现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
右键在新标签中打开图片时显示最优化图像质量 JS - 支持:谷歌(blogspot YouTube)、Tumblr、推特、Steam、新浪微博、知乎、豆瓣、百度贴吧、淘宝(天猫)、ArtStation、Pinimg、Reddit 等
右键在新标签中打开图片时显示最优化图像质量 v2 JS - 支持:谷歌(blogspot YouTube)、Tumblr、推特、Steam、新浪微博、知乎、豆瓣、百度贴吧、淘宝(天猫)、ArtStation、Pinimg、Reddit 等
twimg_redirect_orig2 JS - Redirect twimg to :orig (keep protocol, http or https)
View Full Twitter Image JS - Undo Twitter's insistence to down-res images when viewing on its dedicated page and add a button to download the full image without the weird file extensions which don't count as actual images.
Twitter HTML5 Video Error to Link JS - Replaces error message with a link to load the media in a new tab where hopefully a plugin will play it
Twitter Image 1-Click Download Background Space JS - Make the background area of a Twitter-hosted image (like an address ending in .jpg) a clickable download-prompt to image itself. Think of it like 'left click empty space == save-as'.
twimg_redirect_orig JS - Redirect twimg to :orig
Twitter Image :orig Promoter JS - Automatically promotes twitter image links to :orig, such as from :large.
twimg redirect to original JS - Redirect twimg to :orig
twitter-image-new-tab-redirect-original JS - 2023.08.17.13
twitter origin image JS - jump to origin image link
imageresizer JS - Script to resize images on various sites
微博原图 JS - 访问新浪微博图片的URL时会自动跳转到原图
Twitter/X - clickable links to images and show uncropped thumbnails JS - All image posts in Twitter/X Home, other blog streams and single post views link to the high-res "orig" version. Thumbnail images in the stream are modified to display uncropped.
Resize Twitter Image On New Tab JS - Resizes images to their raw size on twitter
Twitter Images Origin Retriever JS - Retrieves the original image file from a Tweet or an image hosted by Twitter
twiming JS - auto volume down at twiming. oketuiku.
图片路径替换 JS - 图片URL替换
redirect twitter image to max size JS - 将推特的图片以最大分辨率重新打开
Original Twitter Image JS - redirects twitter images to the 'name=orig' keeping the format
Twitter Engagement Button JS - ツイートの下にエンゲージメント画面に飛ぶリンクを追加します。結構自分用。
推特获取原图 JS - 推特在新标签页打开图片自动原图