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ShellFarm V2 - Utilities for Shell Shockers. JS - Some useful mods for Shell Shockers, including infinite history, FOV, Custom SFX, skyboxes and more. Bindable too.
ThatOneGuySS' Shell Shockers Theme JS - ThatOneGuy's official theme for Shell Shockers (v45.0 and up)
onedumdood's theme JS - a theme i made for my friend
Quackshot Theme (shellshock.io) JS - Quack those hard-boiled eggs! Main Code made by Silver Hawk
Blossom V3 JS - Revamped Blossom V2. Compatible with v45.0 and up.
Christmas ShellShockers! JS - It's ShellShockers but Christmas Themed!
Disable Chat JS - Disable the in-game chat
mattdalorin's theme JS - a theme i made for my friend
Jesh theme JS - a theme i made for my friend girlfriend
Increase Smoothness - Shell Shockers JS - Increase smoothness in shell shockers (NOT FPS)
Shellshock.io Ad Blocker JS - Blocks ads on Shellshock.io
Shell Shockers Crosshair + GUI JS - Create a Crosshair at the center of the screen with customizable size, color, and real-time preview within the GUI. Keybinding to hide/show the GUI, and watermark notifications.
Crosshair for Shell Shock (FINAL) JS - 9/16/2024, 8:34:24 PM
Shell Shockers Sounds hacks JS - Change your weapon sounds - Shell Shockers
Shell Shockers Hide FPS JS - Hide FPS and uncap it (FAKE)
Disable Scope Lines for CS - SHELL SHOCKERS JS - Removes the black lines that are visible when you scope in