Greasy Fork


ShadeRoot GOOGLE

Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Google

// Written by Glenn Wiking
// Script Version: 1.0.2f
// Date of issue: 08/11/14
// Date of resolution: 06/12/14
// ==UserScript==
// @name        ShadeRoot GOOGLE
// @namespace   GOOGLE
// @description Eye-friendly magic in your browser for Google
// @include        http://**
// @include        https://**
// @include        http://**
// @include        https://**
// @include        http://*.google.*
// @include        https://*.google.*
// @include        http://*.adwords-community.*
// @include        https://*.adwords-community.*
// @include        http://*.gstatic.*
// @include        https://*.gstatic.*
// @include        http://*.gmail.*
// @include        https://*.gmail.*
// @include        http://**
// @include        https://**
// @include        http://**
// @include        https://**

// @exclude        http://*.blogger.*
// @exclude        https://*.blogger.*
// @exclude        http://*.youtube.*
// @exclude        https://*.youtube.*
// @version        1.0.2f
// @icon 
// ==/UserScript==

function ShadeRootGOOGLE(css) {
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//  +
//  '#hdtbSum {border-bottom: none;}'
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// FIX
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//BUG-DAY 9/12/'14
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