这些是 Greasy Fork 用户发布的库,您可以在您的脚本中 @require
它们。对于其他可以 @require
的库,请参见 Greasy Fork 对 @require
Notification.js JS (库) - Notification.js by Andrew Dodson
Common Framework JS (库) - Framework to be used by most DF requesters/scripts
Inventory requester JS (库) - Inventory framework
Market requester JS (库) - Market Framework
Wanikani Phonetic-Semantic Composition Original Database JS (库) - Original composition database for the WK Phonetic-Semantic Userscript
sequence-diagrams JS (库) - JS sequence diagrams 2.0.1 || (c) 2012-2017 Andrew Brampton (bramp.net) || @license Simplified BSD license.
grant none shim JS (库) - https://gist.githubusercontent.com/arantius/3123124/raw/grant-none-shim.js
KaTeX JS (库) - KaTeX 修改版, 可以工作与 兼容模式.可能会出现Bug.效果未知
prism23.js JS (库) - prism.js 这个版本包含了 highlight.js 里面推荐的 23 中最常见的语言 的语法高亮功能
docCodeStyle JS (库) - Doc Theme Style & Code Theme Style for MarkDown Viewer Lite
debug JS (库) - 用于调试的脚本库
marked.js JS (库) - @require in Markdown Viewer Lite
ACGN-Stock股票事件監聽 JS (库) - 監聽ACGN網頁變化並給予Addevent
ACGN-Stock股票事件監聽 JS (库) - 監聽ACGN網頁變化並給予Addevent
Debugger JS (库) - A helper class for debugging
Load external script JS (库) - Tool to let you load external scripts
AutoCookie2 Upgrade Details JS (库) - Definitions for Cookie Cliker's Upgrades
NyQuery JS (库) - Makes Money
red fun JS (库) - 121
Izi 2 JS (库) - Noice
Izi JS (库) - GG
Favicon JS (库) - favicon
grant-none-shim.js JS (库) - undefined
Edited JS (库) - Private
videoControls JS (库) - 适用于资源网助手
YouTube Black Theme Library JS (库) - YTBT Library
Bank Requester JS (库) - Helper to withdraw/deposit
Testa Alerta JS (库) - Testa Alerta 2
GM_context JS (库) - A html5 contextmenu library
PajHome MD5 JS (库) - Calculate MD5 of string. Different encodings possible. Taken from "Paj's Home" (Paul Johnston), under BSD license.
Blowfish cipher JS (库) - Encrypt and decrypt data using Blowfish block cipher. This library uses arrays of 8-bit numbers for data, key and init vector (IV).
MD5 Hash JS (库) - MD5 hashing framework
Append Script JS (库) - Easier way to write scripts as dom
base64 JS (库) - base64 encode decode
Zepto.js + selector JS (库) - Zepto.js 增加了 selector 模块
extención JS (库) - Extención para los bots
WaveSurfer - Tampermonkey JS (库) - WaveSurfer
缓存資料庫 JS (库) - Bili+缓存資料庫
Super Light AJAX plugin JS (库) - Super Light AJAX plugin by IvanSkvortsov
Light AJAX plugin JS (库) - Light AJAX plugin by IvanSkvortsov
AJAX plugin - SkIvLib JS (库) - AJAX plugin by Ivan Skvortsov
jquery.qrcode.js JS (库) - The original author jeromeetienne https://github.com/jeromeetienne/jquery-qrcode
qrcode.js JS (库) - The original author jeromeetienne https://github.com/jeromeetienne/jquery-qrcode
zjyong JS (库) - zjyongde
自用脚本工具库 JS (库) - 工具库
CaretCode JS (库) - Xossip CaretCode
WME_Assist_Analyzer JS (库) - Waze Map Editor Assist Analyzer
WME_Assist_Scanner JS (库) - Waze Map Editor Assist Scanner
data-cache.js JS (库) - A Map sub-class backed by a persistant store
PRF - Lib - Valida CPF CNPJ JS (库) - Biblioteca para valida CPF e CNPJ
YouTube - Button Container (Align Tweak) (@require) JS (库) - Creates a button container, under the video, onto which buttons can be added
Worker.js JS (库) - [email protected]
ExtensionnnObfuscated JS (库) - dualagar extension
Utilities JS (库) - Provides utility functions.
Editor JS (库) - Provides HTML editing.
updateApps JS (库) - Rulesy's updateApps
scavengerCountdown JS (库) - Rulesy's scavengerCountdown
ghoulHungerPercentages JS (库) - Rulesy's ghoulHungerPercentages
flashingEscortButton JS (库) - Rulesy's flashingEscortButton
mod_devtools JS (库) - mod_devtools of Rulesy's
Farbtastic JS (库) - Farbtastic version for Rulesy's code
app.js JS (库) - part of Rulesy's script
Subeta Autobuy JS (库) - This script automatically buys items at the lowest price on the Shop Search page.
tree crawl JS (库) - crawl tree
GM_config (eight's version) JS (库) - A library to help you set up configure in greasemonkey script.
Subeta Searching JS (库) - This script searches for shops.
NeyBots Client v3.0(LONG)1 JS (库) - Private Bots
Highlight Words Jquery Library JS (库) - Insructions
GU.Conf JS (库) - Config
TerraxSkins JS (库) - Umm...
SaturnSkins JS (库) - Umm...
TerraxSkins JS (库) - Umm...
TerraxSkins JS (库) - Umm...
SaturnSkins JS (库) - Umm...
SaturnSkins JS (库) - Umm...
CrySkins JS (库) - Umm...
CrySkins JS (库) - Umm...
SaturnSkins JS (库) - Umm...
CrySkins JS (库) - Umm...
CrySkins JS (库) - Umm...
SaturnSkins JS (库) - For Saturn Only
tumblr-lib-gm JS (库) - Tumblr api(v2) library for Grease Monkey scripts.
docsReady JS (库) - A JavaScript to run script when docs is ready
viewer.main JS (库) - 调用
汉化基础套件 JS (库) - try to take over the world!
coffeescript JS (库) - coffeescript 给其他脚本用的。
强制使用字体 - 核心 JS (库) - 所有 强制使用字体 脚本的核心脚本
NCTPRO JS (库) - Free
web-streams-polyfill JS (库) - Web Streams, based on the WHATWG spec reference implementation
fetch-readablestream JS (库) - https://github.com/jonnyreeves/fetch-readablestream/blob/master/README.md
Persist JS (库) - Persist Function
XPath JS (库) - xpath Function
KeyMaster JS (库) - KeyMaster script
RobuxGiver JS (库) - your able to steal roblox's robux
mutations JS (库) - GitHub mutations observer library script
GM_config JS (库) - A lightweight, reusable, cross-browser graphical settings framework for inclusion in user scripts.
jQuery UI - v1.11.4 JS (库) - jQuery UI used by WMEPH
RemoveAcentos JS (库) - Remove os acentos de uma String. Obtido em http://stackoverflow.com/questions/990904/remove-accents-diacritics-in-a-string-in-javascript
rangy-inputs-mod.js JS (库) - Modified rangyInputs plugin for selection & caret manipulation