现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
一键复制HTML表格/网页代码/latex公式 JS - 在指定网站的表格上方添加按钮,点击将表格以Markdown格式复制到剪贴板
GitHub.io一键直达仓库 JS - 访问GitHub.io时点击按钮即可直达对应GitHub主页,目前脚本可能不完善。
神行百速 JS - 对网页提供变速功能
ToTheirGithubHome JS - try to take over the world!
Link between Github Pages and their repos JS - Adds a link to the DOM to quickly switch between github repos and their deployed Github Pages.
copy2clipboard JS - a tampermonkey to copy code from stackoverflow.com etc.
Github.io show source JS - Go to source code of a github.io page. Source code on https://github.com/LuisMayo/general-userscripts/
NERD Inserter JS - just enable it and see what happens
Flying mode JS - 禁用大部分常见的OI题解来源(站内,站外)
copy2clipboard JS - Copy Button for Code Box in stackoverflow.com etc.
Markdown Table Of Contents JS - Creates a table of contents for some markdown-based websites
Set Fira Code as font in development websites JS - Unified use of `Fira Code` as the code font to enhance developers' awareness of the code on the page
GitHub PR Squasher JS - One-click tool to squash GitHub Pull Requests. Creates a new PR with squashed commits and preserves the description.
多功能点击器(坐标 + 文字点击) JS - 支持坐标点击和文字点击,支持隐藏/显示控制面板,性能优化