现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
General URL Cleaner Revived JS - Cleans URLs from various popular sites and removes tracking parameters
【比价狗超简洁版——持续维护】“比价”+“找内部优惠券”,支持京东、淘宝、天猫、苏宁、当当等各大主流平台商品,自动显示隐藏优惠券和历史价格,页面简洁无广告。 JS - 商品优惠券+店铺优惠券+近180天历史价格查询,无券商品补贴立减红包。快速比价,以全网最低的价格买到商品,轻松省钱。有功能需求或问题可随时联系反馈([email protected])。
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Newegg cart to post converter for eggxpert.com JS - Converts the cart in to postable html that has been patched for the forums
Newegg.com: Show the Hidden Prices JS - Never be annoyed with hidden prices on newegg.com again :)
Newegg Camel Graph JS - Add Camelegg graph + link to Newegg product pages.
Newegg ComboEgger JS - Automatically retrieves and displays egg ratings for all products in a Newegg ComboBundle page.
Newegg Screen Dimensions JS - Shows the screen dimensions next to the diagonal size
Newegg Smart TV Filter JS - "Smart" TVs are a bad thing. When browsing newegg for TVs, skip anything that admits to being a smart tv.
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
NewEggOculusQuest(RIFT Alert) JS - Play a sound if Oculus Rift S is in stock
NewEggOculusRIFTS JS - Play a sound if Oculus Rift S is in stock
NewEgg(RIFT Alert) JS - Play a sound if Oculus Rift S is in stock
NewEggOculusQuest(RiftAlert) JS - Play a sound if Rift is in stock on Oculus Quest page
Uncheck Newegg Subscribe JS - Uncheck the checked-by-default Newegg subscription checkbox at checkout