷可使攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed per 25 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2938895712",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【汤镬】(1 Added Passive Skill is Cooked Alive)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3594607722",
        "text": "你地图中菌潮怪物受到的伤害提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3957006524",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【多彩之色】(1 Added Passive Skill is Vivid Hues)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2560038623",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点智慧,当敌人在【霜暴】的作用区域被击败,将获得暴击球而非狂怒球\n若范围内含有 40 点智慧,【霜暴】的冷却时间缩短将受暴击球影响,而非狂怒球(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Cold Snap grants Power Charges instead of Frenzy Charges when Enemies die in its Area\nWith at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Cold Snap's Cooldown can be bypassed by Power Charges instead of Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1873457881",
        "text": "受到【坚定】影响时,获得额外 #% 物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction while affected by Determination)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1795365307",
        "text": "范围内每配置 10 点敏捷,移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed per 10 Dexterity on Allocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2168987271",
        "text": "第一个发射点发射的箭矢始终贯穿(Arrows fired from the first firing points always Pierce)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2020075345",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【扩张】(1 Added Passive Skill is Expendability)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2923377613",
        "text": "每层凝聚使法术的暴击率提高 #%(Spells have #% increased Critical Strike Chance per Intensity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_303219716",
        "text": "若你近期内使用过战吼,且范围内至少有 40 点智慧,便将承受伤害的 #% 吸纳为魔力(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, #% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana if you've Warcried Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1853636813",
        "text": "被清晰影响时,非吟唱技能的总魔力消耗 +#(Non-Channelling Skills have +# to Total Mana Cost while affected by Clarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3683643898",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中掉落的物品数量提高 #%(#% increased Quantity of Items dropped in Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3375743050",
        "text": "受到【精准】影响时,攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed while affected by Precision)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1220361974",
        "text": "被你击败的敌人会爆炸,造成其 #% 生命的物理伤害(Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing #% of their Life as Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_50129423",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【开发要害】(1 Added Passive Skill is Exploit Weakness)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1028754276",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【僵化灵药】(1 Added Passive Skill is Numbing Elixir)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2906522048",
        "text": "每个蓝色插槽 +# 最大能量护盾(+# to Maximum Energy Shield per Blue Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_896299992",
        "text": "每个绿色插槽 +# 最大魔力(+# to Maximum Mana per Green Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_63111803",
        "text": "范围内配置的智慧和敏捷总计 40 点时,虹光技能不能选择火焰效果(With 40 total Intelligence and Dexterity in Radius, Prismatic Skills cannot choose Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1813069390",
        "text": "范围内配置的智慧和敏捷总计 40 点时,虹光技能的火焰伤害总降 50%(With 40 total Intelligence and Dexterity in Radius, Prismatic Skills deal 50% less Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_241783558",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【火焰缠身】(1 Added Passive Skill is Wrapped in Flame)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3913936991",
        "text": "所受眩晕击中伤害的 #% 回复为生命(#% of Damage taken from Stunning Hits is Recovered as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4210076836",
        "text": "每个红色插槽 +# 最大生命(+# to Maximum Life per Red Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2867348718",
        "text": "插槽内的攻击技能获得 +#% 基础暴击率(Socketed Attacks have +#% to Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3111255591",
        "text": "生效期间,#% 的物理攻击伤害转化为生命偷取(#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1353571444",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【整顿】(1 Added Passive Skill is Fettle)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1172162241",
        "text": "角色等级 +#(+# to Character Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3832665876",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【苦痛永存】(1 Added Passive Skill is Misery Everlasting)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1258679667",
        "text": "获得坚毅之心时物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Physical Damage while you have Resolute Technique)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_68410701",
        "text": "受到【坚定】影响时,你被暴击时受到的额外伤害降低 #%(You take #% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes while affected by Determination)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1122051203",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【风暴之手】(1 Added Passive Skill is Storm's Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1347565511",
        "text": "地图中掉落的侦察报告有 #% 几率变为菌潮侦察报告",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2261237498",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【探索符文】(1 Added Passive Skill is Seeker Runes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3224819794",
        "text": "该区域会出现额外 1 个裂隙(Area contains an additional Breach)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3224819794",
        "text": "该区域会出现额外 1 个裂隙(Your Maps contain an additional Breach)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1653848515",
        "text": "在受精准影响时不会被致盲(Cannot be Blinded while affected by Precision)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_576528026",
        "text": "使用【尊严】时,物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Physical Damage while using Pride)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_405941409",
        "text": "每件已装备的未腐化物品使你每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per second for each Uncorrupted Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_538335880",
        "text": "你地图中裂隙怪物掉落一件裂隙传奇物品的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1791875585",
        "text": "当你失去一个暴击球时,获得一个耐力球(Gain an Endurance Charge when you lose a Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_715256302",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 残暴 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Brutality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_811386429",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点敏捷,【灵体投掷】每次击中时,伤害提高 #%(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, each Spectral Throw Projectile gains #% increased Damage each time it Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3750572810",
        "text": "每装备一个【被腐化的物品】,技能的总魔力消耗 +#(+# to Total Mana Cost of Skills for each Corrupted Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1919892065",
        "text": "对抗被你威吓的敌人时,它们的眩晕持续时间延长 #%(Enemies Intimidated by you have #% increased duration of stuns against them)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2693705594",
        "text": "#%的物理攻击伤害被敌人吸取为生命(#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched by Enemy as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1138813382",
        "text": "受到【元素净化】影响时,+#% 混沌抗性(+#% to Chaos Resistance while affected by Purity of Elements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2023285759",
        "text": "每有一个増助的战吼,技能造成的伤害就总增 #%(Skills deal #% more Damage for each Warcry Exerting them)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1386808918",
        "text": "区域内的裂隙有一个裂隙领主(Breaches in Area each contain a Breachlord)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_346029096",
        "text": "火之化身(Avatar of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4018305528",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【老痕新伤】(1 Added Passive Skill is Compound Injury)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1591995797",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【勇毅斗士】(1 Added Passive Skill is Gladiator's Fortitude)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1549868759",
        "text": "+# 点闪避值和能量护盾(+# to Evasion Rating and Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_731840035",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【不可燃烧】(1 Added Passive Skill is Non-Flammable)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_578355556",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【警戒之号】(1 Added Passive Skill is Warning Call)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1376394778",
        "text": "必须完全击败所有裂隙领主才能领取奖励(All Breachlords must be fully vanquished to claim Reward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2818653316",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,解放的伤害总增 #%(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Discharge deals #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1213084913",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,解放的冷却时间为 # 毫秒(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Discharge Cooldown is # ms)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2045330446",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,解放的效果区域总增 #%(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Discharge has #% more Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2933909365",
        "text": "怒火提高法术伤害,而非攻击伤害(Rage grants Spell Damage instead of Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3678841229",
        "text": "在感电地面上的移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed on Shocked Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4291434923",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【弥补之源】(1 Added Passive Skill is Mender's Wellspring)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_969576725",
        "text": "受【优雅】影响时,+#% 闪避攻击击中率(+#% chance to Evade Attack Hits while affected by Grace)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_514215387",
        "text": "范围内每配置 10 点智慧,则魔力回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Mana Recovery Rate per 10 Intelligence on Allocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1971757986",
        "text": "偷取生命时,受到持续混沌伤害会转为治疗你(Taking Chaos Damage over Time heals you instead while Leeching Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_710105516",
        "text": "在冰缓地面上每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second on Chilled Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3098087057",
        "text": "在燃烧地面上的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage on Burning Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_34059570",
        "text": "受到【怨毒光环】影响时,不受【中毒】影响(Unaffected by Poison while affected by Malevolence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4104891138",
        "text": "受到【怨毒光环】影响时,不受【流血】影响(Unaffected by Bleeding while affected by Malevolence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3450276548",
        "text": "击中冰缓的敌人时使其致盲(Blind Chilled Enemies on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1821748178",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【恶狼哭号】(1 Added Passive Skill is Cry Wolf)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2411886876",
        "text": "怪物的灵柩无法被摧毁(Monster corpses cannot be Destroyed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1077131949",
        "text": "受到【雷霆】影响时,伤害穿透 #% 闪电抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance while affected by Wrath)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1665492921",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【闪电之捷】(Grants Level # Herald of Thunder Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3846248551",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【寒冰之捷】(Grants Level # Herald of Ice Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1734275536",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【乱中有静】(1 Added Passive Skill is Peace Amidst Chaos)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1087710344",
        "text": "陷阱有 #% 的几率额外触发一次(#% Chance for Traps to Trigger an additional time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1615324731",
        "text": "攻击时,每有一个増助的战吼,\n便受到相当于生命值#%的物理伤害(When you Attack, take #% of Life as Physical Damage for\neach Warcry Exerting the Attack)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3784504781",
        "text": "镶嵌宝石的战吼技能拥有+#次冷却使用次数(Socketed Warcry Skills have +# Cooldown Use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3881737087",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为禁欲之相(1 Added Passive Skill is Mortifying Aspect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2833218772",
        "text": "瓦尔技能使用时有 #% 的几率重获被消耗的灵魂(Vaal Skills have #% chance to regain consumed Souls when used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3446950357",
        "text": "范围内其他伤害类型的增减转换成火焰伤害(Increases and Reductions to other Damage Types in Radius are Transformed to apply to Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4151190513",
        "text": "装备 1 件普通物品时,物品稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Items found with a Normal Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1498954300",
        "text": "装备 1 件魔法物品时,物品掉落数量提高 #%(#% increased Quantity of Items found with a Magic Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3835899275",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石元素伤害总增 #%(Socketed Gems deal #% more Elemental Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4071658793",
        "text": "法术伤害压制率在受到优雅影响时 +#%(+#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage while affected by Grace)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3993957711",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【不眠哨卫】(1 Added Passive Skill is Sleepless Sentries)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3388448323",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【高等施法回响】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Greater Spell Echo)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2220602676",
        "text": "稀有怪物拥有精华效果(Rare Monsters have Essence effects)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3918947537",
        "text": "装备时触发 # 级的【凝冰守护】(Triggers Level # Cold Aegis when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3199910734",
        "text": "总共消耗 200 点魔力后获得 # 点怒火(Gain # Rage after Spending a total of 200 Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3758712376",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【呼风唤雪】(1 Added Passive Skill is Blizzard Caller)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2649513539",
        "text": "受到的物理伤害穿透能量护盾(Physical Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1165583295",
        "text": "被活力影响时每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second while affected by Vitality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_315697256",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【碎颅斗士】(1 Added Passive Skill is Skullbreaker)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_981878473",
        "text": "每级使药剂效果持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Flask Effect Duration per Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1653010703",
        "text": "+#% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1507409483",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【纯粹苦痛】(1 Added Passive Skill is Pure Agony)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1476913894",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【变换之影】(1 Added Passive Skill is Shifting Shadow)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3177526694",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【门徒】(1 Added Passive Skill is Disciples)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1462135249",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【火焰之主】(1 Added Passive Skill is Master of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3867344930",
        "text": "每级使对你生效的药剂效果提高 #%(Flasks applied to you have #% increased Effect per Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_212648555",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【绝缘】(1 Added Passive Skill is Insulated)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2622946553",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【防护冻结】(1 Added Passive Skill is Antifreeze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1483358825",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【钢铁之心】(1 Added Passive Skill is Heart of Iron)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2828710986",
        "text": "插槽内的法术获得 +#% 暴击伤害加成(Socketed Spells have +#% to Critical Strike Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3500334379",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【缓慢折磨】(1 Added Passive Skill is Steady Torment)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1570474940",
        "text": "1 个添加的被动天赋为不羁专注(1 Added Passive Skill is Unrestrained Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2503253050",
        "text": "无法获得暴击球(Cannot gain Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1011863394",
        "text": "使用【尊严】时,你造成的穿刺效果会造成 # 次额外击中(Impales you inflict last # additional Hits while using Pride)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2048747572",
        "text": "攻击伤害在受精准影响时提高 #%(#% increased Attack Damage while affected by Precision)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3609854472",
        "text": "你对已穿刺的敌人造成的穿刺伤害压制 #% 物理伤害减免(Impale Damage dealt to Enemies Impaled by you Overwhelms #% Physical Damage Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2313899959",
        "text": "在魔力不满时使用可以缓速周围敌人,使它们的移动速度减慢 #%(Hinders nearby Enemies with #% reduced Movement Speed if used while not on Full Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1128763150",
        "text": "装备时触发 # 级的【烈焰守护】(Triggers Level # Fire Aegis when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2449392400",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【混沌降生】(1 Added Passive Skill is Born of Chaos)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_755922799",
        "text": "召唤生物有 #% 的几率造成双倍伤害(Minions have #% chance to deal Double Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2383914651",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【倔强学徒】(1 Added Passive Skill is Stubborn Student)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_670814047",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点力量,【熔岩之击】的投射物撞击地面时产生连锁效果(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Molten Strike Projectiles Chain on impacting ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4245896836",
        "text": "冻结、感电、点燃 几率 +#%(+#% chance to be Frozen, Shocked and Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1970781345",
        "text": "插槽内的技能造成的攻击伤害总增 #%(Socketed Skills deal #% more Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_786380548",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点力量,【熔岩之击】发射的投射物数量总增 #%(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Molten Strike fires #% more Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2295439133",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点力量,【熔岩之击】的投射物 +# 次连锁(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Molten Strike Projectiles Chain +# time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2523334466",
        "text": "若你近期内打出暴击,则附加 # - # 基础混沌伤害(Adds # to # Chaos Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3084283832",
        "text": "区域内的玩家堕入疯狂(Players in Area are driven mad)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1349002319",
        "text": "生效期间受到击中火焰和闪电伤害的 #% 视作冰霜伤害(#% of Fire and Lightning Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2484082827",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【回风之剑】(1 Added Passive Skill is Fan of Blades)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2294919888",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【冬眠者】(1 Added Passive Skill is Hibernator)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_713280739",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:效果区域扩大 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3082079953",
        "text": "元素抗性被你最高的元素抗性上限封顶(Elemental Resistances are capped by your highest Maximum Elemental Resistance instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1411347992",
        "text": "属性词缀改为适配全知(Modifiers to Attributes instead apply to Omniscience)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_374891408",
        "text": "生效期间,#% 的物理攻击伤害转化为魔力偷取(#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3191479793",
        "text": "奉献效果提高 #%(#% increased effect of Offerings)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2055715585",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【旱魃】(1 Added Passive Skill is Lord of Drought)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2757041809",
        "text": "元素抗性按照每 15 点全知穿透 #%(Penetrate #% Elemental Resistances per 15 Omniscience)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2569472704",
        "text": "所有元素抗性按照每 15 点全知 +#%(+#% to all Elemental Resistances per 15 Omniscience)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3187805501",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:药剂充能获取提高 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Flask Charges gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3024338155",
        "text": "属性需求可由 #% 的全知满足(Attribute Requirements can be satisfied by #% of Omniscience)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3430460307",
        "text": "范围内的核心天赋替换为:\n技能魔力消耗提高 #%,法术伤害提高 #%(Notable Passive Skills in Radius are Transformed to\ninstead grant: #% increased Mana Cost of Skills and #% increased Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3828375170",
        "text": "你造成的流血的伤害生效速度加快 #%(Bleeding you inflict deals Damage #% faster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_348883745",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【风暴之诱】(1 Added Passive Skill is Tempt the Storm)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3839163699",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 陷阱冷却(辅) 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Advanced Traps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_387596329",
        "text": "猫之隐匿持续时间 +# 秒(+# seconds to Cat's Stealth Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1834455446",
        "text": "拥有【猫之隐匿】时获得【迷踪】状态(You have Phasing while you have Cat's Stealth)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1170556324",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点敏捷,【电光箭】的范围伤害提高 #%(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Galvanic Arrow deals #% increased Area Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3945934607",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点敏捷,\n则【电光箭】的效果区域扩大 #%(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Galvanic Arrow has #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1938661964",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【螺旋之风】(1 Added Passive Skill is Wind-up)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_67637087",
        "text": "若你近期内未被击中,则受到的伤害总降 #%(#% less Damage taken if you have not been Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1073310669",
        "text": "若你近期内被击中,则闪避值提高 #%(#% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1478247313",
        "text": "若你近期内没有打出过暴击,则获得 +#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you haven't dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1154827254",
        "text": "范围内每 10 点未配置的力量,+#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier per 10 Strength on Unallocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2574694107",
        "text": "插槽中的非瓦尔宝石等级增加+#(+# to Level of Socketed Non-Vaal Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3667965781",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【天人化生】(1 Added Passive Skill is Holistic Health)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_614758785",
        "text": "被击中时承受 +# 火焰伤害(+# Fire Damage taken from Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1852317988",
        "text": "魔力不足仍然可以使用近战攻击(Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4107150355",
        "text": "被你感电的敌人施法速度减慢 #%(Enemies you Shock have #% reduced Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1477032229",
        "text": "对冰缓敌人穿透其 #% 冰霜抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance against Chilled Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2806435316",
        "text": "若你近期内没有击败敌人,则命中值提高 #%(#% increased Accuracy Rating if you haven't Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2446580062",
        "text": "你获得【猫之隐匿】时也会同时获得自身最大数量的狂怒球和暴击球(Gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy and Power Charges when you gain Cat's Stealth)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3291999509",
        "text": "反射感电(Shock Reflection)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2595115995",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【正念】(1 Added Passive Skill is Mindfulness)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1127706436",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【铁匠】(1 Added Passive Skill is Blacksmith)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2062792091",
        "text": "你在专注时有 #% 的几率触发插入的法术,它有 0.25 秒冷却时间(#% chance to Trigger Socketed Spells when you Focus, with a 0.25 second Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4186532642",
        "text": "对击中时受到的混沌伤害施加护甲效果(Armour also applies to Chaos Damage taken from Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3945685369",
        "text": "你的移动速度变为基础值的 #%(Your Movement Speed is #% of its base value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1811130680",
        "text": "魔力回复提高 #%(#% increased Mana Recovered)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4025536654",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【充能器】(1 Added Passive Skill is Capacitor)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3134790305",
        "text": "被你感电的敌人移动速度减慢 #%(Enemies you Shock have #% reduced Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3069588220",
        "text": "周围敌人在你至少有 # 点怒火时被碾压(Nearby Enemies are Crushed while you have at least # Rage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1994143317",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 元素穿透 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Elemental Penetration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1285172810",
        "text": "若你近期内使用过瓦尔技能,则移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed if you have used a Vaal Skill Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3659983276",
        "text": "范围内的核心天赋技能转化\n替代为:召唤生物受到的伤害提高 #%(Notable Passive Skills in Radius are Transformed to\ninstead grant: Minions take #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1156957589",
        "text": "魔力上限提高 #%,同时等量降低冰霜抗性(#% increased maximum Mana and reduced Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1381972535",
        "text": "全局能量护盾上限提高 #%,同时等量降低闪电抗性(#% increased Global maximum Energy Shield and reduced Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_531868030",
        "text": "脆弱以光环形式施放时没有保留效果(Vulnerability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3880462354",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【灰烬之捷】(Grants Level # Herald of Ash Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2534405517",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【激进理念】(1 Added Passive Skill is Daring Ideas)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3018691556",
        "text": "生命上限提高 #%,同时等量降低火焰抗性(#% increased maximum Life and reduced Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_959641748",
        "text": "使用时会扣除生命,等同于魔力回复值的 #%(Removes #% of Mana Recovered from Life when used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3285021988",
        "text": "如果最近使用过瓦尔技能,则每击中一名敌人增加#点生命(Gain # Life per Enemy Hit if you have used a Vaal Skill Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2826633504",
        "text": "投射物无视近距离的敌人(Projectiles cannot collide with Enemies in Close Range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_792262925",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为狂乱之相(1 Added Passive Skill is Frantic Aspect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3492924480",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【棱光之壳】(1 Added Passive Skill is Prismatic Carapace)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1141756390",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,则熔岩奔涌每次连锁的伤害总增 #%(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Rolling Magma deals #% more Damage per Chain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3131110290",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,则熔岩奔涌伤害总增 #%(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Rolling Magma deals #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2401345409",
        "text": "法术压制几率词缀有 #% 也套用于避免元素异常状态几率(Modifiers to Chance to Suppress Spell Damage also apply to Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments at #% of their Value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3844016207",
        "text": "击败敌人时触发等级 20 召唤毒蛛(Trigger Level 20 Raise Spiders on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3262895685",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:受捷影响时,攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Attack and Cast Speed while affected by a Herald)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2265281226",
        "text": "区域变得极度致命(Area becomes increasingly lethal)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_684155617",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【破法】(1 Added Passive Skill is Mage Bane)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_480975218",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,【火球】无法【点燃】(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Fireball cannot ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2621660713",
        "text": "被你致盲的敌人受到恶语术影响(Enemies Blinded by you have Malediction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1482194094",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点智慧,【火球】 +#% 的几率施加【烧灼】(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Fireball has +#% chance to inflict scorch)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4193902224",
        "text": "不受致盲影响(Unaffected by Blind)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1387367793",
        "text": "召唤生物击中时有 #% 的几率造成死亡凋零(Minions have #% chance to inflict Withered on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3848047105",
        "text": "你的物理伤害造成感电(Your Physical Damage can Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1936135020",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【牺牲制造者】(1 Added Passive Skill is Victim Maker)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3057154383",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为赤血医师(1 Added Passive Skill is Phlebotomist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2720707",
        "text": "区域内有所有影响类型的敌人(Area contains enemies of all influence types)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4288824781",
        "text": "每个精神能量球使你额外造成等同于物理伤害 #% 的每一种元素伤害(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element per Spirit Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3842406602",
        "text": "若你近期内受到【残暴打击】,则攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed if you've taken a Savage Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_729163974",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【莫名之赐】(1 Added Passive Skill is Unspeakable Gifts)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2339022735",
        "text": "若持续时间耗减了 50%,你的诅咒效果提高 #%(Your Curses have #% increased Effect if 50% of Curse Duration expired)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_842363566",
        "text": "范围内来自天赋的敏捷和智慧转为力量近战伤害加成(Dexterity and Intelligence from passives in Radius count towards Strength Melee Damage bonus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1963540179",
        "text": "该武器的暴击率为 100%(This Weapon's Critical Strike Chance is 100%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3205239847",
        "text": "受到击中火焰伤害的 #% 转为物理伤害(#% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3078065247",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【非凡才能】(1 Added Passive Skill is Wizardry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2049471530",
        "text": "当你击中的稀有或传奇敌人没有被标记,触发 # 级督军印记(Trigger Level # Warlord's Mark when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy and have no Mark)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1494965559",
        "text": "敌人每受到一层死亡凋零影响,召唤生物的暴击加成 +#%(Minions have +#% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Withered Debuff on Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1073447019",
        "text": "每个耐力球附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(# to # Fire Damage per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_720395808",
        "text": "元素伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Elemental Damage Leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_766380077",
        "text": "近战武器每击中一名敌人获得 # 点魔力(Gain # Mana per Enemy Hit with Melee Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3278399103",
        "text": "生效期间,对奉献地面上的敌人暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Consecrated Ground during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_313419608",
        "text": "如果诅咒持续时间已经过去 25%,则你诅咒的敌人会被缓速(Enemies Cursed by you are Hindered if 25% of Curse Duration expired)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_876846990",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【弥补之印】(1 Added Passive Skill is Seal Mender)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3257074218",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【统御之主】(1 Added Passive Skill is Master of Command)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_989800292",
        "text": "每个耐力球使你每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1115914670",
        "text": "闪避值按照已装备的盾牌上每 5 点能量护盾上限 +#(+# to Evasion Rating per 5 Maximum Energy Shield on Equipped Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3062707366",
        "text": "冻伤以光环形式施放时没有保留效果(Frostbite has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_458438597",
        "text": "#% 的伤害优先从魔力扣除(#% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1488030420",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【飘雪穿云】(1 Added Passive Skill is Run Through)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3893109186",
        "text": "装备的护盾格挡几率若不低于 30%,则法术伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Spell Damage Leeched as Life if Equipped Shield has at least 30% Chance to Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3088183606",
        "text": "护甲值按照已装备的盾牌上每 5 点闪避值 +#(+# to Armour per 5 Evasion Rating on Equipped Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3636098185",
        "text": "能量护盾上限按照已装备的盾牌上每 5 点护甲值 +#(+# to Maximum Energy Shield per 5 Armour on Equipped Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2057136736",
        "text": "若持续时间耗减了 75%,则被你诅咒的敌人受到的伤害提高 #%(Enemies Cursed by you take #% increased Damage if 75% of Curse Duration expired)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2836980154",
        "text": "你无法拥有非幽魂召唤生物(You cannot have Non-Spectre Minions)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3746703776",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【先祖护佑】(1 Added Passive Skill is Ancestral Preservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1976069869",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【顽强壁垒】(1 Added Passive Skill is One with the Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_713945233",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【腐烂抗力】(1 Added Passive Skill is Rot-Resistant)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1195140808",
        "text": "易燃以光环形式施放时没有保留效果(Flammability has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_555800967",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为猎犬面具(1 Added Passive Skill is Hound's Mark)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3452269808",
        "text": "#% 的几率免疫投射物(#% chance to avoid Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1626712767",
        "text": "若你近期内造成非暴击伤害,则 +#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've dealt a Non-Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3596335518",
        "text": "区域传送门仅会在玩家被击败时关闭(Portals to Area only close when Players die)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1316278494",
        "text": "战吼施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Warcry Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1048879642",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【暴民思维】(1 Added Passive Skill is Mob Mentality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2478282326",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【刻板援军】(1 Added Passive Skill is Rote Reinforcement)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2017927451",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【混元震天】(1 Added Passive Skill is Explosive Force)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3134222965",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【凶骇武士】(1 Added Passive Skill is Fearsome Warrior)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2264586521",
        "text": "插槽内攻击技能的总魔力消耗 +#(Socketed Attacks have +# to Total Mana Cost)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1308016791",
        "text": "玩家的召唤生物的攻击速度总增 #%(Players' Minions have #% more Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3991644188",
        "text": "玩家的召唤生物的移动速度总增 #%(Players' Minions have #% more Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1472543401",
        "text": "低血时免疫晕眩(Cannot be Stunned when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1237051929",
        "text": "玩家的召唤生物的施法速度总增 #%(Players' Minions have #% more Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3225564606",
        "text": "你在地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求爆破、逆向奇术或解除陷阱的可能性总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2307982579",
        "text": "周围被击败的敌人都视为被你击败(Nearby Enemies Killed by anyone count as being Killed by you instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3362879252",
        "text": "范围内的核心天赋技能转化\n替代为:召唤生物的移动速度加快 #%(Notable Passive Skills in Radius are Transformed to\ninstead grant: Minions have #% increased Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3693062339",
        "text": "玩家投掷陷阱的技能投掷的陷阱数量降低 # 个(Player Skills which Throw Traps throw up to # fewer Traps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1239233415",
        "text": "最大狙击层数 +#(+# to maximum Snipe Stages)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3633247582",
        "text": "玩家投掷地雷的技能投掷的地雷数量降低 # 个(Player Skills which Throw Mines throw up to # fewer Mines)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4022743870",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【肾上腺素】(1 Added Passive Skill is Adrenaline)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3041288981",
        "text": "格挡时回复 #% 最大魔力(Recover #% of your maximum Mana when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3995612171",
        "text": "【极地装甲】的增益效果提高 #%(#% increased Arctic Armour Buff Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2834490860",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【惊寒降临】(1 Added Passive Skill is Chilling Presence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3875792669",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【熔岩者印记】(1 Added Passive Skill is Molten One's Mark)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1149662934",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【棱光之舞】(1 Added Passive Skill is Prismatic Dance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1233358566",
        "text": "导电以光环形式施放时没有保留效果(Conductivity has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2563691316",
        "text": "每级 +# 最大魔力(+# Maximum Mana per Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4026156644",
        "text": "生效期间,所有元素抗性最大值 +#%(+#% to all maximum Elemental Resistances during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1982144275",
        "text": "每级 +# 最大生命(+# Maximum Life per Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_297552946",
        "text": "玩家的图腾受到击中伤害的 #% 改为由召唤者的生命承受(#% of Damage Players' Totems take from Hits is taken from their Summoner's Life instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2083777017",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【能量留存】(1 Added Passive Skill is Conservation of Energy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2396755365",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【血肉盛宴】(1 Added Passive Skill is Feast of Flesh)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3864993324",
        "text": "每级 +# 最大能量护盾(+# Maximum Energy Shield per Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_956384511",
        "text": "每 1% 攻击伤害格挡几率 +#% 基础暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier per 1% Chance to Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3031766858",
        "text": "专注时,使周围敌人感电 # 秒(Shock nearby Enemies for # Seconds when you Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3308936917",
        "text": "当你使用物品上的技能时,有 #% 的几率触发 20 级的 【暗影姿态】(#% chance to Trigger Level 20 Shade Form when you Use a Socketed Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_162627873",
        "text": "区域内有 # 个额外的纯净野生动物怪物群(Area contains # additional packs of Untainted Wild Animals)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2135370196",
        "text": "每个影响你的【深渊珠宝】可使最大魔力提高 #%(#% increased Maximum Mana per Abyss Jewel affecting you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1483066460",
        "text": "极地装甲没有保留效果(Arctic Armour has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_926444104",
        "text": "给范围内提供闪电抗性或所有元素抗性的天赋\n也有同等几率在击败敌人时获得一个暴击球(Passives granting Lightning Resistance or all Elemental Resistances in Radius\nalso grant an equal chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1981749265",
        "text": "你的法术被禁用了(Your Spells are disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3605834869",
        "text": "技能获得等于基础魔力消耗#%的基础生命消耗(Skills gain a Base Life Cost equal to #% of Base Mana Cost)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_509677462",
        "text": "范围内提高冰霜抗性的天赋也会提高击败敌人时获得狂怒球的概率(Passives granting Cold Resistance or all Elemental Resistances in Radius\nalso grant an equal chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1633381214",
        "text": "击碎敌人时有 #% 的几率额外获得 1 个瓦尔灵魂(#% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul per Enemy Shattered)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_291644318",
        "text": "法术技能无法造成伤害(Spell Skills deal no Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2736708072",
        "text": "被【怨毒光环】影响时,+#% 持续伤害加成(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier while affected by Malevolence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_354080151",
        "text": "内在信念(Inner Conviction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2340173293",
        "text": "每个白色插槽会使物品掉落数量提高 #%(#% increased Item Quantity per White Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3391324703",
        "text": "陷阱和地雷造成 # - # 额外物理伤害(Traps and Mines deal # to # additional Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3641521906",
        "text": "必须成功保护区域内的所有灵液泵才能领取奖励(Must successfully defend all Ichor Pumps in Area to claim Reward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3801128794",
        "text": "每 15 点智慧可使伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage per 15 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1904419785",
        "text": "获得 # 级的的主动技能【召唤石化雕像】(Grants Level # Petrification Statue Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2478752719",
        "text": "暴击率随超量闪电抗性提高(Critical Strike Chance is increased by Overcapped Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2459443694",
        "text": "该区域会出现一个额外的【菌潮遭遇战】(Area contains a Blight Encounter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2459443694",
        "text": "该区域会出现一个额外的【菌潮遭遇战】(Your Maps contain a Blight Encounter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1672793731",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【战吼技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Warcry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2421436896",
        "text": "箭矢分裂(Arrows Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_128585622",
        "text": "召唤生物转为【侵略】(Minions are Aggressive)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1158433054",
        "text": "区域内的灵液泵耐久度为1(Durability of Ichor Pumps in Area is 1)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2341828832",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【蛊灵斗士】(1 Added Passive Skill is Hex Breaker)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1162352537",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【勇毅者】(1 Added Passive Skill is Will Shaper)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2474196346",
        "text": "法术击中一名敌人获得#点魔力(Gain # Mana per Enemy Hit with Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_461663422",
        "text": "若非来自星团珠宝,含有已腐化的魔法珠宝的\n珠宝插槽天赋效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Jewel Socket Passive Skills containing Corrupted Magic Jewels)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3185671537",
        "text": "每个影响你的【深渊珠宝】可使最大生命提高 #%(#% increased Maximum Life per Abyss Jewel affecting you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_820827484",
        "text": "当你施放法术时,献祭所有魔力,获得等同于献祭魔力 #% 的附加最大闪电伤害,持续 4 秒(When you Cast a Spell, Sacrifice all Mana to gain Added Maximum Lightning Damage\nequal to #% of Sacrificed Mana for 4 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2384145996",
        "text": "你在专注时,冰缓周围敌人,使其行动速度降低 30%(Chill nearby Enemies when you Focus, causing 30% reduced Action Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3510243006",
        "text": "免疫冰缓(Immune to Chill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1363668533",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【肌肉之墙】(1 Added Passive Skill is Wall of Muscle)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3747189159",
        "text": "对冰缓敌人的击中和异常状态伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Chilled Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_113536037",
        "text": "你和在场的敌人受到元素异常状态影响时视作移动中(You and Enemies in your Presence count as moving while affected by Elemental Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_407317553",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受 # 级持续时间总增辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # More Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3215997147",
        "text": "无上衰败(Supreme Decadence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2713357573",
        "text": "移动时获得额外 #% 物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction while moving)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3379724776",
        "text": "受到的混沌伤害的#%穿透能量护盾(#% of Non-Chaos Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_755881431",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【深冬潜者】(1 Added Passive Skill is Winter Prowler)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2323242761",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率获得狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_983989924",
        "text": "静止时受到的元素伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Elemental Damage taken while stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3049436415",
        "text": "使用战吼后获得持续 # 秒的【猛攻】状态(Gain Onslaught for # seconds when you Warcry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_891277550",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 生命偷取 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Life Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2135246244",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:陷阱和地雷投掷速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Trap and Mine Throwing Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1865744989",
        "text": "受到的混沌伤害的#%无法穿透能量护盾(#% of Chaos Damage taken does not bypass Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_854225133",
        "text": "你无法再生生命(You have no Life Regeneration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2280488002",
        "text": "你的晕眩门槛将基于魔力的 #%,而非生命(Stun Threshold is based on #% of your Mana instead of Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1669135888",
        "text": "每有 1 个六分仪影响该地区,元素伤害便提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage per Sextant affecting the area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3036440332",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 受伤时施放 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cast when Damage Taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3967765261",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【鲜血之腥】(1 Added Passive Skill is Bloodscent)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2699118751",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:元素技能的攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Elemental Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_779168081",
        "text": "装备时触发 # 级灵柩行走(Triggers Level # Corpse Walk when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2429546158",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【憎恨】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Hatred Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2538694749",
        "text": "双持爪时攻击伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while Dual Wielding Claws)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_810219447",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【即兴演出】(1 Added Passive Skill is Improvisor)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_751635784",
        "text": "你的地图中掉落的圣甲虫为精华圣甲虫的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2927667525",
        "text": "若装备的其他物品没有生命词缀,生命上限 +#(+# to maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on other Equipped Items)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2543019543",
        "text": "你避免感电的几率加成也适用于所有元素异常状态(Modifiers to Chance to Avoid being Shocked apply to all Elemental Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_356456977",
        "text": "插槽内的攻击技能获得 +#% 暴击伤害加成(Socketed Attacks have +#% to Critical Strike Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_913919528",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 施法回响 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Spell Echo)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2567919918",
        "text": "非恢复类药剂每 3 秒获得 # 次充能(Utility Flasks gain # Charge every 3 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4147897060",
        "text": "攻击及法术伤害格挡几率降低 #%(#% reduced Chance to Block Attack and Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3400437584",
        "text": "每有 1% 攻击格档率,伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage per 1% Chance to Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2487643588",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 持续时间缩短 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Less Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2227042420",
        "text": "物理伤害可以造成冰缓(Your Physical Damage can Chill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3097694855",
        "text": "稀有怪物被击败时有 #% 的几率分裂(#% chance for Rare Monsters to Fracture on death)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_248838155",
        "text": "反射的元素伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Reflected Elemental Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3375208082",
        "text": "插槽内的技能石受到 # 级的 近战击晕获得耐力球 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Endurance Charge on Melee Stun)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2462976337",
        "text": "插槽内的的近战技能石范围扩大 #%(Socketed Melee Gems have #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_185592058",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为大漩涡之主(1 Added Passive Skill is Master of the Maelstrom)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_807450540",
        "text": "地雷造成  #% 的伤害转化为你的生命偷取(#% of Damage dealt by your Mines is Leeched to you as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_254194892",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【骚乱平息】(1 Added Passive Skill is Riot Queller)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2216127021",
        "text": "空手时效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect while Unarmed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2522970386",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【持久专注】(1 Added Passive Skill is Enduring Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_42242677",
        "text": "被击中时有 #% 的几率避免火焰伤害(#% chance to Avoid Fire Damage from Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1535051459",
        "text": "生效期间,对奉献地面上的敌人的暴击率 +#%(+#% to Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Consecrated Ground during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1214532298",
        "text": "若周围有至少 5 个敌人,攻击伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage if there are at least 5 nearby Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3530865840",
        "text": "若你近期没有引爆地雷,则每秒失去 1 个暴击球(Lose a Power Charge each second if you have not Detonated Mines Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1861913998",
        "text": "每 25 点智慧使暴击几率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance per 25 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_694123963",
        "text": "你遭到了脆弱诅咒(You are Cursed with Vulnerability)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_604671218",
        "text": "每有 1 个暴击球,生命和能量护盾回复率提高 #%(#% increased Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2416852492",
        "text": "区域内的战乱之殇怪物有一个无常之核(Legion Monsters in Area have a Volatile Core)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2250169390",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【霸主】(1 Added Passive Skill is Overlord)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1351226837",
        "text": "必须释放区域内的所有战乱之殇怪物才能领取奖励(All Legion monsters in Area must be released to claim Reward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_817611267",
        "text": "每 10 点敏捷使该武器的攻击附加 #-# 点闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3897451709",
        "text": "该区域会额外出现 1 个战乱之殇事件(Area contains an additional Legion Encounter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3897451709",
        "text": "该区域会额外出现 1 个战乱之殇事件(Your Maps contain an additional Legion Encounter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1528823952",
        "text": "在移动时按照每个狂怒球每秒承受 # 点冰霜伤害(# Cold Damage taken per second per Frenzy Charge while moving)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3995650818",
        "text": "有羁绊目标时,你的技能的非诅咒光环效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills while you have a Linked Target)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_164032122",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【威力结界】(1 Added Passive Skill is Powerful Ward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1381945089",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为德瑞的冷漠(1 Added Passive Skill is Doedre's Apathy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1901158930",
        "text": "免疫流血(Bleeding cannot be inflicted on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3049891689",
        "text": "打击技能近战击中获得护体(Melee Hits from Strike Skills Fortify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1524882321",
        "text": "可视为所有类型的单手近战武器(Counts as all One Handed Melee Weapon Types)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1039149869",
        "text": "每层护体使攻击速度提高 #%(#% increased Attack Speed per Fortification)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_428119274",
        "text": "玩家具有迷雾之体(Players have Shroud Walker)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2284771334",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为赤血造诣(1 Added Passive Skill is Blood Artist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_617548179",
        "text": "穿越建筑师有 #% 的几率被一个罪魂附身(Incursion Architects have #% chance to be Possessed by a Tormented Spirit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_617548179",
        "text": "穿越建筑师有 #% 的几率被一个罪魂附身(#% chance for Incursion Architects in your Maps to be Possessed by a Tormented Spirit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2839577586",
        "text": "击中有 #% 的几率忽略敌方怪物的物理伤害减免(Hits have #% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_612223930",
        "text": "无法造成冻结或冰缓(Cannot inflict Freeze or Chill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1092546321",
        "text": "生命和能量护盾回复率提高 #%(#% increased Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1911037487",
        "text": "腐化的灵魂(Corrupted Soul)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1840751341",
        "text": "专注时,你施加的异常状态持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1649883131",
        "text": "每个狂怒球都有 #% 的几率避免击中造成的元素伤害(#% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2094299742",
        "text": "护体上限 +#(+# to maximum Fortification)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3536082205",
        "text": "右戒指栏位:你冻结敌人时在接下来 # 秒使其被冰霜缠身(Right Ring slot: Cover Enemies in Frost for # seconds when you Freeze them)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3221277412",
        "text": "可视作所有单手武器类型并进行符文锻造(Can be Runesmithed as though it were all One Handed Melee Weapon Types)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_149574107",
        "text": "每 10 点敏捷可使该武器的攻击附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1965393792",
        "text": "提供 # 级死亡之愿(Grants Level # Death Wish Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3243062554",
        "text": "攻击伤害的 #% 按照每个狂怒球转化为生命偷取(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3686711832",
        "text": "生效期间使用技能会赋予你临终叹息,魔力消耗为 #%(Grants Last Breath when you Use a Skill during Effect, for #% of Mana Cost)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3848677307",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【高空钢丝】(1 Added Passive Skill is Aerialist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2238174408",
        "text": "#% 的几率造成易碎(#% chance to inflict Brittle)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3697237382",
        "text": "必须完成所有穿越才能领取奖励(All Incursions must be completed to claim Reward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3187151138",
        "option": {
            "options": [
                    "id": 2,
                    "text": "伊恩哈尔(Einhar)"
                    "id": 3,
                    "text": "阿尔瓦(Alva)"
                    "id": 5,
                    "text": "尼克(Niko)"
                    "id": 6,
                    "text": "琼(Jun)"
        "text": "你的地图中包含# (大师)(Your Maps contain # (Master))",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2776366800",
        "text": "必须完成十轮致命贪婪遭遇战才能领取奖励(Must complete ten Ultimatum Encounter waves to claim Reward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3896241826",
        "text": "对周围敌人的击中暴击几率提高 #%(Hits against Nearby Enemies have #% increased Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1193925814",
        "text": "魔力药剂每 3 秒获得 # 次充能(Mana Flasks gain # Charge every 3 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3678739763",
        "text": "羁绊目标始终始终处于你的技能的非诅咒光环的范围内\n技能的非诅咒光环法术仅对你和羁绊目标生效(Linked Targets always count as in range of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills\nNon-Curse Auras from your Skills only apply to you and Linked Targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_243713911",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【闪电传送】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Lightning Warp Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4197792189",
        "text": "你可能会被一个罪魂触碰(You can be Touched by Tormented Spirits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2695848124",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为德瑞的饕餮(1 Added Passive Skill is Doedre's Gluttony)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2055257822",
        "text": "区域内有致命贪婪遭遇战(Areas contain an Ultimatum Encounter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2055257822",
        "text": "区域内有致命贪婪遭遇战(Your Maps contain an Ultimatum Encounter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3845167239",
        "text": "玩家无法选择每轮生效的致命贪婪词缀(Players cannot choose which Ultimatum Modifier is applied each Round)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2357136187",
        "text": "主要赏金目标的赏金猎人印记价值提高 #%(#% increased Rogue's Marker value of primary Heist Target)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2533512212",
        "text": "左戒指栏位:你点燃敌人时在接下来 # 秒使其被灰烬缠身(Left Ring slot: Cover Enemies in Ash for # seconds when you Ignite them)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2169345147",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【又快又狠】(1 Added Passive Skill is Quick and Deadly)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3241494164",
        "text": "暴击时触发 # 级的【雷霆万钧】(Trigger Level # Lightning Bolt when you deal a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_388639924",
        "text": "理智状态下,受到的物理和混沌伤害总增 #%(#% more Physical and Chaos Damage Taken while Sane)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3797538318",
        "text": "疯狂状态下,被你的击中击败的敌人会被毁灭(Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed while Insane)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2500803699",
        "text": "开箱导致警报等级提升的速度加快 #%(#% increased raising of Alert Level from opening Chests)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_159726667",
        "text": "在区域中的驱灵祭坛处献祭怪物提供的贡品增加#%(Monsters Sacrificed at Ritual Altars in Area grant #% increased Tribute)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_159726667",
        "text": "在地图内驱灵祭坛上献祭怪物提供的贡品增加 #%(Monsters Sacrificed at Ritual Altars in your Maps grant #% increased Tribute)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_252724319",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【持久结界】(1 Added Passive Skill is Enduring Ward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_840743474",
        "text": "区域内有裂隙领主(Area contains The Hidden)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1045438865",
        "text": "可拥有 # 个额外的符文锻造附魔(Can have # additional Runesmithing Enchantment)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2628163981",
        "text": "专注时攻击和施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Cast Speed while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2544408546",
        "text": "【鸟之势】也会使周围友军获得【鸟之力量】和【鸟之斗魄】(Aspect of the Avian also grants Avian's Might and Avian's Flight to nearby Allies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4005027470",
        "text": "可以被卡古兰符文匠附魔(Can be Enchanted by a Kalguuran Runesmith)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1746347097",
        "text": "【鸟之势】增益效果提高 #%(#% increased Aspect of the Avian Buff Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1514657588",
        "text": "被击中时有 #% 的几率获得耐力球(#% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you are Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2763732093",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【天才】(1 Added Passive Skill is Genius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3239991868",
        "text": "提供 # 级精神失常(Grants Level # Unhinge Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_344979199",
        "text": "你的地图包含可通过异界天赋关闭的\n额外内容的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2306002879",
        "text": "地图内的物品稀有度提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2692289207",
        "text": "疯狂状态下,总暴击率总增 #%(#% more Critical Strike Chance while Insane)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2946888410",
        "text": "玩家从偷取中获得的每秒最大生命、魔力和能量护盾总回复量提高 #%(Players have #% increased Maximum total Life, Mana and Energy Shield Recovery per second from Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2504632495",
        "text": "理智状态下,被击中时在一秒内再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% Life over one second when Hit while Sane)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1907260000",
        "text": "该武器的击中有 #% 的几率忽略敌人的物理伤害减免(Hits with this Weapon have #% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2440265466",
        "text": "你包含裂隙的地图有 #% 几率包含三个额外的裂隙",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2948375275",
        "text": "暴击率按照每个聚光之石提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance per Grand Spectrum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1711683262",
        "text": "非暴击打击的伤害总增 #%(Non-critical strikes deal #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3948776386",
        "text": "每 15 点力量可使伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage per 15 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4198497576",
        "text": "无法造成点燃(Cannot inflict Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2845551354",
        "text": "你受到的点燃时间加成也适用于所有元素异常状态(Modifiers to Ignite Duration on you apply to all Elemental Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_534844170",
        "text": "你至少有 # 点怒火时免疫诅咒(Immune to Curses while you have at least # Rage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_866902458",
        "text": "你的地图中的玩家的神龛增益效果提高#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3144021288",
        "text": "区域内有 # 个额外的亚硫酸魔像怪物群(Area contains # additional packs of Sulphite Golems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_606940191",
        "text": "#% 的几率烧灼敌人(#% chance to Scorch Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3106951888",
        "text": "插入的瓦尔技能的伤害总增 #%(Socketed Vaal Skills deal #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3738009328",
        "text": "法术技能最后一次重复始终暴击(Spell Skills always deal Critical Strikes on final Repeat)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4228951304",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,敌人晕眩门槛降低 #%(#% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_207573834",
        "text": "生效期间获得不洁之力(Unholy Might during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2516869940",
        "text": "法术技能只能在最后一次重复暴击(Spell Skills cannot deal Critical Strikes except on final Repeat)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2174796794",
        "text": "你失去时空锁链时,获得最大怒火(When you lose Temporal Chains you gain maximum Rage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3913282911",
        "text": "攻击技能的持续混沌伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2189467271",
        "text": "被冰霜净化影响时,受到火焰和闪电伤害的 #% 视作冰霜伤害(#% of Fire and Lightning Damage taken as Cold Damage while affected by Purity of Ice)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1063263585",
        "text": "周围敌方怪物至少保留 #% 的生命(Nearby Enemy Monsters have at least #% of Life Reserved)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2771143254",
        "text": "你的地图有 (2–2.5)% 的几率在完成后赋予一个额外的奇拉克任务",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_chitus",
        "text": "授予 # 纪念切特斯的金币(Commissioned # coins to commemorate Chitus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2761732967",
        "text": "愤怒狂灵击败被点燃的敌人后会刷新自身持续时间。(Summoned Raging Spirits refresh their Duration when they Kill an Ignited Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1955994922",
        "text": "敌人的击中给你施加时空锁链(Enemy Hits inflict Temporal Chains on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1645524575",
        "text": "范围内提高火焰抗性的天赋也会提高击败敌人时获得耐力球的概率(Passives granting Fire Resistance or all Elemental Resistances in Radius\nalso grant an equal chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2485187927",
        "text": "当技能或召唤生物击败稀有怪物时产生一个菌潮孢子(Create a Blighted Spore when your Skills or Minions Kill a Rare Monster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_918170065",
        "text": "怪物 +#% 魔力偷取抗性(+#% Monster Mana Leech Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2448279015",
        "text": "每个耐力球使效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_526251910",
        "text": "无法偷取怪物生命(Cannot Leech Life from Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1518701332",
        "text": "若你最高的两种属性相等,则你获得烧灼汇流、易碎汇流、力竭汇流(You have Scorching Conflux, Brittle Conflux and Sapping Conflux while your two highest Attributes are equal)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1250317014",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点力量,被【冰霜之锤】击碎的敌人的物品稀有度提高 #%(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, #% increased\nRarity of Items dropped by Enemies Shattered by Glacial Hammer)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1959256242",
        "text": "非低魔时获得【猛攻】(You have Onslaught while not on Low Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_532324017",
        "text": "#% 的几率造成力竭(#% chance to Sap Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_542238572",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:召唤生物每秒再生 #% 生命(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: Minions Regenerate #% of Life per Second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3699494172",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 异常爆发 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Unbound Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3281123655",
        "text": "无法点燃、冰缓、冻结、感电(Cannot Ignite, Chill, Freeze or Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1478305007",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点智慧,【冰川之刺】物理伤害的  #%\n转化为冰霜伤害(With 40 Intelligence in Radius, #% of Glacial Cascade Physical Damage\nConverted to Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1195319608",
        "text": "装备身体护甲的能量护盾提高 #%(#% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Body Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1367987042",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点智慧,【冰川之刺】将额外爆炸 1 次(With 40 Intelligence in Radius, Glacial Cascade has an additional Burst)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_990377349",
        "text": "无法造成感电(Cannot inflict Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_242161915",
        "text": "所有元素抗性都按照每个聚光之石 +#%(+#% to all Elemental Resistances per Grand Spectrum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1043982313",
        "text": "攻击造成暴击时获得 1 点怒火(Gain 1 Rage on Critical Strike with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_472812693",
        "text": "你技能的光环在你身上的效果提高 #%(Auras from your Skills have #% increased Effect on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3953667743",
        "text": "被闪电净化影响时,受到火焰和冰霜伤害的 #% 视作闪电伤害(#% of Fire and Cold Damage taken as Lightning Damage while\naffected by Purity of Lightning)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_kiloava",
        "text": "获得克洛瓦麾下 # 名武士的领导权(Commanded leadership over # warriors under Kiloava)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3234824465",
        "text": "受到元素净化光环影响时,所有元素抗性上限提高+#%(+#% to all maximum Elemental Resistances while affected by Purity of Elements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_600221736",
        "text": "你施加的冰霜曝露使冰霜抗性额外 +#%(Cold Exposure you inflict applies an extra +#% to Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_73272763",
        "text": "低血时,技能魔力消耗降低 #%(#% reduced Mana Cost of Skills when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1637928656",
        "text": "低血时 +#% 元素抗性(+#% to all Elemental Resistances while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1539825365",
        "text": "【阻灵术】生效期间,+# 护甲(+# to Armour during Soul Gain Prevention)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1365052901",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2674336304",
        "text": "周围敌人的冰霜抗性 +#%(Nearby Enemies have +#% to Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1050359418",
        "text": "获得的胆魄提高 #%(#% increased Valour gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1786401772",
        "text": "获得 # 级号召技能(Grants Level # Convocation Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4292531291",
        "text": "生效期间,攻击附加 #-# 点闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Attacks during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3566242751",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【诱饵图腾】(Grants Level # Decoy Totem Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_693460617",
        "text": "插槽内的魔像技能每秒再生 #% 生命(Socketed Golem Skills have Minions Regenerate #% of Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1777740627",
        "text": "失去的生命被保留起来,\n直到你的生命在 # 秒内没有再受到伤害(Life that would be lost by taking Damage is instead Reserved\nuntil you take no Damage to Life for # second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_601272515",
        "text": "持续混沌伤害提高 #%(#% increased Chaos Damage over Time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2388347909",
        "text": "最左边的 # 个魔法非恢复类药剂给你持续提供药剂效果(Leftmost # Magic Utility Flask constantly applies its Flask Effect to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_887556907",
        "text": "未处于濒血状态时,受到的混沌伤害无法忽略能量护盾(Chaos Damage taken does not bypass Energy Shield while not on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2440093109",
        "text": "区域内有裂界守卫(Area contains The Twisted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1482608021",
        "text": "移除所有能量护盾(Removes all Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_252194507",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_178057093",
        "text": "插槽内魔像技能击中时有 #% 的几率嘲讽(Socketed Golem Skills have #% chance to Taunt on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2783958145",
        "text": "生命上限总增 #%(#% more Maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_344389721",
        "text": "不能移除魔法非恢复类药剂效果(Magic Utility Flask Effects cannot be removed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2114080270",
        "text": "对受到【盗猎者印记】诅咒的敌人附带【终结】效果(Culling Strike against Enemies Cursed with Poacher's Mark)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4263525693",
        "text": "玩家会受到瓦尔女王阿兹里幽灵的袭击(Players are assaulted by apparitions of Atziri, Queen of the Vaal)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3399892496",
        "text": "地图中掉落物品数量的修正改为以 300% 的效果作用于地图中掉落物品的稀有度",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1383676476",
        "text": "被敌人击中前获得已损失未保留生命的 #%(Gain #% of Missing Unreserved Life before being Hit by an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3562211447",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率获得不洁之力 3 秒(#% chance to gain Unholy Might for 3 seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_282757414",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【粉碎】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Pulverise)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4118076613",
        "text": "怪物低血时被激怒(Monsters Enrage on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3986704288",
        "text": "不能使用魔法非恢复类药剂(Magic Utility Flasks cannot be Used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2181129193",
        "text": "静止时受到的物理伤害降低 #%(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction while stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4182502594",
        "text": "Area has # waves of monsters",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3107439245",
        "text": "和瓦卡诺一同完成夺宝冒险时有 #% 的几率产生一次额外破解(#% chance on completing a Heist to generate an additional Reveal with Whakano)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3338465330",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:敌人身上的元素异常状态持续时间延长 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3597737983",
        "text": "当你拥有兽化的召唤生物时,攻击和移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Movement Speed while you have a Bestial Minion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2609732382",
        "text": "Area has # seconds between monster waves",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1406092431",
        "text": "当你消灭一个被非光环魔蛊诅咒的敌人时,在魔蛊剩余\n的持续时间中免疫诅咒(When you Kill an Enemy Cursed with a Non-Aura Hex, become Immune to\nCurses for remaining Hex Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2723101291",
        "text": "若你近期内造成过暴击,则附加 # to # 点物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3418772",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石有 #% 的几率使敌人逃跑(Socketed Gems have #% chance to cause Enemies to Flee on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4118987751",
        "text": "偷取的每秒最大生命总恢复量提高 #%(#% increased Maximum total Life Recovery per second from Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1199118714",
        "text": "插槽内魔像技能获得等同最大生命 #% 的额外能量护盾(Socketed Golem Skills gain #% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_706212417",
        "text": "插槽内魔像技能攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Socketed Golem Skills have #% increased Attack and Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2813516522",
        "text": "插槽内魔像技能的增益效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Buffs granted by Socketed Golem Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1693676706",
        "text": "玩家施放插槽内的魔像技能会获得 # 秒【猛攻】状态(Gain Onslaught for # seconds when you Cast Socketed Golem Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2841027131",
        "text": "移动时每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per second while moving)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3705740723",
        "text": "免疫燃烧地面,感电地面和冰缓地面(Immune to Burning Ground, Shocked Ground and Chilled Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_zerphi",
        "text": "以泽佛依的名义用 # 名祭品之血浸染(Bathed in the blood of # sacrificed in the name of Zerphi)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3806100539",
        "text": "每 10 点敏捷提高 +# 最大生命(+# to Maximum Life per 10 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3273962791",
        "text": "空手时近战打击范围 +# 米(+# metre to Melee Strike Range while Unarmed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4108305628",
        "text": "生效期间,法术附加 #-# 点闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3087912144",
        "text": "范围内的天赋技能还获得:近战技能的徒手攻击速度加快 #%(Passive Skills in Radius also grant: #% increased Unarmed Attack Speed with Melee Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1753916791",
        "text": "当你拥有兽化的召唤生物时,投射物攻击击中时有 #% 的几率造成瘫痪(Projectiles from Attacks have #% chance to Maim on Hit while\nyou have a Bestial Minion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2308278768",
        "text": "旅行技能的冷却回复率提高 #%(#% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Travel Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2889664727",
        "text": "被击中时有 #% 的几率避免闪电伤害(#% chance to Avoid Lightning Damage from Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3119612865",
        "text": "召唤生物有 #% 额外物理伤害减免(Minions have #% additional Physical Damage Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_383557755",
        "text": "移形换影(Acrobatics)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3819443367",
        "text": "区域内不会有致命贪婪遭遇战(Area has no chance to contain Ultimatum Encounters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3819443367",
        "text": "区域内不会有致命贪婪遭遇战(Your Maps have no chance to contain Ultimatum Encounters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2818657516",
        "text": "玩家会受到摧灭幽灵的袭击\n摧灭达到 7 层时无法领取奖励(Players are assaulted by Ruinous Ghosts\nReaching seven Ruin prevents Reward from being claimed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2567751411",
        "text": "战吼技能的效果范围提高 #%(Warcry Skills have #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2696557965",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的  齐射 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Volley)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2732344760",
        "text": "暴击球达到最大数量时,获得 1 个狂怒球(Gain a Frenzy Charge on reaching Maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1737583880",
        "text": "拥有打击技能的近战攻击总能造成击退(Melee Hits with Strike Skills always Knockback)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2325632050",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 暴击时施放 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Cast On Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_719626796",
        "text": "打击技能同时将其之前攻击的地点设为目标(Strike Skills also target the previous location they were Used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2866498028",
        "text": "玩家会受到猎人阿尔赫兹敏幽灵的袭击(Players are assaulted by apparitions of Al-Hezmin, the Hunter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_565784293",
        "text": "击退距离延长 #%(#% increased Knockback Distance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_803185500",
        "text": "你的印记技能的效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of your Marks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_844812352",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的改造石变为混沌石(#% chance in Heists for Orbs of Alteration to drop as Chaos Orbs instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2165415361",
        "text": "生效期间,被你击败的敌人有 #% 几率爆炸,造成其最大生命值十分之一的随机元素伤害(Enemies you Kill during Effect have a #% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Damage of a Random Element)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3637628300",
        "text": "提供钢铁呼唤(Grants Call of Steel)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2930706364",
        "text": "格挡时永久威吓敌人(Permanently Intimidate Enemies on Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2156140483",
        "text": "憎恨的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Hatred has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1723738042",
        "text": "被火焰净化影响时,受到冰霜和闪电伤害的 #% 视作火焰伤害(#% of Cold and Lightning Damage taken as Fire Damage while affected by Purity of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3753650187",
        "text": "专注时有 #% 额外物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3303114033",
        "text": "受到的冰霜伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Cold Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3675300253",
        "text": "近战打击技能对周围目标造成溅射伤害(Melee Strike Skills deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1135194732",
        "text": "可以有额外 # 个附魔词缀(Can have # additional Enchantment Modifiers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2418322751",
        "text": "攻击速度总增 #%(#% more Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1526625193",
        "text": "若你的耐力球、狂怒球或暴击球总共有 5 个时,将伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Damage Leeched as Life while you have at least 5 total Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4076910393",
        "text": "无法格挡法术伤害(Cannot Block Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1664904679",
        "text": "每镶嵌一个苍白之凝珠宝,灵体数量上限 +#(+# to maximum number of Spectres per Socketed Ghastly Eye Jewel)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1271338211",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【威吓战吼】(Grants Level # Intimidating Cry Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3150967823",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4007740198",
        "text": "最大感电效果+40%(+40% to Maximum Effect of Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2602664175",
        "text": "击败中毒敌人后,召唤生物回复 #% 生命(Minions Recover #% of Life on Killing a Poisoned Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_156080652",
        "text": "1 个添加的被动天赋为邪恶之眼(1 Added Passive Skill is Evil Eye)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3292262540",
        "text": "武装召唤(Call to Arms)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2241902512",
        "text": "每 20 点力量可使火焰伤害提高 #%(#% increased Fire Damage per 20 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4164990693",
        "text": "生效期间,伤害穿透 #% 闪电抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2089652545",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率威吓敌人 4 秒(#% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2765997141",
        "text": "你地图中的庄园农作物只包含 1 级植物\n在你的地图中收割作物有几率升级与其不同颜色的作物等级",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3576153145",
        "text": "燃烧蹄印(Burning Hoofprints)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2213584313",
        "text": "有 #% 几率击中时对敌人附加脆弱诅咒。(#% chance to Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3774108776",
        "text": "每个暴击球使移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3250579936",
        "text": "装备时施放 # 级的【艾贝拉斯之怒】(Triggers Level # Abberath's Fury when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2332726055",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,有 #% 的几率冰冻(#% chance to Freeze during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4086926366",
        "text": "每张地图的最终地图首领有#%几率掉落一个额外的圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_162742068",
        "text": "+#% 怪物闪电抗性(+#% Monster Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3324747104",
        "text": "专注时,将 #% 的伤害转化为生命偷取(#% of Damage Leeched as Life while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3158958938",
        "text": "反射的物理伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Reflected Physical Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2022851697",
        "text": "你在专注时获得瓦尔冥约效果(You have Vaal Pact while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_660386148",
        "text": "生效期间,#% 的物理伤害转换为闪电伤害(#% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3165492062",
        "text": "瓦尔技能暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Vaal Skill Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_796406325",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,有 #% 的几率感电(#% chance to Shock during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2152491486",
        "text": "拥有兽化召唤生物时为攻击附加 # - # 点混沌伤害(Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Attacks while you have a Bestial Minion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_873224517",
        "text": "被元素净化影响时,受到击中物理伤害的 #% 视作闪电伤害(#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage while affected by Purity of Elements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4070754804",
        "text": "召唤的愤怒狂灵击中稀有或传奇敌人时有 #% 的几率刷新持续时间(Summoned Raging Spirits have #% chance to refresh their Duration when they Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_7847395",
        "text": "召唤的幻灵击中稀有或传奇敌人时有 #% 的几率刷新持续时间(Summoned Phantasms have #% chance to refresh their Duration when they Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1710207583",
        "text": "被元素净化影响时,受到击中物理伤害的 #% 视作冰霜伤害(#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage while affected by Purity of Elements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_584144941",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 低阶多重投射 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Lesser Multiple Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_608164368",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【死亡之愿】(1 Added Passive Skill is Wish for Death)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3888064854",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,有 #% 的几率点燃(#% chance to Ignite during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1722775216",
        "text": "被元素净化影响时,受到击中物理伤害的 #% 视作火焰伤害”(#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage while affected by Purity of Elements)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3842373291",
        "text": "生效期间,受到的反射伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Reflected Damage taken during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1957711555",
        "text": "击中有 #% 的几率施加死亡凋零,持续 2 秒(#% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4058504226",
        "text": "当你拥有兽化的召唤生物时,投射物攻击击中时有 #% 的几率造成流血(Projectiles from Attacks have #% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit while\nyou have a Bestial Minion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1636209393",
        "text": "你的技能施加给敌人的非诅咒光环效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills on Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2383388829",
        "text": "你使用瓦尔技能时有 #% 的几率获得 1 个暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge when you use a Vaal Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3743375737",
        "text": "被击中时有 #% 的几率避免冰霜伤害(#% chance to Avoid Cold Damage from Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_242822230",
        "text": "拥有兽化召唤生物时为攻击附加 # - # 点物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks while you have a Bestial Minion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4109038270",
        "text": "Elemental Hit deals #% increased Damage",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1779027621",
        "text": "被冰霜净化影响时,受到击中物理伤害的 #% 视作冰霜伤害(#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage while affected by Purity of Ice)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1114411822",
        "text": "当你拥有兽化的召唤生物时,投射物攻击击中时有 #% 的几率造成中毒(Projectiles from Attacks have #% chance to Poison on Hit while\nyou have a Bestial Minion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1962922582",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率额外获得 1 个瓦尔灵魂(#% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2599114883",
        "text": "区域内有虚空忆境(Area contains The Forgotten)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_349619704",
        "text": "若你被火焰触碰,则获得肾上腺素(Gain Adrenaline when you become Flame-Touched)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2663792764",
        "text": "受到残暴打击后失去所有精神球(You lose all Spirit Charges when taking a Savage Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1064477264",
        "text": "若你近期内有冰冻敌人,则伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage if you've Frozen an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_254131992",
        "text": "被闪电净化影响时,受到击中物理伤害的 #% 视作闪电伤害(#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage while affected by Purity of Lightning)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_328131617",
        "text": "每秒获得一个精神球(Gain a Spirit Charge every second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1943415243",
        "text": "赋予等级 # 烈焰之触技能(Grants Level # Approaching Flames Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2021420128",
        "text": "当你击中的稀有或传奇敌人没有被标记,触发 # 级督军印记(Trigger Level # Warlords's Mark when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy and have no Mark)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_385496396",
        "text": "必须在至少激活 3 个残骸的情况下完成先祖密藏才能领取奖励(Must complete an Expedition with three or more Remnants enabled to claim Reward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4183582609",
        "text": "你地图中军团怪物的怪物群规模提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_795239488",
        "text": "符纹的怪物造成的伤害总增 #%(Runic Monsters deal #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2214228141",
        "text": "投射物穿透所有燃烧的敌人(Projectiles Pierce all Burning Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3511992942",
        "text": "火焰触碰时每秒受到 # 点火焰伤害(Take # Fire Damage per Second while Flame-Touched)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1996775727",
        "text": "每失去一个精神球,回复 #% 的能量护盾(Recover #% of Energy Shield when you lose a Spirit Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3557750122",
        "text": "区域内有一场先祖秘藏遭遇战(Area contains an Expedition Encounter)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_138579627",
        "text": "若你不再被火焰触碰,则失去肾上腺素(Lose Adrenaline when you cease to be Flame-Touched)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2172921782",
        "text": "驱灵祭坛有特殊奖励的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2388362438",
        "text": "插入苍白之凝珠宝时,召唤生物的命中值 +#(With a Ghastly Eye Jewel Socketed, Minions have +# to Accuracy Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2559492014",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的增幅石变为混沌石(#% chance in Heists for Orbs of Augmentation to drop as Chaos Orbs instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_220932154",
        "text": "你的冰霜伤害无法冰冻(Your Cold Damage cannot Freeze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2780297117",
        "text": "受【疯狂荣光】影响时,被你击败的敌人有 #% 的几率爆炸,造成其生命四分之一的混沌伤害(Enemies you Kill while affected by Glorious Madness have a #% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their Life as Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1220800126",
        "text": "投掷陷阱的技能会投掷最多 1 个额外陷阱(Skills which Throw Traps throw up to 1 additional Trap)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2671550669",
        "text": "因你而流血的敌人给予的药剂充能提高 #%(Enemies you inflict Bleeding on grant #% increased Flask Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3153744598",
        "text": "插入安睡之凝珠宝时,法术击中获得【秘术增强】(With a Hypnotic Eye Jewel Socketed, gain Arcane Surge on Hit with Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3359218839",
        "text": "受【疯狂荣光】影响时,所有伤害都施加【中毒】(All Damage inflicts Poison while affected by Glorious Madness)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3009539307",
        "text": "你地图中的穿越传送门的融合范围总降 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_120845723",
        "text": "符纹怪物的生命总增 #%(Runic Monsters have #% more Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2356594418",
        "text": "获得 # 级魔武战号技能(Grants Level # Battlemage's Cry Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1512695141",
        "text": "被点燃时免疫冰冻和冰缓(Immune to Freeze and Chill while Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3237923082",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受 # 级动量辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Momentum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1244003614",
        "text": "对流血敌人附加 # - # 基础物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2341811700",
        "text": "若你近期内有过格挡,则伤害穿透 #% 火焰抗性(Damage Penetrates #% of Fire Resistance if you have Blocked Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2054257693",
        "text": "攻击打出暴击时,有 #% 的几率造成流血(#% chance to inflict Bleeding on Critical Strike with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3486646279",
        "text": "获得 # 级折磨(Grants level # Affliction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_311641062",
        "text": "你使用药剂时有 #% 的几率不消耗次数(#% chance for Flasks you use to not consume Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3726936056",
        "text": "箭矢每次穿透时附加 #-# 点火焰伤害(Arrows deal # to # Added Fire Damage for each time they've Pierced)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_996483959",
        "text": "攻击打出暴击时,有 #% 的几率造成瘫痪(#% chance to Maim Enemies on Critical Strike with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1510714129",
        "text": "攻击击中时有 #% 的几率造成瘫痪(Attacks have #% chance to Maim on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1431238626",
        "text": "该武器击中后造成的 #% 物理伤害转换为一种随机元素伤害(#% of Physical Damage from Hits with this Weapon is Converted to a random Element)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4031851097",
        "text": "无法造成非元素伤害(Deal no Non-Elemental Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3321235265",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【元素之愈】(Grants Level # Gluttony of Elements Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2451774989",
        "text": "该武器击中时必定造成点燃、冻结和感电(Hits with this Weapon always Ignite, Freeze, and Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1302700515",
        "text": "每个插入的红色技能石都使 #% 的物理伤害转化为额外火焰伤害(Attack Skills gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage per Socketed Red Gem)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_746505085",
        "text": "反射你的另一枚戒指(Reflects your other Ring)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_329974315",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使冰霜伤害提高 #%(#% increased Cold Damage per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2155513095",
        "text": "暴击率随闪电抗性提高(Critical Strike Chance is increased by Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2122561670",
        "text": "近期内获得过凝聚的法术每 # 秒失去 1 层凝聚(Spells which have gained Intensity Recently lose 1 Intensity every # Seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1692565595",
        "text": "持续物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Physical Damage over Time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3169825297",
        "text": "周围敌人的晕眩和格挡回复降低 #%(Nearby Enemies have #% reduced Stun and Block Recovery)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_858460086",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【肉盾】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Meat Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_435737693",
        "text": "若范围内含有 40 点智慧,造成的死亡凋零效果持续 2 秒(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Blight inflicts Withered for 2 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2287264161",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 秘术增强 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Arcane Surge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3354027870",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 闪电穿透 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Lightning Penetration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1475598909",
        "text": "为魔侍附加相当于你装备盾牌的能量护盾上限 #% 的混沌伤害(Skeletons gain Added Chaos Damage equal to #% of Maximum Energy Shield on your Equipped Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1785942004",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发 18 级的【召唤幽狼】(#% Chance to Trigger Level 18 Summon Spectral Wolf on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3779771090",
        "text": "时空锁链以光环形式施放时,其保留效果降低 #%(Temporal Chains has #% reduced Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1798459983",
        "text": "被火焰净化影响时,受到击中物理伤害的 #% 视作火焰伤害(#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage while affected by Purity of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3242537102",
        "text": "所有插入的宝石为红色时,获得【瓦尔冥约】(You have Vaal Pact while all Socketed Gems are Red)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3835570161",
        "text": "击败敌人时,召唤生物获得【不洁之力】,持续 # 秒(Minions gain Unholy Might for # seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3399924348",
        "text": "战吼使你和友军获得【秘术增强】,每 5 点威力值使效果提高 #%,最高 50%(Warcries grant Arcane Surge to you and Allies, with #% increased effect per 5 power, up to 50%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_493812998",
        "text": "所有智慧主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3178542354",
        "text": "若你近期内击中敌人,则移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed if you've Hit an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3996149330",
        "text": "命中值按照范围内未配置的天赋上每 10 点智慧 +#(+# to Accuracy Rating per 10 Intelligence on Unallocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2846886500",
        "text": "玩家会随机成为流星火雨的目标(Players are randomly targeted by Meteors)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_415837237",
        "text": "周围敌人受到的物理伤害提高 #%(Nearby Enemies take #% increased Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3344568504",
        "text": "消耗总计 200 魔力后有 #% 的几率触发 20 级的【秘术苏醒】(#% chance to Trigger Level 20 Arcane Wake after Spending a total of 200 Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_504462346",
        "text": "周围每个灵柩能使移动速度加快 #%(For each nearby corpse, #% increased Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_698336758",
        "text": "每有 1 个地图物品属性影响该地区,则攻击伤害提高 #%(#% increased Attack Damage for each Map Item Modifier affecting the Area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2025297472",
        "text": "每有 1 个地图物品属性影响该地区,则攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed for each Map Item Modifier affecting the Area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3265666559",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的蜕变石变为混沌石(#% chance in Heists for Orbs of Transmutation to drop as Chaos Orbs instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3131535174",
        "text": "你在敌人周围使用非瓦尔猛击或打击技能攻击时\n触发 # 级的塔赫亚神选(Trigger Level # Tawhoa's Chosen when you Attack with\na Non-Vaal Slam or Strike Skill near an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2500585555",
        "text": "周围每个灵柩使你每秒再生 # 生命(For each nearby corpse, Regenerate # Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3909952544",
        "text": "受【疯狂荣光】影响时,你获得【点燃汇流】、【冰缓汇流】、【感电汇流】(You have Igniting, Chilling and Shocking Conflux while affected by Glorious Madness)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_410939404",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【凌迟】(1 Added Passive Skill is Deep Cuts)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3229976559",
        "text": "每 250 点总属性都使技能的保留效果提高 #%(#% increased Reservation of Skills per 250 total Attributes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1065479853",
        "text": "受【疯狂荣光】影响时,免疫元素异常状态(Immune to Elemental Ailments while affected by Glorious Madness)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_63302094",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的命运卡(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Divination Cards)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1985969957",
        "text": "你的火焰伤害会使敌人中毒(Your Fire Damage can Poison)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2265469693",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:烙印附着范围扩大 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Brand Attachment range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1544417021",
        "text": "生效期间获得异能魔力(Eldritch Battery during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_383509486",
        "text": "你在迷踪状态下,投射物连锁次数 +#(Projectiles Chain +# times while you have Phasing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3099138455",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外命运卡物品(#% chance to receive additional Divination Card items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_843854434",
        "text": "拥有【猫之隐匿】时,暴击有 #% 的几率致盲敌人(Critical Strikes have #% chance to Blind Enemies while you have Cat's Stealth)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3992636701",
        "text": "受到【猫之势】影响时,+#% 暴击率(+#% to Critical Strike Chance while affected by Aspect of the Cat)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3767939384",
        "text": "你每有 100 点力量,周围友军的防御属性便提高 #%(Nearby Allies have #% increased Defences per 100 Strength you have)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_146268648",
        "text": "迷踪状态下,受到的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage taken while Phasing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2373079502",
        "text": "冰霜技能有 #% 的几率使敌人中毒(Cold Skills have #% chance to Poison on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1276712564",
        "text": "范围内若未配置敏捷,则每 10 点 +# 最大魔力(+# to Maximum Mana per 10 Dexterity on Unallocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3565956680",
        "text": "对致盲敌人的击中和异常状态伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1299868012",
        "text": "受【疯狂荣光】影响时有 #% 的几率造成双倍伤害(#% chance to deal Double Damage while affected by Glorious Madness)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2611224062",
        "text": "护体上限在受疯狂荣光影响时 +#(+# to maximum Fortification while affected by Glorious Madness)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2424717327",
        "text": "火焰技能有 #% 的几率使敌人中毒(Fire Skills have #% chance to Poison on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_949718413",
        "text": "闪电技能击中有 #% 的几率造成中毒(Lightning Skills have #% chance to Poison on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1604984482",
        "text": "你的闪电伤害会使敌人中毒(Your Lightning Damage can Poison)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2551779822",
        "text": "静止时 +# 护甲(+# Armour while stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_966400988",
        "text": "闪电之捷的保留效果降低 #%(Herald of Thunder has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_631346032",
        "text": "玩家会受到裂界者幽灵的袭击(Players are assaulted by apparitions of The Elder)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1917124426",
        "text": "你的冰霜伤害会使敌人中毒(Your Cold Damage can Poison)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2970902024",
        "text": "被你击败的敌人直接被摧毁(Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_358040686",
        "text": "被攻击击中时,有 #% 的几率制造冰缓地面(#% chance to create Chilled Ground when Hit with an Attack)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_240857668",
        "text": "灵巧效果提高 #%(#% increased Elusive Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_762154651",
        "text": "当你格挡时,能量护盾有 #% 的几率开始充能(#% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_206243615",
        "text": "无法获得能量护盾(Cannot gain Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3822878124",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【闪电净化】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Purity of Lightning Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_806627038",
        "text": "插入的辅助宝石也能辅助你主手上的技能(Socketed Support Gems can also Support Skills from your Main Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3961213398",
        "text": "每个暴击球使你每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4253105373",
        "text": "苦痛之捷的保留效果降低 #%(Herald of Agony has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3141831683",
        "text": "被击中时有 #% 的几率触发 20 级的【永恒窥视】(#% chance to Trigger Level 20 Glimpse of Eternity when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1678831767",
        "text": "生命在你格挡时恢复 # 点(Recover # Life when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1101403182",
        "text": "受到的持续性伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Damage taken from Damage Over Time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_33348259",
        "text": "每装备一件塑界者物品,获得额外混沌伤害,等同于元素伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Shaper Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1948127742",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:你受捷影响时,召唤生物的攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: Minions have #% increased Attack and Cast Speed while you are affected by a Herald)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4234677275",
        "text": "若全部装备为塑界者物品,则击中无视敌方怪物的混沌抗性(Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Shaper Items)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2589482056",
        "text": "鸟之斗魄使你每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate # Life per Second while you have Avian's Flight)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_364728407",
        "text": "当你击中的稀有或传奇敌人没有被标记,触发 # 级盗猎者印记(Trigger Level # Poacher's Mark when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy and have no Mark)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3537762266",
        "text": "寒冰之捷的保留效果降低 #%(Herald of Ice has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1495376076",
        "text": "鸟之斗魄使你每秒再生 #% 魔力(Regenerate # Mana per Second while you have Avian's Flight)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1251731548",
        "text": "【鸟之斗魄】的持续时间 +# 秒(+# seconds to Avian's Flight Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2410613176",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【活力】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Vitality Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1631928082",
        "text": "召唤生物伤害提高或降低,将同样套用于自身(Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1924041432",
        "text": "每连锁弹射 1 次,投射物获得额外混沌伤害,其数值等同于非混沌伤害的 #%(Projectiles gain #% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage per Chain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2021058489",
        "text": "+#% 闪避攻击击中率(+#% chance to Evade Attack Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1640259660",
        "text": "你造成的感电会扩散给 1.5 米内的其他敌人(Shocks you inflict spread to other Enemies within 1.5 metres)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3907743910",
        "text": "你地图中先祖秘藏爆破链的延伸速度减缓 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3868073741",
        "text": "失衡卫士(Imbalanced Guard)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3283585444",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪遭遇战最多持续 13 轮",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3444140926",
        "text": "怪物击中时施加恶语术(Monsters inflict Malediction on hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_464535071",
        "text": "陷阱和地雷投掷速度加快 #%(#% increased Trap and Mine Throwing Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1032751668",
        "text": "若你近期内打出过暴击,则获得【瓦尔冥约】(You have Vaal Pact if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_768124628",
        "text": "该武器施加的中毒效果有 #% 的几率使中毒伤害总增 300%(#% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 300% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1517357911",
        "text": "提供 # 级召唤德瑞的塑像\n召唤德瑞的塑像时候触发插入的魔蛊技能\n插入的技能可任意施加 5 次额外诅咒(Grants Level # Summon Doedre's Effigy Skill\nSocketed Hex Curse Skills are Triggered by Doedre's Effigy when Summoned\nHexes from Socketed Skills can apply 5 additional Curses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2784102684",
        "text": "流血时不会中毒(Cannot be Poisoned while Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_729367217",
        "text": "你每控制一个魔侍,召唤生物攻击和施法速度便提高 #%(#% increased Minion Attack and Cast Speed per Skeleton you own)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3191537057",
        "text": "每拥有一个灵体,召唤生物伤害提高 #%(#% increased Minion Damage per Raised Spectre)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_777246604",
        "text": "每控制 1 个魔卫复苏,召唤生物持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Minion Duration per Raised Zombie)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_391460978",
        "text": "移动时,你受到的流血消减速度加快 #%(Bleeding on you expires #% faster while Moving)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2328234364",
        "text": "灰烬之捷的保留效果降低 #%(Herald of Ash has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_768537671",
        "text": "对敌人造成等同于 #% 生命偷取的混沌伤害(#% of Life Leech applies to Enemies as Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1935500672",
        "text": "在药剂生效期间被石化(Petrified during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2965611853",
        "text": "插入技能的诅咒光环也作用于你自身(Curse Auras from Socketed Skills also affect you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3868443508",
        "text": "每个再生腐尸可使伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage per Raised Zombie)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_512740886",
        "text": "每有 1 个再生腐尸,受到的元素伤害总增 #%(#% more Elemental Damage taken per Raised Zombie)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1583385065",
        "text": "非瓦尔技能的伤害在阻灵术持续期间提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Non-Vaal Skills during Soul Gain Prevention)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3547189490",
        "text": "周围敌人给予的药剂充能提高 #%(Nearby Enemies grant #% increased Flask Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3799759054",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:吟唱技能的攻击和施法速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: Channelling Skills have #% increased Attack and Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1242155304",
        "text": "每隔 4 秒便在一秒内再生 #% 生命(Every 4 seconds, Regenerate #% of Life over one second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_539970476",
        "text": "对抗被诅咒的敌人时,击中和异常状态伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Cursed Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_471924383",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在击中没有闪避值的敌人时获得一个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hitting an Enemy with no Evasion Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2638865425",
        "text": "流血时不会被眩晕(Cannot be Stunned while Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2523122963",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在攻击击中时施加腐蚀(#% chance to inflict Corrosion on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_913306901",
        "text": "获得 # 级宁心(Grants level # Pacify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1795756125",
        "text": "击中时触发 # 级的【威吓战吼】(Trigger Level # Intimidating Cry on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3811649872",
        "text": "对法术伤害的增幅与减益也会套用于攻击上(Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2894704558",
        "text": "+# 【深海屏障】数量上限(+# to Maximum number of Crab Barriers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1429385513",
        "text": "每个召唤的图腾 +# 护甲(+# Armour per Summoned Totem)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2007746338",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【激励战吼】(Grants Level # Rallying Cry Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4106109768",
        "text": "你的诅咒效果总增 #%(#% more Effect of your Curses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2758554648",
        "text": "被脆弱诅咒时,敌人击中你的伤害会特别不幸(Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are Cursed with Vulnerability)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2443457281",
        "text": "插入的投射物法术的击中伤害总增 #%(Socketed Projectile Spells deal #% more Damage with Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2734809852",
        "text": "受到的元素伤害提高 #%(#% increased Elemental Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3488208924",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在击中没有护甲值的敌人时获得一个耐力球(#% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Hitting an Enemy with no Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3890287045",
        "text": "你没有能量护盾时无法格挡(Cannot Block while you have no Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2540626225",
        "text": "近期内获得过凝聚的法术每 # 秒获得 1 层凝聚(Spells which have gained Intensity Recently gain 1 Intensity every # Seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4208907162",
        "text": "攻击技能的闪电伤害提高 #%(#% increased Lightning Damage with Attack Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_41860024",
        "text": "效果持续期间受到击中伤害,则生命损失的 #% 会改为在 4 秒内逐渐丧失(When Hit during effect, #% of Life loss from Damage taken occurs over 4 seconds instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1661253443",
        "text": "非瓦尔打击技能以周围额外 # 名敌人为目标(Non-Vaal Strike Skills target # additional nearby Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3235941702",
        "text": "插入的投射物法术环状发射投射物(Socketed Projectile Spells fire Projectiles in a circle)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3306713700",
        "text": "你施加的曝露效果会使受影响的抗性额外 +#%(Exposure you inflict applies an extra +#% to the affected Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3924539382",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 效能 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Efficacy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_470459031",
        "text": "插入的投射物法术的冷却时间 +# 秒(Socketed Projectile Spells have +# seconds to Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3104895675",
        "text": "插入的投射物法术的技能效果持续时间总增 #%(Socketed Projectile Spells have #% more Skill Effect Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1454377049",
        "text": "#% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Mana during Effect",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1190121450",
        "option": {
            "options": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "text": "冰缓(Chilling)"
                    "id": 2,
                    "text": "感电(Shocking)"
                    "id": 3,
                    "text": "点燃(Igniting)"
        "text": "每8秒会获得3秒的#汇流(You have # Conflux for 3 seconds every 8 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1730304831",
        "text": "纯净之捷的保留效果降低 #%(Herald of Purity has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_680068163",
        "text": "晕眩门槛提高 #%(#% increased Stun Threshold)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2558253923",
        "text": "该武器击中流血敌人时会获得【终结】效果(Hits with this Weapon have Culling Strike against Bleeding Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_973574623",
        "text": "插入的投射物法术发射一枚额外投射物(Socketed Projectile Spells fire an additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4223377453",
        "text": "烙印的附着范围扩大 #%(#% increased Brand Attachment range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3699529133",
        "text": "每有一个影响你的凶残之凝珠宝,你的\n副手暴击加成 +#%,最多 100%(+#% to Off Hand Critical Strike Multiplier per\nMurderous Eye Jewel affecting you, up to a maximum of +100%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2083727359",
        "text": "投射物的伤害随着飞行距离提升,\n击中目标时最多提高 #%(Projectiles gain Damage as they travel farther, dealing up\nto #% increased Damage with Hits to targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3914021960",
        "text": "周围敌人的火焰抗性 +#%(Nearby Enemies have +#% to Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_902577520",
        "text": "移动速度在区域未封锁时加快 #%\n玩家移动速度在区域未封锁时加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed while area is not in Lockdown\nPlayers have #% increased Movement Speed while area is not in Lockdown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4221489692",
        "text": "使用该武器暴击时有 #% 的几率触发 25 级的召唤幽狼(#% chance to Trigger Level 25 Summon Spectral Wolf on Critical Strike with this Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3454830051",
        "text": "每有一个影响你的凶残之凝珠宝,\n你的主手暴击几率提高 #%,最多 200%(#% increased Main Hand Critical Strike Chance per\nMurderous Eye Jewel affecting you, up to a maximum of 200%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4272248216",
        "text": "灵能护体(Ghost Reaver)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2538411280",
        "text": "施加攻击的技能有#%的几率不计为攻击。(Skills which Exert an Attack have #% chance to not count that Attack)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3346092312",
        "text": "生命偷取会套用于能量护盾(Leech Energy Shield instead of Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2863957119",
        "text": "区域内每有一个走私者秘藏被打开,走私者秘藏掉落的赏金猎人印记总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1485085047",
        "text": "投射物有 #% 的几率在碰撞地形时\n按照影响你的每件锐利之凝珠宝产生连锁效果,最多 20%(Projectiles have #% chance to be able to Chain when colliding with terrain per\nSearching Eye Jewel affecting you, up to a maximum of 20%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2105355711",
        "text": "范围内配置的敏捷和力量总计 40 点时,【灵盾投掷】连锁弹射次数 +#(With 40 total Dexterity and Strength in Radius, Spectral Shield Throw Chains +# times)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_894768849",
        "text": "范围内配置的敏捷和力量总计 40 点时,【灵盾投掷】连锁弹射的碎片投射物数量总增 #%(With 40 total Dexterity and Strength in Radius, Spectral Shield Throw fires #% more Shard Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2443132097",
        "text": "你身上的中毒效果消失速度减慢 #%(Poisons on you expire #% slower)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_763611529",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率恐惧敌人 4 秒(#% chance to Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2642917409",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:光环技能的效果区域扩大 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2257118425",
        "text": "瓦尔冥约(Vaal Pact)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3128272024",
        "text": "区域未封锁时,暴击伤害加成 +#%\n区域未封锁时,玩家的暴击伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier while area is not in Lockdown\nPlayers have +#% to Critical Strike Multiplier while area is not in Lockdown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1030987123",
        "text": "中毒时 +#% 全部抗性上限(+#% to all maximum Resistances while Poisoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1790172543",
        "text": "对流血敌人的击中和异常状态伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2908111053",
        "text": "对冰冻敌人所造成伤害的 #% 转化为魔力偷取(#% of Damage Leeched as Mana against Frozen Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4250009622",
        "text": "+#% 的几率中毒(+#% chance to be Poisoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3259960466",
        "text": "区域内发现的圣油有#%几率高一阶(Oils found in Area have #% chance to be 1 tier higher)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3259960466",
        "text": "你的地图中发现的圣油有#%几率高一阶(Oils found in your Maps have #% chance to be 1 tier higher)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3621706946",
        "text": "每 50 点力量都使护甲提高 #%(#% increased Armour per 50 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3835551335",
        "text": "不会中毒(Cannot be Poisoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2596487673",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:战吼持续时间延长 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Warcry Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1051688002",
        "text": "暴击率在区域未封锁时提高 #%\n玩家暴击率在区域未封锁时提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance while area is not in Lockdown\nPlayers have #% increased Critical Strike Chance while area is not in Lockdown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2059771038",
        "text": "拥有【猫之隐匿】时,你的攻击必定造成流血(Attacks always inflict Bleeding while you have Cat's Stealth)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3520223758",
        "text": "施法速度的提高和降低也同样作用于陷阱投掷速度(Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also Apply to Trap Throwing Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3298440988",
        "text": "地雷伤害总降 #%(#% less Mine Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2545584555",
        "text": "死亡凋零效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Withered)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3492797685",
        "text": "拥有【猫之隐匿】时获得【玫红之舞】(You have Crimson Dance while you have Cat's Stealth)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1308467455",
        "text": "靑春永驻(Eternal Youth)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_venarius",
        "text": "荣耀雕像 # 来自神主维纳瑞斯(Carved to glorify # new faithful converted by High Templar Venarius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3295179224",
        "text": "被你击败的敌人有 #% 的几率爆炸,造成等同该敌人最大生命十分之一的物理伤害(Enemies you Kill have a #% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_319842716",
        "text": "你和周围友军的元素抗性 +#%(You and nearby Allies have +#% to Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_204196526",
        "text": "区域内有一个额外的荒野收获首领(Area contains an additional Wild Harvest Boss)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1012072406",
        "text": "每个影响你的安睡之凝珠宝都使你身上的秘术增强效果提高 #%,最多 40%(#% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you per\nHypnotic Eye Jewel affecting you, up to a maximum of 40%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3953699641",
        "text": "投射物弹幕攻击不会扩散(Projectile Barrages have no spread)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2139660169",
        "text": "攻击技能的持续火焰伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1588674629",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:图腾放置速度加快 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Totem Placement speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1381557885",
        "text": "若你在过去 8 秒内打出过暴击,则命中值提高 #%(#% increased Accuracy Rating if you've dealt a Critical Strike in the past 8 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_589437732",
        "text": "击败受元素异常状态影响的敌人\n提高 #% 药剂充能(Enemies you Kill that are affected by Elemental Ailments\ngrant #% increased Flask Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3131367308",
        "text": "击败敌人时,召唤生物有 #% 的几率获得不洁之力 4 秒(Minions have #% chance to gain Unholy Might for 4 seconds on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_631736299",
        "text": "在天佑勇者影响地图内的怪物群规模提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2960155368",
        "text": "贤主目睹地图首领时施放赌注加码\n额外召唤 1 到 3 个异界首领\n若地图中的剩余怪物数量较少\n召唤额外首领的数量会提高\n每张地图最终地图首领的修正也会作用于召唤的首领",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2202201823",
        "text": "使用药剂时移除流血状态(Removes Bleeding when you use a Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3035931505",
        "text": "击中在你过去 20 秒内成功格挡的情况下无视敌方怪物的物理伤害减免(Hits ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction if you've Blocked in the past 20 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2591028853",
        "text": "攻击击中被诅咒的敌人时有 25% 的几率造成流血(Attacks have 25% chance to inflict Bleeding when Hitting Cursed Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2434330144",
        "text": "获得 # 级粉碎重拳技能(Grants Level # Crushing Fist Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3663580344",
        "text": "幻影弓手持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Mirage Archer Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3094501804",
        "text": "每个暴击球使效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2071120096",
        "text": "你的奉献技能对自身的效果提高 #%(Your Offerings have #% increased Effect on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3970432307",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【火焰净化】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Purity of Fire Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2298311736",
        "text": "在范围内至少有 40 点力量的情况下,炼狱战吼增助攻击的点燃伤害总增 #%(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Attacks Exerted by Infernal Cry deal #% more Damage with Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2471517399",
        "text": "在范围内至少有 40 点力量的情况下禁用燃尽(With at least 40 Strength in Radius, Combust is Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1331336999",
        "text": "插槽内的技能石被等级 # 的【箭之新星】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Arrow Nova)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4216809421",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的圣甲虫(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Scarabs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_825316273",
        "text": "将图腾所受伤害的 #% 吸纳为生命(Recoup #% of Damage Taken by your Totems as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2971900104",
        "text": "当你的怒火至少有 25 点时,免疫晕眩(Cannot be Stunned while you have at least 25 Rage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3296873305",
        "text": "使用药剂时移除冰缓和冰冻状态(Remove Chill and Freeze when you use a Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1740349133",
        "text": "你的击中造成的元素伤害由最低的抗性来抵抗(Elemental Damage you Deal with Hits is Resisted by lowest Elemental Resistance instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1562449600",
        "text": "你的地图不会包含裂隙",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_673704994",
        "text": "你获得【猫之隐匿】时移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed while you have Cat's Stealth)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2900084972",
        "text": "每消耗一个灵柩使你在 2 秒内再生 #% 能量护盾(Regenerate #% of Energy Shield over 2 seconds when you Consume a corpse)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1582887649",
        "text": "当你晕眩 1 个敌人时,有 #% 的几率获得 1 个耐力球(#% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you Stun an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3809896400",
        "text": "不受诅咒影响(Unaffected by Curses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3721828090",
        "text": "每消耗一个灵柩使你在 2 秒内再生 #% 魔力(Regenerate #% of Mana over 2 seconds when you Consume a corpse)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3263216405",
        "text": "插入的位移技能不消耗魔力(Socketed Movement Skills Cost no Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2797097751",
        "text": "召唤生物的耐力球、狂怒球和暴击球\n视作与你相同(Minions count as having the same number of\nEndurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_622678123",
        "text": "怪物每 20 秒获得 # 个耐力球(Monsters gain # Endurance Charge every 20 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_467806158",
        "text": "若过去 8 秒内你打出过暴击,则法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike in the past 8 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_880970200",
        "text": "站定时,脚下产生奉献地面(You have Consecrated Ground around you while stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3148570142",
        "text": "每击中一名流血的敌人获得#点生命(Gain # Life per Bleeding Enemy Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2977774856",
        "text": "流血时击中敌人将获得 1 个狂怒球(Gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit while Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3451043685",
        "text": "装备时触发等级 # 的反射(Triggers Level # Reflection when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3892608176",
        "text": "当你失去【猫之隐匿】时,触发 # 级的【威吓战吼】(Trigger Level # Intimidating Cry when you lose Cat's Stealth)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_103928310",
        "text": "对受 3 层蜘蛛网影响的敌人,击中和异常状态伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Enemies affected by 3 Spider's Webs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3879726065",
        "text": "召唤生物的耐力球、狂怒球和暴击球与你相同(Minions have the same maximum number of Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2770801535",
        "text": "若你近期内有击败敌人,则攻击伤害的 #% 转化为偷取生命和魔力(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_70389693",
        "text": "怪物每 20 秒获得 # 个暴击球(Monsters gain # Power Charge every 20 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_982177653",
        "text": "敌人身上每有 1 层蜘蛛网,则附加 # - # 混沌伤害(Adds # to # Chaos Damage for each Spider's Web on the Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2592799343",
        "text": "每 1 个聚光之石可使魔力提高 #(Gain # Mana per Grand Spectrum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_990335387",
        "text": "未保留的生命全满时不会移除生命偷取效果\n满血时,生命偷取改为恢复能量护盾(Life Leech effects are not removed when Unreserved Life is Filled\nLife Leech effects Recover Energy Shield instead while on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4164247992",
        "text": "无法充能能量护盾(You cannot Recharge Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1052583507",
        "text": "你无法再生能量护盾(You cannot Regenerate Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2350411833",
        "text": "每秒失去 #% 能量护盾(You lose #% of Energy Shield per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3245481061",
        "text": "暴击无法造成伤害(Critical Strikes deal no Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2076876595",
        "text": "图腾被召唤时嘲讽周围敌人 # 秒(Totems Taunt Enemies around them for # second when Summoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3608339129",
        "text": "若你的怒火低于 25 点,每 5 点威力值使战吼获得 #点怒火(Warcries grant # Rage per 5 Power if you have less than 25 Rage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_818329660",
        "text": "当你攻击时触发 # 级的【风暴突袭】(Trigger Level # Storm Cascade when you Attack)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2415497478",
        "text": "被击中时有 #% 的几率避免物理伤害(#% chance to Avoid Physical Damage from Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1251945210",
        "text": "【鸟之力量】的持续时间 +# 秒(+# seconds to Avian's Might Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3485231932",
        "text": "拥有【鸟之力量】时附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage while you have Avian's Might)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_855634301",
        "text": "你有鸟之力量时附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage while you have Avian's Might)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3593797653",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 点燃扩散 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ignite Proliferation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_327253797",
        "text": "护甲值有 #% 的几率以 200% 进行防御(#% chance to Defend with 200% of Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_709768359",
        "text": "攻击技能的持续物理伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_73487979",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外先驱者物品(#% chance to receive additional Harbinger items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3089482869",
        "text": "烙印技能的持续时间延长 #%(Brand Skills have #% increased Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2418574586",
        "text": "每装备一件裂界者物品,异常状态的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Ailments per Elder Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3558528738",
        "text": "你使用瓦尔技能时直接获得最大暴击球(Gain up to maximum Power Charges when you use a Vaal Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3700085184",
        "text": "召唤生物的基础攻击暴击几率\n等于你的主手武器暴击几率(Minions' Base Attack Critical Strike Chance is equal to the Critical\nStrike Chance of your Main Hand Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2614885550",
        "text": "点燃持续时间总增 #%(#% more Ignite Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3471951849",
        "text": "封锁计时 +# 秒(+# seconds to Lockdown Timer)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_758006884",
        "text": "女王敕令能触发 # 级审判风暴(Queen's Demand can Trigger Level # Storm of Judgement)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1827932821",
        "text": "不会承受反射的元素伤害(Cannot take Reflected Elemental Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1139878780",
        "text": "你的混沌伤害可以点燃敌人(Your Chaos Damage can Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3000966016",
        "text": "受到的伤害的#%穿透结界(#% of Damage taken bypasses Ward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3573128085",
        "text": "混沌技能有 #% 的几率点燃敌人(Chaos Skills have #% chance to Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4084476257",
        "text": "[DNT]法术暴击时有 #% 几率造成穿刺(Critical Strikes with Spells have #% chance to inflict Impale)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1870262721",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的雾魇宝珠和裂片(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Delirium Orbs and Splinters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1587137379",
        "text": "每个轮回球使伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Damage Leeched as Life per Siphoning Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2922737717",
        "text": "你使用技能时有 #% 的几率获得 1 个轮回球(#% chance to gain a Siphoning Charge when you use a Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1872128565",
        "text": "每装备 1 件裂界者物品或塑界者物品,便 +# 最大轮回球(+# to Maximum Siphoning Charges per Elder or Shaper Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3296019532",
        "text": "每有 1 个轮回球,便获得额外混沌伤害,其数值等同于非混沌伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage per Siphoning Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2440172920",
        "text": "若你近期内有使用技能,每有 1 个轮回球,则每秒受到 # 物理伤害(Take # Physical Damage per Second per Siphoning Charge if you've used a Skill Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1480595847",
        "text": "法术造成的穿刺效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Impales inflicted with Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3837366401",
        "text": "每有 1 个轮回球,便获得 #% 击中物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction from Hits per Siphoning Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3368671817",
        "text": "每个轮回球附加 # - # 基础物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks and Spells per Siphoning Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_509572644",
        "text": "提供 # 级女王敕令(Grants Level # Queen's Demand Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2670993553",
        "text": "伤害无法被反射(Damage cannot be Reflected)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3716472556",
        "text": "非低血状态时不造成伤害(Deal no Damage when not on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_186482813",
        "text": "镶嵌凶残之凝珠宝时,近战击中有 #% 的几率获得护体(With a Murderous Eye Jewel Socketed, Melee Hits have #% chance to Fortify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2454528473",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外精华(#% chance to receive additional Essences when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1126826428",
        "text": "你无法被瘫痪(You cannot be Maimed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2265307453",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【雷霆】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Wrath Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1902595112",
        "text": "周围敌人的混沌抗性 +#%(Nearby Enemies have +#% to Chaos Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2869420801",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点敏捷,\n【双持打击】持握剑类时命中值提高 #%(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike has #% increased\nAccuracy Rating while wielding a Sword)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1503812817",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点敏捷,\n【双持打击】持握匕首时 +#% 暴击伤害加成(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike has +#% to Critical Strike\nMultiplier while wielding a Dagger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1004885987",
        "text": "攻击带来的能量护盾偷取效果不会在能量护盾全满时移除(Energy Shield Leech Effects from Attacks are not removed at Full Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3249943883",
        "text": "的罪魂可以附身玩家,持续 20 秒\n罪魂无法附身怪物(Tormented Spirits can Possess Players for 20 seconds\nTormented Spirits cannot Possess Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3249943883",
        "text": "的罪魂可以附身玩家,持续 20 秒\n罪魂无法附身怪物(Tormented Spirits in your Maps can Possess Players for 20 seconds\nTormented Spirits in your Maps cannot Possess Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_145598447",
        "text": "永恒献祭(Everlasting Sacrifice)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2610785454",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外宝石(#% chance to receive additional Gem items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_358129101",
        "text": "你的地图额外被 1 个罪魂纠缠(Your Maps are haunted by an additional Tormented Spirit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_358129101",
        "text": "该区域会出现 # 个罪魂正在游荡(Area is haunted by # additional Tormented Spirit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1124661381",
        "text": "每 200 点力量都使散射弩炮的召唤图腾上限 +#(Shrapnel Ballista has +# to maximum number of Summoned Totems per 200 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2581419165",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外菌潮物品(#% chance to receive additional Blight items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1629782265",
        "text": "低血时爪类伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Claws while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2272004210",
        "text": "被击败的玩家造成的伤害提高 #%(Players deal #% increased Damage while Dead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_100088509",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点敏捷,\n【双持打击】持握斧类时击中威吓敌人 4 秒(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike Hits Intimidate Enemies for\n4 seconds while wielding an Axe)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3961014595",
        "text": "每 16 点智慧可使法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage per 16 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2249211872",
        "text": "闪电抗性提高 #%(#% increased Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2863332749",
        "text": "镶嵌锐利之凝珠宝时,攻击有 #% 的几率在击败时获得猛攻效果(With a Searching Eye Jewel Socketed, Attacks have #% chance to grant Onslaught On Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3132227798",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率投掷 4 个额外陷阱(#% chance to throw up to 4 additional Traps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1852069308",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外地心探险物品(#% chance to receive additional Delve items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_561861132",
        "text": "使用药剂时移除感电状态(Remove Shock when you use a Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4070519133",
        "text": "低血时,有 #% 的几率格挡法术伤害(#% Chance to Block Spell Damage while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2172944497",
        "text": "你身上的【提速尾流】效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Tailwind on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_787185456",
        "text": "每 25 点力量都使攻击附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks per 25 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2766423342",
        "text": "女王敕令可以触发 # 级审判烈焰(Queen's Demand can Trigger Level # Flames of Judgement)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2321346567",
        "text": "神圣血肉(Divine Flesh)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1704843611",
        "text": "能量护盾上限至少 1000 时每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per second if you have at least 1000 Maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3227159962",
        "text": "能量护盾上限至少 1500 时每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per second if you have at least 1500 Maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2562474285",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点敏捷,【双持打击】持握锤类时对周围目标造成溅射伤害(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike deals Splash Damage\nto surrounding targets while wielding a Mace)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2453321622",
        "text": "怪物未受感电影响(Monsters are Unaffected by Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2771217016",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【恐惧之主】(1 Added Passive Skill is Master of Fear)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4252311791",
        "text": "冰霜抗性提高 #%(#% increased Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1103902353",
        "text": "能量护盾上限至少 500 时每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per second if you have at least 500 Maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4193390599",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【冰霜净化】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Purity of Ice Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1795260970",
        "text": "若范围内至少有 40 点敏捷,\n【双持打击】持握爪类时攻击速度加快 #%(With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike has #% increased Attack\nSpeed while wielding a Claw)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_484879947",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【愤怒】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Anger Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_47271484",
        "text": "被腐化技能石获取的经验值提高 #%(#% increased Experience Gain for Corrupted Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1745952865",
        "text": "自身受到的元素异常状态时间缩短 #%(#% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3091072796",
        "text": "你的击中无法穿透或无视元素抗性(Your Hits cannot Penetrate or ignore Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3360430812",
        "text": "恐喙鸟羽毛鱼饵(Rhoa Feather Lure)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3191123893",
        "text": "你地图上外延词缀的效果提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4144221848",
        "text": "范围内每有 10 点未配置的力量,则生命回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Life Recovery Rate per 10 Strength on Unallocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1463604143",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外战乱之殇物品(#% chance to receive additional Legion items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4146386957",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外裂隙物品(#% chance to receive additional Breach items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1361025326",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外深渊物品(#% chance to receive additional Abyss items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3708045494",
        "text": "对抗满血敌人,击中伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits against Enemies on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_953018841",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外武器(#% chance to receive additional Weapons when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2885763444",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的地图(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Maps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2706122133",
        "text": "低血时你的暴击率特别幸运(Your Critical Strike Chance is Lucky while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1323476506",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外饰品(#% chance to receive additional Jewellery when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3346320695",
        "text": "区域内遍布摧心触手(Area is infested with Maddening Tentacles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3835470471",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外护甲物品(#% chance to receive additional Armour items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1312481589",
        "text": "伤害在区域未封锁时提高 #%\n玩家伤害在区域未封锁时提高 #%(#% increased Damage while area is not in Lockdown\nPlayers deal #% increased Damage while area is not in Lockdown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3325532974",
        "text": "区域包含许多爆裂图腾(Area contains many Detonation Totems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_746798754",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的催化剂(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Catalysts)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2379274646",
        "text": "如果你在过去10秒内施放过衰弱,则 +#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you've cast Enfeeble in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3802667447",
        "text": "钓鱼数量提高 #%(#% increased Quantity of Fish Caught)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3892691596",
        "text": "镶嵌凶残之凝珠宝时,近战攻击击中产生 # 点怒火(With a Murderous Eye Jewel Socketed, Melee Attacks grant # Rage on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1188846263",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【迅捷】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Haste Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2859437049",
        "text": "获得 # 级的【烙印喷涌】(Grants Level # Brandsurge Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3507915723",
        "text": "给敌人施加的每个死亡凋零\n都使它们从你的击中中受到的元素伤害提高 #%(Enemies take #% increased Elemental Damage from your Hits for\neach Withered you have inflicted on them)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3535421504",
        "text": "获得附加混沌伤害,等于结界的 #%(Gain Added Chaos Damage equal to #% of Ward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3573591118",
        "text": "你的冰霜伤害可以点燃(Your Cold Damage can Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2341269061",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【纪律】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Discipline Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1432093361",
        "text": "传奇首领掉落一个额外先驱者卷轴(Unique Boss drops an additional Harbinger Scroll)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4137521191",
        "text": "若你近期内被击中,则攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed if you've been Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2228279620",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的毒化辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Critical Strike Affliction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2727188901",
        "text": "技能投出的陷阱会被随机扔在目标位置附近(Traps from Skills are thrown randomly around targeted location)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2934907255",
        "text": "区域中的怪物掉落的商人刷新通货的数量提高#%(#% increased Quantity of Vendor Refresh Currencies dropped by Monsters in Area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2934907255",
        "text": "你的地图中的怪物掉落的商人刷新通货的数量提高#%(#% increased Quantity of Vendor Refresh Currencies dropped by Monsters in your Maps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_615884286",
        "text": "将你身上的感电状态反射给周围所有敌人(Reflect Shocks applied to you to all Nearby Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2044840211",
        "text": "镶嵌锐利之凝珠宝时,攻击击中时致盲敌人 4 秒(With a Searching Eye Jewel Socketed, Blind Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4250752669",
        "text": "你每受一个深渊珠宝影响,穿透 #% 的元素抗性(Penetrate #% Elemental Resistances per Abyss Jewel affecting you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2233905349",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的圣油(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Oils)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1539368271",
        "text": "炸药放置范围扩大 #%(#% increased Explosive Placement Range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1539368271",
        "text": "地图内炸药放置范围扩大 #%(#% increased Explosive Placement Range in your Maps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3993865658",
        "text": "尊严的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Pride has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2442112158",
        "text": "受到【她的拥抱】影响时,每级根据你的最大生命和最大护盾总量,造成每秒 #% 火焰伤害(While in Her Embrace, take #% of your total Maximum Life and Energy Shield as Fire Damage per second per Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3967122169",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的地图碎片(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Map Fragments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4222719527",
        "text": "怪物有 #% 的几率有一个无常之核(Monsters have #% chance to have a Volatile Core)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1089858120",
        "text": "伤害在你被冰缓时穿透 #% 元素抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances while you are Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_346351023",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石总攻击和施法速度总增 #%(Socketed Gems have #% more Attack and Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2462090973",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的珠宝(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Jewels)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3511815065",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【清晰】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Clarity Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1349659520",
        "text": "专注时,你的暴击率特别幸运(Your Critical Strike Chance is Lucky while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_145701647",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的军团裂片(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Legion Splinters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_608963131",
        "text": "点燃敌人时获得 # 秒【她的拥抱】效果(Gain Her Embrace for # seconds when you Ignite an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1861759600",
        "text": "敌人无法触发陷阱(Traps cannot be triggered by Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3925252825",
        "text": "玩家会受到塑界者幽灵的袭击(Players are assaulted by apparitions of The Shaper)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2175178647",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的精华(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Essences)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_746994389",
        "text": "周围敌人灰烬缠身(Nearby Enemies are Covered in Ash)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_877233648",
        "text": "若你拥有 10 个以上的【深海屏障】,则无法被晕眩(Cannot be Stunned if you have at least 10 Crab Barriers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3549040753",
        "text": "Your Chaos Damage Poisons Enemies",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1680060098",
        "text": "火焰抗性提高 #%(#% increased Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_455217103",
        "text": "当你被击中一次并受到物理伤害时,你只会丢失 # 个【深海屏障】(You only lose # Crab Barriers when you take Physical Damage from a Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_738386056",
        "text": "提供 # 级赤色誓言(Grants Level # Blood Sacrament Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_888026555",
        "text": "你被感电时,元素伤害击中特别幸运(Elemental Damage with Hits is Lucky while you are Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2304988974",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过脆弱,则有 #% 几率造成双倍伤害(#% chance to deal Double Damage if you've cast Vulnerability in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_948687156",
        "text": "你身上每层中毒使你每秒再生 # 能量护盾,最多每秒 400(Regenerate # Energy Shield per Second per Poison on you, up to 400 per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2325592140",
        "text": "若你近期内被击中,则每秒失去 #% 生命(Lose #% of Life per second if you have been Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4050593908",
        "text": "陷阱所使用的技能范围扩大 #%(Skills used by Traps have #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1020412108",
        "text": "插入的旅行技能的伤害总增 #%(Socketed Travel Skills deal #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_668504404",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的裂隙碎片(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Breach Splinters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_613055432",
        "text": "每个影响你的苍白之凝珠宝都使召唤生物持续伤害加成+#%,最多 +30%(Minions have +#% to Damage over Time Multiplier per\nGhastly Eye Jewel affecting you, up to a maximum of +30%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1370804479",
        "text": "你施加的元素异常状态反射给你自己(Elemental Ailments you inflict are Reflected to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3595519743",
        "text": "物理伤害的 #% 在你被点燃时视为一种随机元素额外伤害(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element while you are Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4281949537",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过元素要害,获得等同于物理伤害的 #% 的随机元素伤害(Gain #% of Physical Damage as a Random Element if you've cast Elemental Weakness in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2867050084",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【优雅】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Grace Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1678234826",
        "text": "若你近期内使用过插入的瓦尔技能,则获得提速尾流效果(You have Tailwind if you've used a Socketed Vaal Skill Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2733285506",
        "text": "持续吟唱技能伤害提高 #%(Channelling Skills deal #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2917742181",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外魔符(#% chance to receive additional Talismans when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_883169830",
        "text": "每穿透一个敌人,投射物的击中和异常状态伤害提高 #%(Projectiles deal #% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments for each Enemy Pierced)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3664803307",
        "text": "装备时触发 # 级召唤劲弩(Triggers Level # Summon Arbalists when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1274200851",
        "text": "插入的瓦尔技能击中时伤害特别幸运(Damage with Hits from Socketed Vaal Skills is Lucky)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2964800094",
        "text": "插槽内的技能造成的法术伤害总增 #%(Socketed Skills deal #% more Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3742945352",
        "text": "【憎恨】的光环效果提高 #%(Hatred has #% increased Aura Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4265392510",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【坚定】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Determination Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3180152291",
        "text": "不能造成非混沌伤害(Cannot deal non-Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3865389316",
        "text": "你造成的冻结会扩散给 # 米内的其他敌人(Freezes you inflict spread to other Enemies within # metre)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_146924886",
        "text": "所有敏捷主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Dexterity Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2599305231",
        "text": "插入的瓦尔技能的阻灵术持续时间延长 #%(Socketed Vaal Skills have #% increased Soul Gain Prevention Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3938603844",
        "text": "附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害\n玩家和他们的召唤生物附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害(# to # added Cold Damage\nPlayers and their Minions have # to # added Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1831825995",
        "text": "插入的瓦尔技能使用时提供灵巧效果(Socketed Vaal Skills grant Elusive when Used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3589396689",
        "text": "从能量护盾偷取中获得的最大总恢复量提高 #%(#% increased Maximum Recovery per Energy Shield Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_117885424",
        "text": "每 80 点力量都使攻击附加 # 到 # 点混沌伤害(Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Attacks per 80 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_207863952",
        "text": "可以储存灵魂供插入的瓦尔技能额外使用 # 次(Socketed Vaal Skills have 20% chance to regain consumed Souls when used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2198756560",
        "text": "插入的瓦尔技能每次施放需要的灵魂量总增 #%(Socketed Vaal Skills require #% more Souls per Use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_33065250",
        "text": "近战攻击击中后有 #% 的几率造成中毒(Melee Attacks have #% chance to Poison on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1285056331",
        "text": "近战攻击有 #% 的几率造成流血(Melee Attacks have #% chance to cause Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_332854027",
        "text": "【蛛之势】的减益持续时间提高 #%(#% increased Aspect of the Spider Debuff Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_549215295",
        "text": "你每击中 1 个被【蜘蛛网】覆盖的敌人,便获得 # 能量护盾(Gain # Energy Shield for each Enemy you Hit which is affected by a Spider's Web)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_476204410",
        "text": "插入的瓦尔技能效果持续时间提高 #%(Socketed Vaal Skills have #% increased Skill Effect Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1354504703",
        "text": "你拥有至少 5 个【深海屏障】时,攻击伤害格挡几率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while you have at least 5 Crab Barriers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1509532587",
        "text": "【蛛之势】可对敌人额外造成 1 层蜘蛛网(Aspect of the Spider can inflict Spider's Web on Enemies an additional time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2954796309",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过时空锁链,则技能冷却速率提高 #%(#% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate if you've cast Temporal Chains in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_653107703",
        "text": "你拥有至少 10 个【深海屏障】时,攻击伤害格挡几率+#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage while you have at least 10 Crab Barriers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2505291583",
        "text": "插入的瓦尔技能的效果区域扩大 #%(Socketed Vaal Skills have #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1563396443",
        "text": "附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害\n玩家和他们的召唤生物附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(# to # added Physical Damage\nPlayers and their Minions have # to # added Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_241251790",
        "text": "近期你若失去过【深海屏障】,则不会再失去【深海屏障】(Cannot lose Crab Barriers if you have lost Crab Barriers Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1979658770",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 火焰穿透 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Fire Penetration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2602585351",
        "text": "装备时触发 # 级的【元素守护】(Triggers Level # Elemental Aegis when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2804300445",
        "text": "你地图中的怪物生命总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_413362507",
        "text": "While at maximum Frenzy Charges, Attacks Poison Enemies",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1575519214",
        "text": "获得等同于你力量数值的命中值(Gain Accuracy Rating equal to your Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3729445224",
        "text": "你技能的光环可使你和周围友军的伤害提高 #%(Auras from your Skills grant #% increased Damage to you and Allies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_767698281",
        "text": "装备胸甲的护甲和闪避值的 #% 转为结界(Gain Ward instead of #% of Armour and Evasion Rating from Equipped Body Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3892832319",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率使掉落的物品有完整连接(#% chance in Heists for Items to drop fully linked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_823106560",
        "text": "怪物有 #% 的几率复制掉落的赏金猎人印记(Monsters have #% chance to Duplicate dropped Rogue's Marker)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1687962297",
        "text": "闪避值按照每 500 点魔力上限提高 #%,最多提高 100%(#% increased Evasion Rating per 500 Maximum Mana, up to 100%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3483648190",
        "text": "你的地图中的古灵庄园怪物掉落的命能数量增加#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2554328719",
        "text": "触发 20 级混沌之风,条件为你获得鸟之力量或鸟之斗魄(Trigger Level 20 Twister when you gain Avian's Might or Avian's Flight)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2936435999",
        "text": "每秒失去 #% 魔力(Lose #% of Mana per Second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3477720557",
        "text": "区域内有【感电地面】(Area has patches of Shocked Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2304300603",
        "text": "受到【脆弱】诅咒时,视作低血状态(You count as on Low Life while you are Cursed with Vulnerability)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2701327257",
        "text": "召唤图腾的光环技能的消耗降低 #%(#% reduced Cost of Aura Skills that summon Totems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1829869055",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在你获得 1 个【深海屏障】时,直接获得最大上限的【深海屏障】(#% chance that if you would gain a Crab Barrier, you instead gain up to\nyour maximum number of Crab Barriers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1019038967",
        "text": "每个【深海屏障】可使伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage per Crab Barrier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2697534676",
        "text": "附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害\n玩家和他们的召唤生物附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(# to # added Lightning Damage\nPlayers and their Minions have # to # added Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3383226338",
        "text": "怨毒光环的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Malevolence has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1560880986",
        "text": "使用此武器攻击所造成的流血效果有 #% 的几率使流血伤害总增 100%(#% chance for Bleeding inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3571964448",
        "text": "冰霜异常状态持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration of Cold Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_165218607",
        "text": "对你的击中暴击率提高 #%(Hits have #% increased Critical Strike Chance against you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2351239732",
        "text": "极地装甲的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Arctic Armour has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1583498502",
        "text": "【召唤圣物】的冷却恢复速度减慢 #%(Summoned Holy Relics have #% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3761482453",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使闪避值提高 #%(Passive Skills in Radius also grant #% increased Evasion Rating)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2233726619",
        "text": "极地装甲的保留效果降低 #%(Arctic Armour has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3990082744",
        "text": "获得等于你混沌抗性一半的额外元素伤害减免。(Gain additional Elemental Damage Reduction equal to half your Chaos Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3168399315",
        "text": "药剂在未启用的情况下每 3 秒获得 # 次充能(Flasks gain # Charges every 3 seconds while they are inactive)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2773026887",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过绝望,则对诅咒免疫(Immune to Curses if you've cast Despair in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1700808530",
        "text": "被感电时每秒再生 #% 能量护盾(Regenerate #% of Energy Shield per second while Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1849749435",
        "text": "周围敌人的闪电抗性 +#%(Nearby Enemies have +#% to Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_190652296",
        "text": "附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害\n玩家和他们的召唤生物附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(# to # added Fire Damage\nPlayers and their Minions have # to # added Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_279110104",
        "text": "被你点燃的敌人身上的死亡凋零不会消减(Withered does not expire on Enemies Ignited by you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1166487805",
        "text": "每 1 个聚光之石可使护甲提高 #(Gain # Armour per Grand Spectrum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1223932609",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使生命上限 +#(Passive Skills in Radius also grant +# to maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2714810050",
        "text": "被你点燃的敌人承受混沌伤害来代替火焰伤害(Enemies Ignited by you take Chaos Damage instead of Fire Damage from Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.pseudo_timeless_jewel_deshret",
        "text": "在迪虚瑞特的阿卡拉中指派 # 名德卡拉的服务(Denoted service of # dekhara in the akhara of Deshret)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1682417271",
        "text": "从你的地图上遭遇的不朽辛迪加目标处获得的情报提高#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1798031916",
        "text": "脆弱以光环形式施放时,其保留效果降低 #%(Vulnerability has #% reduced Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1719423857",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【蓝色技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Intelligence Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_622203853",
        "text": "导电以光环形式施放时,其保留效果降低 #%(Conductivity has #% reduced Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_91505809",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过惩戒,则在命中时威吓敌人(Intimidate Enemies on Hit if you've cast Punishment in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_833254006",
        "text": "走私者秘藏有 #% 的几率复制其中的赏金猎人印记(Smuggler's Caches have #% chance to Duplicate contained Rogue's Markers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_767464019",
        "text": "你用弓类攻击时触发 # 级毒雨(Trigger Level # Toxic Rain when you Attack with a Bow)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2243070229",
        "text": "怪物不会掉落物品(Monsters drop no Items)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_293071889",
        "text": "当你使用战吼时,周围的灵柩爆炸,造成其生命 #% 的物理伤害(Nearby corpses Explode when you Warcry, dealing #% of their Life as Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3901726941",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使全局暴击几率提高 #%(Passive Skills in Radius also grant #% increased Global Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4272260340",
        "text": "冻伤以光环形式施放时,其保留效果降低 #%(Frostbite has #% reduced Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1162425204",
        "text": "使用药剂时移除点燃和燃烧状态(Remove Ignite and Burning when you use a Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4274075490",
        "text": "你有猫之敏捷时,具有猛攻效果(You have Onslaught while you have Cat's Agility)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1889350679",
        "text": "召唤生物的火焰抗性 +#%(Minions have +#% to Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4230767876",
        "text": "每个暴击球使中毒伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Poison per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2992087211",
        "text": "每拥有 1 个暴击球,有 #% 的几率造成中毒(#% chance to Poison per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2118708619",
        "text": "若你近期内有消耗灵柩,则伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage if you have Consumed a corpse Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_273206351",
        "text": "击中被 1 层蜘蛛网影响的敌人时,有 #% 的几率获得 1 个暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge on hitting an Enemy affected by a Spider's Web)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_523966073",
        "text": "你获得猫之敏捷时,狂怒球和耐力球获得至数量上限(Gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy and Endurance Charges when you gain Cat's Agility)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3845048660",
        "text": "周围每个灵柩使你每秒再生 #% 生命,最多 3%(For each nearby corpse, Regenerate #% Life per second, up to 3%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3686519528",
        "text": "猫之敏捷持续时间 +# 秒(+# seconds to Cat's Agility Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3217428772",
        "text": "召唤生物将 #% 的物理伤害额外火焰火焰伤害(Minions gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2170859717",
        "text": "法术伤害压制率在受到迅捷影响时 +#%(+#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage while affected by Haste)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1168138239",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过冻伤,则对冰霜曝露免疫(Cold Exposure on Hit if you've cast Frostbite in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3832130495",
        "text": "【蛛之势】改为每 # 秒喷出蜘蛛网和缓速效果(Aspect of the Spider inflicts Spider's Webs and Hinder every # Seconds instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3616500790",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过时空锁链,则行动速度减缓不会低于基础速度(Action Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value if you've cast Temporal Chains in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_971937289",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过脆弱,则不会受到流血影响(You are Unaffected by Bleeding if you've cast Vulnerability in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_120895749",
        "text": "攻击每击中一名被点燃的敌人获得#点生命(Gain # Life for each Ignited Enemy hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2103621252",
        "text": "击中稀有或传奇敌人时吞噬一个灵魂,每秒最多触发一次(Eat a Soul when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, no more than once every second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_942938211",
        "text": "投射物会分裂(Projectiles Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_40907696",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过易燃,则不会受到点燃影响(You are Unaffected by Ignite if you've cast Flammability in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2713909980",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过惩戒,则对反射伤害免疫(Immune to Reflected Damage if you've cast Punishment in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3152149523",
        "text": "易燃以光环形式施放时,其保留效果降低 #%(Flammability has #% reduced Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4194606073",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过冻伤,则不会受到冰冻影响(You are Unaffected by Freeze if you've cast Frostbite in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1757548756",
        "text": "提供 # 级召唤德瑞的塑像\n召唤德瑞的塑像时候触发插入的魔蛊技能\n插入的技能可任意施加 5 次额外诅咒\n插入的魔蛊技能产生的诅咒效果总降 20%(Grants Level # Summon Doedre's Effigy Skill\nSocketed Hex Curse Skills are Triggered by Doedre's Effigy when Summoned\nHexes from Socketed Skills can apply 5 additional Curses\n20% less Effect of Curses from Socketed Hex Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3339663313",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过导电,则对闪电曝露免疫(Inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit if you've cast Conductivity in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3623716321",
        "text": "若你近期内有格挡,则附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage if you've Blocked Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1826753218",
        "text": "提供 # 级冬潮烙印(Grants Level # Wintertide Brand Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2921954092",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过元素要害,则对曝露免疫(Immune to Exposure if you've cast Elemental Weakness in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2659463225",
        "text": "当你击中的稀有或传奇敌人没有被标记,触发 # 级盗猎者印记(Trigger Level # Poacher's Mark when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy and have no Mark)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2134307667",
        "text": "投射物有 #% 的几率返回你身边(Projectiles have #% chance to Return to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2560911401",
        "text": "法术的基础法术暴击几率等于主手武器的暴击几率(Base Spell Critical Strike Chance of Spells is equal to that of Main Hand Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2517037025",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过导电,则不会受到感电影响(You are Unaffected by Shock if you've cast Conductivity in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1831757355",
        "text": "【冬潮烙印】的冰缓效果提高 #%(Wintertide Brand has #% increased Chill Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3617672145",
        "text": "结界破碎时效果结束(Effect is removed when Ward Breaks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1658498488",
        "text": "【腐化之血】无法施加于你(Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3481736410",
        "text": "若你近期内有击败敌人,则效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect if you've Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3839620417",
        "text": "闪避值在专注时提高 #%(#% increased Evasion Rating while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2175889777",
        "text": "生效期间获得终结(Culling Strike during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3259812992",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过易燃,则对火焰曝露免疫(Inflict Fire Exposure on Hit if you've cast Flammability in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3587101704",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使全属性 +#(Passive Skills in Radius also grant +# to all Attributes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3223376951",
        "text": "攻击无法造成暴击(Cannot deal Critical Strikes with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_437006027",
        "text": "区域内有塑界守卫(Area contains The Formed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2736829661",
        "text": "当你击败稀有怪物时,有 #% 的几率获得该怪物的一种属性修正 10 秒(When you Kill a Rare Monster, #% chance to gain one of its Modifiers for 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2072625596",
        "text": "若你近期内有击败敌人,则施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4077357269",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过衰弱,则不会受到暴击的额外伤害(Take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes if you've cast Enfeeble in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_325889252",
        "text": "坚定的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Determination has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1215155013",
        "text": "从盾牌获取的防御提高 #%(#% increased Defences from Equipped Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1291925008",
        "text": "精准的魔力保留效能提高 100%(Precision has 100% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1940017254",
        "text": "你地图中的裂隙首领掉落的裂隙石有 #% 几率变为无暇的",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1430928642",
        "text": "非暴击造成的闪电伤害特别幸运(Lightning Damage with Non-Critical Strikes is Lucky)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2490633856",
        "text": "迷踪状态下,被击中时避免物理伤害的几率 +#%(+#% chance to Avoid Physical Damage from Hits while Phasing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1634061592",
        "text": "增助攻击击中时击退敌人(Exerted Attacks Knock Enemies Back on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1817677817",
        "text": "若你近期未格挡过,你拥有最大的格挡法术伤害几率(You are at Maximum Chance to Block Spell Damage if you have not Blocked Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1618482990",
        "text": "能量护盾 有 #% 的几率在你消灭敌人时开始充能(#% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Kill an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_462691314",
        "text": "惘信者(The Agnostic)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1757389331",
        "text": "副手暴击率 +#%(+#% to Off Hand Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_56401364",
        "text": "主手攻击速度总增 #%(#% more Main Hand attack speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3174788165",
        "text": "击中时为周围友军提供一个耐力球(Grant an Endurance Charge to nearby Allies on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_545593248",
        "text": "效果结束时,对周围的敌人造成 # 秒疲惫(Debilitate nearby Enemies for # Seconds when Effect ends)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2562564343",
        "text": "绝望以光环形式施放时,其保留效果降低 #%(Despair has #% reduced Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3432301333",
        "text": "能量护盾充能率总增 #%(#% more Energy Shield Recharge Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4263513561",
        "text": "若你近期内格挡过法术伤害,则 +#% 法术伤害格挡率(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage if you have Blocked Spell Damage Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1243641369",
        "text": "击败敌人时,为周围友军提供一个狂怒球(Grant a Frenzy Charge to nearby Allies on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3303984198",
        "text": "非增助攻击无法造成伤害(Non-Exerted Attacks deal no Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_272906215",
        "text": "增助攻击的生命偷取立即生效(Life Leech from Exerted Attacks is instant)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2380848911",
        "text": "每个耐力球使你受到的暴击伤害降低 #%(You take #% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4051493629",
        "text": "插入的技能石具有苦难秘辛(Socketed Gems have Secrets of Suffering)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1196902248",
        "text": "对被冰冻敌人的击中伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits against Frozen Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2156210979",
        "text": "静止时每 4 秒获得 1 个耐力球(Gain an Endurance Charge every 4 seconds while Stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_407576170",
        "text": "若攻击冻结了敌人,则获得一个耐力球(Gain an Endurance Charge if an Attack Freezes an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3769211656",
        "text": "你格挡时有 #% 的几率获得 1 个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2355615476",
        "text": "对满血敌人的暴击伤害提高 +#%(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Enemies that are on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2454339320",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【禁断之言】(1 Added Passive Skill is Forbidden Words)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3213734550",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的幻色石变为链结石(#% chance in Heists for Chromatic Orbs to drop as Orbs of Fusing instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_533969887",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 几率将工匠石变成链结石(#% chance in Heists for Jeweller's Orbs to drop as Orbs of Fusing instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2936084533",
        "text": "你和周围友军的魔力再生速度提高 30%(You and nearby Allies have 30% increased Mana Regeneration Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_720398262",
        "text": "阻灵术期间,有 #% 几率避免受到的元素伤害(#% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits during Soul Gain Prevention)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3591816140",
        "text": "消耗总计 800 点魔力后,效果区域扩大 #%,持续 2 秒(Gain #% increased Area of Effect for 2 seconds after Spending a total of 800 Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_308309328",
        "text": "使用技能时有 #% 的几率回复 10% 魔力(#% chance to Recover 10% of Mana when you use a Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1226121733",
        "text": "用该武器击中时有 #% 的几率施加 2 秒死亡凋零(#% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit with this Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_10224385",
        "text": "召唤生物获得 +#% 最大全元素抗性(Minions have +#% to all maximum Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3356013982",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 释出 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Unleash)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_729430714",
        "text": "若你近期内没有击败过敌人,则 +#% 法术暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spells if you haven't Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2549369799",
        "text": "愤怒的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Anger has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3931143552",
        "text": "范围内提高火焰抗性或所有元素的天赋\n也会以 #% 的比例提高攻击伤害格挡几率(Passives granting Fire Resistance or all Elemental Resistances in Radius\nalso grant Chance to Block Attack Damage at #% of its value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3370223014",
        "text": "若你近期内造成过暴击,则附加 # to # 点冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1915836277",
        "text": "被吞噬的灵魂数量上限 +#(+# to maximum number of Eaten Souls)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3846088475",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石持续伤害总增 #%(Socketed Gems deal #% more Damage over Time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1243114410",
        "text": "若你近期内有击败敌人,则法术暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells if you've Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2071306253",
        "text": "用该武器击中时冻结敌人,如同伤害总增 #%(Hits with this Weapon Freeze Enemies as though dealing #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3443585706",
        "text": "你的耐力球数量上限等于你的狂怒球数量上限(Your Maximum Endurance Charges is equal to your Maximum Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3165905801",
        "text": "该武器施加的点燃伤害总增 #%(Ignites inflicted with this Weapon deal #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1087146228",
        "text": "当你获得护体时,有 #% 的几率失去一个耐力球(#% chance to lose an Endurance Charge when you gain Fortification)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2138819920",
        "text": "增加的小天赋还获得:魔蛊技能的效果区域扩大 #%(Added Small Passive Skills also grant: #% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2032578228",
        "text": "每个耐力球使护体上限 +#(+# to maximum Fortification per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4113372195",
        "text": "你产生的奉献地面效果延续 1 秒(Effects of Consecrated Ground you create Linger for 1 second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1169422227",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 元素集中 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Elemental Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1624503220",
        "text": "自走者(Living Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3094222195",
        "text": "法术击中有 #% 的几率穿刺敌人(#% chance to Impale on Spell Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_222829382",
        "text": "在范围内至少有 40 点智慧的情况下,枯萎的施法速度加快 #%(With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Blight has #% increased Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3273190973",
        "text": "地图内的保险箱是制图师的保险箱的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2523146878",
        "text": "使用此武器攻击所造成的中毒效果有 #% 的几率使中毒伤害总增 100%(#% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_879520319",
        "text": "你在猛攻状态下,攻击、施法、移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed while you have Onslaught)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_935623115",
        "text": "若你近期内造成过暴击,则附加 # to # 点闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4224978303",
        "text": "若你近期内使敌人眩晕,则有 #% 的几率造成双倍伤害(#% chance to deal Double Damage if you have Stunned an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4118945608",
        "text": "使用战吼时获得 # 个暴击球(Gain # Power Charges when you Warcry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4159765624",
        "text": "投射物朝随机方向发射(Projectiles are fired in random directions)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1647724040",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使护甲提高 #%(Passive Skills in Radius also grant #% increased Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_24977021",
        "text": "With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Fireball Projectiles gain Area as they travel farther, up to #% increased Area of Effect",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3789765926",
        "text": "若你近期内格挡过攻击伤害,则攻击伤害格挡率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage if you have Blocked Attack Damage Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3827349913",
        "text": "你没有能量护盾时,全局护甲提高 #%(#% increased Global Armour while you have no Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_161058250",
        "text": "当你使用瓦尔技能时,获得噬魂者 # 秒(Gain Soul Eater for # seconds when you use a Vaal Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3470457445",
        "text": "混沌伤害可以造成点燃、冰缓和感电效果(Chaos Damage can Ignite, Chill and Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3313284037",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率避免被打断(#% chance to Avoid being Interrupted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1643324992",
        "text": "攻击的投射物可以额外分叉 # 次(Projectiles from Attacks can Fork # additional time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2629366488",
        "text": "此物品上的红色技能石额外获得 #% 的物理伤害,并转化为火焰伤害(Socketed Red Gems get #% Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3444518809",
        "text": "雷霆的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Wrath has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3686066640",
        "text": "你的混沌伤害可以造成冰缓(Your Chaos Damage can Chill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3257374551",
        "text": "你被脆弱诅咒时视为满血状态(You count as on Full Life while you are Cursed with Vulnerability)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1330109706",
        "text": "每秒再生 # 能量护盾(Regenerate # Energy Shield per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_697807915",
        "text": "伤害穿透敌人 #% 的元素抗性(Damage Penetrates #% of Enemy Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2511521167",
        "text": "你总共消耗 12 枚钢刃碎片后\n技能在 4 秒内发射 # 枚额外投射物(Skills Fire # additional Projectile for 4 seconds after\nyou consume a total of 12 Steel Shards)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_80764074",
        "text": "生效期间结界不会破碎(Ward does not Break during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1681904129",
        "text": "插入的技能石 +#% 暴击率(Socketed Gems have +#% Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2081344089",
        "text": "纪律的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Discipline has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1726444796",
        "text": "击中有 #% 的几率用一种随机魔蛊诅咒非诅咒敌人(#% chance to Curse non-Cursed Enemies with a random Hex on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_785655723",
        "text": "受你至少 1 层蜘蛛网影响的敌人,所有抗性 +#%(Enemies affected by your Spider's Webs have +#% to All Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1824085933",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 几率将掉落的重铸石变为后悔石(#% chance in Heists for Orbs of Scouring to drop as Orbs of Regret instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3145607602",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外传奇物品(#% chance to receive additional Unique items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3231424461",
        "text": "被你覆盖蜘蛛网的敌人伤害降低 #%(Enemies affected by your Spider's Webs deal #% reduced Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4271994824",
        "text": "防御为零(Defences are Zero)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3144358296",
        "text": "若你近期内造成过暴击,则附加 # to # 点火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_396113830",
        "text": "来自攻击的投射物会分叉(Projectiles from Attacks Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_168308685",
        "text": "奋锐光环的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Zealotry has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3615541554",
        "text": "生效期间,结界总增 #%(#% more Ward during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_195978073",
        "text": "玩家受到的减益效果消减速度加快 #%(Debuffs on players expire #% faster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3686780108",
        "text": "【蛛之势】的效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Aspect of the Spider Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3225265684",
        "text": "装备#件腐化物品:受到的混沌伤害的50%不会穿透能量护盾,受到的物理伤害的50%会穿透能量护盾(With # Corrupted Items Equipped: 50% of Chaos Damage taken does not bypass Energy Shield, and 50% of Physical Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1195705739",
        "text": "攻击可以额外发射 1 个投射物(Attacks fire an additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2132884933",
        "text": "插入的技能伤害翻倍(Socketed Skills deal Double Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2524029637",
        "text": "你使敌人感电时,回复 #% 魔力(Recover #% of Mana when you Shock an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_639595152",
        "text": "周围敌人受到的元素伤害提高 #%(Nearby Enemies take #% increased Elemental Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2282705842",
        "text": "对流血敌人的暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance against Bleeding Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_144675621",
        "text": "每个白色插槽会使物品掉落稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Item Rarity per White Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_130616495",
        "text": "若你身上的中毒效果少于 5 层\n则你的旅行技能施加的中毒效果反射给你自己(Poison you inflict with Travel Skills is Reflected to you if you\nhave fewer than 5 Poisons on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_430248187",
        "text": "若你近期内晕眩过敌人,则效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect if you have Stunned an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3736628755",
        "text": "精准的保留效果总降 50%(Precision has 50% less Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3039589351",
        "text": "每有一个耐力球,攻击伤害格挡几率额外 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1360723495",
        "text": "你身上每层中毒效果都使移动速度加快 #%,最大 50%(#% increased Movement Speed for each Poison on you up to a maximum of 50%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2121053002",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的菌潮地图和催化剂(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Blighted Maps and Catalysts)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2087104263",
        "text": "召唤劲弩发射 # 枚额外投射物(Summoned Arbalists fire # additional Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_13172430",
        "text": "敌人每具有 2% 的感电效果,获得闪电伤害 #% 的额外冰霜伤害(Gain #% of Lightning Damage as Extra Cold Damage per 2% Shock Effect on Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1871938116",
        "text": "低血时获得【猛攻】(You have Onslaught while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2429444272",
        "text": "你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约指定高价值目标的可能性总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1034580601",
        "text": "你身上每层中毒效果都使伤害提高 #%,最大提升至 75%(#% increased Damage for each Poison on you up to a maximum of 75%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2992263716",
        "text": "专注时补充 #% 的魔力和能量护盾(Recover #% of Mana and Energy Shield when you Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2542650946",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在暴击时获得一个耐力球(#% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_389725673",
        "text": "区域内有【冰缓地面】(Area has patches of Chilled Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3003688066",
        "text": "火焰净化的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Purity of Fire has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2763710567",
        "text": "Gain Unholy Might for 2 seconds on Critical Strike",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_282353000",
        "text": "不造成非物理伤害(Deal no Non-Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4192058279",
        "text": "装备 # 个被腐化物品时:生命偷取只按照造成的混沌伤害计算(With # Corrupted Items Equipped: Life Leech recovers based on your Chaos Damage instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3366029652",
        "text": "闪避值与护甲提高 #%(#% increased Evasion Rating and Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_611279043",
        "text": "每块聚光之石有#%的几率免疫元素异常状态(#% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments per Grand Spectrum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3733496041",
        "text": "复苏的魔卫每秒将它们最大生命的 #% 视为火焰伤害(Raised Zombies take #% of their Maximum Life per second as Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1122682019",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的改造石变为点金石(#% chance in Heists for Orbs of Alteration to drop as Orbs of Alchemy instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_543949956",
        "text": "地图内的红野兽有 #% 的几率成对出现",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1822142649",
        "text": "至少有 200 点敏捷时,投射物攻击伤害提高 #%(#% increased Projectile Attack Damage while you have at least 200 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_306037665",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的增幅石变为点金石(#% chance in Heists for Orbs of Augmentation to drop as Orbs of Alchemy instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3750917270",
        "text": "攻击被嘲讽的敌人时,攻击伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life against Taunted Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1224928411",
        "text": "范围内提高闪电抗性或所有元素抗性的天赋\n也会以 #% 的比例提高法术伤害格挡几率(Passives granting Lightning Resistance or all Elemental Resistances in Radius\nalso grant Chance to Block Spell Damage at #% of its value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_743677006",
        "text": "不造成冰霜伤害(Deal no Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_591162856",
        "text": "发射投射物的攻击最多消耗 # 个额外钢刃碎片(Attacks that Fire Projectiles Consume up to # additional Steel Shard)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_701843516",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率使掉落的物品被鉴定(#% chance in Heists for Items to drop Identified)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1409669176",
        "text": "给范围内提供冰霜抗性或所有元素抗性的天赋\n也提供法术伤害压制率,等于其数值的 #%(Passives granting Cold Resistance or all Elemental Resistances in Radius\nalso grant Chance to Suppress Spell Damage at #% of its value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2634885412",
        "text": "击中流血的敌人时,触发 # 级的【裂骨新星】(Trigger Level # Bone Nova when you Hit a Bleeding Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1963942874",
        "text": "对燃烧敌人的暴击伤害加成提高 +#%(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Burning Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1474437010",
        "text": "复苏的魔卫具有火之化身(Raised Zombies have Avatar of Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_800598487",
        "text": "中毒时,击中有 #% 的几率获得一个暴击球(#% chance to Gain a Power Charge on Hit while Poisoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_613525808",
        "text": "复苏的魔卫击中施加灰烬缠身(Raised Zombies Cover Enemies in Ash on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2011785027",
        "text": "你造成的点燃会扩散给 # 米内的其他敌人(Ignites you inflict spread to other Enemies within # metre)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1264919148",
        "text": "技能被【释出】辅助时 +# 封印数量上限(Skills supported by Unleash have +# to maximum number of Seals)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4175197580",
        "text": "【怨毒光环】的光环效果提高 #%(Malevolence has #% increased Aura Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_214242256",
        "text": "亡魄足迹(Necrotic Footprints)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2750800428",
        "text": "将敌方怪物的元素抗性值视作反转(Treats Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2140446632",
        "text": "投射物击中地形有 #% 的几率产生连锁效果(Projectiles have #% chance to be able to Chain when colliding with terrain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_593845252",
        "text": "多面好手(Versatile Combatant)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2043747322",
        "text": "对你的法术击中有 #% 的几率施加中毒(#% chance for Spell Hits against you to inflict Poison)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3135669941",
        "text": "你击中稀有或传奇敌人时,有 #% 的几率创造奉献地面,持续 8 秒(#% chance to create Consecrated Ground when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy, lasting 8 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_176085824",
        "text": "近期格挡使你和周围友军每秒再生 #% 生命(If you have Blocked Recently, you and nearby Allies Regenerate #% of Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_407482587",
        "text": "非吟唱技能消耗+#魔力(Non-Channelling Skills Cost +# Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3665534869",
        "text": "区域内有【燃烧地面】(Area has patches of Burning Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2532905418",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的蜕变石变为点金石(#% chance in Heists for Orbs of Transmutation to drop as Orbs of Alchemy instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3312593243",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 近战击败敌人时施放 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cast On Melee Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1166971727",
        "text": "当暴击球达到上限时,+#% 暴击率(+#% Critical Strike Chance while at maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1430380429",
        "text": "+#% Monster Cold Resistance",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2522672898",
        "text": "受到击中火焰伤害的 #% 视作冰霜伤害(#% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2692578539",
        "text": "夺宝奇兵的所有任务等级 +#(+# to Level of all Jobs for Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1712740586",
        "text": "你击中造成的感电效果始终使受到的伤害提高至少 #%(Shocks from your Hits always increase Damage taken by at least #%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_986381677",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率使掉落的物品有一个额外插槽(#% chance in Heists for Items to drop with an additional Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3243270997",
        "text": "击败稀有或者传奇敌人使攻击速度加快 #%,持续 20 秒(Gain #% increased Attack Speed for 20 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_779829642",
        "text": "静止时,混沌抗性 +#%(+#% to Chaos Resistance while stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2319127046",
        "text": "+#% Monster Fire Resistance",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2395088636",
        "text": "额外投掷一个地雷(Throw an additional Mine)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4201339891",
        "text": "伤害的 #% 转化为能量护盾偷取(#% of Damage Leeched as Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_100820057",
        "text": "范围内每有 10 点未配置的敏捷,便 +# 命中值(+# to Accuracy Rating per 10 Dexterity on Unallocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4169318921",
        "text": "范围内每有 10 点未配置的敏捷,则移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed per 10 Dexterity on Unallocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2736953654",
        "text": "稀有怪物掉落的物品有 #% 的几率被腐化",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3272283603",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率嘲讽敌人(#% chance to Taunt on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4075957192",
        "text": "Poisonous Hit",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2289189129",
        "text": "击中有 #% 的几率造成总增 50% 的范围伤害(Hits have #% chance to deal 50% more Area Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2999571636",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使冰霜伤害提高 #%(Passive Skills in Radius also grant #% increased Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3580556037",
        "text": "Monsters gain # Frenzy Charge every 20 seconds",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2189230542",
        "text": "每隔 4 秒,移除你身上的诅咒和元素异常状态(Every 4 seconds, remove Curses and Elemental Ailments from you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1144937587",
        "text": "装备头盔的每 1 点能量护盾上限使闪避值提高 +#(+# to Evasion Rating per 1 Maximum Energy Shield on Equipped Helmet)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1545361315",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 几率将掉落的幻色石变为工匠石(#% chance in Heists for Chromatic Orbs to drop as Jeweller's Orbs instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2384457007",
        "text": "旗帜技能没有保留效果(Banner Skills have no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2121424530",
        "text": "地雷的光环效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Auras from Mines)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3906150898",
        "text": "当你离开自己的旗帜范围时,恢复该旗帜消耗胆魄的 #%(When you leave your Banner's Area, recover #% of the Valour consumed for that Banner)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_240642724",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率使稀有或传奇敌人灰烬缠身 10 秒(#% chance to Cover Rare or Unique Enemies in Ash for 10 Seconds on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1439347620",
        "text": "范围内每有 10 点未配置的智慧,则魔力回复速度加快 #%(#% increased Mana Recovery Rate per 10 Intelligence on Unallocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1994121713",
        "text": "范围内每有 10 点未配置的智慧,便 +#% 持续伤害加成(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier per 10 Intelligence on Unallocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2757672659",
        "text": "区域的传送门会随时间关闭(Portals to Area close over time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2268802111",
        "text": "为召唤生物附加相当于你装备头盔的能量护盾上限 #% 的物理伤害(Minions gain Added Physical Damage equal to #% of Maximum Energy Shield on your Equipped Helmet)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_530889264",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率使掉落的物品腐化(#% chance in Heists for Items to drop Corrupted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3255961830",
        "text": "若你最近消灭过敌人,近战打击范围 +# 米(+# metre to Melee Strike Range if you have Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3664778308",
        "text": "暴击球抵达上限时承受 # 冰霜伤害(Take # Cold Damage on reaching Maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3730497630",
        "text": "当周围有至少 5 个友军,你和周围的友军获得【猛攻】状态(While there are at least five nearby Allies, you and nearby Allies have Onslaught)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2774670797",
        "text": "你击中造成的冰缓效果总能使行动速度降低至少 #%(Chills from your Hits always reduce Action Speed by at least #%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2119664154",
        "text": "当你可能获得狂怒球时,有 #% 的几率直接获得最大数量的狂怒球(#% chance that if you would gain Frenzy Charges, you instead gain up to your maximum number of Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4006301249",
        "text": "此物品上的【召唤生物技能石】由 # 级的 生命偷取 辅助(Socketed Minion Gems are Supported by Level # Life Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2684385509",
        "text": "召唤生物免疫致盲(Minions cannot be Blinded)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3020069394",
        "text": "掉落鉴定过的魔法物品(Found Magic Items drop Identified)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3310914132",
        "text": "钓鱼稀有度提高 #%(#% increased Rarity of Fish Caught)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2939409392",
        "text": "召唤生物击中时有 #% 的几率使敌人致盲(Minions have #% chance to Blind Enemies on hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3014823981",
        "text": "你有秘术增强效果时,你身上的非伤害型异常状态效果提高 #%(Non-Damaging Ailments have #% increased Effect on you while you have Arcane Surge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3184268466",
        "text": "你使用药剂时回复 #% 生命(Recover #% of Life when you use a Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4142376596",
        "text": "受到火焰伤害的 #% 视作闪电伤害(#% of Fire Damage taken as Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2138548436",
        "text": "召唤生物的攻击击中有 #% 的几率瘫痪敌人(Minions have #% chance to Maim Enemies on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3772078232",
        "text": "你暴击施加的非伤害型异常状态效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3561837752",
        "text": "#% 的偷取立即生效(#% of Leech is Instant)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3973790753",
        "text": "你击中冻结的敌人时,获得一个暴击球(Gain a Power Charge when you Hit a Frozen Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2171629017",
        "text": "能量球的持续时间提高 #%(#% increased Charge Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2556900184",
        "text": "你的羁绊光束中的敌人不能造成元素异常状态(Enemies in your Link Beams cannot apply Elemental Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3058290552",
        "text": "你格挡的击中无法将你晕眩(Cannot be Stunned by Hits you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1722463112",
        "text": "周围友军获得物品稀有度提高 #%(Nearby Allies have #% increased Item Rarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2881210047",
        "text": "受到冰霜伤害的 #% 视作闪电伤害(#% of Cold Damage taken as Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3861913659",
        "text": "对受诅咒敌人造成伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Damage Leeched as Life against Cursed Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3511523149",
        "text": "溢出伤害的 #% 转为生命偷取(#% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4099989681",
        "text": "你的召唤生物死亡时产生燃烧地面,每秒造成等同它们最大生命 #% 的火焰伤害(Your Minions spread Burning Ground on Death, dealing #% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1560540713",
        "text": "周围友军获得【终结】效果(Nearby Allies have Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2818854203",
        "text": "护甲值和闪避值按照每 1% 攻击伤害格挡率+#(+# to Armour and Evasion Rating per 1% Chance to Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3806798486",
        "text": "你可以额外激活一种酊剂(You can have an additional Tincture active)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1453771408",
        "text": "若你近期内有进行攻击,你和周围友军有 +#% 的几率格挡攻击伤害(If you've Attacked Recently, you and nearby Allies have +#% Chance to Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4031527864",
        "text": "周围敌人无法获得暴击,狂怒,或耐力球(Nearby Enemies cannot gain Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1291726336",
        "text": "攻击击中致盲的敌人时有 #% 的几率造成瘫痪(Attack Hits against Blinded Enemies have #% chance to Maim)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2894476716",
        "text": "若你近期被击中,则每秒获得 # 个耐力球(Gain # Endurance Charge every second if you've been Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1313763128",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使混沌伤害提高 #%(Passive Skills in Radius also grant #% increased Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1952992278",
        "text": "若你近期内有施放法术,你和周围友军有 +#% 的几率格挡法术伤害(If you've Cast a Spell Recently, you and nearby Allies have +#% Chance to Block Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4204320922",
        "text": "攻击击中流血的敌人时有 #% 的几率造成致盲(Attack Hits against Bleeding Enemies have #% chance to Blind)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_545355339",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率移除 1 层魔力燃烧(#% chance to remove 1 Mana Burn on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3788235244",
        "text": "该区域有 #% 的几率出现【卡迪罗普兰德斯】(Area has a #% chance to contain Cadiro Perandus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3788235244",
        "text": "该区域有 #% 的几率出现【卡迪罗普兰德斯】(Your Maps have #% chance to contain Cadiro Perandus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1870732546",
        "text": "可以召唤图腾的技能有 #% 的几率召唤两个图腾(Skills that would Summon a Totem have #% chance to Summon two Totems instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3636871122",
        "text": "你创造的渎神地面效果延续 1 秒(Effects of Profane Ground you create Linger for 1 second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1857928882",
        "text": "你的暴击伤害无法被反射(Damage from your Critical Strikes cannot be Reflected)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3288016752",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率有更宝贵的传奇物品(Heist Chests have a #% chance to contain more valuable Uniques)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_249805317",
        "text": "不会承受反射的物理伤害(Cannot take Reflected Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1196333117",
        "text": "若力量是你最高的属性,当你静止时,脚下产生奉献地面(You have Consecrated Ground around you while\nstationary if Strength is your highest Attribute)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2047846165",
        "text": "若智慧是你最高的属性,则你暴击时,有 #% 几率产生渎神地面(#% chance to create Profane Ground on Critical\nStrike if Intelligence is your highest Attribute)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2181791238",
        "text": "【雷霆】的光环效果提高 #%(Wrath has #% increased Aura Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_578121324",
        "text": "至少有 200 点智慧时,暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance while you have at least 200 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_196260576",
        "text": "药剂在你击中非传奇敌人时获得 # 次充能,最多每秒一次(Flasks gain # Charges when you hit a Non-Unique Enemy, no more than once per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3790386828",
        "text": "击败敌人的药剂充能获取率总增 #%(#% more Flask Charges gained from Kills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_586568910",
        "text": "生成的灵柩最大生命提高 #%(Corpses you Spawn have #% increased Maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3734229311",
        "text": "装备护甲物品提供的能量护盾上限改为提供生命上限(Gain Maximum Life instead of Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Armour Items)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2257141320",
        "text": "瓦尔技能的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Vaal Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_86516932",
        "text": "近期内你施加的每层中毒效果都使中毒持续时间延长 #%,最多可延长 100%(#% increased Poison Duration for each Poison you have inflicted Recently, up to a maximum of 100%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2543977012",
        "text": "+# 力量和智慧(+# to Strength and Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1572897579",
        "text": "当你拥有阻灵术时获得【猛攻】状态(You have Onslaught during Soul Gain Prevention)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_922014346",
        "text": "护体上限在专注时 +#(+# to maximum Fortification while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_113499389",
        "text": "地图内的荒野盗贼流放者有 #% 的几率有额外奖励",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_866391849",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的富豪石变为崇高石(#% chance in Heists for Regal Orbs to drop as Exalted Orbs instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_763311546",
        "text": "火焰抗性 #%(Fire Resistance is #%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3749823751",
        "text": "玩家反射受到近战物理伤害的 #%(Players reflect #% of Melee Physical Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4096052153",
        "text": "【奋锐光环】的光环效果提高 #%(Zealotry has #% increased Aura Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3714446071",
        "text": "当敌人对你造成元素伤害时,使其对应元素抗性变为零,持续 4 秒(When an Enemy Hit deals Elemental Damage to you, their Resistance to those Elements becomes zero for 4 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2766470009",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的富豪石变为神圣石(#% chance in Heists for Regal Orbs to drop as Divine Orbs instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_807186595",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 多重图腾 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Multiple Totems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_326965591",
        "text": "霸体(Iron Reflexes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_244825991",
        "text": "周围友军的护体 +#(Nearby Allies have +# Fortification)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3152714748",
        "text": "周围友军获得 +#% 暴击伤害加成(Nearby Allies have +#% to Critical Strike Multiplier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3251948367",
        "text": "暴击时有 #% 的几率触发【炼狱之诫】(#% chance to Trigger Commandment of Inferno on Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1345835998",
        "text": "你地图中在驱灵祭坛延时恩典消耗的贡品降低 #%(Deferring Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps costs #% increased Tribute)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2636728487",
        "text": "你正在燃烧时总能点燃敌人(You always Ignite while Burning)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_900639351",
        "text": "优雅的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Grace has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_697059777",
        "text": "如果你最近使用这把武器击中过,\n召唤的魔侍武士和魔侍兵使用该武器造成三倍伤害(Summoned Skeleton Warriors and Soldiers deal Triple Damage with this\nWeapon if you've Hit with this Weapon Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3868184702",
        "text": "反射 # 闪电伤害给近战攻击者(Reflects # Lightning Damage to Melee Attackers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3411256933",
        "text": "闪电净化的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Purity of Lightning has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3815724042",
        "text": "攻击者格挡时反射 # 火焰伤害(Reflects # Fire Damage to Attackers on Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1611826374",
        "text": "地图内的战乱之殇遭遇战有一支马拉克斯军队的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1672183492",
        "text": "用该武器击中时,暴击率为 #%(Critical Strike Chance is #% for Hits with this Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3844152269",
        "text": "开启宝箱有 #% 的几率不产生警报等级(#% chance on opening a Chest to not generate Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3308030688",
        "text": "静止时魔力再生速度提高 #%(#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2646007123",
        "text": "装备于你的主手时,召唤的魔侍武士和魔侍兵持有该武器(Summoned Skeleton Warriors and Soldiers wield this Weapon while in your Main Hand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3266609002",
        "text": "非光环魔蛊每秒效果提高 20%(Non-Aura Hexes gain 20% increased Effect per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2706175703",
        "text": "你没有智慧(You have no Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_495713612",
        "text": "地图内玩家身上的神龛效果持续时间延长 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_495713612",
        "text": "神殿持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration of Shrine Effects on Players)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_495713612",
        "text": "神殿持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Duration of Shrine Effects on Players in your Maps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2540508981",
        "text": "插入的瓦尔技能击中时无视敌方怪物的抗性(Hits from Socketed Vaal Skills ignore Enemy Monster Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2417456003",
        "text": "非光环魔蛊在达到基础效果 #% 时衰减(Non-Aura Hexes expire upon reaching #% of base Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1011373762",
        "text": "法术可以额外发射 1 个投射物(Spells fire an additional Projectile)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2776399916",
        "text": "格挡时对敌人附加易燃诅咒。(Curse Enemies with Flammability on Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3726585224",
        "text": "你和周围友军按照每个蓝色插槽附加 # 到 # 点闪电伤害(You and Nearby Allies have # to # added Lightning Damage per Blue Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_548721233",
        "text": "召唤生物对中毒的敌人造成伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(Minions Leech #% of Damage as Life against Poisoned Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3232695173",
        "text": "你和周围友军按照每个白色插槽附加 # 到 # 点混沌伤害(You and Nearby Allies have # to # added Chaos Damage per White Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_931560398",
        "text": "在有传奇鱼出没的区域会发出光芒(Glows while in an Area containing a Unique Fish)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3885409671",
        "text": "火焰伤害的 #% 转化为能量护盾偷取(#% of Fire Damage Leeched as Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1646760085",
        "text": "不洁之力(Unholy Might)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1666896662",
        "text": "你和周围友军按照每个红色插槽附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(You and Nearby Allies have # to # added Fire Damage per Red Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_668145148",
        "text": "周围敌人的所有抗性提高 #%(Nearby Enemies have #% to all Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4052117756",
        "text": "所有伤害均可冻结(All Damage can Freeze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2583648686",
        "text": "敌人的每点威力值使该武器的击中偷取的 #% 立即生效(#% of Leech from Hits with this Weapon is Instant per Enemy Power)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4272678430",
        "text": "冻结冰缓的敌人如同伤害总增 #%(Freeze Chilled Enemies as though dealing #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_496075050",
        "text": "冰霜抗性 #%(Cold Resistance is #%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1060236362",
        "text": "每失去 1% 火焰抗性,火焰伤害就提高 #%,最多提高 300%(#% increased Fire Damage per 1% Missing Fire Resistance, up to a maximum of 300%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2665149933",
        "text": "你和周围友军按照每个绿色插槽附加 # 到 # 点冰霜伤害(You and Nearby Allies have # to # added Cold Damage per Green Socket)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4122424929",
        "text": "不能附加武器攻击相关属性修正(Cannot roll Attack Modifiers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1243613350",
        "text": "创造渎神地面来代替奉献地面(Create Profane Ground instead of Consecrated Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_308127151",
        "text": "闪电伤害的 #% 转化为能量护盾偷取(#% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1378815167",
        "text": "持弓类施放法术时有 #% 的几率触发一个插入的弓类技能,它有1 秒冷却时间(#% chance to Trigger a Socketed Bow Skill when you Cast a Spell while wielding a Bow, with a 1 second Cooldown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_482240997",
        "text": "每块聚光之石使召唤生物暴击加成伤害提高+#%(Minions have +#% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Grand Spectrum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3362665206",
        "text": "#% increased Mine Arming Speed",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1660373569",
        "text": "效果期间获得 # 级脆弱诅咒光环(Grants Level # Vulnerability Curse Aura during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_987588151",
        "text": "每个暴击球使攻击和施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Cast Speed per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2159555743",
        "text": "周围敌人被【冰缓】(Nearby Enemies are Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3159312340",
        "text": "击败敌人时触发 # 级的【玷污】(Trigger Level # Contaminate when you Kill an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2353201291",
        "text": "你没有能量护盾时获得【不洁之力】(You have Unholy Might while you have no Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1276918229",
        "text": "受到的闪电伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Lightning Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3599443205",
        "text": "若你近期内击中过传奇敌人,则每秒获得 # 次药剂充能(Flasks gain # Charge per second if you've Hit a Unique Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1872107885",
        "text": "敌人的每点威力值使该武器的击中暴击伤害加成 +#%(Hits with this Weapon have +#% to Critical Strike Multiplier per Enemy Power)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2932121832",
        "text": "插入的瓦尔技能的光环效果提高 #%(Socketed Vaal Skills have #% increased Aura Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3489570622",
        "text": "被活力影响时每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per Second while affected by Vitality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2178803872",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【流血几率】辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Chance to Bleed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_999511066",
        "text": "召唤生物持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Minion Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1388374928",
        "text": "插入的瓦尔技能击中时无视敌方怪物的物理伤害减免(Hits from Socketed Vaal Skills ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2859664487",
        "text": "每失去 1% 冰霜抗性,冰霜伤害就提高 #%,最多提高 300%(#% increased Cold Damage per 1% Missing Cold Resistance, up to a maximum of 300%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1454648374",
        "text": "+#% 暴击导致的流血持续伤害加成(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding from Critical Strikes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3550460467",
        "text": "在真菌地表上被你击败的敌人有 #% 的几率爆炸,造成它们 5% 生命的混沌伤害(Enemies on Fungal Ground you Kill have #% chance to Explode, dealing 5% of their Life as Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_799872465",
        "text": "站定时,脚下产生真菌地表(You have Fungal Ground around you while stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1558131185",
        "text": "移动时留下烧灼地面,持续 # 秒(Drops Scorched Ground while moving, lasting # seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_470688636",
        "text": "装备时触发等级20幽鬼之灵,\n幽鬼之灵的数量上限 +#(Triggers Level 20 Spectral Spirits when Equipped\n+# to maximum number of Spectral Spirits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2603798371",
        "text": "击中时触发等级 30 暗影姿态(Trigger Level 30 Shade Form when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2237174578",
        "text": "插入的瓦尔技能的投射物速度加快 #%(Socketed Vaal Skills have #% increased Projectile Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_338643834",
        "text": "传奇首领将随着玩家的选择变强(Unique Boss is augmented by Player choices)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4265906483",
        "text": "击中时有 #% 的几率施加闪电曝露(#% chance to inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4045850340",
        "text": "区域内的玩家附近每有一个友军,受到的伤害提高 #%(Players in Area take #% increased Damage per nearby Ally)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2174134106",
        "text": "战吼技能不能增助旅行技能(Warcries cannot Exert Travel Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2393355605",
        "text": "被格挡的击中对你造成 #% 的元素伤害(You take #% of Elemental Damage from Blocked Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_44716414",
        "text": "被致盲不影响你的击中率(Blind does not affect your Chance to Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_719810173",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使火焰伤害提高 #%(Passive Skills in Radius also grant #% increased Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1942151132",
        "text": "闪电抗性 #%(Lightning Resistance is #%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3008766302",
        "text": "在地图内完成最终驱灵祭坛有 #% 的几率掉落一个浸血法器",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1423002070",
        "text": "每装备一件裂界者物品,就将物理伤害的 #% 视为额外混沌伤害(Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Elder Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_28821524",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 法术凝聚 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Intensify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2340750293",
        "text": "受到击中元素伤害的 #% 视作物理伤害(#% of Elemental Damage from Hits taken as Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1904031052",
        "text": "如果你在过去 10 秒内施放过绝望,则在命中时施加 2 秒的死亡凋零(Inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit if you've cast Despair in the past 10 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_624257168",
        "text": "击败敌人的药剂充能获取率总增 #%(#% more Flask Charges gained from Kills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2013799819",
        "text": "偷取的每秒最大能量护盾总恢复量提高 #%(#% increased Maximum total Energy Shield Recovery per second from Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2622251413",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率使晕眩时间延长 1 倍(#% chance to double Stun Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3281809492",
        "text": "被击中时获得从降低 #% 至提高 #% 之间的随机移动速度修正,直到被再次击中(When Hit, gain a random Movement Speed modifier from #% reduced to #% increased, until Hit again)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4149388787",
        "text": "范围内的文身效果提高 #%(#% increased effect of Tattoos in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1357672429",
        "text": "你击中冻结的敌人时触发 # 级爆环冰刺(Trigger Level # Icicle Burst when you Hit a Frozen Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_89314980",
        "text": "若全部装备为裂界者物品,则击中无视敌人的混沌抗性(Hits ignore Enemy Monster Chaos Resistance if all Equipped Items are Elder Items)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2038577923",
        "text": "灵魂牧者(Shepherd of Souls)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3954735777",
        "text": "攻击击中时有 #% 的几率使目标中毒(#% chance to Poison on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1661698405",
        "text": "对怪物的诅咒效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Curses on Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3165215973",
        "text": "迷踪状态下,每隔 0.5 秒便触发 # 级隐形打击(Trigger Level # Unseen Strike every 0.5 seconds while Phasing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2752264922",
        "text": "迷踪状态下,攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed while Phasing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2966079414",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率复制掉落的基础通货物品(#% chance in Heists for Basic Currency drops to be Duplicated)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1504513372",
        "text": "技能被【释出】辅助时,其封印获取频率提高 #%(Skills Supported by Unleash have #% increased Seal gain frequency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1464115829",
        "text": "若你近期内有使用战吼,你和周围友军的攻击,施法和移动速度加快 #%(If you've Warcried Recently, you and nearby allies have #% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2189382346",
        "text": "每有一个暴击球,能量护盾提高 #%(#% increased Energy Shield per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1235873320",
        "text": "低血时插入的技能石伤害总增 #%(Socketed Gems deal #% more Damage while on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1258100102",
        "text": "你使用瓦尔技能时获得一个耐力球、狂怒球、暴击球(Gain an Endurance Charge, Frenzy Charge, and Power Charge when you use a Vaal Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1980613100",
        "text": "阻灵术持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Soul Gain Prevention Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3416664215",
        "text": "作为光环效果施放的元素要害不具有保留效果(Elemental Weakness has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1939452467",
        "text": "冰霜伤害的 #% 转化为能量护盾偷取(#% of Cold Damage Leeched as Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2589042711",
        "text": "每秒失去 # 魔力(Lose # Mana per Second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_139925400",
        "text": "冰霜净化的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Purity of Ice has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3916499001",
        "text": "生效期间,每秒获得 1 个耐力球(Gain 1 Endurance Charge per Second during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_521653232",
        "text": "使用时每个耐力球都使你恢复 #% 生命\n使用时失去所有耐力球(Recover #% of Life per Endurance Charge on use\nLose all Endurance Charges on use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1189717666",
        "text": "Rare Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Gem with Quality",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3533432197",
        "text": "非光环瓦尔技能每次施放需要的灵魂量降低 #%(Non-Aura Vaal Skills require #% reduced Souls Per Use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_517587669",
        "text": "召唤的幻灵数量上限 +#(+# to maximum number of Summoned Phantasms)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3284029342",
        "text": "当你没有获得【霸体】时,获得【远射】(You have Far Shot while you do not have Iron Reflexes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2200114771",
        "text": "每 16 秒获得一次【霸体】,持续 8 秒(Every 16 seconds you gain Iron Reflexes for 8 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3476327198",
        "text": "当你没有获得【霸体】时,攻击速度,施法速度和移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed while you do not have Iron Reflexes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3058395672",
        "text": "若你近期造成过暴击,则你获得完美苦痛效果(You have Perfect Agony if you've dealt a Critical Strike recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_304032021",
        "text": "当你获得【霸体】时,近距离用弓击中后的伤害总增 #%(#% more Damage with Arrow Hits at Close Range while you have Iron Reflexes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2513293614",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 邪恶投掷 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Vicious Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_829341851",
        "text": "你地图中的稀有怪物每受到一个怪物词缀影响,掉落圣甲虫的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1592278124",
        "text": "愤怒光环的效果提高 #%(Anger has #% increased Aura Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_221532021",
        "text": "过去 8 秒内造成暴击使你每秒再生 #% 生命(#% of Life Regenerated per Second if you've dealt a Critical Strike in the past 8 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2339012908",
        "text": "所有力量主动技能石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Strength Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1812251528",
        "text": "贯穿箭矢有 50% 的几率施加流血状态(Arrows that Pierce have 50% chance to inflict Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1997151732",
        "text": "箭矢在连锁后贯穿所有目标(Arrows Pierce all Targets after Chaining)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1229725509",
        "text": "你造成暴击时,失去 #% 能量护盾(Lose #% of Energy Shield when you deal a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3203086927",
        "text": "若过去 8 秒内你造成过暴击,则持续伤害加成 +#%(+#% to Damage over Time Multiplier if you've dealt a Critical Strike in the past 8 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1029319062",
        "text": "受到击中火焰伤害的 #% 视作物理伤害(#% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1862591837",
        "text": "你造成暴击时,失去 #% 生命(Lose #% of Life when you deal a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_56919069",
        "text": "作为光环施放的衰弱不具有保留效果(Enfeeble has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3143579606",
        "text": "+# 愤怒狂灵数量上限(+# to maximum number of Raging Spirits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2420786978",
        "text": "投掷陷阱的技能消耗生命而非魔力(Skills which throw Traps Cost Life instead of Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1621470436",
        "text": "击中施放 20 级火焰爆破(Cast Level 20 Fire Burst on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3618888098",
        "text": "每个耐力球使攻击和施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Cast Speed per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_710805027",
        "text": "当你的任何陷阱被敌人触发时,有 #% 的几率获得 1 个耐力球、狂怒球或暴击球(#% chance to gain an Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charge when any\nof your Traps are Triggered by an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_73",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【霜咬】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ice Bite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1345659139",
        "text": "对中毒敌人的暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance against Poisoned Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2489070122",
        "text": "拥有 1 个额外的固有词缀(Has an additional Implicit Mod)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_335507772",
        "text": "护体上限 +#(+# to maximum Fortification)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3916980068",
        "text": "能量护盾上限按照每件已装备的腐化物品提高 #%(#% increased Maximum Energy Shield for each Corrupted Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3100523498",
        "text": "所有抗性都按照每件已装备的腐化物品 +#%(+#% to all Resistances for each Corrupted Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2097195894",
        "text": "作为光环效果施放的惩戒不产生保留效果(Punishment has no Reservation if Cast as an Aura)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4169430079",
        "text": "生命上限按照每件已装备的腐化物品提高 #%(#% increased Maximum Life for each Corrupted Item Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_593279674",
        "text": "对被冰冻敌人造成伤害的 #% 转化为生命偷取(#% of Damage against Frozen Enemies Leeched as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4139135963",
        "text": "Curse Enemies with Temporal Chains on Hit",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_810166817",
        "text": "被诅咒的情况下,近战击中触发 # 级的【元素守卫】(Trigger Level # Elemental Warding on Melee Hit while Cursed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3252387974",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使物理伤害提高 #%(Passive Skills in Radius also grant #% increased Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_833719670",
        "text": "无生命保留时法术附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells while no Life is Reserved)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2713233613",
        "text": "若你可以获得耐力球,则有 #% 的几率直接获得最大数量的耐力球(#% chance that if you would gain Endurance Charges, you instead gain up to maximum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1662669872",
        "text": "击败敌人时,触发 # 级的【尾随之疮】(Trigger Level # Stalking Pustule on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3464137628",
        "text": "后缀无法被改变(Suffixes Cannot Be Changed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_985999215",
        "text": "无生命保留时法术附加 # - # 基础闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells while no Life is Reserved)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_897996059",
        "text": "无生命保留时法术附加 # - # 基础冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells while no Life is Reserved)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2580101523",
        "text": "击败被嘲讽的敌人获得 # 秒【猛攻】状态(You gain Onslaught for # seconds on Killing Taunted Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4283248632",
        "text": "玩家会受到圣战者巴兰幽灵的袭击(Players are assaulted by apparitions of Baran, the Crusader)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3726536628",
        "text": "每嘲讽 1 个敌人回复 +# 生命(Gain +# Life when you Taunt an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2703551872",
        "text": "区域内掉落的侦察报告有 #% 的几率变成异界侦察报告",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3500911418",
        "text": "任意药剂生效期间每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1447080724",
        "text": "每有一个耐力球,护甲提高 #%(#% increased Armour per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3382199855",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使魔力上限 +#(Passive Skills in Radius also grant +# to maximum Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2116250000",
        "text": "每个耐力球使移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2287328323",
        "text": "你使用技能时获得热情牺牲效果,每秒造成等于其魔力消耗 #% 的物理伤害(Gain Sacrificial Zeal when you use a Skill, dealing you #% of the Skill's Mana Cost as Physical Damage per Second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2664667514",
        "text": "对冻结的敌人具有终结效果(Culling Strike against Frozen Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_430044247",
        "text": "玩家和他们的召唤生物每秒再生 #% 生命(Players and their Minions Regenerate #% of Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2836394633",
        "text": "区域受到腐化风暴影响(Area is affected by a Corrupting Tempest)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4243208518",
        "text": "拥有热情牺牲时,击中有 #% 的几率忽略敌人的物理伤害减免(Hits have #% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction while you have Sacrificial Zeal)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2611023406",
        "text": "每 50 点力量可使效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect per 50 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4059583727",
        "text": "你地图中崩雪‧托沃有 #% 几率会被复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3109875952",
        "text": "没有能量护盾(Has no Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_401685616",
        "text": "你格挡时触发 # 级破盾击(Trigger Level # Shield Shatter when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4013794060",
        "text": "技能获得等于基础魔力消耗 #% 的基础能量护盾消耗(Skills gain a Base Energy Shield Cost equal to #% of Base Mana Cost)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1766730250",
        "text": "你在专注时免疫异常状态(You are Immune to Ailments while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1336164384",
        "text": "Cannot Leech",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1391583476",
        "text": "憎恨没有保留效果(Hatred has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3876876906",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 #% 的几率取得额外惊悸迷雾物品(#% chance to receive additional Delirium items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3619368685",
        "text": "受灭界者影响的古灵祭坛的正面效果的力度提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2060601355",
        "text": "血肉与岩石没有保留效果(Flesh and Stone has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3959337123",
        "text": "空明之掌(Hollow Palm Technique)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_140032086",
        "text": "你地图中先祖秘藏由罗格领导的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2546599258",
        "text": "智慧不对魔力上限提供属性加成(Intelligence provides no inherent bonus to Maximum Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1960833438",
        "text": "每 500 能量护盾上限使你每秒再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% of Life per second per 500 Maximum Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3426614534",
        "text": "使用会消耗最大充能(Consumes Maximum Charges to use)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1655460656",
        "text": "使用时获得瓦尔之灵,等于消耗的充能数量(Gain Vaal Souls equal to Charges Consumed when used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_776020689",
        "text": "你进入新区域时失去所有充能(Loses all Charges when you enter a new area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3095345438",
        "text": "用该武器击中时,对被点燃的敌人伤害提高 #%(Hits with this Weapon deal #% increased Damage to Ignited Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4284915962",
        "text": "每 2 点智慧 +# 最大生命(+# to Maximum Life per 2 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2513410880",
        "text": "玩家和他们召唤生物的魔力再生速度提高 #%(Players and their Minions have #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1470894892",
        "text": "用该武器击中时,对被感电的敌人伤害提高 #%(Hits with this Weapon deal #% increased Damage to Shocked Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1741242318",
        "text": "奋锐光环没有保留效果(Zealotry has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_196313911",
        "text": "用该武器击中时,对冻结的敌人伤害提高 #%(Hits with this Weapon deal #% increased Damage to Frozen Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3322709337",
        "text": "你的击中施加腐坏效果,在 8 秒内每秒造成 700 点混沌伤害(Your Hits inflict Decay, dealing 700 Chaos Damage per second for 8 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1588539856",
        "text": "专注时有#% 的伤害优先由魔力承受(#% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2760138143",
        "text": "身上所有装备被腐化时每秒再生 # 魔力(Regenerate # Mana per second if all Equipped Items are Corrupted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4156715241",
        "text": "所有身上装备的物品皆为已腐化时,每秒再生 # 能量护盾(Regenerate # Energy Shield per second if all Equipped items are Corrupted)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3708588508",
        "text": "纪律没有保留效果(Discipline has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1536266147",
        "text": "当你击中 1 个流血敌人时,有 #% 的几率获得 1 个耐力球(#% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you Hit a Bleeding Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_849152640",
        "text": "非光环技能在专注时不消耗魔力或生命(Non-Aura Skills Cost no Mana or Life while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_753801406",
        "text": "每 100 点最大生命或最大魔力(取其低值)附加 # 到 # 点火焰伤害(# to # added Fire Damage per 100 of Maximum Life or Maximum Mana, whichever is lower)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2716882575",
        "text": "若最大生命和最大魔力在 500 以内,则免受点燃或感电影响(Unaffected by Ignite or Shock if Maximum Life and Maximum Mana are within 500)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_122450405",
        "text": "攻击速度在护体时加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed while Fortified)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1773891268",
        "text": "若你近期内击中过敌人,则它们的闪避降低 #%(Enemies have #% reduced Evasion if you have Hit them Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3377019059",
        "text": "地图内裂隙归属夏乌拉的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4015918489",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 暴击获得暴击球 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Power Charge On Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2506681313",
        "text": "欺诈任务的招募费用提高 #%(#% increased Hiring Fee for Deception Jobs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1278047991",
        "text": "对抗魔法怪物时,击中伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits against Magic monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3976991498",
        "text": "当你击败魔法怪物时,会获得该怪物属性修正 60 秒(When you Kill a Magic Monster gain its Modifiers for 60 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1282219780",
        "text": "被你嘲讽的敌人受到的伤害提高 #%(Enemies Taunted by you take #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1316646496",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 吟唱时施放 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cast While Channelling)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3532144131",
        "text": "玩家无法获得耐力球(Players cannot gain Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2930404958",
        "text": "优雅没有保留效果(Grace has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1471580517",
        "text": "你可以捕获外来鱼种(You can catch Exotic Fish)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3128318472",
        "text": "只能使用该武器造成伤害,或点燃敌人(You can only deal Damage with this Weapon or Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1282233725",
        "text": "玩家无法获得暴击球(Players cannot gain Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_620879593",
        "text": "玩家无法获得狂怒球(Players cannot gain Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1485150248",
        "text": "在夺宝奇兵中打开奖励宝箱时有 #% 的几率获得额外的致命贪婪物品(#% chance to receive additional Ultimatum items when opening a Reward Chest in a Heist)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_250961191",
        "text": "骄傲的保留效果降低 #%(Pride has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_59547568",
        "text": "近战位移技能的击中有 #% 的几率提供护体状态(Hits with Melee Movement Skills have #% chance to Fortify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1888489569",
        "text": "玩家的能量护盾无法充能(Players cannot Recharge Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1865987277",
        "text": "雷霆没有保留效果(Wrath has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1820083363",
        "text": "【幻化之刃德尔维希】也会幻化一个【禅意苦行僧】的复制品(Manifest Dancing Dervish also manifests a copy of Dancing Dervish)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1890969167",
        "text": "Players have no Life or Mana Regeneration",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2659793306",
        "text": "若你近期施放过冲刺,则移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed if you've Cast Dash recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_237513297",
        "text": "若你近期施放过冲刺,则闪避值提高 #%(#% increased Evasion Rating if you've Cast Dash recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_591645420",
        "text": "插入的辅助宝石也能辅助你身体护甲上的技能(Socketed Support Gems can also Support Skills from Equipped Body Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1827605890",
        "text": "拥有一套熔炉天赋树\n若该词缀被移除,熔炉天赋树会被移除(Has a Crucible Passive Skill Tree\nCrucible Passive Skill Tree is removed if this Modifier is removed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3883691934",
        "text": "获得 # 级的【冲刺】技能(Grants Level # Dash Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_654274615",
        "text": "Curse Enemies with Flammability on Hit",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1003608257",
        "text": "若你近期内没有施放过冲刺,则攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed if you haven't Cast Dash recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3066073024",
        "text": "禁用除冲刺外的旅行技能(Travel Skills other than Dash are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2960683632",
        "text": "受到的混沌伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Chaos Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2482927318",
        "text": "若你近期内没有施放过冲刺,则弓类攻击发射 # 枚额外箭矢(Bow Attacks fire # additional Arrows if you haven't Cast Dash recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2879723104",
        "text": "前缀无法被改变(Prefixes Cannot Be Changed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_78985352",
        "text": "击中有 #% 的几率威吓敌人 4 秒(#% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3410306164",
        "text": "你在压制法术伤害时,有#%几率给能量护盾充能(#% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Suppress Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2474564741",
        "text": "你创造的奉献地面可以使敌人受到的伤害提高 #%(Consecrated Ground you create applies #% increased Damage taken to Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_76458612",
        "text": "你在天赋树上连接到野蛮人的出发位置时,你获得:\n每秒生命再生 #%(While your Passive Skill Tree connects to the Marauder's starting location, you gain:\n#% of Life Regenerated per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1741279188",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率获得额外混沌伤害,其数值等同于非混沌伤害的 25%(#% chance to gain 25% of Non-Chaos Damage with Hits as Extra Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_751322171",
        "text": "迅捷没有保留效果(Haste has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3146356577",
        "text": "用欺诈开启宝箱有 #% 的几率不产生警报等级(#% chance to not generate Alert Level on opening a Chest using Deception)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2482214457",
        "text": "区域内有玛拉凯的持续苦痛(Area contains Malachai's Creeping Agony)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2482214457",
        "text": "区域内有玛拉凯的持续苦痛(Your Maps contain Creeping Agony)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_681709908",
        "text": "给予你和周围友军相当于你 #% 保留魔力的护甲(Grants Armour equal to #% of your Reserved Mana to you and nearby Allies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1358697130",
        "text": "坚定没有保留效果(Determination has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_438083873",
        "text": "活力没有保留效果(Vitality has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_340272125",
        "text": "地图内帝王迷宫试炼有 #% 的几率奖励一份改良的女神祭品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1649099067",
        "text": "使用此武器每击中一个被致盲的敌人获得#点生命值(Gain # Life per Blinded Enemy Hit with this Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2520458995",
        "text": "欺诈速度加快 #%(#% increased Deception speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2278589942",
        "text": "火焰净化没有保留效果(Purity of Fire has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4199402748",
        "text": "#% increased Chill Duration on Enemies when in Off Hand",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4253777805",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率使受到的范围伤害总降 50%(#% chance to take 50% less Area Damage from Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2343561786",
        "text": "区域内有额外 # 组神秘木桶(Area contains # additional Clusters of Mysterious Barrels)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2343561786",
        "text": "区域内有额外 # 组神秘木桶(Your Maps contain # additional Clusters of Mysterious Barrels)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2250543633",
        "text": "清晰没有保留效果(Clarity has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1166417447",
        "text": "近战击中提供护体状态(Melee Hits Fortify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3554614456",
        "text": "尊严没有保留效果(Pride has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1149326139",
        "text": "不能附加法术相关属性修正(Cannot roll Caster Modifiers)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1622979279",
        "text": "冰霜净化没有保留效果(Purity of Ice has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2308225900",
        "text": "闪电净化没有保留效果(Purity of Lightning has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1654414582",
        "text": "免疫沉默诅咒(You cannot be Cursed with Silence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2189891129",
        "text": "愤怒没有保留效果(Anger has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_308799121",
        "text": "暴击球下限按照每个聚光之石 +#(+# to Minimum Power Charges per Grand Spectrum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2923442950",
        "text": "提供 # 级迅捷(Grants Level # Haste Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2049349490",
        "text": "虚空忆境地图中的虚空忆境怪物的怪物群规模提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1122693835",
        "text": "生效期间,你造成的非伤害型异常状态效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments you inflict during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2872715880",
        "text": "解除陷阱任务的招募费用提高 #%(#% increased Hiring Fee for Trap Disarmament Jobs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1748657990",
        "text": "对致盲敌人的伤害穿透 #% 火焰抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance against Blinded Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_90597215",
        "text": "被致盲的敌人无法闪避你的击中(Your Hits can't be Evaded by Blinded Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3933226405",
        "text": "使用时对周围敌人施加火焰、冰霜和闪电曝露(Inflict Fire, Cold and Lightning Exposure on nearby Enemies when used)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2203777380",
        "text": "冰缓时,移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed while Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_778552242",
        "text": "冰缓时,施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Cast Speed while Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3935294261",
        "text": "冰缓时,攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed while Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1550221644",
        "text": "钓鱼池消耗量降低 #%(#% reduced Fishing Pool Consumption)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4120821275",
        "text": "怨毒光环的保留效果降低 #%(Malevolence has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2519848087",
        "text": "范围内每配置 10 点力量,便获得 #% 额外物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction per 10 Strength on Allocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4268822436",
        "text": "Tormented Spirits drop 1 additional Rare Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1826480903",
        "text": "元素净化没有保留效果(Purity of Elements has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_521054609",
        "text": "每秒获得一个暴击球(Gain a Power Charge each second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1812306107",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使混沌抗性 +#%(Passive Skills in Radius also grant +#% to Chaos Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_125312907",
        "text": "装备时触发 # 级的主动技能【失明光环】(Triggers Level # Blinding Aura when Equipped)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_411986876",
        "text": "照亮范围的扩大和缩小也同样作用于命中值(Increases and Reductions to Light Radius also apply to Accuracy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3977907993",
        "text": "该武器击中致盲敌人时,附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage to Hits with this Weapon against Blinded Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3226074658",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【超级聚能】(1 Added Passive Skill is Supercharge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3063943261",
        "text": "逆向奇术任务的招募费用提高 #%(#% increased Hiring Fee for Counter-Thaumaturgy Jobs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4266201818",
        "text": "Poison Cursed Enemies on hit",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3244118730",
        "text": "专注时每秒再生等同 #% 闪避的生命(#% of Evasion Rating is Regenerated as Life per second while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3875592188",
        "text": "你的移动速度加成不会让你减速至基础速度以下(Movement Speed cannot be modified to below Base Value)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2989883253",
        "text": "你使用药剂时有 #% 的几率获得炼金奇才效果(#% chance to gain Alchemist's Genius when you use a Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2836003955",
        "text": "有#%几率复制一头区域中被捕捉的魔物(#% chance to create a copy of Beasts Captured in Area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2836003955",
        "text": "有#%几率复制一头区域中被捕捉的魔物(#% chance to create a copy of Beasts Captured in your Maps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2445618239",
        "text": "受到【清晰】影响时,技能的总魔力消耗 +#(+# to Total Mana Cost of Skills while affected by Clarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2885031631",
        "text": "洞察任务的招募费用提高 #%(#% increased Hiring Fee for Perception Jobs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_651232125",
        "text": "每秒获得一个狂怒球(Gain a Frenzy Charge each second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3527458221",
        "text": "若你近期内有过格挡,则获得 +#% 暴击伤害加成(+#% to Critical Strike Multiplier if you have Blocked Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2461270975",
        "text": "召唤劲弩的投射物会分叉(Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3778599971",
        "text": "每秒获得一个耐力球(Gain an Endurance Charge each second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3680061663",
        "text": "爆破任务的招募费用提高 #%(#% increased Hiring Fee for Demolition Jobs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3392890360",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,伤害穿透 #% 元素抗性(Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1623397857",
        "text": "你受到的流血伤害改为混沌伤害(You take Chaos Damage instead of Physical Damage from Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3741465646",
        "text": "召唤劲弩的投射物会贯穿 # 个额外目标(Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Pierce # additional Targets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4100175081",
        "text": "对最大能量护盾的增强与减弱效果改为作用于结界(Increases and Reductions to Maximum Energy Shield instead apply to Ward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_952897668",
        "text": "被点燃时每秒再生 # 生命(Regenerate # Life per second while Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_596758264",
        "text": "狂怒球下限按照每个聚光之石 +#(+# to Minimum Frenzy Charges per Grand Spectrum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1658936540",
        "text": "召唤劲弩击中时有 #% 的几率碾压敌人(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to Crush on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2636403786",
        "text": "Projectiles Pierce all Targets while you have Phasing",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3976916585",
        "text": "召唤劲弩击中时有 #% 的几率在 4 秒内造成恐惧效果(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to Unnerve for 4 seconds on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4231915769",
        "text": "结界破坏时,获得 # 秒肾上腺素(Gain Adrenaline for # second when Ward Breaks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3916799917",
        "text": "每有一个狂怒球则获得额外混沌伤害, 其数值等同于冰霜伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Cold Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2164793549",
        "text": "灵敏任务的招募费用提高 #%(#% increased Hiring Fee for Agility Jobs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3835483564",
        "text": "憎恨的保留效果降低 #%(Hatred has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3010688059",
        "text": "召唤劲弩的投射物连锁次数 +#(Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Chain +# times)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3184880507",
        "text": "格挡时获得【不洁之力】,持续 # 秒(Gain Unholy Might on Block for # seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3391299828",
        "text": "解密术任务的招募费用提高 #%(#% increased Hiring Fee for Lockpicking Jobs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3175648755",
        "text": "法术附加相当于你生命上限 #% 的混沌伤害(Spells deal added Chaos Damage equal to #% of your maximum Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3652224635",
        "text": "召唤劲弩击中时有 #% 的几率在 4 秒内造成瘫痪效果(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to Maim for 4 seconds on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2729804981",
        "text": "战旗技能的光环效果提高 #%(Banner Skills have #% increased Aura Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_585622486",
        "text": "怨毒光环没有保留效果(Malevolence has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_707887043",
        "text": "每个狂怒球使暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2319738353",
        "text": "区域内有一个额外的活性收获首领(Area contains an additional Vivid Harvest Boss)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_170497091",
        "text": "钓鱼范围扩大 #%(#% increased Fishing Range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3964074505",
        "text": "召唤劲弩击中时有 #% 的几率在 4 秒内造成威吓效果(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to Intimidate for 4 seconds on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_581152495",
        "text": "使用爆破开启宝箱有 #% 的几率不产生警报等级(#% chance to not generate Alert Level on opening a Chest using Demolition)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1550015622",
        "text": "近期若打出过暴击,则法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2956083810",
        "text": "工程学任务的招募费用提高 #%(#% increased Hiring Fee for Engineering Jobs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_215242678",
        "text": "被你或你的图腾击败的敌人有 #% 的几率爆炸,造成其生命上限 500% 的火焰伤害(Enemies you or your Totems Kill have #% chance to Explode, dealing 500% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4179663748",
        "text": "击中稀有或传奇敌人时,有 #% 的几率获得 1 个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1657549833",
        "text": "当你嘲讽 1 个敌人时,有 #% 的几率获得 1 个耐力球(#% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you Taunt an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3015749212",
        "text": "使用解除陷阱开启宝箱有 #% 的几率不产生警报等级(#% chance to not generate Alert Level on opening a Chest using Trap Disarmament)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_647064288",
        "text": "使用解密术开启宝箱有 #% 的几率不产生警报等级(#% chance to not generate Alert Level on opening a Chest using Lockpicking)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2614654450",
        "text": "冰冻时物理伤害增加 #%(#% increased Global Physical Damage while Frozen)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1456551059",
        "text": "洞察速度加快 #%(#% increased Perception speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3115319277",
        "text": "每有一个暴击球则获得额外混沌伤害, 其数值等同于闪电伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3500359417",
        "text": "你在专注时,召唤生物回复 #% 生命(Minions Recover #% of their Life when you Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3556460433",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使闪电伤害提高 #%(Passive Skills in Radius also grant #% increased Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2503479316",
        "text": "嫉妒没有保留效果(Envy has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2854183975",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 散弹陷阱 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cluster Trap)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2269282877",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【狂怒饕餮】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Feeding Frenzy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2148784747",
        "text": "每有一个狂怒球,攻击伤害格挡几率额外 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2480873346",
        "text": "周围敌人被【冰缓】(Nearby Enemies are Chilled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3945147290",
        "text": "格挡时有 #% 的几率获得暴击球(#% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4017859836",
        "text": "区域内有游荡的魔蛊区域(Area contains roaming Hexfields)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_478612089",
        "text": "奋锐光环的保留效果降低 #%(Zealotry has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2891175306",
        "text": "生效期间,结界增强 #%(#% increased Ward during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3600749521",
        "text": "雷霆的保留效果降低 #%(Wrath has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1579578270",
        "text": "解除陷阱速度加快 #%(#% increased Trap Disarmament speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2276643899",
        "text": "耐力球下限按照每个聚光之石 +#(+# to Minimum Endurance Charges per Grand Spectrum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1309947938",
        "text": "法术伤害压制率按照每个暴击球 +#%(+#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_397829245",
        "text": "使用洞察开启宝箱有 #% 的几率不产生警报等级(#% chance to not generate Alert Level on opening a Chest using Perception)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2912613786",
        "text": "玩家召唤的图腾数量上限 +#(Players have +# to maximum number of Summoned Totems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2232609651",
        "text": "使用逆向奇术开启宝箱有 #% 的几率不产生警报等级(#% chance to not generate Alert Level on opening a Chest using Counter-Thaumaturgy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_27",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 电球 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Spark Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3422445312",
        "text": "Monsters from Beyond have #% more Quantity and Rarity of Dropped Items",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2888942321",
        "text": "逆向奇术速度加快 #%(#% increased Counter-Thaumaturgy speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2678065384",
        "text": "欺诈的获得的经验提高 #%(#% increased Deception Experience gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2200030809",
        "text": "纪律的保留效果降低 #%(Discipline has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1852896268",
        "text": "每个耐力球 +#% 所有元素抗性(+#% to all Elemental Resistances per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4157542794",
        "text": "不能造成物理或元素伤害(Deal no Physical or Elemental Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2856326982",
        "text": "每有一个暴击球,攻击伤害格挡几率额外 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1226049915",
        "text": "每有一个狂怒球,可使你获得额外 #% 物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3936926420",
        "text": "战吼时移除流血状态(Removes Bleeding when you use a Warcry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1943774953",
        "text": "遭遇灭界者时,你的地图有#%的几率提供双倍进度",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_316122366",
        "text": "使用工程学开启宝箱有 #% 的几率不产生警报等级(#% chance to not generate Alert Level on opening a Chest using Engineering)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_277930304",
        "text": "使用灵敏开启宝箱有 #% 的几率不产生警报等级(#% chance to not generate Alert Level on opening a Chest using Agility)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2796308895",
        "text": "被击中时,获得脆弱重生并达到上限(Gain up to maximum Fragile Regrowth when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3428124128",
        "text": "你地图中击杀亢奋怪物提供的奖励进度提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2003753577",
        "text": "愤怒的保留效果降低 #%(Anger has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1018753640",
        "text": "凶蛮之力任务的招募费用提高 #%(#% increased Hiring Fee for Brute Force Jobs)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_369650395",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【怒火】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Rage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3422638915",
        "text": "灵敏速度加快 #%(#% increased Agility speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_683365179",
        "text": "阻灵术持续期间你无法获得怒火(You cannot gain Rage during Soul Gain Prevention)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3415234440",
        "text": "技能的怒火消耗提高 #%(#% increased Rage Cost of Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1103075489",
        "text": "对你自己使用的瓦尔攻击技能改为消耗怒火而不需要灵魂(Vaal Attack Skills you Use yourself Cost Rage instead of requiring Souls)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2889601846",
        "text": "受到【雷霆】影响时,闪电伤害的 #% 转化为魔力偷取(#% of Lightning Damage is Leeched as Mana while affected by Wrath)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3312732077",
        "text": "解密术速度加快 #%(#% increased Lockpicking speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3986347319",
        "text": "每有一个暴击球,可使你获得额外 #% 物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction per Power Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_150668988",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【陷阱技能石】或【地雷技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Trap or Mine Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2511370818",
        "text": "每 10 点力量使暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance per 10 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2266636761",
        "text": "对持续伤害有 +#% 混沌抗性(+#% Chaos Resistance against Damage Over Time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2847917427",
        "text": "爆破速度加快 #%(#% increased Demolition speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_237",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 魔蛊爆炸 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Hexblast Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3265807022",
        "text": "中毒时,移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement Speed while Poisoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3231614028",
        "text": "提供 # 级坚定(Grants Level # Determination Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1756017808",
        "text": "若你近期内打出过暴击,则获得【玫红之舞】(You have Crimson Dance if you have dealt a Critical Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1842038569",
        "text": "钓鱼线强度提高 #%(#% increased Fishing Line Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3211817426",
        "text": "工程学速度加快 #%(#% increased Engineering speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1439818705",
        "text": "使用镶嵌的攻击技能时有 #% 的几率无视眩晕(#% chance to Ignore Stuns while using Socketed Attack Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2788729902",
        "text": "物品上的技能石会额外连锁弹射 # 次(Socketed Gems Chain # additional times)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3425526049",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 10 级的【精准破坏】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Controlled Destruction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3561676020",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 10 级的【凝聚】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Intensify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1401233515",
        "text": "Talismans found in this Area are Rare",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1109745356",
        "text": "每有一个耐力球则获得额外混沌伤害, 其数值等同于火焰伤害的 #%(Gain #% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2810286377",
        "text": "该区域会出现 1 群额外怪物,其中有 1 个稀有怪(Area contains an additional pack with a Rare monster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2810286377",
        "text": "该区域会出现 1 群额外怪物,其中有 1 个稀有怪(Your Maps contain an additional pack with a Rare monster)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3914774028",
        "text": "提供 # 级优雅(Grants Level # Grace Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_133",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【末日将至】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Impending Doom)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_154668190",
        "text": "洞察获得的经验提高 #%(#% increased Perception Experience gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3072232736",
        "text": "坚定的保留效果降低 #%(Determination has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1237550112",
        "text": "逆向奇术获得的经验提高 #%(#% increased Counter-Thaumaturgy Experience gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3461563650",
        "text": "在忆境之台上使用时,新物品获得一个额外的【捷】属性(When used in the Synthesiser, the new item will have an additional Herald Modifier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2438099615",
        "text": "大型夺宝冒险有 #% 的几率不激活封锁(#% chance to not Activate Lockdown in Grand Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3612470379",
        "text": "提供 # 级尊严(Grants Level # Pride Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_550012797",
        "text": "Area contains # additional Animated Weapon Packs",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3560379096",
        "text": "Area is inhabited by Redblade Warbands",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_502838809",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为裂隙物品的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2547511866",
        "text": "每个耐力球使暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2578176147",
        "text": "提供 # 级纪律(Grants Level # Discipline Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2201102274",
        "text": "插入的技能石受到 # 级的【炎军】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Infernal Legion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2355741828",
        "text": "每有一个耐力球,攻击伤害格挡几率额外 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_798853218",
        "text": "You cannot be Shocked while Frozen",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_178394804",
        "text": "提供 # 级憎恨(Grants Level # Hatred Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_161741084",
        "text": "法术伤害压制率按照每个耐力球 +#%(+#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage per Endurance Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_663080464",
        "text": "附近敌人的混沌抗性为 0(Nearby Enemies' Chaos Resistance is 0)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2423544033",
        "text": "所有元素伤害转换为混沌伤害(All Elemental Damage Converted to Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4205704547",
        "text": "在你处于濒死状态时获得肾上腺素#秒(Gain Adrenaline for # seconds when you reach Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2916634441",
        "text": "偷取的每秒最大生命总恢复量提高 #%(#% increased Maximum total Life Recovery per second from Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1586164348",
        "text": "召唤生物的生命根据超量火焰抗性提高(Minion Life is increased by their Overcapped Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3215042347",
        "text": "火焰净化的保留效果降低 #%(Purity of Fire has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3095027077",
        "text": "凶蛮之力速度加快 #%(#% increased Brute Force speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4040152475",
        "text": "你被点燃时,击中怪物敌人无视其火焰抗性(Hits ignore Enemy Monster Fire Resistance while you are Ignited)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3577248251",
        "text": "你和你的召唤生物受到的反射伤害降低 #%(You and your Minions take #% reduced Reflected Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1722480396",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【神出鬼没】(1 Added Passive Skill is No Witnesses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_760855772",
        "text": "低血时物品掉落数量提高 #%(#% increased Quantity of Items found when on Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2115623338",
        "text": "地图内的保险箱是奥术师的保险箱的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1285430327",
        "text": "闪电净化的保留效果降低 #%(Purity of Lightning has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_2",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰霜新星 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Ice Nova Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_931052937",
        "text": "每张地图的最终地图首领有+#%几率掉落一张塑界守卫地图(14阶以上)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1549898151",
        "text": "优雅的保留效果降低 #%(Grace has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4249521944",
        "text": "每 16 点力量可使法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage per 16 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_449494711",
        "text": "提供 # 级愤怒(Grants Level # Anger Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_105",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤愤怒狂灵 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Summon Raging Spirit Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_502047644",
        "text": "解除陷阱获得的经验提高 #%(#% increased Trap Disarmament Experience gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1263158408",
        "text": "元素之相(Elemental Equilibrium)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2911866787",
        "text": "获得 # 级的【冰霜闪现】技能(Grants Level # Frostblink Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3734675602",
        "text": "提供 # 级奋锐光环(Grants Level # Zealotry Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_254",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 禁断典仪 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Forbidden Rite Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3086585712",
        "text": "提供 # 级怨毒光环(Grants Level # Malevolence Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3574189159",
        "text": "元素超载(Elemental Overload)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_18",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 腐蚀箭矢 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Caustic Arrow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1195895224",
        "text": "使用凶蛮之力开启宝箱有 #% 的几率不产生警报等级(#% chance to not generate Alert Level on opening a Chest using Brute Force)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3941271999",
        "text": "【冰霜闪现】持续时间提高 #%(Frostblink has #% increased Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2008219439",
        "text": "斧类物理伤害提高 #%(#% increased Physical Damage with Axes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3716281760",
        "text": "提供 # 级火焰净化(Grants Level # Purity of Fire Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_13590525",
        "text": "圣洁鬼灵的数量上限 +#\n召唤鬼灵的数量 +#(+# to maximum number of Sacred Wisps\n+# to number of Sacred Wisps Summoned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1859937391",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石获得 #% 物理伤害,并转化为额外闪电伤害(Socketed Gems gain #% of Physical Damage as extra Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_245401622",
        "text": "灵敏获得的经验提高 #%(#% increased Agility Experience gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2785835061",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【凝聚】(1 Added Passive Skill is Intensity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1366273824",
        "text": "被活力影响时,被击中时在一秒内再生 #% 生命(Regenerate #% Life over one second when hit while affected by Vitality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2228913626",
        "text": "地雷类技能的效果区域扩大 #%(Skills used by Mines have #% increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_110034065",
        "text": "禁用除活力之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Vitality are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1263384098",
        "text": "插槽内技能触发的陷阱会制造一阵烟雾(Traps from Socketed Skills create a Smoke Cloud when triggered)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1174954559",
        "text": "地图内的惊悸迷雾消散前持续额外 # 秒",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_238",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 赤炼魔光 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Exsanguinate Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_28",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰矛 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Ice Spear Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_251446805",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 钢铁之握 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Iron Grip)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1568319697",
        "text": "提供 # 级雷霆(Grants Level # Wrath Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_121093551",
        "text": "Warbands have #% more Quantity of Items Dropped",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_751847284",
        "text": "Warbands have #% more Rarity of Items Dropped",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2564857472",
        "text": "对你施用的魔法功能药剂具有#%增益效果(Magic Utility Flasks applied to you have #% increased Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_24",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 正义之火 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Righteous Fire Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_80",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 虚空匕首 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Ethereal Knives Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1492314881",
        "text": "爆破获得的经验提高 #%(#% increased Demolition Experience gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2010835448",
        "text": "禁用除清晰之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Clarity are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1808477254",
        "text": "受到清晰光环影响时,你的秘术增强效果提高#%(#% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you while affected by Clarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1192661666",
        "text": "陷阱暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Traps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3192966873",
        "text": "冰霜净化的保留效果降低 #%(Purity of Ice has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3884934810",
        "text": "完美苦痛(Perfect Agony)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_37",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 爆炸箭矢 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Explosive Arrow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_178",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 毒雨 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Toxic Rain Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_399295164",
        "text": "Rogue Exiles have #% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2008953542",
        "text": "Rogue Exiles have #% more Rarity of Items Dropped",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1080855680",
        "text": "Rogue Exiles deal #% increased Damage",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_77",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 火焰陷阱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Fire Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_230",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 分裂钢刃 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Splitting Steel Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1372426763",
        "text": "工程学获得的经验提高 #%(#% increased Engineering Experience gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1585991257",
        "text": "受到愤怒光环影响时始终造成烧灼(Always Scorch while affected by Anger)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2185337019",
        "text": "禁用除愤怒之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Anger are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1421267186",
        "text": "无上自我(Supreme Ego)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_116",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 闪电之捷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Herald of Thunder Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2316712523",
        "text": "解密术获得的经验提高 #%(#% increased Lockpicking Experience gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1109343199",
        "text": "恶毒结界(Wicked Ward)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2612056840",
        "text": "每 16 点敏捷可使法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage per 16 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_117667746",
        "text": "地雷持续时间延长 #%(#% increased Mine Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_73",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 震波图腾 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Shockwave Totem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_226",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 忏悔烙印 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Penance Brand Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3941376120",
        "text": "Players have a #% chance when they Kill a Rare Monster to gain 1 of its Modifiers for 20 seconds",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_433293234",
        "text": "复仇之灵(Minion Instability)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_10",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 元素打击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Elemental Hit Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_514705332",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【元素大军】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Elemental Army Support)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_258",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 毒爆灵药 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Poisonous Concoction Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4080245957",
        "text": "符文绑定者(Runebinder)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3337754340",
        "text": "生效期间,命中值提高 #%(#% increased Accuracy Rating during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_47734694",
        "text": "憎恨的保留效果总增 #%(Hatred has #% more Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_165",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 爆炸陷阱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Explosive Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2606808909",
        "text": "投射物闪避(Arrow Dancing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1141249906",
        "text": "提供 # 级闪电净化(Grants Level # Purity of Lightning Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3338065776",
        "text": "生效期间,你造成的感电效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Shocks you inflict during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_151975117",
        "text": "提供 # 级冰霜净化(Grants Level # Purity of Ice Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3089506271",
        "text": "Strongboxes each contain an additional random Rare Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3089506271",
        "text": "Strongboxes in your Maps will each contain an additional random Rare Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_138",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 飞刃风暴 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Blade Vortex Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_911839512",
        "text": "你在效果期间造成的感电会扩散给 # 米内的其他敌人(Shocks you inflict during Effect spread to other Enemies within # metre)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2764164760",
        "text": "被击中时,你得到 # 秒【猛攻】状态(You gain Onslaught for # seconds when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4170338365",
        "text": "风舞者(Wind Dancer)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2918242917",
        "text": "无法偷取或再生魔力(Cannot Leech or Regenerate Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_127",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【附加冰霜伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Added Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_16",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 魔卫复苏 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Raise Zombie Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_74",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【急冻】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Hypothermia)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_300702212",
        "text": "【玫红之舞】(Crimson Dance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3943945975",
        "text": "坚毅之心(Resolute Technique)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_623132242",
        "text": "辛迪加成员在你的地图中出现时额外获得一件装备物品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2617837023",
        "text": "受到精准光环影响时,暴击率总增 #%(#% more Critical Strike chance while affected by Precision)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2377447058",
        "text": "凶蛮之力获得的经验提高 #%(#% increased Brute Force Experience gained)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_1",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【高阶多重投射】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Greater Multiple Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2800254163",
        "text": "禁用除精准之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Precision are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_261",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 龙卷旋风 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Tornado Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_241",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 绝命之镰 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Reap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2225434657",
        "text": "禁用除元素净化之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Purity of Elements are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_142",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰冻陷阱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Ice Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1323465399",
        "text": "烙印伤害提高 #%(#% increased Brand Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3195625581",
        "text": "Creates Consecrated Ground on Critical Strike",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_181",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 风暴烙印 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Storm Brand Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3831356603",
        "text": "区域内有一个额外的原始收获首领(Area contains an additional Primal Harvest Boss)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4215928287",
        "text": "范围内的天赋还会使能量护盾提高 #%(Passive Skills in Radius also grant #% increased Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_104",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 天雷之珠 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Ball Lightning Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_41",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【多重打击】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Multistrike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1335713735",
        "text": "Monsters Imprisoned around Essences in Area are Magic",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_179",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤圣物 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Summon Holy Relic Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_93",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰锥地雷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Icicle Mine Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_581013336",
        "text": "该区域会出现 1 个额外的魔法怪物群(Area contains an additional Magic Monster pack)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_581013336",
        "text": "该区域会出现 1 个额外的魔法怪物群(Your Maps contain an additional Magic Monster pack)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_55",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 闪电打击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Lightning Strike Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3389184522",
        "text": "暴击时立即获得生命和魔力偷取(Life and Mana Leech from Critical Strikes are instant)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2409504914",
        "text": "每个烙印都使暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance per Brand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3679287686",
        "text": "Monsters with Silver Coins drop an additional Silver Coin",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4180925106",
        "text": "法师克星(Magebane)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3590128077",
        "text": "幽灵舞步(Ghost Dance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1441799693",
        "text": "穿刺者(The Impaler)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_67",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【提高暴击伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Increased Critical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_17",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 爆灵术 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Detonate Dead Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3849554033",
        "text": "邪法宗师(Hex Master)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_708630863",
        "text": "可以施放 1 个额外烙印(You can Cast an additional Brand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_252",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 凛冬之眼 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Eye of Winter Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_66",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【提高暴击几率】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Increased Critical Strikes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_128",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【附加混沌伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Added Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1543731719",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【角斗战法】(1 Added Passive Skill is Gladiatorial Combat)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3148418088",
        "text": "此武器攻击击中被点燃的敌人时,有 #% 的几率造成流血(Attacks with this Weapon have #% chance to inflict Bleeding against Ignited Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1678358883",
        "text": "忘川之影(Lethe Shade)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2202639361",
        "text": "此武器攻击击中被点燃敌人时附加 # - # 基础物理伤害(Attacks with this Weapon deal # to # added Physical Damage to Ignited Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2453554491",
        "text": "此武器攻击击中流血敌人时附加 # - # 基础火焰伤害(Attacks with this Weapon deal # to # added Fire Damage to Bleeding Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1763939859",
        "text": "你或你的召唤生物击败的受诅咒敌人有 #% 的几率爆炸,造成等同该敌人最大生命四分之一的混沌伤害(Cursed Enemies you or your Minions Kill have a #% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_172",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 灵盾投掷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Spectral Shield Throw Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_26",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 闪现打击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Flicker Strike Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_76",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【武器元素伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Elemental Damage with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4228691877",
        "text": "Gain # Life on Kill per Level",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2094646950",
        "text": "#% increased Elemental Damage per Level",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_125",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【附加闪电伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Added Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1086623733",
        "text": "每秒获得 1 次【脆弱重生】(Gain 1 Fragile Regrowth each second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2048995720",
        "text": "神威之盾(Divine Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_28",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【怒火】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Rage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_132",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰霜之刃 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Frost Blades Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1785568076",
        "text": "若你近期内使用过终结技,则效果区域扩大 #%(#% increased Area of Effect if you've dealt a Culling Strike Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_112",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 熔岩之击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Molten Strike Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2139238642",
        "text": "时空裂隙没有保留效果(Temporal Rift has no Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_212",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤腐化魔像 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Summon Carrion Golem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_141",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 灵魂吸取 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Essence Drain Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_47",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤魔侍 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Summon Skeletons Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_98",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【集中效应】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Concentrated Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_30",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【暴击获得暴击球】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Power Charge On Critical)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3051860083",
        "text": "Monsters have #% increased chance to spawn a Beyond Portal",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1819739544",
        "text": "Monsters initially carrying a Talisman drop an additional Rare Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3348211884",
        "text": "禁用除憎恨之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Hatred are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_332217711",
        "text": "每块聚光之石使最大生命增加#%(#% increased Maximum Life per Grand Spectrum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_121",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 力量爆破 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Kinetic Blast Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_122",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【大法师】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Archmage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_228",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 尖刺战吼 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Earthshatter Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1064067689",
        "text": "Gain # Mana on Kill per Level",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_52",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 霸气之击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Dominating Blow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_294153754",
        "text": "Gain # Energy Shield on Kill per Level",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2054162825",
        "text": "卡鲁石鱼钩(Karui Stone Hook)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_169",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 震波陷阱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Seismic Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_42",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【施法回响】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Spell Echo)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_154",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 漩涡 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Vortex Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_113",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【暴击时施放】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cast On Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_182",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 末日烙印 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Armageddon Brand Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_217",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 乱剑穿心 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Blade Blast Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_13285831",
        "text": "受到憎恨光环影响时始终造成易碎(Always inflict Brittle while affected by Hatred)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3930242735",
        "text": "其中 1 个增加的天赋为【自信斗士】(1 Added Passive Skill is Confident Combatant)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1061545609",
        "text": "Players have #% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed while they have Onslaught",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_239",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 腐灼热瘟 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Corrupting Fever Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4077883829",
        "text": "A Monster in this Area will summon a Unique Monster from Beyond when Slain",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_58",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 力量抽取 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Power Siphon Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_60",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 闪电箭矢 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Lightning Arrow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_24",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【启迪】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Inspiration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_113",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 龙卷射击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Tornado Shot Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2347014488",
        "text": "地图内有将军的战乱之殇遭遇战有两个将军",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_38",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【夜刃】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Nightblade)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_134",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【三位一体】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trinity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3099069648",
        "text": "地图内只有生存挑战的致命贪婪遭遇战持续时间缩短 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3363725306",
        "text": "每层亚硫酸中毒使你的所有元素抗性上限 +#%。",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1421406768",
        "text": "地图中的菌潮防御塔可以在菌潮遭遇战后回收\n高级防御塔提供的回收奖励更高\n在遭遇战期间每建造一种不同类型的防御塔,回收奖励都会提高",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_189",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 裂魂术 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Soulrend Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_60",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【闪电支配】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Innervate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_176",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 惩击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Smite Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_86",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【快速攻击】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Faster Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_96",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【终结】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_247",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 七伤破 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Boneshatter Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_35",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【邪恶投掷】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Vicious Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_180",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 寒冬宝珠 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Winter Orb Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_100",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【冰霜穿透】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cold Penetration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1822007489",
        "text": "地图内的穿越内容有一个瓦尔血肉商人",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_87",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 旋风斩 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Cyclone Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_114",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【残暴】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Brutality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2204523353",
        "text": "禁用除纪律之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Discipline are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_21",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【无情】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ruthless)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1465672972",
        "text": "受到纪律影响时,暴击球数量上限+#(+# to Maximum Power Charges while affected by Discipline)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_151",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 破空斩 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Lacerate Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2224050171",
        "text": "地图中有 # 个额外紧握之手",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2953854044",
        "text": "【灵巧】效果下,不会受到暴击造成的额外伤害(You take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes while Elusive)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_177",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 天灾之箭 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Scourge Arrow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_71",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【献祭】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Immolate)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3738127245",
        "text": "Monsters guarding Shrines are Magic",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_531937370",
        "text": "Unique Monsters from Beyond have a #% chance to Summon\nanother Unique Monster from Beyond when Slain",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1960426186",
        "text": "受到迅捷光环影响时,行动速度加快#%(#% increased Action Speed while affected by Haste)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_298613712",
        "text": "近期用该武器造成暴击使你每秒再生 #% 能量护盾(Regenerate #% of Energy Shield per second if you've dealt a Critical Strike with this weapon Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_54",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 烈炎风暴 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Firestorm Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_80",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【分裂】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_46",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【近战物理伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Melee Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_34",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 闪烁新星 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Shock Nova Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3067441492",
        "text": "禁用除迅捷之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Haste are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_33",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰霜脉冲 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Freezing Pulse Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_61",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 电弧 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Arc Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_90",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【元素集中】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Elemental Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_245",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 盾牌碾压 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Shield Crush Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_25",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 解放 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Discharge Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1984366275",
        "text": "Invasion Bosses have #% more Quantity and Rarity of dropped Items",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_26",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【极速腐化】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Swift Affliction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4286031492",
        "text": "当你或你的图腾使用法术击中 1 名敌人,便获得【秘术增强】效果(Gain Arcane Surge when you or your Totems Hit an Enemy with a Spell)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_679682964",
        "text": "Imprisoned Monsters have an additional Essence",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_153",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 寒冰弹 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Frostbolt Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_187",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 断金之刃 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Lancing Steel Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1537296847",
        "text": "血肉与岩石的保留效果降低 #%(Flesh and Stone has #% reduced Reservation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_155",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 枯萎 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Blight Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_84",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【快速投射】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Faster Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_149",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【投射物归返】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Returning Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_251",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 赦罪 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Absolution Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_260",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 能量之刃 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Energy Blade Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_91",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 火屑地雷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Pyroclast Mine Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3279574030",
        "text": "获得 # 级的【幻象传送】(Grants Level # Illusory Warp Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_17",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【多重范围施法】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Spell Cascade)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_79",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【护体】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Fortify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_19",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【震波】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Shockwave)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_120",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【弹幕】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Barrage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3005800306",
        "text": "Area contains a Stone Circle",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_51",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【闪电穿透】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Lightning Penetration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_146",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 剔骨 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Eviscerate Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_219",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 念动飞箭 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Kinetic Bolt Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_232",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 怒炎穿心 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Blazing Salvo Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_92",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【腐蚀】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Decay)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_70",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【尖刺战杖】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Impale)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_69",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【增大范围】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Increased Area of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_173",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 纯净之捷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Herald of Purity Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4054463312",
        "text": "召唤劲弩的攻击速度加快 #%(Summoned Arbalists have #% increased Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_192",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 定罪波 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Wave of Conviction Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4096273663",
        "text": "技艺精湛(Precise Technique)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2523986538",
        "text": "禁用除闪电净化之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Purity of Lightning are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2619073196",
        "text": "在天佑勇者影响地图内发现的物品数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_94",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【致命异常状态】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Deadly Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_163",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 灵体火球 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Volatile Dead Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4102244881",
        "text": "受到怨毒光环影响时,你可以额外施加一个诅咒(You can apply an additional Curse while affected by Malevolence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_43",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【幻影射手】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Mirage Archer)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_97",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【精准破坏】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Controlled Destruction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3540033124",
        "text": "禁用除怨毒光环之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Malevolence are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_136",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【凌厉】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cruelty)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3097206473",
        "text": "Rare Breach Monsters drop an additional Splinter",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_96",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 灵体投掷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Spectral Throw Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_90",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 闪电陷阱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Lightning Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2800333900",
        "text": "Talismans found in this Area are 1 Tier higher",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_5",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【异常爆发】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Unbound Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_107",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【连锁】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Chain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_102",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【近战】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Close Combat)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_155",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【腐化战吼】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Corrupting Cry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_35",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 毒蛇打击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Viper Strike Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_123",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【秘术增强】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Arcane Surge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_75",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【高阶齐射】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Greater Volley)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_424189350",
        "text": "完成地图可获得一个随机不朽辛迪加安全屋的#情报",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_18",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【投射物减速】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Slower Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_5",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 裂地之击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Ground Slam Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_1",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 火球 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Fireball Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_47",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【满血伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Damage on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_82",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【火焰穿透】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Fire Penetration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_91",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【效能】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Efficacy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_145",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤巨石魔像 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Summon Stone Golem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_7",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【陷阱及地雷伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trap and Mine Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_85",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【快速施法】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Faster Casting)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_16",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【法术凝聚】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Intensify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_112130960",
        "text": "唯我独尊(Solipsism)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_115",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【彻骨】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Bonechill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1210760818",
        "text": "地图内裂隙的怪物密集度提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_160",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 裂风雷球 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Storm Burst Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_95",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 幻化守卫 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Animate Guardian Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_136",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 虚空刀雨 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Bladefall Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_22",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【高爆地雷】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # High-Impact Mine)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_119",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 镜像射击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Mirror Arrow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_31",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【毒化】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Critical Strike Affliction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_4",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【释出】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Unleash)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_186",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 破碎铁刃 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Shattering Steel Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_2",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【虚空操纵】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Void Manipulation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_97",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 幻化武器 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Animate Weapon Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3292388799",
        "text": "禁用除雷霆之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Wrath are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_130",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 熔岩奔涌 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Rolling Magma Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_120",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 闪现射击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Blink Arrow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_87",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【能量偷取】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Energy Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_64",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【召唤生物伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_174",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 苦痛之捷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Herald of Agony Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_29",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【粉碎】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Pulverise)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_157",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 刀刃乱舞 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Blade Flurry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_190",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 混沌之毒 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Bane Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_55",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【低阶多重投射】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Lesser Multiple Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_57",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【物品稀有度增幅】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Item Rarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_33",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【穿透】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Pierce)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_203",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰霜闪现 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Frostblink Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4157714333",
        "text": "Rare Monsters from Breaches have a #% chance to Drop a Breach Ring",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_126",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【附加火焰伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Added Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_20",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰霜射击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Ice Shot Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_3",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【猛毒】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Vile Toxins)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2983926876",
        "text": "在护体状态下不能被眩晕(Cannot be Stunned while Fortified)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_65",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【持续时间总增】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # More Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1887508417",
        "text": "生命偷取时免疫晕眩(Cannot be Stunned while Leeching)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_36",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【齐射】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Volley)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_72",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【点燃扩散】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ignite Proliferation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2291122510",
        "text": "偷取时不受【流血】影响(You are Unaffected by Bleeding while Leeching)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_45",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【近战伤害扩散】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Melee Splash)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1886245216",
        "text": "召唤劲弩的数量 +#(+# to number of Summoned Arbalists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_71",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 燃烧箭矢 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Burning Arrow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_54",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【低阶毒化】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Chance to Poison)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2957871460",
        "text": "耐力、狂怒和暴击球上限为 0(Maximum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges is 0)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_233",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 霹雳长枪 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Crackling Lance Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_225",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 奥法烙印 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Arcanist Brand Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_23",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【链爆地雷】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Blastchain Mine)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_244",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 怒火漩涡 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Rage Vortex Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_12",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 双持打击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Dual Strike Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_227",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冬潮烙印 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Wintertide Brand Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1866911844",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【启迪】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Inspiration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_191",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 圣怨 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Divine Ire Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_121",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【箭之新星】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Arrow Nova)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3031897787",
        "text": "拥有一套仅包含辅助天赋的熔炉天赋树\n若该词缀被移除,熔炉天赋树会被移除(Has a Crucible Passive Skill Tree with only Support Passive Skills\nCrucible Passive Skill Tree is removed if this Modifier is removed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_37",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【动量】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Momentum)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_995332031",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 召唤生物速度 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_9",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 双重打击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Double Strike Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_213",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 火力弩炮 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Artillery Ballista Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_129",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【战争铁拳】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Fist of War)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_58",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【钢铁意志】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Iron Will)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_272",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 火山裂缝 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Volcanic Fissure Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_19",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 电光寒霜 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Creeping Frost Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_95",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【蛊咒】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Hextouch)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2141582975",
        "text": "拥有一套双手剑熔炉天赋树\n若该词缀被移除,熔炉天赋树会被移除(Has a Two Handed Sword Crucible Passive Skill Tree\nCrucible Passive Skill Tree is removed if this Modifier is removed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3209835461",
        "text": "Invasion Bosses are guarded by a Magic Pack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1406039617",
        "text": "#% increased Rampage Streak Duration",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_137",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 攻城炮台 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Siege Ballista Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_175",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 奉献之路 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Consecrated Path Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_110",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰川之刺 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Glacial Cascade Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_34",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【物理转闪电】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Physical to Lightning)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_761598374",
        "text": "当暴击球达到上限时,你可以对敌人额外施加 1 个诅咒(You can apply an additional Curse while at maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1927424401",
        "text": "在地图内的穿越内容里,击败敌人提供的时间翻倍",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_68",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【增加燃烧伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Burning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_253",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 灵幻旋斩 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Spectral Helix Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_89",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【元素扩散】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Elemental Proliferation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_21",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 充能打击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Static Strike Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_61",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【炎军】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Infernal Legion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_15",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【法术图腾】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Spell Totem)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_104",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【凋零之触】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Withering Touch)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_70",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 暴怒 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Wrath Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_14",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【先祖召唤】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ancestral Call)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_101",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【散弹陷阱】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cluster Traps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2962051214",
        "text": "An additional Basic Currency Item drops when the first Invasion Boss is slain",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2499038519",
        "text": "受到雷霆光环影响时始终造成力竭(Always Sap while affected by Wrath)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3595254837",
        "text": "移动时留下【燃烧地面】,在 # 秒内每秒造成 # 点火焰伤害(Drops Burning Ground while moving, dealing # Fire Damage per second for # second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_32",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【零点射击】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Point Blank)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_27",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【弩炮图腾】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Ballista Totem)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_246",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤追命死灵 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Summon Reaper Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_690707482",
        "text": "异常状态伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_126",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 寒冰冲击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Ice Crash Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_218",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 法术节魔 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Spellslinger Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_140",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【斩首】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Behead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_255",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 剑刃陷阱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Blade Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_147",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【法铸箭矢】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Manaforged Arrows)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_148",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【棱光魔爆】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Prismatic Burst)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_8",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【陷阱】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trap)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_269",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 闪电通道 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Lightning Conduit Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1037449707",
        "text": "Strongboxes are Magic",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_67",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 坚定 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Determination Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_132",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【会心一击】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Pinpoint)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_171",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 破釜一击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Tectonic Slam Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_101",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 风暴呼唤 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Storm Call Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_146",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【魔蛊绽放】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Hex Bloom)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_257",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 爆破灵药 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Explosive Concoction Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_50",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【瘫痪】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Maim)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_98",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 火焰净化 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Purity of Fire Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_161",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 火葬 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Cremation Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_109",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【晕眩时施放】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cast when Stunned)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_83",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【狂噬】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Feeding Frenzy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_86122490",
        "text": "Players have Blood Magic",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_9",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【迅整】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Swift Assembly)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_208",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 剧毒旋风 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Venom Gyre Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_223656429",
        "text": "召唤劲弩击中时有 #% 的几率施加闪电曝露(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_105",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【几率点燃】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Combustion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_188",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 净化烈焰 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Purifying Flame Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_66",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 优雅 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Grace Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_156",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【无常】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Volatility)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_53",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 箭雨 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Rain of Arrows Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_106",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【几率流血】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Chance to Bleed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_157070900",
        "text": "召唤劲弩击中时有 #% 的几率施加冰霜曝露(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to inflict Cold Exposure on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_29",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤灵体 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Raise Spectre Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_39",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【多重陷阱】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Multiple Traps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_22",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 分裂箭矢 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Split Arrow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3045094957",
        "text": "Players with at least 50 Rampage Kills take #% reduced Damage",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_243",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 暴雨箭 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Storm Rain Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2978408106",
        "text": "Area contains a Voidspawn of Abaxoth Bloodline Pack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2110586221",
        "text": "受到坚定影响时,耐力球数量上限+#(+# to Maximum Endurance Charges while affected by Determination)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_117",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【嗜血】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Bloodlust)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3327243369",
        "text": "召唤劲弩击中时有 #% 的几率施加火焰曝露(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to inflict Fire Exposure on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_52",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【生命偷取】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Life Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_144",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【强化聚能】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Overcharge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_142",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【残破】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Rupture)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_124",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【额外命中】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Additional Accuracy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_49",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 粉碎重拳 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Crushing Fist Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_93",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【掠食】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Predator)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_44",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【地雷网】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minefield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_275",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 神圣报应 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Divine Retribution Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_137",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【赤炼】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Lifetap)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_25",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【持续时间缩短】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Less Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_88",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【近战击晕获得耐力球】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Endurance Charge on Melee Stun)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2517644375",
        "text": "禁用除冰霜净化之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Purity of Ice are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_194",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 怨毒光环 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Malevolence Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4072582319",
        "text": "Warbands in this Area have an additional Member",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_150",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 大地震击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Sunder Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_108",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【吟唱时施放】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cast while Channelling)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_149",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 震地 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Earthquake Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_69",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 憎恨 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Hatred Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_118",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 电能释放 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Lightning Tendrils Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_13",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【灌能吟唱】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Infused Channelling)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1990354706",
        "text": "你在拥有最大数量的狂怒球时,得到【霸体】状态(You have Iron Reflexes while at maximum Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_234",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 虚空法球 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Void Sphere Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_103",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【充能地雷】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Charged Mines)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_198",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 剑刃风暴 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Bladestorm Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_94",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 雷暴地雷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Stormblast Mine Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_201",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 凿击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Perforate Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1876857497",
        "text": "你在拥有最大数量的暴击能量球时,得到【心胜于物】状态(You have Mind over Matter while at maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_40",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【多重图腾】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Multiple Totems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_460973817",
        "text": "禁用除坚定之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Determination are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_50",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 落刃风暴 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Swordstorm Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2228892313",
        "text": "击中时有#%的几率碾压(#% chance to Crush on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_200",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 盛怒 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Berserk Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_11",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【元素大军】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Elemental Army)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_135",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【血气】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Bloodthirst)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_6",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【陷阱冷却】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Advanced Traps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_10",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【召唤幻影】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Summon Phantasm)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_112",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【受伤时施放】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cast when Damage Taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_151",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【碎影魔刃】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Spellblade)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2408544213",
        "text": "狂怒球满时,击中时有 #% 的几率获得【猛攻效果】 4 秒(#% chance to Gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Hit while at maximum Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_63",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 元素净化 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Purity of Elements Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_31",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰霜之锤 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Glacial Hammer Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_102",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 烈焰爆破 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Flameblast Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_135",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 爆裂箭雨 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Blast Rain Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_59",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【钢铁之握】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Iron Grip)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_114",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 灰烬之捷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Herald of Ash Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_106",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 怒焰奔腾 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Flame Surge Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_214",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 散射弩炮 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Shrapnel Ballista Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_130",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【迅猛烙印】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Swiftbrand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_68",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 愤怒 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Anger Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_82",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 圣焰图腾 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Holy Flame Totem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1526975429",
        "text": "你的物理伤害可以造成冰冻(Your Physical Damage can Freeze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_224",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 将军之吼 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all General's Cry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_220",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 奥术斗篷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Arcane Cloak Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_78",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【充能陷阱】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Charged Traps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_4",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 横扫 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Sweep Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_144",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 寒霜爆 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Frost Bomb Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_89",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冲击波 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Reave Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_193",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 奋锐光环 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Zealotry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_15",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 霜暴 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Cold Snap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_86",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 烧毁 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Incinerate Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_65",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 纪律 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Discipline Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_77",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【和善】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Generosity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_256",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 缚魔电场 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Manabond Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_116",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【血魔法】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Arrogance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_14",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 狂怒 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Frenzy Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_206",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 毒蛇鞭击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Cobra Lash Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_99",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【寒冰转烈焰】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cold to Fire)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_195",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 精准 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Precision Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_143",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 风暴漩涡 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Orb of Storms Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_133",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 野性打击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Wild Strike Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_115",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 寒冰之捷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Herald of Ice Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_210",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 瘟疫使徒 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Plague Bearer Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_20",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【助力之风】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Second Wind)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_663610248",
        "text": "地图内的罪魂持续时间延长 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_663610248",
        "text": "【罪魂】持续时间延长 #%(Tormented Spirits have #% increased Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_663610248",
        "text": "【罪魂】持续时间延长 #%(Tormented Spirits in your Maps have #% increased Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_159",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 暗夜血契 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Dark Pact Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_103",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 弹幕 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Barrage Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_813119588",
        "text": "暴击球满时,法术击中时有 #% 的几率获得【秘术增强】(#% chance to Gain Arcane Surge on Hit with Spells while at maximum Power Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_138",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【弩炮集火】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Focused Ballista)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3371432622",
        "text": "狂怒球满时,打出暴击时有 #% 的几率获得 1 点充能(#% chance to gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike while at maximum Frenzy Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_62",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 迅捷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Haste Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_131",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【紧急号令】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Urgent Orders)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_249",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 雷电魔爆 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Voltaxic Burst Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_141",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【击中时施加印记】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Mark On Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4185631652",
        "text": "在你的地图上,受到灭世者影响的怪物群的规模扩大#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_6",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 劈砍 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Cleave Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1445968994",
        "text": "被禁锢的怪物有#%的几率额外掉落一件带精华词缀的稀有物品(Imprisoned Monsters have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Item with an Essence Modifier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1445968994",
        "text": "被禁锢的怪物有#%的几率额外掉落一件带精华词缀的稀有物品(Imprisoned Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Item with an Essence Modifier)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3387914367",
        "text": "Area contains a Bearers of the Guardian Bloodline Pack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_150",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【内伤】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trauma)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_164",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 亵渎之矛 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Unearth Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3045897926",
        "text": "Players take #% reduced Damage from Monsters from Beyond",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_62",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【召唤生物速度】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_168",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 电塔陷阱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Lightning Spire Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_118",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【致盲】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Blind)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_134",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 电光箭 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Galvanic Arrow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_63",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【召唤生物生命】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_183",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 烙印召回 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Brand Recall Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_139",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【超能增助】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Overexertion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_110",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【近战击败时施放】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cast on Melee Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3031766225",
        "text": "Players take # Chaos Damage per second",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_216",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 缚雷之纹 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Stormbind Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2576546039",
        "text": "Players have Onslaught while using Flasks",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_205",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 尊严 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Pride Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_161",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【凌虐】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Sadism)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_59",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 放血 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Puncture Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_139",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 瘟疫 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Contagion Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_166",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 虹吸陷阱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Siphoning Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_48",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰川盾袭 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Glacial Shield Swipe Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_615595418",
        "text": "范围内每配置 10 点智慧\n便每秒再生 #% 能量护盾(Regenerate #% of Energy Shield per Second for\nevery 10 Intelligence on Allocated Passives in Radius)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_84",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冻伤 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Frostbite Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2934219859",
        "text": "把召唤劲弩 #% 的物理伤害转化为闪电伤害(Summoned Arbalists Convert #% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_48",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【肉盾】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Meat Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_119",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【诅咒光环】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Blasphemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_122",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤混沌魔像 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Summon Chaos Golem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_3",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 跃击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Leap Slam Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_51",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 重击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Heavy Strike Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2954406821",
        "text": "把召唤劲弩 #% 的物理伤害转化为火焰伤害(Summoned Arbalists Convert #% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_30",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 炼狱之击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Infernal Blow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_53",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【击中生命回复】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Life Gain on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_236",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 水源法球 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Hydrosphere Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_147",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 狙击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Snipe Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3563824294",
        "text": "Players have a #% chance to gain Onslaught on Kill For 4 seconds",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_152",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 灵魂奉献 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Spirit Offering Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_49",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【魔力偷取】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Mana Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_45",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 绝望 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Despair Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1961516633",
        "text": "使用尊严时消灭的敌人有#%的几率爆炸,造成相当于最大生命值十分之一的物理伤害(Enemies you Kill while using Pride have #% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum Life as Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3970941380",
        "text": "禁用除尊严之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Pride are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_156",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 灼热光线 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Scorching Ray Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2721059969",
        "text": "完成你的地图时有 #% 的几率免费使用一次随机地图工艺选项",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3581578643",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 赋予 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Empower)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1477474340",
        "text": "召唤劲弩获得额外火焰伤害,等于物理伤害的 #%(Summoned Arbalists gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_143",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【恒祝】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Eternal Blessing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_600723636",
        "text": "Rogue Exiles drop # additional Basic Currency Items",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_56",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【击退】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Knockback)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_57",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 熔岩护盾 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Molten Shell Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_167",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 掷火陷阱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Flamethrower Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_229",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 威能法印 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Sigil of Power Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_124",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤烈焰魔像 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Summon Flame Golem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_107",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 亵渎 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Desecrate Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_128",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 炼狱战吼 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Infernal Cry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_140",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 死亡凋零 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Wither Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_202",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 钩链攻击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Chain Hook Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_163",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【圣洁鬼灵】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Sacred Wisps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_209",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤飞掠者 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Summon Skitterbots Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_129",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 戒备打击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Vigilant Strike Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_655918588",
        "text": "召唤劲弩获得额外冰霜伤害,等于物理伤害的 #%(Summoned Arbalists gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1857935842",
        "text": "召唤劲弩的投射物会分裂为 # 枚(Summoned Arbalists' Projectiles Split into #)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_7",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 重盾冲锋 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Shield Charge Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_56",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 暴风之盾 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Tempest Shield Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_240",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 赤血凝结 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Petrified Blood Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_160",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【核心地雷】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Locus Mine)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_12",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【击晕】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Stun)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_44",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 狙击印记 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Sniper's Mark Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1483753325",
        "text": "若你近期内击中敌人,则攻击和施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Hit an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_250",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 魔武战号 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Battlemage's Cry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_268",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 电流场 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Galvanic Field Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_125",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤闪电魔像 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Summon Lightning Golem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_162",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【精准炽炎】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Controlled Blaze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_211",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 致疫打击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Pestilent Strike Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4143730600",
        "text": "Rogue Exiles drop an additional Jewel",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_46",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 闪电传送 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Lightning Warp Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1416455556",
        "text": "Players have #% increased Movement Speed",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2631827343",
        "text": "召唤劲弩获得额外闪电伤害,等于物理伤害的 #%(Summoned Arbalists gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_204",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 血肉与岩石 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Flesh and Stone Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_215",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 诱捕之箭 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Ensnaring Arrow Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1094808741",
        "text": "把召唤劲弩 #% 的物理伤害转化为冰霜伤害(Summoned Arbalists Convert #% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_83",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 易燃 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Flammability Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_99",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰霜净化 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Purity of Ice Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_39",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 元素要害 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Elemental Weakness Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_145",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【诅咒之地】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cursed Ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_259",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 时空裂隙 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Temporal Rift Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3679418014",
        "text": "将受到的冰霜伤害的 #% 吸纳为生命(#% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_41",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 惩戒 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Punishment Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_38",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 时空锁链 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Temporal Chains Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2653164718",
        "text": "Rogue Exiles each have a Rogue Exile ally",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2130441002",
        "text": "Area contains an Uul-Netol Breach",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_100",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 闪电净化 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Purity of Lightning Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_109",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 骸骨奉献 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Bone Offering Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4286661423",
        "text": "哈克会陪你打开每个地图中的第一个走私者秘藏",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_43",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 暗影印记 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Assassin's Mark Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_271",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰封军团 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Frozen Legion Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1325783255",
        "text": "镶嵌的技能宝石品质提高 +#%(+#% to Quality of Socketed Skill Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_13",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 回旋之刃 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Whirling Blades Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_108",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 血肉奉献 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Flesh Offering Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_223",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 震地战吼 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Seismic Cry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_42",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 衰弱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Enfeeble Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_127",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 激励战吼 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Rallying Cry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_222",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 先祖战吼 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Ancestral Cry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3733808322",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率使掉落的物品有裂界者影响效果(#% chance in Heists for Items to drop with Elder Influence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_159",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【冰冽连接】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Frigid Bond)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_64",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 活力 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Vitality Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_196",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 钢铁之肤 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Steelskin Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_263",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 烈炎羁绊 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Flame Link Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_221",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 威吓战吼 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Intimidating Cry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2399560930",
        "text": "你的地图不会包含深渊",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_248",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 伏击 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Ambush Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_184",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 战旗 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all War Banner Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_158",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【牺牲】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Sacrifice)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_23",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 狂野怒火 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Blood Rage Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_162",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 灵体转换 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Bodyswap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_85",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 导电 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Conductivity Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_88",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 灼热连接 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Searing Bond Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_40",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 督军印记 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Warlord's Mark Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_123",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 召唤寒冰魔像 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Summon Ice Golem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_231",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 烈焰之墙 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Flame Wall Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3403419549",
        "text": "受到奋锐光环影响时不受诅咒影响(Unaffected by Curses while affected by Zealotry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_374559518",
        "text": "禁用除奋锐光环之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Zealotry are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_11",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 不朽怒嚎 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Immortal Call Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2748763342",
        "text": "在任何灵魂撕裂者药剂生效期间不获得药剂充能(Gains no Charges during Effect of any Soul Ripper Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_8",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 坚决战吼 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Enduring Cry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4147528862",
        "text": "生效期间,瓦尔技能的伤害总增 #%(Vaal Skills deal #% more Damage during Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_154",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【焚木烈火】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Flamewood)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2344590267",
        "text": "生效期间使用瓦尔技能不施加阻灵术(Vaal Skills used during effect do not apply Soul Gain Prevention)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_81",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【几率逃跑】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Chance to Flee)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_235",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰霜护盾 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Frost Shield Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1776612984",
        "text": "将物理伤害的 #% 转化为一种随机元素(#% of Physical Damage converted to a random Element)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_152",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【吞噬】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Devour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_274",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 自动增助 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Autoexertion Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1489997462",
        "text": "Players have #% increased Rarity of Items Found per 15 Rampage Kills",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_148",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 复仇咆哮 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Vengeful Cry Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_75",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 迷魅陷阱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Conversion Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_262",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 灵魂羁绊 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Soul Link Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_270",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 炼金师印记 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Alchemist's Mark Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_72",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 清晰 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Clarity Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_273",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 自动化 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Automation Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_157",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【守卫祝福】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Guardian's Blessing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_117",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 盗猎者印记 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Poacher's Mark Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2511969244",
        "text": "非暴击无法造成伤害(Non-Critical Strikes deal no Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_265",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 防御羁绊 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Protective Link Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_170",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 脆弱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Vulnerability Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_199",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 血与沙 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Blood and Sand Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_267",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 毁灭羁绊 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Destructive Link Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1463929958",
        "text": "最大暴击几率为 50%(Maximum Critical Strike Chance is 50%)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1494306466",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率使掉落的物品有塑界者影响效果(#% chance in Heists for Items to drop with Shaper Influence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2144847042",
        "text": "召唤的劲弩有#%的几率造成感电(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_111",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 号召 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Convocation Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_207",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 凋零步 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Withering Step Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_158",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 蓄力疾风闪 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Charged Dash Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_111",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【死亡时施放】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cast on Death)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1314418188",
        "text": "你在拥有最大数量的耐力球时,获得【瓦尔冥约】状态(You have Vaal Pact while at maximum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_266",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 血灵羁绊 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Vampiric Link Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_36",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 暗影迷踪 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Phase Run Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_153",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【鲜肉】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Fresh Meat)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_195090426",
        "text": "Left ring slot: #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_76",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 捕熊陷阱 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Bear Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_79",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 吞噬图腾 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Devouring Totem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_32",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冰墙 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Frost Wall Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_81",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 极地装甲 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Arctic Armour Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_185",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 恐怖之旗 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Dread Banner Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2798324429",
        "text": "该区域内有白骨之牙(Area is inhabited by Bone Husks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2305944553",
        "text": "Shrines drop a Basic Currency Item when used",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_92",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 烟雾地雷 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Smoke Mine Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_242",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 抗争之旗 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Defiance Banner Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_831284309",
        "text": "召唤的劲弩有#%的几率造成点燃(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_264",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 直觉羁绊 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Intuitive Link Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_637101875",
        "text": "Monsters Fracture",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_support_164",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【专擅反击】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Expert Retaliation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1102362593",
        "text": "Life and Mana Leech are instant during effect",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2877370216",
        "text": "耐力球满时,攻击击中时有 #% 的几率威吓敌人 4 秒(#% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit with Attacks while at maximum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_200299748",
        "text": "When a Bloodline Pack is Slain, it drops a Basic Currency Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_131",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 烈焰冲刺 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Flame Dash Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1594755360",
        "text": "地图内的神龛随机提供一个额外的神龛效果",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1945607273",
        "text": "If this Area contains any Unique Monsters, one is Possessed",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2052458107",
        "text": "召唤的劲弩有#%的几率造成冰冻(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to Freeze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_648923098",
        "text": "The first Strongbox Opened in this Area is guarded by an additional Rare Monster",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_78",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 诱饵图腾 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Decoy Totem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1834588299",
        "text": "Gain # Mana per Taunted Enemy Hit",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3458080964",
        "text": "受到优雅影响时,狂怒球数量上限+#(+# to Maximum Frenzy Charges while affected by Grace)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1747401945",
        "text": "禁用除优雅之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Grace are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3780437763",
        "text": "耐力球达到上限时你无法被晕眩(You cannot be Stunned while at maximum Endurance Charges)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_74",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 回春图腾 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Rejuvenation Totem Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_828170926",
        "text": "夺宝奇兵的欺诈等级 +#(+# to Deception Level for Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2589977608",
        "text": "Area contains a Rare Monster carrying a Tier 2 Talisman",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.indexable_skill_197",
        "text": "龙牙之翔(仿品):所有 冲刺 宝石等级 +#(+# to Level of all Dash Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_592020238",
        "text": "伤害在满血时提高 #%(#% increased Damage when on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1436593527",
        "text": "#% more Quantity of Items Dropped by Imprisoned Monsters",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_559827707",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的后悔石变为剥离石(#% chance in Heists for Orbs of Regret to drop as Orbs of Annulment instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3057722139",
        "text": "召唤劲弩有 #% 的几率伤害翻倍(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to deal Double Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3877259945",
        "text": "Monsters with Silver Coins drop an additional Rare Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2894626576",
        "text": "召唤劲弩击中时有 #% 的几率造成中毒效果(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to Poison)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3130378100",
        "text": "#% more Rarity of Items Dropped by Imprisoned Monsters",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_482341163",
        "text": "Area contains Yama the White",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_443165947",
        "text": "诅咒光环技能的魔力保留效能提高 #%(#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Curse Aura Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_414379784",
        "text": "#% increased Damage while you have no Energy Shield",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1493325653",
        "text": "能量护盾全满状态下防止+#%的被压制法术伤害(Prevent +#% of Suppressed Spell Damage while on Full Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_438351187",
        "text": "#% chance for Kills to count twice for Rampage",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2908391015",
        "text": "Players deal #% increased Damage with Hits to Breach Monsters",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1455766505",
        "text": "敌人身上每个穿刺效果都附加 # 到 # 点物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage for each Impale on Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1755438602",
        "text": "Players take #% reduced Damage from Breach Monsters",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1369840970",
        "text": "所有伤害均可点燃(All Damage can Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1073314277",
        "text": "每 10 点力量会使法术伤害提高 #%(#% increased Spell Damage per 10 Strength)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4003821677",
        "text": "Imprisoned Monsters take #% increased Damage",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_712621072",
        "text": "Imprisoned Monsters have #% reduced Action Speed",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_329336318",
        "text": "The first time a Player reaches # Rampage Kills in this Area, they will encounter a Powerful Monster",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3822999954",
        "text": "每 2 点智慧使魔力上限 +#(+# to maximum Mana per 2 Intelligence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_898094766",
        "text": "Items dropped by Rogue Exiles are fully Linked",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_49998574",
        "text": "Area contains a Gemcutter's Strongbox",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_607308532",
        "text": "Strongboxes in Area have #% chance to contain an additional Vaal Orb",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_549203380",
        "text": "你和周围友军的物品稀有度提高 #%(You and Nearby Allies have #% increased Item Rarity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1841503755",
        "text": "召唤劲弩攻击时有 #% 的几率施加流血状态(Summoned Arbalists' Attacks have #% chance to inflict Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2970621759",
        "text": "将受到的闪电伤害的 #% 吸纳为生命(#% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4004160031",
        "text": "封锁前的时间增加 #%(#% increased time before Lockdown)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1183247801",
        "text": "Monsters with Silver Coins drop an additional Basic Currency Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1193283913",
        "text": "药剂每 3 秒获得 # 次充能(Flasks gain # Charges every 3 seconds)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1731620212",
        "text": "Cannot gain Life during effect",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3266549586",
        "text": "Rare Monsters have #% chance to drop a Rare Prismatic Ring",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2635869389",
        "text": "不受点燃影响(Unaffected by Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2590915311",
        "text": "在你地图中的驱灵祭坛处献祭怪物获得的贡品总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_604298782",
        "text": "#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Mana per Power Charge",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3192291777",
        "text": "禁用除火焰净化之外的其他光环技能(Aura Skills other than Purity of Fire are Disabled)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2309624770",
        "text": "When a Bloodline Pack is Slain, it drops a Rare Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2473016979",
        "text": "Monsters near Shrines are Chilled",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3795004497",
        "text": "Rogue Exiles each drop a Skill Gem with Quality",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3190223614",
        "text": "Rare Monsters drop an additional Rare Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1290611485",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的改造石变为富豪石(#% chance in Heists for Orbs of Alteration to drop as Regal Orbs instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_115109959",
        "text": "Regenerate #% of Energy Shield per second while on Low Life",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1260064327",
        "text": "Players gain Onslaught for # seconds when they Kill a Rare Monster",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2065361612",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 启蒙 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Enlighten)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2047177714",
        "text": "Items dropped by Rogue Exiles are Mirrored",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3848992177",
        "text": "在奋锐光环影响下,偷取的每秒最大能量护盾总恢复量提高 #%(#% increased Maximum total Energy Shield Recovery per second from Leech while affected by Zealotry)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1178188780",
        "text": "吟唱技能消耗+#魔力(Channelling Skills Cost +# Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2471600316",
        "text": "Area contains a Keepers of the Trove Bloodline Pack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3859593448",
        "text": "静止时受到的元素伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Elemental Damage Taken while stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1874553720",
        "text": "#% reduced Chill Duration on you",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3856468419",
        "text": "Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks against Frozen Enemies",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3113439544",
        "text": "地图内掉落的蓝图有 #% 的几率为完全解密",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2968804751",
        "text": "获得【女神的祝福】时攻击速度和移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Movement Speed with Her Blessing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2106095595",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的混沌石变为神圣石(#% chance in Heists for Chaos Orbs to drop as Divine Orbs instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_359450079",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 高阶多重投射 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Greater Multiple Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4203400545",
        "text": "点燃敌人时有 #% 的几率获得【女神的祝福】 3 秒(#% chance to gain Her Blessing for 3 seconds when you Ignite an Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2327728343",
        "text": "获得【女神的祝福】时有 #% 的几率致盲周围敌人(#% chance to Blind nearby Enemies when gaining Her Blessing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1093704472",
        "text": "受到女神的祝福有 #% 几率避免被点燃、冰缓或冰冻(#% chance to Avoid being Ignited, Chilled or Frozen with Her Blessing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_627339348",
        "text": "Adds # to # Fire Damage to Attacks against Ignited Enemies",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_754005431",
        "text": "获得额外火焰伤害,其数值等同于 #% 剑类物理伤害(Gain #% of Sword Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_992435560",
        "text": "击中周围敌人时,暴击几率提高 50%(Hits against Nearby Enemies have 50% increased Critical Strike Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_779592324",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的混沌石变为崇高石(#% chance in Heists for Chaos Orbs to drop as Exalted Orbs instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1324450398",
        "text": "使用药剂时有 #% 的几率获得【猛攻】效果(#% chance to gain Onslaught when you use a Flask)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3031310169",
        "text": "夺宝奇兵的解密术等级 +#(+# to Lockpicking Level for Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3900181441",
        "text": "Area contains an additional Magic Pack of Wealth",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3425934849",
        "text": "插槽内的技能施法速度加快 #%(Socketed Skills have #% increased Cast Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_261224780",
        "text": "Monsters Possessed by Tormented Spirits take #% increased Damage",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3909846940",
        "text": "【幻化守卫】装备的物品将在它死亡时掉落(Item drops on Death if Equipped by an Animated Guardian)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1564500422",
        "text": "地图内的保险箱里至少为稀有物品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2996332612",
        "text": "Essences found in this Area are a higher level",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3884309250",
        "text": "Area contains a Tormented Embezzler",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_787958710",
        "text": "+#% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier while affected by Malevolence",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3261121444",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为地图的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2881124988",
        "text": "插槽内的技能攻击速度加快 #%(Socketed Skills have #% increased Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1742651309",
        "text": "将受到的火焰伤害的 #% 吸纳为生命(#% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1071676747",
        "text": "夺宝冒险中有 #% 的几率将掉落的增幅石变为富豪石(#% chance in Heists for Orbs of Augmentation to drop as Regal Orbs instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_817287945",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发召唤冈姆之魂(#% chance to Trigger Summon Spirit of Kaom on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_468681962",
        "text": "Area contains a Tormented Vaal Cultist",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1688834903",
        "text": "插槽内的法术魔力消耗降低 #%(Socketed Spells have #% reduced Mana Cost)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3984519770",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石有 #% 的几率点燃敌人(Socketed Gems have #% chance to Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1077576866",
        "text": "Area contains a Tormented Seditionist",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_442509523",
        "text": "Invasion Bosses are Duplicated",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3072066782",
        "text": "Players Regenerate #% of Life per second per 25 Rampage Kills",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1138860262",
        "text": "火焰抗性无法被穿透(Fire Resistance cannot be Penetrated)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_999837849",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发召唤基洛瓦之魂(#% chance to Trigger Summon Spirit of Kiloava on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4217417523",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发召唤陶哈努库之魂(#% chance to Trigger Summon Spirit of Tawhanuku on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2359025380",
        "text": "夺宝奇兵的爆破等级 +#(+# to Demolition Level for Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3056215807",
        "text": "Magic Monsters take #% increased Damage",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3628993863",
        "text": "Rare Monsters are Hindered, with #% reduced Movement Speed",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3879236300",
        "text": "Magic Monsters are Maimed",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_264841388",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发召唤卡胡图罗阿之魂(#% chance to Trigger Summon Spirit of Kahuturoa on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2698606393",
        "text": "若你近期内没有击败敌人,则能量护盾回复率提高 #%(#% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate if you haven't Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_583277599",
        "text": "在你格挡时冰缓周围敌人(Chill Nearby Enemies when you Block)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2943725337",
        "text": "夺宝奇兵的灵敏等级 +#(+# to Agility Level for Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_31336590",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发召唤阿华纳之魂(#% chance to Trigger Summon Spirit of Ahuana on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3888707953",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发召唤阿寇亚之魂(#% chance to Trigger Summon Spirit of Akoya on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3572665414",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发召唤玛塔之魂(#% chance to Trigger Summon Spirit of Maata on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3643076184",
        "text": "Tempest Effects have #% increased Area of Effect",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1773553795",
        "text": "Warbands in the Area have an additional Support Member",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1630969195",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发召唤拉其塔之魂(#% chance to Trigger Summon Spirit of Rakiata on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2932532516",
        "text": "夺宝奇兵的洞察等级 +#(+# to Perception Level for Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3425951133",
        "text": "你施加的【穿刺】效果持续 1 次额外击中(Impales you inflict last 1 additional Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_301104070",
        "text": "当你受到暴击时有 #% 的几率获得 1 个充能(#% chance for Flasks to gain a Charge when you take a Critical Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2062835769",
        "text": "插入的混沌宝石品质 +#%(+#% to Quality of Socketed Chaos Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2477381238",
        "text": "敌人的格挡率降低 #%(#% reduced Enemy Block Chance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_272515409",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发召唤尤图拉之魂(#% chance to Trigger Summon Spirit of Utula on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2449723897",
        "text": "#% of Damage Leeched as Life for Skills used by Totems",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1163205473",
        "text": "击败敌人时有 #% 的几率触发召唤伊基阿霍之魂(#% chance to Trigger Summon Spirit of Ikiaho on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_321765853",
        "text": "被击中时承受 +# 物理伤害(+# Physical Damage taken from Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2845459668",
        "text": "在夺宝冒险中有 #% 几率将掉落的重铸石变为剥离石(#% chance in Heists for Orbs of Scouring to drop as Orbs of Annulment instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_112201073",
        "text": "#% of Damage against Shocked Enemies Leeched as Mana",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_478341845",
        "text": "#% increased frequency of Tempest effects",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1959271744",
        "text": "Area is a Maze",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2556436882",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 增幅 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Enhance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_838272676",
        "text": "每秒损失#点魔力(Lose # Mana per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_370321141",
        "text": "Area contains a Chayula Breach",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_630994130",
        "text": "若你近期内没有击败敌人,则魔力回复率提高 #%(#% increased Mana Recovery Rate if you haven't Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2978835006",
        "text": "夺宝奇兵的工程学等级 +#(+# to Engineering Level for Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3452963763",
        "text": "你的战吼能打开箱子(Your Warcries open Chests)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_555061211",
        "text": "夺宝奇兵的解除陷阱 +#(+# to Trap Disarmament Level for Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2517911661",
        "text": "A Strongbox in this Area is Corrupted",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1012100113",
        "text": "Area is #% larger",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4207149030",
        "text": "夺宝奇兵的逆向奇术等级 +#(+# to Counter-Thaumaturgy Level for Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4098976931",
        "text": "每张地图(14 阶以上)的地图最终首领掉落虚空忆境地图的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2897207025",
        "text": "若法术移除了封印数量上限,则该法术的暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance with Spells which remove the maximum number of Seals)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2244724505",
        "text": "Area contains 3 additional Magic Packs which\nhave #% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed, and drop #% more items",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3353368340",
        "text": "若你近期内没有击败敌人,则生命回复率提高 #%(#% increased Life Recovery Rate if you haven't Killed Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2923069345",
        "text": "击中你时附加#-#点闪电伤害(Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Hits against you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3049760680",
        "text": "被击中时有 #% 的几率获得持续 3 秒的【猛攻】状态(#% chance to gain Onslaught for 3 seconds when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1135493957",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 终结 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Culling Strike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1866583932",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 虚空操纵 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Void Manipulation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_279246355",
        "text": "Area is inhabited by an additional Invasion Boss",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_279246355",
        "text": "Your Maps are inhabited by an additional Invasion Boss",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3381731475",
        "text": "Area contains an additional Fangjaw Talisman",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3482587079",
        "text": "击中你时附加#-#点冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage to Hits against you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_937372143",
        "text": "不受冰缓影响(Unaffected by Chill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_881914531",
        "text": "被击中时有 #% 的几率获得 1 个狂怒球(#% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4048158159",
        "text": "The first time a Player reaches # Rampage Kills in this Area, 6 Basic Currency Items will drop",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_663447087",
        "text": "Items dropped by Rogue Exiles are Corrupted",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1384838464",
        "text": "Essences found in this Area are Corrupted",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1415399260",
        "text": "Area is controlled by a Warband Boss",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3144025395",
        "text": "封锁期间施行解密术不产生额外时间(Performing Lockpicking during Lockdown doesn't take additional time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4062346714",
        "text": "地图内的魔物更可能不是普通品种",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2270693644",
        "text": "Area contains an additional Clutching Talisman",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1519665289",
        "text": "插槽内技能石的投射物会分叉(Projectiles from Socketed Gems Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3592330380",
        "text": "移动时无法被感电或点燃(Cannot be Shocked or Ignited while moving)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1124657098",
        "text": "封锁期间施行工程学不产生额外时间(Performing Engineering during Lockdown doesn't take additional time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1169552613",
        "text": "夺宝奇兵的凶蛮之力等级 +#(+# to Brute Force Level for Heists)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3015437071",
        "text": "你身上的秘术增强效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1296614065",
        "text": "鱼咬的灵敏度提高 #%(#% increased Fish Bite Sensitivity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3969573213",
        "text": "封锁期间施行逆向奇术不产生额外时间(Performing Counter-Thaumaturgy during Lockdown doesn't take additional time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3355479537",
        "text": "#% chance to create Shocked Ground when Hit",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_441900529",
        "text": "掉落的地图不会是偏好地图",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_357325557",
        "text": "召唤劲弩有 #% 的几率造成冻结、感电、点燃效果(Summoned Arbalists have #% chance to Freeze, Shock, and Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_913614572",
        "text": "总共消耗 # 点魔力后获得秘术增强(Gain Arcane Surge after Spending a total of # Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_450155423",
        "text": "封锁期间施行爆破不产生额外时间(Performing Demolition during Lockdown doesn't take additional time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_971749694",
        "text": "复仇军库(Arsenal of Vengeance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_424026624",
        "text": "对中毒敌人附加 # - # 基础物理伤害(Adds # to # Physical Damage against Poisoned Enemies)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_588560583",
        "text": "若你近期内击中敌人,则每秒再生 #% 能量护盾(Regenerate #% of Energy Shield per second if you've Hit an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3362812763",
        "text": "对击中时受到的火焰、冰霜和闪电伤害施加#%的护甲效果(#% of Armour applies to Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage taken from Hits)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3114696875",
        "text": "若你近期内承受过投射物伤害,则有 #% 的几率避开投射物(#% chance to avoid Projectiles if you've taken Projectile Damage Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_407139870",
        "text": "此物品上装备的【陷阱技能石】等级 +#(+# to Level of Socketed Trap Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2076519255",
        "text": "被感电时魔力再生速度提高 #%(#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3628411738",
        "text": "Warbands in the Area have an additional Elite Member",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2959369472",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【瓦尔闪电净化】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Vaal Impurity of Lightning Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2485799092",
        "text": "封锁期间施行凶蛮之力不产生额外时间(Performing Brute Force during Lockdown doesn't take additional time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3287477747",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 凋零之触 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Withering Touch)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1658124062",
        "text": "攻击投射物返回你身边(Attack Projectiles Return to you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2935548106",
        "text": "若你近期内击中敌人,则 +# 闪避值(+# to Evasion Rating if Hit an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1164882313",
        "text": "插入的冰霜宝石品质 +#%(+#% to Quality of Socketed Cold Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2363616962",
        "text": "喋血之刃(Bloodsoaked Blade)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_571003610",
        "text": "Area contains an Arcanist's Strongbox",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2768602791",
        "text": "玩家会受到督军狄洛克斯幽灵的袭击(Players are assaulted by apparitions of Drox, the Warlord)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_301625329",
        "text": "#% increased Rarity of Items found during any Flask Effect",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_511024200",
        "text": "受到的持续物理伤害效果降低 #%(#% reduced Physical Damage taken over time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2629058372",
        "text": "#% increased raising of Alert Level from Killing Monsters",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_488900289",
        "text": "Breaches contain a Breachlord's Clasped Hand",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1751949663",
        "text": "地图内的神龛有 #% 的几率有一群额外怪物保卫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1905034712",
        "text": "击中你时附加#-#点火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage to Hits against you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1311723478",
        "text": "无视穿着护甲所带来的移动速度降低效果(Ignore all Movement Penalties from Armour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_445988468",
        "text": "Area contains an Essence of Hysteria",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3181879507",
        "text": "当你专注时使自己感电#秒(Shock yourself for # Seconds when you Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1636220212",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 极速腐化 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Swift Affliction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2368149582",
        "text": "若你近期内击中敌人,则 +# 护甲(+# to Armour if you've Hit an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_779663446",
        "text": "非低魔力时,攻击速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack Speed while not on Low Mana)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3292930705",
        "text": "诅咒光环技能的保留效果提高 #%(#% increased Reservation of Curse Aura Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2693266036",
        "text": "药剂持续期间,获得额外 #% 物理伤害减免(#% additional Physical Damage Reduction during any Flask Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4082662318",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 的掠食辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Predator)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2700934265",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【瓦尔火焰净化】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Vaal Impurity of Fire Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3155072742",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【召唤幻灵】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Summon Phantasm)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3240183538",
        "text": "地图内有一个额外的保险箱",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3240183538",
        "text": "Your Maps contain # additional Strongboxes",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3469094021",
        "text": "从地图内保险箱中掉落的命运卡会复制掉落",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2016723660",
        "text": "所有抗性 +#%(+#% to All Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_598809739",
        "text": "Monsters grant #% increased Experience",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3909654181",
        "text": "Monsters have #% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1300125165",
        "text": "获得 # 级的主动技能【瓦尔冰霜净化】,且可被此道具上的技能石辅助(Grants Level # Vaal Impurity of Ice Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_11106713",
        "text": "法术伤害的 #% 转化为能量护盾偷取(#% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1065580342",
        "text": "插入的闪电宝石品质 +#%(+#% to Quality of Socketed Lightning Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3922006600",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的赤嚣辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Arrogance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1900098804",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【穿刺】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Impale)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_703341733",
        "text": "警报等级提升的速度加快 #%(#% increased raising of Alert Level)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2004028089",
        "text": "Items dropped by Invasion Bosses are fully Linked",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2142803347",
        "text": "击败敌人时有#%的几率损失一个狂怒球(#% chance to lose a Frenzy Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2206792089",
        "text": "使敌人感电如同伤害总增 #%(Shock Enemies as though dealing #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_444117960",
        "text": "Items dropped by Invasion Bosses have an additional Socket",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1828254451",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 燃尽 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Combustion)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1888494262",
        "text": "你的冰霜伤害可以点燃(Your Cold Damage can Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_248982637",
        "text": "击中你时获得等同于物理伤害#%的额外火焰伤害(Hits against you gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2602865453",
        "text": "近期击中敌人使你每秒再生 #% 魔力(Regenerate #% of Mana per second if you've Hit an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_899928542",
        "text": "Invasion Bosses drop an additional Vaal Orb",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1302208736",
        "text": "冻结敌人如同伤害总增 #%(Freeze Enemies as though dealing #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_627015097",
        "text": "击败敌人时有#%的几率损失一个耐力球(#% chance to lose an Endurance Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4021083819",
        "text": "装入技能槽的已触发技能造成双倍伤害(Socketed Triggered Skills deal Double Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1413930902",
        "text": "玩家有20级冲刺技能(Players have Level 20 Dash Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_303527630",
        "text": "从你地图中追随咕尔的超越恶魔处获得的传奇物品总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1434381067",
        "text": "若你近期内遭到感电效果,则暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance if you've been Shocked Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2069161757",
        "text": "增加 #% 你身上的冰冻效果(#% increased Effect of Freeze on you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_932096321",
        "text": "你的火焰伤害可以感电(Your Fire Damage can Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_385361774",
        "text": "攻击你时附加#-#点混沌伤害(Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Attacks against you)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3846810663",
        "text": "受到的反射伤害降低 #%(#% reduced Reflected Damage taken)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_153004860",
        "text": "护甲值在护体状态下 +#(+# to Armour while Fortified)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2530071726",
        "text": "Area contains an additional Three Rat Talisman",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1521863824",
        "text": "在燃烧,冰缓,感电地面上时,移动速度加快 #%(#% increased Movement speed while on Burning, Chilled or Shocked ground)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1432361650",
        "text": "#% chance on killing an Enemy to not generate Alert Level",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_88817332",
        "text": "满血时最大闪避值提高 #%(#% increased Global Evasion Rating when on Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_773731062",
        "text": "每 2 点敏捷使命中值 +#(+# to Accuracy Rating per 2 Dexterity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_220991810",
        "text": "法术击中时有 #% 的几率使敌人恐惧 4 秒(#% chance to Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit with Spells)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1928796626",
        "text": "A Beyond Unique drops when the first Unique Monster from Beyond is slain",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_380759151",
        "text": "你的闪电伤害可以冰冻(Your Lightning Damage can Freeze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_799443127",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 能量偷取 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Energy Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2939195168",
        "text": "击败敌人时有#%的几率损失一个暴击球(#% chance to lose a Power Charge on Kill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1864616755",
        "text": "冰霜抗性无法被穿透(Cold Resistance cannot be Penetrated)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2100048639",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版召唤生物伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Minion Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2433615566",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的穿透辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Pierce)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3057529096",
        "text": "Area contains a Rare Monster with Inner Treasure",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_178386603",
        "text": "每个狂怒球会使你被命中时附加#-#点火焰伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage to Hits against you per Frenzy Charge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1327804524",
        "text": "#% increased Alert Level from killing Guards",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1301096166",
        "text": "你的地图包含伊恩哈尔的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3422008440",
        "text": "插入的火焰宝石品质 +#%(+#% to Quality of Socketed Fire Gems)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_643741006",
        "text": "Area is inhabited by Bandits",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3616645755",
        "text": "若你近期内被冻结,则受到的伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage taken if you've been Frozen Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_430821956",
        "text": "若你近期内被点燃,则伤害提高 #%(#% increased Damage if you've been Ignited Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3438201750",
        "text": "攻击击中时有 #% 的几率威吓敌人 4 秒(#% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit with Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_388696990",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 腐蚀 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Decay)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3515979920",
        "text": "闪电抗性无法被穿透(Lightning Resistance cannot be Penetrated)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2042972420",
        "text": "#% increased Alert Level from killing Patrol Packs",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4048257027",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 灌注吟唱 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Infused Channelling)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_628032624",
        "text": "移动时无法被冰缓或冻结(Cannot be Chilled or Frozen while moving)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_96977651",
        "text": "偷取的每秒最大魔力总恢复量提高 #%(#% increased Maximum total Mana Recovery per second from Leech)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2126431157",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 满血攻击物理伤害 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Damage On Full Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1786672841",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版武器元素伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Elemental Damage With Attacks)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3713917371",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受 # 级鲜肉辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Fresh Meat)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3610197448",
        "text": "被你的战吼嘲讽的敌人受到的伤害提高 #%(Enemies Taunted by your Warcries take #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2858930612",
        "text": "有#%的几率在使用技能时损失10%的魔力(#% chance to lose 10% of Mana when you use a Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2333301609",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版增大范围】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Increased Area Of Effect)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2039130613",
        "text": "地图有 #% 的几率有一个额外的禁锢怪物",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4184135167",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受 # 级无常辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Volatility)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_194037675",
        "text": "Area contains a Unique Strongbox",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3017475694",
        "text": "你地图中受塑界者影响的怪物群的规模提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3962823719",
        "text": "近战攻击击中时击退敌人(Melee Attacks Knock Enemies Back on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2253550081",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版近战伤害扩散】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Melee Splash)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3925004212",
        "text": "#%的闪电伤害被敌人吸取为生命(#% of Lightning Damage Leeched by Enemy as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4022502578",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受 # 级法铸箭矢辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Manaforged Arrows)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_223937937",
        "text": "若你近期内没有被击中,则攻击和施法速度加快 #%(#% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1882929618",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版虚空操纵】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Void Manipulation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2032386732",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 击中生命回复 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Life Gain On Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_28208665",
        "text": "你地图中驱灵祭坛上延时的恩典重现速度加快 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3327487371",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 物理转闪电 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Physical To Lightning)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3610200044",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版野性残暴】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Brutality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2002028881",
        "text": "地图内的菌潮宝箱具有菌潮地图的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3957379603",
        "text": "在你地图中的驱灵祭坛处击败的传奇怪物提供的贡品总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1669870438",
        "text": "A Monster in this Area will summon Abaxoth when Slain",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2173069393",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版近战物理伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Melee Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1535006826",
        "text": "Guards add additional Alert Level on Death",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1413020589",
        "text": "地图内的先驱者有 #% 的几率额外掉落一个通货碎片(Harbingers in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Stack of Currency Shards)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_52197415",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受 # 级投射物归返辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Returning Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1602736646",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪遭遇战每轮使范围缩小 3%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_906368454",
        "text": "地图首领有 #% 的几率被罪魂缠身",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3827538724",
        "text": "插槽内的技能石被等级 # 的【弹幕】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Barrage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2643665787",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 连锁 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Chain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_113049735",
        "text": "地图内的战乱之殇遭遇战有将军的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_497196601",
        "text": "专注时,#%的伤害被敌人吸取为生命(#% of Damage Leeched by Enemy as Life while Focused)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_511417258",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版多重打击】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Multistrike)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4276927142",
        "text": "地图内魔爆亚硫酸矿脉和宝箱里的亚硫酸提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_402499111",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【助力之风】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Second Wind)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3017211510",
        "text": "你的地图中找到的圣甲虫为强袭圣甲虫的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1320130840",
        "text": "你的包含可捕获野兽的地图额外包含#个黄野兽",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2786105132",
        "text": "你地图中的冥渊尖塔和深渊保险箱掉落的物品稀有度提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4191390667",
        "text": "你地图中庄园农作物长出紫色植物的几率降低  #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1876637240",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 法术凝聚 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Intensify)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3773225751",
        "text": "你的地图中捕获的红魔物有 #% 的几率获得词缀,在魔物祭坛献祭时有几率不被消耗",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1544223714",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版闪电穿透】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Lightning Penetration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_297961897",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为命运卡的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1276541261",
        "text": "你地图中的驱灵祭坛恩典成本在总降 90% 和总增 80% 之间随机波动",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3885184473",
        "text": "你的每个地图中的一个怪物有#%的几率掉落一个额外的关联地图",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3617935793",
        "text": "你地图中军团中士掉落的物品稀有度提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1944897696",
        "text": "天佑勇者额外使用一个随机选项\n天佑勇者地图工艺选项的成本总增 100%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3956623857",
        "text": "Area contains an additional Unique Talisman",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4197398087",
        "text": "Area contains a Cartographer's Strongbox",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3462081007",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受#级强化聚能支持(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Overcharge)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_615948723",
        "text": "地图内惊悸迷雾首领掉落传奇星团珠宝的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2697741965",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 的蛊咒辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Hextouch)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3936990754",
        "text": "你的已腐化的稀有地图和对其施加的任意\n地图工艺选项在打开地图时获得无法预测的修改",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4028829918",
        "text": "击败被附身的怪物时有 #% 的几率释放罪魂",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_532540562",
        "text": "地图内被焚界者影响的怪物有 #% 的几率掉落一个焚界者基底词缀物品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_472880157",
        "text": "地图首领有 #% 的几率有两个盗贼流放者保镖陪伴",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1280481887",
        "text": "地图中的穿越传送门无法生成传奇首领",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4021476585",
        "text": "插入的技能石受到 # 级的【迅整】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Swift Assembly)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2063734057",
        "text": "地图内的腐化地图有 #% 的几率是诱人的腐化地图",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_958835998",
        "text": "地图内战乱之殇中士有 #% 的额外几率有奖励",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_812317919",
        "text": "以该方式修改的地图具有 1-3 个额外的随机地图词缀",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2018889940",
        "text": "地图内走私者秘藏掉落的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1145451936",
        "text": "你的地图有+#%几率包含古灵庄园",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1975134334",
        "text": "惊悸迷雾奖励的星团宝珠有 #% 的几率为稀有或腐化。",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2507275343",
        "text": "你的地图中掉落的圣甲虫为超越圣甲虫的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4278144676",
        "text": "地图内有深渊的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1280291906",
        "text": "每层亚硫酸中毒使你的伤害提高 #%。",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1280291906",
        "text": "When you interact with Voltaxic Sulphite Veins or Chests in your Maps gain Sulphite Intoxication for each Voltaxic Sulphite Vein or Chest found",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_306537703",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪遭遇战只有生存挑战的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1314822783",
        "text": "地图内有驱灵祭坛的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4154778375",
        "text": "你的地图有+#%几率包含一场先祖秘藏遭遇战",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1880405255",
        "text": "你的地图中的古灵庄园有#%的几率出现额外的庄园",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_405988579",
        "text": "地图内惊悸迷雾首领掉落的梦魇拟像裂片提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_103909236",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 致命异常状态 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Deadly Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3683980805",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪怪物和词缀造成的伤害总降 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1259656520",
        "text": "在地图内跟不朽辛迪加成员谈判物品的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1679136",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的凌厉辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cruelty)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4091793171",
        "text": "地图内菌潮遭遇战产生的非传奇怪物数量总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2251697080",
        "text": "你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求5级任务的可能性总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2988344505",
        "text": "地图内找到灭界者祭坛的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1288317603",
        "text": "你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约指定珍贵目标的可能性总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3178985579",
        "text": "你的地图不会包含走私者秘藏",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_793510540",
        "text": "你地图中从禁锢中释放的军团宝箱会释放其他怪物和宝箱,范围增加 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1235418654",
        "text": "你的白色等阶地图完成时额外提供#个魔暴亚硫酸",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1379148633",
        "text": "你的地图不会掉落赏金猎人印记、契约和蓝图",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2062753054",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 分裂 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3870984748",
        "text": "从地图内裂隙之手获得的裂隙碎片数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_496819486",
        "text": "你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求灵敏、欺诈或工程学的可能性总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3645622851",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪怪物会用特殊能力对你施加摧灭\n积累 7 层摧灭时失效",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2116100988",
        "text": "插槽内的技能石受到 # 级的【高爆地雷】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # High-Impact Mine)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2596927667",
        "text": "地图内的战乱之殇怪物静滞时受到的伤害提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_764545335",
        "text": "地图内有菌潮遭遇战的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3062849155",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的恒祝辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Eternal Blessing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3473008748",
        "text": "你地图中军团怪物掉落的裂隙碎片有 #% 几率会被复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1978710645",
        "text": "地图中找到的圣甲虫不会是深渊圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1560748306",
        "text": "你的地图中掉落的圣甲虫为先驱圣甲虫的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4180165115",
        "text": "你的地图中的超越传送门生成传奇首领的几率提高#%。",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2647355055",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版腐蚀箭矢】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Vicious Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_159709680",
        "text": "你地图中先祖秘藏由桂温妮领导的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3116664709",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为地图碎片的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3239503729",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 幻影弓手 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Mirage Archer)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_729281484",
        "text": "每张地图的最终地图首领有#%几率掉落一个额外的关联地图",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3962675867",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为军团物品的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2054538312",
        "text": "你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求4级任务的可能性总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4157613372",
        "text": "你地图中深渊巨坑有 #% 几率使产生的所有怪物至少为魔法怪物",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1804970439",
        "text": "受焚界者影响的古灵祭坛具有一个额外的正面效果时,负面效果提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1528872781",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为腐化的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_689720069",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 晕眩 辅助(Socketed Gems are supported by Level # Stun)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3777973541",
        "text": "地图中找到的圣甲虫不会是军团圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_248646071",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Item Quantity",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_761102773",
        "text": "Lose #% of Energy Shield per second",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1769611692",
        "text": "地图内镜子远方的惊悸迷雾强化速度加快 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1132162798",
        "text": "你的地图不会包含战乱之殇遭遇战",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2348590020",
        "text": "受焚界者影响的古灵祭坛有 #% 几率获得一个额外的正面效果。",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2157440077",
        "text": "古灵溶液若在灭界者影响地图内发现,则有 #% 的几率会复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1554844434",
        "text": "地图首领掉落征服者地图的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1019145105",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的斩首辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Behead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2805586447",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 地雷网 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minefield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2367226239",
        "text": "地图内找到的贪婪战书奖励命运卡的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2459732614",
        "text": "你地图中受征服者影响的怪物群的规模提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3511358099",
        "text": "你的地图中的先驱者有#%的几率被替换为强大的先驱者首领",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1365328494",
        "text": "插槽内的技能石受到 # 级的【充能地雷】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Charged Mines)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_482204003",
        "text": "你地图中黑暗余烬·索伏有 #% 几率会被复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_45548764",
        "text": "#%的火焰伤害被敌人吸取为生命(#% of Fire Damage Leeched by Enemy as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1871805225",
        "text": "地图内的残骸有 #% 的几率额外有一个后缀",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2121601076",
        "text": "地图内被灭界者影响的怪物有 #% 的几率掉落一个灭界者基底词缀物品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_564845047",
        "text": "地图中的罪魂更有可能为稀有类型",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_527292219",
        "text": "你的地图包含琼的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1901628087",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪词缀尽可能以高一阶开始",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_393389663",
        "text": "地图中的菌潮首领被击败时有 #% 几率添加一个额外奖励箱子",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1488908340",
        "text": "你包含走私者秘藏的地图有 #% 几率包含6个额外的走私者秘藏",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4234425443",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为催化剂的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1267068028",
        "text": "你的红色等阶地图完成时额外提供#个魔暴亚硫酸",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_264552782",
        "text": "地图中找到的圣甲虫不会是致命贪婪圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_694651314",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【近战】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Close Combat)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2249251344",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版连锁】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Chain)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_479453859",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【充能陷阱】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Charged Traps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1803865171",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版分裂】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Fork)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1385164385",
        "text": "你的地图中的侦查报告有#%的几率改为掉落综合侦察报告",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1980028507",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版高阶多重投射】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3652278215",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【大法师】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Archmage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1280423224",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为传奇物品的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2974922599",
        "text": "地图内有盗贼流放者的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_624534143",
        "text": "你地图中裂隙怪物掉落的裂隙碎片的数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2111661233",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版元素专注】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Elemental Focus)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_92114609",
        "text": "从地图内保险箱中掉落的通货物品会复制掉落",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_804508379",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 嗜血 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Bloodlust)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2433436306",
        "text": "地图内裂隙包含首领的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_66623393",
        "text": "你地图中截载者‧乌尔尼多有 #% 几率会被复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2477998669",
        "text": "你的地图中掉落的圣甲虫为支配圣甲虫的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1794950665",
        "text": "你地图中军团宝箱包含的裂隙碎片有 #% 几率会被复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4281937233",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪祭坛的生命提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_294140055",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为贪婪战书的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3374667389",
        "text": "地图内战乱之殇怪物或战乱之殇宝箱掉落的裂片有 #% 的几率会复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3857813970",
        "text": "你地图中的超越恶魔追随贝达特的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3236481633",
        "text": "你的地图中的魔暴亚硫酸矿脉和箱子包含灾厄之魂",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3227145554",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 的末日将至辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Impending Doom)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3527275979",
        "text": "掉落的地图为偏好地图的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3051490307",
        "text": "地图内的爆炸物数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1260718722",
        "text": "菌潮宝箱有 #% 的几率有一个额外奖励",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3788412017",
        "text": "每个地图中最多有 # 个稀有怪物为罪魂附身,其召唤生物经过触碰",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2634325281",
        "text": "你地图中收割的植物有 #% 几率产生被复制的怪物",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3516276449",
        "text": "你的地图中的怪物造成的伤害总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3275918621",
        "text": "你地图中受裂界者影响的怪物群的规模提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_773912026",
        "text": "地图中的保险箱变为宝石匠的保险箱的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2412871991",
        "text": "地图内找到的贪婪战书奖励通货物品的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3570337997",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受 # 级专擅反击辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Expert Retaliation)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1774735706",
        "text": "每层亚硫酸中毒使你的移动速度加快 #%。",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_937291386",
        "text": "你地图中驱灵祭坛重置的恩典有 #% 几率不消耗贡品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_880963174",
        "text": "地图内有致命贪婪遭遇战的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2116002108",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版异常爆发】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Unbound Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3027114376",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪怪物提供的经验值提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3271464175",
        "text": "#%的冰霜伤害被敌人吸取为生命(#% of Cold Damage Leeched by Enemy as Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3289828378",
        "text": "地图内的爆炸范围扩大 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1488839433",
        "text": "受灭界者影响的古灵祭坛会有额外的负面效果",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3438840900",
        "text": "你的地图有#%的几率吸引超越恶魔",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_170274897",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版火焰穿透】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Fire Penetration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1808954678",
        "text": "地图内有惊悸迷雾之镜的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3111091501",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的三位一体辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trinity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3171270268",
        "text": "你地图中先祖秘藏由丹宁领导的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4089933397",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版急速腐化】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Swift Affliction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2133566731",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Enhance",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1837341489",
        "text": "地图内的菌潮怪物产生速度加快 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4089738202",
        "text": "从地图内保险箱中掉落的地图会复制掉落",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3175325766",
        "text": "你地图中的超越恶魔追随科塔席的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1344789934",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【震波】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Shockwave)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1046449631",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版渎神】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Blasphemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4045495237",
        "text": "你的地图中的侦查报告有#%的几率改为掉落亢奋侦察报告",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2078691497",
        "text": "#% increased Cost of Building and Upgrading Towers",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1981776737",
        "text": "你的地图不会包含菌潮遭遇战",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1468737867",
        "text": "地图内有一个额外的神龛",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3387171641",
        "text": "你地图中惊悸迷雾奖励类型获得 +1 地图完成度",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1582162479",
        "text": "你地图中的罪魂可以附身玩家,持续 20 秒\n你地图中的罪魂无法附身怪物",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1805474879",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪符纹的范围扩大 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3324186704",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为迷雾物品的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1083387327",
        "text": "地图内符纹怪物掉落的先祖秘藏日志数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_199329214",
        "text": "若你的地图中的剩余怪物少于 50 个,\n地图最终首领被荒林鬼灵强化",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3433267351",
        "text": "在天佑勇者影响地图内的物品稀有度提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1763481236",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为圣油的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2388936716",
        "text": "地图内有保险箱的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2127991449",
        "text": "你的地图中的每个受焚界者影响的怪物群的规模提高#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1762451150",
        "text": "你的地图中掉落的圣甲虫为制图者圣甲虫的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_611792282",
        "text": "你地图中具有奖励的军团怪物有 #% 几率获得两个额外的奖励,没有奖励的则有 #% 几率获得一个额外的奖励",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_120737942",
        "text": "地图内的驱灵祭坛可以额外重置#次恩典",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4229711086",
        "text": "击中和异常状态伤害按照敌人身上每种冻结、感电、点燃效果提高 #%(#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Freeze, Shock or Ignite on Enemy)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1346625818",
        "text": "在地图内消灭非居住的建筑师有 #% 的几率使幸存建筑师的房间升一阶",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2091246228",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为宝石的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3814215147",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为饰品的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_988187710",
        "text": "在地图内被击败的裂隙首领有 #% 的几率掉落一个裂隙石",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1656757869",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为通货物品的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1366180761",
        "text": "你的地图包含高难度与高奖励怪物的怪物群总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2014727907",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪遭遇战要求击败多波敌人的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_866347860",
        "text": "地图内先驱者掉落的通货碎片能变成通货物品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2362265695",
        "text": "#% chance to Avoid being Knocked Back",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2222752567",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Spell Cascade",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2112979059",
        "text": "地图内找到的贪婪战书奖励传奇物品的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2504358770",
        "text": "地图内裂隙开合的速度加快 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_340836576",
        "text": "地图内要求击败多波敌人的致命贪婪遭遇战要求击败的敌人数量降低 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3465791711",
        "text": "你地图中惊悸迷雾怪物的怪物群规模提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_911724954",
        "text": "你地图中未通向绝望深渊的深渊会至少通向3个巨坑(如果可能)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1777351949",
        "text": "地图内有驱灵祭坛的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_48859060",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版施法回响】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Spell Echo)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3366450262",
        "text": "地图内裂隙有 #% 的几率有一个薛乌勒之手",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2901714012",
        "text": "你地图中惊悸迷雾奖励给予雾魇宝珠的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4103953516",
        "text": "地图内的黄野兽有 #% 的几率变为红野兽",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4251234305",
        "text": "在地图内收割怪物提供的经验值提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3858757876",
        "text": "有 #% 的几率在完成地图时可以免费使用一个特殊地图工艺选项",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2978599106",
        "text": "你的地图不会包含先祖秘藏遭遇战",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2312030426",
        "text": "地图内的惊悸迷雾遭遇战有 #% 的几率产生三个额外奖励类型",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_403369937",
        "text": "地图内的保险箱有 #% 的几率被一群额外怪物保卫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2936740844",
        "text": "地图内有古灵庄园的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3366450400",
        "text": "在你的地图中击败超越首领时获得魔化之力",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_787321478",
        "text": "地图内的穿越怪物有 #% 的几率至少是魔法怪物",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3241030924",
        "text": "你地图内的魔物有 #% 的几率挣脱\n你的地图中的挣脱魔物获得兽性狂怒\n被击败的魔物每有一种兽性狂怒,便可获得猎手之诈",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2017682521",
        "text": "怪物群规模扩大 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1028265433",
        "text": "你地图中的冥渊尖塔和深渊保险箱有 #% 几率掉落深渊圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3965835074",
        "text": "地图中找到的圣甲虫不会是先祖秘藏圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2042562038",
        "text": "你地图中的裂隙包含裂隙首领的紧握之手的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1856204587",
        "text": "地图内不朽辛迪加首领额外掉落一个加密物品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3860246335",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为精华的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4131593417",
        "text": "你地图中瓦尔区域的瓦尔容器奖励有 #% 的几率被复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4267923742",
        "text": "你的地图包含尼克的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1482478377",
        "text": "地图内发现的地图有 #% 的几率包含惊悸迷雾层数",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2820883532",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受 # 级吞噬辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Devour)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1640965354",
        "text": "地图内符纹怪物之印的数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1661347488",
        "text": "每秒损失#%生命(Lose #% of Life per second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1852765051",
        "text": "传奇怪物掉落的物品有 #% 的几率被腐化",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3199084318",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Hex Bloom",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1351268685",
        "text": "你地图中可找到的圣甲虫数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_469837536",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为化石的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2792863714",
        "text": "每有一个地图外延词缀,你地图的词缀效果提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_236047788",
        "text": "致命贪婪首领掉落一整叠的随机催化剂",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3093967539",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为深渊物品的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3062743459",
        "text": "从你地图中追随贝达特的超越恶魔处获得的基础通货物品总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2541655454",
        "text": "你地图中的超越恶魔追随咕尔的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1566972708",
        "text": "你的地图包含伊恩哈尔的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1937345315",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪遭遇战提供的奖励视作你额外完成了一轮",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_353291915",
        "text": "炸药数量为一个",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2694161522",
        "text": "最后一轮没有首领",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1927544133",
        "text": "深渊里此前每有一个巨坑,你地图中深渊产生的怪物提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3556555275",
        "text": "地图中每有一个走私者秘藏被打开,你地图中走私者秘藏包含蓝图的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_549540629",
        "text": "你包含走私者秘藏的地图有 #% 几率包含一个额外的走私者秘藏",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_802960755",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪遭遇战要求站上符纹的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1709437962",
        "text": "伊恩哈尔在地图内对传奇怪物的伤害总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_480028751",
        "text": "你地图中的军团遭遇战包含#名额外的中士(Legion Encounters in your Maps contain # additional Sergeants)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2992379436",
        "text": "你地图中庄园农作物包含3阶植物的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3011076420",
        "text": "地图内被囚禁的怪物有 #% 的几率有 3 个额外的精华",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3051957033",
        "text": "你包含裂隙的地图有 #% 几率包含两个额外的裂隙",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3049505189",
        "text": "你包含裂隙的地图有 #% 几率包含一个额外的裂隙",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_602879359",
        "text": "你的地图中掉落的异界图鉴侦察报告增加#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1365687125",
        "text": "地图内有致命贪婪遭遇战的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4842372",
        "text": "你地图中的深渊保险箱或冥渊尖塔掉落的深渊珠宝有 #% 的几率被腐化,并且带5-6个随机词缀",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3998071134",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cursed Ground",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2514681311",
        "text": "古灵余烬若在焚界者影响地图内发现,则有 #% 的几率会复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_310950600",
        "text": "地图内有战乱之殇遭遇战的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3016436615",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 多重陷阱 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Multiple Traps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2722592119",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版附加混沌伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Added Chaos Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1377454569",
        "text": "每张地图的最终地图首领有+#%几率掉落一个裂界守卫地图(14阶以上)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4142971786",
        "text": "你地图中亢奋传奇怪物有 #% 几率会掉落一个额外的雾魇宝珠",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3434296257",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受 # 级守卫祝福辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Guardian's Blessing)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1992708227",
        "text": "从地图内保险箱中掉落的宝石会复制掉落",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3429304534",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版附加闪电伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Added Lightning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_827686764",
        "text": "怪物群规模每提高2%,你的地图就有+#%的几率拥有一个深渊",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1966051190",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 降低格挡几率 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Block Chance Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2681413993",
        "text": "地图中掉落的侦察报告有 #% 几率变为单独侦察报告",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_470630932",
        "text": "地图中的走私者秘藏掉落契约的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3408085256",
        "text": "地图首领有 #% 的几率有两个盗贼流放者陪伴",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1730598557",
        "text": "地图内 # 个菌潮宝箱里的各种物品都有幸运属性",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1730598557",
        "text": "Varieties of Items contained in 1 Blight Chest in your Maps are Lucky",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4105955491",
        "text": "地图中荒野盗贼流放者掉落的物品稀有度提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2400312255",
        "text": "你的地图不会包含惊悚迷雾之镜",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1565587169",
        "text": "在地图内收割有 #% 几率使未被选择的作物不枯萎",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4128958145",
        "text": "在地图内收割作物有 #% 的几率产生一个额外怪物",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2777224821",
        "text": "该区域内找到的地图数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3025100555",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪遭遇战生成的怪物数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2750973094",
        "text": "你的地图被一个罪魂纠缠的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2681419531",
        "text": "该地图内的保险箱已被腐化",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1388221282",
        "text": "你地图中深渊裂隙有 #% 几率使产生的所有怪物至少为魔法怪物",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3739157305",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Empower",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2937898686",
        "text": "你的地图中的怪物造成的伤害总降 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2419657101",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【战争铁拳】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Fist of War)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1090596078",
        "text": "地图内裂隙产生的魔法怪物提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1133841298",
        "text": "地图内有裂隙的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1693489030",
        "text": "地图中找到的圣甲虫不会是仪式圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2861649515",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【夜刃】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Nightblade)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1393318927",
        "text": "地图内有菌潮遭遇战的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4111037980",
        "text": "地图内有深渊的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2372432713",
        "text": "地图内有裂隙的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_238314698",
        "text": "Cannot roll Modifiers with Required Level above #",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2571125745",
        "text": "地图内有神殿的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1621366871",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版致命异常状态】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Deadly Ailments)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4098286334",
        "text": "地图内有禁锢怪物的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_395808938",
        "text": "地图内有一个额外的禁锢怪物",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1977826050",
        "text": "你地图中未通向绝望深渊的深渊会通向4个巨坑(如果可能)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2503157846",
        "text": "地图内的魔暴亚硫酸矿脉和箱子由亚硫酸囤积怪物守卫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2523194133",
        "text": "你的地图有#%的几率奖励双倍焚界者遭遇进度",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3640956958",
        "text": "Projectiles Pierce 2 additional Targets",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2591612078",
        "text": "你地图中古灵庄园怪物掉落的命能有 #% 几率会被复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1322064377",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励为夺宝物品的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4222365107",
        "text": "你地图中的惊悸迷雾永不消散\n根据与镜子的距离,区域内的惊悸迷雾的难度翻倍\n你的地图中无法找到梦魇拟像裂片\n你的地图中无法找到雾魇宝珠",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2789471089",
        "text": "你的地图中找到的圣甲虫更有可能为稀有类型",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3127831894",
        "text": "完成地图中的菌潮遭遇战会使所有玩家获得菌潮之触",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3052174721",
        "text": "在地图内消灭居住的建筑师会使幸存建筑师的房间升一阶",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4049011082",
        "text": "你地图中深渊巨坑有 #% 几率产生5个额外的稀有怪物",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2695818040",
        "text": "你地图中不朽辛迪加的成员者掉落的物品稀有度提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_836430463",
        "text": "你地图中未通向绝望深渊的深渊会通向冥渊尖塔的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_164133604",
        "text": "无法在你地图中的驱灵祭坛处重置恩典",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_794471597",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Sadism",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4236665456",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪遭遇战要求保护祭坛的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1019460035",
        "text": "对你地图中的禁锢怪物使用遗忘的腐化器皿会将所有精华替换为该禁锢怪物的一个精华",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3573600538",
        "text": "地图内有惊悸迷雾之镜的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1561678231",
        "text": "地图内有先祖秘藏遭遇战的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2175157402",
        "text": "你的地图中的禁锢怪物至少有 1 个精华尽可能为最高等级",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2127532091",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的【迅猛烙印】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Swiftbrand)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3465894962",
        "text": "你地图中裂隙首领的紧握之手有 #% 几率在打开时产生一个裂隙首领",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3754129682",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的 零点射击 辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Point Blank)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1766031838",
        "text": "伊恩哈尔在任务完成后继续留在地图内",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2910545715",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受 # 级棱光魔爆辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Prismatic Burst)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3904950119",
        "text": "Delirium Fog in your Maps never dissipates\nSimulacrum Splinters cannot be found in your Maps\nDelirium Encounters in your Maps have no Reward types",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_655058427",
        "text": "你地图中可找到的地图稀有度提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1975869602",
        "text": "地图内有走私者秘藏的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1419687153",
        "text": "你的地图中的时空穿越包含诅咒财宝",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1870692844",
        "text": "你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求解密术、凶蛮之力或洞察的可能性总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1439991839",
        "text": "被禁锢的精华怪有 #% 的几率出现一个遗忘的腐化器皿",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1363247141",
        "text": "你每拥有一个不同的恩典地图,你的地图中找到的地图就有+#%的几率拥有特殊基底属性",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_847340197",
        "text": "你的地图不会包含驱灵祭坛",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3312982927",
        "text": "你地图中亢奋传奇怪物有 #% 几率会掉落一个额外的星团珠宝",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_278421201",
        "text": "地图中找到的圣甲虫不会是惊悸迷雾圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3174836286",
        "text": "完成地图时有 #% 的几率提供一个额外的奇拉克任务",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1889095429",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版冰霜穿透】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Cold Penetration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3022689249",
        "text": "你地图中找到的夺宝奇兵契约提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1340524145",
        "text": "从你地图中追随科塔席的超越恶魔处获得的命运卡总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1553039081",
        "text": "你地图中的冥渊尖塔和深渊保险箱包含或掉落深渊珠宝的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4252890057",
        "text": "Orbs of Scouring found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1825047276",
        "text": "#% chance for Exalted Orbs to drop as 3 Exalted Orbs instead in your Maps",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1135152940",
        "text": "火焰净化的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Purity of Fire has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3559931431",
        "text": "Orbs of Chance found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2156201537",
        "text": "包含一个瓦尔区域的几率 +#%(+#% Chance to contain a Vaal Side Area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2156201537",
        "text": "包含一个瓦尔区域的几率 +#%(Your Maps have +#% chance to contain a Vaal Side Area)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_590557979",
        "text": "珍宝箱有 #% 的几率复制其中的六分仪(Heist Chests have a #% chance to Duplicate contained Sextants)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2657125649",
        "text": "Map Bosses have #% chance to drop an additional Item with random Influence",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1344329033",
        "text": "古神熔炉传奇怪物有 #% 的几率掉落一面传奇盾牌(Unique Crucible Monsters have #% chance to drop a Unique Shield)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3014714876",
        "text": "Final Map Boss in each Map drops an additional Basic Currency Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2731689292",
        "text": "区域内的保险箱为传奇的几率提高 #%(#% increased chance for Strongboxes in Area to be Unique)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2731689292",
        "text": "区域内的保险箱为传奇的几率提高 #%(#% increased chance for Strongboxes in your Maps to be Unique)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4262046342",
        "text": "Perandus Chests in your Maps have #% increased chance to be Hoards",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3753446846",
        "text": "地图内先祖秘藏残骸 +#",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_776258428",
        "text": "地图内有 #% 的几率有 # 个额外盗贼流放者",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3856820324",
        "text": "#% chance for Orbs of Annulment to drop as 3 Orbs of Annulment instead in your Maps",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2874244045",
        "text": "地图内被囚禁的怪物有 #% 的几率有一个额外精华",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_23537505",
        "text": "该地图有 # 个额外的随机前缀(Map has # additional random Prefix)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3059700363",
        "text": "寒冰之捷的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Herald of Ice has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3991611906",
        "text": "Gems found in your Maps have #% chance to have 20% Quality",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2302807931",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Sacrifice",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3629418990",
        "text": "你的地图包含阿尔瓦的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1042687374",
        "text": "Plants Harvested in your Maps have #% chance to give an additional Crafting option",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_51196661",
        "text": "发现的 1-15 阶地图有 #% 的几率提高 1 阶",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1864874865",
        "text": "稀有和传奇怪物低血时生成一个罪魂(Rare and Unique monsters spawn a Tormented Spirit on reaching Low Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3394339562",
        "text": "掉落的裂隙碎片有#%的几率变成裂隙石(Breach Splinters have #% chance to drop as Breachstones instead)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3394339562",
        "text": "掉落的裂隙碎片有#%的几率变成裂隙石(Breach Splinters have #% chance to drop as Breachstones instead in your Maps)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_932764321",
        "text": "你的黄色等阶地图完成时额外提供#个魔暴亚硫酸",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3757930834",
        "text": "怪物有 #% 的几率避免被感电(Monsters have #% chance to Avoid being Shocked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_493707013",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版燃烧伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Burning Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1736735948",
        "text": "熔铸时更有可能保留熔炉天赋(Crucible Passive Skills are more likely to be retained when Forging)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3931293247",
        "text": "Influenced Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Basic Currency Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_881299808",
        "text": "熔铸物品拥有 30% 品质(Forged Items have 30% Quality)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4122946258",
        "text": "你的地图中的不朽辛迪加成员有#%的几率额外掉落一个加密物品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_725617492",
        "text": "#% increased Quantity of Items dropped in Incursions in your Maps",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_31415336",
        "text": "移动时失去所有暴击球,耐力球和狂怒球(Lose all Frenzy, Endurance, and Power Charges when you Move)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3266567165",
        "text": "怨毒光环的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Malevolence has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1539916749",
        "text": "你地图中异念‧艾许有 #% 几率会被复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2101592167",
        "text": "#% chance to Duplicate Blight Chests in your Maps",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4055526353",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Ancestral Call",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_278772496",
        "text": "地图中的菌潮宝箱有 #% 的几率可以再次打开",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3353484695",
        "text": "在地图内打开的保险箱有 #% 的几率再打开一次",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_574706723",
        "text": "在地图内跟不朽辛迪加成员谈判物品时,物品掉落量总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4224761993",
        "text": "带有时空穿越的地图总是会出现四次时空穿越",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2831543675",
        "text": "地图内的神龛有 #% 的几率是贪婪神龛",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2714721644",
        "text": "你包含裂隙的地图有 #% 几率包含十个额外的裂隙",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2390685262",
        "text": "该地图物品数量增加 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2963485753",
        "text": "愤怒的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Anger has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2490189905",
        "text": "每 5% 品质使你地图上外延词缀的效果提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2167121354",
        "text": "地图内的神龛至少由一个魔法怪物群守卫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1601064200",
        "text": "地图内裂隙有 #% 的几率有开放之手薛乌勒",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2469861066",
        "text": "Chromatic Orbs found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_407036985",
        "text": "在你的地图中,永恒裂片有#%的几率改为掉落永恒印记",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3423022686",
        "text": "#% of Physical Damage Leeched by Enemy as Life",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1254426365",
        "text": "你地图中菌潮宝箱包含圣油的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_341698555",
        "text": "At least one Perandus Chest is guarded by a Unique Monster",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3034509000",
        "text": "地图中的荒野盗贼流放者有 #% 的几率被一个罪魂附身",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3478814676",
        "text": "熔铸物品被腐化并具有一个基底(Forged Items are Corrupted with an Implicit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_28721242",
        "text": "你可以同时拥有两面不同的旗帜(You can have two different Banners at the same time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3485498591",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的击中时施加印记辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Mark On Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_211873159",
        "text": "你地图中深渊裂隙有 #% 几率使产生的怪物提高100%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1485525812",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Urgent Orders",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1986702303",
        "text": "Items found in your Conqueror Maps have #% increased chance to be Influenced",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3089299676",
        "text": "在贤主见证下击败地图首领有 #% 的几率视为同时额外见证一个随机地图首领",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_785938790",
        "text": "地图中找到的圣甲虫不会是菌潮圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2688118197",
        "text": "每 10 点怒火还会使物理伤害提高 #%(Each 10 Rage also grants #% increased Physical Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2722831300",
        "text": "区域内的深渊通向绝望深渊的几率提高 #%(Abysses in Area have #% increased chance to lead to an Abyssal Depths)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2722831300",
        "text": "地图内的深渊通向绝望深渊的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2428948876",
        "text": "你地图中驱灵祭坛产生怪物的速度加快 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1505882627",
        "text": "地图内的古灵庄园庄稼有 4 阶作物的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3374535912",
        "text": "你地图中逐梦者‧夏乌拉有 #% 几率会被复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1260060682",
        "text": "怪物可穿透压制法术伤害的 +#%(Monsters prevent +#% of Suppressed Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2509486489",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版附加冰霜伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Added Cold Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3230138360",
        "text": "Influenced Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Gem with Quality",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1091321491",
        "text": "怪物的攻击击中造成流血(Monsters' Attack Hits inflict Bleeding)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1595637549",
        "text": "地图内的红野兽来自洞窟的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2388239017",
        "text": "地图内的保险箱是神圣的秘宝的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3738423246",
        "text": "你地图中菌潮防御塔和它们的召唤生物伤害总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2665518524",
        "text": "冰霜净化的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Purity of Ice has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3865186586",
        "text": "怪物的冻结时间提高 #%(Monsters have #% increased Freeze Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3535403838",
        "text": "Perandus Chests have #% more Rarity of Items Dropped",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1089629910",
        "text": "地图中找到的圣甲虫不会是裂隙圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2110260866",
        "text": "你地图中先祖秘藏由图金领导的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2709296039",
        "text": "你的地图包含阿尔瓦的几率 +#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_633235561",
        "text": "插槽中的宝石受 # 级碎影魔刃辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Spellblade)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2156472123",
        "text": "Perandus Chests are guarded by additional Rare monsters",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_798723493",
        "text": "传奇的古神熔炉怪物有 #% 的几率掉落一件\n具有熔炉天赋树的传奇物品(Unique Crucible Monsters have #% chance to drop a Unique Item with\na Crucible Passive Skill Tree)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3791540252",
        "text": "地图内超越恶魔提供的经验值提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4122367945",
        "text": "获得 # 级的【复仇】(Grants Level # Vengeance Skill)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2304729532",
        "text": "基底词缀幅度提高 #%(#% increased Implicit Modifier magnitudes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2456335054",
        "text": "Harvest Crops in your Maps have an extra chance to grow higher Tier Plants",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2975078312",
        "text": "地图内深渊怪物提供的经验值提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_725696472",
        "text": "一次最多只能从一个激活的先祖图腾中获得 1 个增益效果(Maximum 1 Buff from an Active Ancestor Totem at a time)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3819451758",
        "text": "灰烬之捷的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Herald of Ash has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3153125103",
        "text": "最多#个被吞噬的灵魂(Maximum # Eaten Soul)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4202507508",
        "text": "技能的保留效能提高 #%(#% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2377438118",
        "text": "赋能增加#%(#% increased Empowerment)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3428829446",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Unleash",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1770833858",
        "text": "地图内的惊悸迷雾遭遇战有 #% 的几率产生一个额外奖励类型",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_573511501",
        "text": "地图内的战乱之殇遭遇战有一支圣堂教团军队的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4270449170",
        "text": "#% chance for Rewards from Metamorphs in your Maps to be Doubled",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1532770406",
        "text": "Perandus Chests have #% more Quantity of Items Dropped",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3265124719",
        "text": "Metamorph Samples dropped in your Maps have #% increased chance to have a Reward",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3664934139",
        "text": "Weapons found in your Maps have #% chance to have 20% Quality",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1857447509",
        "text": "Orbs of Alteration found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4294430899",
        "text": "熔铸物品上的熔炉天赋不会位阶降级(Crucible Passive Skills on Forged Items cannot have tiers downgraded)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_399319107",
        "text": "你的地图包含尼克的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4109767878",
        "text": "Armour Items found in your Maps have #% chance to have 20% Quality",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4219583418",
        "text": "怪物掉落的神器数量提高 #%(#% increased quantity of Artifacts dropped by Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_914487959",
        "text": "Influenced Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Weapon",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2418755296",
        "text": "熔铸物品的词缀数值随机改变(Forged Items have the numeric values of Modifiers Randomised)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3963266703",
        "text": "区域中的裂隙属于索伏的几率提高#%(Breaches in Area have #% increased chance to belong to Xoph)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3963266703",
        "text": "区域中的裂隙属于索伏的几率提高#%(Breaches in your Maps have #% increased chance to belong to Xoph)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3689836025",
        "text": "Perandus Monsters have a #% chance to drop Perandus Coins",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2317489660",
        "text": "Blessed Orbs found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a stack of 8 Blessed Orbs instead",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_364425699",
        "text": "Map Bosses have #% chance to drop an additional Silver Coin",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2849040018",
        "text": "怪物的点燃时间提高 #%(Monsters have #% increased Ignite Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2302977956",
        "text": "拥有驱灵祭坛的地图始终拥有四个驱灵祭坛",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_271119551",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版精准破坏】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Controlled Destruction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_388787643",
        "text": "地图中找到的圣甲虫不会是庄园圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_451866048",
        "text": "使敌人感电如同伤害总增 #%(Shock Enemies as though dealing #% more Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3959101898",
        "text": "闪电之捷的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Herald of Thunder has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_266448395",
        "text": "地图内有 #% 的几率有一个额外先驱者",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1750700932",
        "text": "Maps have a #% chance to drop as a random Unique Map instead in your Maps",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_15523600",
        "text": "你被致盲时,被你致盲的敌人受到【恶语术】影响(Enemies Blinded by you while you are Blinded have Malediction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3546420819",
        "text": "Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Talisman",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4223033382",
        "text": "Influenced Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Armour Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1027887872",
        "text": "先祖图腾激活后,它们提供的增益效果提高 #%(#% increased Effect of Buffs your Ancestor Totems grant while Active)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1471729472",
        "text": "Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop additional Map Currency Items",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3978557462",
        "text": "Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Unique Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3785942492",
        "text": "获得的武器和盾牌有 #% 的几率具有最大数量的插槽(Weapons and Shields found have #% chance to have the maximum number of Sockets)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1552965282",
        "text": "Orbs of Fusing found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3328802509",
        "text": "激活的先祖图腾增益效果延续 # 秒(Buffs from Active Ancestor Totems Linger for # second)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1044770866",
        "text": "有可抓捕魔物的地图有 #% 的几率有一个额外红野兽",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1683239984",
        "text": "地图内的致命贪婪奖励有 #% 的几率被复制",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4092986415",
        "text": "Items found in your Maps have #% chance to have the maximum number of Sockets",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4226044796",
        "text": "熔铸物品的熔炉天赋树有 +#% 的几率升级位阶(Crucible Passive Skills on Forged Items have +#% chance for tiers to be upgraded)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3343030527",
        "text": "Zana Missions in your Maps have # additional Map option",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3218477736",
        "text": "地图内的战乱之殇遭遇战有一支瓦尔军队的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1503311893",
        "text": "Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Essence",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3457217894",
        "text": "Magic Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Armour Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_553616540",
        "text": "Cartographer's Chisels found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_463675009",
        "text": "+#% to Quality of Maps offered by Kirac Missions in your Maps",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3606985138",
        "text": "贤主一次施放所有首领(Maven releases all Bosses at once)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1240390128",
        "text": "古神熔炉传奇怪物的数量提高 #%(#% increased number of Unique Crucible Monsters)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2227428689",
        "text": "怪物击中有 #% 的几率造成冻结(Monsters' Hits have #% chance to Freeze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4162516667",
        "text": "#% chance on completing a Map influenced by a Conqueror of the Atlas\nto gain double progress towards locating their Citadel",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1306304169",
        "text": "Randomly encountered Masters in your Maps have #% increased chance to be Zana\nMaster Missions from completing your Maps have #% increased chance to be Zana",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4028855406",
        "text": "Rare Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Jewellery Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3568535270",
        "text": "Perandus Chests in your Maps have #% increased chance to be Treasuries",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_253707123",
        "text": "你地图中的裂隙首领有 #% 的几率掉落双倍的裂隙碎片",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3688987182",
        "text": "你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求3级任务的可能性总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2327933970",
        "text": "地图中掉落的侦察报告有 #% 几率变为瓦尔侦察报告",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4140427516",
        "text": "地图装置有 #% 的几率不消耗圣甲虫",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1724306833",
        "text": "你地图中驱灵祭坛提供的驱灵裂片堆叠数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1454090489",
        "text": "地图内超越传送门的融合范围扩大 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_328145899",
        "text": "你的地图不会包含古灵庄园",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3294034100",
        "text": "Area contains an additional Perandus Archive",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1604751261",
        "text": "Gemcutter's Prisms found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a stack of 6 Gemcutter's Prisms instead",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3764294022",
        "text": "地图中掉落的非恩典地图将改为掉落基础通货物品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3615401038",
        "text": "在你的地图中处决的不朽辛迪加成员有#%的几率额外提升一级",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_411810300",
        "text": "Area contains an additional Perandus Locker",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2188554989",
        "text": "Orbs of Regret found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a stack of 20 Orbs of Regret instead",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1105638781",
        "text": "Area contains an additional Perandus Jewellery Box",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2584308379",
        "text": "你的地图中掉落的圣甲虫为泰坦圣甲虫的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2460639269",
        "text": "你地图中的菌潮怪物受到玩家及其召唤生物的伤害总降 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3179686508",
        "text": "当焚界者的影响初次出现在你的地图中时,有#%的几率生成一个焚界者祭坛",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3862876997",
        "text": "地图内的亚硫酸矿脉和宝箱有 #% 的几率有相等的蓝晶",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_285773939",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Flamewood",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3190100548",
        "text": "Red Beasts in your Maps have #% chance to grant double Experience",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_723578929",
        "text": "你的地图中掉落的圣甲虫为混乱圣甲虫的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2676451350",
        "text": "技能的魔力保留效能按照每 250 点总属性提高 #%(#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills per 250 total Attributes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1472832594",
        "text": "怪物不受诅咒影响(Monsters are Unaffected by Curses)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1903477793",
        "text": "怒火提高施法速度,而非攻击速度(Rage grants Cast Speed instead of Attack Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_657708069",
        "text": "#% increased Stack size of Rogue's Markers found in your Maps",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2233120145",
        "text": "Blight Chests in your Maps have #% increased chance to contain Blighted Maps or Oils",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2391424983",
        "text": "Influenced Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Jewellery Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_744497885",
        "text": "你地图中庄园农作物长出黄色植物的几率降低 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2301218725",
        "text": "地图内发现的梦魇拟像裂片堆叠数量提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4287089865",
        "text": "#% chance for Red Beasts in your Maps to be the less common of two varieties",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3349136454",
        "text": "穿越建筑师有#%的几率掉落一件额外的稀有穿越物品(Incursion Architects have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Incursion Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3349136454",
        "text": "穿越建筑师有#%的几率掉落一件额外的稀有穿越物品(Incursion Architects in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Incursion Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2710898947",
        "text": "怪物的生命总增 #%(#% more Monster Life)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3586007174",
        "text": "Chaos Orbs found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3771323968",
        "text": "若你近期内没有格挡过敌人,则法术伤害格挡率 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Spell Damage if you have not Blocked Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1153966848",
        "text": "该地图有 # 个额外的随机后缀(Map has # additional random Suffix)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_721643763",
        "text": "Divine Orbs found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a stack of 4 Divine Orbs instead",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1207229270",
        "text": "Perandus Chests in your Maps have #% increased chance to be Catalogues",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1131820918",
        "text": "稀有和传奇的古神熔炉怪物有 #% 的几率掉落一面\n具有熔炉天赋树的盾牌(Rare and Unique Crucible Monsters have #% chance to drop a Shield with\na Crucible Passive Skill Tree)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1174549622",
        "text": "地图内的魔爆亚硫酸矿脉和宝箱有 #% 的几率有双倍亚硫酸",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2528440851",
        "text": "该区域会出现额外 # 群【塑界者怪物】(Area contains # additional packs of Shaper Creations)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2528440851",
        "text": "该区域会出现额外 # 群【塑界者怪物】(Your Maps contains # additional packs of Shaper Creations)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4094461744",
        "text": "地图内的战乱之殇遭遇战有一支卡鲁军队的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2608186870",
        "text": "该区域会出现额外 # 群【裂界者怪物】(Area contains # additional packs of Elder Fiends)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2608186870",
        "text": "该区域会出现额外 # 群【裂界者怪物】(Your Maps contain # additional packs of Elder Fiends)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3458597256",
        "text": "Rare Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Basic Currency Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4069523014",
        "text": "地图内有走私者秘藏的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2731946686",
        "text": "Magic Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Gem with Quality",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4265306219",
        "text": "Magic Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Jewellery Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2639334413",
        "text": "#% increased Quantity of Items found in Perandus Chests in your Maps",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3515781151",
        "text": "Armourer's Scraps found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3063495090",
        "text": "Regal Orbs found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a stack of 5 Regal Orbs instead",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3396926649",
        "text": "Incursion Architects in your Maps have #% chance to grant double Experience",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1946193520",
        "text": "Final Map Boss in each Map have #% chance to drop an additional Map Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_622901199",
        "text": "区域中的裂隙属于托沃的几率提高#%(Breaches in Area have #% increased chance to belong to Tul)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_622901199",
        "text": "区域中的裂隙属于托沃的几率提高#%(Breaches in your Maps have #% increased chance to belong to Tul)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3897649208",
        "text": "#% chance for Amulets to drop as Anointed Talismans instead in your Maps",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1634426651",
        "text": "Mirrors of Kalandra found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a stack of 2 Mirrors of Kalandra instead",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3425389359",
        "text": "Blacksmith's Whetstones found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3090817208",
        "text": "地图内的红野兽来自荒野的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1183261553",
        "text": "Perandus Chests in your Maps have #% increased chance to be Archives",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1882837088",
        "text": "怪物的流血时间提高 #%(Monsters have #% increased Bleeding Duration)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3060454102",
        "text": "Items found in your Maps have #% chance to have a White Socket",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_59091266",
        "text": "地图内的红野兽来自黑渊的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2059168182",
        "text": "Your Maps have a #% chance to contain an additional Invasion Boss",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1274902666",
        "text": "+# Metamorph Monster Samples in your Maps have Rewards",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4261179672",
        "text": "玩家无法格挡法术伤害(Players cannot Block Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1288839550",
        "text": "伊恩哈尔在地图内的冷却回复率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_970734352",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Rupture",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_697969593",
        "text": "Vaal Orbs found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a stack of 7 Vaal Orbs instead",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_413137939",
        "text": "Sulphite Veins and Chests in your Maps have #% chance to be guarded by Sulphite-hoarding Monsters",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_921536976",
        "text": "插入的技能石被 # 级的弩炮集火辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Focused Ballista)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1920370417",
        "text": "憎恨的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Hatred has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_326199362",
        "text": "Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Atlas Base Type",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3448022820",
        "text": "Harbingers in your Maps drop rarer Currency Shards",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_495465216",
        "text": "你的地图有#%的几率拥有升华试炼",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1715139253",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trauma",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_298904616",
        "text": "Missions in your Maps grant #% increased Favour",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2147182152",
        "text": "区域中的裂隙属于艾许的几率提高#%(Breaches in Area have #% increased chance to belong to Esh)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2147182152",
        "text": "区域中的裂隙属于艾许的几率提高#%(Breaches in your Maps have #% increased chance to belong to Esh)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4216444167",
        "text": "奋锐光环的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Zealotry has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1289727785",
        "text": "超越恶魔在你的地图中掉落的污秽通货的数量增加#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1284151528",
        "text": "苦痛之捷的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Herald of Agony has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_95850091",
        "text": "地图内每个战乱之殇军势都有一个战争秘术箱",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4116217552",
        "text": "你的地图包含琼的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1088328219",
        "text": "你地图中的军团宝箱包含一份额外的随机奖励",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2646493318",
        "text": "地图内的盗贼流放者有 #% 的几率额外掉落一个通货物品",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_339131601",
        "text": "此物品上的技能石受到 # 级的【强化版附加火焰伤害】辅助(Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Added Fire Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_714566414",
        "text": "诅咒光环技能的魔力保留效能提高 #%(#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Curse Aura Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1803598623",
        "text": "优雅的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Grace has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3579673398",
        "text": "用该武器击中时压制 #% 物理伤害减免(Hits with this Weapon Overwhelm #% Physical Damage Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1086708760",
        "text": "你地图中深渊巨坑有 #% 几率使产生的怪物提高100%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_262769816",
        "text": "Orbs of Alchemy found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2605040931",
        "text": "极地装甲的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Arctic Armour has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_10358266",
        "text": "Jeweller's Orbs found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1818703431",
        "text": "Magic Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Weapon",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4008016019",
        "text": "超越传送门有 #% 的几率额外召唤一个超越恶魔(Beyond Portals have a #% chance to spawn an additional Beyond Demon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4008016019",
        "text": "超越传送门有 #% 的几率额外召唤一个超越恶魔(Beyond Portals in your Maps have #% chance to spawn an additional Beyond Demon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4190580879",
        "text": "你地图中的怪物生命总降 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1211769158",
        "text": "武器造成的伤害穿透 #% 冰霜抗性(Damage with Weapons Penetrates #% Cold Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3428180555",
        "text": "怪物击中有 #% 的几率造成感电(Monsters' Hits have #% chance to Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2181411965",
        "text": "地图内的不朽辛迪加成员有援军的几率再提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3190161627",
        "text": "你地图中的传奇怪物掉落圣甲虫的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1234594761",
        "text": "你地图中庄园农作物长出蓝色植物的几率降低 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2623157736",
        "text": "地图首领会获得你在地图中击败的任意禁锢怪物的一个随机精华词缀",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1007586373",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Awakened Generosity",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2246445775",
        "text": "你的地图中的侦查报告有#%的几率改为掉落侦探侦察报告",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2937199008",
        "text": "攻击伤害格挡率在你近期内眩晕过敌人的情况下 +#%(+#% Chance to Block Attack Damage if you've Stunned an Enemy Recently)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3825355878",
        "text": "地图内的战乱之殇遭遇战有一支永恒帝国军队的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3467824501",
        "text": "Immortal Syndicate Members in your Maps have #% chance to grant double Experience",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1238581103",
        "text": "Monsters and Chests in your Maps have #% chance to drop Items with +1 to Item Level",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2622009823",
        "text": "连锁范围扩大 #%(#% increased Chaining range)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4187085307",
        "text": "在你的地图中被击败的辛迪加成员每有一个装备物品,其物品稀有度提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3070577277",
        "text": "你的地图中掉落的圣甲虫为苦痛圣甲虫的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3243514586",
        "text": "稀有和传奇的古神熔炉怪物有 #% 的几率掉落一把\n具有熔炉天赋树的远程武器(Rare and Unique Crucible Monsters have #% chance to drop a Ranged Weapon with\na Crucible Passive Skill Tree)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_440232197",
        "text": "深渊里此前每有一个巨坑,你地图中深渊裂隙有 #% 几率使产生的所有怪物为魔法怪物",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1761642973",
        "text": "雷霆的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Wrath has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1516986886",
        "text": "你地图中的瓦尔区域不再被腐化",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2779247747",
        "text": "稀有和传奇怪物有 #% 的几率掉落一个熔岩矿材(Rare and Unique Monsters have #% chance to drop a Magmatic Ore)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3484910620",
        "text": "尊严的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Pride has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2734027184",
        "text": "#% increased Quantity of Items dropped by Possessed or Touched Monsters in your Maps",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_416299653",
        "text": "Your Maps have +#% chance to grant an Atlas Mission on Completion",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3783555531",
        "text": "怪物的所有元素抗性上限提高 +#%(Monsters have +#% to all maximum Elemental Resistances)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_4280114386",
        "text": "获得的武器和盾牌有 #% 的几率为分裂(Weapons and Shields found have #% chance to be Fractured)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3669353918",
        "text": "怪物的所有击中伤害造成冻结状态(All Damage from Monsters' Hits can Freeze)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_222333372",
        "text": "你地图中的战乱之殇遭遇战没有计时\n击破静滞中的怪物或宝箱会逐渐引发分裂\n你地图中的战乱之殇遭遇战会在分裂出现时开始",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3673969640",
        "text": "包含一个熔炉,可以为一件非传奇物品移除一套熔炉天赋树(Contains a Furnace that removes a Crucible Passive Skill Tree from a Non-Unique Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1407304212",
        "text": "已腐化地图内发现的物品有 #% 的几率已腐化",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1692887998",
        "text": "纪律的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Discipline has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1293790340",
        "text": "Rare Maps found in your Maps have #% chance to be Corrupted",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1263311755",
        "text": "怪物的伤害总增 #%(#% more Monster Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2299389484",
        "text": "Area contains an additional Perandus Coffer",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3962960008",
        "text": "地图内的惊悸迷雾遭遇战产生传奇首领的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1479533453",
        "text": "# uses remaining",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_394639761",
        "text": "怪物击中时造成中毒(Monsters Poison on Hit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3291313404",
        "text": "Flasks found in your Maps have #% chance to have 20% Quality",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1609369521",
        "text": "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Pinpoint",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2721871046",
        "text": "坚定的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Determination has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1820067107",
        "text": "地图内不朽辛迪加成员有首领相伴的几率总增 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1777881400",
        "text": "稀有和传奇怪物有 #% 的几率掉落提供传奇武器的命运卡(Rare and Unique Monsters have #% chance to drop Divination Cards that grant Unique Weapons)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1123291426",
        "text": "武器造成的伤害穿透 #% 火焰抗性(Damage with Weapons Penetrates #% Fire Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1745401062",
        "text": "稀有和传奇的古神熔炉怪物有 #% 的几率掉落一把\n具有熔炉天赋树的近战武器(Rare and Unique Crucible Monsters have #% chance to drop a Melee Weapon with\na Crucible Passive Skill Tree)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3955574239",
        "text": "Area contains an additional Perandus Treasury",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_492027537",
        "text": "法术伤害压制率 +#%(+#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3231732417",
        "text": "怪物的行动速度加快 #%(Monsters have #% increased Action Speed)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1502389239",
        "text": "宝箱内的物品数量提高 #%(Chests have #% increased Item Quantity)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2801601300",
        "text": "熔铸物品尽可能拥有一个能够调整物品售价的熔炉天赋(Forged Items have a Crucible Passive Skill that modifies the sell price of the Item if possible)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1542765265",
        "text": "纯净之捷的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Herald of Purity has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_245814726",
        "text": "包含一个熔炉,可以为一件未腐化的传奇物品添加一套熔炉天赋树(Contains a Furnace that adds a Crucible Passive Skill Tree to an Uncorrupted Unique Item)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2819193674",
        "text": "区域中的裂隙属于乌尔尼多的几率提高#%(Breaches in Area have #% increased chance to belong to Uul-Netol)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2819193674",
        "text": "区域中的裂隙属于乌尔尼多的几率提高#%(Breaches in your Maps have #% increased chance to belong to Uul-Netol)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2495041954",
        "text": "压制 #% 物理伤害减免(Overwhelm #% Physical Damage Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_395617565",
        "text": "怪物有 +#% 的几率格挡法术伤害(Monsters have +#% Chance to Block Spell Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1753206712",
        "text": "Strongboxes in your Maps have #% increased chance to be Rare",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1534390486",
        "text": "无法闪避怪物的击中(Monsters' Hits can't be Evaded)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3036422124",
        "text": "击败地图中的敌人会使生成超越传送门的几率提高#%(Slaying Enemies in your Maps has a #% increased chance to spawn a Beyond Portal)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3036422124",
        "text": "击败敌人时生成超越传送门的几率提高 #%(Slaying Enemies has a #% increased chance to spawn a Beyond Portal)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1450978702",
        "text": "闪电净化的魔力保留效能提高 #%(Purity of Lightning has #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1280322024",
        "text": "怪物压制 #% 物理伤害减免(Monsters Overwhelm #% Physical Damage Reduction)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_648161868",
        "text": "古神熔炉传奇怪物有 #% 的几率掉落一件传奇远程武器(Unique Crucible Monsters have #% chance to drop a Unique Ranged Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2804918815",
        "text": "Rare Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Armour Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3410776118",
        "text": "静止时耐力球数量下限等于耐力球数量上限\n静止时狂怒球数量下限等于狂怒球数量上限\n静止时暴击球数量下限等于暴击球数量上限(Minimum Endurance Charges equal to Maximum while stationary\nMinimum Frenzy Charges equal to Maximum while stationary\nMinimum Power Charges equal to Maximum while stationary)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3337579297",
        "text": "怪物击中始终为暴击(Monsters' Hits are always Critical Strikes)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1123167602",
        "text": "Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Divination Card",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3007862517",
        "text": "怪物受到的伤害提高 #%(Monsters take #% increased Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2029018782",
        "text": "怪物的感电效果提高 #%(Monsters have #% increased Effect of Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2130085756",
        "text": "怪物击中有 #% 的几率造成点燃(Monsters' Hits have #% chance to Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_334180828",
        "text": "#% of Chaos Damage Leeched by Enemy as Life",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_165059239",
        "text": "怪物击中造成的所有伤害都施加【感电】(All Damage from Monsters' Hits inflicts Shock)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1747220877",
        "text": "获得的武器和盾牌有 #% 的几率被腐化并具有一个基底(Weapons and Shields found have #% chance to be Corrupted with an Implicit)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1415418540",
        "text": "你有热情牺牲时,击中压制 #% 物理伤害减免(Hits Overwhelm #% of Physical Damage Reduction while you have Sacrificial Zeal)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2736953535",
        "text": "玩家无法格挡攻击伤害(Players cannot Block Attack Damage)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1271391587",
        "text": "Number of Perandus Coins dropped in this Area is Doubled",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2237902788",
        "text": "武器造成的伤害穿透 #% 混沌抗性(Damage with Weapons Penetrates #% Chaos Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2737229970",
        "text": "Rare Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Weapon",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3301510262",
        "text": "武器造成的伤害穿透 #% 闪电抗性(Damage with Weapons Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1331907976",
        "text": "没有传奇敌人出现在你面前时,每秒损失一个被吞噬的灵魂(Lose an Eaten Soul every second while no Unique Enemy is in your Presence)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_628272574",
        "text": "先驱者有 #% 的几率额外掉落一叠通货碎片(Harbingers have #% chance to drop an additional Stack of Currency Shards)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_628272574",
        "text": "先驱者有 #% 的几率额外掉落一叠通货碎片(Harbingers in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Stack of Currency Shards)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2356069535",
        "text": "Items found in your Maps have #% chance to be fully Linked",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1186599719",
        "text": "Perandus Chests in your Maps have #% increased chance to be Coffers",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_375750705",
        "text": "获得的武器和盾牌有 #% 的几率为完全连接(Weapons and Shields found have #% chance to be fully Linked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_891135228",
        "text": "怪物的所有击中伤害造成点燃状态(All Damage from Monsters' Hits can Ignite)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1269219558",
        "text": "技能的魔力保留效能提高 #%(#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2888521660",
        "text": "Orbs of Transmutation found in your Maps have #% chance to drop as a full stack",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2436491720",
        "text": "地图内的红野兽来自沙漠的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2592705940",
        "text": "熔铸物品完全连接(Forged Items are fully Linked)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_481710678",
        "text": "Magic Monsters in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Basic Currency Item",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2282052746",
        "text": "在地图中的驱灵祭坛处重置恩典消耗的贡品减少#%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3580714718",
        "text": "地图内惊悸迷雾怪物掉落星团珠宝的几率提高 #%",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_2123200297",
        "text": "古神熔炉传奇怪物有 #% 的几率掉落一件传奇近战武器(Unique Crucible Monsters have #% chance to drop a Unique Melee Weapon)",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3611255236",
        "text": "Breach Monsters in your Maps grant #% increased Experience",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_3986662538",
        "text": "地图内菌潮遭遇战的菌潮通道有 #% 的几率获取一个额外奖励宝箱",
        "type": "explicit"
        "id": "explicit.stat_1384053575",
        "text": "Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Sacrifice Fragment",
        "type": "explicit"
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    localStorage.setItem("lscache-tradestats", JSON.stringify(lscacheTradestats));

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    "text": "图腾雕像(Totemic Idol)",
    "type": "Totemic Idol"
    "text": "权贵雕像(Noble Idol)",
    "type": "Noble Idol"
    "text": "征服者雕像(Conqueror Idol)",
    "type": "Conqueror Idol"
    "text": "埋葬雕像(Burial Idol)",
    "type": "Burial Idol"
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      "unique": true
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                                            let newText = matchedItem.text.replace(/#/g, percentageValue2);
                                            newText = newText.replace(/\([^)]*\)/g, '').trim();
                                            span.textContent = newText;
                                    } else {
                                        // 如果不包含 #,则直接赋值

                                        let newText = matchedItem.text.replace(/\([^)]*\)/g, '').trim();
                                        span.textContent = newText;

                                if(index === arr.length-1){

                                    itemBoxContent.setAttribute('data-id', 'idol');




    // 配置观察选项
    const config = {
        childList: true,  // 观察子节点变化
        subtree: true,    // 观察所有后代节点变化
        attributes: false, // 观察属性变化
        characterData: true // 观察文本内容变化

    // 开始观察页面变化
    observer.observe(document.body, config);
