Greasy Fork

Discourse 助手

重构 “linuxdo 增强插件”,再次以脚本方式为您呈现!

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Discourse 助手
// @namespace
// @version
// @author        Hmjz100
// @description   重构 “linuxdo 增强插件”,再次以脚本方式为您呈现!
// @license       AGPL-3.0-or-later
// @icon          
// @match         *://*
// @connect
// @require[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js
// @require[email protected]/dist/browser/pangu.js
// @require[email protected]/marked.min.js
// @require[email protected]/dist/katex.min.js
// @grant         unsafeWindow
// @grant         window.close
// @grant         GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant         GM.xmlhttpRequest
// @grant         GM_getValue
// @grant         GM_setValue
// @grant         GM_info
// @run-at        document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(function DiscourseHelper() {
	'use strict';

	if (document.getElementById('challenge-form')) {

	let runtimeInfo = GM_info;

	// 根基函数
	let base = {
		initDefaultConfig() {
			let defaultSettings = {
				hideTopicReplied: "false",
				hideTopicViewed: "false",
				hideActivityColumn: "false",
				showTopicCreatedTime: "true",
				topicNewTab: "false",
				previewTopic: "true",
				topicFloorIndicator: "true",
				autoHeight: "false",
				expandReply: "false",
				foldUselessReply: "true",
				foldUselessReplyOpacity: "true",
				replaceEmoji: "noto",
				replaceTheme: "false",
				replaceBackground: "bing",
				optimizePageText: "true",
				newTabIndicator: "true",
				a11yCloseButton: "true",
				optimizeEditorButton: "true",
				japaneseEditorButton: "false",
				filterByOP: "true",
				filterBySelf: "true",
				autoReader: "false",
				autoReaderSpeed: "2",
				autoReaderWait: "3",

			for (let key in defaultSettings) {
				if (!GM_getValue(key)) {
					GM_setValue(key, defaultSettings[key].toString());
		xmlHttpRequest(option) {
			let request = (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest !== "undefined") ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : GM.xmlHttpRequest;
			if (request && typeof request === 'function') {
				return request(option);
		get(url, headers, type, extra, maxRetries = 3, currentRetry = 0) {
			return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
				const sendRequest = function () {
					let requestObj = base.xmlHttpRequest({
						method: "GET", url, headers,
						responseType: type || 'json',
						onload: function (res) {
							if (res.status === 204) {
								console.log('【DiscourseHelper】Get(load)\n\x1B[31m该请求已被某个下载工具捕获。' + (res.statusText ? ("\n\x1B[0m工具提示:\x1B[31m" + res.statusText) : "") + '\x1B[0m\n请求地址:' + url + '\n请求头部:', headers, '\n请求结果:', res);
							if (type === 'blob') {
								console.log('【DiscourseHelper】Get(load) Blob\n请求地址:' + url + '\n请求头部:', headers, '\n请求结果:', res);
								res.status === 200 && base.blobDownload(res.response, extra.filename);
							} else {
								if (res.response) {
									try {
										res.decodedResponse = JSON.parse(res.response);
									} catch (e) { }
									try {
										res.decodedResponse = JSON.parse(base.decode(res.response));
									} catch (e) { }
								if (res.responseText) {
									try {
										res.decodedResponseText = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(res.responseText));
									} catch (e) { }
									try {
										res.decodedResponseText = JSON.stringify(base.decode(res.responseText));
									} catch (e) { }
								console.log('【DiscourseHelper】Get(load)\n请求地址:' + url + '\n请求头部:', headers, '\n请求结果:', res);
								resolve(res.response || res.responseText);
						onerror: function (err) {
							if (currentRetry < maxRetries) {
								console.error(`【DiscourseHelper】Get(error)\n请求出现错误,可能是网络问题\n5秒后将重试 (错误次数:${currentRetry}/${maxRetries})...`, err);
								setTimeout(function () {
								}, 5000)
							} else {
								reject('【DiscourseHelper】Get(error)\n请求出现错误,可能是网络问题\n无法继续请求,达到最大错误次数。', err);

				sendRequest(); // 初始请求
		getFullLink(link) {
			return new URL(link, location.href).href;
		waitForKeyElements(selectorTxt, actionFunction, bWaitOnce, iframeSelector) {
			var targetNodes, btargetsFound;

			if (typeof iframeSelector == "undefined")
				targetNodes = $(selectorTxt);
				targetNodes = $(iframeSelector).contents().find(selectorTxt);

			if (targetNodes && targetNodes.length > 0) {
				btargetsFound = true;
				targetNodes.each(function () {
					var jThis = $(this);
					var alreadyFound ='alreadyFound') || false;

					if (!alreadyFound) {
						var cancelFound = actionFunction(jThis);
						if (cancelFound)
							btargetsFound = false;
						else {'alreadyFound');
			} else {
				btargetsFound = false;

			var controlObj = base.waitForKeyElements.controlObj || {};
			var controlKey = selectorTxt.replace(/[^\w]/g, "_") + actionFunction.toString().replace(/[^\w]/g, "_");
			var timeControl = controlObj[controlKey];

			if (btargetsFound && bWaitOnce && timeControl) {
				delete controlObj[controlKey]
			} else {
				if (!timeControl) {
					timeControl = setInterval(() => {
						base.waitForKeyElements(selectorTxt, actionFunction, bWaitOnce, iframeSelector);
					}, 1000);
					controlObj[controlKey] = timeControl;
			base.waitForKeyElements.controlObj = controlObj;
		showToast(htmlContent, duration = 3000) {
			 * 显示一个 Toast 提示
			 * @param {string} htmlContent - 自定义的 HTML 内容
			 * @param {number} duration - 持续时间(毫秒)
			const toasts = $('.helper-toast');

			if (toasts.length > 1) {
					.on('transitionend', function () {

			const toast = $('<div>', {
				class: 'helper-toast',
				html: htmlContent
			}).css('z-index', $('.helper-toast').length + 9999);

			setTimeout(() => toast.addClass('show'), 10);

			setTimeout(() => {
				toast.removeClass('show').on('transitionend', () => toast.remove());
			}, duration);
		previewTopic(id) {
			let preViewer = `<div id="dialog-holder" class="dialog-container">
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					#dialog-holder .dialog-content .dialog-body > .title{font-size:var(--font-up-3);font-weight:600;padding:0 30px 0;margin-bottom:0}
					#dialog-holder .dialog-content .dialog-body > .date{padding:0 30px 0}
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						<p style="text-align: center">...</p>
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						<button id="showMoreButton" class="btn btn-icon-text btn-primary" type="button">
							<svg class="fa d-icon svg-icon svg-string" xmlns=""><use href="#discourse-threads"></use></svg>
							<span class="d-button-label">查看更多</span>
						<button id="closeButton" class="btn btn-icon-text" type="button">
							<svg class="fa d-icon svg-icon svg-string" xmlns=""><use href="#xmark"></use></svg>
							<span class="d-button-label">关闭</span>
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			let viewer = $(preViewer)
			let loading = $(preLoading)
			viewer.find(".dialog-content .dialog-body").html(loading);
			viewer.find(".dialog-overlay, #closeButton").on("click", (event) => {
				viewer.find(".dialog-content .dialog-body").html(loading);
			viewer.find("#showMoreButton").on("click", (event) => {'/t/topic/' + id))
				.then((response) => response.json()).then((data) => {
					if (!viewer.length > 0) return;
					viewer.find(".dialog-content .dialog-body").html(`
						<p class="title">${data.title}</p>
						<p class="date">${base.formatDate(data.created_at)}</p>
						<div class="content"></div>
					$.each(data.post_stream.posts, function (index, post) {
						let elempost = $(`<div class="item">
							${post?.avatar_template ? '<div class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="' + base.getFullLink(post?.avatar_template.replace("{size}", "50")) + '"/></div>' : ""}
							<div class="post">
								<div class="name">
									${post.display_username ? "<span>" + post.display_username + "</span>" : ""}
									${post.username ? '<span' + (post.display_username ? ' style="margin-left: 20px;"' : '') + '>' + post.username + '</span>' : ''}
									<div class="date">${base.formatDate(post.created_at)}</div>
								<p>${post.cooked || (post.action_code ? "<i>动作: " + post.action_code + "</i>" : "")}</p>
							<span class="floor">${index + 1}F</span>
						// 这的函数不能用箭头函数,因为箭头函数没有 this。
						elempost.find("a.lightbox").each(function () {
							let content = $(this).html();
							$(this).find("[src]").attr("src", $(this).attr("href"))
						elempost.find(".math").each(function () {
							let content = $(this);
							katex.render(content.html(), content[0]);
						elempost.find("a[href]").each(function () {
							let element = $(this)
							element.attr("parenttopic", id)
						viewer.find(".dialog-content .dialog-body .content").append(elempost);
				.catch(error => {
					viewer.find(".dialog-content .dialog-body").html(`<p style="text-align: center;">加载失败,错误:${error.message}</p>`);
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["flag_white", "waving_white_flag"], framed_picture: ["frame_photo", "frame_with_picture"], hammer_and_pick: ["hammer_pick"], houses: ["homes", "house_buildings"], hotdog: ["hot_dog"], derelict_house: ["house_abandoned", "derelict_house_building"], desert_island: ["island"], old_key: ["key2"], person_lifting_weights: ["lifter", "weight_lifter"], military_medal: ["medal_military"], sports_medal: ["medal_sports", "medal"], sign_of_the_horns: ["metal"], fu: ["middle_finger", "reversed_hand_with_middle_finger_extended"], motorcycle: ["racing_motorcycle"], mountain_snow: ["snow_capped_mountain"], spiral_notepad: ["notepad_spiral", "spiral_note_pad"], oil_drum: ["oil"], old_woman: ["grandma", "older_woman"], old_man: ["older_man", "grandpa"], paintbrush: ["lower_left_paintbrush"], paperclips: ["linked_paperclips"], pause_button: ["double_vertical_bar"], peace_symbol: ["peace"], fountain_pen: ["pen_fountain", "lower_left_fountain_pen"], ping_pong: ["table_tennis"], place_of_worship: ["worship_symbol"], poop: ["poo", "shit", "pile_of_poo", "hankey"], radioactive: ["radioactive_sign"], railway_track: ["railroad_track"], robot: ["robot_face"], skull: ["skeleton"], skull_and_crossbones: ["skull_crossbones"], speaking_head: ["speaking_head_in_silhouette"], man_detective: ["spy", "sleuth_or_spy", "male_detective"], thinking: ["thinking_face"], cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: ["thunder_cloud_rain", "thunder_cloud_and_rain",], tickets: ["admission_tickets"], next_track_button: ["track_next", "next_track"], unicorn: ["unicorn_face"], funeral_urn: ["urn"], sun_behind_large_cloud: ["white_sun_cloud", "white_sun_behind_cloud"], sun_behind_rain_cloud: ["white_sun_rain_cloud", "white_sun_behind_cloud_with_rain",], sun_behind_cloud: ["partly_sunny"], sun_behind_small_cloud: ["white_sun_small_cloud", "white_sun_with_small_cloud",], umbrella: ["umbrella2", "open_umbrella"], hammer_and_wrench: ["tools"], face_with_thermometer: ["thermometer_face"], timer_clock: ["timer"], 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family_man_woman_boy_boy: ["family_man_woman_boys"], family_man_woman_girl_girl: ["family_man_woman_girls"], family_woman_woman_boy: ["family_women_boy"], family_woman_woman_girl: ["family_women_girl"], family_woman_woman_girl_boy: ["family_women_girl_boy"], family_woman_woman_boy_boy: ["family_women_boys"], family_woman_woman_girl_girl: ["family_women_girls"], family_man_man_boy: ["family_men_boy"], family_man_man_girl: ["family_men_girl"], family_man_man_girl_boy: ["family_men_girl_boy"], family_man_man_boy_boy: ["family_men_boys"], family_man_man_girl_girl: ["family_men_girls"], cloud_with_lightning: ["cloud_lightning"], tornado: ["cloud_tornado", "cloud_with_tornado"], cloud_with_rain: ["cloud_rain"], cloud_with_snow: ["cloud_snow"], studio_microphone: ["microphone2"], honeybee: ["bee"], lion: ["lion_face"], satellite: ["artificial_satellite", "satellite_orbital"], computer_mouse: ["mouse_three_button", "three_button_mouse"], wind_face: ["wind_blowing_face"], man_golfing: ["golfer", "golfing_man"], building_letruction: ["letruction_site"], family_man_woman_girl_boy: ["family"], ice_hockey: ["hockey"], play_or_pause_button: ["play_pause"], film_projector: ["projector"], shopping: ["shopping_bags"], open_book: ["book"], national_park: ["park"], world_map: ["map"], pen: ["pen_ballpoint", "lower_left_ballpoint_pen"], e_mail: ["e-mail", "email"], atom_symbol: ["atom"], mantelpiece_clock: ["clock"], camera_flash: ["camera_with_flash"], film_strip: ["film_frames"], balance_scale: ["scales"], person_surfing: ["surfer"], man_surfing: ["surfing_man"], kiss_woman_man: ["kiss", "couplekiss", "couplekiss_man_woman"], kiss_woman_woman: ["couplekiss_woman_woman", "female_couplekiss"], kiss_man_man: ["couplekiss_man_man", "male_couplekiss"], couple_with_heart_man_man: ["male_couple_with_heart"], couple_with_heart: ["couple_with_heart_woman_man"], couple_with_heart_woman_woman: ["female_couple_with_heart"], clamp: ["compression"], person_in_bed: ["sleeping_accommodation", "sleeping_bed"], om: ["om_symbol"], man_rowing_boat: ["rowing_boat", "rowboat", "rowing_man"], new_moon: ["moon"], fleur_de_lis: ["fleur-de-lis"], face_vomiting: ["puke"], smile: ["grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes"], frowning_with_open_mouth: ["frowning_face_with_open_mouth"], grinning_face: ["grinning"], grinning_face_with_big_eyes: ["smiley"], grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: ["smile"], grin: ["beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes"], laughing: ["grinning_squinting_face", "satisfied"], sweat_smile: ["grinning_face_with_sweat"], rofl: ["rolling_on_the_floor_laughing"], joy: ["face_with_tears_of_joy"], wink: ["winking_face"], blush: ["smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes"], innocent: ["smiling_face_with_halo"], smiling_face_with_three_hearts: ["smiling_face_with_hearts"], heart_eyes: ["smiling_face_with_heart_eyes"], face_blowing_a_kiss: ["kissing_heart"], kissing_face: ["kissing"], kissing_face_with_closed_eyes: ["kissing_closed_eyes"], kissing_face_with_smiling_eyes: ["kissing_smiling_eyes"], face_savoring_food: ["yum"], face_with_tongue: ["stuck_out_tongue"], winking_face_with_tongue: ["stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye"], zany_face: ["crazy_face"], squinting_face_with_tongue: ["stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes"], expressionless_face: ["expressionless"], face_without_mouth: ["no_mouth"], smirking_face: ["smirk"], unamused_face: ["unamused"], grimacing: ["grimacing_face"], relieved_face: ["relieved", "relaxed"], pensive_face: ["pensive"], sleepy_face: ["sleepy"], sleeping_face: ["sleeping"], face_with_medical_mask: ["mask"], face_with_crossed_out_eyes: ["dizzy_face"], confused: ["confused_face"], worried: ["worried_face"], open_mouth: ["face_with_open_mouth"], hushed_face: ["hushed"], astonished_face: ["astonished"], flushed_face: ["flushed"], frowning_face_with_open_mouth: ["frowning_with_open_mouth"], anguished_face: ["anguished"], fearful: ["fearful_face"], anxious_face_with_sweat: ["cold_sweat"], sad_but_relieved_face: ["disappointed_relieved"], cry: ["crying_face"], sob: ["loudly_crying_face"], scream: ["face_screaming_in_fear"], confounded_face: ["confounded"], persevering_face: ["persevere"], disappointed_face: ["disappointed"], downcast_face_with_sweat: ["sweat"], weary_face: ["weary"], face_with_steam_from_nose: ["triumph"], enraged_face: ["rage"], angry: ["angry_face"], face_with_symbols_on_mouth: ["face_with_symbols_over_mouth"], smiling_face_with_horns: ["smiling_imp"], angry_face_with_horns: ["imp"], ogre: ["japanese_ogre"], goblin: ["japanese_goblin"], alien_monster: ["space_invader"], grinning_cat: ["smiley_cat"], grinning_cat_with_smiling_eyes: ["smile_cat"], joy_cat: ["cat_with_tears_of_joy"], smiling_cat_with_heart_eyes: ["heart_eyes_cat"], cat_with_wry_smile: ["smirk_cat"], weary_cat: ["scream_cat"], crying_cat: ["crying_cat_face"], see_no_evil_monkey: ["see_no_evil"], hear_no_evil_monkey: ["hear_no_evil"], speak_no_evil_monkey: ["speak_no_evil"], heart_with_arrow: ["cupid"], heart_with_ribbon: ["gift_heart"], growing_heart: ["heartpulse"], beating_heart: ["heartbeat"], heart_exclamation: ["heavy_heart_exclamation", "heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament",], heart: ["red_heart"], 100: ["hundred_points"], anger_symbol: ["anger"], collision: ["boom"], sweat_droplets: ["sweat_drops"], dashing_away: ["dash"], waving_hand: ["wave"], victory_hand: ["v"], backhand_index_pointing_left: ["point_left"], backhand_index_pointing_right: ["point_right"], backhand_index_pointing_up: ["point_up_2"], backhand_index_pointing_down: ["point_down"], index_pointing_up: ["point_up"], "+1": ["thumbs_up", "thumbsup"], "-1": ["thumbs_down", "thumbsdown"], raised_fist: ["fist"], oncoming_fist: ["facepunch", "punch"], left_facing_fist: ["fist_left"], right_facing_fist: ["fist_right"], clap: ["clapping_hands"], raising_hands: ["raised_hands"], folded_hands: ["pray"], nail_polish: ["nail_care"], flexed_biceps: ["muscle"], ear_with_hearing_aid: ["hear_with_hearing_aid"], mouth: ["lips"], person: ["adult"], person_blond_hair: ["person_with_blond_hair"], person_beard: ["bearded_person"], man_red_hair: ["man_red_haired"], man_curly_hair: ["man_curly_haired"], man_white_hair: ["man_white_haired"], woman_red_hair: ["woman_red_haired"], woman_curly_hair: ["woman_curly_haired"], woman_white_hair: ["woman_white_haired"], blonde_woman: ["woman_blond_hair"], blonde_man: ["man_blond_hair"], older_person: ["old_person", "older_adult"], man_frowning: ["frowning_man"], woman_frowning: ["frowning_woman"], man_pouting: ["pouting_man"], woman_pouting: ["pouting_woman"], person_pouting: ["person_with_pouting_face"], man_gesturing_no: ["no_good_man"], woman_gesturing_no: ["no_good_woman"], person_gesturing_no: ["no_good"], man_gesturing_ok: ["ok_man"], woman_gesturing_ok: ["ok_woman"], man_tipping_hand: ["tipping_hand_man"], woman_tipping_hand: ["tipping_hand_woman"], person_tipping_hand: ["information_desk_person"], man_raising_hand: ["raising_hand_man"], woman_raising_hand: ["raising_hand_woman"], person_raising_hand: ["raising_hand"], woman_bowing: ["bowing_woman"], woman_police_officer: ["policewoman"], woman_detective: ["female_detective"], guard: ["guardsman"], woman_guard: ["guardswoman"], person_with_skullcap: ["man_with_gua_pi_mao"], letruction_worker_man: ["man_letruction_worker"], letruction_worker_woman: ["woman_letruction_worker"], woman_wearing_turban: ["woman_with_turban"], man_wearing_turban: ["man_with_turban"], person_with_veil: ["bride_with_veil"], baby_angel: ["angel"], santa_claus: ["santa"], merperson: ["mermaid"], man_getting_massage: ["massage_man"], woman_getting_massage: ["massage_woman", "massage"], person_getting_haircut: ["haircut"], man_getting_haircut: ["haircut_man"], woman_getting_haircut: ["haircut_woman"], woman_walking: ["walking_woman"], man_with_white_cane: ["man_with_probing_cane"], woman_with_white_cane: ["woman_with_probing_cane"], woman_running: ["running_woman"], man_running: ["running_man", "runner"], woman_dancing: ["dancer"], people_with_bunny_ears: ["dancing_women", "dancers"], person_in_suit_levitating: ["business_suit_levitating", "man_in_business_suit_levitating", "levitate",], men_with_bunny_ears: ["dancing_men"], woman_golfing: ["golfing_woman"], woman_surfing: ["surfing_woman"], woman_rowing_boat: ["rowing_woman"], woman_swimming: ["swimming_woman"], man_swimming: ["swimming_man", "swimmer"], woman_bouncing_ball: ["basketball_woman"], woman_lifting_weights: ["weight_lifting_woman"], man_lifting_weights: ["weight_lifting_man"], man_biking: ["biking_man", "bicyclist"], woman_biking: ["biking_woman"], woman_mountain_biking: ["mountain_biking_woman"], man_mountain_biking: ["mountain_biking_man", "mountain_bicyclist"], person_taking_bath: ["bath"], women_holding_hands: ["two_women_holding_hands"], woman_and_man_holding_hands: ["couple"], men_holding_hands: ["two_men_holding_hands"], family: ["family_man_woman_boy"], dog: ["dog2"], cat: ["cat2"], tiger: ["tiger2"], horse: ["racehorse"], cow: ["cow2"], pig: ["pig2"], fox: ["fox_face"], ewe: ["sheep"], camel: ["dromedary_camel"], mouse: ["mouse2"], rabbit: ["rabbit2"], panda: ["panda_face"], front_facing_baby_chick: ["hatched_chick"], spouting_whale: ["whale2"], spiral_shell: ["shell"], sheaf_of_rice: ["ear_of_rice"], leaf_fluttering_in_wind: ["leaves"], red_apple: ["apple"], ear_of_corn: ["corn"], cheese_wedge: ["cheese"], french_fries: ["fries"], hot_dog: ["hotdog"], cooking: ["fried_egg"], pot_of_food: ["stew"], bento_box: ["bento"], cooked_rice: ["rice"], curry_rice: ["curry"], steaming_bowl: ["ramen"], roasted_sweet_potato: ["sweet_potato"], fish_cake_with_swirl: ["fish_cake"], soft_ice_cream: ["icecream"], birthday_cake: ["birthday"], shortcake: ["cake"], glass_of_milk: ["milk_glass"], hot_beverage: ["coffee"], teacup_without_handle: ["tea"], bottle_with_popping_cork: ["champagne"], cocktail_glass: ["cocktail"], beer_mug: ["beer"], clinking_beer_mugs: ["beers"], mate: ["maté"], ice: ["ice_cube"], shushing_face: ["sushing_face"], fork_and_knife_with_plate: ["fork_knife_plate", "plate_with_cutlery"], kitchen_knife: ["hocho", "knife"], globe_showing_europe_africa: ["earth_africa"], globe_showing_americas: ["earth_americas"], globe_showing_asia_australia: ["earth_asia"], snow_capped_mountain: ["mountain_snow"], beach_with_umbrella: ["beach_umbrella", "parasol_on_ground", "beach"], office_building: ["office"], post_office: ["european_post_office"], castle: ["european_castle"], sunset: ["city_sunrise"], hot_springs: ["hotsprings"], barber_pole: ["barber"], locomotive: ["steam_locomotive"], high_speed_train: ["bullettrain_side"], bullet_train: ["bullettrain_front"], train: ["train2"], automobile: ["red_car", "car"], sport_utility_vehicle: ["blue_car"], delivery_truck: ["truck"], bicycle: ["bike"], bus_stop: ["busstop"], fuel_pump: ["fuelpump"], police_car_light: ["rotating_light"], horizontal_traffic_light: ["traffic_light"], airplane_departure: ["flight_departure"], airplane_arrival: ["flight_arrival", "airplane_arriving"], hourglass_done: ["hourglass"], hourglass_not_done: ["hourglass_flowing_sand"], twelve_o_clock: ["clock12"], twelve_thirty: ["clock1230"], one_o_clock: ["clock1"], one_thirty: ["clock130"], two_o_clock: ["clock2"], two_thirty: ["clock230"], three_o_clock: ["clock3"], three_thirty: ["clock330"], four_o_clock: ["clock4"], four_thirty: ["clock430"], five_o_clock: ["clock5"], five_thirty: ["clock530"], six_o_clock: ["clock6"], six_thirty: ["clock630"], seven_o_clock: ["clock7"], seven_thirty: ["clock730"], eight_o_clock: ["clock8"], eight_thirty: ["clock830"], nine_o_clock: ["clock9"], nine_thirty: ["clock930"], ten_o_clock: ["clock10"], ten_thirty: ["clock1030"], eleven_o_clock: ["clock11"], eleven_thirty: ["clock1130"], new_moon_face: ["new_moon_with_face"], first_quarter_moon_face: ["first_quarter_moon_with_face"], last_quarter_moon_face: ["last_quarter_moon_with_face"], sun: ["sunny"], full_moon_face: ["full_moon_with_face"], ringed_planet: ["ringer_planet"], glowing_star: ["star2"], shooting_star: ["stars"], high_voltage: ["zap"], snowman: ["snowman_with_snow"], snowman_without_snow: ["snowman2"], ocean: ["water_wave"], party_popper: ["tada"], pine_decoration: ["bamboo"], japanese_dolls: ["dolls"], carp_streamer: ["flags"], moon_viewing_ceremony: ["rice_scene"], red_envelope: ["red_gift_envelope"], wrapped_gift: ["gift"], admission_tickets: ["tickets"], soccer_ball: ["soccer"], american_football: ["football"], in_hole: ["golf"], fishing_pole: ["fishing_pole_and_fish"], running_shirt: ["running_shirt_with_sash"], skis: ["ski"], bullseye: ["dart"], yoyo: ["yo_yo", "yo-yo"], water_pistol: ["gun"], pool_8_ball: ["8ball"], puzzle_piece: ["jigsaw"], spade_suit: ["spades"], heart_suit: ["hearts"], diamond_suit: ["diamonds"], club_suit: ["clubs"], joker: ["black_joker"], mahjong_red_dragon: ["mahjong"], artist_palette: ["art"], glasses: ["eyeglasses"], sunglasses: ["dark_sunglasses"], t_shirt: ["tshirt", "shirt"], woman_s_clothes: ["womans_clothes"], clutch_bag: ["pouch"], shopping_bags: ["shopping"], backpack: ["school_satchel"], man_s_shoe: ["mans_shoe"], running_shoe: ["athletic_shoe"], high_heeled_shoe: ["high_heel"], woman_s_sandal: ["sandal"], woman_s_boot: ["boot"], woman_s_hat: ["womans_hat"], top_hat: ["tophat"], graduation_cap: ["mortar_board"], rescue_worker_s_helmet: ["rescue_worker_helmet", "helmet_with_cross", "helmet_with_white_cross",], gem_stone: ["gem"], muted_speaker: ["mute"], speaker_low_volume: ["speaker"], speaker_medium_volume: ["sound"], speaker_high_volume: ["loud_sound"], megaphone: ["mega"], bell_with_slash: ["no_bell"], musical_notes: ["notes"], headphone: ["headphones"], mobile_phone: ["iphone"], mobile_phone_with_arrow: ["calling"], telephone: ["phone"], fax_machine: ["fax"], laptop: ["computer"], computer_disk: ["minidisc"], optical_disk: ["cd"], film_frames: ["film_strip"], clapper_board: ["clapper"], television: ["tv"], camera_with_flash: ["camera_flash"], videocassette: ["vhs"], magnifying_glass_tilted_left: ["mag"], magnifying_glass_tilted_right: ["mag_right"], light_bulb: ["bulb"], red_paper_lantern: ["izakaya_lantern"], rolled_up_newspaper: ["newspaper_roll", "newspaper2"], money_bag: ["moneybag"], yen_banknote: ["yen"], dollar_banknote: ["dollar"], euro_banknote: ["euro"], pound_banknote: ["pound"], chart_increasing_with_yen: ["chart"], closed_mailbox_with_raised_flag: ["mailbox"], closed_mailbox_with_lowered_flag: ["mailbox_closed"], open_mailbox_with_raised_flag: ["mailbox_with_mail"], open_mailbox_with_lowered_flag: ["mailbox_with_no_mail"], ballot_box_with_ballot: ["ballot_box"], pencil: ["pencil2"], date: ["calendar"], tear_off_calendar: ["calendar"], chart_increasing: ["chart_with_upwards_trend"], chart_decreasing: ["chart_with_downwards_trend"], linked_paperclips: ["paperclips"], locked: ["lock"], unlocked: ["unlock"], locked_with_pen: ["lock_with_ink_pen"], locked_with_key: ["closed_lock_with_key"], white_cane: ["probing_cane"], roll_of_paper: ["roll_of_toilet_paper"], cigarette: ["smoking"], moai: ["moyai"], atm_sign: ["atm"], litter_in_bin_sign: ["put_litter_in_its_place"], wheelchair_symbol: ["wheelchair"], men_s_room: ["mens"], women_s_room: ["womens"], water_closet: ["wc"], prohibited: ["no_entry_sign"], no_littering: ["do_not_litter"], non_potable_water: ["non-potable_water"], no_one_under_eighteen: ["underage"], up_arrow: ["arrow_up"], up_right_arrow: ["arrow_upper_right"], right_arrow: ["arrow_right"], down_right_arrow: ["arrow_lower_right"], down_arrow: ["arrow_down"], down_left_arrow: ["arrow_lower_left"], left_arrow: ["arrow_left"], up_left_arrow: ["arrow_upper_left"], up_down_arrow: ["arrow_up_down"], right_arrow_curving_left: ["leftwards_arrow_with_hook"], left_arrow_curving_right: ["arrow_right_hook"], right_arrow_curving_up: ["arrow_heading_up"], right_arrow_curving_down: ["arrow_heading_down"], clockwise_vertical_arrows: ["arrows_clockwise"], counterclockwise_arrows_button: ["arrows_counterclockwise"], back_arrow: ["back"], end_arrow: ["end"], on_arrow: ["on"], soon_arrow: ["soon"], top_arrow: ["top"], dotted_six_pointed_star: ["six_pointed_star"], scorpio: ["scorpius"], shuffle_tracks_button: ["twisted_rightwards_arrows"], repeat_button: ["repeat"], repeat_single_button: ["repeat_one"], play_button: ["arrow_forward"], fast_forward_button: ["fast_forward"], reverse_button: ["arrow_backward"], fast_reverse_button: ["rewind"], last_track_button: ["previous_track_button", "track_previous", "previous_track",], upwards_button: ["arrow_up_small"], fast_up_button: ["arrow_double_up"], downwards_button: ["arrow_down_small"], fast_down_button: ["arrow_double_down"], dim_button: ["low_brightness"], bright_button: ["high_brightness"], antenna_bars: ["signal_strength"], multiply: ["heavy_multiplication_x"], plus: ["heavy_plus_sign"], minus: ["heavy_minus_sign"], divide: ["heavy_division_sign"], double_exclamation_mark: ["bangbang"], exclamation_question_mark: ["interrobang"], red_question_mark: ["question"], white_question_mark: ["grey_question"], white_exclamation_mark: ["grey_exclamation"], red_exclamation_mark: ["exclamation"], recycling_symbol: ["recycle"], trident_emblem: ["trident"], japanese_symbol_for_beginner: ["beginner"], hollow_red_circle: ["o"], white_check_mark: ["check_mark_button"], check_box_with_check: ["ballot_box_with_check"], check_mark: ["heavy_check_mark"], cross_mark: ["x"], cross_mark_button: ["negative_squared_cross_mark"], double_curly_loop: ["loop"], eight_pointed_star: ["eight_pointed_black_star"], trade_mark: ["tm"], hash: ["keycap_hash", "keycap_#"], asterisk: ["keycap_asterisk", "keycap_*", "keycap_star"], zero: ["keycap_0"], one: ["keycap_1"], two: ["keycap_2"], three: ["keycap_3"], four: ["keycap_4"], five: ["keycap_5"], six: ["keycap_6"], seven: ["keycap_7"], eight: ["keycap_8"], nine: ["keycap_9"], ten: ["keycap_10", "keycap_ten"], input_latin_uppercase: ["capital_abcd"], input_latin_lowercase: ["abcd"], 1234: ["input_numbers"], input_symbols: ["symbols"], input_latin_letters: ["abc"], a_button_blood_type: ["a"], ab_button_blood_type: ["ab"], b_button_blood_type: ["b"], cl_button: ["cl"], cool_button: ["cool"], free_button: ["free"], information_source: ["information"], id_button: ["id"], circled_m: ["m"], new_button: ["new"], ng_button: ["ng"], o_button_blood_type: ["o2"], ok_button: ["ok"], p_button: ["parking"], sos_button: ["sos"], up_button: ["up"], vs_button: ["vs"], japanese_vacancy_button: ["u7a7a"], japanese_discount_button: ["u5272"], japanese_here_button: ["koko"], japanese_not_free_of_charge_button: ["sa", "u6709", "japanese_service_charge_button",], japanese_application_button: ["u7533"], japanese_bargain_button: ["ideograph_advantage"], japanese_prohibited_button: ["u7981"], japanese_acceptable_button: ["accept", "u6709"], japanese_congratulations_button: ["congratulations"], japanese_secret_button: ["secret"], japanese_open_for_business_button: ["u55b6"], japanese_monthly_amount_button: ["u6708"], japanese_passing_grade_button: ["u5408"], japanese_no_vacancy_button: ["u6e80"], japanese_free_of_charge_button: ["u7121"], japanese_reserved_button: ["u6307"], blue_circle: ["large_blue_circle"], red_triangle_pointed_up: ["small_red_triangle"], red_triangle_pointed_down: ["small_red_triangle_down"], diamond_with_a_dot: ["diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside"], chequered_flag: ["checkered_flag"], triangular_flag: ["triangular_flag_on_post"], åland_islands: ["aland_islands"], cocos_keeling_islands: ["cocos_islands"], cote_d_ivoire: ["cote_divoire"], china: ["cn", "flag_cn"], curaçao: ["curacao"], czechia: ["czech_republic"], germany: ["de", "flag_de"], ceuta_melilla: ["ceuta_and_melilla"], spain: ["es", "flag_es"], european_union: ["eu"], france: ["fr", "flag_fr"], hong_kong_sar_china: ["hong_kong"], heard_mcdonald_islands: ["heard_and_mc_donald_islands"], italy: ["it", "flag_it"], japan: ["jp", "flag_jp"], south_korea: ["kr", "flag_kr"], north_macedonia: ["macedonia"], myanmar_burma: ["myanmar"], macao_sar_china: ["macau"], russia: ["ru", "flag_ru"], svalbard_jan_mayen: ["svalbard_and_jan_mayen"], eswatini: ["swaziland"], turkiye: ["tr"], united_states: ["us", "flag_us"], united_kingdom: ["uk", "gb", "flag_gb"], };
			let resolvedEmojiName = Object.keys(emojiAliases).find((key) =>
			) || emojiName;
			return Object.keys(emojiReplacements).find(
				(key) => emojiReplacements[key] === resolvedEmojiName
		isMeaninglessReply(content) {
			// 此处 代码/正则 来源于 “Linux Do 量子速读” 脚本
			// 本脚本对部分条目做了优化
			let cleanContent = content.replace(/\s+/g, '').trim();
			if (cleanContent.length <= 30) {
				let matchedPattern = [
					// 基础表情和重复字符
					/^[。.…~~]+$/, // 省略号
					/^.*[哈嘿呵h]{2,}$/i, // 笑声
					/^.*[6666]{2,}$/, // 666
					/^.{1,8}[??!!.。]{2,}$/, // 连续的标点符号
					/^.*[::][++]1[::]$/, // :+1:
					/^.*(\s*:[\w-]+:\s*){1,}$/, // 纯表情符号
					// 单字重复
					/^.{1,8}(.)\1{1,}$/, // 任何字符重复
					// 感谢类 感谢@hanhai贡献补充规则
					// 支持类 感谢@hanhai贡献补充规则
					// 称赞类
					/^.*[牛nb]{1,}[bB呀啊哇plus]{0,5}$/, // 牛b,nbbb,牛逼plus等
					// 楼层相关
					// 佬相关
					// 其他常见短语
					// 表情符号组合
					/^.*(:[++]1:\s*){1,}$/, // 连续的 :+1: 表情
					/^.*[::][^\s]{1,10}[::](\s*[::][^\s]{1,10}[::])*$/, // 任意表情符号组合
					// 其它
					"来了", "太强", "哈哈哈", "红红火火", "牛啊", "好好好", "重生了", "来啦", "cy", "插眼", "mark", "Mark", "tql", "始皇"
				].find(pattern => {
					if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
						return pattern.test(cleanContent);
					} else if (cleanContent.length <= 20) {
						return cleanContent.toLowerCase().includes(pattern.toLowerCase());
					} else {
						return false;

				if (matchedPattern || cleanContent.length <= 15) {
					console.log(cleanContent, "\n:命中规则:\n", (matchedPattern ? matchedPattern : "length <= 15"))
					return true;
			return false;
		formatDate(isoString) {
			let date = new Date(isoString);
			let fYear = date.getFullYear();
			let fMouth = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, "0");
			let fDay = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, "0");

			let hours = date.getHours();
			let isPM = hours >= 12;
			hours = hours % 12 || 12;

			let fHours = String(hours).padStart(2, "0");
			let fMinutes = String(date.getMinutes()).padStart(2, "0");
			let fSeconds = String(date.getSeconds()).padStart(2, "0");
			let period = isPM ? "下午" : "上午";
			return `${fYear}/${fMouth}/${fDay} ${period} ${fHours}:${fMinutes}:${fSeconds}`;
		formatTimestamp(dateString) {
			if (typeof dateString !== 'string') {
				return null;
			let cDateString = dateString.replace(/\s+/g, '').trim();
			let dateMatch = cDateString.match(/^(\d{4})年(\d{1,2})月(\d{1,2})日(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/);
			if (!dateMatch) {
				return null;
			try {
				let [_, year, month, day, hours, minutes] =;
				let date = new Date(year, month - 1, day, hours, minutes);
				if (isNaN(date.getTime())) {
					return null;
				return date.getTime();
			} catch (error) {
				return null;
		createFloatingButton(config) {
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					if (onCheck()) {
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				if (onCheck()) {;
			} else {
				button.attr("style", "")

	// 功能函数
	let discourse = {
		addMenu() {
			base.waitForKeyElements('body', (element) => {
				if ($("#discourseHelper").length > 0) return;
				let menu = $(`<div id="discourseHelper"></div>`)
				let buttons = $(`<div id="floating-nav"></div>`)

					id: 'backToTop',
					title: '回到顶部',
					icon: 'arrow-up',
					onClick: () => {
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					onCheck: () => {
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						if (scrollTop > 500) {
							return true
						} else {
							return false

					id: 'createTopic',
					title: '新建话题',
					icon: 'far-pen-to-square',
					onClick: () => $("#create-topic").click(),
					onCheck: () => $("#create-topic").length > 0

					id: 'replyTopic',
					title: '回复话题',
					icon: 'reply',
					onClick: () => $(".reply-to-post").click(),
					onCheck: () => {
						return $(".reply-to-post").length > 0

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						id: 'filterByOP',
						title: '只看题主',
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							} else if (!isEnabled && styleElement) {
								styleElement = null;
						onCheck: () => $(".post-stream").length > 0 && $(".post-stream .topic-post").length > 0

				if (GM_getValue("filterBySelf") === "true") {
					let styleElement = null;
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						id: 'filterBySelf',
						title: '只看自己',
						icon: 'user-group',
						onClick: ({ button }) => {
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						onCheck: () => $(".post-stream").length > 0 && $(".post-stream .topic-post").length > 0

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								if (startTime === null) {
									startTime =;
								if ( - startTime >= Number(GM_getValue("autoReaderWait")) * 1000) {
									isEnabled = false;
									startTime = null;
									button.find("use").attr("xlink:href", "#play");
							} else {
								startTime = null;

						id: 'autoReader',
						title: '自动滚动',
						icon: 'play',
						onClick: ({ button }) => {
							isEnabled = !isEnabled;
							if (isEnabled) {
								startTime = null; // 重置开始时间
								button.find("use").attr("xlink:href", "#pause");
							} else {
								startTime = null;
								button.find("use").attr("xlink:href", "#play");

					id: 'helperSettings',
					title: '助手设置',
					icon: 'gear',
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									<span class="title">设置</span>
									<span class="date">/</span>
								<div class="dialog-body control-group">
									<div class="controls">
											<span>话题 - 列表隐藏 “回复” 列<br/><small>隐藏回复数量</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="hideRepliesColumn">
											<span>话题 - 列表隐藏 “浏览量” 列<br/><small>隐藏浏览量</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="hideViewsColumn">
											<span>话题 - 列表隐藏 “活动” 列<br/><small>隐藏时间</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="hideActivityColumn">
											<span>话题 - 列表 “活动” 列添加创建时间<br/><small>同时还会标注坟贴</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-parent-setting="hideActivityColumn,false" data-setting="showTopicCreatedTime">
											<span>帖子 - 在新标签页中打开链接<br/><small>仅适用于站内的 “话题”、“类别” 链接</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="topicNewTab">
											<span>帖子 - “预览” 按钮<br/><small>通过弹窗预览话题前 20 条帖子<br/>按钮图标为 “<svg class="fa d-icon svg-icon svg-string" xmlns=""><use href="#eye"></use></svg>”,通常出现于话题标题或者链接附近</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="previewTopic">
											<span>帖子 - “楼层” 显示<br/><small>会出现在帖子时间的右侧</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="topicFloorIndicator">
											<span>帖子 - 限高<br/><small>限制帖子内容的高度,超出则独立显示滚动条</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="autoHeight">
											<span>帖子 - 展开回复<br/><small>不建议启用,开启后可能会导致无法保存编辑后的评论<br/>自动展开帖子回复列表</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="expandReply">
										<label class="checkbox-label">
											<span>帖子 - 折叠无用内容<br/><small>通过正则识别自动折叠缩小无用帖子<br/>正则规则及部分代码来源于 “<a href="" target="_blank">LinuxDo 量子速读</a>”</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="foldUselessReply">
										<label class="checkbox-label">
											<span>帖子 - 折叠后透明<br/><small>将折叠后的帖子内容变为半透明</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-parent-setting="foldUselessReply,true" data-setting="foldUselessReplyOpacity">
											<span>页面 - 表情替换<br/><small>切换 Emoji 表情的风格</small></span>
											<select data-setting="replaceEmoji">
												<option value="false">关闭</option>
												<option value="system">替换为字符</option>
												<option value="unicode">通用 Unicode</option>
												<option value="noto">谷歌(Noto Emoji)</option>
												<option value="fluentui">微软(FluentUI)</option>
												<option value="twemoji">推特(Twitter Emoji)</option>
												<option value="openmoji">OpenMoji</option>
											<span>页面 - 主题替换<br/><small>切换论坛界面主题风格<br/>主题均已经过额外的界面优化</small></span>
											<select data-setting="replaceTheme">
												<option value="false">关闭</option>
												<option value="custom">自定义背景</option>
												<option value="discourse">Discourse Meta (</option>
												<option value="openai">OpenAI 开发者社区 (</option>
												<option value="docker">Docker 社区 (</option>
												<option value="huggingface">HuggingFace 社区 (</option>
												<option value="ubuntu">Ubuntu 社区 (</option>
												<option value="googleaidevs">Google AI 开发者社区 (</option>
												<option value="googleaidevs_old">Google AI 开发者社区旧版 (</option>
												<option value="unity">Unity 社区 (</option>
												<option value="godot">Godot 社区 (</option>
												<option value="ksec">KSEC 安全社区 (</option>
											<span>页面 - 背景替换<br/><small>输入 <code>http</code> 或 <code>data</code> 开头的图片链接<br/>或者输入 <code>bing</code> 使用必应每日壁纸</small></span>
											<input type="text" data-parent-setting="replaceTheme,custom" data-setting="replaceBackground">
											<span>页面 - 文本排印优化<br/><small>使用 “<a title="又称 Pangu.js" href="" target="_blank">為什麼你們就是不能加個空格呢?</a>” 自动为文本加入空格。</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="optimizePageText">
											<span>页面 - “新标签页” 指示<br/><small>为可以于新标签页打开的链接增加箭头指示</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="newTabIndicator">
											<span>编辑 - “关闭” 按钮<br/><small>把关闭的文本变成实体按钮</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="a11yCloseButton">
											<span>编辑 - “排印优化” 按钮<br/><small>部分浏览器优化后会无法撤回</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="optimizeEditorButton">
											<span>编辑 - “日语优化” 按钮<br/><small>部分浏览器优化后会无法撤回</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="japaneseEditorButton">
											<span>菜单 - 只看题主<br/><small>在浏览帖子时会在右下菜单显示此按钮<br/>如果话题帖子较多,则可能会导致浏览器卡顿</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="filterByOP">
											<span>菜单 - 只看自己<br/><small>在浏览帖子时会在右下菜单显示此按钮<br/>如果话题帖子较多,则可能会导致浏览器卡顿</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="filterBySelf">
											<span>菜单 - 自动滚动<br/><small>启用后可通过右下菜单中的按钮控制页面自动滚动状态</small></span>
											<input type="checkbox" data-setting="autoReader">
											<span>功能 - 自动滚动 - 速度<br/><small>滚动的速度</small></span>
											<input type="number" min="1" step="1" data-parent-setting="autoReader,true" data-setting="autoReaderSpeed">
											<span>功能 - 自动滚动 - 等待<br/><small>滚动到底部后要等待几秒再停止</small></span>
											<input type="number" min="2" data-parent-setting="autoReader,true" data-setting="autoReaderWait">
									<div align="center">
										<label class="button" id="author">
										<label class="button" id="name">
										<label class="button" id="version">
										<label class="button" id="handlerName">
										<label class="button" id="handlerVersion">
									<div id="debug" align="center" style="display: none;">
										<button id="previewDebug" class="btn btn-icon-text" type="button">
											<svg class="fa d-icon svg-icon svg-string" xmlns=""><use href="#bug"></use></svg>
											<span class="d-button-label">Preview Debug</span>
										<button id="symbolDebug" class="btn btn-icon-text" type="button">
											<svg class="fa d-icon svg-icon svg-string" xmlns=""><use href="#bug"></use></svg>
											<span class="d-button-label">Symbol Debug</span>
								<div class="dialog-footer">
									<span style="color: var(--primary-high);">刷新后生效</span>
										<button id="refreshButton" class="btn btn-icon-text" type="button">
											<svg class="fa d-icon svg-icon svg-string" xmlns=""><use href="#arrows-rotate"></use></svg>
											<span class="d-button-label">刷新</span>
										<button id="closeButton" class="btn btn-icon-text btn-primary" type="button">
											<svg class="fa d-icon svg-icon svg-string" xmlns=""><use href="#xmark"></use></svg>
											<span class="d-button-label">关闭</span>
						helperSettings.find("#closeButton").on("click", (event) => {
							if (timer) clearInterval(timer)
						helperSettings.find("#refreshButton").on("click", (event) => {
							helperSettings.find(".dialog-content .dialog-body").html(`<section id="d-splash">
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									#d-splash .preloader .dots{animation-name:d-splash-loader;animation-timing-function:ease-in-out;animation-duration:2s;animation-iteration-count:infinite;animation-delay:calc(var(--n) * 0.15s);position:absolute;top:calc(50% - var(--splash-dot-size) / 2);left:calc((50% - var(--splash-dot-size) / 2) + (var(--n) * var(--splash-dot-spacing)));transform-origin:calc((var(--splash-dot-spacing) * var(--n) * -1) + var(--splash-dot-size)/2) center;width:var(--splash-dot-size);height:var(--splash-dot-size);border-radius:50%;background-color:var(--dot-color);filter:saturate(2) opacity(0.85);opacity:0}
									@keyframes d-splash-fade-in{0%{opacity:0}100%{opacity:1}}
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								<div class="preloader" elementtiming="discourse-splash-visible">
									<div class="dots" style="--n:-3;"></div>
									<div class="dots" style="--n:-2;"></div>
									<div class="dots" style="--n:-1;"></div>
									<div class="dots" style="--n:0;"></div>
									<div class="dots" style="--n:1;"></div>
									<div class="dots" style="--n:2;"></div>
									<div class="dots" style="--n:3;"></div>
							base.showToast("刷新中...", 10000);

						let clickCount = 0;
						helperSettings.find("#version").on("click", (event) => {
							let stepsRemaining = 5 - clickCount;
							if (stepsRemaining > 0) {
								base.showToast(`你现在只需再执行 ${stepsRemaining} 步操作即可进入开发者模式。`);
							} else {
						helperSettings.find("#symbolDebug").on("click", (event) => {
							let symbols = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('symbol'));
							if (symbols.length > 0 === 0) {
								alert('未找到任何 <symbol> 元素');

							let newDoc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('Symbol 预览器');
							newDoc.head.innerHTML = document.head.innerHTML;
							newDoc.title = "Symbol 预览器"
							let newBody = newDoc.body; = '20px'; = '20px'; = '#2d303e'; = 'Arial, sans-serif';

							let container = newDoc.createElement('div'); = 'grid'; = 'repeat(auto-fill, minmax(100px, 1fr))'; = '40px'; = 'center'; = 'center';

							symbols.forEach((symbol, index) => {
								let id = || `symbol-auto-${index}`;
								symbol.setAttribute('id', id);

								let svg = newDoc.createElementNS('', 'svg');
								svg.setAttribute('id', id);
								svg.setAttribute('width', '80');
								svg.setAttribute('height', '80'); = '#2d303e'; = '#bd93f9'; = '10px'; = 'border-box';

								if (symbol.hasAttribute('viewBox')) {
									svg.setAttribute('viewBox', symbol.getAttribute('viewBox'));

								let content = symbol.cloneNode(true);
								while (content.firstChild) {

								let wrapper = newDoc.createElement('div'); = 'center';

								let label = newDoc.createElement('div');
								label.textContent = id; = '5px'; = '12px'; = '#fff';


							let previewWindow ='', '_blank');
						helperSettings.find("#previewDebug").on("click", (event) => {
							setInterval(() => {
								$("[href='#circle']").each(function () {
								$(".chat-channel-unread-indicator, .show-more.has-topics, .topic-post-badges").each(function () {
								$(".nav-item_new > a").text("新")
								$(".nav-item_unread > a").text("未读")
							}, 1000)
							if (timer) clearInterval(timer)

						function checkParentSettings() {
							helperSettings.find(".controls [data-parent-setting]").each(function () {
								let parentSetting = $(this).data("parent-setting");
								let [parentKey, expectedValue] = parentSetting.split(",");
								if (GM_getValue(parentKey) === expectedValue) {
								} else {

						helperSettings.find(".controls input[type='checkbox']").each(function () {
							let settingKey = $(this).data("setting");
							let settingValue = GM_getValue(settingKey);
							$(this).prop("checked", settingValue === true || settingValue === "true");
						helperSettings.find(".controls select").each(function () {
							let settingKey = $(this).data("setting");
							let settingValue = GM_getValue(settingKey);
						helperSettings.find(".controls input[type='number']").each(function () {
							let settingKey = $(this).data("setting");
							let settingValue = GM_getValue(settingKey);
							if (settingValue !== undefined && settingValue !== null) {
						helperSettings.find(".controls input[type='text']").each(function () {
							let settingKey = $(this).data("setting");
							let settingValue = GM_getValue(settingKey);
							if (settingValue !== undefined && settingValue !== null) {

						helperSettings.find(".controls input[type='checkbox']").on("change", function () {
							let settingKey = $(this).data("setting");
							let newValue = $(this).is(":checked");
							GM_setValue(settingKey, newValue.toString());
						helperSettings.find(".controls select").on("change", function () {
							let settingKey = $(this).data("setting");
							let newValue = $(this).val();
							GM_setValue(settingKey, newValue.toString());
						helperSettings.find(".controls input[type='number']").on("change", function () {
							let element = $(this);
							let settingKey ="setting");
							let newValue = parseFloat(element.val());
							let minValue = parseFloat(element.attr("min"));
							let maxValue = parseFloat(element.attr("max"));

							if (!isNaN(newValue)) {
								if (minValue && newValue < minValue) newValue = minValue;
								if (maxValue && newValue > maxValue) newValue = maxValue;

								GM_setValue(settingKey, newValue.toString());
							} else {
						helperSettings.find(".controls input[type='text']").on("change", function () {
							let settingKey = $(this).data("setting");
							let newValue = $(this).val();
							GM_setValue(settingKey, newValue.toString());

						timer = setInterval(() => {
							helperSettings.find(".dialog-content .dialog-header > .date").text(base.formatDate(
						}, 500)
			}, true);
		addStyle() {
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212.2zM0 128C0 92.7 28.7 64 64 64l384 0c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64l0 256c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64L64 448c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64L0 128z"></path></symbol><symbol id="far-eye"viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M288 80c-65.2 0-118.8 29.6-159.9 67.7C89.6 183.5 63 226 49.4 256c13.6 30 40.2 72.5 78.6 108.3C169.2 402.4 222.8 432 288 432s118.8-29.6 159.9-67.7C486.4 328.5 513 286 526.6 256c-13.6-30-40.2-72.5-78.6-108.3C406.8 109.6 353.2 80 288 80zM95.4 112.6C142.5 68.8 207.2 32 288 32s145.5 36.8 192.6 80.6c46.8 43.5 78.1 95.4 93 131.1c3.3 7.9 3.3 16.7 0 24.6c-14.9 35.7-46.2 87.7-93 131.1C433.5 443.2 368.8 480 288 480s-145.5-36.8-192.6-80.6C48.6 356 17.3 304 2.5 268.3c-3.3-7.9-3.3-16.7 0-24.6C17.3 208 48.6 156 95.4 112.6zM288 336c44.2 0 80-35.8 80-80s-35.8-80-80-80c-.7 0-1.3 0-2 0c1.3 5.1 2 10.5 2 16c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64c-5.5 0-10.9-.7-16-2c0 .7 0 1.3 0 2c0 44.2 35.8 80 80 80zm0-208a128 128 0 1 1 0 256 128 128 0 1 1 0-256z"></path></symbol><symbol id="far-eye-slash"viewBox="0 0 640 512"><path d="M38.8 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28.7 64 64 64l384 0c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64l0-320c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64L64 32zm80 192a48 48 0 1 0 0-96 48 48 0 1 0 0 96z"></path></symbol><symbol id="far-moon"viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M144.7 98.7c-21 34.1-33.1 74.3-33.1 117.3c0 98 62.8 181.4 150.4 211.7c-12.4 2.8-25.3 4.3-38.6 4.3C126.6 432 48 353.3 48 256c0-68.9 39.4-128.4 96.8-157.3zm62.1-66C91.1 41.2 0 137.9 0 256C0 379.7 100 480 223.5 480c47.8 0 92-15 128.4-40.6c1.9-1.3 3.7-2.7 5.5-4c4.8-3.6 9.4-7.4 13.9-11.4c2.7-2.4 5.3-4.8 7.9-7.3c5-4.9 6.3-12.5 3.1-18.7s-10.1-9.7-17-8.5c-3.7 .6-7.4 1.2-11.1 1.6c-5 .5-10.1 .9-15.3 1c-1.2 0-2.5 0-3.7 0l-.3 0c-96.8-.2-175.2-78.9-175.2-176c0-54.8 24.9-103.7 64.1-136c1-.9 2.1-1.7 3.2-2.6c4-3.2 8.2-6.2 12.5-9c3.1-2 6.3-4 9.6-5.8c6.1-3.5 9.2-10.5 7.7-17.3s-7.3-11.9-14.3-12.5c-3.6-.3-7.1-.5-10.7-.6c-2.7-.1-5.5-.1-8.2-.1c-3.3 0-6.5 .1-9.8 .2c-2.3 .1-4.6 .2-6.9 .4z"></path></symbol><symbol id="far-pen-to-square"viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M441 58.9L453.1 71c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L424 134.1 377.9 88 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0c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24l-224 0c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24zm0 96c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24l224 0c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24l-224 0c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24zm0 96c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24l224 0c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24l-224 0c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24zm-72-64a32 32 0 1 1 0-64 32 32 0 1 1 0 64zM96 352a32 32 0 1 1 64 0 32 32 0 1 1 -64 0z"></path></symbol><symbol id="far-square"viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M384 80c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 320c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16L64 432c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16L48 96c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l320 0zM64 32C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96L0 416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64l320 0c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64l0-320c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64L64 32z"></path></symbol><symbol id="far-square-check"viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M64 80c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16l0 320c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16l320 0c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16l0-320c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16L64 80zM0 96C0 60.7 28.7 32 64 32l320 0c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64l0 320c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64L64 480c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64L0 96zM337 209L209 337c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-64-64c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9s24.6-9.4 33.9 0l47 47L303 175c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0s9.4 24.6 0 33.9z"></path></symbol><symbol id="far-star"viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M287.9 0c9.2 0 17.6 5.2 21.6 13.5l68.6 141.3 153.2 22.6c9 1.3 16.5 7.6 19.3 16.3s.5 18.1-5.9 24.5L433.6 328.4l26.2 155.6c1.5 9-2.2 18.1-9.7 23.5s-17.3 6-25.3 1.7l-137-73.2L151 509.1c-8.1 4.3-17.9 3.7-25.3-1.7s-11.2-14.5-9.7-23.5l26.2-155.6L31.1 218.2c-6.5-6.4-8.7-15.9-5.9-24.5s10.3-14.9 19.3-16.3l153.2-22.6L266.3 13.5C270.4 5.2 278.7 0 287.9 0zm0 79L235.4 187.2c-3.5 7.1-10.2 12.1-18.1 13.3L99 217.9 184.9 303c5.5 5.5 8.1 13.3 6.8 21L171.4 443.7l105.2-56.2c7.1-3.8 15.6-3.8 22.6 0l105.2 56.2L384.2 324.1c-1.3-7.7 1.2-15.5 6.8-21l85.9-85.1L358.6 200.5c-7.8-1.2-14.6-6.1-18.1-13.3L287.9 79z"></path></symbol><symbol id="far-sun"viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M375.7 19.7c-1.5-8-6.9-14.7-14.4-17.8s-16.1-2.2-22.8 2.4L256 61.1 173.5 4.2c-6.7-4.6-15.3-5.5-22.8-2.4s-12.9 9.8-14.4 17.8l-18.1 98.5L19.7 136.3c-8 1.5-14.7 6.9-17.8 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18.5-17.8l6.1-29.1c13.3-5 25.5-12.1 36.2-20.9l28.2 9.3c9 3 19 .5 24.7-7.1c3.5-4.7 6.8-9.5 9.8-14.6l3.1-5.4c2.8-5 5.3-10.2 7.6-15.5c3.7-8.7 .9-18.6-6.2-25l-22.2-19.8c1.1-6.8 1.7-13.8 1.7-20.9s-.6-14.1-1.7-20.9l22.2-19.8zM112 176a48 48 0 1 1 96 0 48 48 0 1 1 -96 0zM504.7 500.5c6.3 7.1 16.2 9.9 25 6.2c5.3-2.3 10.5-4.8 15.5-7.6l5.4-3.1c5-3 9.9-6.3 14.6-9.8c7.6-5.7 10.1-15.7 7.1-24.7l-9.3-28.2c8.8-10.7 16-23 20.9-36.2l29.1-6.1c9.3-1.9 16.7-9.1 17.8-18.5c.8-6.7 1.2-13.5 1.2-20.4s-.4-13.7-1.2-20.4c-1.1-9.4-8.6-16.6-17.8-18.5L583.9 307c-5-13.3-12.1-25.5-20.9-36.2l9.3-28.2c3-9 .5-19-7.1-24.7c-4.7-3.5-9.6-6.8-14.6-9.9l-5.3-3c-5-2.8-10.2-5.3-15.6-7.6c-8.7-3.7-18.6-.9-25 6.2l-19.8 22.2c-6.8-1.1-13.8-1.7-20.9-1.7s-14.1 .6-20.9 1.7l-19.8-22.2c-6.3-7.1-16.2-9.9-25-6.2c-5.3 2.3-10.5 4.8-15.6 7.6l-5.2 3c-5.1 3-9.9 6.3-14.6 9.9c-7.6 5.7-10.1 15.7-7.1 24.7l9.3 28.2c-8.8 10.7-16 23-20.9 36.2L315.1 313c-9.3 1.9-16.7 9.1-17.8 18.5c-.8 6.7-1.2 13.5-1.2 20.4s.4 13.7 1.2 20.4c1.1 9.4 8.6 16.6 17.8 18.5l29.1 6.1c5 13.3 12.1 25.5 20.9 36.2l-9.3 28.2c-3 9-.5 19 7.1 24.7c4.7 3.5 9.5 6.8 14.6 9.8l5.4 3.1c5 2.8 10.2 5.3 15.5 7.6c8.7 3.7 18.6 .9 25-6.2l19.8-22.2c6.8 1.1 13.8 1.7 20.9 1.7s14.1-.6 20.9-1.7l19.8 22.2zM464 304a48 48 0 1 1 0 96 48 48 0 1 1 0-96z"></path></symbol><symbol id="gift"viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M190.5 68.8L225.3 128l-1.3 0-72 0c-22.1 0-40-17.9-40-40s17.9-40 40-40l2.2 0c14.9 0 28.8 7.9 36.3 20.8zM64 88c0 14.4 3.5 28 9.6 40L32 128c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 64c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l448 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32l0-64c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32l-41.6 0c6.1-12 9.6-25.6 9.6-40c0-48.6-39.4-88-88-88l-2.2 0c-31.9 0-61.5 16.9-77.7 44.4L256 85.5l-24.1-41C215.7 16.9 186.1 0 154.2 0L152 0C103.4 0 64 39.4 64 88zm336 0c0 22.1-17.9 40-40 40l-72 0-1.3 0 34.8-59.2C329.1 55.9 342.9 48 357.8 48l2.2 0c22.1 0 40 17.9 40 40zM32 288l0 176c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48l144 0 0-224L32 288zM288 512l144 0c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48l0-176-192 0 0 224z"></path></symbol><symbol id="globe"viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M352 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0-2.1-4-4.6c-5.7-3.6-14.3-6.4-27.1-10.3l-1.9-.6c-10.8-3.2-25-7.5-36.4-14.4c-13.5-8.1-26.5-22-26.6-44.1c-.1-22.9 12.9-38.6 27.7-47.4c6.4-3.8 13.3-6.4 20.2-8.2L264 24c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24s24 10.7 24 24zM568.2 336.3c13.1 17.8 9.3 42.8-8.5 55.9L433.1 485.5c-23.4 17.2-51.6 26.5-80.7 26.5L192 512 32 512c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l36.8 0 44.9-36c22.7-18.2 50.9-28 80-28l78.3 0 16 0 64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0-16 0c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16l120.6 0 119.7-88.2c17.8-13.1 42.8-9.3 55.9 8.5zM193.6 384c0 0 0 0 0 0l-.9 0c.3 0 .6 0 .9 0z"></path></symbol><symbol id="hand-point-right"viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M480 96c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-208 0 0-64 208 0zM320 288c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32l64 0zm64-64c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32l-48 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32l48 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32zM288 384c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32l64 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12.9-5.3 19.8l0 84.9c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16l0-80c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32l0 118.2c0 58-39 108.7-95 123.7l-168.7 45c-9.6 2.6-19.9 .5-27.7-5.5S0 490 0 480l0-96c0-13.8 8.8-26 21.9-30.4l79.2-26.4c6.5-2.2 10.9-8.3 10.9-15.2l0-73.5c0-15.8 4.7-31.2 13.4-44.4L245.2 14.5c4.6-7.1 11.7-11.8 19.4-13.6c4.6-1.1 9.4-1.2 14.1-.1c3.5 .8 6.9 2.1 10 4.1z"></path></symbol><symbol id="handshake-angle"viewBox="0 0 640 512"><path d="M544 248l0 3.3 69.7-69.7c21.9-21.9 21.9-57.3 0-79.2L535.6 24.4c-21.9-21.9-57.3-21.9-79.2 0L416.3 64.5c-2.7-.3-5.5-.5-8.3-.5L296 64c-37.1 0-67.6 28-71.6 64l-.4 0 0 120c0 22.1 17.9 40 40 40s40-17.9 40-40l0-72c0 0 0-.1 0-.1l0-15.9 16 0 136 0c0 0 0 0 .1 0l7.9 0c44.2 0 80 35.8 80 80l0 8zM336 192l0 56c0 39.8-32.2 72-72 72s-72-32.2-72-72l0-118.6c-35.9 6.2-65.8 32.3-76 68.2L99.5 255.2 26.3 328.4c-21.9 21.9-21.9 57.3 0 79.2l78.1 78.1c21.9 21.9 57.3 21.9 79.2 0l37.7-37.7c.9 0 1.8 .1 2.7 .1l160 0c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48c0-5.6-1-11-2.7-16l2.7 0c26.5 0 48-21.5 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7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zm80-176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zm16 80l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM160 336c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l224 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-224 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zM272 128l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM256 240c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zM368 128l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zM352 240c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16l-32 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16l0-32zM464 128l32 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16l0 32c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 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177.2c31.5-31.5 82.5-31.5 114 0c27.9 27.9 31.5 71.8 8.6 103.9l-1.1 1.6c-10.3 14.4-6.9 34.4 7.4 44.6s34.4 6.9 44.6-7.4l1.1-1.6C433.5 260.8 427 182 377 132c-56.5-56.5-148-56.5-204.5 0L60.2 244.3z"></path></symbol><symbol id="link-slash"viewBox="0 0 640 512"><path d="M38.8 5.1C28.4-3.1 13.3-1.2 5.1 9.2S-1.2 34.7 9.2 42.9l592 464c10.4 8.2 25.5 6.3 33.7-4.1s6.3-25.5-4.1-33.7L489.3 358.2l90.5-90.5c56.5-56.5 56.5-148 0-204.5c-50-50-128.8-56.5-186.3-15.4l-1.6 1.1c-14.4 10.3-17.7 30.3-7.4 44.6s30.3 17.7 44.6 7.4l1.6-1.1c32.1-22.9 76-19.3 103.8 8.6c31.5 31.5 31.5 82.5 0 114l-96 96-31.9-25C430.9 239.6 420.1 175.1 377 132c-52.2-52.3-134.5-56.2-191.3-11.7L38.8 5.1zM239 162c30.1-14.9 67.7-9.9 92.8 15.3c20 20 27.5 48.3 21.7 74.5L239 162zM406.6 416.4L220.9 270c-2.1 39.8 12.2 80.1 42.2 110c38.9 38.9 94.4 51 143.6 36.3zm-290-228.5L60.2 244.3c-56.5 56.5-56.5 148 0 204.5c50 50 128.8 56.5 186.3 15.4l1.6-1.1c14.4-10.3 17.7-30.3 7.4-44.6s-30.3-17.7-44.6-7.4l-1.6 1.1c-32.1 22.9-76 19.3-103.8-8.6C74 372 74 321 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4.3-25.9l72-78c5.3-5.8 5.4-14.6 .3-20.5zM224 64l256 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-256 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32zm0 160l256 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-256 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32zm0 160l256 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-256 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32z"></path></symbol><symbol id="list-ul"viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M64 144a48 48 0 1 0 0-96 48 48 0 1 0 0 96zM192 64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32l288 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32L192 64zm0 160c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32l288 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32l-288 0zm0 160c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32l288 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32l-288 0zM64 464a48 48 0 1 0 0-96 48 48 0 1 0 0 96zm48-208a48 48 0 1 0 -96 0 48 48 0 1 0 96 0z"></path></symbol><symbol id="location-dot"viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M215.7 499.2C267 435 384 279.4 384 192C384 86 298 0 192 0S0 86 0 192c0 87.4 117 243 168.3 307.2c12.3 15.3 35.1 15.3 47.4 0zM192 128a64 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66.2 162.7 152 174.4l0 33.6-48 0c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24l72 0 72 0c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24s-10.7-24-24-24l-48 0 0-33.6z"></path></symbol><symbol id="minus"viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M432 256c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32L48 288c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32l352 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32z"></path></symbol><symbol id="mobile"viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M80 0C44.7 0 16 28.7 16 64l0 384c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64l224 0c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64l0-384c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64L80 0zm80 432l64 0c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16l-64 0c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16z"></path></symbol><symbol id="mobile-screen-button"viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M16 64C16 28.7 44.7 0 80 0L304 0c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64l0 384c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64L80 512c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64L16 64zM224 448a32 32 0 1 0 -64 0 32 32 0 1 0 64 0zM304 64L80 64l0 320 224 0 0-320z"></path></symbol><symbol id="moon"viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M223.5 32C100 32 0 132.3 0 256S100 480 223.5 480c60.6 0 115.5-24.2 155.8-63.4c5-4.9 6.3-12.5 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419 0 424.5c0 13 10.5 23.5 23.5 23.5L192 448l0 32c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32l0-32 168.5 0c13 0 23.5-10.5 23.5-23.5c0-5.5-1.9-10.8-5.4-15L368 320l33.4 0c12.5 0 22.6-10.1 22.6-22.6c0-6-2.4-11.8-6.6-16L344 208l24.9 0c12.7 0 23.1-10.3 23.1-23.1c0-5.7-2.1-11.3-6-15.5L237.4 5.9C234 2.1 229.1 0 224 0s-10 2.1-13.4 5.9z"></path></symbol><symbol id="triangle-exclamation"viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M256 32c14.2 0 27.3 7.5 34.5 19.8l216 368c7.3 12.4 7.3 27.7 .2 40.1S486.3 480 472 480L40 480c-14.3 0-27.6-7.7-34.7-20.1s-7-27.8 .2-40.1l216-368C228.7 39.5 241.8 32 256 32zm0 128c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24l0 112c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24l0-112c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zm32 224a32 32 0 1 0 -64 0 32 32 0 1 0 64 0z"></path></symbol><symbol id="truck-medical"viewBox="0 0 640 512"><path d="M0 48C0 21.5 21.5 0 48 0L368 0c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48l0 48 50.7 0c17 0 33.3 6.7 45.3 18.7L589.3 192c12 12 18.7 28.3 18.7 45.3l0 18.7 0 32 0 64c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-32 0c0 53-43 96-96 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0-16-7.2-16-16l0-57.4c0-4.2 1.7-8.3 4.7-11.3l76.8-76.8c7.9-7.9 5.4-21.2-5.3-24.3C382.1 2.2 367.3 0 352 0C263.6 0 192 71.6 192 160c0 19.1 3.4 37.5 9.5 54.5L19.9 396.1C7.2 408.8 0 426.1 0 444.1C0 481.6 30.4 512 67.9 512c18 0 35.3-7.2 48-19.9L297.5 310.5c17 6.2 35.4 9.5 54.5 9.5zM80 408a24 24 0 1 1 0 48 24 24 0 1 1 0-48z"></path></symbol><symbol id="xmark"viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M342.6 150.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3s-32.8-12.5-45.3 0L192 210.7 86.6 105.4c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L146.7 256 41.4 361.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0L192 301.3 297.4 406.6c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0s12.5-32.8 0-45.3L237.3 256 342.6 150.6z"></path></symbol><symbol id="discourse-table"viewBox="0 0 512 512"><g><g id="Layer_1"><path d="M0,96C0,60.7,28.7,32,64,32h384c35.3,0,64,28.7,64,64v320c0,35.3-28.7,64-64,64H64c-35.3,0-64-28.7-64-64V96ZM448,96H64v64h384v-64ZM448,224H64v64h384v-64ZM448,352H64v64h384v-64Z"></path></g></g></symbol><symbol 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d="M401.067,443.733H110.933c-18.825,0-34.133,15.309-34.133,34.133S92.109,512,110.933,512h290.133 c18.825,0,34.133-15.309,34.133-34.133S419.883,443.733,401.067,443.733z"></path></g></g></symbol><symbol id="timeline"viewBox="0 0 3.24 10.5"><path d="M0 4.26v1.98c0 .74.5 1.34 1.12 1.34h1c.62 0 1.12-.6 1.12-1.34V4.26c0-.74-.5-1.34-1.12-1.34h-1C.5 2.92 0 3.52 0 4.26Z"class="cls-1"></path><rect width="1.08"height="10.5"x="1.08"class="cls-1"rx=".38"ry=".38"></rect></symbol></svg></div></div></discourse-assets-icons>`);
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						// 你是有意把这部分保留的吗?
						// 是设置折叠帖子的过程中我留下了一部分。
						// 是故意的还是不小心?
						// 是故意的。
							"height": "0",
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