// ==UserScript==
// @name ODInfo
// @namespace varb
// @version 0.3
// @description Parses OD listings.
// @license WTFPL Version 2; http:www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/
// ==/UserScript==
// @param {string|Document} source - url to an OD listing or a Document object of one
// @param {object[]} tasks - single 'attribute' or 'private' key disables the given task,
// otherwise one is extended or appended to the chain
// @returns {object} Q promise which fulfills with an object of parsed 'attributes'
var OD_getInfo = (function ($) {
'use strict';
var ctx = {
tasks: [
attribute: 'odid',
get: function () {
return this.$doc.find('meta[property="od:id"]').attr('content')
|| this.rawdoc.match(/meta.+?od:id.+?content=\"([-\w]+)\"/i)[1];
test: function (odid) {
return typeof odid === 'string' && odid.length;
attribute: 'authors',
get: function () {
var authors = this.$meta.find('span:contains(Creators)').next().find('dd');
return authors.length
? authors.list()
: this.$doc.find('.creator a[href^="/creators/"]').list();
test: function (authors) {
return Array.isArray(authors) && authors.length;
attribute: 'title',
get: function () {
var suffix = [null, 'st', 'nd', 'rd'],
title, subtitle, ed, series;
subtitle = this.$doc.find('.pageHeader .subtitle').contents()[0];
subtitle = subtitle && subtitle.textContent.trim();
ed = this.$meta.find('dt:contains(Edition)').next().text();
if (ed) {
ed += (ed.search(/([^1]|\b)[123]$/) !== -1) ? suffix[ed.substr(-1)] : 'th';
series = this.$meta.find('dt:contains(Series)').next().text().trim();
return this.$doc.find('h1.title').text().trim()
+ (subtitle ? ': ' + subtitle : '')
+ (series ? ' (' + series + ')' : '')
+ (ed ? ' (' + ed + ' Edition)' : '');
test: function (title) {
return typeof title === 'string' && title.length;
attribute: 'publisher',
get: function () {
return this.$meta.find('dt:contains(Publisher)').next().text().trim();
test: function (publisher) {
return typeof publisher === 'string' && publisher.length;
attribute: 'pubyear',
get: function () {
return +this.$meta.find('dt:contains(Publication Date)').next().text();
test: function (pubyear) {
return typeof pubyear === 'number' && pubyear;
attribute: 'formats',
get: function () {
var formats = this.$meta.find('span:contains(Format)').next().text().toLowerCase();
return formats.match(/(\w+)(?=\s(audio|e)?book)/g).filter(function (f, i, a) {
return i === 0 || a.slice(0, i).indexOf(f) === -1;
test: function (formats) {
return Array.isArray(formats) && formats.length;
// prepare access to supplemental data
private: 'suppresp',
get: function () {
var that = this;
return Q.Promise(function (ok, fail) {
var requests = [];
that.attrs.formats.forEach(function (format) {
requests.push(suppRequest(that.attrs.odid, format));
Q.allSettled(requests).then(function (results) {
var suppresp = {};
results.forEach(function (result) {
if (result.state === 'fulfilled') {
suppresp[result.value.format] = $(result.value.page);
} else {
console.error('odinfo: Supplemental request: ' + result.reason);
return suppresp;
}).then(function (suppresp) {
}).catch(function (err) {
test: function (suppresp) {
return typeof suppresp === 'object' && this.attrs.formats.every(function (f) {
return typeof suppresp[f] === 'object';
attribute: 'isbnbyformat',
get: function () {
var format, $page, ia, result = {};
for (format in this.suppresp) {
$page = this.suppresp[format];
ia = $page.find('td:contains(ISBN):last').next().text().trim()
|| $page.find('td:contains(ASIN)').next().text().trim();
if (ia) {
result[format] = ia;
} else {
console.error('odinfo: failed to extract isbn or asin.');
return result;
test: function (isbnbyformat) {
return typeof isbnbyformat === 'object' && Object.keys(this.suppresp).some(function (f) {
return typeof isbnbyformat[f] === 'string' && isbnbyformat[f].length;
attribute: 'tags',
get: function () {
return this.$doc.find('.tags a').list();
test: function (tags) {
return Array.isArray(tags) && tags.length;
attribute: 'coverurl',
get: function () {
var f, $page;
for (f in this.suppresp) {
$page = this.suppresp[f];
try {
return $page.find('.nav-link-admin').attr('href').match(/\('(http.+)'\);$/)[1];
} catch (err) {
test: function (coverurl) {
return typeof coverurl === 'string' && coverurl.length;
attribute: 'description',
get: function () {
var $desc = this.$doc.find('.description').clone();
$desc.children().remove('.tags, .meta').andSelf()
return $desc.toBBCode().trim();
test: function (desc) {
return typeof desc === 'string' && desc.length;
ctx.indexFor = ctx.tasks.reduce(function (o, t, i) {
o[t.attribute || t.private] = i;
return o;
}, {});
return function (args) {
extendTasks(args.tasks || []);
return fetch(args.source)
function extendTasks(tk) {
tk.forEach(function (task) {
var i = ctx.indexFor[task.attribute || task.private];
if (!i) {
} else if (Object.keys(task).length === 1) {
ctx.tasks.splice(i, 1);
} else {
$.extend(ctx.tasks[i], task);
function suppRequest(odid, format) {
var codeFor = {wma: 25, mp3: 425, epub: 410, pdf: 50, kindle: 420};
return Q.Promise(function (ok, fail) {
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://www.contentreserve.com/TitleInfo.asp?ID={' + odid + '}&Format=' + codeFor[format],
onload: function (res) {
ok({page: res.responseText, format: format});
onerror: function (res) {
fail('Failed requesting ia: ' + res.status + ' ' + res.statusText);
function fetch(from) {
return Q.Promise(function (ok, fail) {
if (typeof from === 'object' && from.nodeType && from.nodeType === 9) {
} else if (typeof from === 'string') {
url: from,
method: 'GET',
onload: function (res) {
onerror: function (res) {
fail(new Error('Failed fetching od listing: ' + res.status + ' ' + res.statusText));
} else {
fail(new TypeError('Invalid source. URL or Document expected.'));
function TaskError(message, task) {
this.name = 'TaskError';
this.message = message;
this.taskName = task.attribute || task.private;
this.returned = task.returned;
TaskError.prototype = new Error();
TaskError.prototype.constructor = TaskError;
// task objects are used for retrieving specific bits of information from a given listing.
// the 'get' methods are provided a context with access to the raw and jQuery-wrapped Document.
// the context can be extended directly with 'private' getters; 'attribute' values are grouped
// in an object to be fulfilled by the resulting promise.
// 'test' methods are not required; returning false, depending on the value of an optional
// 'required' boolean, will either terminate the chain or log and carry on.
function parse(doc) {
return Q.Promise(function (ok, fail) {
var $doc = $(doc),
p = Q(), attr;
$.extend(ctx, {
attrs: {},
rawdoc: doc,
$doc: $doc,
$meta: $doc.find('.meta-accordion')
ctx.tasks.forEach(function (task) {
p = p.then(function () {
return task.get.call(ctx);
}).then(function (val) {
var passed = task.test ? task.test.call(ctx, val) : true;
if (passed) {
if (task.attribute) {
ctx.attrs[task.attribute] = val;
} else if (task.private) {
ctx[task.private] = val;
} else {
throw new TaskError('Test failed.', $.extend({}, task, {returned: val}));
}).catch(function (err) {
var tn = err.taskName || task.attribute || task.private,
m = 'odinfo: %s in %s: %s',
errargs = [m, err.name, tn, err.message];
if (task.required) {
fail(err instanceof TaskError ? err : new TaskError(err.message, task));
} else {
if (err.returned !== undefined) {
errargs[0] += ' Task returned %o';
console.error.apply(console, errargs);
p.then(function () {
if (Object.keys(ctx.attrs).length) {
} else {
fail(new Error('Failed to parse listing'));
(function ($) {
// retrieve an array of text contents from the set of matched elements
$.fn.list = function () {
return $.map(this, function (e) {
return e.textContent;
// flatten a set of matched elements wrapping content in bbcode entities
$.fn.toBBCode = function () {
var nodes = this.get(),
frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
nodes.forEach(function (node) {
return strip(frag);
var entityFor = {
P: function (s) { return '\n' + s + '\n'; },
BR: function () { return '\n'; },
I: function (s) { return '[i]' + s + '[/i]'; },
EM: function (s) { return this.I(s); },
B: function (s) { return '[b]' + s + '[/b]'; },
STRONG: function (s) { return this.B(s); },
UL: function (s) { return '\n[ul]' + s + '[/ul]\n'; },
OL: function (s) { return '\n[ol]' + s + '[/ol]\n'; },
LI: function (s) { return '[*]' + s + '\n'; },
A: function (s, n) { return '[url=' + n.href + ']' + s + '[/url]'; }
function strip(node) {
var result = '',
parent = node;
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
return node.textContent;
if (node.nodeType !== 1 && node.nodeType !== 11) {
return '';
node = node.firstChild;
while (node) {
result += strip(node);
node = node.nextSibling;
return entityFor[parent.nodeName] ? entityFor[parent.nodeName](result, parent) : result;