这些是 Greasy Fork 用户发布的库,您可以在您的脚本中 @require
它们。对于其他可以 @require
的库,请参见 Greasy Fork 对 @require
bibln+1 JS (库) - n+1
GitHub zh-CN JS (库) - GitHub 中文
CWSS JS (库) - Complete WebSocket Sniffer
Online IDE Support JS JS (库) - Injects elements into a codepen IDE for demonstration purposes
Evolvenooo JS (库) - try to play hte game
DoubanSearch JS (库) - RT
Html Entities Decode JS (库) - A bundled function (heDecode) to decode html entities
Douban Info Class JS (库) - Parse Douban Info
dirty-json JS (库) - A bundle of dirty-json in browser environment
库 JS (库) - 自用
arras JS (库) - Force the use of AMC(Arras.io Modified client)
BilibiliAPI_mod JS (库) - BilibiliAPI,PC端抓包研究所得,原作者是SeaLoong。我在此基础上补充新的API。
atcoder-problems-api JS (库) - library for API provided by AtCoder Problems
WykopObserve JS (库) - API WykopObserve dla dodatków na wykop.pl - daje API, które robi pętlę z callbackiem, po wpisach z filtrowaniem wedłów różnych kryteriów.
扇贝单词随身听辅助库 JS (库) - 该脚本是,扇贝单词自动听词助手 的一个辅助库
miller JS (库) - mac
wenku8+ loader entry JS (库) - load wenku8+ temporarily (entry)
wenku8+ loader JS (库) - load wenku8+ temporarily
sekiro JS (库) - 自用
libWasmHash JS (库) - WebAssembly实现的Hash
libBilibiliToken_copy JS (库) - 哔哩哔哩cookie获取token
tesseract-fast.min.js JS (库) - https://gitee.com/kumatea/tesseract-dist/raw/master/2.1.5/tesseract-fast.min.js
frColorPicker JS (库) - frColorPicker 拾色器专供Font Rendering使用。
FRHD Animator JS (库) - Make FRHD animations easily
html_docx_Lib_douban JS (库) - html_docx library
gamer nipps JS (库) - idk
ab站背景更改css脚本 JS (库) - ab站背景更改css样式表
common_function JS (库) - 为脚本提供公共执行方法
mylib JS (库) - 我的工具
PriateLib JS (库) - 自用
lib42class JS (库) - 青骄第二课堂禁毒知识竞赛2022版题库
Comic Fuz Downloader Protobuf Message JS (库) - Comic Fuz Downloader Protobuf Message for Comic Fuz Downloader
crypto-js-fid JS (库) - crypto-js
Tính tiền mày lun :) (deobfuscated) JS (库) - Unkillable Script (unless dumb sync or lag)
libCtxtMenu JS (库) - Simple adapter for adding legacy browsers rightclick menu commands.
GitHub 中文化插件 - 中文词库规则 JS (库) - 中文词库规则
html2canvas.132 JS (库) - html2canvas 1.3.2
ResizeObserver polyfill JS (库) - For ancient browsers
Ultra mod JS (库) - THis is not mine, I just needed to switch the keybinds
常用油猴函数 JS (库) - 自用
MouseUI JS (库) - A simple style library for Author own use.
[OUTDATED] Krunker.io ESP; Library Version (clean) JS (库) - Simple ESP script for krunker.io (Library Version, Clean)
SEU examsafety Question Bank JS (库) - A question bank to f**k http://safe.seu.edu.cn/LabSafetyExamSchoolSSO/AdminIndexSchool.aspx
xfgryujk's bliveproxy JS (库) - 从xfgryujk哪里抄来的,忽略了一个报错的地方
layerjs-gm-with-css JS (库) - layer.js 带有css样式
UglifyJS JS (库) - UglifyJS is a JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor and beautifier toolkit.
Esprima JS (库) - Esprima Parser
babelParser JS (库) - Babel Parser
Select2_pinyin JS (库) - Select2库with拼音select
emojies JS (库) - List of emojies
个人常用的一些简单函数,勿安装 JS (库) - 个人常用的一些简单函数,勿安装,详情查看代码中的函数说明
diepAPI JS (库) - https://github.com/Cazka/diepAPI
Spectrum JS (库) - The No Hassle jQuery Colorpicker
Less4_1_2_fixed JS (库) - Less脚本的TM兼容版
HWM_all_arts JS (库) - Эскизы для артефактов
PushQueue JS (库) - 推入队列,循环数组实现
aliyun_icons JS (库) - Aliyun File Icons
InputNumber JS (库) - 自定义数值输入框元素
plurk_lib JS (库) - An unofficial library for Plurk
A library dedicated to anti-debugging of js (non-original) JS (库) - This is a library for anti-debugging JavaScript, the code of this library must not be used for any illegal purpose. If you decide to use this library, you are responsible for its possible consequences.
WS Hook JS (库) - WebSocket Hook
Donations_detail_dio-tools-david1327 JS (库) - Location of the donation data base for DIO-TOOLS-David1327
常用函数 JS (库) - 油猴常用函数
Wait For Selector JS (库) - Waits for selectors to match newly added nodes
to-markdown JS (库) - An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript.
AZ 快捷键 JS (库) - 此文件包含 A/Z 访问上一条/下一条内容快捷键的实现 给 A/Z 要访问的元素传入类名 hotkey-AZ
UserscriptAPIWeb JS (库) - https://gitee.com/liangjiancang/userscript/tree/master/lib/UserscriptAPI
UserscriptAPIWait JS (库) - https://gitee.com/liangjiancang/userscript/tree/master/lib/UserscriptAPI
UserscriptAPIMessage JS (库) - https://gitee.com/liangjiancang/userscript/tree/master/lib/UserscriptAPI
UserscriptAPIDom JS (库) - https://gitee.com/liangjiancang/userscript/tree/master/lib/UserscriptAPI
BorisChenTiers JS (库) - Library that generates the BorisChen player name to tier map
ctmo_wechat_recharge_js JS (库) - 1888網站繳費的代碼庫(WeChat版)
ctmo_mobile_recharge_js JS (库) - 1888網站繳費代碼庫(移動版)
ctmo_recharge_js JS (库) - 1888網站繳費代碼庫
ARS-Static JS (库) - AuTo Redeem Steamkey静态文件
GreasyForkScriptUpdate JS (库) - Check update for Greasyfork userscript
VtuberTags JS (库) - -
Search_Steam_Store JS (库) - 搜索Steam商店,返回[{ appID, isBundle, appName, appPrice, appUrl, appImg }]
Async_Requests JS (库) - 异步Requests库
NovelPage.Prod JS (库) - NovelPage Class libary use for the spider on Bookwalker.jp
Page.Prod JS (库) - Page Class libary use for the spider on Bookwalker.jp
ConfigDecoder.Prod JS (库) - ConfigDecoder use for the spider on Bookwalker.jp
website icon base64 json JS (库) - 网站图标(base64)
备份 JS (库) - This script is only for Chinese mainland users. The script function is to help Beijing Construction Research Company set up excel forms with one click 禁止非授权使用,仅限测试人员使用代码,用于保存数据
Thunder_FlashGet.js JS (库) - 迅雷、快车、旋风URL加密方法-来源 <https://cdn.sojson.com/js/format/htpasswd/Thunder_FlashGet.js>
生成背景色 JS (库) - This script is only for Chinese mainland users. The script function is to help Beijing Construction Research Company set up excel forms with one click
生成下拉框 JS (库) - This script is only for Chinese mainland users. The script function is to help Beijing Construction Research Company set up excel forms with one click
RandInt-Getter JS (库) - get a stochastic integer in range
中文繁体简体转化库 JS (库) - 转化繁体简体
ptp_show_name1 JS (库) - show ptp group name
Chinese Conversion API JS (库) - It is a JavaScript library for the conversion of chinese characters between Traditional Chinese (zh-tw) and Simplified Chinese (zh-cn).
设置快捷键 JS (库) - This script is only for Chinese mainland users. The script function is to help Beijing Construction Research Company set up excel forms with one click
一键设置button JS (库) - This script is only for Chinese mainland users. The script function is to help Beijing Construction Research Company set up excel forms with one click
禁用控制台 JS (库) - disableControl
QOS-Handler JS (库) - QOS-Handler(window param ver)
禁止调试 JS (库) - disable debugging
imgCheckbox2 JS (库) - jQuery Plugin For Checkable Images. https://www.jqueryscript.net/other/jQuery-Plugin-For-Checkable-Images-imgCheckbox.html
autoSetUp JS (库) - 自动设置
alihesari's notice.js 0.4.0 JS (库) - 移植github修复版本